#Star wars episode one the phantom menance
cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
A very happy birthday to Terence Stamp!!
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365store · 1 year
‘Andor’: Tony Gilroy On Cassian’s Season One Finale Ultimatum; Teases Season 2 Filled With Rebel Gangsters & Outliers
‘Andor’: Tony Gilroy On Cassian’s Season One Finale Ultimatum; Teases Season 2 Filled With Rebel Gangsters & Outliers
Warning: The following interview has spoilers of Andor’s season one finale “Rix Road” on Disney+ Star Wars creator George Lucas once wrote about “the taxation of trade routes” in the opening prologue of Star Wars – Episode I: The Phantom Menance, and if Disney+’s Star Wars series has given die-hard fans anything, it’s the binary, granular look at how such universe politics come to be. While The…
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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essential4you · 4 years
Lego Star Wars is a Timeless Masterpiece
Lego Star Wars is a Timeless Masterpiece
This game was my childhood, and part of yours too ~Twitch Channel: ~Merch Shop: … source star wars gifts for men
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alexeiadrae · 4 years
Nostalgia Trip: My Story of Watching the Slayers, Day 10
Day 10: What is your memory of experiencing your favorite moment of your favorite Slayers character?
Well, the reason I wasn’t interested in anime was because I had some stereotypes about what the female characters would be like. The US has some setbacks in terms of portraying women well, Star Wars: The Phantom Menance and Enterprise had both been very disappointing. And I was expecting anime to be worse. And when I started watching The Slayers I kind of expected Lina to be all mouth with no substance. That she has her ‘time of the month’ and spends several early episodes relying on the male characters did not help this perception much. I was holding onto my skepticism about anime the first time I watched it basically. 
So when Shabranigdo was reborn and Lina, Gourry and Zel were talking about whether or not to fight him and Lina appeared to start wavering with the, “I don’t want to die” stuff, I was genuinely fooled. I honestly thought, “yeah, here comes the let down. She’s going to wimp out and let the men handle it.” But when she ended up calling the men out and saying that it’s stupid to fight when you know you’re going to lose and to fight to win, I was stunned. And stunned in a good way. 
This anime show that I was convinced we going to be regressive turned out being more progressive than I could have ever dared to dream. Lina’s fight to win speech is my favorite Lina moment and the moment that I fell hard for the show.
1.       How did you start watching The Slayers?
2.       How easy was it for you to collect the series to watch it?
3.       What stage of your life were you in when you watched The Slayers?
4.      Have you met anyone involved in any way with the creation of the show? Hajime Kanzaka, a voice actor be they Japanese, American, Spanish, Elvin, etc? A janitor who worked in the animation studio? What were they like?
5.      Do you have a precious collectible from the show? What is it, and how did you get it?
6.      What inside jokes do you have about The Slayers with friends/family you watched it with?
7.       What lengths did you go to to get access to Slayers VHS/DVSs/fansubs, etc?
8.        This one favors our English speaking fans, but it’s too great a story in the history of watching Slayers to leave out. Do you remember the Great Slayers Disc Exchange (I think that’s what it was called)? Do you have a story involving your participation in it? And are you still mad at Software Sculptors? If English isn’t your first language, what stories do you have about the studios bungling the release of Slayers DVDs in your primary language?
9.        What is your memory of experiencing your favorite funny moment in The Slayers?
10.       What is your memory of experiencing your favorite moment of your favorite Slayers character?
11.       What moment in The Slayers surprised you the most?
12.      When did The Slayers exceed your expectations?
13.      When did The Slayers disappoint you?
14.      What do you remember about experiencing the moment when Phibrizzo kidnapped Gourry?
15.       What was your memory of experiencing your favorite moment of your favorite Slayers ship?
16.       What is your memory of watching your favorite dramatic Slayers moment?
17.       What is your favorite memory of watching The Slayers?
18.       What was your strangest memory of something that happened when you were watching The Slayers?
19.       Which character dying at the hands of Phibrizzo affected you the most?
20.       What was your reaction to the end of Slayers NEXT?
21.       What was your experience with tracking down the novels?
22.       When did you fall in love with Lina? Or if you didn’t fall in love with her, how did your feelings about her evolve through the series?
