adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Day 24 of Spicytober featuring Alpha! Keigo Takami x Omega! Reader.
(I do not own Keigo Takami/Hawks. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spice, or brew of coffee, move on.)
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Wc: 826
Tw: ABO, Kidnapping, pregnancy.
Breaking News: Wing hero Hawks has gone into his spring time rut! He has been spotted around the city in search of a mate! Approach with caution if you wish to volunteer as a potential mate! This has been going on for about a week now as several Omegas, Betas, and Lunas have been disappearing, suspected to have been taken by the hero, only to return a day or two later with reports of being bred by him. He is still seen around the city in search for his mate! will he find his mate this year or will he have to wait until next year? Stay tuned to find out!
You were walking along the sidewalk when you had seen the headline and you read the article. You rolled your eyes and put your phone away before you turned into the side street to access your workplace when a gloved hand covered your mouth, stopping you from screaming. You began to struggle but you were quickly pinned down against the brick wall of the building, facing the amber colored eyes of your captor. You were surrounded by vibrant scarlet wings and a scent of cinnamon, cedarwood and warmed apple cider filled your nostrils. You were looking at the very hero that you had just read about and he had picked you as his next potential mate. You stared up at him with wide eyes as you were trying not to be thrown into your heat just by the pheromones coming from the Alpha. He watched you for a few moments before speaking. “Don’t scream. Just come with me and I’ll make it easy for you.” He spoke quietly. There was something about his voice that made you melt into his touch and press yourself against his chest and hold onto him just before he took off from the ground, flying far from the city and to the countryside where there was a green blanket of trees below you as he flew down, closer to the tree tops before gently landing with you in his arms. “Why did you bring me here?” You asked.
“I’m getting low on options for a mate and you were the next one on my list. I brought you here to see if you can handle my rut.” He told you as he pulled you into the rather decent looking log cabin he had flown you to. Once inside, the smell of cinnamon and cedarwood was only stronger, making your mind grow fuzzy and your limbs feel heavy. He held you up when you collapsed against him. He noticed your scent patched you had placed on your neck that morning before you left for work, peeled them off gently and discarded them into the nearby garbage can. He carried you to his large nest in the middle of the living room and laid you down inside before climbing in next to you and taking in your scent. “You Smell so good. Now tell me, baby bird. What’s your name?” He asked. You had to let your brain process his question before you responded. “I’m Y/n.” You told him. He hummed in response and kissed you roughly and pinning you to the floor of the nest. He tore your clothes of and exposed his seeping cock before slamming it into you and thrusting fast and hard into your cunt. You let out moans of pleasure as you were bred over and over, being given his clutch in sessions as to not stretch your womb too quickly. He bit down on your neck and shoulders, marking you over and over, telling you that you were his, that none of the others had made him feel this way, that he knew that you were the one, and that he should’ve gone to you first.
Hours later, when the sun was going down, He was spent for the day, having collapsed next to you, holding you close, keeping his wings around you. You watched as the sun set, knowing that you were most likely pregnant from all the cum that had been pumped into you. You eyelids were heavy from all the activity the day had brought you. You knew that you had to call in to work tomorrow morning telling your boss what had happened to you but you figured that you’d be on tomorrow’s morning news as you had been seen with Hawks as he flew out of the city. That didn’t matter right now as you had been claimed by the hero and you were too sleepy to keep your eyes open. You fell asleep in your mate’s arms, happy, satisfied, and now pregnant with the hero’s babies. The end.
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Day 6 of Spicytober Featuring Hizashi Yamada x reader
(I do not own Hizashi Yamada/ Present Mic. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised. @lhcartoonist has requested to be tagged with the stories featuring Hizashi Yamada.)
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Wc: 2,003
Tw: semi-public sex, confession of feelings, giving praise.
You were speed-walking to the station where you were interning at. Your arms were full of items you needed to get through the day. You had your work bag, the coffee order you had been sent last minute to pick up, and your gym bag that held your hero costume for later that night when you began patrol for the evening after your long day at work. You had arrived at the station and you entered the building through the door under the giant “Put Your Hands Up!” L.E.D sign that was off for the time being as it was still early morning. That’s right, you worked for the Voice Hero: Present Mic. You made your way to your cubical where you dumped your bags and set the coffee order on your desk. You kicked your gym bag under your desk and set your work bag out on your chair. You didn’t notice the hero coming behind you to get his coffee. You rose from having your nose buried in your bag looking for a file folder that had tonight’s script in it to hand off to him and you bumped into him. “Ugh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. Is there-.” You began to say before you noticed that it was your co-worker. Not just any co-worker but Present Mic. You froze up and felt your face heat up. “Don’t worry, listener. It’s nothing. Thanks for the hot cup of joe, your name is Y/n, right?” He asked you.  
