#Startide rising
aurosoul · 9 months
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I’m finally reading Startide Rising and I am in LOVE with this hardcover design 🐬✨
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wanderingline · 4 months
Get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @tragediegh (hi! ^^)
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(Truth be told I'm a little bit obsessed with Blue Eye Samurai too, this show is amazing and Mizu is my wife)
Tagging @izuchannisfan @metacarpus @ninjakk and @baiwu-jinji (9 people is a lot) but don't feel pressured :)

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zitasaurusrex · 14 days
ao3 readers would hate these chapters
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cannot believe my dad not only AGREES with me about the dolphin speciesism in Startide Rising, but thought of it separately and considered outright warning me about it before reading the book, truly compelling literary critique in this house
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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One not-uncommon iteration of the dolphin suit is to add gripper arms separate from flippers, as in David Cherry's 1985 frontispiece to David Brin’s Startide Rising
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skelligaladan · 24 days
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Old art times !
Old digitals drawings that I call "Tales of Abyss". I drew a lot in this series witch is some crossover with Ecco the Dolphin.
Did you know that Tom Baker was the voice narrator of Ecco the defender of the future ?
Love the book written by David Brin too : Startide Rising and all the Uplift Universe.
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Mercury: Misty Breaths
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Designer's Reflection: Misty Breaths
Obtained: top-up for Tides and Flames event
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Gold/Elegant
Awakened Suit: Dark Contracts
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Beneath the Ice
Chapter 2 - Spirit in the Lake
Chapter 3 - Forgotten Sagas
Chapter 4 - Black Tide Rising
Story - summarized
Mercury and his group finally found the Altar of Arionus, located at the bottom of Lake Bovaly. With the assistance of the Water Elf King's gem, he followed the path into the lake and down a dark passage.
And there, still preserved after all this time, was the stone altar. A misty wraith guarded it, emitting shrieks and screams. But Mercury was not deterred. Instead, he approached the spirit and declared himself a friend of the Water Elves.
The dark mist revealed itself to be Flo, one of the earliest and most devout followers of Arionus. He was there to witness the scorn of the other Elf Gods, as well as how Hephaes led to his great god's demise. Indignant and vindictive, Flo would do anything to restore the great God of Water.
Mercury announced that he had a plan to awaken the long-lost god, but he needed help revitalizing the New Moon gem. Flo readily agreed, and the last of his ghost faded into vapor as he transferred power into the gem.
Now, Mercury could uphold his end of the deal struck with the Water Elf King: he would awaken Arionus, break the oath binding the Water Elves to the deep sea, and assist in the downfall of Pigeon Kingdom and the Light Elves.
But he wouldn't do this for altruism. All he wanted was a glimpse of the power of the Abyss, and he needed Arionus back to do that.
-Mercury made a deal with the Water Elf King in Startide Dream. Now, he's fulfilling that deal by triggering the events of the Tides and Flames hell event.
-While Mercury craves the power of the Abyss, he still knew the risk of the Goddess of Desire's presence in Miraland and worked alongside the rest of the Shining Nikki cast during the Angel and Demon hell event. He provided resources to the other three factions.
-Flo has met Hephaes, but in Arionus' Reflection for Lost Tides, Flo didn't trust Hephaes one bit, and the moment the other Elf Gods ambushed Arionus, Flo was quick to pin the blame on Hephaes as a betrayal.
-This is not the first time Mercury wasn't the narrator of his own story: the first half of Startide Dream, the full story for Nightmist Aria, Daybreak Overture, Snow Song, and Reminiscence of Flower (to name a few) either feature another character narrating the story or none at all.
Fun Facts
-Even though we've seen Mercury make the deal with the Water Elf King before, this is the first time a mark or emblem has been mentioned.
-This Reflection is a prologue to the hell event, even to the Moon Memories.
-It's never clear if the New Moon gem is the same blue gem the Water Elf King gave to Mercury the day the young boy left the Pigeon palace. But it fits the description.
-While Mercury knows that gods exist, he doesn't worship any and sees them merely as pawns, like the mortals he meets.
