watchdogs · 7 years
You know, even though the Shuffler is WITHOUT A SINGLE POSSIBLE DOUBT, ONE-HUNNARD-PERCENT real, I like to keep a healthy skepticism before I get excited about things. That’s just who I am.  But you guys were RIGHT. I can hear BENNY in the ambient sounds of idle machinery. But hey---healthy SKEPTICISM... Josh has given me a cleaned up file of some audio that was running on another frequency next to Benny's laptop to share with you guys.
Here >> http://bit.ly/AudioSitaraTumblr
YOU DECIDE. Get to work, people. I’m going to go start building my own PROTON PACK!
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watchdogs · 7 years
PEOPLe!!! We have entered FULL ANIMAL FARM. Like all posts are EQUAL but some are MORE EQUAL than others. Sitara’s gone full FASCIST mode to remove the truth about the Shuffler. She’s even DELETING or EDITING posts from people trying to seek the truth. Is she in CAHOOTS with the Shuffler?! I’m staring at her right now. She’s staring back like she KNOWS. My fellow Shufflites… do not let her silence us. Keep posting. We’ll find the TRUTH even if she thinks it’s a waste of DEDSEC’s time and energy… or if she’s already LOST HER AUTONOMY to the Shuffler’s pandimensional mental assault and is secretly plotting our doom. The look on her face right now tells me I may be the first VICTIM. Keep me in your PRAYERS AND/OR PAGAN RITUALS. WRENCH OUT.
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watchdogs · 7 years
SHUFFLITES, you never cease to AMAZE! It’s fan-FREAKIN-tastic to get this kind of DedSec support (EpicStreamMan, I’m lookin’ at you! BTW, I always read that as EPIC STEAM MAN which is even more epic). We know this isn’t a hoax, and we’re going to PROVE it.  Once we do—we’ll… lock ourselves up in padded rooms and wish to BAJEEBUS we were wrong. ANYWAYS. The TRUTH is everything!
INinja_DragonI has been talking to Benny… from the OTHER DIMENSION. Yes, Benny. WE HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. But now what?! Skauron’s been hearing Benny around the hackerspace, which is both terrifying and completely terrifying. Also a lead. Does anybody have a spirit board? Josh and I are going to PROBE these noise, but we could use some help. I know Lumi’s on the case with her VERY PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS.
KlockoBL has been finding some suspiciously named files out there using a hex editor. Something about a PORTAL. This is HUGE. Was this part of the original investigation before our TRAGIC TEENS were swallowed up? Is this portal their way out? Or our way IN? He seems to think it’s related to a specific time. This COMPLETELY lines up with my own research – Shuffler activity goes NUCKING FUTS in the early spring months with most documented disappearances in APRIL. Let’s hope KLOCK0 lives up to his name and figures out a timeline here.
We’ve got DizzyDave studying those WHACKED OUT symbols people keep finding. Will he crack the code?
Legend has it this thing does NOT take kindly to people snooping, so if you hear SHUFFLING, run. And stay away from cracks. In the walls. In the sidewalk. Loan your plumber a belt, because it’s NOT worth the risk, people!!!
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watchdogs · 7 years
THE SHUFFLER IS REAL! Don’t let Sitara FOOL you.
(Hi kiddies, this is your friendly neighborhood HANDSOME-PYROMANIAc-gENIUS, WRENCH!)
Okay. Sitara told you all about Benny, right? College kid. SMART. Bit of a doofus. All around great DedSec member. He disappeared. DISAPPEARED! And so did his BEST BUDDIES. Him and three other kids. The Shuffler 4.
I KNOW he was looking into the Shuffler when he disappeared. He was KEEPINg NOTES and making MAPS of the CITY and s @#$. We STILL have his computer with some of his files. Kid encrypted them pretty good, but I’m SURE we’ll find some INTERESTING s@#$ in there.
Some people are saying it’s just a bunch of flakey kids RUNNING AWAY and they’ll show up again. Well, they WON’T. Not unless we find them! I mean, shit. Even THEIR FAMILIES are GIVING UP on them now. We went to Benny’s FUNERAL. They didn’t even have a body!
The TRUTH is out there, and we’re gonna FIND IT.
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