#Sleepy Merc
pantherkitten · 2 years
I don't usually post my artwork outside of Discord servers and SNOD, but I really like how this drawing of Mercury turned out
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Suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds suds
Fox Dream & Wolf Punz
Fox & the Hound Drunz
"We're still friends, right Punz?"
Dream's voice was low, barely above a whisper. They could pretend it was the crackling of the fire, the howling of the wind, if they so chose. Dream would let them; he allowed too much.
Instead, they reached over and squeezed his hand. The SMP had changed over the years, changed its landscape and changed its alliances and changed them.
"Yeah Dream, we're still friends."
They refused to let it change this.
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My very tired brain decided to think a little too hard about the timeline and I’ve started to wonder what happened after the OGs mercs stopped working for the Manns but before the Classics were hired. Look further down to see what bs got me to ask this in the first place.
Comparing how the Mann twins look when they’re next to the OG mercs and how they look in 1890, I’m going to take a guess and say that the OG mercs were hired at some point around the 1880s. I cannot base when they were hired on their real lives because there is 0 actual overlap where all of them are alive (Davy Crockett died in 1836 (before the Zepheniah Mann even bought the land) and Billy the Kid was born in 1859, this is also ignoring the fact that Fu Manchu is a fictional character but this is tf2 lore we’re talking about so we’ll have to deal with it). The next batch of mercs we know about are the Classics, who were hired around 1930. 50 years is a long time to work a dangerous job like being a mercenary, and not all of them would be in the beginning of their careers. There seems to be some down time between the OGs and the Classics that I’m really curious about.
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willyonilly · 11 months
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hi guys i forgot to post for like 2 days, sorry, i drew a soldier horse :) did a bunch of studies for anatomy stuff
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
“V. I gotta get up, babe.” Kerry whispered into his sleeping mainline’s hair.
Said mainline groaned, then rolled over directly on top of Kerry, causing the older man to laugh. He stroked V’s hair, his other hand rubbing his arm as he admired him for a moment. Last night had been one of their better ones, no nightmares, no one waking up. They both slept through the night.
He kissed his temple again and checked the time. He was gonna be late if he didn’t get up now, but V looked so damn cute and he couldn’t be damned to actually get him up. “Baby. You know I don’t wanna get up but I have too.” He whispered into the mess of red hair. All that got him was another grunt and no further movements to actually move.
“If you let me up, we can shower together. Coffees ready and I’ll be yours for next like 30 minutes.” He bribed, feeling V exhale deeply before he lifted his head, huffing at Kerry.
“You play dirty, Eurodyne. Hope you know that.” V muttered before dragging himself off of Kerry and onto the floor, dragging some blankets with him. “Drama queen.” Kerry said as if he was one to talk.
“40 minutes.” V bargained.
“35 and I’ll throw in a dinner date tonight.”
“You play dirty, Eurodyne.” Kerry echoed, making V’s face split into a sleepy smile. “Yeah yeah, we are wasting my precious morning shower time with my man let’s go.” V dragged himself up off the floor and pulled Kerry with him towards the shower.
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0ak-leaf · 5 months
Eepy time
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wood-row · 4 months
There exists a state of mind that even science cannot assist. A waking sleep, a total disassociation from ones body.
The death of self.
Doctor Günter Ludwig, a study.
Immediately, he'd thrown himself into his studies. He'd entered this war a child, only eighteen, but he'd left it an old man, hardly a man, a mouse haunted by the code branded on his wrist.
Destitute, as seemed to be the customary, he spent hungry days longing for university gates. Rowdy child; was this punishment for his youth? To teach himself medicine out of his mentor's spare room?
It hardly seemed like a room. Three, three and a half walls, lined with soot and dust that Hamburg never would shake. His coat wore thin, hardly the blanket he pretended it was, and the dull metal buttons glared in the hallway light whenever he entered.
A butcher. It was only fitting. The smell of blood was overbearing, but it was one he was accustomed to. Cut with something clean, 80-proof. A far cry from bile and shit, choked out by the thick, telling smokestacks he'd learned to avoid at all costs.
The work was easy. Almost boring, his mentor dissinterested in the subject. Perhaps he only felt bad, that he felt the need to shelter such a lean young man. Günter more than made up for it, promising; "You write when you make big, alright kid?"
He hadn't responded. He wasn't sure he even could, mute since he'd been privy to where the train cars actually led.
Doctor Ludwig. He looked dead in the bathroom mirror. Doctor Ludwig.
He was nearly thirty now, formidable, almost respected. Gone were the days of closet dormitories, soleless shoes and patched shirts. The apartment was sterile. the laboratory, even cleaner, stained with violent chemical agents.
It was killing him.
Medicine advanced slowly. He was antsy, too fast for the field. There was something boiling under his skin, festering, and he could leave it alone no longer.
There is someone dead in the showers. There is someone trampled beneath fearful bodies. There is someone, something, wasting away in Poland, underneath freshly broken ground.
Perhaps he missed the camps. A morbid thought, the only one that crossed his mind as he sat, blindfolded and bound at the wrists in the back of a van. The woman was young, nervous, too experienced in the field. Promising not riches, though to Günter, he'd take what she was offering before any amount of gold.
A laboratory, a black market catalogue. Eight healthy subjects to use at his disposal.
Perhaps, however, he'd grown used to experimenting on himself. Memories of a trauma have numbed him to the sensation, leaving him hardly even aware of what runs through his veins.
Fighting over a gravel pit. He'd stuffed his blueprints into his rucksack, barebones notes of a device so great that it could immortalize a man. Preliminarily. Ambitious.
The Russian was a fine specimen. They were all fine in their own respect, really. Dredges of humanity lived here, fought here, all for a paycheck.
Some of them didnt have anywhere else to go. Günther wasnt sure if he was one of them.