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Startide Rising Cover Art by Jim Burns
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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Startide Rising, David Brin, Bantam Books (UK), 1987. Cover: Bruce Pennington. Uplift series no. 2. via CoolSciFiCovers
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beewantstotalk · 1 year
Hugo Awarded Books:
1. T.H.White - The Sword in The Stone(1939)(3/02/23)
2. A.E. van Vogt - Slan(1941)
3. Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon(1943)(21/06/23)
4. Fritz Leiber - Conjure Wife(1944)(30/06/23)
5. Leigh Brackett - Shadow Over Mars(1945)(19/05/23)
6. Isaac Asimov - The Mule(1946)
7. Robert A. Heinlein - Farmer in The Sky(1951)(30/01/23)
8. Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man(1953)
9. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451(1954)
10. Mark Clifton - They'd Rather Be Right(1955)
11. Robert A. Heinlein - Double Star(1956)
12. Fritz Leiber - The Big Time(1958)
13. James Blish - A Case of Conscience(1959)
14. Robert A. Heinlein - Starship Troopers(1960)
15. Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz(1961)
16. Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land(1962)
17. Philip K. Dick - The Man in The High Castle(1963)
18. Clifford D. Simak - Here Gather the Stars(Way Station)(1964)
19. Fritz Leiber - The Wanderer(1965)
20. Frank Herbert - Dune(1966)
21. Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress(1967)
22. Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light(1968)
23. John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar(1969)
24. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness(1970)
25. Larry Niven - Ringworld(1971)
26. Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go(1972)
27. Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves(1973)
28. Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama(1974)
29. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed(1975)
30. Joe Haldeman - The Forever War(1976)
31. Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang(1977)
32. Frederik Pohl - Gateway(1978)
33. Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake(1979)
34. Arthur C. Clarke - The Fountains of Paradise(1980)
35. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen(1981)
36. C. J. Cherryh - Downbelow Station(1982)
37. Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge(1983)
38. David Brin - Startide Rising(1984)
39. William Gibson - Neuromancer(1985)
40. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game(1986)
41. Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead(1987)
42. David Brin - The Uplift War(1988)
43. C. J. Cherryh - Cyteen(1989)
44. Dan Simmons - Hyperion(1990)
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game(1991)
46. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar(1992)
47. Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep(1993)
48. Connie Willis - Doomsday Book(1993)
49. Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars(1994)
50. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance(1995)
51. Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age(1996)
52. Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars(1997)
53. Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace(1998)
54. Connie Willis - To Say Nothing to the Dog(1999)
55. Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in The Sky(2000)
56. J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2001)
57. Neil Gaiman - American Gods(2002)
58. Robert J. Sawyer - Hominids(2003)
59. Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin of Souls(2004)
60. Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell(2005)
61. Robert Charles Wilson - Spin(2006)
62. Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End(2007)
63. Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union(2008)
64. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book(2009)
65. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl(2010)
66. China Miéville - The City & the City(2010)
67. Connie Willis - Blackout/All Clear(2011)
68. Jo Walton - Among Others(2012)
69. John Skalzi - Redshirts(2013)
70. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice(2014)
71. Cixin Liu - The Three-Body Problem(2015)
72. N.K.Jemisin - The Fifth Season(2016)
73. N.K.Jemisin - The Obelisk Gate(2017)
74. N.K.Jemisin - The Stone Sky(2018)
75. Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars(2019)
76. Arkady Martine - A Memory Called Empire(2020)
77. Martha Wells - Network Effect(2021)
78. Arkady Martine - A Desolation Called Peace(2022)
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thepaisleyreview · 5 months
Science-Fiction. Sorted.
Key: strikethrough means duplicate to be deleted ; bold means recommended ; I have not listened to everything.