23.      How did your feelings about Gourry evolve through the series?
24.      How did your feelings about Zelgadis evolve through the series?
25.     How did your feelings about Amelia evolve through the series?
26.     How did your feelings about Sylphiel evolve through the series?
27.     How did your feelings about Xellos evolve through the series?
28.     What moments from the show do you use to motivate you?
29.     What impact has the show had on your life?
30.      Why do you believe this show has had such a lasting impact in people’s hearts?
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The Real Rise Of Skywalker A "LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga" Review Played on Xbox One X (Backwards Compatibility) Beat in 6 Hours, 39 Minutes and 12 Seconds Review by TheAutisticGamer (Michael) PROS AND CONS SUMMARY AT THE BOTTOM: A Decade Ago in a small town not too far away from Vancouver, I was 12 years old. It was just before I found my love for FPS Games with Half-Life and way before I fell in love with Serious Sam. I was a Nintendo Kid. When I heard that LEGO Star Wars had a complete pack of all the Episodes at the time called The Complete Saga, I was ecstatic. I had just watched the movies and was loving playing games for the Wii. I bought The Complete Saga and fell in love with it. Those were simpler times. Now, I'm turning 23 in January and wanted to look back on a game I haven't played in over a decade. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga pretty much started the whole LEGO game craze. Sure, we had the two previous LEGO Star Wars Games, but this is the one that most people played and fell in love with. It's definitely an iconic game for the seventh generation of consoles and of course, I was a sucker for it back at the time. But how does my nostalgia feel about it now? Lets just start with the basics. The Complete Saga is a game where you play as a diverse cast of Star Wars characters starting with Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi from The Phantom Menance, to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and of course, Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi. Each character is unique which is always one of my biggest praises of LEGO Games is that Travellers Tales usually know how to make a diverse set of characters to fill in a game. You have mostly a choice of six characters to play as in each of the story missions at most. Some are Jedi, some are Rebels, some are Bounty Hunters, it doesn't matter. Each character, even the ones considered the worst from the movies are all helpful (Yes, I'm looking at you Jar Jar). Surprisingly, combat is super fun. Even though it's simplistic, it's most fun when you're playing a character with a blaster or a gun. Han Solo is definitely in the God Tier ranks of best characters in the game and can dodge projectiles while shooting which is super useful. Jedi on the other hand, is another story. Most of the time you're going to be spamming the same one move over and over leading to some pretty repetitive combat. However, force powers are usually fun to use and each has a light or dark side variant. So, before we talk about my biggest praises of the game, lets get down to the nitty gritty, the gameplay itself. How are the puzzles? How is the levels? How does it control? Well, this is the part where I think the game hasn't aged well that much. For one, the Episodes vary in gameplay and fun factors. The original Star Wars (Which I refuse to call Episode IV: A New Hope as it was originally just called Star Wars until 1980) is the most fun because the gameplay and puzzles are really good and feel unique. However, Attack of the Clones is the worst and is just as bad as the movie. Sure, they cut out all the boring shit from the movie, but the problem is the gameplay and puzzles flat out suck. With the exception of the Droid Factory, you'll find that the boss fights and objectives are a pain to play but not as much so in the original separate prequel trilogy game. Then there are the vehicle levels. For fucks sake, who thought this was a good idea? Every single vehicle level (except the pod race) is abysmal. They control like ass most of the time and are non intuitive. The whole game has these levels in every episode and they are trash. Most of the time, it's incredibly frustarting to just pull off a torpedo shot or trip down battle vehicles. The astroid belt in The Empire Strikes Back was the worst, as you have to run back and forth to get torpedos while dodging a crap ton of Tie Fighters which becomes infuriating. Plus, the game does not have recovery frames. Usually, in a game like Super Mario World, when Mario gets hit, he will take some recovery frames making him invincible for a few seconds to get your reactions back on track. THATS A GOOD THING. But this game doesn't have it! It's ridiculous how fast I've died in so many levels just because of this lacking feature and it makes it super hard to 100% the entire game for a such a relatively pushover game where bosses in the later episodes are easy as hell. Those were my biggest complaints other than they cut some stuff out like where Obi Wan put Baby Luke and Leia at the end of Revenge of the Sith and what happened to Yoda when Luke went back to Dagobah in Return of the Jedi. It's smooth sailing from there though. Because the humor is super satirical and really funny, especially in