But it was easy for him to lose himself. These long, dark corridors left untraveled except for emergencies. It was... fine. Being left to his own devices. Better this way. Here, Günther tucked himself away, sleepless, hungry. What was a little more torment, for such great reward?
The Engineer and him share beers in the after hours, penned up in his laboratory. They are not quite as close as Günther is to the Russian, but there is some respite he finds in company with Dell.
He had endured hell on earth. He had clawed himself from the very depths of dispair. It was not the sort of even you could forget; the slaughter of your people. Your family. But he dared say it got easier to disconnect from with time.
The Engineer has plans of his own. A metal hand, capable of inhuman strength, infallible.
He only asks that Günter hold the saw.
Bile surges in his throat. He tries to speak, but no words escape him.
He had a twin, once.
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donut-entendre · 2 years
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little doomboose/great beast doodle
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robots-on-film · 9 months
No cus this blog is not "anti-letting men be friends" (I know it's just meme/humor/joke directed at those cishet gamer guys, but, ✌️ AroAce fella over here), but it is "anti-letting guys JUST be friends", those guys are NOT only friends, they are BEST friends, those other guys? Those guys are LIFE PARTNERS, and those two are borderline DAD and SON, and when all together, they are a family- *passes out because of extreme blood loss*
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sillyfaggot · 2 years
ellou hii hii :3c hru ?
im good !! ^_^ i slept for like almost 12 hours i think and now im eating breakfast so Ya :] wbu ??
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cod-fishing · 7 months
Part 1 | Part 2
The first time Johnny feeds on Simon, they aren’t exactly planning on it.
They get stuck in a bunker somewhere on some shit recon mission turned siege. Through spotty radio signal, laswell ensures them both that help is coming, they just have to wait it out. And they can, mostly. The bunker has a decent set of couches, and is well stocked for a human.
For a vampire, on the other hand.
Well, usually they don’t need to pack all that many rations for soap. He can feed on the go - whatever mercs they’re taking out juice him up just fine. But the problem with the bunker is that there are just too many enemies on the other side to pop out for a quick snack. They’re isolated, truly isolated, just the two of them.
At the start Ghost asks for a status report on Johnny, but he insists he should be fine for a week or so. “I’ve gone longer. I’ll be fine.” He swears. And to be fair, he is fine for that long. Sure, his brain clearly gets a little slow near the end, but it’s no more than any of them have faced.
But a week turns into two. Then starts creeping into two and a half. And soap starts looking a little gaunt.
“Sargent.” No reply. “Hey, Johnny.” Ghost has to repeat his name to get his attention, the man’s eyes glazed over and posture slumped in his chair.
“Johnny, you need to eat.”
He looks at him like he’s struggling to process his words, and eventually licks his lips before answering.
“Sure do, L.T. Just, uh. Just can’t get to the pantry.”
Ghost is nothing if not solutions-oriented. He wouldn’t have brought it up if he hadn’t mulled it over. It was time, he wouldn’t let Johnny suffer like this.
“Feed from me.”
Now that gets his attention. He looks slack-jawed, eyes flaring bright at the suggestion.
“No, Ghost, I- I couldn’t, I don’t want to feel that, I-“ he stutters.
“You could die, Johnny. Or go into some sort of crazed frenzy, and drink me dry without even knowing it. You’re wasting away, don’t lie to me. We’ve got to do something about it.”
Johnny sputters. “Ghost, no! I’ll be fine, I swear-“
“I said, don’t lie to me.”
The Sargent searches his eyes for a moment, still so blue despite the pain he’s clearly in, before slumping.
“You know it hurts, right?”
He knows. He’s seen the way Soap’s meals scramble against him, faces pulled tight and panicked. When he has the time to stop and watch, he often does. It’s kind of mesmerizing, the way they slowly go limp in his embrace, their life-force transferred into him.
“Yeah, I know.”
Soap just stares at him, with an unreadable expression on his face. It almost looks like awe, but Ghost isn’t willing to call it that.
“You think you can stop yourself when you get enough?” Ghost asks. He trusts Johnny, which is why he’s asking. Not that the answer really matters.
He takes the time to consider it, wiping a hand down his face.
“Yeah, I can,” he finally replies, almost sounding regretful. “But still, Ghost…are you sure?”
“Quit your yammering. You know I wouldn’t say it in the first place if I wasn’t.”
He blinks, still looking a little sleepy. Finally, he nods.
“Right then. Let’s do it.”
“Ach, um. Right. Just, uh,” he stands up, looking awkward, and ghost doesn’t miss the way he sways a bit in place, “I guess I’ll just?” He gestures to ghost’s legs, and it takes Ghost far to long to realize he means to sit on his lap.
He snorts. “Come on sweetheart,” and pats his lap, hoping the joke will cut through some of the mountain of tension building up.
It does get Soap to smile, rolling his eyes, and in one fluid motion, he sinks down on the couch to straddle Ghost’s thighs.
Ghost tenses, then forces himself to relax. His brain feels all kinds of haywire. On one hand, having Johnny on his lap like this should be fucking awkward.
On the other, if he just lets himself feel it for a second, the grounded feeling of his strong thighs against his feels pretty good. The weight feels pretty good, and when Johnny hesitantly sets his hands against Ghost’s collarbones, over his Henley, that feels good too.
His heart is racing in his chest. Looking up into Johnny’s eyes, blown out till the blue is almost gone, he isn’t entirely sure if it’s because he’s underneath a predator, or if it’s something else entirely.
Johnny licks his lips again, and this time, Ghost can see his incisors starting to peak out. He’s breathing hard, almost panting - he looks more hungry than ghost has ever seen him.
“Fuck.” Johnny chokes out. He drops his head, but it’s only to rest his forehead against Ghost’s shoulder, turning his face away from his neck.
