bucketfan427 · 4 months
guess who decided to redo his introduction post..
it’s me.
Hello everyone!
My name is Stanley. I use he/him pronouns, and look a little something like this.
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Okay, maybe not EXACTLY like that- but you get the point, I hope.
All jokes silly doodles aside, welcome to my tumblr!
I enjoy The Stanley Parable (no way Stanley likes The Stanley Parable wow that’s so crazy), Tally Hall, Miracle Musical, Lemon Demon, and just art and music in general.
Sometimes, I post things that are outside of these things, like stuff related to different fandoms or media, or silly images and rambles and images from things I see in the world that I feel like I want to share with the internet. I’m quite unorganized more often than not, hence all of the random and unnecessary tags on some of my posts, but I’m sure that it’s alright!
Sometimes I struggle with conversation or social interaction in general- despite that, I’m still open to talk to anyone who wants to comment or message me!! The same goes for asks- I’m more than happy to get them, despite the fact that I don’t answer them as often as I’d like- I’m hoping to change that at some point, though, and reply to them more often.
I also post silly things on Quotev fairly often, so check that out too, if you’d like!
Will I add onto this intro? Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I really don’t know.
However, regardless of if I add more to this or not, I hope that you enjoy your time here on my tumblr!!
- Stanley
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Stanley refusing to move from where I’m mopping
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skrunklybf-archived · 11 months
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i want to be him. if just for a day
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theghostlyparable · 2 years
Hey Narrator, what can you do everything as a ghost besides moving boxes around? Like can you possess people, make lights flicker, change the temperature or such typical ghost stuff?
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"Why- Yes I can! being dead does have it's perks at times..."
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"and please- ''what can i do besides move boxes around?'' Pssh! what kind of ghost would I be if I didn't hone my craft?"
The lights proceed to flicker out...
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[Don't encourage him. its already cold enough in here.]
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"Oh, come on, now Stanley. Stop being such a killjoy. Obviously they want to see my abilities on display!"
before Stanley is able to respond, The narrator possesses a nearby food cooler that Stanley had set down.
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[what the-]
a lone pickle floats out of the cooler
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"Now look at me, Stanley! I'm a pickle! A pickle! Now, how silly is that? I'm sure this is an adequate demonstration of my object-possessing prowess!"
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ssslime · 10 months
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allseekingeye · 1 year
I thought for like a month that our Xbox's display was tilted somehow because as soon as we got it we plugged it into Stanley and it was askew but I recently looked it up and it turns out that all along it was actually just that Stanley's deflection yoke got turned while were reorganizing furniture for our sister moving back in. And yes the way to fix this is incredibly simple and it's literally just turning the deflection yoke while monitoring the picture until it looks normal(and also making sure you don't move the yoke too far back on the tube or else the colors get all fucked up)
In short my boy Stanley has a couple of screws loose.
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Hello, brother! I am afraid.
When did you do this??? Hi???? Anyways have a photo of my head
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Also, why are you afraid
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bat-connoisseur · 2 years
finally playing the Stanley parable Ultra Deluxe I am SO excited I loved the original and I've heard nothing but good things about this
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slimespecter · 4 years
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bucketfan427 · 2 months
so sorry for posting 2&347937495 (4) posts at once I got excited to share content HRLPME
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This 🅱️uppy won’t sit still for a good photo
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patchgame · 7 years
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Key Tag from @thestanleygoodspeed. - 🎟HEARTBREAK HOTEL🎟 Retro Inspired Hotel Key Tag. - $12USD each with FREE POSTAGE when you use the code 🔥STANLEYPOST🔥. - - - #heartbreakhotel #elvis #memphis #thestanleygoodspeed
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theghostlyparable · 2 years
Why not see if you can find some of your old books around the house? I’m sure Stanley would love to read them!
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"Well... It wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?"
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"Stanley...? do you happen to know about a book called- well- what was it again...? anyways- do you happen to know of a book about timelines and time loops and existentialism and all that...? like, one where the main character is stuck in an office space?"
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[you mean that one book that everyone had to read in highschool?]
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“What book?”
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[y’know, the cult classic ‘parable’ series? I assume you know about it, cause, y’know, you’re a writer and were alive when it was written.]
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“I… I will be right back-“
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ssslime · 9 months
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allseekingeye · 1 year
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Well I guess it had to happen at some point.
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theghostlyparable · 2 years
oh my goodness gracious stanley. you have a ghost! do you know what that means?? I think someone died in your house! maybe the bones are still there! ack!
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[you're right! gross...]
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Stanley spells out, using the board:
[Hey ghost-person, where's your dead body? I don't want a gross skeleton in my house.]
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"I... what?"
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"Don't you think thats a bit rude? you don't even know my name and yet you're asking where I died? have you no manners?"
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Stanley spells out what he's saying on the board once again.
[Manners are for chumps.]
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