the original trilogy. The prequels I had a hard time laughing at stuff because it mostly took things a bit too seriously like the tone from the films. But man, once you get to the original movies, it's funny as hell. There are so many god damn genius moments where you can't help but laugh at how good the humor is. I really enjoyed a lot of it and it holds up really damn well even if there is no voice acting involved. Oh, and you can't forget the music. The whole entire score consists of tracks from the soundtrack and they are just wonderful to listen to. The Ewok's Tree Village in Return of the Jedi, The Star Destroyer going after the rebel ship in the original movie plus the ceremony, the last moments of Empire Strikes Back, even some moments of Revenge of the Sith are great! The music is iconic and awesome. It's one of the best things about the game as well. If you're looking to start your LEGO Game journey or are returning to the genre, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a wonderful treat. The humor and music hold up well and so does the shooting combat but some may be frustrated with the game's vehicle levels and super obvious but not really puzzles. There were a few moments where I felt dumb for not knowing something obvious but that was on me. Good game, just doesn't hold up that well in some regards. 74/100 PROS: -Iconic Soundtrack with some of the best tracks from the films -Hilarious Humor that is satirical and holds up well. -Shooting Combat is extremely satisfying. -Graphics are good if a bit bright. -Diverse cast of characters to play as -Unique Puzzles -Gameplay is simple but really nice. -Lot of Collectibles and replayability. NEUTRALS: -Jedi Combat can be a bit boring and repetitive for some. -Some story beats have been cut out which might annoy some. CONS: -The Prequel Trilogy games are inferior to the original trilogy, especially Attack of the Clones. -Vehicle Levels are absolute garbage and control like crap. -No Recovery Frames means quick deaths everywhere -Hard to 100% because of quick deaths -Easy as hell boss battles especially in later episodes. -AI can be a bit useless especially in combat
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weirdpolis · 6 years
Fandom meme
tagged by @filigranka and @ysraellaleostwald - thanks!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people.
tagging: @septembersung, @shewhodoesnotexist, @lightningale, @mariacharlet, @redhatmeg, @who-honor-idk, @theadventuresofacatholicnerdling, @2theheights, @itspileofgoodthings,
My chosen 3 fandoms:
1. Star Wars
2. Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood and manga.
3. Avatar: the Last Airbender
The first character you loved:
1. Obi Wan Kenobi. In the New Hope, which I’ve seen first, he was this old wise man, tad bit a mystery, and emanating badassery, but also with a whimsical sense of humor, and lots of empathy. He got my respect and was my fave through this movie, which I don’t like that much otherwise, and I only grew more attached to him in the next movies. And then the Phantom Menance happened, and he got the face of  young Ewan McGregor, and it was literally love at first sight. I re-watch Prequel Trilogy just for him, hng...
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2. Maes Hughes. This is why I’m cynical about my fave characters.
3. Prince Zuko. I decided to watch Avatar only because I heard he’s got an exquisite character arc, thus I was focusing on him from the begining - and it was the only thing that took me through the otter penguins and stuff, because I was way too old to enjoy it otherwise.
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The character you never expected to love so much:
1. ugh, Hux. I’m really side-eyeing myself for this one, as I cringe every time at his speach and the pure hatred oozing from it. I didn’t expect to have any opinion about him at all - I was just “oh, hey, that’s Domhnall! he’s such a great actor! Let’s study every second of his acting.” Then there were jokes about him and Kylo wyying for power and approval from Snoke like two entitled children. And then there were all the meta and background info, and fandoom headcanons, and storytelling excercisses in heel-face turns and redemption possibilities (for the guy who blew up five planets and billions of people/aliens, *side-eyeing myself again*) and AUs... and now here I am, in the pit of doom, very much aware that the version of Hux I’m so obssesed with doesn’t even exist in canon.
2. Roy Mustang. I’m still cackling whenever I think about his early appearances in the Brotherhood. Look, they say he’s competent and he’s boosting about his powerfull flame alchemy, but he fails to use it! he’s constantly either wet or useless, and ends up looking like a fool. And then there’s Maria Ross incident - of all times you’d wish his flames failed! And so he prooves himself to be an angry idiot and a total bastard. Couple episodes later you mutter ‘bastard’ at him in totally different tone. At the end of the series you are rooting for him to become the ruler of the entire country, because he’s the only one with moral ideals and a necessary conscience. Also lots of angst. But really why I love him so much, is exactly because of those dumb moments at the begining and later on - he tries and fails and struggles on his path, because there’s no road map on how to redeem yourself and fix the country, and that’s so f relatable.