You nodded and he went about his way. “Wait! I meant to give this to you, it’s tonight’s script.” You called after him and handed him the folder. “Thank you, Y/n. I’ll read it over and get back to you.” He spoke and flashed you a smile that made something deep inside come awake.
After you had distributed the rest of the coffees to the other staff and had settled down to get working on the next script, you had received a message from one of your co-workers. “Hey, Y/n, can you be Mic’s co-host tonight? No one has volunteered yet and we didn’t line up any special ones since no one has either requested to be on the show or he’s requested that anyone comes on this time.” You groaned and rolled your eyes. This had been the usual message that had gone around when Mic didn’t have any special co-host such as some kind of other celebrity other than himself on the Friday night music show. You didn’t know why he needed a co-host on a show that mostly played non-stop music on Friday nights except that the hero liked having company during the late-night shows and his usual co-host was another pro hero that worked when he was on air. You typed up a response saying that you’d stay late and be his co-host for tonight before you went about your day answering emails and helping the new interns that got lost on the way to the bathroom. §§§§§
Once the last of the normal day staff had left for the day, it was only you, Present Mic, and the few night shift staff that stayed on to make sure the show ran smoothly. You had glanced down at your gym bag with your uniform inside, picked up the bag, and went to the bathroom to get changed. You came out a few minutes later donning your costume and you walked over to the recording studio with baited breath. You were nervous as you had only been in the studio to either gather up some left-over tapes or papers from the previous show or to help clean up the equipment. You knocked on the door and waited a moment and thought you heard some shuffling, a thud, and a groan. “Come in.” You heard a voice say. It sounded like whoever was inside had just woken up from a nap. You opened the door and saw the hero sitting up on the couch in the back of the studio next to the large window seat that overlooked the busy streets below. “Hi. I’m Y/n from earlier. I was the one who gave you the script for tonight.” You spoke as your heart was pounding knowing that you got to be the co-host on your favorite hero’s own radio show. “Oh, you’re the one that brought the coffee. It was good by the way.” He spoke as he stood up and pulled his leather jacket back on and sat down at the chair in front of the microphone. “I’m guessing you’re the lucky member of the staff that got picked to be my company tonight.” He asked as he prepared some of the equipment for the show that would be live soon.
“Y-yeah. I am. What do I do while I’m in here?” You asked. “Pull up a chair and just hang out. I don’t like being alone during these shows. That’s why I request that someone stays with me. I’d have my roommate join me but he patrols at night and doesn’t like being exposed to the media.” He spoke before looking over at you and he chuckled. “Relax, Y/n. I’m not going to bite you, unless you want me to.” He told you. This made your face heat up more as you pulled a chair from the corner of the room to sit next to him during the show. He put a microphone in front of you before he plugged in a couple more wired and tested the microphone with the producer who gave him a thumbs up before getting up and walking away. This made you even more nervous as you were now completely alone with him. You didn’t know what to think or say because you’ve had a crush on the hero for a long time now and you had a small feeling that he had feelings for you too. You took some deep breaths before the both of you went live. Hizashi had noticed that you were nervous and put a hand on your shoulder. “Relax. Just read over your parts in the script and take some deep breaths. I’m guessing this is your first time live on a radio show?” He asked as he handed you the script you had written. “Yes. This is my first time.” You told him as you took the script from him. “Let me know if I can help you with anything.” He spoke as he walked over to the door and made sure it was locked. You read over the script as the producer came back with a cup of what looked to be coffee in his hand. Hizashi communicated with him for a little bit as you kept reading over the script trying to memorize your lines. You couldn’t manage to even remember your opening line since you were too excited to be in this situation. The hero turned back to you and put his hands on your shoulders. “Y/n, you’re too excited to be in here with me. I can tell. Why don’t you forget the script and just be my guest tonight.” He spoke and pulled gently to the chair to sit down and relax. He sat back down in his chair and looked at you. “I should just get to it and tell you that I’ve developed feelings for you.” He confessed. You looked at him with a stunned look across your face. “Don’t you already have a significant other?” You asked once you found the ability to speak again.
