notonlyone · 2 years
What if I draw MCYT.... by Color-Coding
I think it'll end up uniting many parts of mcyt and people debating who falls in what color.
And alotta back tracking to my 10 year knowledge of MCYT.
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Also if you name everyone in this pic, I'll uhhhh idk, something, free drawing maybe.
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skymediauae · 3 months
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marialeto · 2 years
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Morning Photo Kaffaljidhma Star in Cetus Above Horizon Sky Location RA02h 43m 18s Dec +03 degrees 14’ 06”. #skymedia #Venus https://www.instagram.com/p/Cewfy8pOk_q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
sometimes you wake up and fucking find out that your favorite minecraft roleplay of ALL TIME that you think about frequently has been deleted and not fully archived .
if i had a nickel for everytime someone formally apart of Skymedia had their minecraft roleplay become lost media, i'd have two nickels. which isnt a lot but its weird it happened TWICE GOD FUCKING DAMN IT
NewScapePro's Fallout 4 rp?? PLEASE??? PLEASE COME BACK TO ME??? PLEASE
i swear to god i need to make a team that just archives as many minecraft series and streams as possible because i am SO TIRED of this happening oh my god
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bread-squid-uwu · 4 months
tell me why I just read the words "skymedia" and "team crafted" in 2024 what. what is going on.
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risingashes16 · 2 years
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CW: SkyMedia
If you are aware of all the horrible things that happened at SkyMedia, watch and share this video. The truth needs to be heard.
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Jawa Barat memiliki sejuta pesona wisata yang tak kalah menarik dengan Jawa Timur. Ada satu wisata pantai yang menarik di Sukabumi, yaitu Pantai Karang Hawu. Pantai Karang Hawu berada di Kecamatan Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Propinsi Jawa Barat.
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Pantai ini di sebut Karang Hawu, karena di areal pantai ini ada sebuah karang yang menjorok ke laut dan memiliki lubang di beberapa bagiannya yang berbentuk menyerupai tungku (atau hawu dalam bahasa sunda). Karena itu, pantai ini kemudian dinamakan Pantai Karang Hawu.
Harga tiket masuk Pantai Karang Hawu di Sukabumi yaitu Rp 2.500. Keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh pantai ini ialah panorama alamnya yang sangat indah, udaranya sejuk, dan memiliki hamparan pasir yang lembut dan luas.
Warna pasir di pantai ini putih sedikit kecoklatan dengan teksturnya yang halus. Sementara garis pantainya memiliki panjang mencapai 3 km dengan tepian yang melengkung. Di pantai ini, Sahabat Sporto dapat melakukan aktivitas seperti surfing, berenang, dan memancing. SUPPORT BY : @Abie Alief https://youtuberkacau.blogspot.com/ Jangan lupa like, comment, share & Subscribe … …!!!! __________________________________________________________
#MANCING #LAUT #KARANGANTU #SERANG #BANTEN #PANTAI #NELAYAN #PERIKANAN #UDANG #NgajiDiri #OlahRoso #OlahRogo #Musafir #SantriJalanan #SyekherMania #ShalawatTanpaBatas #RinduKasihmu #share #like #comment #Sahabat #NabiMuhammadSaw #allahuakbar #YOUTUBER #BACKPACKER #CRICorp #SANTRIKILAT #Adventure #Pengembara #GuruSejati #GreenWarrior #NATURE #ADVENTURE #SKYMediaKomputindo #SKYKomp #SKYMedia #BACKTONATURE #COVID19 #ALAM
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abiealiefaziz · 2 months