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3. Pretty much everyone besides Zuko - I really did not expect this cartoon to be so good character- and story-wise, I thought I’d care only about Zuko, and even with him I didn’t fathom the extent of love I ended up giving him.
The character you relate to most:
1. Really, it’s R2D2 and BB8. Sometimes all I’m capable of are *sad beep noises* and arson.
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2. In all honesty - Sheska.
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3. Suki. It’s the way she speaks with pride about their culture, the obvious care she has for people - and the “answer now, or we will feed you to the Unagi!”
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The character you’d slap:
1. After the Last Jedi, nearly everyone. But the director the most.
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2.  You know, the villians of course and half of cast here and there too. Ed and Al for rushing into things and failling to talk about feelings, Hohenhaim for parenting, Roy for being occasionally dumb, Maes for not making notes. Isaac McDougall for not talking in a more straightforward manner. For Shou I’d borrow the mechanical arm from Ed.
3. besides villians, I dread to admit this but Aang. I know, he’s a traumatized 11 yo with huuuuge responsibility on his shoulders and really all around loving and compasionate character. It’s just I often don’t like protagonists just for how the story focuses on them, and the combination of Aang’s immaturity, temper (he does get angry quite a bit), and rather clumsily executed love arc with Katara, annoys me and I want to shake him like “get a grip, man!”  
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
1. Obi Wan Kenobi. Luke Skywalker. Chewbacca. R2D2. Darth Vader. Princess Leia Organa. Ewoks. Huge black hole. and then Hux. BB8. Rey. Poe Dameron still. Kylo is sneaking on me, will see.
2. Roy Mustang. Ling Yao. Riza Hawkeye. Maes Hughes. Scar. Miles. Olivier Mira Armstrong. Lan Fan. Izumi Curtis and hubby. Alex Armstrong. Greedo, Marcoh, chimeras, the list just goes on...
3. Zuko. Suki. Mai. Sokka. Kyoshi. Toph. Iroh. Piandao. Hakoda. Ty Lee. Azula. Teo. June. Longshot. I’m forgetting someone...
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
1. Poe Dameron, sigh. After TFA Poe was really close to being my fave character of the newbies. I liked his not so overt sass, his confidence, without being cocky about it, his joy at flying, but also his calm and competence when it came to fulfilling the mission. And his easy going manner and friendliness. He was well balanced and quite unique of a character. But the Last Jedi took him in the direction of a “lovable” cock-sure pistol, and I’m just not charmed anymore. At least there’s still this:
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2. I don’t think anyone got a fall from grace, even King Bradley still has some of my respect, tho the nature of it changed.
3. Again, I can’t think of anyone who’d lost my sympathy. 
A character you did not like at first but do now:
1. Luke Skywalker (tho “now” was before the Last Jedi assasinated him). It’s histerical, Luke annoyed the heck out of me in the New Hope, and is still whenever I watch this part. He’s so naive, and inexperienced, and eager, and wannabe-heroic, and pretty much everything I dislike about most protagonists. And then during ESB I got gradually invested in him, and then they cut his arm off, and I was in love in a second. And then he became wise in the RotJ, and I just love him a lot.
2. Scar. He was mostly a terror to be feared and a merciless killer - until he wasn’t. The more you know about him, the more human he becomes, and you wish him some peace and redemption and a kitten for company. I mean, panda.
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3. Sokka. Ho boy, how did he annoy me at first, with his sexism, and bragging, and stupid comments. But then he got character growth, and became the strategist mastermind and often the voice of reason, not losing any of his comedic potential, and I love him. 
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Three OTPs:
Most of the time I don’t ship characters, but I love the dynamics between Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye, the Curtis couple, Ling Yao/Lan Fan, also Zuko/Mai, and Sokka/Suki pairings.
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
So I’m done with Star Wars: Darth Plagueis. Spoilers for the book and the Prequel Trilogy, particularly Episode I & II.
Keep in mind one thing. I’m not that deep in the Star Wars EU in either Canon or Legends. I’ve played SWTOR and Force Unleashed, read SWTOR: Decieved & Fatal Alliance, and watched upto Season 2 of Clone Wars (2013 series) & Rebels. I have seen all the movies, including the Clone Wars movie & Rogue One. I know about Kotor I & II and the general synopsis of the Darth Bane trilogy but that’s all. So I’m going into this book still as a “newcomer”.
