#Stoner janis rights
frogs00 · 29 days
Regina: Why do you smell like weed?
Janis: How do you know what weed smells like?
Regina: I-
Janis, high as balls: Aha, busted!
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macklemore1648 · 3 months
North Shore High
summary: Regina George becomes intrigued by the new girl and wants to know more about her.
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being a new student wasn’t always easy, especially when it was your senior year. i didn’t know that walking into my first day of senior year i would run into the queen bitch bee.
“you!” she said with a finger pointing at me. i looked around confused maybe thinking she was talking to someone behind me.
“yes you come here.” i don’t usually listen to people who boss me around or expect they can get any special treatment from anyone, but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own, and next thing i know i was standing right in front of her.
“i um- im new here it’s my first day.” it came out a little bit more quiet than i intended it too.
she nodded and then turned around walking the opposite direction of me. that’s when i had noticed the two girls following after her.
omg. she thinks she runs this place?
“students we have a new student joining you in your home room. miss y/n y/ln. i would like you all to be very respectful and please welcome her.”
“thank you principal Duvall, now go ahead and have a seat y/n this is a very important class and if you don’t listen you might fall behind.” said Mrs. Norbury
i nodded quietly and walked over to an empty desk, thankfully it was more towards the back.
“so what parts are you from around?” said a voice behind me.
“i’m from washington actually.” him and his friend who i just noticed sitting next to him nodded slowly.
“damian and this is janis.” he said pointing in between him and the girl.
“y/n.” you said with a friendly smile.
the next three periods where all pretty much the same, i get introduced and then sit down and listen to the teacher talk for the rest of the class. walking into 4th period i didn’t expect to see the same blonde i had ran into earlier this morning. her eyes where watching me the second i had walked into the classroom, i scanned for empty seats and of course the only seat emptied was right behind her. i avoided eye contact with her while i was walking to the desk.
once i sat down i was immediately hit with the smell of very expensive perfume and was that lavender? shampoo?
i pushed myself as far away from her as i could in my seat that magically stuck to the desk. once the bell rang and the teacher started talking. she turned to face me
“what’s your name loser?” she whipped around quit quickly.
“um it’s y/n.” she nodded slowly looking very deep into my eyes, that made me shift uncomfortably, before turning around.
“your not going to tell me yours?” i leaned a little forward and almost whispered it so the teacher didn’t hear me talking.
“you haven’t heard about me yet?” she turned just enough around that i could see her eyes and a small smirk coming onto her lips.
and she’s full of herself? what the hell is this school?
i didn’t say anything waiting for her to answer with her name.
she rolled her eyes a little bit before answering. “it’s Regina, Regina Grorge.”
i nodded this time slouching back into my seat.
“im kind of a big deal around here.” she said nonchalantly. it was my turn to raise my eyebrows to the sky.
“what are you like the principals daughter? or a drug dealer?”
“no i’m just hot and popular. don’t you agree?” this time she was turned fully around with her hands on my desk and her head titled a little to the side.
i opened my mouth to say something but nothing was coming out. with my mouth slightly opened and my burrows furrowed she smirked and turned back around.
who the hell was this girl?
lunchtime is when i knew i was going to get the most anxiety because everyone already had their groups. i couldn’t just butt into a group and sit at any random table. like any other high school i’ve been too there was the obvious cliches.
the jocks, the goths, the cheerleaders, the band kids, what looked like the stoners?
and then there was Regina and her two other friends that followed her around like lost puppy’s.
“those are the plastics.” i heard the same voice from earlier, i turned to see damian and janis standing behind me.
“the plastics?” i said with one brow raised.
they both nodded slowly at me.
“because they’re too perfect and too pretty like a plastic barbie doll.” they said as if it all made sense.
“i would avoid talking to any of them honestly.”
“y/n!!” i heard Regina say. i turned around to see her using one finger to tell me to come to her. i looked back over and damian and ianis who both just shook their heads to tell me it was a bad idea.
“i’ll be right back.” i really had to let this girl know that i was not one of her lost puppy’s and wouldn’t come to her side whenever she demanded.
“why don’t you sit with us today?” she said in almost too friendly voice i even saw her friend with an expression like a deer caught in headlights.
“Regina she can’t sit with us she doesn’t know any of the rules.” she squeaked out still trying to sound friendly.
“the rules don’t matter right now, go ahead sit.” she said with a smile that looked almost genuine but i wasn’t falling for her traps.
“oh no thanks i already found some people to sit with.” i said with a forced smile.
“then you better sit with us tomorrow or ill be very upset.” she had a very serious look on her face that almost scared me but i just gave her a thumbs up and turned around.
a thumbs up?! are you serious! i mentally slapped myself in the face. remind me never again to give the prettiest girl in school a fucking thumbs up.
finally my first school day was over and i could go back to my house and read peacefully. but of course that didn’t happen because Regina George pulled up right in front of me almost hitting me with her expensive jeep. i was ready to curse her out until i looked up and saw the look on her face.
“i’m having a little get together at my house this weekend, you should come it’ll be a fun way for you to meet people.” she had a small smile and a soft look in her big green eyes.
“here’s my number, text me and i’ll send you the details.” she slid me a piece of paper and let her fingers linger almost a second too long in my hand, before she winked and drove away from the parking lot.
i drove home in my not as expensive honda civic. i played with the piece of paper in my hand and looked down at her number so much to the point i almost memorized it. her numbers where very neat and almost all came together with soft curves.
i didn’t know anything about this girl which sent warning sirens off in my head whenever i looked at her. she seemed like somebody you didn’t want to mess around with.
A/N: i lowkey kinda posted this as a joke- and i wrote it real fast so im sorry if it’s not the best. give me advice yall and if yall want another part. thank you 🫡
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bellamybellamyblake · 2 months
OBX Rock Band AU (headcanon)
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jj maybank, john b routledge, pope hayward, kiara carrera, sarah cameron
Word Count:
i have no idea if this has been done before but the idea came to me the other night in the shower lol. i’m in a band so you can guess what i loosely based this on
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JJ - Drums
is my opinion biased on this one? probably
my favorite band member and character
the one with the most problems
drinks a little too much,  stoner
personal life in shambles most of the time
once he found the drums as an outlet he dove into it, eventually becoming an intensely devoted musician 
that drum set has seen some things
jj lets his anger out on that poor, innocent drum set
all the different pieces have had to be replaced so many times because he beats the living shit out of them
the one that got john b into rock music and the rest was history
he's not one of the chill drummers who just shows up and does their thing, this man is a show-off
so many tricks
long solos whenever the chance arises for one
flirts with the entire band
music genres: rock, grunge, alt, metal
bands/artists: Sex Pistols, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns N’ Roses, Def Leppard
John B - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
a no-brainer. this is practically canon
no i will not be hearing opposing opinions at this time
he's the frontman
the one most people's eyes are drawn to right away
controls the vibe in the room
him and jj put on a show
is naturally a gifted singer, but had a vocal coach for a little while to get some pointers
rhythm guitar because most rock songs need at least two guitars and he's played guitar since he was a kid just for fun
music genres: country, rock, alt, pop when jj isn't around
bands/artists: The Rolling Stones, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Aerosmith, Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash 
Pope - Lead Guitar/Band Manager
he's just there to vibe but also an incredibly skilled guitarist 
the one that tries extremely hard to keep everyone on track, but can't because no one listens to him
also the one that found kiara and Sarah
he's classically trained, but he only did classical as a kid because that's what he thought the smart kids were supposed to do
he plays like Slash: relatively controlled body language, but his fingers fly back and forth on the frets 
music nerd
everyone can tell he loves what he's doing
manager because who else would manage these fools?
music genres: rock, alt, indie rock
bands/artists: Falling in Reverse, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys, Green Day, Hozier, The Killers, The 1975
Kiara - Bass
i will not be accepting arguments on this one
she 100% grew up on cello, but wanted to rebel against her parents as a teen and switched to rock but realized she fucked with it
this girl is hot as all hell and knows it, but has nothing to prove
she's one of the more responsible members of the group but also super laid-back
effortlessly keeps everyone in check 
she just wants to vibe and play some songs
flirts with the entire band
weird, hippie, earthy screams bass player
music genres: indie rock, r&b, pop punk, anything from the '60s and '70s
bands/artists: Janis Joplin, The Strokes, Young The Giant, Hozier, Paramore, Joan Jett, Whitney Houston
Sarah - Backup Vocals
she was definitely an attention seeker in her young years and would've hated backup, but now she's perfectly content chilling in the background with some killer harmonies 
she has a few songs she leads in the set when john b needs a rest
she absolutely KILLS them
but she loves playing with the melody and adding a harmony on something that you wouldn't expect
this girl has perfect pitch so harmonizing takes about 3% effort from her
if a song is too low for her or too high for john b, she transposes everything (perfect pitch and all)
she will. not. touch. an electric guitar with a 10-foot pole. 
don't ask, i have no explanation for that one
on the occasion a song needs keys, she's the go-to
music genres: she's a retired theatre kid so she listens to just about everything under the sun except country
bands/artists: Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Queen, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Knicks, Amy Winehouse
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Casey & Janis Pt.4
Casey: [just show up when you’re back, boy, cos that won’t be awkward at all lol, thank god your poor brother has work in the morning probably so will just go back to bed immediately]
Janis: [not in the mood to discuss you and your nonsense when we need to be up in a few hours at best probably, we’re just waiting not at all patiently in the lounge, seeing Jimothy go up the stairs like that’s how that went then, can start assessing your injuries like nbd ‘cos just practical, nothing more at all ‘hey’]
Casey: [always gotta look at her like we’re assessing for injuries too cos need to know if you’re okay after the way we left things and everything that’s happened since, obvs gonna hug you unthinkingly cos drunk and feelsy but then you’ll know from his reaction that he do be injured in the way that we hinted at earlier]
Janis: [we are hugging you back but lightly purely and then stopping soon as ‘cos we been knew and we can say as much like it’s bants ‘told you’ like we’re so smug about it and not, as per, sickened by Ian ‘cos feel our emotions don’t help in this situation and we’re never trying to be that bitch ‘familiar with his style…’ too real and just sitting you down on the sofa whilst we go to the kitchen to get an ice pack or two made up]
Casey: [gotta follow her into the kitchen cos bad patient and can’t just sit there and wait, probably just looking through this fridge how you automatically do when you walk into your kitchen, hitting her with a ‘hey’ cos you did not when you came in and you’re likely very in each other’s grill now]
Janis: [‘munchies’ again like he’s such a stoner for the bants of it all, like literally if we’re in the freezer probably crouched under you like excuse me, getting out of that position real fast]
Casey: [just shamelessly LOOKING at her when she is in that position and while we’re as shamelessly helping her get up from it despite the fact she does not need help, just gotta touch you sorry about it]
Janis: [refusing to blush so we’re doing an OTT grumpy face to stop it happening but still accepting your hand for help up ‘behave’ like you simply must because gotta lift up your shirt right now to work out where these ice packs need to go]
Casey: [you know he’s gonna run his thumb across that pouty bottom lip, I don’t make the rules ‘promise’ like I will as if that wasn’t such a saucy thing to do]
Janis: [least when we move your hand away like !!! we can grab the other one and look at them both, checking nothing seems broken, making you move all your fingers in all the various ways you should be able to ‘just bruised, I’ll clean the cuts up though’ making a face like who knows where Ian has been, finding out the antiseptic from under the sink and motioning to the table like at least take a seat in here then]
Casey: [he’s just that smirking emoji the entire time as if she’s doing it purely to flirt with him instead of cos it’s actually v necessary, but please do sit at this bloody table, boy, even if you’re hardcore fidgetting when you do cos don’t wanna]
Janis: [running our fingers over the entirety of your face, closing your eyes and pulling your lip down in the process like literally wiping that look off your face, boy ‘relax’ when we notice you squirming about, but softly like you can, it’s alright, pull up another chair in front of him and start cleaning up his knuckles]
Casey: [that will relax him as she knew it would, so actually sitting still here and letting you do this gal but not before I steal the Jimothy, christmas eve I think it was at Ali’s gaff, move when he literally pulled her chair closer to his as close as he physically could get it, cos must]
Janis: [not us being reminded of what we used to have and are becoming more and more sure is disappearing from us, stunned silence vibes, at least you can’t see us right now ‘cos we’re shaking our head]
Casey: [‘you’ve gone quiet’ cos can just say it rn and it’s true]
Janis: [‘just concentrating’ because we are trying to, despite everything]
Casey: [kicking her like she did to him when he was driving what feels like a thousand years ago, but even more gently cos we know you’re not okay, however drunk we are]
Janis: [‘you not had enough for one night?’ but in the soft, jokey way, not like actual ffs you mess, pushing your legs together like that’s enough of that ‘not as old as him, tah’ like won’t be as easy a win]
Casey: [just looking at her in the way that you can’t not feel even if you’re trying to be busy doing your nursing, cos talk to me, thank you]
Janis: [looking up at you because have to ‘now you’ve gone quiet’]
Casey: [‘you’re not alright’ again can just blurt this out ‘so go on’ like tell me what’s wrong]
Janis: [‘why would I be?’ doing a incredulous half-laugh, like what is right right now, tbh ‘it’s a fucking mess’ trying to be casual like lol ain’t that always the way and it’s not fucking us all up heavily ‘you are’ reaching out and touching the start of a bruise on your upper chest because hate it]
Casey: [putting his hand over hers and squeezing it reassuringly ‘cause we’re both back home’ like I’m not at Ian’s anymore and you’re here where you need to be so things could and have been a lot worse and I’ll be alright now I’ve got you back]
Janis: [not squeezing it back ‘cos injured but we are stroking it ‘I’m glad you called’ because acknowledging you definitely could have kept going and done more stupid things just to avoid us]
Casey: [‘bit late but better than never, yeah?’ cos acknowledging he should’ve before going to Ian’s obvs as that’s never a good idea]
Janis: [‘never too late’ like whatever happens, you always can, just true]
Casey: [just touching her bump again like true because even though this baby exists it hasn’t actually changed how he feels about her and it isn’t actually too late for y’all]
Janis: [‘she fell back asleep’ softly like such a lightweight ‘sorry’ ‘cos can’t say it for all the rest but we can pretend we’re saying it for baby Jac]
Casey: [‘it’s okay’ the absolute softest @ this bub but also lowkey at you because it will be alright, haha, little do you know the big storm you’ve got coming before then sir but we appreciate the sentiment]
Janis: [can finish up this clean up, just in time to fully sit here allowing this touch to just linger and enjoying it and the calm before we have to remind ourselves of and reach for the ice packs ‘am I putting you to bed?’ like get to where you wanna stay whether that’s the sofa or your room]
Casey: [looking in the direction of the stairs like can I be bothered cos obvs his bed would be comfier but gotta get there first ‘can you help me?’ not him asking for help actually, I’m FINE and not emotional about it]
Janis: [just looking at you and actually smiling genuinely ‘that’s what I’m trying to do’ with an of course tone, ‘cos of course ‘you can lean on me’]
Casey: [a nod like alright then cos unlike Jimothy we’re not treating you like a fragile invalid who cannot be touched and therefore cannot possibly help us, not soz about it ‘and you’re gonna stay?’ as if she’s gonna be like nope I just said that earlier but fuck you actually bye lol]
Janis: [very slowly getting up and gathering the essentials you will need to take with you, letting him take his time but helping him up like he did you at the fridge, just nod ‘long as you need me’ ‘cos clearly will not be going to work because feel like alarms will basically be going off before you get to bed here]
Casey: [‘I dunno, girl, forever might be taking the piss a bit’ as we go like Ian didn’t hit me that hard I can’t just keep you with me for the rest of our lives]
Janis: [just making a noise like maybe because we can’t make words except ‘is it’ under our breath, steadying you so the movement of walking up these stairs in minimally painful as possible]
Casey: [his own noise like ? cos not letting him hear what you said seeing as he’s concentrating on trying to get where he needs to get to]
Janis: [‘this takes the piss’ having to whisper because further up the stairs but directing it at him more purposefully this time, like this entire situation, how we feel]
Casey: [‘it don’t have to’ what do you even mean by that sir, are you saying let’s just act on it as if that could never be more of a headfuck or what?]