Menuju Sukses Butuh Usaha Dan Kerja Keras =========================== https://youtu.be/ZVnpCBDqNFs —————————————————— Pada sebuah daerah terdapat gunung yang konon katanya ketika pendaki mencapai puncaknya akan disuguhkan sebuah pemandangan yang cantik nan eksotis. Bisa dibilang pemandangan yang disuguhkan oleh gunung tersebut tak bisa ditemukan di tempat lain. Karena hal tersebut beberapa waktu kemudian datangnya seorang pemuda yang bermaksud untuk mencapai puncak gunung tersebut. Pemuda tersebut lalu mencoba untuk menapaki langkahnya hingga sampailah di lereng gunung. Pada area lereng gunung terdapat sebuah rumah yang di dalamnya terdapat seorang kakek tua. Lalu pemuda tersebut menemui sang kakek dan bertanya untuk menunjukkan jalan menuju puncak gunung. Sang kakek menjelaskan jika terdapat tiga jalan untuk menuju puncak. Semua jalan bisa dilalui, namun tetap saja setiap pendaki harus memilih jalan untuk menuju ke puncak. Seketika pemuda memilih jalan yang sebelah kiri. Namun sebelum langkah pertama diambil pemuda tersebut, sang kakek menjelaskan jika pada jalan sebelah kiri terdapat banyak kerikil dan rintangan. Seakan penuh keberanian dan percaya diri, pemuda tadi mulai menapaki langkah demi langkah. Semua yang diberitahu oleh kakek tua tadi ternyata benar. Semakin tinggi jalan yang dilalui oleh pemuda tadi. Kerikil dan bebatuan besar kerap ia temui. Bahkan jalan juga seakan-akan tak berpihak kepadanya. ----------------------------------------- https://youtu.be/KNybSkqNKiU ——————————————— Selanjutnya ia memutuskan untuk turun dan kembali ke kakek tua. Ia menjelaskan semua kejadian yang dialaminya. Lalu pemuda tadi ingin mencoba menggunakan jalan sebelah kanan. Sang kakek tua menjelaskan kembali jika pada jalan kanan penuh duri sambil tersenyum manis. Pemuda tadi tetap melangkah, sekali lagi omongan kakek tua tadi benar kembali. Pemuda tadi mendapatkan banyak rintangan. Lalu ia kembali lagi dan meminta arahan kepada sang kakek , sebenarnya jalan yang aman dan tak banyak rintangan itu yang mana. Sang kakek menjawab dengan nada serius. “Nak untuk menuju puncak dan mendapatkan pemandangan yang indah memang diperlukan usaha dan kegigihan. Semua jalan yang kamu lewati tidak ada yang pasti kemudahannya. Bahkan mungkin jalan buntu juga akan kamu temui,” ucap kakek tua seperti memberikan sebuah nasihat. Dari apa yang diucapkan oleh sang kakek tua membuat pemuda tersebut paham apa yang dimaksud dan bertekad untuk melanjutkan perjalanan menuju puncak apa pun itu rintangannya. Posted By :  @AbieAlief   CEO at  Cari Rumah Indonesia   Owner at @kontraktorid   Jangan lupa like, comment, share & Subscribe … …!!!! ______________________________ AGAMA, MULTI KULTUR, ISLAM, MUSAFIR, PANGERAN MIDJIL II, RITUAL, BERTAPA, MAKAM, DEMAK, KOTA, WALI, BINTORO, SUNAN KALIJAGA, MASJID AGUNG, SYEH, MAULANA MAGHRIBI, JAWA TENGAH, KADILANGU, RADEN FATAH, WALI SONGO, ULAMA, DARAH BIRU, KERATON, SULTAN, KERAJAAN, GURU SEJATI, ----------------------------------------------- #NgajiDiri #OlahRoso #OlahRogo #Musafir #SantriJalanan #SyekherMania #ShalawatTanpaBatas #RinduKasihmu #share #like #comment #Sahabat #NabiMuhammadSaw #allahuakbar #YOUTUBER #BACKPACKER #CRICorp #SANTRIKILAT #Pengembara #GuruSejati #GreenWarrior #karamah #kisahnyata #sahabat #islam #cerita #Nabi #Surga #Akhirat #carirumahindonesia #skykomp #skymediakomputindo #Kontraktor #development #property #investment #NATURE #ADVENTURE #SKYMediaKomputindo #SKYKomp #SKYMedia #BERKEBUN #HUTAN #BACKTONATURE #COVID19 #ALAM #ADVENTURE #KAMPUNG #PPKM #ALBASIA #SENGON #BUDIDAYA #KOPI #ARABICA #TARZAN #PETANI #MAGELANG #BOROBUDUR #JAWATENGAH #GREENWARRIOR #KENJORO #SESURAK #SUNGAI #GUNUNGSUMBING #WINDUSARI #ANDESBOND #BANDARSEDAYU
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deveploment · 3 months
SkyMedia is providing indoor and outdoor services along with touch screen, video wall, led video wall, hotel digital signage in Singapore. For getting more information about Led Video Wall Solution you visit:-https://www.skymedia.com.sg/solutions/
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teruke88 · 6 months
Explore the advantages of digital standees over traditional paper posters in our latest blog. Discover the impact, versatility, and innovation of digital advertising with Sky Media. For more info about digital standee better than paper poster click here:-https://www.skymedia.com.sg/blog/is-digital-standee-better-than-paper-poster/