“No. I don’t. But you could be that significant other if you wanted.” He responded and moved closer to you. You nodded and he pulled you into a kiss. The producer saw this and pulled a curtain from his side of the glass that separated the producer’s station from the soundproofed recording room. Hizashi sat back down in his chair and pulled you into his lap. He kissed you again and held you in his lap as he went to your neck to place a few kisses on your neck. The producer tapped on the glass to tell him that it was time to go live. “We will continue this later. Unless…You want to be the sheath for my current boner.” He offered as you had felt something poking against your inner thigh. “Yes.” You spoke quietly. He unzipped his pants and pulled his erect member and helped you down onto it. You covered your mouth to hide the moans that you so desperately wanted to let out. He let out a deep groan and turned to the speaker and gave his introduction without a skip in his speech. You rested against him and did your best to stay still as he talked about the night’s events and took a couple calls while keeping a hand on your hip. After what seemed to be forever, the show went to commercial break. You whimpered and he laid you out on the desk. “I know, I know, I didn’t give you attention. We only have three and a half minutes. So, let’s get down to business. Don’t worry about your moans, princess. The room is soundproofed.” He told you before thrusting into you. You let out the string of moans that you had been holding back into the room. The man above you kissed you deeply and bit gently on your neck just before he pulled you back to hide your face into his chest while he went back to the show. You didn’t know the three and a half minutes went by so quickly when you were on the edge of releasing. You moaned into his neck as he went on talking to callers. He rubbed your back and glanced down at you. He finished up with the callers and put on some music that would keep the listeners occupied for a while. He pulled you out of his chest and looked at you. “You shouldn’t have distracted me when I was with a caller, songbird. You now have my full attention for the next fifteen minutes.” He spoke before he began to pound into you hard for the next couple of minutes to the beat of the music that filled the studio before you shuddered and released. He groaned when he felt you clamp around him and he released his white-hot seed into you. He pulled you close and let you bury your face into his neck for the remainder of the time the both of you had while the rest of the music played over the radio. He rubbed your back and whispered praises into your ear about how good you were for him and how well you behaved yourself when he was talking to the callers. He wrapped up the show and put on the overnight playlist that would keep whoever was listening entertained for the night. He turned the mic off and pulled you off his lap. “Good girl. Let’s get you cleaned up and you can come to my place tonight if you’d like.” He told you as he cleaned up the area and shut off the unnecessary equipment for the nighttime shows. Your mind was still a bit cloudy from the stimulation you had been given and it took you a while to process what he said. “I’d like to stay at your place.” You responded. “Alright. Let’s go.” He said as he gathered up his stuff and held your hand as the two of you walked out of the station together.
Little did the both of you know, the producer had heard everything and the two of you would be the talk of the station by the next morning.
The end.  
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Tentacles and stomach bulge.
Day 26 of Spicytober featuring Naga! Hizashi Yamada x reader
(I do not own Hizashi Yamada/ Present Mic. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spice, or brew of coffee, move on. @lhcartoonist has requested to be tagged on the Hizashi stories.)
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Wc: 1,192
Tw: Monster fucking, praise kink, tentacle kink, stomach bulge
You woke up after you heard Hizashi leave for work. You saw that he had left you a note on the nightstand. “Good morning, love. I didn’t want to wake you because you looked too peaceful. I made you something for breakfast before I left to go to work. I love you and I’ll see you later.
Love, Hizashi.”
You smiled and emerged from the cocoon of warmth that was your bed and began your day. You found the food Hizashi had made for you and you ate it with your morning coffee. You then went about your day doing chores and working on your next story you wanted to get published soon. You sat down behind your computer and began typing away with a fresh cup of coffee next to you. You began typing away, creating line after line of text, watching as the story unfolded before your eyes. You didn’t notice the time going by as you were on a roll for this story. You cranked out a couple chapters before you had noticed the sun going down. You stretched and stood up from your seat, taking your coffee mug back to the kitchen for a refill before you went back to writing. Now the story you had been so intently working on was one where a woman goes on a space expedition and doesn’t know that one of her crew is an alien that wants to make her their mate. you had written up to the point where the alien had confronted the woman and was going to drag her off to breed her full of his babies. You were trying to make up the rest of the plot when you heard the front door open and Hizashi call out to let you know that he was home. You turned to see him enter the kitchen and walked over to kiss you. You kissed him back and gave him a hug. “Welcome home, Hizashi. How was your day?” You asked as he set down the plastic bags containing tonight’s dinner.
