#Sometimes fanfiction is taking a hammer and beating canon until it's straight like a hot blade
bonefall · 1 year
EATING tom??? well actually he did deserve it but, jesus
I usually am very careful about "retribution kills" since I approach my abusive characters as full people, capable of growth and change if they so choose, buuuuuut I gave myself a little treat here.
Canon!Tom gets a sweet little redemption death saving his kids, and honored as "he was our dad and we should avenge him :0" even though he. Like. Kidnapped his kids and is responsible for Turtle Tail's death and torturing Bumble for a month for revealing a secret and eventually threw a tantrum when Gray Wing showed up.
Gray Wing isn't considered the "real" dad of any of the kids he adopts. WC fucking hates adoption. Your biodad can literally get your mom killed and you are obligated to forgive them and still love them if they do a single nice thing for you.
I am so angry about this that I'm feeding Tom to One Eye as an example of how brutal a death by him is. I am not above it for Tom and Tom specifically. Get fucked, Tom <3
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