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thetoxicgamer · 10 months
SkyDoesMinecraft releases statement after allegations of domestic abuse
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On July 24, Adam "SkyDoesMinecraft" Dahlberg tweeted a statement in response to claims of domestic abuse made by an ex-girlfriend. In the first few days of January 2022, the former YouTuber was charged with sexual harassment, assault, and paying off victims to protect his reputation. He allegedly abused drugs that would make him “go into a permanent psychosis,” and assaulted and sexually harassed “several women” according to ex-girlfriend Lizzybuggie’s allegations in early 2022. Dahlberg responded to these allegations over a year later by saying, “I’m not a horrible monster I’ve been made out to be, it hurts and it’s a lot of what is taking time to process.” He also shared he’s “off drugs, I’m eating healthy, and really alchemically focusing on my mind and body.” https://twitter.com/NetNobody/status/1683495457480163328 His primary goal seems to be focusing on future endeavors from now on, adding he was “excited” to deliver all the projects he’s been working on behind the scenes over the last few years. Dahlberg shared he has no plans of reconciling with the alleged victims because he believes it’s better to simply move on. Lizzybuggie’s allegations encouraged other Dahlberg associates to come forward with their experiences. One ex-employee called working at Skymedia, “the darkest period of my life that I’ve ever and probably will ever have” in a Jan. 24, 2022 tweet. https://twitter.com/TimDotTV/status/1485343933009965063 In Lizzybugie’s 6,000-word iCloud statement, she accused Dahlberg of sending naked images to young women without caring what age they’d be. He also allegedly spent “hundreds of thousands” to pay off victims of assault and sexual abuse. She also shared the authorities had been notified about the allegations against Dahlberg. https://twitter.com/Lizbuggie/status/1485280124467486722 As the allegations came to light, Dahlberg remained relatively silent on social media platforms like Twitter. But now has returned to the platform with a collection of tweets responding to community reactions regarding his July 2023 statement. Read the full article
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skymediauae · 3 months
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🚁✨ Looking for the best drone shop in Dubai? Look no further! SkyMedia Trading LLC is your one-stop destination for all things drone-related. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we've got you covered with our wide range of products and services. Visit us at Al Khaleej Center or shop online for convenient delivery options. 📦🛍️
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waughotte26 · 1 year
JinBop Wiki Age, Bio and Height Girlfriend, Career And Net Worth
JinBop is known for his YouTube channelcalled 'JinBop Gaming.' "Minecraft ULTIMATE KING of the Tower" and "Minecraft Deathrun! RUN FOR YOUR DEATHS!" are two of JinBop's most viewed Minecraft videos. Hypedpvp.net
Wiki Bio Age, Family, Siblings, Childhood and Education JinBop's Height, Weight and Body Measurement JinBop's career & Profession Role-playing (Pirates) SkyMedia's Offices SkyMedia Dissension JinBop's Girlfriend - Marriage and Relationship JinBop's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) JinBop's Net Worth and Income Quick Facts Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Siblings, Childhood & Education
Who is JinBop? Starlit Zhao is his real name, and his birth date is November 18 1992. He is 28 years old age and was born under the Scorpio sign. He was raised in Bellevue in Washington. His family and his education are not known.
JinBop's Height, Weight & Body Measurement
What is JinBop's Height? Jin's body is in good shape. He stands 5 7 inches tall and weighs 56 kilograms. He has dark brown eyes and golden hair. In addition there isn't any information on his bodily measurements.
