#Shinra Agent Phoenix Wright
shinra-agent-phoenix · 2 months
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@doctorsiren 's art is now the blog's header!
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I just listened to Class Of 2013, it fits, but I was also listening to a song while writing that fic.
On loop.
A different song.
I have it memorized now because writing that fic took so long.
Oh really? What song? *music obsession activates*
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also out of curiosity how long did it take you to write that fic
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doctorsiren · 5 months
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A commission for @eway4 of Phoenix Wright for one of their Ace Attorney AUs ( which can be found at @shinra-agent-phoenix ) !
Commissions are open for anyone interested!
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eway · 4 months
All of the fics so far in @shinra-agent-phoenix are up on AO3! Please read the fics and review them, either on the dedicated sideblog or on AO3
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 6 months
Alright! This is the intro post. Every story in this AU will be on this blog. The pinned post will have links to every story. Stories with multiple chapters will have each chapter (after chapter 1) be a reblog.
Also, this AU is based on the Japanese versions of the games, which take place in Japan. While I will be keeping the localized names (for the most part), other localization changes will not be present
Feel free to make fanart, fanfics, send reviews in reblogs or asks, etc.
This is also available on AO3
Story one: The New Career
Story two: Bail Out
Ongoing one-shot series (takes place during multiple stories): Trucy And Her Babysitters
Story three: Apollo And The Trial
Story four: Test Results
Story five: Nightmares
Story six: A Day In The Life Of Maya Fey
Story seven: Enter Interpol
Story eight: A Day In The Prosecutor's Office
Story nine: Turnabout Emblem
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 2 months
Turnabout Emblem
Phoenix awoke to an alert from his communicator.
“Its like, 5 am, what's going on?” He said.
“Get down to our base.” Reiji said on the other end.
So Phoenix got dressed, grabbed Trucy and went down. He met up with Maya and carried the sleeping 8 year old inside.
“Ok, what was so important?” Phoenix asked as he saw the other three agents.
“Weeeelll…” Xiaomu said. And someone walked in front of her. Someone he knew.
“CHROM!?” Phoenix and Maya said in shock, causing Trucy to wake up.
“Yes. I'm here.” Chrom said, a bit sheepishly. Another person went up to him. But Phoenix didn't know her. She had red hair and armor.
“That all you got to say about this?” She asked him in a joking tone.
“Ok, who are you? And how did you two get here?” Maya asked.
“Name's Sully. Chrom here's my husband. As for how we got here…” Sully trailed off.
“Well, the Shepherds were fighting some enemy sorcerers and they opened a portal. And then Sully and I ended up here.” Chrom explained.
“Mmm…Daddy…?” Trucy said, waking up.
“Shh…go back to sleep…” Phoenix said.
“The computers say that 18 portals opened over Japan.” Reiji explained.
“Let's go gather some fantasy guys!” Xiaomu said.
“I'll call Edgeworth and Iris, so if they see anyone, they can let us know.” Phoenix said.
Edgeworth woke up to his phone ringing.
“This had better be important, Wright.” He said.
“Well, it is. A bunch of people from another world ended up here so if you see anyone who looks like they came from Medieval Times let us know.” Phoenix said. Edgeworth got up and looked out the window. To his surprise, lying on the grass outside, was a man and a woman.
“I think I may have found two of the people you are looking for.” Edgeworth said.
Phoenix turned to the other agents and the two Medieval People. Maya turned to him and put down the phone she was talking on.
“That was Iris! Her and Pearls found two more!” Maya said.
“I got a map up of all the locations where portals were spotted!” Reiji said. The computer had a map of Japan, with many dots.
“Alright! We'll go get the ones at cravat man's place first! Then we'll get the ones in Kurain!” Xiaomu said.
“What can we do?” Chrom asked. The agents looked at each other.
“Its probably for the best you stay here.” Doctor said. Phoenix handed Chrom Trucy.
“But you can watch my kid for me!” Phoenix said.
“Sure. We can look after the kiddo.” Sully said.
“Alright! Let's go!” Reiji said. And the agents left their base.
Upon arriving at Edgeworth's house, the (quietly) went to the backyard and saw the two people.
“I know what to do!” Xiaomu said. She was quickly shushed, then repeated it in a whisper. Xiaomu went up to the woman, looked down and said, “There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.”
To Phoenix and Maya's surprise, the woman actually started to wake up.