Tentatively, ghost rests his hands on the meat of soap’s hips. He’s still panting, clenching and unclenching his hands against ghost like he’s trying to hold himself back.
“It’s alright, Johnny,” he finds himself almost whispering. He reaches up, removing the last barrier in Soap’s way. The mask slides over his face. Soap twitches under his hands.
“Do it.”
Soap takes in one more ragged gasp.
“Yes sir.”
Ghost has been hurt a lot before. And yes, when Johnnys surprisingly large fangs pierce the skin of his neck, they hurt. But it helps that he is anticipating it.
What he isn’t anticipating is the euphoria.
He tenses, at the bite, but as Johnny starts to suck him down in earnest, he feels himself relaxing, going boneless, turning into god damn jello. I mean it hurts, it does, but more than that his head starts to feel a little light, his body pleasantly heavy.
And then Johnny god damn moans against his neck, and Ghost feels his eyes roll back in his head.
It must not go on for too long. Johnny starts to slow down after just a bit, the suckling against his jugular turning gentle and almost lazy. Johnny is feeling strong in his lap, far less brittle. He feels…god he feels good. Big. Like Ghost can lay here on this couch for a long while and it’ll be okay, because Johnny has got him. Johnny wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
Too soon, he pulls away.
He licks a stripe over the puncture holes, and Ghost shivers.
“Let me get you -“ Johnny starts to shuffle in his lap a bit, grabbing some napkins off the coffee table to press against them. It’s only now that Ghost realizes his eyes are closed, and he struggles to lift his eyelids.
Johnny is gazing back down at him, the warm tan and healthy glow back in his skin.
He looks beautiful.
“Thanks, L.T. You were right, I really needed that. Are you feeling okay?”
Ghost blinks. “Uh. Um.” He tries to kick his brain back into gear, but god it feels so nice to be here, in this half conscious state. “Affirmative.”
Johnny’s eyebrows pull together, not entirely convinced. “You sure, sir? That can’t have felt good.”
“Yeah,” he croaks out. Johnny feels so good on him, so good. Ghost ponders if it would be safe for Johnny to feed a little more. “Feel real good, Johnny.”
That gets him a quirked eyebrow from a much more chipper Soap.
“Alright, sir. Let’s get you a juice box.”
Johnny feeds on him more often, after that.
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prettyboypistol · 6 months
Mercs Thanksgiving Headcanons
Found Family is just as valid as blood and these mfs are HOMIES
Primary shit talker at the table while also somehow being the most incoherent about things.
Loves the feeling of being surrounded by people who kind of like him. It reminds him if home with his brothers and mom.
Passes out on the couch after eating a metric ton(2 plates and a fuck ton of mashed potatoes)
Tries to cook, gets immediately kicked out of the kitchen.
Plays outside with the raccoons/already drunk people, absolutely gets into the inevitable politics fistfight on the side of AMERICA
Man eats his weight in turkey and then battles the calories off
Happy to be here :)
They like being around in a holiday of togetherness and familial love, especially since they view the crew as family.
Helps Engie and Spy with the food prep, is actually surprisingly helpful and good at searing/flambe
Is totally fine with people cooking dinner until he actually looks and starts backseat cooking.
Judgey drunk aunt energy lmao. This man comes for your THROAT at the table. "Oh ye ain't gotta girlfriend?? What happened to being God's gift to humanity??"
Probably the best advice giver, as long as you ignore his suggestion to take a swig of Dutch courage whenever you're scared.
Secretly is absolutely enraptured with the idea to have a day surrounding family and friends.
Makes him a little sad that his mother and sisters aren't there, but he appreciates that Scout, Soldier, and Engie are over the moon about the tradition of dinner together.
Coddles the drunkards and is the cornerstone of the inevitable cuddle pile of tired sleepy men on the couch
Heartwarming father energy ON GOD
You thought this man was southern then??? Hoo boy this man is the most gentlesouled cook in the kitchen. He's got all the southern tricks to get everyone at the table.
Glares at the fighting but playfully engages in light teasing. He dotes on Scout and Pyro a good bit as they remind him of his nephews back home.
Isn't a fan of the whole idea at all, but realizes it's important to most of the group so he joins in anyway.
He eats quietly and watches, the feeling is slightly uncomfortable being around all of the cheering joyfulness. He's not supposed to be here, he's a spy!
The last one awake, and with a little sigh he cleans the dishes, puts away the leftovers, and puts a blanket over the pile of mercenaries on the couch. It's nice when they're quiet.
Surprisingly very happy (secretly) about the concept. He likes hanging out with the group, especially when he's allowed to space out in the general area of everyone without an obligation to talk.
Second to last asleep and offers to have a small campfire out back with Spy for a more quiet gesture. After all, he understood Spy's want to be quiet and just observe.
Finds the Scout-Demoman debates hilariously entertaining.
Is banned from the kitchen :(
This mf is megabanned from touching the food and drinks. Scout and Engie are hypervigilant about that. "NUH UH! NO SLIPPING STUFF IN THE TURKEY!"
Genuinely likes the banter but after a good half hour he gets a headache. He's the first to steal the couch to rest on, but probably the 3rd to fall asleep.
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loveindefinitely · 6 months
༊*·˚ OUR HEARTS BEAT TOGETHER — how they react to seeing your self harm scars
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featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish + kyle 'gaz' garrick
warnings. sfw, fem!reader, self harm (on thighs), mental health issues, pre-established relationships
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⤷ simon 'ghost' riley
you're lying in bed, your body draped over his and his hand idly tracing patterns on the back of your thigh. it's a lazy saturday night in, and you're both content to just lay down and enjoy each other's company.
turning, trying to dig yourself even closer to simon and get comfier, your sleep shorts ride up without you realising.
when simon's hand moves up to continue his patterns, he pauses when he runs his fingers over raised skin. thin, scarred skin -- the kind that would be extremely hard for an enemy to cause.
