#Stuart letterkenny
psykkez · 5 months
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The Skids
Give me three reasons why you feel as though you must rebel....
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snitling · 1 year
I love relatively normal shows where one character has an inexplicable and barely-mentioned or acknowledged power, like Bart being telepathic, Kenneth being immortal, and Stuart having the Force
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cassinopya · 6 months
Stuart and Katy were not a good couple but Jesus Christ in episode 4 of season 1 where Katy is taking Darry to the walk in and Katy tells Stuart he looks bad and he goes, “you look beautiful, although I can’t really see you now.” Cause he’s fucked up??? He can’t even see her and he knows she’s beautiful, he’s a shit head but he loved her and it was really sweet
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 months
In addition to not understanding whether Reilly and Jonesy get paid for playing hockey (on the whole I think not), or whether they have jobs (were they actually paid to be gym trainers for a while or were they just hanging out?), or what they live on (supported by parents? independently wealthy? they've had multiple sporty Jeep-type vehicles over the years), I don't understand where they live. Early on when there was talk of billet relatives, I thought that meant families they would stay with overnight if they had away games far enough from home to be more than a day trip, but in a s10 episode Reilly talks about his billet mum's place which appears to be where he lives in Letterkenny? What about his actual mum (who may or may not be embroiled in a sordid affair with Shoresy - which would surely mean she lived nearby)?
They remain such an enigma to me.*
*I realise it doesn't matter, they just exist in perpetuity as a pair of homoromantic hockey himbos with no visible means of support
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lgbtqiads9 · 1 year
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fujihelexicon · 1 year
On Season 2 of Letterkenny and I've realised it feels like someone took the various, Shakespearean comic relief troupes (The Mechanicals, Mercutio and Romeo's Friends, whatever Amiens had going on in that forest in As You Like It, etc.) and made them all live and interact together in one rural Canadian town. Peak television. No notes.
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terrible--things · 10 months
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Show your pride!
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starry-mist · 2 months
S6e12 thoughts:
The brief flashback…okay we didn’t get the Charah and Rex meet cute, but I have conceded that aging Charlie down would be far more challenging than it was to just throw a wig on Mayko to bring back Sarah’s s1/2 hair.
The “hostage” situation somehow took even less time than I thought it would.
Holy crap. That nonverbal communication between Charlie, Sarah, Jesse, and Rex in the first scene. Just, wow. But in particular I loved Charlie’s quick thinking, the way he indicated to Sarah where Rex was with just a glance, her barely-perceptible nod, and the takedown. The takedown was a thing of beauty.
I love the subtle reassurances between Charlie and Sarah, again mostly with their eyes, but also with the tiniest hint of physical contact, and the brief moment when Charlie’s mask slips with the “you didn’t know that…I didn’t know that” lines when Sarah is talking about how she was never in actual danger.
A house scene! Yay! They were so cute and flirty. I will extend it with fic. (I’m also developing a headcanon based on all of two scenes as to why Sarah didn’t like working with Det. Porter, which might make it in.)
I picked out the killer right away, but my suspicion as to motive was incorrect (I figured it would have something to do with Gabriel being trans, so the “actually I kidnapped my daughter and he found out” kind of came out of left field.)
Sarah working to exonerate the guy who held a knife to her throat, because of course she would, because she’s Sarah. Ugh I love her so much.
Charlie…not that I’m complaining, but is there no dress code for him anymore? Because the number of undone buttons just to expose that extra little bit of chest hair…again, not complaining, but he’s gone totally feral.
And Charah once again with the workplace PDA. I am forever here for it. (I would be especially here for it leading to a baddie targeting one or both of them thanks to knowing their weakness but I am a complicated light whump/heavy angst-loving being.)
Next week’s promo:
I want to be excited for the travel to Toronto (which might actually be filmed more in Hamilton, IDK) but it looks like Charlie and Sarah will likely spend a lot of it separated and I don’t know how into that I am. I’m doubting the wife is really the “bad guy” (my money is on Stuart from Letterkenny who we saw in the promo.) I’ll be happy if they end the episode with Charah in the big city together for a scene or two but I’m not going to get my hopes up.
Also, honestly, how many best friends does Sarah have now? Because it’s starting to feel like a lot…
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runfreebirdrun · 10 months
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been watching Letterkenny, the rural Canadian sitcom. big Stuart fan. i like a man who looks like he has consumption
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bravelittleocelot · 2 years
Alfie the agent from season eight is also Stuart on letterkenny and I??? Don't know how I feel about this lmfao
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ur-stepdad · 5 months
watching letterkenny season 6 and this episode keeps inching closer and closer to wayne hooking up with stuart
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yurinatural · 1 year
they literally meet samandriel’s vessel in 1x08 why does nobody care about stuart letterkenny 
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xeduo · 3 years
Les Mis fandom, I need you all to have this realization with me: Letterkenny Stuart and his gang of drug dealers? Montparnasse and crew.
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nedeljkovicsaysno · 4 years
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letterkenny s6e1//what could be so urgent?
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floral-cas · 3 years
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Samandriel + flowers of my choosing by request @polkadotelephants ⤷ dandelions symbolize perseverance and determination
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pure-mornings · 3 years
Now that I’m actually finishing SPN I’m realizing that because they shoot in Canada a bunch of people from letterkenny have been on the show
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