“Ugh…” She said as she got up.
“Alright, wake up the other guy and then come with us. We'll take you to Chrom.” Reiji said.
“I'm…confused…but ok.” Robin said. She went over to the man and poked him.
“Hey, Priam. Wake up.” She said.
“Huh?” He said.
“Come with us and we'll explain everything.” Reiji said.
And so they went over to the base.
“So basically we're in another universe?” Robin asked.
“Yep! We're gonna find your friends, but you gotta stay here and watch this guy's kid.” Xiaomu said and pointed to Phoenix. Phoenix gave a sheepish laugh.
“Alright, babysitting shouldn't be too hard.” Robin said.
“Of course! It will be good training for when we have Morgan!” Priam said.
“Alright. We need to go. But we should split up. I think Maya and Phoenix should head to Kurain, while Xiaomu and I head to one of the other locations on the map.” Reiji said.
“Wait what-” it was too late for Phoenix as Reiji had already left with his fiancé.
“Well, guess we better get to Kurain…” he said. Maya cheered.
In Kurain, they headed for Maya's house. They heard talking
“Then he gave me his family's signet ring! He said it's because he wanted to protect me, but I knew what he meant! And thats when I said yes!” An unfamiliar voice could be heard inside.
“Wow! Thats so romantic!” a voice that was unmistakably Pearl's said. They agents went inside and saw the medium and ex nun talking to a girl dressed in yellow robes and a boy in armor and a big hat.
“Mystic Maya!” Pearl said, running to Maya.
“Oh hello Feenie.” Iris said as she walked over to Phoenix and hugged him.
“Oh hey! You're the guys Iris was telling us about, right?” The girl said.
“Yup! Mr. Nick, Mystic Maya, Princess Lissa was just telling us how her and Sir Ricken fell in love! They're special someones! Its so romantic! He's her knight in shining armor!” Pearl said.
“Wait…princess!?” Phoenix said, shocked.
“Yep! I'm the princess of Ylisse!” Lissa said.
“So that makes you Chrom's sister?” Maya said.
“Yeah! So you're the guys he traveled dimensions with. Phoenix and Maya?” Lissa said.
“Yep. We're gonna take you to him!” Maya said.
“Yeah! It'd be great to see another familiar face!” Ricken said. And thus, Ricken, Lissa, Phoenix, and Maya left.
Reiji and Xiaomu headed for a close-by place on the map. It so happened to be where a Renaissance Fair was taking place.
“Everyone is dressed in Medieval clothing! How are we supposed to find these guys?” Reiji asked.
“Leave it to me! I've 100% Awakening and can recognize ANY of the characters!” Xiaomu said with a smile.
“Wow! Those look so realistic!”
“That's so cool!”
“How did you make them?”
“Can I ride?”
These and many other random questions could be heard by the couple. Of course they went over and saw a griffin and a white pegasus. Next to them were their riders, who looked very confused.
“I'm assuming those two are who we're looking for?” Reiji asked.
“Yeah, that's Sumia as a Falcon Knight, and Frederick who looks like he was reclassed into a Griffon Rider.” Xiaomu said.
“I'll…take your word for it.” Reiji said. “So how are we going to get them to the base without drawing attention?”
“Leave that to me!” Xiaomu said, before she walked up to Frederick and Sumia, pushing through the crowd.
“Ah! If it isn't the royal knight and his wife!” Xiaomu yelled dramatically, bowing before the two. Reiji ran up to her.
“What are you doing!?” He whispered.
“Just follow my lead.” She whispered back.
“Yes. I am Frederick, royal knight of Ylisse.” Frederick said.
“Well, this is Reiji Arisu, my lover. And I am the great sage fox, Xiaomu!” She said, but in such a dramatically the crowd thought it was an act.
“Well then, it is an honor to meet a sage!” Sumia said.
“Well, your Prince landed in this realm not long before now, would you mind accompanying us to where he is so that we may explain everything?” Reiji said, finally catching on.
“Of course!” Sumia said. Xiaomu ran up to her and jumped onto her pegasus, surprising her, but the crowd seemed into it. Frederick allowed Reiji onto his Griffin, and they flew away.
“Finally I can stop talking like that! Anyway, yeah, Chrom may have mentioned us?” Xiaomu said.
“Yes, he did mention an adventure with 2 people by that name, alongside many others.” Frederick said.