Janis: [‘think it does’ because whatever we do, it will be, is the honest truth of the situation we’ve found ourselves in lads ‘but that’s alright’ it’s unavoidable is what it is but we’re not playing the blame game like this is ALL Jimmy or ALL you, is the vibe]
Casey: [get to your room please cos however drunk you are rn you still have to know she’s not wrong about this messy situation]
Janis: [rubbing his shoulders like there you go, you did it and sitting you on the bed to untie and take off your shoes, at minimum here ‘get comfy’]
Casey: [wrapping his arms around her the way he does in the hospital later on cos buzzing we did it thanks so much for that and the shoe help but also resting his head on the bump we do be obsessed with like yes yes this is comfy cos gotta]
Janis: [just looking down at you on this bump like oh no because making us feel all the things ‘you are so-’ we all know where that sentence could go, very blatant ‘maybe you should let me stay forever’ ‘cos soz that no one is giving us this kind of love right now]
Casey: [just getting in this bed under the covers and making a blatant space for you ‘come here then’]
Janis: [obviously we are, being extra careful to not lean or put any pressure onto your body right now ‘you need to be on your side’ for vom reasons, making sure it’s the side that weren’t kicked the most because you should have a side that that’s gonna be more comfortable with, then making sure we are on that side so you can lean on us]
Casey: [not this boy tucking you in as if we’re doing it for baby Jac’s benefit, it’s soft hours and we cannot be stopped]
Janis: [‘goodnight’ at this bump like we’re taking your lead on this and trying to do it more]
Casey: [such a genuine smile because we see you doing that gal and we’re happy about it ‘she’s gonna have the cutest accent’ literal mix of both of yours being the vibe]
Janis: [smile back, adjusting these pillows for max comfort energy for you boy ‘she’ll be cute’ we all know this lbr]
Casey: [‘and spoilt’ whispering it like it’s a secret between you and this bub once again despite you literally saying you would earlier]
Janis: [‘lucky’ because how we feel about that for you baby Jac]
Casey: [snuggling you both like correct because we feel like we are right now too even though I’m sad you won’t remember]
Janis: [we’re all sad, though she is gonna be in your bed when you wake up probably so confusion much lol, for now just watching you ‘goodnight, baby’]
Casey: [the totally involuntary happy sigh happening]
Janis: [just kiss his forehead and try not to die until you feel it’s safe enough/you can’t help falling asleep too]
Casey: [the morning/afternoon awks when this boy wakes up and she’s here LOL like obvs you’re gonna remember calling her and feel pain when you do wake up so you’ll work it out pretty quick but still]
Janis: [letting you stay asleep for a bit longer for once, so then you waking up and he is just like oh, hi and exactly how much do you remember, lmao, never going to just ask that though ‘cos imagine ‘how do you feel?’ rubbing our eyes sleepily and looking at the parts of his body that aren’t covered for bruises appearing]
Casey: [when you try and shrug cos the ever present urge to say you’re fine even when you’re clearly not fine and then you have to bite your lip in a not at all saucy way because it hurts and you’re like oh great, I fucked that and how casual I wanted to be]
Janis: [‘I’ll get fresh ice packs’ because last night’s will be melted beyond use now, reaching out like we’re going to comfort you because we can see you’re in pain but leaving our hand in the space between us on this bed, using it to push up and out ‘you remember it was Ian, yeah?’ like not a random fight because trying to guage where your memory blacks out and where it doesn’t]
Casey: [‘you’re alright, I weren’t about to put my money on either of you being that fuming I rang’ for the bants as if JJ were the ones responsible, but from a sneaky Junie perspective so you know he remembers calling you from Ian’s at least]
Janis: [‘not quite’ with ha, it was close, energy for the bants of it again like nah, clearly not so un-fuming that I stayed with you overnight to make sure you were okay, let’s all pretend otherwise ‘he gave Jim back the keys though, you and me gotta go pick up the motor later’ because you need two people obviously and Jimmy is at work, seems feasible that this convo has been had either over text or you going out before he left for work for a debrief]
Casey: [I literally can believe he would send you a text either before or after he left for work being like I’ve left the keys wherever send Case to go pick the car up in a bit because the levels you’re not talking to each other rn, oh lads]
Janis: [when you don’t even have to explain why you stayed with Casey because he doesn’t even ask, ouch; thank GOD this boy is injured and we can’t do it to him because we are getting in a very pissed off mood with you Jimothy and that’s dangerous ‘tea?’ heading out the door to sort all this out]
Casey: [meanwhile this boy is just trying to piece together the night’s events and what he can actually remember, which is clearly not gonna be a lot, which lowkey looks like he’s ignoring you gal, soz]
Janis: [like to point out that whatever was said in messages, he will still have that to go through, we know what you did happened over call so that’s not coming back but you did talk a fair bit over text so that was foolish gal but there we go lol, be downstairs being busy]
Casey: [oh god, he’s probably reading that now so I should go quickly re-read it so I know what y’all said for when she comes back with this tea]
Janis: [WELL, in summary, feels were out on full display in all aspects, there’s no denying what was said by either of you, also naturally, got saucy and mentioned that you just had phone sex that was insane and you were both turned on in the car as we know anyway, plenty of talk of Jimmy not paying her any attention rn and none of it was denied even if we didn’t wanna talk about it, he probably is pretty certain nothing happened when he got back because she was brushing him off how you must when the other person is drunk like I wanna but not tonight, so you’ve had time to read all that and we can still remember all that so now we’re just like 😶 passing you these ice packs first and then your tea]
Casey: [a cup of tea and an ice pack has never been so all consuming because what could you even say rn, where would either of you start lol]
Janis: [when you just wanna blurt out ‘we didn’t fuck’ but you would then want to cringe yourself to death for having to, like soz boy, work that out yourself, chuck some heavy duty painkillers at him too ‘have fun’ like woopwoop party time and sip your tea]
Casey: [at least he has worked it out, thanks to all those bloody messages, please take your painkillers and shut your mouth, sir, I cannot handle you or your behaviour]
Janis: [I should really make you go but we’re here making a point that we can stay so you can’t turn around and say we couldn’t even look at you in the AM, because we said what we said, end of the day hun]
Casey: [and he’s not gonna tell her to go for the exact same reason, like, he said what he said and lowkey a lot of it he would’ve said before/sober anyway the only difference is that she was reciprocating it more than she has done in the past]
Janis: [we all know lines have been crossed already here, not acknowledging it with words but also not either of you fucking off as we have done before so… the way we have to ruin this, UGH]
Casey: [his silence on this is actually progress because he could so easily say shit he does not mean again or take the piss but he’s not]
Janis: [we all see it and it’s FINE ‘you gonna call in sick?’ with the we don’t think you should go in today vibe but still asking, not telling]
Casey: [‘might be a bit hard to chuck bottles and that about’ cos just pretending he’s one of those bartenders for the lols even though she’d know you’re not going as hard as that vibe, playfully practicing juggling with the box of painkillers like yep, probably will have to]
Janis: [‘scuse me butting in really quick here *alright so been trying to work out timeline; if we say baby Jac is 3 weeks early (because more than that you are technically prem still and we're saying you're all good bub) then her due date would've been 7th October instead of 17th September and she would've been conceived NYD (of course) NOT YOU BEING 12 WEEKS EXACTLY ON POOR CASEY’S BIRTHDAY SO SOZ, we will not ruin your day with our news but like, won’t be long after then, with all the talk of feeling movement right now, I’m going to say this is 26 weeks, giving us 11 to have you move out, do that for a bit, then move back in, because that seems adequate to me? Which means it is 1st July OH NO THAT IS FULLY BOBBY’S BIRTHDAY I SHIT YOU NOT I just screamed, not us ruining bdays left and fucking right THEN YOU LITERALLY START YOUR ARCHIE BULLSHIT ON JIMOTHY’S 8TH SEPTEMBER TO FUCK HIM OVER BECAUSE THAT CAN LITERALLY BE OVER THAT QUICK WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT IS, YOU COMING BACK NARY 9 DAYS LATER BECAUSE IT’S ALL OVER AND WE NEED YOU]
 Casey: [I cannot even respond to any of that, omfg]
Janis: [it is really funny to me in an evil sense that in 9 days Archie is already back because that happens before and you’re bebopping in Manchester by then alone like I’m soz, the kind of bitch who tells you she loves you if you give her a lighter in the smoking area, girl, he’s too fucked up for your games]
Janis: [BUT kills me in a too feelsy sense that we don’t leave you there for like ANY time because we can’t and we need to end this nonsense, like you’ve only moved out for a three months even, the drama]
Casey: [it’s actually so perfect in an evil sense, also tracks why her mum didn’t call the police because she was back that quick tbh]
Janis: [like lowkey, the vibes of what we did are probably good but we have to scale back how quick it was because no one had time to clock this except JJ because they were meant to, doesn’t make your mum fab but like, basically a week of your life, so yeah, some of that wouldn’t happen, condense it down]
Casey: [we can always re-do it at some stage if we want to like we have many other things, keeping the vibe and parts of it we fuck with, it’s just iconic to know now and have that timeline actually]
Janis: [mhmm, I really am amused, like you don’t even have time to get settled in neither Cornwall nor Manchester, it’s gonna be like you literally ran away for a day and she went home, soz for how much of an utter twat you are gonna feel boy, it definitely needs to be more clear how much she’s just playing, when we do it all again, like this is such a game to us ‘cos why else]
Casey: [I might even change things slightly and say he didn’t have time to get a job in manchester before he was back again at the bae’s request cos yeah so quick, but I love it so]
Janis: [I don’t think there would be time, yeah, not in Cornwall neither, it’s more like that energy where it all feels like it just happened in one long day and there was no breaks, like you can’t be making any sort of plans here]
Casey: [it feels more legit for the vibe of it being a game and a little holiday from reality though so that’s a good thing tbh]
Janis: [I am not well, meanwhile we have the torture of 2 months here for y’all, not knowing what he’s up to unless you stalk his socials which are obviously living my best life like everyone’s and you ain’t gonna have a clue sir]
Casey: [I do love that we do though cos I didn’t want the vibe to be that he moved out and straight back in again too fast, like that’s still not long for the fact you fucked it up and those housemates hate you but you know what I mean]
Janis: [I think it’s a good length of time for that vibe too, we’re just having a miserable pregnany, working loads and running loads because all we can do to not just be sobbing all day every day]
Casey: [I’m actually hysterical about how this has all fallen into place and I need to calm down]
Janis: [I needed to do that because now everything just fits too well and I cannot]
Casey: [we probably should’ve done that before but I’m so happy you have now, truly]
Janis: [long as we do it eventually lol, we’re fine, but TRULY THE LONGEST TANGENT BUT HAD TO; back to the fucking now, just laughing at you like ‘alright, Tom Cruise’]
Casey: [a look like piss off I’m not the brother who’s that short cos don’t actually wanna be that dickhead and bring Jimmy up rn after everything but can’t stop the look because he’s still him and it’s still hard to break a habit ‘but tah for what you did trying to make it easier’ cos do wanna acknowledge that she patched us up and stayed thank you]
Janis: [we’re literally waiting for you to bring it up honestly, so when we catch your eyes we are doing our own mini lol like so predictable, boy; just shrugging that off but nonchalantly not in a DON’T THANK ME manner ‘not gonna leave you a state’ ‘total state’ like correction as if he looks SO rough rn]
Casey: [throwing a pillow at you for the calling us predictable lol and implying he looks so rough, almost spilling his tea/or spilling a tiny bit of it because I have to as a nice bit of symbolism before y’all literally spill a whole mug of the day of the cheating reveal, nobody can stop me, doing the bit hand gesture ‘- of a state’ like okay I concede that amount since that tea escapade]
Janis: [she’s cinematic baby and she won’t be tamed, never ever; ‘draw the line at bed baths’ we clearly don’t but you are also not that injured so we can make the joke]
Casey: [‘gutted’ cos you both would be if she did draw that line and you don’t yet know that you aren’t going to be able to make good on the promise you made and re-read for bloody ages]
Janis: [neither of you knows what’s coming and I’m just, nah ‘obviously’ just smiling at you ‘I’m gonna go shower, ‘cos I can’ like you’re just showing off]
Casey: [shaking his head like how rude you show off ‘leave us some hot water, dickhead’ as if she wasn’t going to ‘I draw the line at bloody ice baths’ remember when Jimothy had to, we can’t discuss it]
Janis: [‘alright, baby’ baby said like pussy but you still said baby so now you have to get out of here and shower thanks, just waving like toodle-oo gotta go lol]
Casey: [the shower do be the best place for you gal the TENSION between y’all rn that we’re just not addressing]
Janis: [when we have to drive the hour to Ian’s still on this day, haha well done flops, the tension]
Casey: [at least she can drive under the bants guise that he’s obvs in too much of a state lol lol lol cos she’s more likely to keep both hands on the wheel, we should be evil and make y’all have a TENSE breakfast together first though, like he could literally have it now and she could have hers when he’s in the shower but we’re making a point here again clearly and also clearly wanna spend time together even though you’re lowkey dying about it all, also * it’s an hour there AND an hour back so y’all really are gonna be DECEASED, but you could do one way each actually cos we love a equal, mutual vibe between you]
Janis: [agreed on all levels but remember they have to drive separate cars back lol but you know you’ll be having little races on the low so it’ll just be fun and a mood in that sense like oh we love spending time together gah and then you get back and oh god]
Casey: [not me forgetting that two cars is literally why you’re going, duh, idea though maybe they could get some kind of train/bus or whatever there because public transport would cockblock you but also take longer and thus is more torturous and then drive back the one car? Just thinking aloud, cos I do also like the racing vibe so maybe not]
Janis: [we can do either or honestly, either way works for a different vibe, think maybe it’s meaner/thus juicer to have you in the separate cars coming back ‘cos when you get in Jimmy will be there so you can’t even speak]
Casey: [you’re right actually, that is meaner and therefore better haha, please do some kind of cooked breakfast or bacon sandwich moment for this breakfast vibe lads so you can be domestic together for a sec cos even if she tried to just do it for him he wouldn’t let her how he normally does for the lazy sexist bants cos he’s a bad patient and also has to downplay the injuries so you have to do it together]
Janis: [just lowkey having such a nice breakfast ‘cos it’s just y’all and neither of you have to be anywhere else ‘you need the protein’ for recovery because how much of this is meat and eggs and whatever else like just know I’m allowing you and not making you eat some healthy shit we’re meant to ‘cos pregnant ‘cos that’s doing our head in like no, I shan’t Jimothy]
Casey: [talking direct to this bub as per ‘you can’t be coming out of there one of them dickhead vegans, I’m not having it’ cos we can and will shade Jimothy about how hardcore he’s taking the health food kick, that’s safe, but the daddy energy also as if you have any right to put your foot down lol]
Janis: [just loling like you better listen, child ‘have to be in her ear more than her nan’]
Casey: [‘least we know now your dad weren’t just having a mid life crisis before he’s even old enough’ cos that is what he would’ve thought before he knew about this pregnancy like umm why are you suddenly so bothered what your missus eats ‘telling your mum she’s letting herself go before she is by her agent’ like you’re getting too fat and old to be a model bye]
Janis: [imagine if he was just that man suddenly, we are amused by that idea because not by the reality of whatever is going on here, just standing side on and checking out our reflection in the window ‘all your fault, if I am’ @ baby Jac]
Casey: [‘you can have the credit for how much she ain’t there yet’ just @ this bub telling her that her mum looks really hot rn nbd cos you know he’s checking her out when she does that]
Janis: [doing the thing where you pretend you did not notice so hard you are letting him know by doing so you did, take this breakfast to the sofa ‘cos having that kind of do whatever day is the vibe]
Casey: [thank god the elbow room you need to eat shit like that will mean you can’t sit as ridiculously close together as you blatantly would otherwise, putting something on the TV that’s for the baby’s benefit in a bants way of not being baby friendly at all and giving the she’s cool energy of last night]
Janis: [the way we are just this 😏 no notes tbh ‘the less she learns from me’ like if she learns it from the telly it ain’t my fault lol]
Casey: [‘I’ll take all the credit for what you learn off me, little mate’ doing his own smirky face and adding ‘blame’ as if it’s a correction like oh yeah that’s totally what I meant haha]
Janis: [‘God help us’ rolling our eyes like oh no, the carnage, gesturing on our face where he has some sauce on his like see, such a mucky pup]
Casey: [will playfully nudge her like oi even if it means she throws her breakfast over herself or this sofa, but then shamelessly being like ‘get it for me then’ as if he’s so injured + has his hands full here so can’t possibly, we see you with your flirty telling her to do things vibe, it’s beyond deliberate]
Janis: [can’t be getting seduced by anyone covered in bean juice lmao, dramatically put your plate down on the coffee table so you can turn away for a sec to stop you LOOKING at him ‘come here then’ turning around with an equally as dramatic sigh because of course you’re going to do it]
Casey: [has absolutely no need or reason to put his own plate down cos that means he could do it himself but obvs will and will move so much closer to her and lean in to the point it’s literally like you’re gonna kiss here]
Janis: [the way we lean in and poke our tongue out a tiny bit like we’re fully going to lick this off your face, before obviously licking our finger instead and doing it that way]
Casey: [when you lick your own lips as if you’re being helpful and not because it’s subconscious and v necessary in response to how much you wanna kiss her rn immediately]
Janis: [you fools, you damn fools, stop it, acting like he’s trying to lick our finger like oi, you minger, holding his lips shut like behave as if that doesn’t just ramp up more tension as per]
Casey: [you know all too well it’ll become a playfight and she’ll end up with her hands pinned over her head too easily and you’ll both be breathing SO hard and LOOKING at each other]
Janis: [whilst we do be breathing and LOOKING ‘not a fair fight’ like I couldn’t exactly floor you in your state, as if that’s the only reason we’ve both allowed ourselves to end up here, never mind how your voice is gonna betray you]
Casey: [at least his body will be betraying him because he’s a boy so you know you’re both in the same boat ‘I reckon we’re about even’ because he can do pregnant invalid bants cos she knows he doesn’t really think that and isn’t gonna start treating her like it]