"princess?" his voice rumbles, a sleepy lilt to his tone as a crease forms between his eyebrows.
your eyes go wide, and anxiety grips your throat like a merc's hand. mouth falling open to say something, anything, you find yourself mute.
his other hand comes up to rest at the back of your head, a comforting weight as his hand continues to trace over the newly found scars.
"tell me," he says, imploring. not quite a demand, but not a request, either.
with a tremble, you move to wrap your smaller hand over his much larger one, stilling his movements. working your mouth over the syllables, you manage out a weak, "i haven't done it since i joined the 141."
his stiffened muscles ease, if only slightly. his breath comes out in a deep, unsteady exhale as he slowly nods.
"you didn't tell me," he murmurs. just a statement, not a judgement, or an accusation. just the truth.
"didn't want to scare you off," you admit, and the truth is poisonous on your tongue. "didn't know how to bring it up."
his hand starts playing with your hair, gently urging you to rest your head back against his neck. he runs warm, and the contact gives you some much needed relief.
"'m not sure what to say," he says, slowly, carefully. he weighs the words in his mouth before he continues, his voice unusually hesitant. "jus' know i love you, princess. no matter what."
a gentle smile creeps up onto your face as you press a light kiss on the skin behind his ear. "love you, simon."
he gently pulls your sleep shorts down, and those words ring undeniably true.
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⤷ johnny 'soap' mactavish
with a huff of annoyance, you plant your hand on the counter in front of you and rise to the tips of your toes, reaching with your right hand for the jar of cookies on top of the shelf in front of you. it's a pointless effort, considering your height, and how tall johnny's put the cookies.
bastard. he did this on purpose, you knew it.
"johnny!" you yell out, annoyance evident in his tone. if it were any other situation, you'd find it hilarious how he rushes into the kitchen, eyes wide. he knew he was in deep shit from your voice alone.
"baby...?" he asks, a nervous grin plastered on his face. somehow, he makes even that look charming.
it just serves to piss you off more.
you turn around, and repeat the actions you were doing before, emphasising your point. "look what you've done! now i can't even eat cookies in peace," you huff out, reaching for them yet again to no avail.
he's silent behind you, and you get back down to your feet with an eyeroll as you turn around, ready to chew him out.
however, you stop yourself, when you meet his blue eyes.
they're filled to the brim with sadness, and confusion, and worry. your mouth runs before you can stop it. "look, i'm not actually mad, it's honest cute but--"
he cuts you off as he pulls you into a soft, gentle kiss. it's the kind of kiss he gives you before a mission, or after an argument, or after something's made you cry. so what...
he pulls away, eyes searching your face for what, you weren't sure.
"i love you," he says, voice steady but weak in a way johnny's never was. "i wish you'd told me, i'd never've cared, baby, yer still stunnin'."
your mouth drops open, eyes becoming glassy. you were an idiot, really, wearing those shorts and reaching up like that. hadn't thought, hadn't used your brain.
"i..." you start, but find yourself not being able to finish the sentence. his hands come up to wipe underneath your eyes, face distressed but so caring. so loving.
"i'm sorry," you mumble, unsure.
he shakes his head immediately. "no. never be sorry, baby, 'm not mad, jus' worried."
and that hurts. it truly, really hurts, but he presses his lips against your shut eyes, presses his lips underneath them, too. he pulls you in, his head resting on your shoulder and arms wrapped tight around you.
"'m never lettin' you go. never. the day i do, i'll be in the ground."
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⤷ kyle 'gaz' garrick
you're laying on the couch sideways, your feet in kyle's lap as he gently paints your toenails. you'd won a bet earlier that day about price, and you were ringing in your payment happily.
although he pretended to be annoyed, it was fairly obvious that he was enjoying giving you princess treatment.
his tongue sticks out a little bit from the corner of his mouth, eyes focused on applying the nail polish as carefully and nicely as possible. you can't help but think about how lucky you were, having him as your partner. having him to love.
your eyes flutter closed, your knees straightening out from where they had been bent, to fully relax and enjoy the comforting position and moment.
they snap back open, however, when you realise that he's stopped painting them.
"done?" you ask, cheerful and grinning like the idiot in love you were.
you watch as kyle swallows, adam's apple bobbing. he shakes his head, brows furrowed and mouth pulled into a tight, grim line.
"what... what happened?" he asks, voice cracking slightly.
you tilt your head to the side, before it hits you.
looking down, you can see the scars under the living room light, and it makes your heart skip a beat. you'd been so careful, so cautious of him not seeing them.
he takes your silence as the answer it is, and his large hand grips both of your ankles in it, a comforting yet possessive presence.
"can we talk about it?" he asks, searching your eyes and expression for permission. it breaks your heart, shattering it on the surface like an ice rink in november.
you nod, a sharp movement of your head, and he exhales quietly, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.
when he meets your eyes yet again, it's with a warm determination.
"if you ever feel like you need to do it again, or you're struggling, talk to me, my love. please. i'm here for a reason. cut me if you need to, or cry on my shoulder if it helps. just please, don't hurt yourself."
the earnestness, the cautious and adoring tone, it has your face crumpling and tears falling down your cheeks.
in one moment, you're falling apart, and in the next, you're seated in his lap, and he's putting you back together again.
with scarred hands and tender touches.
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a/n. veryyy self indulgent. might add more characters later, was gonna do price but was struggling with the scenario. if any of you guys have any ideas pls comment or send in an ask!! thank you for the reception of the other fics, especially considering they were my first cod pieces ever!!! love you all x
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rehenys · 1 month
God, you're so handsome. ~ T.Wolff
TW: Implied smut, Age Gap, Smoking. Synopsis: Toto and George Russell's Sister are sneaking around.