“Well, you somehow ended up in out realm. So we'll take you to a Shinra base where Chrom, Sully, Robin, and Priam are.” Reiji explained.
“Very well.” Frederick said.
Meanwhile, Phoenix and Maya headed for the island of Kyushu. A portal opened above Suizenji Garden, that's where they headed.
“Wow! It's so serene here, don't ya think?” Maya asked as she and Phoenix walked. He had to admit, it was quite beautiful. The duo walked through the garden. Then they heard voices.
“It seems you are overcoming your discomfort.” A female voice said.
“I…do not feel as much…discomfort…around you anymore.” A male voice said. Phoenix and Maya hide as the duo pass them by. The man and woman embraced, and the man looked uneasy, but happy.
Maya stepped on a twig. The man and woman took a fighting stance as the woman took out a book and the man drew a sword and stepped in front of her. Immediately Phoenix and Maya stepped out into view with their hands up.
“H-hey! We don't mean any harm!” Phoenix said, smiling but also sweating a bit.
“Who are you?” The man asked.
“My name is Phoenix Wright, this is Maya Fey, please put down the sword.” Phoenix said.
“Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey? I believe Chrom mentioned them once.” The woman said.
“They sound familiar.” The man said, lowering the sword.
“You guys fell from a portal in the sky, right? Well, so did Chrom! So we're gonna take you to him!” Maya said.
“Alright.” The man said. Maya looked at his sword and decided to get a closer look and then-
“GET BACK, WOMAN!” The man shouted, causing Maya to jump back and yelp in surprise.
“I apologize for his rudeness. He has an issue we are working on. A fear of women.” The woman explained. The man looked away.
“Its fine with a woman I know well, and in combat. Outside of that…” The man said.
“I understand. Can I have your names?” Phoenix asked.
“My name is Maribelle. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” The woman said.
“I am Lon'qu.” The man said.
“Alright. Follow us!” Maya said as she ran off…
Xiaomu and Reiji were walking in a shopping center. With Xiaomu constantly getting distracted.
“Xiaomu, please stay focused. We have a mission.” Reiji.
“Aww, come on, don't very such a stick in the mud!” Xiaomu said.
“Note to self, pinch Xiaomu's butt later.” Reiji said to himself, though the woman overheard.
“You say that like its a bad thing.” She giggled. Both agents walked around until.
“Step right up! Step right up! I have all the best wares!” A redhead said. Xiaomu ran off to check out the merchandise.
“Wow! This stuff is so cool!” Xiaomu said. Then she got a good look at the woman. “Hold on, are you an Anna?”
“Yup!” Anna said. A man came up to her.
“Hey moneybags. I got new wares for you.” The ginger said. The woman smirked.
“Oh hi Gaius.” Xiaomu said.
“How do you know my name?” the ginger said.
“Not important. Right now, we gotta take you to Chrom!” Xiaomu said.
“Now hold on-”Anna was cut off by people running at her.
“Hey that's mine!”
“Those belong to me!”
And more things were shouted.
“Actually yeah let's go!” Anna said. And Xiaomu grabbed Anna and Gaius and ran.
“What just happened?” Reiji thought.
Phoenix and Maya walked to Mt Fuji.
“This is where that dragon sighting was?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah, this is where people saw a dragon. Some people saw people riding it!” Maya said.
“Considering a portal opened above here, I wouldn't be surprised.” Phoenix said.
As the duo spoke, something flew above them. Something black and somewhat small. It flew around before flying to the top of the mountain.
“Ugh…come on…” Phoenix said, annoyed knowing he needs to climb a mountain.
After hours of climbing, Phoenix and Maya reached the top of Mt. Fuji. They were exhausted. And then a wyvern pounced on Phoenix.
“AAAAAAAAH!” He screamed.
“Nick!” Maya yelled.
“How cute. I see Minerva likes you.” A woman said as she walked closer.
“CAN YOU GET IT OFF ME!?” Phoenix yelled.
“Hey Minvera, lay off ‘im. You wanna wrestle than come play with ol’ teach!” A man said. The wyvern flew off of Phoenix and wrestled with the man. The woman chuckled.
“I wonder wonder why Minerva likes you…” she wondered.
“Yeah me to. Anyway, my name is Phoenix Wright and this is Maya Fey.” Phoenix said.