Janis: [the way you are gonna come so close here and I will literally have to have the door go to stop it being fully realised ‘cos you can’t but you so easily could ‘now’ like now you’re not drunk as all hell to further drive home how close we are to just going for it in some way]
Casey: [‘yeah, now’ because we’re literally just saying we want this to happen right here right now, unfinished breakfast be damned, boy you better stop]
Janis: [so, so glad it’s Bobert’s bday so this can be packages, the way this doorbell will have you shitting your damn selves right now because truly seconds away from kissing you there, run and get it girl]
Casey: [he’d be so close to just fully throwing his breakfast plate at the wall in sheer frustration, but don’t, throw it into the sink really hard without actually breaking anything thank you, apologies for whoever will have to deal with food in the sink cos it will not be him, the way this boy would have literally forgotten it’s Bobby’s birthday for a minute because of all the drama mick]
Janis: [we’re all frustrated to a horrific level now, stomping up stairs to wrap this shit angrily because cannot try and be around you yet like that didn’t just get totally cockblocked and ruined]
Casey: [thank god it’s a school day so the birthday boy is not here cos you’d have to at least pretend to give a bit of a shit and nobody is in the mood, already lowkey awkward that only Jimothy would’ve seen him in the AM if he was here then and not with Libi for pre-bday sleepover vibes, who can honestly say what you mad lads were up to]
Janis: [at least you’re at school then going out with Libi and your friends so again, you can live in ignorance until you come back lol; hit you with this some time later when you’ve both calmed down slightly]
Janis: Let me know when you wanna go pick this car up, like
Casey: How about you let me know, it’s you who’s busy
Janis: birthday boy’s presents are wrapped, can go whenever you’re ready
Casey: alright, let’s go
Janis: [come back downstairs like 1. We didn’t nearly just do that 2. We both didn’t just have a tantrum about it not happening lol, picking up these keys from the counter and jangling them out of your reach like no, still not allowed them actually]
Casey: [bringing back the daddy energy with him just holding his hand out like stop pissing about and give me the keys cos it’s a mood always but also you’re blatantly in a mard still so]
Janis: [‘I’m driving there’ ‘cos you’ll already have to do an hour, we can stop you doing two, honey, pocketing these keys and putting our shoes on]
Casey: [‘mum practice, should’ve just said’ like I get it, cos all you bloody do as a parent is ferry your children about to school and clubs or at least that’s the cliche anyway ‘you want me in the back kicking your seat an’ all or what?’ like how far are we taking this ‘can get her to have a row with me piss easy as I did keep her up’ not us acknowledging that we woke baby Jac up whilst we’re saying our squabbling sibling vibe pisstake]
Janis: [‘still be better behaved back there’ not us ref’ing what did and nearly did happen in the car sis, the way we’re clearly not over it at all, love to see it ‘you gonna make me tell you to put your shoes on a hundred times?’ ‘cos another cliche]
Casey: [‘you not gonna give me a hand with them?’ cos whether we remember you helping us take our shoes off last night or not it’s pretty obvious you did have to so makes sense putting them on would be awkward as well]
Janis: [whether you do or not we’re reminded and also left wondering how much you do remember so we’re back being 😳 ‘I suppose so’ ‘cos you might genuinely struggle but we all understand what position this puts you in yet again, not to mention proximity]
Casey: [thank god you’re not at the stage of being preggo when you literally also cannot put your shoes on girl or you’d both be fucked, I like to think that position we’re just LOOKING at you from triggers a memory of the fridge/freezer moment that you didn’t have so enjoy that coming back to you]
Janis: [just having all the memories, not at all distracting or making us seem like we’re really taking our time here, finishing with such a dramatic flourish like ALL DONE or we’re gonna have to say or do something here ‘let’s roll, dickhead’]
Casey: [soz that we’re helping you up like it or not, so the proximity really getting ramped up for that second as you’re essentially handholding and basically hugging in the process, it’s fine, go get in the car before you just fully start making out against the front door or something please]
Janis: [at least we can immediately turn on really loud music ‘her request’ like baby Jac is too cool, soz]
Casey: [just playing the drums on this bump in time to whatever song this is as if you either approve of baby Jac’s choices or don’t and wanna annoy her, either/or]
Janis: [just shaking our head in amusement here ‘she’s had enough of a lay-in’ like even with a late night girl, time to get up, and she obviously would be so you can enjoy her kicking about as you do sir]
Casey: [‘have you missed me or what?’ at this bub like oh hello are you cross at me or chuffed to see me what’s today’s vibe]
Janis: [acting like we’re listening to her right now then gasping like can’t believe you went there gal, ‘cos been saying you owe her an apology for that rude awakening hence we must ‘she proper kicked me in the bladder earlier’ ‘cos when they just hit you on the wrong organ or squish it and you’re like ow excuse me, not the earlier being in your bed clearly but we’re not mentioning that lol]
Casey: [we were amused at your gossiping energy but then giving her such a cross dad type facial expression that baby Jac can’t even see like that’s rude ‘Oi, don’t be taking after the granddad you ain’t gonna have nowt to do with, on thin ice with your dad already, you, like’ cos what we always say about Ian fighting dirty instead of fair and it’s that kind of move kicking her in the bladder bub, sir you’re on thin ice bringing up Jimothy like that again given everything but]
Janis: [‘weirdly good at that’ 😏 as we look over at you for a sec ‘might pop a medal in the post, like’ just an oscar-winning daddy performance, obvs, because we can’t linger too long on the thoughts of Jimmy or Ian or any of the shit we’re ignoring currently]
Casey: [‘had to be for our kid’ cos there’s no point shouting at Bobby as a bub or now, gotta do it all with your facial expression unless you’re really gonna sign angrily as hell lol]
Janis: [nod because yeah, that tracks, even though we’re now thinking about a passionate sign fight and are just chuckling to ourselves ‘he’ll never have to deal with a proper whingey girlfriend, like’ the earache you’ve got yourself out of just by being deaf Bobby, even though your deaf gf ends up being a nightmare, we don’t know that yet lol]
Casey: [‘what do you mean that’s not your present to him?! He’d be chuffed to bits by some lass jumping out of a cake and having a go ‘cause she’s been left in there ages’ just amused af cos imagine]
Janis: [‘your birthday was months ago’ like too late for you to be putting your orders in hun, loling and giving him a brief rundown of whatever the hell him and Libi are actually doing tonight]
Casey: [‘course they are’ at whatever it is cos it’s clearly so them vibes ‘only 16 the once’ like obvs you wouldn’t actually be doing something a normal lad would, but it’s a bit more affectionate than usual as it do be his bday]
Janis: [‘bless’ again with more affection than dismissal ‘have to up his game for hers’ ‘cos clearly Libi has gone feral as she is want to do]
Casey: [‘birthday kiss’d do it’ like can you two finally get your shit together and go out we’re all sick of it LOL]
Janis: [nudging you like leave them alone but we’re smirking ‘cos it is true and we all know it]
Casey: [obvs gotta nudge her back cos always]
Janis: [‘wonder if your puke pile is still there’ casually like lol, have fun hosing that away did you Ian]
Casey: [‘have to check her flowerbeds, that’s where you told me to’ cos she did and it has come back to us]
Janis: [just looking at you via the rearview mirror and not saying anything for a bit before looking away ‘I should be concerned how much you remember, yeah’ but not in a serious tone just like well shit LOL]
Casey: [‘are you?’ again not serious but we are still asking nonetheless]
Janis: [‘I know what happened’ in VERY I said what I said tone so like, no, is the takeaway here boy]
Casey: [‘typical you, knowing it all’ cos we always take the piss out of you for that]
Janis: [‘I weren’t fucked up’ and then really suddenly turning this music down so low like omg soz, you must be SO delicate this AM, how could I forget ‘sorry babe, Casey’s hungover’ just taking the piss out of you via this child for the fun of it all]
Casey: [turning it up even louder than it was because he’s 22 and he doesn’t get hangovers, deliberately shouting louder than he needs to over said music as well ‘I get it, you and your husband are past it’ like okay soz you can’t hang but no need to take the piss out of me cos bants always but also you are boring these days]
Janis: [‘we’re 24, not 84’ like how rude, not even hit our mid-twenties technically lol and turning this music down to a more acceptable loud music energy so we can talk not scream ‘no need to deafen the poor cow in his honour’]
Casey: [‘never know except to look at you’ again calling you fit but also saying you act like an old lady so haha swings and roundabouts, putting his hands as if over the baby’s ears how she has before like oh soz though hun ‘you can’t help the state of that pair, I’ll leave it out for you, little girl’ and giving the bump a quick little stroke as another soz]
Janis: [‘charming’ 🙄 and moving slightly in our seat like get off so I can focus on driving then]
Casey: [do get off her and get more comfy in your own seat like okay fine because you started it energy]
Janis: [just making a psh noise like don’t you get grumpy, you were rude to me but we’re looking at you when you move to see if you wince or anything ‘how you doing?’ like how is the pain now]
Casey: [doing a dismissive/uninterested noise back like eh fine because he had those painkillers so fine is the only acceptable answer here even if it wasn’t true cos you’d look and sound like a pussy otherwise]
Janis: [‘good talk’ ‘cos unsure why we’ve got to this place right now but fine ‘none of them will be in’ ‘cos they would all be at school and work so like, not gonna be another confrontation if you’re worrying]
Casey: [‘there’s nowt to say about a few bruises, if he’d had the keys off me to piss about filling the car with balloons and confetti that’d be worth having a chat about’ cos like I said you know Ian wouldn’t even know it was Bobby’s bday cos he’s just that shit]
Janis: [‘and gifts was one of the only things he was any good at’ ‘cos we all remember him just buying your affection when it suited, ‘cos it is shit]
Casey: [‘still a bit hit and miss for that’ cos we were here for stuff like new bikes but not Twix, soz gal]
Janis: [‘not exactly thoughtful’ ‘cos no one is saying that lol, just splashing that cash honey ‘he’d be more concerned if he bothered at this point’ ‘cos where we are, not like Bobby will be waiting for your card, Ian]
Casey: [the way that dog would be 10, are you still around hun, what’s the tea here, but meanwhile this boy just shrugging cos all true gal and Ian really outdid himself on the father front last night so]
Janis: [might have to say you’re dead queen ‘cos really not mentioned you at all, you kind of had a chaotic life, we can say you did not too long ago, RIP hun but for right now, just bebopping to these songs, letting you chill and do your own thing as this convo isn’t going anywhere atm]
Casey: [yeah soz queen I really did kind of forget about you until now re this era and you honestly don’t need to be involved in the drama we’ve brought upon this fam and household so honestly it does make sense for you to be dead, sad as it is because it yet again does mark the end of that JJ era cos she was so there for your teen years and such a big part of it]
Janis: [not even a Twix to keep you company, so sad, ugh, can’t be a cliche and buy yourself a puppy with a baby on the way though, fight the urge even though you’re depresso]
Casey: [so many peeps do that and it’s not a good idea, we don’t need to do that to you gal, the baby is enough stress for you when she’s here, no offense Jac]
Janis: [we aren’t having it, it’s too bad of an idea]
Casey: [you always could when the kids are a bit older and you’ve moved out of the flat above the pub into wherever you’re going to if we want, nothing stopping you then, but excuse me being derailed, say something, boy ‘what’d you get him?’ meaning Bobby’s bday gift obvs]
Janis: [‘[whatever you and Jimothy did get him ‘cos obvs you’re the main present providers, perhaps an art tablet ‘cos expensive and you’d like that]’ even with the total lack of communication happening rn, you could still work that out between yous, ‘mad he’s 16’ ‘cos truly]
Casey: [they are crazy expensive and he would be about it, nice one JJ, god knows what you got Casey for his because what to get a 22 year old boy at the best of times never mind one you have such a weird relationship with, just nodding at both those things cos yeah good shout on the gift and it do be wild he’s not a tiny child anymore and then reminiscing out loud about whatever carnage happened at your own 16th like hey remember when, cos I truly dread to think knowing you sir]
Janis: [‘glad I don’t have to clean anything like that up’ shaking our head like oh boy ‘done me a massive favour there’ like thank you Bobby for not being chaotic here ‘she’ll be 16 one day’ such an obvious thing to say but still getting our head ‘round this baby being a real thing]
Casey: [@ this bub ‘who you gonna be?’ cos the wild differences between him and Bobby just making him realise she could literally be anyone or do anything, again obvious but he is likewise getting used to her being real and not just an extension of JJ so, his soft and thoughtful tone would lowkey be adorable btw]
Janis: [as it always is, just thinking ourselves now ‘if she reckons she’s having a sweet 16 she can piss off’ like not renting no limos for you and your mates to be cringe in, ‘cos that show, that concept, wild times]
Casey: [‘you know where to come’ like I’ll sort it for you bub, don’t worry, again in his this is our secret, whispering kinda vibe]
Janis: [‘I’m not raising my sister’ soz for the shade Grace but imagine, you’d be so lost with a child like that ‘not just so you can be favourite’ nudging him softly ‘cos it do be cute]
Casey: [‘piss off, she’s already loads cooler than that’ genuinely offended on this bub’s behalf like how dare you ‘and I already am her fave too, tah very much, nowt you can do and no need to pull any tricks of Ian’s’ like I shan’t be buying her love, she will love me]
Janis: [‘not trying to get between yous’ like you can be the favourite, that’s okay with me because we do want you to have a good relationship with this fam/this child in general, we obviously don’t know quite how good yet but still ‘he’s not even Sally’s fave’ probably not your name but not even your missus is losing it for you Ian hun]
Casey: [‘Jim will’ just blurting out our insecurities on main that Jimothy does not and will not want him around his child cos we all know it was bad when you were at Ali’s and you’ve literally just got back so no time yet to change his mind even if that had been the plan instead of this carnage, just cannot deal with the fact we’ve said that though so cringing and dying tbh]
Janis: [‘we wouldn’t stop you seeing her’ ‘cos joint decision, not one either of us can just make willy nilly and he isn’t that bitch ‘he might not think of you first when he’s looking for a babysitter but-’ like we can’t say that’s not valid from how you’ve been behaving]
Casey: [just such a sigh cos we clearly don’t want to care about this child as much as we blatantly already do]
Janis: [‘she’s my kid as well’ like you don’t need to worry energy]
Casey: [‘yours more than his, you’re the one putting all the work in here’ cos valid, men do and can do nothing at this point]
Janis: [‘not gonna correct you’ ‘cos not in a defending you sort of mood rn soz]
Casey: [getting his phone out like a nerd and looking at all the things where it’s like your baby is the size of such and such a fruit and can do this and coming at her with the info like DID YOU KNOW, yeah boy she probably does, but pop off]
Janis: [it’s like the size of an aubergine now which is quite funny but also horrifying so you can just lol about that like oh no, ‘cos when you was with your mum you could talk about this kind of stuff but not really happening now ‘cos the excitement, where is she ‘you MASSIVE nerd’ but we’re 😍 honestly]
Casey: [‘don’t be a dickhead, I’ll have to read you the horrible shit I found, else’ the energy being we very much don’t actually wanna scare you with all the horror stories there are cos you literally have told us you were scared already but we’re keeping it bants]
Janis: [‘sure she’ll ruin my body then my life, not news’ shrugging like that’s kids ain’t it lol lol]
Casey: [‘couldn’t ruin your body’ like no no impossible, not bringing up how fucked your life is again though cos already did several times, though it’s kind of implied yet again anyways by missing that bit out, soz]
Janis: [‘old and boring anyway’ like it don’t matter]
Casey: [‘only by choice’ we all know what you’re saying there, you’re not subtle]
Janis: [‘and why would I choose that?’]
Casey: [‘I dunno, never have got my head round it’ cos true]
Janis: [‘maybe it’s not a choice’]
Casey: [‘course it is’]
Janis: [‘not an easy one then’]
Casey: [‘kids get easy ones, not 24 year old lasses’]
Janis: [big sigh because we know and obviously this makes none of it any easier]
Casey: [just squeezing her hand for a sec but not letting it be a lingering thing which we can pretend is because you’re driving and we don’t wanna distract you but]
Janis: [‘when’s the last time you slept like that?’ blurting that out out of the blue ‘kept checking you weren’t dead and you didn’t move the whole time’]
Casey: [‘sounds like a one off then’ cos realistically have never ‘be something to do with your fake nursing qualifications’ as if she drugged you to sleep lol]
Janis: [‘my top nursing skills’ * thank you lol ‘you’re very welcome for the rest’ slightly more sincerely ‘cos actually glad]
Casey: [‘you get any?’ very sincere almost too sincere hence we have to then take the piss ‘be typical you to have just closed your eyes as I opened mine’ because she was asleep when we did wake up but lowkey we’re like were you just avoiding me babe knowing what I know after the re-read]
Janis: [‘some’ ‘cos clearly the energy is we also slept well after all the drama and tension of it all ‘you’ll never know if I’m telling the truth or you’ve hit the nail on the head there’ lil cheeky smile]
Casey: [the way he’s gonna find her pulse in her neck for the pure sauciness of it, we know full well you don’t actually need to check if she’s lying like that or at all but it’s too close to all the throat stuff y’all do in the future for me not to]
Janis: [be so blush-inducing how much it quickens, but more so to push him away so we’re just here allowing it, trying to front it out ‘what do you reckon?’]
Casey: [shhing her which only adds to how hot it is like we’re actually trying to count and do this properly]
Janis: [making a frustrated/grumpy noise like you’re killing me]
Casey: [just doing this for a whole ass minute, nbd]
Janis: [longest minute of your life]
Casey: [does not need to lowkey play with her hair after like you really messed it up massively by using those two fingers in that position for that time but he is, obvs]
Janis: [just swallowing so many times before we actually can talk ‘you wanted your turn being nurse’ like I get it, bad patient]
Casey: [‘I can’t hack the thought of you lying there awake all night, had to make sure you weren’t’ how saucy that also sounds, okay bye]
Janis: [‘how cosy you were was inspiring’ ‘cos y’all was snuggled because he was drunk and had no qualms so, just saying that as nonchalant as we can right there]
Casey: [‘be your top bedside manner, that’]
Janis: [‘did go the extra mile’ like yeah, nurses don’t usually get into bed with you unless you’re watching that kind of porn lmao]
Casey: [‘yeah, weren’t even my birthday’]
Janis: [‘don’t reckon I’m invited to the sleepover’]
Casey: [‘nor me, have to have our own instead’ just being this blatant rn yep]
Janis: [‘two nights in a row?’ like that won’t be as blatant as you are being or anything]
Casey: [‘I owe you a sober one, I reckon’]
Janis: [LOOKING at you rn ‘yeah?’]