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God, he's so handsome in his vintage Merc and black Tom Ford glasses. With the sleeve of his black shirt casually rolled up, his muscular forearms catch the light. A wisp of smoke hangs between his parted lips as he waits for me at the end of the road, hoping my brother doesn't see us. I drop my duffle bag rushing into his arms and meeting his lips with a sinful kiss. His lustful eyes raked over my outfit, biting his lip But we both know time is of the essence.
Out on the open road of Monaco with the wind in my hair, hand on the back of my neck, just us and the ocean. His palm lays flat on my exposed thigh, mindlessly drawing shapes, his fluffy hair tousled due to the wind. His skin was glowing due to the setting sun. We pause to watch the sunset. I lean back against his chest, nestled between his long legs, with his arms wrapped around my waist and his lips against my neck. While my phone rings in the back seat.
5 missed calls from George
It's midnight, and we're tangled up in his sheets. I'm nestled against his side, his warm skin pressed against mine. His hand slowly roams my hip and waist until the teasing becomes too much. I stand over his body, holding him like a python, he canʼt keep his hands off me or his pants on. His lips whispered my name like a prayer.
16 missed calls from George
DAY 2:
In the morning light, he's still as handsome as ever, with tousled hair and sleepy eyes. I press a soft kiss to his jaw. As I try to untangle our limbs, his arms tighten around my waist. I flop back down, giving up on getting out of my safe place. After all, who needs breakfast?
Around mid-noon, we begrudgingly leave the bedroom to have ‘breakfastʼ. Who would have thought Toto Wolff would look so good making eggs? His bare torso is covered in an apron, his dexterous fingers wrapped around the whisk. I just intently stare at him making us breakfast, simply mesmerised, which he notices, he winks before giving me a bowl of strawberries to snack on. We share Crêpeʼs with whipped cream, with my feet in his lap; our lips swollen and his marble skin covered in purple splotches.
26 missed calls from George
It's the dead of night, and he sits on the sofa with his spectacles on, furiously typing away on his laptop, his hair messy from running his hand through it, his face set in a scowl. I just made his favourite Pumpernickel bread, and I have about 45 minutes to kill while it bakes. He looks too delicious right now for me to resist. I stand in front of him with an innocent smile, slowly moving his laptop away. His brown eyes crinkle with excitement, His lips find mine as I tug on his hair, gently massaging it to soothe the sting. He chuckles against my lip, his large palms sinking into my skin as my fingers nimbly unbutton his white shirt. My lips meet the skin between his neck and shoulder, his head thrown back in pleasure.
38 missed calls from George 
DAY 3:
The next morning, I grab my phone while Torger is in the shower, to see a flurry of texts from my brother cussing me out, asking where I am. I calm him down, listing more lies to cover up our trial and he blindly trusts me, my heart heavy with guilt but he would never understand. I repeat it in my head like a mantra till that guilt settles when Toto takes me into his arms, kissing away my problems.
We lay on the couch as I read out loud, my hand running through his hair, his eyes fluttering shut. God, he's so handsome.
I chuckle, my darling all worn out. The simple domesticity of this week has me longing for more. we need to tell my brother, but how can I, this wasn't meant to happen but if I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing. but my brother wouldn't understand, he has always been protective of his baby sister, and I know he would blow a fuse if he realised I was with his long-time mentor.
Our peaceful weekend had come to an end when he parked at the end of the road; back where we started, His face seemed to be set in a permanent scowl during the drive back. A chaste kiss and I walked up the road back home nodding at the security guard as he let me in giving me a sorrowful look. Stepping through the threshold of my house I switch to being the perfect sister and daughter of The Russells.
I happily greet my brother, feeding lies about my girl's weekend like I didn't spend the whole weekend in bed with his Boss and Mentor. As I head up the stairs he complements my outfit, I thank him with a soft smile but beneath that pretty pink Chanel dress he brought are the bruised hand prints of Torger Wolff with love bites to match.
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miintsprigz · 5 months
Hello! I loved your mercs x artist reader! I ran into it when I started a Spy art piece a few days prior. (Spooky!) I wanted to request something! Headcanons about a (g/n) reader fear-punching the mercs out of instinct. Like, what if scout just jumped out at the reader and the reader fucking DECKS him on accident. Preferably all mercs, but if that's too much, then just Scout, Spy, and Medic. Obv feel free to ignore, but thank you for your other written pieces!
Oooh, y’all have such good requests!!!
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty sleepy right now, but Scout, Spy, and Medic are some of my favorite mercs to write for, so I can definitely write those three.
May make a part two with the others when I have a bit more energy!
I hope you enjoy, dear Anon ^^
Characters used: Scout, Spy, Medic (TF2)
Warnings: Bit of blood, stuff relating to anxiety.
Finally, the weekend was here. It had not been a good week for you in the slightest, and you were glad that it was done. You could unwind and take it easy now.
Kicking your shoes off as you entered, you closed the door, only to be greeted with a sudden blast of noise.
Without even thinking, your hand curled into a fist, shot out and struck the figure square in the jaw. About a second later, you recognized the voice as belonging to the Scout.
“Ow!!! What the—?!” He groaned in pain, rubbing the side of his face.
“O-oh my gosh, Scout…I, I’m so sorry…”
He curled his lips inward for a second, biting them. Jeremy wasn’t mad at you—truly, he wasn’t, although it hurt crazy bad.
His first reflex when punched was to punch back…but he wasn’t going to punch you. Never you. So he had to freeze for a second, taking a deep breath, rolling his head to the side.
You kept apologizing, hands starting to shake a bit. Quickly, gently, he reached up and took ahold of one of them, gently squeezing his fingers around the back of it, tapping them almost rhythmically against your skin.
A small smile made its way to his face, shaking his head slightly.