“I am Cherche. And the man playing with Minerva is my husband Vaike.” The woman said.
“Hey! I think Chrom mentioned you!” Vaike said, finishing his little wrestling match with Minerva as she followed Vaike.
“Yeah, we were looking for all the people who fell out of those portals.” Phoenix said.
“I see.” Cherche said.
“Well come with us! Since we're from this world!” Maya said.
“Very well, lead the way.” Cherche said. As Phoenix led Cherche, Minerva, and Vaike down the path, Cherche stopped.
“Don't forget Kellam.” She said.
“Who?” Phoenix asked.
“Me.” A man covered in armor said. Maya screamed and jumped into Phoenix's arms.
“How do you keep hiding?” Vaike asked. He was startled, but hid it.
“I don't know.” Kellam said.
In Kyōto, Xiaomu and Reiji walked. They walked near the Uji River.
“Isn't it pretty?” A man said.
“I suppose. I wonder what I can use in this new realm. Perhaps I can find new ingredients for hexes…” a woman said, chuckling darkly.
“Well, I'll help you out if you need me to gather anything.” The man said. It was then that Xiaomu and Reiji appeared.
“Hey! If you need hexing things, we got a TON of those!” Xiaomu said.
“Oh? How intriguing…who are you?” The woman said.
“I am the sagefox Xiaomu!” She said. “And I know you two are Tharja and Stahl!”
This shocked the other two.
“How do you know that!?” Stahl said.
“Come with us and I'll explain.” Xiaomu explained.
“Very well…this could be interesting…” Tharja said.
As the day went on, more of the Shepherds were found. Phoenix and Maya found Flavia and Basilio. Tiki and Say'ri were found by Xiaomu and Reiji.
“Are we almost done?” Phoenix asked Doctor via a communicator.
“Only 5 more. Portalwise.” she replied. “Xiaomu and Reiji are going after the dragon sighting in Okinawa. But there's been sightings of a monstrous rabbit like creature in Shiratani Unsuikyo. Head on over there.” Doctor said.
“Great. A monster rabbit.” Phoenix thought.
He and Maya walked through the woods. Then they heard rustling.
Maya jumped behind Phoenix.
“Maya. You can't hide behind me all the time. You're the one who makes shields.” Phoenix thought.
“Hello! Monster Bunny!” Maya shouted.
“Not so loud! What if it attacks!?” Phoenix said.
A chuckle was heard.
“You look for monster bunny?” A voice said. And older man appeared from the trees.
“Yeah. Know anything about that?” Maya asked.
“Yes. Gregor knows. Why you want to see monster bunny as you call it?” The man said.
“We're agents of Shinra so we gotta get it back to our base so we can bring it back to its world!” Maya said.
“MAYA!?” Phoenix yelled.
“Oh come on Nick! He's wearing medieval clothes and has a sword and an axe. He's obviously one of Chrom's friends!” Maya said.
“You know Chrom? In that case, I will take you to Panne. I will give warning. Do not call her Monster Bunny. She is taguel.” Gregor said.
“Of course sir.” Phoenix said. The duo followed Gregor through the trees. There they saw Panne, who transformed into a humanoid form.
“I see you are manspawn of this world. I have heard everything. The taguel have excellent hearing she said.
“Oh! So you'll come with us?” Phoenix asked.
“Yes.” She replied.
“Sorry about calling you a monster bunny…” Maya said.
Reiji felt like he was going to have a headache. They found two more Shepherds. One was a man who looked like if Edgeworth was Franziska’s biological brother. The other was the one causing him grief. A dragon child currently playing with Xiaomu. Who he now had to wrangle.
“Come on! We need to get you guys back to the base!” He said.
“Party pooper” Nowi retorted.
“Yeah! Don't be a buzzkill!” Xiaomu said. Reiji facepalmed.
Phoenix was already unhappy having to climb another mountain. But upon meeting the murder happy mage who talked with the local monkeys, and his shy dancer of a wife, suddenly he felt rather frightened.
“We should…get back to base.” He said.
“Roger that!” The smiling mage said. He took out a book and teleported them to the base.
“How did you do that?” Maya asked.
“A little mind reading hex!’ Henry replied. Reiji and Xiaomu returned finally, with the last four Shepherds. Cordelia and Libra, and Donnel and Miriel.
“Alright! That's everyone.” Reiji said.