JinBop's Profession & Profession
Zhao is famous for collaborating with SkyDoesMinecraft, House Owner, and ThatGuyBarney to play video games. He used to film his videos in the Washington office with Adam, Ross and Barney. Jin, Adam, Ross, Barney, Nick (SGCBarbierian) and Jess (Aphmau) create roleplays and have an established upload schedule. One of their series is "The Crafting Dead".
Nick began the 'RolePlay series with GhettoGamer, AK, and 09Sharkboy in 2014. They met with a few of the people who are now part of the group, however some of them were dead. They also ran into a cannibal Red (RedVacktor) who is their rival. RedVacktor first came into the team in Season 1 or 2. Ghetto and Nick met Jess in Season 3. She joined their team. They met a gentleman named Barney in Season 4 and when they met, Nick and the others were not aware that they were staying in his house.
Role-playing (Pirates)
The series of pirates was developed by Adam, Jin, Barney, Ross, and Nick. Captain Jin is the captain of the British ship, which is manned by First Mate Sky, Deckhand Barney and Cabin Boy Ross. Jin instructed Sky to work on the night shift. However this caused a major snafu. Except for Sky, everyone aboard died when the ship collided with an Iceberg. They were left on an island and required food and water to live. After building a shelter Jin, Sky and Barney set out to explore the island in search of riches. Ross was left in charge of the shelter's security.
They passed by skeletons and came across a base that was brimming with riches and skeletons on their way to discover treasure. Jin thought it was not a good idea and that they could end up like that If they stayed there. Ross was looking for help by lighting wood as they returned to their shelter.
SkyMedia offices
JinBop was purchased by SkyDoesMinecraft's SkyMedia firm in 2015. JinBop was featured in a number of videos up until November 2015, when he stopped appearing in videos. His most recent video on SkyVSGaming was a GTA video. It was revealed in SkyDoesMinecraft's mail video on December 4, 2015 that JinBop was deciding to leave SkyMedia and establish a solo YouTube channel due to differences in artistic style.
Since August 10 onwards, Jin has ceased uploading and his admirers had been attempting to contact Jin via social media. Scarce, a YouTube news channel, aired an video on September 9, 2016, in which JinBop was implicated in child pornography and the creation of child pornography. Scarce and his team of reporters discovered Jin's real name behind scenes and the name matches public court documents detailing JinBop's crimes and arrest. Scarce stated in the video that he believes that JinBop's disappearance from YouTube and Twitter was due to his being detained, arrested and trial in court.
Then, DramaAlert posted a video on their channel that broke the news story, and praising Scarce for breaking it down first. The video caught the attention of a variety of YouTubers such as Yammy Xox, CavemanFilms, and SkyDoesMinecraft, who simply commented, "Wow ..." after watching it.
JinBop's Girlfriend, Marriage and Relationship
Who is JinBop's girlfriend? He is currently in a single relationship. Jin might have been in an earlier relationship, but he has never mentioned it. He has not made public his relationship history. He is not currently dating anyone and is focusing on his work.
JinBop's Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)
His Instagram account, @jinboplife, has a following of over 160K people. His YouTube account, JinBop, has more than 328K subscribers. His YouTube account, @JinBopGaming has 60.7K subscribers. His Twitch channel has now surpassed 8.96K subscribers. In addition, he runs an account on Facebook.
JinBop's Income and Net Worth
How much does JinBop make? The YouTube star and YouTube personality is certainly an expertly paid professional. He hasn't yet disclosed his salary or net worth public.
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ethanhunt02511 · 1 year
We are the number 1 cloud based digital signage provider in Singapore. Being one of the pioneers in providing outdoor and indoor cloud based digital signage, digital menu, digital sign board, LED and LCD video wall, standing digital signage, digital standee, digital kiosks. for getting more information about kiosk digital signage singapore you visit:-https://www.skymedia.com.sg/
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
Did you see Mithzan’s Taboo episode today? It’s nice that he feels safe enough to talk about everything that happened in the offices.
i'm watching it now, hollllly shit. holy shit. thanks for this, i thought about watching it but completely forgot about it until now this is UNBELIEVABLE
one of the Skymedia workers had a MELT DOWN and KICKED A SUPPORT BEAM and got fired on the spot about super smash bros
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