“…ya know, if I was just getting back here, and someone jumped out at me…I think I’d slug ‘em too. You’re okay, (Y/N)… I’m sorry I scared ya.”
You wanted to cry for a second, and he could tell. Pulling you in quick, he brought his other arm up to hug you quickly.
“You okay?”
“I-I’ll be fine, just gotta breathe…did I hurt you too bad—”
“Been hit way worse than that, doll. Ya do got a mean right hook on ya though.”
You laughed, and that helped to catch your breath.
“Let me get you some ice…”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine, I’m tough…” Reaching up to gingerly touch the spot he’d been struck resulted in a wince though.
You jerked your head towards the kitchen. “C’mon.”
“Arright, if it makes ya feel better…”
“Oh shush.”
A quiet laugh cued you in that he’d be just fine after some ice.
He was noticeably careful with you as the day went on. You could tell he felt bad, but you’d said it was okay…and if he could take anyone at their word, it was you.
Good word, you hadn’t been sent through respawn, but with how much your head hurt, you were starting to think that might have been a better deal than what you got.
Immediately, you sought out the Medic. If anyone could help you recover, it was him, of course.
You figured you’d just wait outside his office until he came back…not realizing he was already there. Hearing you outside, the doctor slowly, silently opened the door, and went to tap you on the shoulder.
Obviously, you hadn’t expected to see anyone, let alone feel a hand on you, and the pain had you on autopilot, so you spun around and—
“Medic??? Crap—you scared me, I didn’t mean—I’m sorry, I—I just need—it hurts so bad—!”
Great. So now you were in pain after a long day, and you’d (accidentally) clobbered the only guy who could fix it! This was one of those “last straw” moments though, and Medic could tell.
“Oh (Y/N), no need to explain! Take a breath for a moment, bitte (please)! I promise I am fine…oh no…”
You tried to breathe, but it caught in your throat. His eyes were locked onto you, gently grasping your shoulders. Tears had threatened to spill down your face, and this got them falling. You sniffled, trying to keep composed.
“I didn’t mean to…”
“There there, come, walk with me…”
The two hands on your shoulders became one hand gently grasping yours, leading you to a cot in his office to take a seat.
“Where is the pain? Point. I will fix it.”
Somehow, the compassion and somewhat surprising gentleness only made you cry more, but you pointed to your head.
“Ooh, ja, after what I saw you put through today, I’m not surprised—my head would hurt, too.”
Before you knew it, a light flickered on above you, and as the machinery whirred, your pain waned and disappeared entirely.
“There! Good as new.”
Your voice broke when you tried to speak. “Doc…”
“What is it? Does it still hurt? That shouldn’t be…”
He leaned down a bit so that he was on eye level with you. You shook your head.
“I punched you…I didn’t mean to punch you, I didn’t even want to, I…I’m so sorry…”
You knew you’d calm down in a minute, but right now you couldn’t help yourself, and it seemed like he understood that. Before you knew it, he’d hugged you tightly, holding you close to his chest. Tousling your hair lightly with one hand, he shushed you softly.
“Shh shh shh…it’s alright, Liebling, I know reflexes when I see them. I shouldn’t have done that—I’ll tell you that it’s me next time, that’s all! If I can patch you up, I can do the same to myself, so…it’ll be like it didn’t even happen!”
You laughed a bit, and felt him rest his chin against the top of your head before both of you pulled apart.
Once again, his hand grasped yours, and he quickly took your other one too.
“Feeling a bit better?”
“Yeah…thanks, Medic. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, (Y/N). Of course.”
Being a close companion of the silent killer, it only made sense that he’d scare you by mistake at some point. Without even meaning to.
You’d even imagined the scenario in your head. And yet. When it actually happened, you still weren’t ready.
Waking up after a series of weird dreams, you went to head downstairs to grab some water and hopefully head back to bed.
Standing there, with the only real light source being the tiny bulb in the back of the fridge, you grabbed a cup and filled it up, not even bothering to sit down to drink it.
Feeling someone brush against your shoulder, you flinched hard and felt your fist go up of its own accord.
It made contact, with a yelp following it.
“…Spy? Oh no…”
The Spy held one hand over his nose, groaning quietly.
“Hello, (Y/N). You’re up rather early.”
“I’m so sorry, you scared me—”
There was a brief flash of realization over his eyes, and you recognized a bit of shame.
“…you know what, fair enough. I did not think that through.”
Pulling his hand back revealed that he was bleeding quite a bit. “…well, that’s not good. Excuse me.”
Spy was so…matter of fact, about this? It almost put you at ease, but not quite enough. You followed him as he briskly walked to the bathroom, having to scramble along a bit to keep up with him.
“Did I break it?”
“No, I don’t believe so. Breaks hurt much more than this.”
It wasn’t too surprising to hear that someone who was basically a secret agent had broken his nose before.
He looked over at you with confusion flitting across his face, having finally cleaned up most of the blood. Brows furrowed together, he sounded truly puzzled.
“…(Y/N), you didn’t strike me as being afraid of blood.”
“I-I’m not!” You didn’t like how sharply your voice came out, but you couldn’t seem to change it much.
“Well, what’s the matter then? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Spy, I…I punched you. I hurt you.”
“Hmm, debatable really. Punched me, yes. Hurt me? Only for a moment. The bleeding is already stopping.”
You looked at him, bewildered, and felt your face quickly heating up. His expression softened, sighing quietly as the slightest trace of a smile came to his face.
“…Mon coeur (my heart), I’m alright. Please, don’t get yourself upset over it.”
Without thinking about it, you stumbled forward slightly and hugged him. He stepped back a bit at first, surprised, but quickly followed suit, stroking your hair.
“Takes a lot more than that to hurt me. Besides, I took you completely off-guard. I’d argue you just demonstrated sharp reflexes.”