Casey: [‘if you fancy it’ as if she’s gonna be like nah you’re a nightmare sober actually, returning the LOOK ‘yeah’]
Janis: [just nodding ‘let me know when you plan on taking a night off’]
Casey: [‘I said I’ll not be going in to work’ like that means I shall be around and sober thank you]
Janis: [‘good’ we really do have every intention here]
Casey: [‘come find me when you’re ready then’]
Janis: [‘okay’ biting our lip and smiling into our shirt ‘cos so much we could and wanna say about it but dunno where to begin or how much is too much]
Casey: [running his thumb over her bottom lip unaware that he did exactly that when he came home last night]
Janis: [‘don’t make me crash’ because we remember sweetie]
Casey: [putting his other hand on the steering wheel which realistically means it’ll be touching or almost touching hers cos only so much space, like here you go I’ll help you to not, but then saying ‘I could make you pull over’ like we could literally do this rn, boy no, I’m not letting you]
Janis: [just feeling all the cuts on your knuckles right now without thinking about it ‘you know what will happen if we do’ because we all do]
Casey: [going over her bottom lip again but applying more pressure this time like we’re just asking her to open her mouth without having to actually say it]
Janis: [you know we can’t not]
Casey: [passing his saucy lil test, nbd ‘I know what I want to happen’ because we do]
Janis: [‘I’ve got ideas’ remembering telling you exactly what we wanted to do in that chat right now]
Casey: [‘you do’ cos hard same on the remembering front with his re-read, actually putting his thumb in her mouth that’s just been there distractingly paused brushing/pressing against her lip the entire time, like here’s the starting point of doing what you wanna do]
Janis: [gotta moan because any chance of tension being broken is sending us currently and this certainly would, just going in on sucking and biting and licking this thumb like you’re not still driving here]
Casey: [getting a moan back for how good it feels and how enthusiastic you’re being rn, taking that wet thumb and just brushing it back over her lip for the sensation, almost like a kiss]
Janis: [just putting a hand on your thigh and squeezing right now ‘when are you gonna make me pull over?’ taking his middle finger and putting that in our mouth to do the most again]
Casey: [‘When you’ve counted to 10’ for the bants of being patient and calm but also literally how many fingers he has so it tracks that he’s saying he’s gonna make you do this for them all first, taking that wet finger when she’s done with it and brushing it over her skin somewhere else on her body obvs cos gotta do that each time too]
Janis: [just trying to put all the fingers on this hand in your mouth at once to show how not patient or calm we are, even though we then move onto doing the next finger properly because must actually]
Casey: [the breathless little lol he would do because that’s amusing and really hot at the same time, just turning into such a GASP when you’re doing it properly again]
Janis: [‘think how good it will feel’ like when you let me touch any other part of you with my mouth]
Casey: [‘I don’t reckon I’ll have a pulse by then’ cos we are thinking about it and dying truly]
Janis: [‘you read our messages’ because we can say things we’ve not when we’re being feral]
Casey: [‘the second you went to go downstairs’ cos blatantly did not wait even half a second to make sure she wasn’t gonna pop her head back in or anything]
Janis: [‘you’re not mad?’ taking our eyes away from the road for a sec to make eye contact when we say this]
Casey: [maintaining it for as long as she does ofc ‘what would I be mad for?’]
Janis: [‘that I let you make me cum when you wouldn’t remember it’ ‘cos was a bit rude of us, we know ‘I needed it’ like so sorry 🥺]
Casey: [‘I’ve made you loads of other times without knowing about it’ cos true you’ve both lived that life]
Janis: [just going in again like yes, loads and loads]
Casey: [‘and we both needed it’ cos again true he clearly did whether he remembers or not]
Janis: [‘you couldn’t stand’ ‘cos could not, we can all appreciate that fact]
Casey: [‘what?’ cos shooketh, you can’t tell me that’s ever happened to this boy before, the gals not being able to stand when he’s done, sure, but not this]
Janis: [looking at you like yeah, I know ‘you sounded so…’ do not have the words to describe in our current mood ‘surprised they didn’t come back out, like’]
Casey: [‘I’m not, sounds like that only mean the one thing’ like they’d have seen some shit if they did and they knew it honey]
Janis: [‘oh, it was twice’ ‘cos she did ‘still not mad?’]
Casey: [‘I won’t be if you tell me everything’ and we do mean everything about this, all the deets thank you]
Janis: [This can be where you crash because both gonna get too into it and not paying attention, clearly the vibe is not a busy road and you kinda just veer off into the side and maybe hit something so you get rocked a bit but ultimately you’re both fine longterm here]
Casey: [he is gonna insist on driving you to the hospital to get checked over regardless though despite the fact he will refuse to himself because was already hurt and isn’t trying to get into that, just straight up acting like her husband when he gets there, literally pretending he is cos otherwise they don’t give a shit]
Janis: [just hardcore gone into ourselves, like we’ll be answering these doctors and nurses questions and letting them do the shit they gotta do but we’re checked out]
Casey: [thank god they’ll do a scan so you can find out pretty quick that this bub is okay, him just there cos he’s not gonna leave her and he said he was her husband so they won’t ask him to]
Janis: [we don’t need to be bringing Jimothy to this hospital, we’d be very tempted to not even tell you but would have to really ‘cos even in his state, going to notice yours]
Casey: [yeah plus the fact the car would have some damage and you never did go and fetch the other one cos didn’t actually make it so it wouldn’t be hard to work out, ugh the way Casey meanwhile is trying to get this gal back to him but also CANNOT touch her in any way rn cos blaming himself entirely, and then has to completely dip when Jimothy gets home anyway, like he probably literally goes out to go and get the car from Ian’s honestly, walking there if he has to, and then comes back later to we all know what]
Janis: [the saddest hook up of all time, then you’re out for good, well not good but you know, leaving on a jet plane]
Casey: [we’re evil, we seriously are]
Janis: [but we finished baby, ready for more carnage from here]
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
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super cool headcanon meme.
asked by @lcvelymxnifest​
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
friday i’m in love - janet devlin, make me feel - janelle monae, honey - kehlani, FOOL - alyson stoner 
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
oh i have a feeling charlie can sleep just about anywhere, but more often than not, she’ll fall asleep on the sofa with a half finished ramen on the table and some true crime show on in the background....likely after finishing a blunt. 
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
i think charlie would definitely be good at games like capture the flag, ghost in the graveyard, kick the can and games like that ! 
the emoticon they’d use most often
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
a kid on a sugar rush, honestly, they come off as having so much energy and likely annoy the shit out of anyone that has to put up with them, but eventually, they’ll crash in the worst of places like the freezer at work 
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
they don’t really like hot beverages, but sometimes a hot tea with just a dash of honey it does hit the spot or an irish coffee 
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
i imagine a lot of pigging out, smoking and avoiding what’s bothering them, though this doesn’t happen as 9/10 times, they’ll talk to their brother 
what they wanted to be when they grew up
oh definitely a vet or something to do with animals, but they definitely always loved coming up with funky ice cream flavors, both good and bad. 
their favorite kind of weather
just the right amount of hot, where there’s still a breeze, but keeps the customers rolling in! 
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
oh i feel like they have a unique, but nice voice? something raspy like janis joplin, stevie nicks, p!nk, etc!
how/what they like to draw or doodle
I think they definitely love making designs for the shop, though i reckon they’re not always the best and they have a go to graphic designer to help the brand grow ! 
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julessworldd · 4 years
Little Rose ch. 5
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Warnings: cursing, angst, fighting, overdose, flashbacks(if that’s a warning?), a happy ending..
A/n: I wrote down what this chapter was supposed to be focus on, but I got to writing and the focus changed. This fanfic has really fucked up the original timeline of the band, but it’s fanfic so you gotta do spin offs. Not sure how long, I’ll keep writing for this fic. I love this universe along with my others, I’ve created since bringing my work to the public. I’ll stop talking now. Hope you enjoy! :) sorry i missed any grammar errors, what should be warning. I was starting to have a migrane as I was finishing editing. 
I loved being on tour, seeing the world, watching my brother and his band doing what they enjoy so much. This tour was different from any other before, Erin, my sister-in-law is pregnant. Axl had updated me about her and my peanut, Erin had braxton hicks the last couple months. Peanut loved kicking the hell out of her ribs all through the day and night, heartburn from hell, swollen ankles, sore feet. Poor Erin was exhausted and she wasn’t even due for another 3 weeks. Axl had been on edge, worrying that he would miss the birth of his first child. Their manager told him that we would be back in  LA around a week before she was due. It had helped him some but he was still on egg shells, Axl’s behavior was affecting the band. They never seen him so worrisome before, sure that time I had the flu and food poisoning at the same time. We’re all still so young, none of us really knew what to expect with his daughter on the way. 
Duff was in the shower, I was sitting at the table that was in our room, looking over dates. Some many shows and interviews, I don’t see how they function this shit especially on tour. “Hey Pumpkin, what are you doing over there?”, Duff said. I looked up to see a white towel low on his hips, “Just passing time. Get dressed, you’re dripping all over the floor”, I said. “When is baby Rose due again?”He asked. “Huh oh uh”, I flipped through the planner. “September 24th, if she’s not stubborn. Poor Erin is miserable right now”, I smiled, thinking of Erin all swollen belly, waddling around, mental cursing Axl for making her pregnant. “Izzy and I are betting against Slash that Axl will faint when he’s in the room with Erin”, Duff grinned. “Don’t do that. They’re both scared having their first kid”, I sighed. “I’m sorry I already put 30 bucks on Axl fainting and Erin crushing his hand”, Duff stuck his tongue out. There was a knock on the door, Duff walked over to answer it. 
“Hey Izzy”, Duff said, shutting the door. “Hey Izzy, sleep good?”, I asked, shutting my planner. “We need to talk, Jane”, Izzy gritted his teeth. “What now?”, I sighed, trying to read his body language for signs of withdrawal. Izzy was gonna speak but he fainted, He hit the floor hard and started jerking around. “Izzy!”I ran over to him and tried to get him before he hit the floor. 
I looked over at him, his lips were blue, he was fighting for air, his heart was beating hard as I felt his chest. “Shit!”I started to panic, I looked at Duff. He was stunned and rubbing his chest. Possible overdose and panic attack, great. “Duff, baby. I need to breathe okay? Breathe with me”, I said. “1,2,3 and breathe out on 4. Duff, I need to call the front desk and have them get the paramedics here”, I said calmly. Duff walked over to the phone, “Izzy, come on wake up”, I looked for bloody track marks or a needle stuck in his clothes.  “Ma'am, I need you to move for me. Your friend needs help”, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a tallish, dark haired behind me. “Yeah, sorry”, I said, walking over to Duff. He tears in his eyes, his breathing was out of rhythm again. “Duff, baby I need you to focus on me, okay? Izzy is gonna be alright. Hey look at me”, I whispered, rubbing his arm. “Miss?”, a tiny femme voice asked. I tore my attention from Duff, “Yeah?” “What’s your friend’s name?”She asked. “Izzy Stradlin, 26, April 8th, 1962”, I realized what she was doing. “Okay thank you. What happened? You two didn't take anything right?”
“He came into our room, said he needed to talk to me about something, he collapsed before he got to me and said what he needed. We didn’t take anything. I’m just gonna save you and your partner trouble. Izzy is on heroin and some sorta pills”, I said, looking at Izzy being pulled on the stretcher. “Alright, thank you. I’m sorry you two witnessed his overdose”, She gave a small smile. “Thanks. I have to tell my brother what happened and we’ll be at the hospital”, I said as Izzy was pushed out of the room. “What the hell?!”, I heard Axl yell. “Janiee!!”He rushed into the room. “What happened to Izzy?”, Axl yelled. “Knock it off, you’ll trigger another panic attack for Duff. Izzy collapsed when he came in here, apparently it’s an overdose according to the medics. Axl, I’m so scared”, I cried, Axl pulled me into his arms. “Shhh, it’s okay. We’ll go see Izzy when we can. I’m not gonna let him join the 27 club a year early or ever”, Axl brushed my hair. 
The doctor finally told us what happened to Izzy, he swallowed his entire pill stash, overdosed into a coma. Highly recommend we cancel our show this week. “You can go see him, but one at a time”, the doctor said. “Janie, you go”, Axl gave a weak smile. “Alright”, I turned the knob and shut the door behind me. Izzy laid still on the bed, wires stuck in him, IV bag by his beside with other machines. His face was pale like a ghost, he looked skinnier than usual. “Izzy, it’s me Janie. Can’t believe you overdosed, I thought you were wanting to get clean. You were over the heroin shit and you started pills. Please wake up Izzy! I need you just a bit longer, you’re my big brother. Who else is gonna listen to me when I’m pissed off at Duff?”, I held his hand. Machines just beeped and oxygen was flowing in his nose. “I read where coma patients can hear what’s going around them. I hope you can hear me because I want you to know that I love you very much. Please get better soon. I’m gonna go now, Axl will be pitching a fit if he doesn’t get to see you”, I smiled.  “Normally you would bitch if I hugged you without asking, but tough shit”, I walked up his bed, to hug him. I held Izzy to me the best I could. His heart was still beating fast, but was slower than this afternoon. His bourbon, smoky, vanilla scent was comforting as always but I was the one having to comfort him. 
“You okay?”, Duff asked. “Oh yeah, I just hate seeing him like that”, I said. “I’m gonna see him now”, Axl whispered. I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest. Duff pulled me into his lap, “Is he gonna be okay? He looks so pitiful, Duffy”, I asked, holding his hand. “He’s a fighter, little scrappy but yes, he’ll be okay. I know you told him to get better, he always listens to you. Izzy bitches about it but he does it anyways”, Duff whispered. “Yeah”, I smiled a little
 “Now, Janie, I have a friend coming over. Please don’t bother us, I don’t want the little sister crap.”, Bill said. “Alright Billy, I’ll stay out but I wanna meet the poor soul that decided to be friends with you, chicken legs”, I rolled my eyes. “Fine, you can say hi but then you go to your room or go talk to Amy”, Bill groaned. The doorbell rang, “I got it”, Bill said, racing to the door.  “Hey, glad you could make it.”, Bill said. “Hey. Sorry it took so long, mom wasn’t at home. She doesn't like my brothers to be alone”, a voice said. “I understand that. I have three siblings”, Bill laughed. Bill’s friend walked in as Bill shut the door. “This is my younger sister, Janet, but we call her Janie for short”, Bill said, rolling his eyes. “Hi”, I blushed. “Hi yourself. My name’s Jeff, but everyone knows me by Izzy”, the brown headed boy said. Izzy was looking at me, I felt weird and pulled my sweatshirt sleeve down. “Alright, Janie. Leave now”, Bill said. 
Another flashback
I was searching for Bill, he was nowhere to be found. “You promised me that you would bring me home, Billy”, I cried even more. My boyfriend had broken up with me because he wanted Jackie Anderson, head cheerleader. I passed the bleachers heading towards home. “Janie?”, I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Izzy with the stoners(his buddies) and Pam Macy hanging on his arm. “Hey, what happened? You’re crying”, Izzy threw his cigarette bud down and walked towards me. “Eric broke up with me. Said I wasn’t good enough and that I wasn’t a cheerleader, he wanted to be with the head cheerleader instead.”, I tried to hold my tears back. “I’m sorry Janie, he was an asshole anyways. You’re a good girl and any guy would be lucky to have you. It’s his lost and Bill and I hated him.”, Izzy reached up to pet my hair. “Thanks Iz. I’m gonna go home now”, I tried to push by him. He had my wrist, “Come on, I’ll take you for food. My treat”, Izzy smiled. “What about Pam?”, I asked. “You’re my favorite girl and you’re heartbroken, I gotta pay attention to you now”, Izzy smirked. 
“You’ve never listened to the Stones? Janie!”, Izzy threw his head back groaning. “I’m sorry that my step dad thinks that rock n’ roll is devil’s music”, I said. The bell rang, someone had walked in. “Janie! There you are!”, Bill said, rushing to our table. “Bill, lay off. I found her”, Izzy said. Bill looked at my face, “What happened? You were crying” “Eric broke up with me today for a cheerleader”, I said almost crying. “She passed the bleachers and I saw her. I decided to bring her for food”, Izzy said. “Thanks Izzy. I’m sorry about Eric, he was just an asshole anyways”, Bill pulled me into his chest. “Izzy said the same thing”, I said. “I know, I was at the meeting”, Bill laughed. I looked at Izzy and smiled. He winked at me. 
That was when I realized  Izzy was the older brother I always wish I had besides Axl. He was protected and took care of me, I love him for it. “Janie”, Axl said. “Yeah?”, I looked up at him, Duff was holding his hand out for me. Management had come to me about Izzy overdosing well fainting in my room. They wanted to know if I knew what caused Izzy to swallow his entire pill stash. I decided to turn on the radio for a while, sure enough ‘Paint it Black’ came on. First Stones’ song Izzy showed me, it was in his car when he brought me to smoke weed with him near Chicago. 
It had been 96 hours since Izzy was in a coma, he finally woke up and we all rushed to the hospital to see him. “Janie, you go in first”, Axl said. “Why? He’s your best friend”, I sassed. “Lady’s first”, Slash grinned. “Fine”, I walked in. There was a nurse taking Izzy’s vitals when I walked in. “Are you family?”, The blonde nurse asked. “Baby sister”, Izzy answered before I could think of something. “Oh well. I’m done here for now, you can come see your brother”, She smiled. “Thank you”, I said. “Hey Kid, just woke up from a killer nap”, Izzy joked. “Jeffery Dean! You fucking overdoesed because you decided to swallow your pills like candy. Don’t joke about that, you could have actually died. You know what? Fuck your joke, you had us worried to death. Izzy, you fell in mine and Duff’s room in front of us. You came in and said you had something to tell me. Duff barely closed the door before you collapsed on the floor”, I was fuming. “I’m sorry Janie. Management told me to get rid of them, housekeeping found one of my stashes. I panicked.”, Izzy said. “So instead of flushing them like a normal person you popped them like Tic Tacs like some manic?”, I rolled my eyes. Izzy stayed silent. “Your turn Ax”, I said walking out. 