“It was good. I got your favorite food for dinner.” He spoke and pulled the takeout containers on the counter from your favorite restaurant in town which made your heart lighten up. “What’s the occasion?” You asked as he handed you a container. “Nothing special. Just wanted to treat you tonight for working so hard on your story.” He spoke. “How is that going? Did you get to where you wanted today?” He asked as he went into the bedroom to change out of his hero costume and into his naga form. Your partner was a half human, half snake creature called a naga. You knew this when you started dating him and you loved every moment of it. “I did make some progress. But I’m stuck on one point where the alien is taking the captain away to his nest to breed her.” You told him as you opened your container of food and ate as Hizashi came out in a t-shirt and his naga form, slithering over to his gym bag where he kept an emergency change of clothes along with some other emergency items and pulled out a small, suede pouch and showed it to you. “What’s that?” You asked him as you set your food down and picked up the pouch, emptying its contents into your hand, only to find a vial of a blue liquid inside. You looked up to your partner in confusion and showed him the vial. “That, my love, is a potion I picked up from one of my friends in town that will transform my tail into a tentacle. Might give you some inspiration for your book.” He suggested. Your face turned a deep shade of red and you kissed him. “Let’s try it later. I want to eat first.” You told him. He nodded and kissed you back before sitting down with you and eating dinner.
Once the food had been eaten, you had grabbed the vial and ran off to the bedroom with Hizashi following you. You climbed onto the bed and held the potion in your hand before giving it to him and watching him drink it and slide onto the bed, coiling around you and having you lay on his chest to watch the lower part of his tail transform. You watched as the scaled surface melted away and smoothed out, becoming almost slick with a thick goo that dripped off the tip. You blushed even harder as he wrapped his now tendril around your leg, inching up from your calf, past your knee and onto your thigh. You gasped as it pressed against the soft flesh of your inner thigh as it was now dangerously close to your heated core. “Are you ready?” He asked as he inched it closer, now brushing against your folds. You gasped and nodded as you felt the tendril play with your clit before sliding deep into your pussy.  You cried out and felt the tendril slide deeper into you, filling your womb and making it stretch and make an imprint of the tentacle in the skin of your lower stomach. You panted and leaned against Hizashi who was taking some deep breaths and groaning as he managed to move his tentacle back and forth within your cervix, giving the both of you some stimulus and creating friction, causing your climaxes to come closer and closer until the both of you came, crying out in pleasure and giving each other kisses as you came down from your high. Hizashi began to pull out but you whimpered and told him no. “Keep it in for a while. It feels nice.” You told him. “Alright. Not for long though. I don’t want to hurt you on the way out.” He told you quietly before kissing you again. “I had fun. That was nice. We should do it again soon.” You told him. “I’ll keep that in mind. I hope I helped you get some inspiration.”
He spoke and kissed you again. “Mmm. Lemme think about it.” You told him and he chuckled. “Alright. Get some rest. I love you.” He spoke and stayed in you for a while. He pulled out a little while later just as his tentacle was turning back into his tail. You whined and watched at he pulled out and cleaned his tail off before cuddling you close and giving you praises. The end.  
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Walk in the woods
Day one of Spicytober featuring Shouta Aizawa x Reader
(I do not own Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead. They belong to Horikoshi Kohei. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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Wc: 578
Tw: slight hate on all things stereotypically associated with fall.
It was a nice fall afternoon. You had grown bored of watching the usual Romance movies and seasonal specials geared towards elementary age children. You didn’t want to read a book as you had re-read your favorite series for the millionth time and you had gotten bored of baking or attempting to bake and fail or forget that you had something in the oven. You wanted to do something new, something different. You sprawled yourself out on the couch as the comforting crackle of the fireplace went on. Your partner, Aizawa came into the room and saw you laid out on the couch. He chuckled and sat down next to you on the couch. “Bored already?” He asked. You nodded in response. “The movies want to make me vomit with how predictable they are, I’ve read my favorite series again and I don’t want to almost burn the kitchen down with my attempts at baking.” You told him. “Wanna go for a walk to that coffee stand you like?” He offered. Your head snapped up and looked out the windows to see the sun streaming through the trees. “Let’s do it!” You exclaimed and jumped up off the couch and ran to the front door where you pulled your shoes on and waited for your partner while excitedly bouncing on your heels. Aizawa followed you and chuckled at the sight of you waiting by the front door. “Going for a walk has you that excited?” He asked as he pulled his boots on. “Do I have to get something pumpkin spice flavored? I’ve seen too much of everyone being hyped about pumpkin spice this, pumpkin spice that…” You asked.  