“Finally! I'm exhausted!” Phoenix said. He proceeded to fall asleep on the floor.
Robin was looking through the convoy. Many items were missing, probably fell out. But she paused. All the reeking boxes were gone. Well it shouldn't be an issue. They can't summon Risen in another world.
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 5 months
Trigger Warning: Child Abuse (physical and verbal)
Darkness. It was so dark. So small. Sebastian could hardly move. His wrists and ankles were bound, his mouth gagged. It was happening again not again not again-
“Well if it isn't my idiot son!” His father's voice said. Sebastian froze. He looked around but was still so dark. He was clearly in a box though.
“I still can't believe you put your old man in jail. It brings tears to my eyes.” The voice said. The box Sebastian was in seemed smaller.
“But enough of that. You really thought I wouldn't make sure you pay for that? You always were an idiot.” The voice said. The sound of a lighter being turned on was heard. Panic filled Sebastian as he desperately tried to break free as the box caught fire. Desperately trying to plea for mercy but unable to make any noise as the flames grew it burned it hurt so badly he couldn't escape he couldn't leave, his pops was taunting him he was just an idiot it burned it hurt it hurt-
“You think Edgeworth or Justine will save you? Ha! Don't be so stupid!” The voice said.
Sebastian could see all the people he met. He could hear them talk. Talking about how useless and annoying and in the way he was. The flames grew larger and larger.
He wanted to scream but he couldn't. All he did was cry. Cry like the worthless little brat he was. Until the flames consumed him…
Sebastian woke up with a scream. Drenched in sweat, tears in his eyes. He panicked and looked around before realizing. He wasn't tied up. There wasn't a gag in his mouth. He wasn't in a box. There were no flames. He was in the guest bedroom of Mr. Edgeworth's house. He felt like an idiot. Why was he so scared!? He sent his dad to jail! Why was he so scared of a man behind bars!? And why couldn't he bring himself to hate him? He was just an idiot. Edgeworth would probably kick him out once he realized that.
Miles Edgeworth woke up to the sound of screaming. He ran to where he heard it from. Considering the fact that someone dangerous knew his address and threatened Wright with it, Edgeworth feared the worst. He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Sebastian, staring at his hands. Before noticing the sweat all over him. The way he was breathing so heavily. The tears in his eyes. He had a nightmare. Edgeworth was no stranger to those. He had the same one every night for 15 years.
“Sebastian? Are you alright?” Edgeworth asked. Sebastian looked startled. To Edgeworth's surprise, he hid his hands. Now that he thought about it, he'd never seen Sebastian's hands without gloves before. What was he hiding…?
“Huh!? Oh um…hello Mr. Edgeworth. Did you need something?” Sebastian asked, trying to look calm.
“I heard you screaming. Did you have a nightmare?” Edgeworth asked, getting closer to the bed. Sebastian backed away slightly.
“Huh!? N-no! Of course not!” He yelled defensively.
“Then why did you scream?” Edgeworth asked. Sebastian looked away.
“Yes. I did…” he admitted.
“There is no shame in it. I had the same nightmare every night for 15 years.” Edgeworth admitted.
“Really? How did you deal with it?” Sebastian asked.
9 year old Miles Edgeworth screamed as he awoke. The elevator. The bailiff. His father. The gun. The shot. The scream. Just like that night. His hands shook. He didn't want to go back to sleep.
The door opened and he quickly pretended to sleep. If Manfred knew he was awake-
“Miles Edgeworth. Why did you scream?” A little girl asked. It was his new sister, Franziska. The young American approached him.
“I had a nightmare…” he admitted. He had yet to learn that admitting a weakness in this house was a grave error. However, Franziska just looked at him.
“About?” She asked, looking impatient.
“I…I dreamt about…the elevator and my father and the bailiff and- well, in my dream I didn't black out after throwing the gun and I saw the bullet…h-h-hit my f-f-father…” Miles started to cry. Franziska slapped him.
“You fool! It was not you who killed Gregory Edgeworth! It was Yanni Yogi! The bailiff! Despite the Not Guilty verdict it was still him!” Franziska said.
“I-I know…” Miles said, unconvinced. Franziska stared at him, and then started to climb into the bed.
“Move over, Miles Edgeworth!” She commanded.
“Wha- hey! What are you doing!?” Edgeworth asked.