Once Spy pulled back, you realized he was still in that suit.
“Well, at least there’s no blood on your suit.”
With a chuckle, he smirked at you. “Yes, good point.”
“…Why are you fully dressed at this hour anyway? Do you sleep in it?”
Spy rolled his eyes at you. “Absolutely not. I just got back. Late night mission, you see.”
Leaning against the bathroom counter, a playful tone warmed his voice. “If it will set you at ease, I can regale you with the tale…”
Yes, Spy loved to talk about himself, but this genuinely did seem like it was an attempt to help you calm down. Eagerly, you scrambled to sit on the edge of the tub, playfully resting your chin in your hands as if ready to hang onto every word.
With a snort, he shook his head. “I don’t think this would be a good place for it.”
Quickly, you got to your feet again, and he bit back a grin as he slipped his arm around your shoulders, heading over to his smoking room.
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jermer10 · 5 months
TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling
suggestive, gn reader | silly romantic hcs
drabbles under the cut :P
- the most emotionally immature out of all the mercs, also the most inexperienced with dating so he can get pretty jealous over stupid things - a demo flirts with you? dead. a medic pockets you for too long? whoops didn’t see that enemy sorry medic. god forbid another scout even breathes in your direction - ironically he used you to make Pauling jealous and eventually realised he actually likes YOU (fake dating trope my beloved) - non-stop rambles about you to his ma, when she meets you she’s already calling you her child in law - dates with scout usually consist of going to baseball games or getting lunch together, he’s pretty simple and won’t plan anything too extravagant unless it’s an occasion (with spy’s help ofc) - not huge on pda, will hold your waist or sling an arm around your shoulders on occasion, in privacy however he is HUGE on physical affection he loves you sm <333 - stroking your hair and running his fingers along your back, kisses on your neck, throwing in a couple of cheesy pickup lines here and there - pretty much only refers to you with pet names, “doll, babe, toots, handsome, etc” he’ll only use your name when he’s emotional or during intimacy
Soldier: - the most dense man on god’s green american earth so unless you’re similar to zhanna, chances are he won’t even bat an eye at you. you need to be batshit and violent for this man to notice you first - wakes you up at 5am sharp every morning for “training” (forcing you to workout with him whilst he yells at you….lovingly?) expect to be buff as hell after a couple months because his routines are intense - “DROP AND GIVE ME 20 CUPCAKE” “GOOD JOB SOLDIER. HERE IS A KISS FOR YOUR HARD WORK” “PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN SWEETHEART” - his kisses are really rough, he lifts you up into the air and spins you around or dips you and it’s genuinely super sweet, he enjoys picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as well :3c - he has no jealous bone in his body, only random accusatory statements towards anyone who shows kindness towards you and it deters them enough for soldier to never have to worry - dates with soldier usually consist of working out or going to war museums, will never plan fancy dates so that’s all up to you - does not care about public or private affection, he will makeout with you anytime, anywhere and is unapologetic about it, much to everyone else’s dismay - “EUGH! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” “AFFIRMATIVE, WE WILL MOVE TO THE LIVING ROOM”
Pyro: - i hc pyro as being aroace so a romantic-platonic relationship between you guys would be more mushy and cute than anything else - going out on ice-cream dates and buying matching colouring books and seeing how differently you each colour the same scene - cheek kisses no matter where you are is a must!!! holding hands around the base, tapping on each-other when bored and to show affection <3333 - the other mercs have no fucking idea what your relationship is but none of them care as long as you’re keeping pyro in check - you’re the first and only merc to see pyro without their mask on, one of the most tender moments shared between you and something that they treasure - pyro doesn’t get jealous, but they will harm anyone who makes you uncomfortable, no questions asked - cuddle buddies!!!! you guys can be seen lying around the base in a sleepy huddle, i can see demo joining and medic or engie tripping over y’all 😭 - they are super attentive of your needs and compromise despite having trouble feeling romantic or sexual attraction, as long as you enjoy it, they enjoy it
Demoman: - more of a flirt than scout is, and that’s saying something. demo will chat you up at any time of the day, whether it be in the privacy of your bedroom or straight up on the battlefield - has died MULTIPLE times because he just cant keep his eye off you, he makes mental notes of how attractive you look while bashing an enemy spy’s brain in and uses it later (WINK) - a solid 80% of your relationship is shared in silly drunk moments and the other 20 is rooted in insecurity. demo being jealous? likely. demo being scared of you leaving him for someone with two eyes and their head on straight? definitely - there are nights where he feels completely sober just holding you in his arms and acknowledging that you’re here and you love him, warts and all - SUPER BIG ON PDA!!! he wants the entire world to know that you’re his, also super big on cheesy nicknames “beauty, my love, handsome boy/beautiful girl/gorgeous partner” - messy kisses, lazy cuddles, dragging his fingers along your body feeling every dip and curve <3333 even if the affection seems half assed, his heart is devoted to you - offhandedly mentions you to his mum after dating for a year or so, to which her response is to slap him upside the head for not telling her sooner and then asking about grandbabies - you’re demo’s rock, if you asked him to go sober for you he probably would. he adores everything you do, words are unnecessary just look at his face
Heavy: - the stern and silent type, he generally doesn’t show public affection towards you unless it’s to protect you or to calm you down - in private he is the most gentle merc, holding you close to him and stroking your hair, playing with your fingers and mentally squealing at how cute and small they are compared to his, rubbing your back with his palm - he is a man of few words, but it’s pretty obvious that he is completely enamoured by you just from the way he touches you and how his gaze softens when he sees you - would plan the most personal dates, things that he KNOWS you would enjoy doing or seeing just so that he can see you smile up at him - “Любимая (darling), Дорогая (dear), Любовь моя (my love)” are the most common pet-names you’ll hear him calling you, he’s a more traditional guy - heavy is not a flirty man, he’s too blunt and would rather say what he means in the most direct way possible. thaaaat doesn’t mean he discourages you from flirting with him however - his family is extremely weary of you to begin with, heavy doesn’t talk about you much and so they’re going to be on guard (despite the fact that he could crush you with one hand if you did have malicious intent) - after a while though they warm up to you and consider you apart of the family- baking with you, teaching you how to hunt bears, making bearskin clothing, cooking the bear meat, talking about marriage and children, ANYTHING they can do to include you