Synopsis Darth Plagueis and his master Darth Tenebrous travel to the planet of Bal’demnic to collect materials for cortosis shields. Wherein an accident occurs taking the life of Darth Tenebrous, orchestrated by Darth Plagueis. Having rid of his master, Plagueis manages to get back to his home planet of Muunilinst where he conduct experiments on various lifeforms to study midi-chlorians.
Using his public persona of Hego Damask, Plagueis manipulates various politicians and wealthy businessman to orchestrate as much chaos as he can across the Republic. After a party, he is attacked by Darth Venamis, a secret apprentice to Darth Tenebrous. He defeats him and uses his body for his research.
On one of his potential pursuits to amass power he meets a young teenage noble named Palpatine on Naboo. Whom Plagueis takes great interest due to their similar philosophical and political views. Plagueis convinces Palpatine to be a spy for him on the politics of Naboo for the upcoming election and the question of Naboo’s plasma reserves.
Eventually Palpatine’s father, Cosinga Palpatine, learns of his son’s interactions with Hego Damask/Darth Plagueis and demands to he cease any interaction with Palpatine. This prompts Cosinga to send his son off-world to a private school from the likes of Hego Damask, taking Palpatine into their family cruiser. In a fit of rage, Palpatine unleashes his raw Force potential that he has unconsciously buried for years, killing his entire family and the guards. With no one to turn to Palpatine contacts Hego Damask, and thus the entire event was covered up. Palpatine reveals how he killed his family and thus Plagueis reveals that he is a Sith Lord. Palpatine pledges to become Plagueis’s apprentice and henceforth reborn as Darth Sidious.  For years Plagueis and Palpatine would use their wealth and influence to work toward the Grand Plan of overthrowing the Republic and Jedi Order. An attack on Plagueis’s life orchestrated by financial rivals prompts the Dark Lord to retire and devote himself solely to the manipulation of midichlorians. Plagueis soon discovered the ability to resurrect the dead by directing manipulating the midichlorians. Plagueis even went as far as to attempt to create a being that would be the ultimate weapon for the Sith, however failed.  Meanwhile Palpatine continues to amass political power and well as influencing Jedi Master Count Dooku to leave the Jedi Order, and Sifo-Dyas to convince him to support a secret deal with the Kaminoans to produce a clone army for the Republic. Eventually the early events of the Phantom Menance occur and Plagueis is distraught by the whispers supposed “Chosen One” who he speculates is the Force pushing back at his attempts to create the ultimate Sith Weapon. Palpatine succeeds in becoming the new Supreme Chancellor, he and his master retreat to their penthouse where Palpatine practices his speech. Plagueis becomes incredibly drunk and falls alseep, there Palpatine found an opportunity and used Force Lighting on Plagueis, killing him. The last scene is Palpatine meeting Anakin and saying “We shall watch your career with great interest.” Pros + Young Palpatine is awkward teenager with a superiority complex.  + Fixes some of the flaws with the Prequel Trilogy, mostly Episode I & II + Political Intrigue  + Ties in so well with the Prequel Trilogy, how can Disney say this is NOT canon? It baffles my mind. + You follow the perspective of the Sith Lords.. Palpatine & Plagueis believe that the Jedi Order and the Republic limit the progress and evolution of all life in a Nietzschean way.   Cons - Lore intensive, lots of references to other EU stories/characters. It can get borderline unnecessary. Not knowing it doesn’t detract from the story too much, but it can be confusing at times. - References to extremely minor characters that you would need to look up to know who they were. I.e Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, a character referenced in Attack of the Clones has a few appearances.  - Fight scenes are few in number if you cared about that. For me I didn’t mind too much but kind of wished there was more. Overall for my 1st Star Wars book that I actually read intent on becoming immersed with the Star Wars EU, it’s a decent starting point. I really enjoyed it and I think for most people its decent enough as a starting point.
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neverwasmag · 6 years
Star Wars is the quintessential space opera with fans around the world. Rather than write the nth article about what makes Star Wars such a phenomenon, I am going to talk about how the movies have had an impact on mostly dieselpunk.
Stick around til the end, because your intrepid reporter managed to ask Anthony Daniels, the actor who has portrayed C3P0 since the beginning of the franchise forty years ago, some questions while he was a guest at Comic Con Brussels.