Abbott, Edwin A - Flatland (1884) Banks, Iain M - Use of Weapons (1990) Bear, Greg - Eon (1985) Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man (1953) Bradbury, Ray - The Martian Chronicles Brin, David - Startide Rising (1983) Brin, David - The Postman (1985) Brin, David - The Uplift War (1987)
Dick, Philip K
Dick, Philip K - UBIK (1969) Dick, Phillip K - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 1964 Philip K Dick - VALIS - 1981 Dick, Philip K - Broken Bubble (1988) Dick, Philip K - Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep (1966) Dick, Philip K - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974) Dick, Philip K - Interviews [ note: unsorted ] Dick, Philip K - Mr. Spaceship (1953) Dick, Philip K - Of Withered Apples Dick, Philip K - Radio Free Albemuth (1976) Dick, Philip K -The Man in the High Castle (1962) Dick, Philip K - The Minority Report and Other Stories (2002) Dick, Philip K - Ubik (1969) Dick, Phillip K -A Scanner Darkly (1977) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick - BBC Radio
Effinger, George Alec - A Fire In The Sun (Budayeen 2) Effinger, George Alec - The Exile Kiss (Budayeen 3) Effinger, George Alec - When Gravity Fails (Budayeen 1) Farmer, Philip Jose - To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
Gibson, William [note: incomplete - have misfiled some]
Gibson, William - All Tomorrows Parties Count Zero (1986) (96kb mp3) Gibson, William - Idoru Neuromancer (1984) [ note: read by the author ] Pattern Recognition (2003) Virtual Light The Peripheral - William Gibson (2014) Agency Alien III An Audible Original Drama
H - Haldeman, Joe - The Forever War Hamilton, Peter F - The Reality Dysfunction (1996) Herbert, Frank - Dune Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon LeGuin, Ursula - The Dispossessed - 1974 LeGuin, Ursula - The Lathe of Heaven - 1971 LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand Of Darkness (1969) LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand of Darkness (Alt Copy) LeGuin, Ursula - The Word For The World Is Forest (1976) Lem, Stanislaw - Solaris (1950) L'Engle, Madelein - A Wrinkle in Time Lewis, CS - Out of the Silent Planet (1938) May, Julian - The Many-Colored Land (1981)
McDevitt, Jack - Chindi McDevitt, Jack - Engines_of_god McDevitt, Jack - Time Travelers Never Die -2009 McDevitt, Jack - Echo- Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - Seeker McDevitt, Jack - The Devil's Eye McDevitt, Jack - Polaris-Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - talentforwar.m4b McDonald, Ian - Hyberabad Days Morgan, Richard - Altered Carbon (2002) Niven, Larry - Ringworld - 1970 Niven & Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye Pohl, Frederik - Gateway Powers, Tim - On Stranger Tides Powers, Tim - Declare Powers, Tim - The Anubis Gates Powers, Tim - Three Days to Never Reynolds, Alasdair Revelation Space - Alastair Reynolds - 2000
Robinson, Kim Stanley - Aurora.m4a Robinson, Kim Stanley - Mars Trilogy [AudioBooks] Robinson, Kim Stanley - New York 2140 Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Years of Rice and Salt Robinson, Kim Stanley - Three Californias Triptych 01 - The Wild Shore [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 02 - The Gold Coast [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 03 - Pacific Edge [Rudnicki] Rucker, Rudy Rucker, Rudy - Ware 1 - Software Rucker, Rudy - Ware 2 - Wetware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 3 - Freeware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 4 - Realware
Sagan, Carl - Contact Scalzi, John - Old Man's War (2005) Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein (1818) Simak, Clifford - Way Station (1963) Simmons, Dan - Hyperion Simmons, Dan - Ilium (2003) Smith, E E 'Doc' - Gray Lensman (1940) Stephenson, Neal - The Diamond Age (1995) Sterling, Bruce - Mirrorshades - The Cyberpunk Anthology
Wells, HG - The Invisible Man (1897) Wells, HG - The War of the Worlds Wells, Martha - Artifical condition Willis, Connie - Doomsday Book (1992) Wyndham, John - The Day of the Triffids (1951) Wyndham, John - The Chrysalids Verne, Jules - Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) Vinge, Vernor - A Fire Upon the Deep (1991)
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disposablelimb · 10 months
i'm reading Startide Rising by David Brin and it's cool but it's old and you can really, really tell on account of the casual use of racial slurs and how weird he is about women
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balaenabooks · 4 years
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I've finally joined the unofficial Books and Socks Club. :)
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zitasaurusrex · 14 days
okay okay okay i finally finished startide rising i'm still just like who funded doing all that shit to the dolphins tho
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Everyone's POV: we're so stressed out but thank GOD Captain Creideiki is so smart and cool and handling this so well
Creideiki's POV: Dear lord why am I a space captain I wanna masturbate so bad
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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Happy Sci-Fi Dolphin Saturday with Bruce Pennington’s beautiful 1985 cutaway cover art for David Brin’s Startide Rising
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