Axl and the boys walked in and I decided to go get a coffee from downstairs. I walked up to the nursing station, “Uh hi. Do you have any idea when Izzy Stradlin is being discharged?” “Hi, what’s the birthday?”, a petite brunette smiled. “7-8-62”, I nodded. “Looks like he needs a doctor to talk to him about his overdose and a last check up then he should be released maybe this evening”,She said. “Are they gonna send him to rehab?”, I asked. “Looks like it might be possibly, he was in a coma for 4 days”, She said. “Are you his girlfriend?”She stood up. “No, more like the baby sister he never had”, I gave a small smile.  “Janie?”, Steven said. “Yeah? Izzy okay?”, I walked over to him. “Izzy’s fine, but we need to talk to you”, Steven said. “Okay”, I followed behind. “Listen, this is your sister, friend and now girlfriend talk not our assistant right now”, Steven stopped, before we reached Izzy’s room. I nodded my head. Everyone was sitting down, Izzy was lying down. “Hey”, I shut the door.
“What happened four days ago was hell, we almost lost Izzy. After, you left Izzy told us how you yelled at him for his drug stash. We’ve made the decision to go to rehab together”, Axl said. “That’s great, but you have a kid on the way.”, I said. “We’re going after she’s born, pretty sure Izzy is going first anyways. We’re gonna go to the same place together”, Axl reassured. “Not to be a bitch, but why was I brought into this. This is a band thing not the singer’s sister and the band”, I looked at Izzy. “You’ve been here since the beginning, we value your opinion”, Slash finally spoke up from leaning on the wall. The doctor came into the discharge Izzy, the band went different ways.  “Seeing Izzy overdose in our room, you run to him with fear in your eyes. I realized that I don’t want that to be me and you freaking out”, Duff said. “Not sure what to say, but I really hope you guys get clean and stay clean. I don’t want to lose my boys so soon”, I hugged him. “You can’t get rid of me that easy, Janie”, Duff held me. “Good, I don’t want to get rid of you yet either”, I said, inhaling his scent. 
Izzy got discharged and we flew back to L.A. before Erin gave birth. Almost 5 days that we got back, Erin gave birth to the new addition to the Guns N’ Roses’ family.  Sarah Aless Rose-Everly, 7lbs and 4oz. 
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onstrangehighways · 5 years
3, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 27, 36, 42, 44, 45, 46, 56, 57, 60 =PPP
3. What band has the best memes?
This is disputable but i'll always be a Deep Purple memes fan😄
7. What band is the softest?
Depends on what you mean by soft but if it's about the attitude, Cacophony!:3 They were babes!!👶👶
8. What band is the scariest?
W.A.S.P.! They don't just shock, they explore the darkest corners of human soul, and that is what makes them so scary and cool💘
11. What band would you want to meet?
Better ask me what band i would NOT want to meet😅
13. What band is the most important to music history?
The Beatles and Led Zeppelin imo
15. What band is the best dressed?
My personal style icons are Skid Row, 88-90s Cinderella and 90s Yngwie😄 George Harrison and Janis Joplin are also a king and a queen, though maybe i wouldn't dress like them🤔 plus Rory Gallagher has influenced my style a lot😂
17. What band is the most overrated?
David Bowie! as a musician he's really overrated. Also most punk bands such as Sex Pistols, they're about looks and provocation but not music. Metallica and AC/DC — they are too big for the music they make, but maybe it's just a matter of taste🤷
27. Is your bedroom a fandom cave?
Oh, i wish😄 i used to have a calendar with Queen but now i don't even have my own bedroom😅
36. What rockstar would you marry?
Steve Vai😚💕😂
42. Which classic rocker would be your best friend?
I'd want to befriend Yngwie just to prove that he can actually be nice😂 lol but in reality, i think Sebastian Bach would be a lot of fun!
44. Favorite classic rock book/biography?
I haven't read much yet but i'm really into Tony Iommi's "Iron Man" and Patti Smith's "Just Kids"🖤
45. Favorite modern musician/band?
Oh nooo😂 well, i've recently discovered a band called Blues Pills, it's quite good, also Kadavar are nice... both are stoner/psychedelic bands, so if somebody wants to recommend me smth different, you're welcome😄
46. Favorite classic rock lyrics?
The whole "Hard Driver" lyrics by Badlands bc i like speed-themed songs
"I've seen the faces of doom and I'm only a man" - Black Sabbath - Falling Off The Edge Of The World
"The answers lie beyond the pain / All the questions in our minds we surely ask in vain" - Richie Sambora - The Answer
"But I can't tell the difference / Between the fool and wise / Show me a river to follow / Away from all these lies" - Deep Purple - Holy Man
And, of course, the best and the deepest: "If it ain't dirty / You ain't doing it right / I need a lover that can last all night" - Bad Moon Rising - If It Ain't Dirty🤣
56. Favorite song by a band you hate?
Oh, hmmm🤔 i don't think i hate any bands tbh😅 i could name This I Love by GnR, i don't hate them at all, i just don't rly care for them, but this song is just wow!!😍
57. Least favorite song by a band you love?
What comes to my mind is several songs from Skid Row's Subhuman Race, let's say Frozen, although i quite like this album in general!
60. Best new band? (they left their old band and started a new band)
hmmm... I quite liked the band Voodoo Circle but i'm not sure... i don't think i understand the question right🤔
Thank you!!!😘😇
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unpopularopinion26 · 2 years
An uncomfortably dark satire
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Within 10 minutes of Don’t Look Up, a startling discovery is made: The world will end in six months and 14 days once a massive comet collides with Earth, according to the exacting calculations of space brains across the country. Is anyone going to do something about it?
When the director began writing Don’t Look Up, he conceived the film as an allegory for climate change. Would politicians act on an impending apocalypse if it were as visible and tactile as, say, a comet hurtling toward Earth? Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s impossible not to read the movie in those terms. The greatest virologists, epidemiologists and scientists on the planet have determined how COVID spreads, and they stress the importance of getting vaccinated, wearing masks and social distancing in order to stop ceaseless human suffering and death. Yet it has become a politicized culture war. Doing the right thing is an ideological matter, the facts be damned. Don’t Look Up manages to directly address those issues .
In the film, astronomer Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his brilliant stoner PhD student, Kate Dibiasky (a mulleted Jennifer Lawrence), represent science. Armed with the knowledge of the impending, humanity-eradicating apocalypse, they go to the White House to plead with self-interested President Janie Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her son, mindless chief of staff Jason Orlean (Jonah Hill), to save the world from impending extinction. But as it goes with egotistical and dangerously vapid leaders, the president is dismissive of the cataclysmic threat looming over mankind — that is, until doing the right thing benefits her re election campaign.
People simply refuse to accept reality when it isn’t convenient to their needs or desires. This notion is faced head on in Don’t Look Up, and in the process, it calls out the anti-science nonbelievers among us. When the federal government fails to take action, Randall, Kate and other members of the scientific community turn to the media to get their message across. However, news of a celebrity couple breaking up and then making up overshadows the confirmation that the world is ending.
When NASA discovers a solution and puts it into action, the richest man in the world bypasses humanity’s only option for existence so he can accumulate more wealth, then manages to convince the public that this will actually benefit them. On social media, it’s worse: Misinformation and disinformation spread like wildfire, leading to mass hysteria and total denial of the comet’s existence. The film doesn’t offer any solutions. It simply demands that its viewers confront what is actually happening to the planet and how politics skew the truth. As in real life, there are too many distractions — sometimes concocted for the sole purpose of creating a diversion — leaving the world at large confused, afraid or in the dark.
If the movie didn’t poke fun at the absurdity of it all, it would be a task to sit through . But the filmmaker’s ability to highlight the insanity of our times and the dangers of over politicization is what makes Don’t Look Up such a perfect satire. Make no mistake: It’s an argument for science, which should be able to exist without a political lens attached. If we all listened, the comet would be destroyed, and humanity could continue. Replace “comet” with any of our modern disasters — COVID, climate change, gun violence, you name it — and it works. It is a commentary on what happens when we stop believing in science and, perhaps most distressing of all, recognizing that we’re already there.
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musicalastrology · 7 years
Musical Astrology: Mini-Playlists for the Sign’s Stoners
Aries ~
• Two Weeks // Grizzly Bear
• The Joker // Steve Miller Band
• Timeless // Airborne Toxic Event
Taurus ~
• Waiting Game // Banks
• Do I Wanna Know? // Arctic Monkeys
• Erase Me // Kid Cudi & Kanye West
Gemini ~
• Viva la Vida // Coldplay
• That’s Right // Cage the Elephant
• In the Air Tonight // Phil Collins
Cancer ~
• Piece of my Heart // Janis Joplin
• Me and Your Mama // Childish Gambino
• Late Night // Foals
Leo ~
• Santeria // Sublime
• Heroes // David Bowie
• All These Things that I’ve Done // The Killers
Virgo ~
• Gimme Shelter // The Rolling Stones
• Hey // Pixies
• Loser // Beck
Libra ~
• One of These Nights // The Eagles
• Mary Jane’s Last Dance // Tom Petty
• Let the Band Play // Badflower
Scorpio ~
• Wicked Games // The Weeknd
• Day ‘n’ Night // Kid Cudi
• 14 Faces // Lewis Del Mar
Sagittarius ~
• Pockets Full of No // Coast Modern
• Hotel California // The Eagles
• Dazed and Confused // Led Zeppelin
Capricorn ~
• Mr. Grieves // Pixies
• Gotta Get Away // The Black Keys
• You Can’t Always Get What You Want // The Rolling Stones
Aquarius ~
• Paper Planes // M.I.A
• Pseudologia Fantastica // Foster the People
• Blood on the Leaves // Kanye West
Pisces ~
• Gold // Sir Sly
• Feeling Good // Muse
• Across the Universe // The Beatles
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soccerdrawings · 4 years
9 Outrageous Ideas For Your Cartoon Soccer Ball Step By Step | Cartoon Soccer Ball Step By Step
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ETCHED IN: Those we’ve absent in 2019 (including John Witherspoon, Agnès Varda, Walter Mercado and Grumpy Cat) will be categorical in our memories for decades to come.ILLUSTRATION BY GREG HOUSTON
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Free Cartoon Soccer Balls Pictures, Download Free Clip Art .. | cartoon soccer ball step by step Another year has passed, and we’ve had to ache the accident of figureheads in assorted industries including, music, film, sports, art, activism, and for artlessly actuality a photogenic cat. We’ve taken the time to epitomize the amazing lives of individuals who didn’t accomplish it into the new decade, but will be remembered for abounding added to come. Andre Williams(Nov. 1, 1936–March 17, 2019)Not abounding bodies get a big breach in the music business. Andre Williams got two.Born in Bessemer, Alabama, Zephire “Andre” Williams aboriginal hit it big as an R&B accompanist aback he confused to Detroit in the aboriginal 1950s and won an amateur-night competition. He anon alive to Fortune Records, acceptable advance diva in the Bristles Dollars, afresh rechristened Andre Williams and the Don Juans. A abounding writer, he additionally denticulate alone hits, including “Jail Bait,” “The Greasy Chicken” and “Bacon Fat,” which absurd the Top 10 on the Billboard R&B chart. He additionally wrote Bristles Du-Tones’ “Shake a Tail Feather,” afterwards performed by Ike & Tina Turner (and abundant later, featured in The Blues Brothers and Hairspray), and alike served a abrupt assignment as a songwriter for Motown, co-writing Stevie Wonder’s aboriginal song, “Thank You for Loving Me.” But by the 1980s, Williams hit bedrock bottom: Addiction begin him alone in Chicago. In the 1990s, however, Williams was rediscovered by the bedrock ‘n’ cycle awakening scene. That led to annal like Greasy, arise accordingly on indie labels Norton and St. George Annal in 1996, and Silky, arise on In the Red in 1998. Added indie bedrock collaborations followed, with Williams recording advance with Jack White, Mick Collins of the Dirtbombs, and the country bandage the Sadies. His proto-hip-hop sing-talking style, affection for abusive lyrics, and sartorial alternative for blatant apparel and analogous hats acceptable him the appellation by some of “the asperse of rap.”Williams connected to attempt with addiction, but he additionally connected to accomplish music, absolution I Wanna Go Aback to Detroit City in 2016. He died in Chicago at age 82 from cancer, but he never stopped: His manager, Kenn Goodman, told Billboard a ceremony afore his afterlife that the accompanist “was committed to aggravating to sing and almanac again.” — Lee DeVitoRuss Gibb(June 15, 1931–April 30, 2019)If Iggy Pop is the Asperse of Punk, afresh Russ Gibb is its uncle.After alive as a Detroit-area schoolteacher, radio DJ and promoter, “Uncle Russ,” as he was known, became a aloft booster of Motor City bedrock ‘n’ cycle aback he founded the Grande Ballroom in 1966, aggressive by a appointment to San Francisco’s Fillmore. The breadth became accepted for booking bounded acts like the Stooges, Alice Cooper, the Amboy Dukes and the MC5, who served as the venue’s abode bandage and recorded its admission Kick Out the Jams alive there. That’s all in accession to booking civic acts like Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Pink Floyd, the Grateful Dead, Cream and the Who, amid others, abounding of whom played some of their aboriginal U.S. shows at the venue.Gibb was complex in added milestones in bedrock history as well. In 1969, while alive as a part-time DJ on WKNR-FM, Gibb took a alarm from a adviser who claimed the Beatles’ Paul McCartney died and was replaced with a look-alike, and that there were clues in the band’s lyrics and anthology artwork. The cabal approach anon went viral. (Perhaps it would arise as no abruptness that abundant afterwards in life, Gibb would advance Donald Trump’s cabal theories about Barack Obama’s bearing affidavit on his blog.)Gibb bankrupt the breadth in 1972. But in the 1980s, he was aback in the music business, accouterment banking abetment for the Graystone Hall, a Detroit jailbait venue. All the while, Gibb formed as a history and media abecedary at Dearborn High School; he died in April at 87 of accustomed causes. The Grande, however, continued alone and now antic an MC5 mural, could anon see a new life: It’s now endemic by Chapel Hill Missionary Baptist Church, who said they ability charter it out for contest — including accessible music concerts. — DeVitoJohn Witherspoon (Jan. 27, 1942–Oct. 29, 2019)“John Witherspoon is atramentous history,” Twitter’s Rembert Browne tweeted afterwards the banana amateur died of a affection advance at his Los Angeles home in October at age 77. It was a fair assessment: Witherspoon’s filmography spanned decades, including appearances on The Richard Pryor Show, the Friday franchise, Martin, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Wayans Bros. and The Boondocks, as able-bodied as Jay-Z and Goodie Mob music videos, amid others. Born in Detroit to a ancestors with 11 siblings, Witherspoon got his alpha demography amphitheater classes in the Motor City in the aboriginal ‘70s. He got into standup at the bidding of his acting instructor, who anticipation he’d be funny in a ceremony brawl show. Witherspoon anon relocated to Los Angeles, aperture for the allegorical Richard Pryor at the Brawl Store. Later, Pryor casting him as allotment of his brief NBC array appearance in 1977 afore it was canceled for actuality too risque. For many, though, Witherspoon will consistently aloof be “Pops” — the amusingly bad-tempered ancestor to Ice Cube’s Craig Jones in the 1995 stoner brawl Friday. Witherspoon would reprise the role in 2000’s Abutting Friday and 2002’s Friday Afterwards Next, and was casting in a agnate role as “Granddad” in the banana strip-turned-Adult Swim animation The Boondocks, which debuted in 2005. Afterwards years of development hell, a fourth Friday blur was assuredly accustomed the blooming ablaze in 2017, but was alone in pre-production at the time of Witherspoon’s death. He was additionally set to arise in a afresh appear Boondocks reboot, admitting that activity had not amorphous assembly yet either. In an odd way, Witherspoon got to adore a final goodbye. In 2012, aback a apocryphal address of his afterlife went viral, Witherspoon reacted to the account aloof as Pops might. “What the hell ya’ll talkin ‘bout on here?!?!?” he tweeted. “I ain’t dead, I’m in Ft. Lauderdale.” — DeVitoBernice Sandler(March 3, 1928–Jan. 5, 2019)In 1969, Bernice Sandler was a ablaze adolescent adviser at the University of Maryland, acquisitive to acreage a full-time atom on the faculty. She knew she was a acceptable teacher, and there were seven accessible positions. So aback she was almost considered, she asked a macho adroitness affiliate if he had any insight. He conceded she was calmly qualified, “but let’s be honest, you arise on too able for a woman.”Sandler, who died in January at age 90, apparently again that adduce bags of times in interviews and speeches in the bristles decades that followed. “Sometimes bodies ask me what aggressive me to get complex in women’s issues,” Sandler allegedly said in 2012 afterwards accepting a beastly rights award. “I accept to acquaint you, I wasn’t aggressive at all. I was mad.”She began researching sex bigotry and begin an controlling adjustment barring organizations that accustomed federal money from acute based on race, religion, civic agent or gender. Armed with that information, Sandler filed complaints adjoin 250 universities, aggressive the arrangement that commonly discriminated adjoin changeable agents and students. She partnered with crusading U.S. congresswoman Edith Blooming to canyon Title IX. The 37-word bill, alive in 1972 by President Richard Nixon, has aback become a able and able apparatus for angry sex discrimination. Best famously, it has been activated to bookish sports, guaranteeing changeable athletes opportunities ahead exceptional of. Sandler spent the blow of her activity advocating for according rights. She served as armchair of the Civic Advisory Council on Women’s Educational Programs beneath presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, was inducted into the Civic Women’s Hall of Fame and has been cited as a hero by some of this country’s top athletes. But she never forgot that bandage about advancing on “too able for a woman.” It turns out, she was too able to be stopped. — Doyle Murphy