‘Punk influences
These are by no means dieselpunk films, with the exception of the two Ewok movies from the 1980s, which are ultralight family-friendly movies in the style of Mad Max and The Blood of Heroes. Pretty much the same kind of setting, none of the gore or brutality and a prime example of post-apocalyptic dystopian dieselpunk (probably why they’re not mentioned anymore now, they have a hard time fitting into the rest of the universe).
And yet, with only two dieselpunk movies in a very long list, Star Wars has had a surprisingly big impact on dieselpunk.
Although, considering all the dieselpunk elements there are in the movies, including the cartoons, it is perhaps not that surprising that ‘punks are drawn to the franchise like moths to a flame.
Tatooine in Star Wars (1977)
Star Wars concept art of Coruscant (Erik Tiemens)
From the steampunk-looking, half-built C-3PO in The Phantom Menace to the post-apocalyptic feel of Tatooine and Jakku to the atomicpunk look of the planet-wide city Coruscant.
SS soldiers rally in Nuremberg, Germany in the late 1930s
First Order stormtroopers in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
From the militaristic Empire and First Order, whose uniforms and hierarchy are strongly reminiscent of Nazi Germany, to the dieselpunky underdogs of the Rebellion.
It’s the characters, the droids, the speeders, the dirt and grit and the story which inspire fans of the ‘punk genres and draw them in.
Examples of steam- and dieselpunk-inspired fan art abound, including the work of Björn Hurri, Jesse Toves, “Cylonka” and “Rodolforever“.
Art by Björn Hurri
Art by Björn Hurri
Art by Jesse Toves
Art by Rodolforever
Art by Cylonka
The Star Wars galaxy, while far, far away from our own, is populated by our own visions of the future, including those from the past.
Star Wars timeline
Star Wars theatrical release poster
In chronological order, not in order of release:
Episode I: The Phantom Menance (1999)
Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Clone Wars (animated series, 2003-04)
Clone Wars (GCI animated series, 2008-14)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Rebels (CGI animated series, 2014-18)
Droids: The Adventures of R2D2 and C3P0 (animated series, 1985-86)
Rogue One (2016)
Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Ewoks (animated series, 1985-86)
Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017)
Seeing Solo hasn’t been released yet, I haven’t added it to the list, as I am unsure where exactly it fits. I’m guessing around the same time as Rebels, but at this point it’s guesswork.
Q&A with Anthony Daniels
Anthony Daniels is interviewed, March 31, 2011 (Major Nelson)
And now, as promised, quick questions with Anthony Daniels, who has been portraying C-3P0 since the beginning.
R2D2 is quite infamous for getting Treepio in all sorts of trouble. But what has been the nicest thing he’s ever done for C-3P0?
Absolutely. The nicest thing is that he has been Treepio’s friend for many, many years. And like all friends, they tease each other. They have moments where they don’t get on. But then they get on even better the next time.
C-3P0 is an iconic part of not just the Star Wars universe, but sci-fi and robotics full stop. What makes you most proud of him being such a phenomenon?
Because one of the earliest examples of human cyborg interaction. And he has survived so much that he must have been made very well made from the beginning. He has become a little more quirky since the beginning. Like an old automobile he gets idiosyncrasies that you get used to. But he particularly likes the fact that humans relate to him, even though they don’t always listen to what he says.
Exhibition in Brussels
Star Wars Identities
If all of this isn’t enough for you, currently Star Wars Identities is at its very last European stop in Brussels, Belgium until September 2.
The exhibition not only shows you a wide array of movie props, concept art and costumes, but also immerses the visitor into the Star Wars universe via unique RFDI-powered bracelets allowing you to create your own Star Wars character.
Well worth the visit to see these items in real life. They’ve done a marvelous job both presenting all the items and integrating the interactive technology in one fluent and comprehensive expo.
Make sure to also pick up the exhibition guide, because it’s a beautiful book that would not look amiss on the shelf of anyone into the franchise.
C-3PO costume at the Star Wars Identities exhibition in Brussels, Belgium, April 2, 2018 (Hilde Heyvaert)
Boba Fett costume at the Star Wars Identities exhibition in Brussels, Belgium, April 2, 2018 (Hilde Heyvaert)
More info here.
The #steampunk and #dieselpunk in Star Wars Star Wars is the quintessential space opera with fans around the world. Rather than write the nth article about what makes…
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