#Splatfest isn’t fun anymore :
smolldust · 9 months
The only thing I learned from this splatfest is that hard work never pays off and I should always pick shiver’s team regardless of theme
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i’ve completely lost all the hype for splatfests, they’re just not fun anymore. i haven’t played splatoon for a while and i miss the joy i had when i first bought it. after a while the game becomes just grind and there isn’t a real objective anymore.
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turtle-trash · 1 month
Literally can’t wait for Nintendo to abandon splatoon 3 so i don’t cause myself multiple forms of harm everyday just because of the catalog. The game isn’t fun anymore and not for the "wahh the splatfests are unfair" reason, there’s way more too it than that but you guys care too much about some fictional character and whether she’s a good character or not to realize that
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cephalokidsplatz · 5 years
Stop making fun of hi der!
Are you trying to poke fun at hi der???
If so, you’re the reason you brought up this month’s splatfest! hi der has the ability to teleport AND time travel! Pearl and Marina doesn’t even know why the splatfest had to be held, but boy does nintendo KNOW. Off the Hook only got the description of time travel and teleportation, but not the INSPIRATION.
hi der is the inspiration to have this splatfest theme: Team Time Travel vs. Team Teleportation.
There are many people out there roleplaying that “hi der” right now. Worker Head Towel, Mountain Chilly Coat, New-Day Lace Ups, or just complete non-cosplay and only the username is changed to his name!
I’m pointing out because there has been too many “hi der undetal” memes for the past few years, isn’t it time to stop making fun of his physical appearance, talents, laziness, and hopelessness? He time travels and teleports just for those certain characteristics!
Mostly, it’s that green trophy’s fault for theorizing him as ness, chickenwing’s son, or the fans wanting to put him in smash. And, he should’ve not revealed his eye either. That’s what makes people put blue eyes on other fictional characters. Then, it’s a meme that spreads. At least it’s not like you’re poking a real person’s face, tricks, and their talents.
Right now, he just teamed with Team Teleportation cause of how his “kid” would go against him on Team Time Travel. He loves shortcuts, so he would rather go with Marina this time. He also couldn’t take the fans anymore, he threw away Biscuit, his Octoling Boy who loved balloons during the Octo Expansion. Fans kept wanting Biscuit to come back, but hi der already claimed he drowned in the water.
But... you know what? hi der also has the ability to spare, feel others, know where they’re coming from, and forgive. At times, he will stare at everyone in Inkopolis Square until he accepts it. He accepts the fact he is a meme. He will get all the love and hate he deserves. He is always well-known for his blue eye and his grin. hi der may have alt. universes of himself, shippers, multiple perspectives how fans perceive him, but he won’t stop there and stay determined. he accepts the fact he is a mix of a monster and a character to embrace.
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paragon-yoshi · 6 years
Wanting to come back to Splatoon 2...
I have quit Splatoon 2 a long time ago and haven't come back to it for some time now. Mainly due to the frustrating matchmaking, throwing me together with people I can't possibly win against, 99% of the time. Not even talking about Ranked, but normal Turf Matches. The game just wasn't enjoyable to me anymore, getting completely locked down nearly every game, unable to even set foot outside spawn without dying immediately and having to deal with choleric, elitist players all the time, saying I deserve it for sucking at the game and at life. I quit because I couldn't handle this stress and frustration anymore. And it definitely was the right decision to make. I'm glad to no longer be subject to this much mental pressure and getting psychologically ruined at every turn. ... ...at the same time though, I still miss this game. The Octolings and Inklings are such lovable characters, as are Pearl and Marina and most of the other NPCs in this game (unless it's Splatfest season, which seems to manipulate everyone into becoming assholes). The World is so interesting, the lore captivating. The customization of your character is easily one of the best things in this game. And the basic gameplay is so much fun... If only the matchmaking wouldn't suck so bad, I am sure I would be able to actually enjoy the game. But alas, the lack of proper balancing skill levels across the board in a lobby, just completely ruins the experience for me. And to this day, it remains the biggest problem with Splatoon 2, in my book. The game is good... Really good. But at the same time, it has plenty of problems. And the flawed matchmaking is the biggest one for me. This can be mitigated however, if you have friends to play with. So you won't have to deal with random, toxic strangers. Heck, having friends to play with would be a definite boon for me. Too bad, it never came to fruition for me. Every Splatoon-community I entered, I was in for the sole purpose of finding friendly people to play with, so I won't have to deal with random scumbags anymore. But in every Splat-Community I was in, nobody even had the game to begin with. Like WHAT THE HELL?! I enter a community, because I want to find friends to play the game with and then you don't even have the damn game?! Seriously, this was so frustrating. So eventually I gave up on finding people to play with and the whole game shortly after. However, I really want to give this game another shot. But in order to do that, I really need to find Friends to play the game with. Players that welcome me no matter what happens, that accept me the way I am and that DON'T think I am worthless life form, because I am not so good at this game. Seriously, why are there so many cholerics playing this game?! Anyway, what you should know about me: - I'm a casual player. I don't care about competitive play, Ranked or any sort of dick measuring contest or natural selection. I just want to have fun. - I don't practice at all. I don't aim to be the best there ever was. I just pick up the game and try to have fun. Nothing more than that! - I don't have fun, if I get locked down and can't do anything. And keep dying over and over again, not staying alive for even 5 seconds... You get the picture. - I'm a very sensitive person. I can't handle stress, aggression or any sort of toxic behavior. - I have an automated mind that always tries to predict how people are. Hence, why I perceive strangers online as toxic, that abuse me if I don't win, even if there is no way to contact people. Because that's all I have ever known... - I need friendly, respectful and welcoming people to play with, no matter how insufficient my skills are or how badly the match goes... - I always try my best, even if it isn't much. I am never out to sabotage anything or anyone. - I don't Squid Party, Squidbag or Hide-and-Seek - I only play Turf Wars. - I pick clothes for cosmetics, not abilities - I don't play Splatfest! - I get sick of Salmon Run, if it's the only thing people want to play. Sorry, about this long list. But I want to give you as much information about me as a Splatoon-Player as I can. Think about this carefully, whether or not I am the right person to play with you, before you make the decision to add me. If I find enough people, who would welcome me to play with them... I will consider buying a subscription and pick up this game again. Because I don't want to play with random's again... EVER! All these choleric asshats, I don't want to deal with anymore. So yeah, if you think I'm a worthwhile person to play Splatoon 2 with, based on the information I gave you, feel free to talk to me and add me on the Nintendo Switch. Heck, if you know a community, group or whatever, that would be good for me, that'd be even better. I never had luck with trying to find people to play Splatoon 2 with before. But hopefully, this last shot will be a hit. But if it won't and I won't find anyone... I guess Splatoon 2 is dead for me. What a waste... :(
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