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Drawing a cartoon soccer ball - cartoon soccer ball step by step | cartoon soccer ball step by step Dan Robbins(May 26, 1925–April 1, 2019)Dan Robbins was a abstruse bartering artisan at a Michigan acrylic aggregation in the backward 1940s aback his bang-up asked him for an abstraction to advice advertise acrylic sets to adults.Robbins eventually acclimatized on a arrangement that accustomed alike the best unskilled, amateur chump to actualize paintings that looked professional, if not absolutely absorbed with an artist’s originality. His paint-by-numbers kits were a bona fide awareness by the aboriginal 1950s.The aboriginal offerings were aside bandage drawings, created by Robbins himself, intricately disconnected into sections that corresponded to pre-mixed acrylic colors. Soon, an army of artists, alive beneath the Ability Master casting for Detroit-based Palmer Acrylic Co., were churning out kits based on Robbins’ model. Using the byword “Every man a Rembrandt,” 20 amateur kits were awash in 1955.Artists and critics were afraid that painting had been angry into a step-by-step apprenticeship adviser and accumulation marketed, but Robbins didn’t assume to mind. “I remembered audition that Leonardo acclimated numbered accomplishments patterns for his acceptance and apprentices, and I absitively to try commodity like that,” he already told the Associated Press.The paint-by-numbers chic comatose aural a decade, and Robbins’ bang-up awash the business. But he fabricated a mark, alike biting an art apple that derided his efforts. Andy Warhol riffed on the model, and the Smithsonian Institution’s Civic Museum of American History alike displayed an exhibition of paint-by-numbers pieces in 2001 and 2002. Robbins died at 93 alive he had afflicted legions of bodies who ability accept never best up a besom if not for him.“We like to anticipate dad was one of the most-exhibited artists in the world,” his son Larry Robbins told AP. “He enjoyed audition from accustomed people. He had a able box of fan letters.” — MurphyNorma Miller(Dec. 2, 1919–May 5, 2019)People were done with the flit and annoyed of the tango as the ‘20s came to a close. The chic that came abutting was swing, a vivacious, freewheeling brawl built-in in Harlem. Swing advance aloft brawl floors the apple over with the advice of the brawl accumulation Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, alleged for the Lindy Hop, an abnormally able-bodied affiliate of the exhausted brawl family. It was a specialty of Norma Miller, a ballerina who acceptable her atom in a accumulation that counted Dorothy Dandridge and Sammy Davis Jr. amid its members, and whose accomplishment and acclamation acceptable her the moniker “Queen of Swing.”Miller was a woman of abounding specialties. A Harlem native, she formed as a choreographer, actor, columnist and a Redd Foxx-backed comedian. But actuality a atramentous babe in aboriginal 20th-century America was a accident with bound paths adjoin success. Her mother bankrupt houses, and Miller acceptable faced a agnate activity of adamantine labor, but she was acutely an all-powerful talent. By 5, Miller was wowing locals at aptitude shows. She and her aberrant bound were apparent alfresco the acclaimed Savoy Ballroom and, by 14, she was in Paris assuming with Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers. Through the ‘30s and ‘40s, the accumulation set the accepted for exhausted on all-embracing tours and in movies like the 1941 aloft motion account Hellzapoppin’. Miller, who anesthetized abroad this year of congestive affection abortion at 99 in her Fort Myers home, was not aloof the youngest affiliate of Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers but additionally the aftermost actual member. Into her 90s, she was teaching exhausted courses, speaking at engagements, choreographing dances and basic music. In the documentary about her, Queen of Swing, Miller summed up the abstruse to her continued and alive life: “Keep on swingin’.” —Solomon GustavoBarbara Hillary (June 12, 1931–Nov. 3, 2019)Barbara Hillary was not an explorer. Because she was the aboriginal atramentous woman to ability the North Pole, and the aboriginal to acme the South Pole, she is generally declared as one, agreement her in the aggregation of audacious trekkers like Robert Peary and Matthew Henson.She able those firsts almost recently, extensive the North Pole in 2007 and the South Pole in 2011, a aeon afterwards men aboriginal set basal on either spot. Hillary was commodity more: a cultural adventurer, charting paths advanced by atramentous women like her — but additionally paths that few cartel traverse. The Harlem native, built-in in 1931, fabricated her pole expeditions in her 70s (North, age 75; South, 79). She consistently capital to biking and, afterwards backward afterwards added than 50 years as a nurse, began authoritative affairs to appointment non-touristy locations. How abounding atramentous women afore her, how abounding bodies in general, accept apparent Paris? Now, how abounding accept been to the actual tippy-top and actual basal of the globe? She went to Manitoba to photograph arctic bears, and went dog-sledding in Quebec, and afresh she abstruse no atramentous woman had been to either pole afore and absitively to be the one. Those treks are arduous, with stretches of acute hiking and skiing acute immense backbone adjoin acrid acclimate altitude that would bassinet an amateur of any age. She assassin a trainer and started bistro added vegetables.It was the affectionate of claiming that appealed to Hillary, who commonly stared bottomward aerial obstacles throughout her life. She exhausted breast blight in her 20s and lung blight at 67. In Queens, New York, she founded and was the editor-in-chief of The Peninsula Magazine, a nonprofit multi-racial advertisement that was the aboriginal of its affectionate in the area. She said she abhorred accent and maintained beatitude and a youthful, pole-summiting spirit, by allotment to break unmarried. In 2017, she batten at the admission of the New School, her alma mater, and brash the grads, “At every appearance in your life, attending at your options. Please, do not baddest arid ones.”   That was Hillary’s style. She created her own desires, destinations that she accomplished by afterward a ambit of her own making. — GustavoScott Walker(Jan. 9, 1943–March 22, 2019)
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How to Draw a Soccer Ball Step by Step Drawing Tutorial with .. | cartoon soccer ball step by step How could one ability an adapted epigraph to sum up the atypical agreeable activity of Scott Walker? Can you brainstorm Frank Sinatra in his afterwards years accommodating with a doom metal band? Or Justin Timberlake auctioning abroad distinction for cigarettes, sunglasses, Bertolt Brecht and slabs of raw meat as bang instruments? Walker did it his way, and afresh some. Fresh from a assignment as a boyish affair artisan in L.A., Walker (born Noel Scott Engel) became one-third of the Walker Brothers in the mid-1960s; they became actual sensations in the U.K., bond beat-combo moves with symphonic grandeur, acquiescent hits like “Make It Easy on Yourself” and the abiding “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore.” Anon enough, Walker begin that the agreeable admirers and the pop activity weren’t for him, at one point apocryphally exhausted to a abbey to get his arch calm afore actuality ejected by the monks as admirers besieged the gates. Walker addled out on his own, and from 1967 to 1969 crafted four of the best admirable and affecting albums of all time, the eponymous Scotts 1 through 4. This was Walker at his best iconic: sunglasses, abandoned crew and a soaring, awfully attractive articulation alms no achievement whatsoever. Latterly hailed as the actuality by artists from David Bowie to Thom Yorke, these albums had the net aftereffect of antibacterial his career, eventually banishment him aback into the accoutrements of the Walker Brothers for a alliance in 1975, but Scott couldn’t alike do a contemptuous cash-grab right, penning the adverse “Nite Flights” and “The Electrician,” two aflame hits of dystopian electro-pop that still complete accompaniment of the art, pointing the way to accessible sonic futures alike now. From there, Walker began his bit-by-bit dematerialization act, exhausted to a activity based about the simple pleasures of bicycling, seeing movies, and activity to the pub and watching audience comedy darts. He’d appear every few years with ever-more aggressive and affective alone assignment — Climate of Hunter, Tilt and The Drift — but by the time Walker was accustomed the hagiography analysis in the 2006 documentary 30 Aeon Man, it was bright he wasn’t activity to accord admirers a boastful acknowledgment to the stage. Instead of the homesickness circuit, he gave them aberrant and admirable assignment like the active allotment for brawl “And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball?,” collaborations with Sunn O))) and Bat for Lashes, a final alone album, Bish Bosch and two blur array for Brady Corbet.Walker anesthetized agilely this year due to complications from cancer, bewilderment absolutely intact. — Matthew Moyer Ken Nordine(April 13, 1920–Feb. 16, 2019)You may not apperceive Ken Nordine’s name, but affairs are you’ve heard his voice. Over the advance of a 60-year-plus career, Nordine put the “art” into the abstraction of a annotation artist. His cottony baritone graced the airwaves of Chicago radio stations, address The World’s Great Novels and added programs. He was additionally the articulation abaft several educational films, so if your abecedary anytime acclimated a woefully age-old filmstrip in class, you ability admit his timbre. His best constant creations, though, were his Word Applesauce albums, on which, over abetment advance of air-conditioned jazz, Nordine tells belief or acts out scenarios with a accurate focus on exhausted and sound.Nordine’s success with the Word Applesauce alternation acceptable him a account affairs of the aforementioned name on flagship NPR abject WBEZ in Chicago, and the appearance concluded up active for added than 40 years. His 1967 Colors album, in which Nordine expounds aloft the personalities of assorted hues, charcoal a admired of those absorbed in offbeat curiosities from yesteryear. (It grew out of his radio commercials for the Fuller Acrylic Company.)Lines from his recordings accept been sampled in songs by Aesop Rock, Pizzicato Bristles and the Orb, and in 2007, David Bowie himself asked Nordine to accomplish at the High Bandage Festival in New York.Nordine anesthetized abroad on Feb. 16, 2019, at the age of 98, preceded three years beforehand by Beryl Vaughn, his wife of 71 years. — Thaddeus McCollumSahar Khodayari(birthdate unknown, 1990–Sept. 9, 2019)Football — not the American affectionate — is the world’s sport, in allotment because of its low barriers to entry. You don’t charge any big-ticket accessories to alpha a soccer game, aloof a ball. But in Iran, bisected the citizenry is barred from entering sports stadiums. Women accept not been accustomed to watch their admired teams in actuality aback the 1979 Islamic Revolution. This has led some women to beard themselves as men in adjustment to appear games, alike admitting actuality bent acceptable agency imprisonment and accessible torture.One woman, 29-year-old Sahar Khodayari, absitively to booty the accident to see a bout at Tehran’s Azadi Amphitheater amid Esteghlal FC — her admired aggregation — and Al-Ain FC. She dressed as a man, but didn’t accomplish it to her bench afore actuality noticed and arrested by aegis guards for “openly committing a amiss act.” After actuality arise on bail, Khodayari was told that she was attractive at a six-month bastille sentence. In protest, she larboard the courthouse, caked gasoline on herself and lit herself on fire.She died in hospital a ceremony later.Since her death, FIFA, the all-embracing administering anatomy of football, abreast Iran that women charge be accustomed to appear appointed Apple Cup condoning matches demography abode in Iran. On Oct. 11, the Iranian civic aggregation exhausted Cambodia 14-0, animated on by 3,500 women sitting in a absolute area of the stadium. — McCollumLil Bub(April 2011–Dec. 1, 2019)It’s been a bad year for viral cats. Not alone did Grumpy Cat, conceivably the best bartering of all the internet beastly celebs, die in May, but aloof as we accomplished putting this commodity together, the consummate Lil Bub anesthetized abroad in her sleep, victim of a assiduous cartilage infection.Lil Bub’s “dude,” Mike Bridavsky, begin her in an Indiana barn in 2011, the runt of a clutter accepted to die bound due to her dwarfism and added abiogenetic anomalies. Enchanted by her billowing eyes and chubby legs, Bridavsky took in the toothless, droopy-tongued “permakitten” and gave her a activity aloft artful imagining, abounding of hand-fed ambiguous yogurt and specialized medical absorption — and she alternate his alert affliction tenfold in grit, spunk, and ambrosial cheeps, snorks and chirrs. (Truly, Bub seemed to allege a accent all her own, accompanying to but not the aforementioned as approved housecats’ meows.) Not alone did Bridavsky’s abounding Bub-centric $.25 of merch — socks, T-shirts, costly toys, fridge magnets — prove catnip to her internet fans, the monies aloft were donated to assorted beastly shelters and rescues for special-needs cats. And not alone did Bub’s camp mug affection on customer goods, she starred in a Vice documentary (Lil Bub & Friendz), hosted 14 episodes of a allocution appearance (Lil Bub’s Big Show, with guests including Michelle Obama and Steve Albini), recorded her own anthology (Science and Magic, with a awning analogy by Orlando artisan Johannah O’Donnell) and guested on Run the Jewels’ artful remix album, Meow the Jewels. Bridavsky consistently claimed Lil Bub was a “magical amplitude being,” and whether she came from alien amplitude or not, she absolutely seems to be magic: She aloft $700,000 for beastly charities in her abbreviate life, and brought immeasurable joy to millions. Good job, Bub. — Jessica YoungAgnès Varda
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Soccer ball icon icon cartoon – cartoon images of soccer balls - cartoon soccer ball step by step | cartoon soccer ball step by step (May 30, 1928–March 29, 2019)She’s sometimes alleged the mother — or grandmother — of the French New Wave of cinema, but Agnès Varda was added of an Auntie Mame type: whimsical, generous, but nobody’s chump or den mom. Her assignment was apparent by a academic accuracy that afflicted her adolescent Nouvelle Vague filmmakers, but her angry humanism — a abysmal affair for women and workers — buoyed her aloft the style-obsessed pack. Her contempo accord with French muralist JR, Faces Places, acquired her added absorption in 2018 than she’d apparent aback the ‘80s. With her two-toned basin cut, sneakers and apart tracksuits and pajamas — although, we note, they were by Gucci — Varda was a acceptable haimish attendance on the awards season’s red carpets, attractive like a comfortable little kitchen witch amid the gazelle-like starlets.She inhabited the blur apple in the aforementioned way — assuming up aback and area and absolutely how she chose, afterward no rules but her own. Rather than stick with the anecdotal films that won her acclamation (Cléo From 5 to 7; One Sings the Added Doesn’t) she followed her brood to documentaries (Mur Murs; Jacquot de Nantes). She fabricated agilely dramatized biopics of her admired ones’ lives, casting ancestors associates as actors, and amid herself into her documentaries; she fabricated dramas, comedies, a sci-fi apologue and a feminist musical.More aphorism breaking: Afterwards accident backbone with the acceptable brawl of flat backing, she founded her own assembly aggregation to handle her films and those of her husband, Jacques Démy; but she ran the appointment (located aloft the artery from her home) like a shop, generally hand-selling DVDs to visitors or acceptance them to watch her editing. “I adulation actuality able to accept the absolute acquaintance with bodies who are consumers. It’s like a peasant, you know, who grows tomatoes and you can arise and buy the tomatoes at the farm,” she bubbled to Sight Complete annual in 2011.Her final film, Varda by Agnès, was arise posthumously in November. It’s a self-directed attendant of her 60-year career, a alive and antic flash to an bulk absent consistently with beastly behavior in the face of mortality. — YoungWalter Mercado(March 9, 1932–Nov. 2, 2019)Walter Mercado was abundant added than a TV astrologer built-in in Ponce, Puerto Rico. By the time he died at age 87 on Nov. 2, he had created a cultural bequest far aloft the televised predictions beheld by millions of abuelitas aloft Latin America: Mercado had become an figure and afflatus for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual bodies active in Latinx society.“This is a ability that’s been bedeviled by adulthood and homophobia for a actual continued time,” blur ambassador Alex Fumero told Fox Account aloft his passing. “He was absolutely brave.” It didn’t booty acumen to apperceive Mercado’s on-screen persona, a stylistic cantankerous amid Carolina Herrera and Liberace, was an act of courage. He endemic added than 2,000 capes and acicular to admirers through the camera lens with fingers adorned in bright rings. He never about discussed his sexuality, but he absolutely let audiences apperceive which aggregation he played for.In his decades of appearances on Telemundo Puerto Rico, Mercado became a accepted point of affiliation amid awesome oldsters and advanced adolescence — conceivably alike added so afterwards he confused to Florida to advertisement on Univision. In college, he had advised pharmacology, attitude and pedagogy, afore acceptable a acclaimed ballet ballerina and amphitheater star, and afterwards actualization in telenovelas. His admirers will conceivably bethink him best by his catchphrase, somehow alike added allusive afterwards his death: “Pero sobre todo, mucho, mucho, abounding amor,” or “Above all, much, much, abundant love.” — Dave PlotkinBill Buckner(Dec. 14, 1949–May 27, 2019)When he afraid up his cleats afterwards a arena career that continued aloft an absurd four decades, one of alone 29 ballplayers to do so in baseball’s absolute history, Bill Buckner laid affirmation to an absurd account of achievements. And those numbers and stats attending alike added absorbing now, 29 years afterwards his retirement. He ranks amid the top 200 men to anytime comedy the bold in hits (2,715, baronial 66th), RBIs (1,208, baronial 150th) and extra-base hits (721, baronial 174th). He was an All Star, a batting best and an advocate for the bold continued afterwards he stepped off the field, until his afterlife this year from Lewy anatomy dementia at the age of 69.After 22 seasons with stints spanning the Red Sox, Dodgers, Cubs, Angels and Royals, Buckner confused to Boise, Idaho, with his wife and three children, area he backward complex with the game, abutting the Boise Accompaniment baseball aggregation as a hitting adviser in 2012. For all his blatant stats and contributions that helped the Red Sox accomplish the 1986 Apple Series, his bequest was abundant more. As Gary Van Tol, who was the Boise Accompaniment drillmaster while Buckner was with the team, said, “He accomplished me humility, dignity, adroitness and patience.”And yet, he’s remembered in accepted ability for one error, an abominable absurdity during Bold 6 of the 1986 Apple Series, aback he was at aboriginal abject for the Red Sox. The Red Sox absent the abutting bold and with that the series; and Boston fans, rarely acclaimed for the advantage of forgiveness, focused their ire on Buckner, aqueous taunts, boos and alike afterlife threats on him. The heckling was best up by opposing teams and their fans, and followed him for years.   Seventy-eight players, abounding of whom played far beneath amateur than Buckner during his career, accept fabricated added errors at aboriginal abject than the allegorical stalwart. None of them were affected to move to Idaho to additional themselves and their ancestors the taunts and abhorrence of sports admirers and reporters who affliction far added about the after-effects of amateur than the altruism of the players that comedy them. — Vince GrzegorekDonald “Nick” Clifford (July 5, 1921–Nov. 23, 2019)We body things, ample and small, acting and permanent, and afresh years afterwards we curiosity at them. The names attached, through the names of these things themselves — congenital by, alleged for or committed to — are monumental, notable ones. But we additionally marvel, conceivably afterwards alive or absolutely recognizing, at the bodies who congenital these things, the men and women who toiled in means big and small, through account or labor, to accomplish them reality. So for all the names associated with Mount Rushmore — the four presidents, to alpha with; followed by Gutzon and Lincoln Borglum, the father-son sculptor and artisan aggregation who advised the monument; followed still by Doane Robinson, the South Dakota accompaniment historian who aboriginal conjured up the abstraction of a across-the-board mountainside carve to drive day-tripper cartage to a alone allotment of the accompaniment — let us additionally admire Nick Clifford, who died this year at the age of 98. Clifford was the aftermost active artisan who helped body Mount Rushmore, a job he fell into afterwards actuality recruited by the Borglums to South Dakota to comedy for a baseball aggregation they’d put together. Assignment began in 1927 and lasted 14 years, and aback Clifford angry 17 in 1938 and could authorize to assignment the site, he jumped at the adventitious to accompany the added 400 men. Bisected a aeon later, Clifford was anytime appreciative of his addition and was generally present at the Mount Rushmore allowance boutique to assurance copies of his book about the work, which paid accolade to the added workers who created the monument. Recognition for them was adamantine to arise by above-mentioned to Rushmore’s 50th anniversary, but with the anniversary came interviews and a adventitious for Clifford to aggrandize on his and their histories, while advantageous account to its designers.“None of us were sculptors,” Clifford, who was additionally a Apple War II veteran, said in one interview. “We had alone one sculptor — that was Mr. Gutzon Borglum.”A few years afore his death, Clifford said: “I feel like Mount Rushmore was the greatest affair with which I was anytime involved. It tells a adventure that will never go abroad — the adventure of how America was fabricated and the men who helped accomplish it what it is today.”Clifford was one of them, and let us bethink his adventure too. — Grzegorek 
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Lucy Sues Mooney
S6;E12 ~ November 27, 1967
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Working from Mr. Mooney's home, Lucy trips and falls. Mary Jane suggests she see a lawyer (Jack Carter) who promptly insists that Lucy sue Mr. Mooney.  