“No, You don’t have to.” He told you as he walked with you out of the house and to the path after he locked up the house. The both of you began the small trek to the coffee stand. “You know, you can get whatever you’d like, kitty. I’ll pay for it. My treat.” He spoke as he gently held your hand. You blushed and pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and held his hand back. You looked at the colors of the leaves on the branches and watched as a pair of squirrels chased each other across the many strong branches of the trees and along the path that the two of you were walking on.
Soon, the both of you arrived at the coffee stand on the outskirts of your local farmer’s market. The stand owner recognized the both of you and waved the two of you over. “Hey! What would the two of you like?” They asked. “I’d like an Americano with a little bit of milk.” Aizawa spoke before he looked to you. “Do you know what you want?” He asked you as you looked over the menu and nodded. You told him what you wanted and he ordered for you and paid. “Do you want to check out the market while we’re here?” He asked you as your coffees were being made. “Sure.” You spoke
before you received your drink and walked with your partner on the lovely afternoon through the market. The end
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adminbryantsaki · 2 years
Carving Jack-o-Lanterns
Day 29 of Spicytober featuring Eri.
(I don’t own Eri. Horikoshi Kohei does. Reader is Eri’s mom. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spice, or brew of coffee, move on.)
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Wc: 517
Tw: knife.
You heard the front door open and the joyous voices of your daughter coming home and Mirio coming in after her. “I had fun. We should go next year!” Eri spoke and hugged her friend before saying bye to him and closing the door behind him. She took her shoes off and ran into the kitchen carrying her bag that you sent with her to carry her pumpkin home. She set her bag down on her table and pulled her carving kit out. “Momma! Can you help me pick a picture to put on my pumpkin?” She asked and showed you the little book that came with her carving kit. “Of course, baby. Let’s go sit at your table and you can tell me about your trip to the patch with Mirio, ok?” You spoke and walked with her to her table where she sat down and pulled her pumpkin out to show you what she picked out. She showed you her pumpkin that she wanted to decorate and some of the smaller variations of gourds and squashes she also bought with the money you sent with her. “Those all look very pretty, Eri. You did a good job.” You told her as she flipped through the book of ideas to carve into her pumpkin. You looked with her until you helped her decide on a silly face that she used a marker to trace onto the surface of her pumpkin.
She pulled her tools out of the tray and cleaned them in the sink before she laid them out on her table and looked nervous. “You’ve going to do fine, Sweetheart. I’ll be here watching.” You reassured her and she nodded, now picking up one of the knives and going to the side of the pumpkin. “Remember what I said about taking all the insides out first?” You reminded her. She nodded and went to the top of the pumpkin and began to saw in a circle to take the top off and clean out all the seeds and stringy guts that grossed Eri out by the wet, cold feeling of the pumpkin’s insides. You helped her the rest of guts out and set them aside for you to sort while she carved with her knife. As you sorted the guts from the seeds, Eri made her first few cuts with her tongue sticking out which made you smile to yourself.
Soon, Eri had finished her pumpkin and showed you her hard work. Luckily there were no injuries and the design looked wonderful. After you cleaned up, you helped Eri carry her pumpkin to the front porch where the whole world could see it. You took a few pictures of just the pumpkin then some with Eri next to her pumpkin before the two of you went inside to relax and have a nice evening.
The end.
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adminbryantsaki · 3 years
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This is my navigation page of all the works that I have done so far. It will be updated as i create more works for all of you to enjoy.
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Writing Commissions
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Rules to read before submitting something
NSFW Stories will be marked with a *.
Other stories that don't have NSFW Content don't have a *.
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Students Pro heroes/Teachers/other characters LOV/ Shie Hassaikai
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Doctor Strange Welcome to the Multiverse pt. 1 Welcome to the Multiverse pt. 2 Spiderman Bucky Barnes
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Kinktober 2021* Spicytober 2022* Spicytober2022 reposts* Spice tober 2023* March collab 2023 May 2023
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Secret santa mystery day #1
My gift for Wyvern PT. 1 My gift for Wyvern PT. 2 Easter fic* A Clutch for Three *
Headcanons Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten
Chapters coming out soon! General info Omegaverse dynamics * List of places to go if youre having a bad night (not mine but worth keeping pinned) ADULTING CHEAT SHEET. (NOT MINE BUT WORTH KEEPING PINNED)
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