Engineer: - it’s tough dating engie - he’s either working or passed out from the exhaustion of working, so you never really get quality time with him - he still takes every chance he can get to show you a good time, whether it’s cooking dinner with you or writing songs for you, he is much more romantic than he leads on - “darl, darlin, sweetheart, honeybee” sweet and simple names that roll off the tongue - the merc most inclined to shower with you. not even in a sexual way, he just enjoys the calm heat of the water and how intimate it is to share such a space - creates devices to make your life easier; need a new weapon? no need to buy a faulty mann co one, he can build you anything you want. need your very own kitchenette so you the other mercs can’t keep stealing your food? he was already drawing up the plans a week ago - the type of guy to bring you breakfast in bed every morning, putting on some slow romantic music and peppering your face with kisses to wake you up - always keeping tabs on you in battle, making sure that you’re safe and unharmed (despite knowing that you can respawn he still hates seeing you hurt) - the least jealous man to exsist, he is completely secure in himself and knows that if you didn’t wanna be with him, you simply wouldn’t
Medic: - another workaholic over here, it’s a mission getting him away from the operating table, or his desk right next to it - quiet, soft moments are few and far between, but when you do get them they are spent in each other’s arms lazying around the base - medic isn’t the romantic type and would likely just take you out to a traditional dinner or would want to teach you how to perform certain medical procedures on dates - don’t get him wrong! he loves you entirely, he just doesn’t see the need in being overly romantic with you, his way of showing love is letting archimedes anywhere near you or letting you lie on the operating table while he finishes up his paperwork - his pet names for you include “schatz (treasure), maus (mouse), meine taube (my dove)” - will pocket you 1000% and the other mercs HATE it - they have to strategise a way to keep you separated from eachother during battle - it wouldn’t matter if you were invincible or on the verge of death, this man would protect you to the ends of the earth. that being said he is also a massive shithead, will tickle you randomly or poke fun at you when you’re in a bad mood. its sweet. usually - in that middle ground of jealous but also chill af, he will only really become jelly if you’re flirting with someone else, but if they’re flirting with you he does not care unless you’re uncomfortable
Sniper: - simultaneously the most chill and anxiety ridden person on earth, the way he can go from 1 - 100 in five seconds should be studied - it takes him a VERY long time to actually warm up to you, let alone DATE you, so be wary that you’re in it for the long haul if you want this man - the first 6 months of dating are torturous for the both of you, he is far too nervous to touch you and instead of telling you this he will literally just ignore you, but once you start being physical he is one of the most touchy mercs - you will have to be the initiator in most situations until he becomes more comfortable with affection, this man has spent most of his adult life in a van isolated from society so its no kidding that he would be awkward with you (even though he adores you) - “love, babe, darling, honey” generic nicknames, if he’s feeling more comfortable he’ll use “sweetheart” or “roo” if you’re getting on his nerves - he doesn’t do dates. like sorry to burst your bubble but he would consider eating dinner together in his van or even just having a bath together a date - extremely jealous but will never admit it and it is VERY obvious. this could be said for most of his feelings though and reassurance is all he really needs - will spy on you using the scope on his gun during battles, killing enemies who might try to sneak up on you <3
Spy: - spy is by far the MOST romantic merc out of the bunch, will take you out on date nights every week, intimacy regularly, affectionate both in private and public, etc he is the dream - in saying that he is also a player, he needs a partner who can keep him feeling fresh, and someone who is just as cunning as he is - will intentionally try to make you jealous in order to get a gauge on the kind of person you are. he is entirely mind games babe and will play it off as if he doesn’t care about other people trying to flirt with you (he wants to kill them with his bare hands) - he is either going to be obsessed with you or mildly attached, there is no in between and it will be strikingly obvious which it is - often refers to you as “mon amour (my love), beau/belle (handsome/beautiful), mon bébé (my baby)” - most likely enemies to lovers, if you’re good at your job he sees you as competition, if you’re not he sees you as a nuisance, either way you’re initially a problem to him - but then he starts to wonder: why can’t he stop thinking about your skin? and the way you say his name? and the way you bashed that sniper’s brains out? he is smitten without even realising it - occasionally cloaks and follows you around to keep you safe from enemies, but mostly sticks to trying to win the match
Miss Pauling: - if you thought engie or medic were bad you have NO idea with pauling, she quite literally has one day off a YEAR - and you bet your ass she is spending it in bed all day cuddling with you - doesn’t use pet names, she’ll either call you by your last name, or some nickname variation of your first name. she called you “babe” once and cringed so hard she couldn’t even look at you - as much as she doesn’t want to put you in any danger, she LOVES bringing you along for missions. she gets to finish earlier and spend time with you, its a win-win situation - coming home from work and eating dinner with you is the highlight of her day, she could be completely exhausted and yet you bring life back into her with just a smile - yes you had to “fight” scout for her and there was absolutely no competition, he didn’t even know you two were together until she rolled her eyes and kissed you in front of him (he was surprisingly supportive) - she’s far too busy to be jealous, if someone was flirting with you she wouldn’t even notice until it escalated and the person was on the floor with you standing over them triumphantly - she dreams about being able to go on museum dates with you one day, but for now bubble baths, dinners, and morning kisses are all you both get <\3
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