Regular Cast
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Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney), Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane Lewis)
Roy Roberts (Harrison Winfield Cheever) does not appear in this episode.
Guest Cast
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Jack Carter (Wallace W. Wiley, Lucy's Lawyer) was a well-known stand-up comedian who was (at the time) married to Broadway star Paula Stewart, who had appeared as Lucille Ball's sister Janie in Wildcat (1961). Carter was responsible for introducing Ball to fellow comedian Gary Morton and served as best man at their wedding.  He also directed two 1971 episodes of “Here's Lucy.” 
Wiley is Mary Jane's cousin. His nickname is Wiley Wally Wiley.  His firm's name is 'Wallace W. Wiley and Associates.'  
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Parley Baer (Judge)  previously played MGM’s Mr. Reilly in “Ricky Needs an Agent” (ILL S4;E29)  and the furniture salesman Mr. Perry in “Lucy Gets Chummy with the Neighbors” (ILL S6;E18). This is the last of his five appearances on “The Lucy Show.” He also played a Judge in “Lucy, the Meter Maid” (S3;E7). He will make two appearances on “Here’s Lucy.”  Baer is perhaps best known for his recurring roles as Mayor Stoner on “The Andy Griffith Show” and Doc Appleby in “The Dukes of Hazzard.”
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Lew Parker (Mr. Garfield, Mr. Mooney's Lawyer) is probably best remembered as the restaurateur father of Ann Marie, Marlo Thomas’ character on TV’s “That Girl” (1966-71). This is the third of his five appearances on “The Lucy Show” and he will return for two episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” From 1928 to 1973 he appeared in several Broadway musicals. 
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Irwin Charone (Bailiff) makes the third of his five appearances on “The Lucy Show.” The expressive character actor also did an equal number of “Here’s Lucy” episodes. He died in January 2016 in Maplewood, New Jersey, at the age of 93. 
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Sid Gould (Process Server) made more than 45 appearances on “The Lucy Show,” all as background characters. He also did 40 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.” Gould (born Sydney Greenfader) was Lucille Ball’s cousin by marriage to Gary Morton. 
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Vanda Barra (Nurse) makes the third of her six appearances on the series. She was married to Sid Gould so is Lucille Ball’s cousin-in-law. She will also make 23 appearances on “Here’s Lucy” as well as appearing in Ball’s two 1975 TV movies “Lucy Gets Lucky” (with Dean Martin) and “Three for Two” (with Jackie Gleason). 
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Bennett Green (Medical Attendant, uncredited) was Desi Arnaz’s stand-in during “I Love Lucy.” He does frequent background work on “The Lucy Show.”
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James Gonzales (Juror, uncredited, top row, far left) was a popular Hollywood extra who first acted with Lucille Ball in the 1953 film The Long, Long Trailer. He was previously seen on the series as Stan Williams in “Lucy Digs Up a Date” (S1;E2). He was seen in more than 20 episodes of “The Lucy Show” and 3 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.”
Alberto Morin (Juror, uncredited, top row, far right) was born in Puerto Rico, and appeared in some of Hollywood’s most cherished films: Gone with the Wind (1939), Casablanca (1943), and Key Largo (1948). He was Carlos, one of Ricky’s “Cuban Pals” (ILL S1;E28) and the Robert DuBois in “The French Revue” (ILL S3;E7). His many background appearances on “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy” were all uncredited.
Hazel Pierce (Juror, uncredited, bottom row, far right) was Lucille Ball’s camera and lighting stand-in throughout “I Love Lucy.”  She also made frequent appearances on the show. She was also an uncredited extra in the film Forever Darling (1956). Pierce was also spotted in the courtroom in “Lucy and the Runaway Butterfly” (S1;E29) and “Lucy is Her Own Lawyer” (S2;E23).    
Joan Carey (Juror, uncredited, top row, third from right) was a background performer seen on “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy Show,” where she eventually took over as Lucille Ball’s camera and lighting stand-in from Hazel Pierce. 
The remaining jurors and court officers are played by uncredited background performers.
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Lucy says she left home at age 16.  This is also the same age Lucille Ball left Jamestown to head to Manhattan.  
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Mrs. Mooney is away at a 'reducing farm.'  Back in Danfield Lucy and Rosie went to Lazy Days Fat Farm in “Lucy and the Countess Lose Weight” (S3;E21).
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In Mr. Mooney's study, Lucy trips over the ottoman. 
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“The Dick Van Dyke Show” (1961-66) opening credits began with Van Dyke tripping over an ottoman in his character's living room.  They also shot a version where Van Dyke does a quick side step avoiding the ottoman. Director Carl Reiner decided to alternate the opening between him falling and missing the ottoman from week to week. According to Dick Van Dyke, viewers used to make bets on whether or not Rob Petrie would trip on any given week.
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Wiley pretends to be on the phone to someone he calls “Sir” and says “Give my regards to Lady Bird.”  Wiley is trying to make Lucy think he has President Lyndon B. Johnson as a client.  
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Wiley says “There are no small cases, only small lawyers.” This is a paraphrase of the old show business adage “There are not small parts, only small actors” which is attributed to famed acting teacher Constantin Stanislavski.
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When Wiley hears an the siren of an emergency vehicle outside, he rushes to the window and regretfully says “I'll get the next one.” This intimates that Wiley is what is known as an 'ambulance chaser,' a lawyer who looks for injury cases to build a lawsuit on.
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Feeling she betrayed him, Mr. Mooney calls Lucy “a redheaded Benedict Arnold” (or, as Lucy later recounts to Wiley) “a redheaded eggs Benedict.”  
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On the witness stand Lucy gives her address as 780 Gower Street, which was the real life address of Desilu's production offices.  
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This is not the first episode in which Lucy was involved in a lawsuit.  In Season 1 “Vivian Sues Lucy” (S1;E1) over a twisted ankle she suffered when she tripped over one of Jerry’s roller skates.  
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Although Viv's lawsuit did not go to court, Lucy Carmichael has been in a courtroom several times: “Lucy and the Runaway Butterfly” (S1;E29), “Lucy is Her Own Lawyer” (S2;E23, above) and “Lucy, the Meter Maid” (S3;E7) with Parley Baer as the presiding Judge. 
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Gale Gordon played a Judge when the Ricardos sued the Williams family in “Lucy Makes Room for Danny” (1958), an episode of “The Lucy Desi Comedy Hour,” which was a crossover with the cast of “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas. 
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Prior to that the Ricardos and the Mertzes sued one another over a broken television set in “The Courtroom” (ILL S2;E7).  
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On “Here's Lucy” Lucy Carter will be in front of a Judge played by Hayden Rorke in “Lucy and the Raffle” (HL S3;E19). Coincidentally, that episode also features Gale Gordon, Irwin Charone, Sid Gould, and Vanda Barra.  
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“Lucy Sues Mooney” rates 3 Paper Hearts out of 5
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altrecordreviews · 7 years
Children of the Revolution
Arguably, modern psychedelia is a vintage brand brought back to life. Well Grigio are bringing it back harder than ever.
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Photo:  Nicholson Miller Photography
“We’re not trying to create a certain image, and I think that’s what’s quite endearing about us.” Leila Price explains, prior to their first gig this side of the Pennines. No matter what they think of their image’s significance, the Sheffield psychedelic/alternative rock five-piece fit in perfectly in Manchester’s bohemian paradise, The Northern Quarter. Made up of Libby Driscoll (rhythm guitar and vocals), Leila Price (synth and vocals), George Carnell (lead guitar), Jamie Herbert (bass), and Tom Bridger (drums), Grigio have made a name for themselves across Yorkshire, playing Sheffield’s West Street Live regularly, despite only being 17-18 years old.
The band met through drunken antics and simply lending Libby a hand with her solo projects, which escalated faster than they were prepared for. “It quickly went from Libby saying ‘I’ve got these few songs, do you mind just putting a little something to that?’ to ‘We’ve got a gig on Saturday’.” Tom laughed. They went on stage with “Grigio” only as a working title, honing in on their alcohol-soaked roots as the wine-inspired name stuck. Since then, they’ve been signed by Hbac Recordings, a subsidiary of South Yorkshire’s Stephenson Records, a move that they say won’t change their ethic. Quite humbly, the band agree they’re not “doing it for the fame”, as they “just genuinely adore music and playing together”. Their regular gigs around Sheffield back that pretty well, and selling number one records or getting paid triple figures per show is hardly their top priority while they’re still at college.
With such a pure and innocent approach to this tough industry, how did these sweet-natured teens get into this controversial genre which has such negative connotations in the first place?
“We basically didn’t want to be like every other band just covering Arctic Monkeys.”, says Tom, rolling his eyes at the thought of their uninspired peers encountered from sharing a hometown with the infamous indie-rockers. Although still appreciating indie subgenres, it’s understandable why they would want to stand out in a city full of cover bands. It’s no wonder they’re steering towards a genre birthed in the 60’s as it peaked again over the past few years, meaning their potential fanbase spreads across generations. Essentially Grigio are a band appealing to anyone from your left-wing mate who scours vintage kilo sales to your trendy parents who were raised on narcotics and Pink Floyd. Psychedelic music emerged as hippies wrote weird, surrealistic melodies either inspired by or to enhance their drug-use. But since LSD was made illegal in the UK and US in 1966, the liberated counterculture has now unfortunately just been boiled down to a fashion parade of paisley shirts and shit-flicker boots.
Although claiming not to take part in the consumption of illegal substances, Tom does admit “One time me and George ran out of tobacco so we smoked cactus – which isn’t a street name – we just smoked some potted cactus.” Unfortunately for them, this inhalation of damp soil didn’t lead to a hallucinogenic trance where the concept of time, existence, and mortality must be questioned – just a chest infection.
However, as Leila made clear, the band aren’t pushing a branded fashion statement with the music as a complimenting by-product. In many cases of these denim-clad stoners, music and social change are both irrelevant compared to the look. Grigio’s fashion sense varies so much, they’re hardly enforcing a Beatles-inspired strict uniform policy. Only George, Libby and Leila are close to fitting the “vintage stereotype” but even at the time of interview, the majority of the band were simply dressed in black. “We don’t have the time or effort to create this pretend image, we just do what feels right to us.” Libby laughs off, amused at the prospect.
When citing their inspirations as Suede, Fleetwood Mac and Vanilla Fudge, it’s clear where their mature, varied sounds come from, as well as their fashion sense. Each member notes their technical stylistic influences and make sure each one is taken on board, from Janis Joplin and Keith Moon to Red Hot Chilli Pepper’s Flea. If they keep gigging as often as they are now, these “mental” performers they aspire to be will guarantee Grigio will one day put on some of the weirdest, most eccentric live shows ever seen from a slow-paced psych rock band.
Despite musically and technically being inspired by 60’s rock and psychedelia, lyrically, Libby cites Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig as her main influence. “I want to be able to write lyrics that people would actually think about as opposed to just listening to them,” she explains as the band’s primary songwriter, “but it’s not necessarily a certain person doing something, any one of us could come up with an idea and we’ll all work around it.” George adds “We add our own aspects to the song and build it up, but we don’t write each other’s parts, which makes everything intricate and unique.” Their lyrics fit well into the psychedelic genre though because, just as Libby aimed, the lyrics don’t appear to make any sense and are very obscure.
Anywhere I go I think you’re before me,
‘cause there’s assumption in the way
- Before Sleep
So far, Grigio have only officially released three singles but are in the process of recording their first EP at Silvertone Studios, Sheffield. They’ve just released a conceptual video for their single, ‘Second Soul’. Priding themselves in keeping things local and being patriotic to their hometown, their video was of course made by two local filmmakers Kyle Grattan and Olivia Lomas. The video is simply a montage of 50’s American football games and the band don’t actually feature in it. “It was more of a gift from him to us, really, rather than something we all worked on.” George says. The video suits the psychedelic elements well as Libby links the concept back to her words: “The lyrics can be very vague sometimes and the video doesn’t have anything to do with it, it gives that element of confusion.”
Despite being fifty years too late to contribute to the rise of their genre, Grigio definitely have a taste for what it’s really about and reflect it well. There really is something endearing about them; their enthusiasm, sincerity, and desire to just be kids playing the music they like.
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agalarianzigzagoon · 7 years
gonna put this under a read more because sara wanted me to answer them all >_>
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? i honestly have no idea. 2. Are you outgoing or shy? i’m pretty outgoing unless my anxiety is acting up. 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? i’m potentially buying a ticket to RTX off of someone, so i’d be looking forward to seeing everyone there.  4. Are you easy to get along with? as long as you don’t give me shit, yes. 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?  i wholeheartedly believe yes (after being texted multiple memes). 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? funny, caring, basically as long as you’re a fucking memer like i am we’re gucci. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? i hope so .^. 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? he knows who he is :p 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? sometimes? idk it’s weird. 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? i’m p sure it was aidan because The Depression hit. 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “yeah this is the shit i come up with when i’m bored” to vix 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? everything is alright- motion city soundtrack, time won’t let me go- the bravery, breaking and entering- tonight alive, screw eyes- color therapy, the hills- the weeknd 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? i would literally melt into a puddle. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? absolutely 15. What good thing happened this summer? staying up way too late playing stupid fucking video games.  16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? absolutely not he turned into such a scumbag holy shit 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? i dunno, but it’d be cool to find out for certain. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope, i haven’t seen him since my school closed after 6th grade. 19. Do you like bubble baths? don’t have an operational bath because the pipes are cracked, but i never really took baths. 20. Do you like your neighbors? my neighbors to the left of me (if you’re looking at my house) are weird as fuck, neighbor to the left is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet 21. What are your bad habits? biting my nails, cracking my joints really loudly.  22. Where would you like to travel? i really want to go somewhere cold. i’d love to see the northern lights. 23. Do you have trust issues? very severe ones. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? when i’m at work, coming home and being able to destress because my work environment is shit. when i’m off, going out and goofing off with niko. 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? pretty much all of it, honestly. 26. What do you do when you wake up? flop around looking for my glasses. 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? i’m fine where it is right now. 28. Who are you most comfortable around? anyone from the discord chats i’m in and the few friends i retained from high school (aka sascha and inky). 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? it wasn’t even a breakup it was just “oh i moved away and mostly forgot about you” so i don’t even consider him an ex. 30. Do you ever want to get married? yeye. 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? that’s my hairstyle of choice. 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? bitch what. no. 33. Spell your name with your chin. kzasgtkied (could be worse) 34. Do you play sports? What sports? nope, but i like screaming at hockey. 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv. i pretty much only keep it on as background noise anyway. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yeah, and it sucked but oh well, things happen for a reason. 37. What do you say during awkward silences? “sooooo.......” 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? funny, willing to stick by even if things get bad, likes memes as much as i do. i’m not really picky and they don’t need to have the same interests that i do because i love hearing about things that i may not have any idea about. 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? i really don’t have any? 40. What do you want to do after high school? well i’m already out of high school and all i know its not working this shitty minimum wage job. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes, unless they’ve already taken those chances for granted or done something severe. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? that i’m extremely upset. 43. Do you smile at strangers? i try to. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? outer space. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? usually the fact i have to go to work, but if not, the pup. 46. What are you paranoid about? the people i care about not actually caring about me. that’s my main fear. 47. Have you ever been high? that’s a hard no. 48. Have you ever been drunk? twice. once on new year’s eve 2016 and then in january for my birthday. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not that i can think of. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? yellow. 51. Ever wished you were someone else? hasn’t everyone? 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i wasn’t so anxious over things. 53. Favourite makeup brand? i don’t really wear makeup but I like covergirl and prestige eyeliner. 54. Favourite store? as cringy as it is, gamestop and hot topic. but i don’t go out much. 55. Favourite blog? there’s a LOT. 56. Favourite colour? purple and blue. 57. Favourite food? chicken. 58. Last thing you ate? grape freeze pop. 59. First thing you ate this morning? bagel with cream cheese. 60. Ever won a competition? For what? i got third place in a spelling bee in 5th grade and got first place at both regionals and states for pjas (basically a pa statewide science competition). 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? i got an ISS for socking a kid who later became my crush in the nose in 4th grade because he was annoying me. 62. Been arrested? For what? nope. 63. Ever been in love? absolutely and it’s the best feeling i’ve ever felt. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? it was on the way back from a band competition, and we were all crammed onto a school bus. we were sitting in a seat together and i was tired so i kinda dozed off a little but when i woke up i was like “fucking kiss him god damn it you’ve been dating for like a month and a half” and i just DID.   65. Are you hungry right now? a little. 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i don’t really have too many “tumblr friends” that aren’t also my real friends. 67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook because i love reading the drama. 68. Twitter or Tumblr? twitter tumblr is a fucking cesspool. 69. Are you watching tv right now? just as background noise. 70. Names of your bestfriends?  (most will be their online names) there’s like three sarahs/saras, vix, bonk, d, rose, rory, inky, james, aidan, quartz, bunn, hal, and cheese. (i have so many online friends holy fuck.) 71. Craving something? What? the sweet embrace of death. nah but for real like... watermelon or just fruit in general. 72. What colour are your towels? i have a blue one, a red one, and a yellow one.  72. How many pillows do you sleep with? two usually. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? not anymore. 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? probably a good amount but they’re all in the attic. 75. Favourite animal? i love pretty much all animals but i love dogs/wolves/foxes. 76. What colour is your underwear? white. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? why not both? 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? chocolate peanut butter swirl or mint chocolate chip. 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? reddish-magentaish? 80. What colour pants? blue. 81. Favourite tv show? my favorite of all time will always be siberia. 82. Favourite movie? twister or edward scissor hands 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls. 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? I’ve never seen 21 jump street all the way through so mean girls again. 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? don’t really have one, but if i had to pick, janis. 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? crush because who doesn’t love stoner turtles? 87. First person you talked to today? i think it was my mom. 88. Last person you talked to today? one of the many sarahs i call my friends. 89. Name a person you hate? if i say it i’ll probably get arrested lmfao. 90. Name a person you love? @riones-lair​ :* 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? i’m always ready to punch someone. 92. In a fight with someone? not that i know of. 93. How many sweatpants do you have? probably 5 or 6. 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? an unnecessary amount. probably 17 or 18. we collect hoodies like they're going out of style. 95. Last movie you watched? probably one of the harry potter movies 96. Favourite actress? don’t really have one. 97. Favourite actor? johnny depp because of edward scissorhands. 98. Do you tan a lot? no, i burn and i burn badly. 99. Have any pets? niko who is a massive neapolitan mastiff that farts a lot. 100. How are you feeling? sleepy and in pain. 101. Do you type fast? when i get really into doing something i can type so fast you would not believe. 102. Do you regret anything from your past? a lot of things, but the past is the past. can’t do anything about it. 103. Can you spell well? i like to think i do. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? of course, but they’re in the past for a reason. 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? a few times, my grandmother has a big backyard and we’d have bonfires back there. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so. 107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes, his name was macaroni and i loved him very much. 108. What should you be doing? SLEEPING. 109. Is something irritating you right now? the slight headache i have going on. 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? once but then i realized it wasn’t worth the pain. 111. Do you have trust issues? didn’t i get asked this before? but yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? i don’t remember physically but while talking to someone it was quartz, aidan, and aidan’s girlfriend sarah. 113. What was your childhood nickname? usually only ever called kate. 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? farthest i’ve ever been out of state is alabama. 115. Do you play the Wii? i used to, not so much anymore. 116. Are you listening to music right now? i was but now i’m watching a twitch stream. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yesssss. 118. Do you like Chinese food? certain types make me sick but for the most part yes. 119. Favourite book? the entire Maximum Ride series. 120. Are you afraid of the dark? not really? 121. Are you mean? really only if people are mean to me. 122. Is cheating ever okay? no. never. 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? for a while, all shoes inevitably get dirty. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes. 125. Do you believe in true love? yes. 126. Are you currently bored? somewhat. 127. What makes you happy? drawing, writing, talking to people that care about me. 128. Would you change your name? if i could get my full first name shortened to my nickname that’d be good enough for me. 129. What your zodiac sign? capricoooooorn. 130. Do you like subway? sweet onion chicken teriyaki all the way. 131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? tell him i have a boyfriend and that he should have said something like a year and a half ago lmfao. 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? pretty sure i was asked this too? but yeah, aidan. 133. Favourite lyrics right now? “i am so homesick for someone that i never knew/ i am so homesick now for someplace that i’ll never be” 134. Can you count to one million? it’ll take forever, but yeah. 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i’ve told a bunch of stupid fucking lies holy shit. 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed. 137. How tall are you? 5′6″, i’m short. 138. Curly or Straight hair? wavy. 139. Brunette or Blonde? dirty blonde. 140. Summer or Winter? winter. 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? october. 143. Are you a vegetarian? absolutely not. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk and white. 145. Tea or Coffee? tea. 146. Was today a good day? surprisingly, yes. 147. Mars or Snickers? you’re asking mars or mars. snickers, though. 148. What’s your favourite quote? as corny as it is, i love “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? definitely. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Up!” - The Lake House
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tagged by my babe @i-am-unstable again. 
6.What kind of people are you attracted to? people with their heart in the right place. people who are passionate about life.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? probably not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? chas
12.What are your 5 favorite songs right now? shape of you- ed sheeran
billy brown- mika, back from the edge- james arthur, when we were young- passenger,  primadonna girl-marina and the diamonds
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? in a heartbeat
22.Where would you like to travel? italy and america 
 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Janis 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? 
‘Well I’m sick of this town, this blind man’s forage/
They take your dreams down and stick them in storage/You can have them back son when you’ve paid off your mortgage and loans’ 
‘I feel like a rolling stoner
I've had too many Coca Cola's
Living the la vida loca
I don't have a thought that is sober’
150:Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line? “has almost as strange an effect as the first, Marin’s face becomes a mask”
@lxllabyy @die-a-betic @purplebraindrops do these dudes
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dabwoodscarts1 · 3 years
Is weed gay?: Iconic influence in America
Cannabis and LGBTQIA+ culture intersect in all corners of society, from our individual social lives to our culture as a whole.
Throughout BUY DABWOODS CART ONLINE , and particularly during the last century, the place of cannabis and queer people in society has shifted dramatically. Through it all, the strong bond of queer culture and cannabis culture has remained.
While both cultures enjoy a good activism moment, we are also human beings who want to socialize, relax, create art, and find communities where we feel safe and seen.
A growing part of LGBTQIA+ social life
For many queer people, cannabis usage fits closely to an ethos of living life separate from strict rules of society and the judgments of more conservative social norms. It’s part of not only how queer people unwind and relax, but in how we indulge, bond, and socialize with other queer people and with sexual and romantic partners.
Cannabis companies have taken notice too. In recent years, cannabis companies have increasingly marketed their products towards queer consumers and offered deals and special products during the Pride season.
However, the Pride-exclusive nature of many of these marketing efforts leaves much room to grow, especially when queer consumers make up such a strong market year round.
With over $5.4 trillion dollars in global purchasing power and a clear passion for cannabis, queer consumers are going to continue to grow as a priority for smart cannabis brands.
So why is cannabis so popular in queer circles?
Shared anti-establishment roots
Once upon a time, both cannabis use and queer identity were seen as immoral, outsider behavior in America. Instead of abandoning what and who they loved, many people adapted and changed the country forever.
Counterculture icons like the great beat poets of the 1950’s and the punk musicians of the 1980’s rejected traditional gender roles, sexual mores, and, of course, cannabis prohibition. As the counterculture movement grew with both LGBTQ+ people and cannabis lovers, the creative arts would play an important role in furthering the influence of queer people and cannabis enthusiasts alike.
Shaping the arts landscape
Both cannabis and queer culture are linked to some of the most important art movements in American and global history.
Jazz, one of the most influential movements in American music, has a history that is rich with both queer artists and cannabis. Notable queer musicians like Tony Jackson, Gladys Bentley, Gertrude “Ma” Rainy, and Bessie Smith helped shape Jazz music.
Why weed’s greatest villain hounded Billie Holiday to death
Cannabis was equally influential in Jazz, so much so that joints gained both popularity and the nickname “jazz cigarettes” through their prevalence in the scene.
On the art scene, we find more connections. Frida Kahlo, one of the most influential painters of all time, was not only a bisexual woman but also used cannabis while creating her masterpieces and for her body. The prevalence of cannabis and queerness among respected artists helped bring respect to both cannabis and queer people.
Reefer and rebellion
The 1960s saw a rise in the rebellion and self-expression that would embolden many young queer people and cannabis enthusiasts alike.
In California, the hippie movement kickstarted many underground queer magazines and pulp novels. In New York, the influential visual arts scene featured an abundance of queer art legends like Andy Warhol and David Hockney, as well as a rich cannabis culture. Queer musicians of the 1960s, like Janis Joplin, were increasingly speaking freely about their love of cannabis. The art, fashion, sound, and style found its way into the mainstream of suburbia and made a huge impact on the artistic sensibilities of a generation.
7 weed strains to celebrate Pride
In the 1990’s, the Club Kids scene in New York was steeped heavily in not only the groundbreaking creativity and vibrant expression of queer artists, but also the freedom of psychoactive experimentation. The scene’s celebrities, like Ru Paul, would go on to become massive cultural figures, transcending the underground scene they originated in and influencing fashion, music and television for decades to come.
Without queer artists and the carefree, creative energy that many artists find in cannabis, visual arts, music, literature and film might not be quite as vibrant or free spirited as it is today. It was through art scenes like these that queer people were able to become icons and cannabis began to be seen as a tool for creativity instead of a vice.
As we have progressed as a society, it’s (fortunately) fallen out of fashion to spend one’s time getting bent out of shape about the harmless actions of other people. In the latter half of the twentieth century, both queer life and cannabis consumption started to become less taboo.
The Hays Code, which made it illegal to show representations of queer people and of drug use in film, was repealed in the 1960s, and more queer representation made its way into the mainstream.
Increased representation helped change the public perception around LGBTQIA+ people and cannabis alike, forever shifting popular culture.
Young people today are more likely to support cannabis legalization and LGBTQ+ rights. This is in part because both queer people and cannabis users have been humanized in pop culture instead of made the butt of the joke.
With new freedom to break cultural norms and live in ways that work for them, cannabis has become just one more way that queer people are able to openly pursue a life that feels authentic and free.
Another reason why cannabis is so prevalent in queer culture is because many queer people find smoke sesh partners in their queer friend groups or in groups of open-minded queer allies.
This is because as queer people, both our social circles and our communal smoke circles find their roots in the very same thing: a circle of trust.
In a prohibition environment, it isn’t smart to consume cannabis with people you don’t trust. Doing so might mean exposing yourself to those who might rat you out to the authorities or otherwise disclose your stoner status in ways that might damage your public and professional standing.
Similarly, throughout history, your life could be destroyed if you were outed as gay. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, police would raid suspected LGBTQ+ bars and establishments and publish suspected queer people’s information in newspapers.
This information could destroy families and careers and lead to isolation from one’s relatives, friends, and religious community. For many queer people in conservative areas of the United States or in more conservative countries across the world, being outed can still pose a very real threat to livelihood and physical safety.
Trust is key
For generations, both the cannabis and queer community have survived only on the basis of trust. For queer people, our social groups are a place where we can explore our gender presentation, express our desires and live with dignity. They are a natural safe space for enjoying cannabis without fear of judgment or punishment.
Not all queer people enjoy cannabis. Not all queer people want to be around cannabis. Not all queer social circles are an appropriate place for cannabis. But when the two meet up, they form a unique environment where queer stoners can relax and feel safe among friends. And for queer people across the globe, that is a gift.
In conclusion: Yes, weed is gay.
Cannabis is core to queer culture. Its path to legalization and political acceptance mirrors ours. In health care, cannabis is an important wellness resource for queer people. Socially, cannabis has gone hand in hand with the way we create art, the way we relax, and the way we find comfort in a community of like-minded individuals.
The story of queer people and cannabis is about more than history or medicine or art or socializing. It is also a story about survival, about community and about our will to live in ways that feel authentic and true.
If you’re queer, celebrate Pride by rolling up a joint like our forefathers, foremothers, and forepeople. If you’re an ally, smoke out your queer friends. And by the power vested in me via this byline, if you’re a homophobe, I hope someone sells you some dirty ass oregano this Pride month.
Read more about queer culture and weed
C. Merten
C. Merten is a Chicago-based writer, creative, and cannabis enthusiast. Their passions include breakfast, 70's music, pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
View C. Merten's articles
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
18 Differences Between The "Mean Girls" Movie And The Musical
18 Differences Between The "Mean Girls" Movie And The Musical
Spoilers ahead! Don’t put us in your Burn Book if you read something you don’t want to.
The cafeteria cliques are a little different. The new tables are: Debate Team, Dance Team, Rich Stoners, Gangsta Whites, Woke Seniors, Peaking-Too-Soon, Strivers and Survivors, Junior Believers, Christian Believers, Wallflowers, and Fending Off Skeevers.
They still have the Sexually Active Band Geeks, JV Jocks, and “The Worst” aka the Plastics.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Karen in general is much more of a ~shining star~. She has seriously hilarious lines (that are also underlined with some sad truths of today).
There’s a song called “Stop” and Karen sings about sending nude pics and not cropping her head out and a guy sharing them with all his friends.
Karen: Now I only get naked with people in person! Also someone should teach boys not to do that in the first place.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
There’s still a part about “explaining Regina George,” but no $10,000 commercials in Japan or punching in the face.
Caitlyn Caussin: Regina George saved my life once! ‘Cause one time at Wiener Circle, she saw that I was choking, and she told me to stop choking. And I did!
Rachel Hamilton: Regina George is considered the prettiest girl in school. And I’m like, okay white people.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Aaron Samuels is also in the Burn Book, and it’s because he actually lives in another school district and is secretly attending North Shore.
Also can confirm his hair still looks sexy pushed back.
Mean Girls on Broadway
Obviously there are a lot of jokes about social media, apps, and the internet…
Mrs. George: I’m not a “regular mom,” I’m @coolmom! “@coolmom,” 2,300 followers. Followback. Likesforlikes.
Mean Girls on Broadway
…and updated references that make more sense in ~2018~.
Gretchen: Sometimes I feel like an iPhone without a case. Like, I know I’m worth a lot, and I have a lot of good functions, but at any time I could just shatter.
Same, Gretchen. Same.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
There’s an entire song about sexy Halloween costumes, but this time, Karen doesn’t kiss her first cousin.
She instead sings about curing sexy cancer, saying, “That’s not right, is it?”
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Shane Oman and Regina do not get caught in the projection room above the auditorium — they fuck in a lion suit.
We can’t make this shit up.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
The Janis pool party thing still happens, but instead of just calling her a lesbian, Regina calls her a “space dyke.”
The story is a little different and kind of weird, but we’ll just go with it.
Mean Girls on Broadway
There’s still a Winter Talent Show, but the Plastics perform “Rockin’ Around the Pole” instead of “Jingle Bell Rock.”
And tragically Amy Poehler wasn’t in the aisle of the orchestra seats dancing along. Not grool.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
And Kevin G raps, but not the same iconic rap we all know from the movie.
Kevin G: Awwwwwwww… Don’t bring me no little-ass white girl booty!
Yeah, that’s pretty much all of it lol.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
The entire show is laced with internet culture in both good and bad ways.
Featuring everything from memes to Instagram references.
Damian: Caddy, I did a paper on this! Our prefrontal cortex isn’t fully formed until we’re 25. It’s why we’re not allowed to rent cars! ‘Cause we will wreck them just to make a cool Boomerang.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Instead of borrowing a car, Damian borrows his grandmother’s jazzy (motorized scooter).
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
Yes, there are Trump references.
Regina: That’s what I keep trying to explain to the President on Twitter but he blocked me. Hahahahha. Love ya!
And when Cady accuses Damian of tampering with the election and nominating her for Spring Fling Queen, Janis blames the Russians.
Mean Girls on Broadway
And other political references. Tina Fey wrote the book, people!
Ms. Norbury: And we have to stop beating each other up over every little thing, ’cause meanwhile, men are running around grabbing butts and shooting everybody.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
For some reason, Regina calls herself a “Fugly Cow” instead of a “Fugly Slut.”
We thought maybe it was to stop slut-shaming, but they called someone else a slut, like, three minutes later.
Mean Girls on Broadway
“Fetch” is still a thing, but so is “Schquillz.”
Kevin G: “It’s a cool new way of saying ‘skills.'”
Marwan Jitla: “Kev, stop trying to make ‘schquillz’ happen. It’s not gonna happen.”
Mean Girls on Broadway
And last but not least, Regina actually imparts some important wisdom.
Regina: Don’t apologize for things that aren’t your fault. And never apologize for being a boss.
Mean Girls on Broadway
In conclusion: the musical version of Mean Girls is truly fetch, and it’s officially open on Broadway now. You can buy tickets here, enter the digital lottery here, and pre-order the cast recording here.
Mean Girls on Broadway / Via Facebook: MeanGirlsBway
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