“I am doing my job as your big sister and protecting you from the nightmares!” She said as if it was obvious. She got in and started to try to snuggle him. She held on tight.
“Wait, big sister? But I'm older.” Miles said.
“Foolish Fool! I was a von Karma before you! That makes you my little brother!” She said smugly. She lightly slapped his cheek. “Now go back to sleep! I will keep those dreams of falsehoods away!”
Miles did go back to sleep…
“Er…it was complicated…” Edgeworth said.
“Oh…” Sebastian said, dejected. Edgeworth noticed something odd.
“Why are you hiding your hands?” He asked.
“Huh!? I'm not hiding them!” Sebastian said, still hiding them.
“Then can you show me?” Edgeworth said.
Sebastian looked nervous.
“Sebastian. I promise I won't say anything.” Edgeworth said. Reluctantly, Sebastian showed Edgeworth his hands. They were covered in burns.
“P-pops used to…” Sebastian stopped talking.
He had asked one too many times where his mom was. His dad said she disappeared. But this time he asked in public. And his pops wasn't happy.
“You little idiot! How many times do I need to tell you, she left because you were too much of an idiot to be around!” Blaise Debeste said.
“But I'm not an idiot!” 5 year old Sebastian yelled.
Blaise took out the lighter he always carried with him.
“Y'know…maybe you need a little reminder so you don't go making the same mistakes…” Blaise said. He grabbed the young boy's wrist and put the lighter right under Sebastian's hand and-
“-Sebastian!” Edgeworth said, snapping Sebastian out of it.
“Y-yes?” He asked.
“You said Blaise did this?” Edgeworth said. As if there wasn't enough reason for him to hate the man. What had he done to the boy…?
“Only when I deserved it. It's to remind me…how much of a useless idiot I am…” Sebastian said, crying and staring at the burns. From the looks of it, there had been many over the years. Edgeworth gently grabbed his hands.
“Sebastian. Nothing you could have done would have warranted this.” Edgeworth said.
“They don't hurt anymore. Maybe because he was right…” Sebastian said.
“Sebastian. He was wrong about you. Who proved his guilt and got him incarcerated for his crimes?” Edgeworth asked.
“M-me…” Sebastian said.
“Who searched through the garbage dump for hours just to find the evidence Blaise disposed of?” Edgeworth said.
“I did but-” Sebastian was cut off.
“And you have done many other impressive things. You will go on to do great things, Sebastian. And you will make your own choices, not those your father makes for you.” Edgeworth said. Sebastian wiped a few tears away.
“T-thank you…” he said. “But that doesn't mean I didn't deserve them when I got them…”
Edgeworth looked at him.
“Sebastian. I know it's hard to accept, but you did not deserve them. No matter what you did. No parent should burn their child, no matter what they did.” Edgeworth said. He knew Sebastian didn't believe him. He was a prosecutor for a long time. He'd prosecuted abusers. He'd spoken to victims. And it was often very difficult and took time for them to accept that they did not deserve what their abuser did. Sebastian continued to look at the burns. He sighed and hid them under the blankets and wiped a few tears away.
“Thank you for the resurgence.” He said.
“You mean reassurance?” Edgeworth asked.
“Yeah that.” Sebastian replied.
Silence. Edgeworth got up to leave and found his sleeve grabbed.
“Don't go!” Sebastian said. He let go and backtracked. “Er…don't leave yet.”
Edgeworth gave a slightly amused smile. Perhaps this was the best way to deal with nightmares.
“Would you like me to stay here until you fall asleep?” He asked.
“You will!? Thank you!” Sebastian said, hugging Edgeworth, to the adult's shock. He didn't quite know what to do. He lightly pushed Sebastian away.
“Y-yes…now do try to get some sleep…” Edgeworth said. Sebastian let go. And started to try to sleep.
Edgeworth sat there, as Sebastian did hold onto him. He never saw himself as worthy of being a father figure. But right now…
He shook his head. What foolish thoughts…
The two fell asleep next to each other.
An observer outside vanished into the night….
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 3 months
A Day In The Prosecutor's Office
Franziska von Karma entered the Prosecutor's Office. There weren't many prosecutors there her little brother trusted, but he was working his way up to chief prosecutor, so those dishonest prosecutors would be dealt with. It was a sad situation when Edgeworth trusted a convict as a prosecutor more than most of those working here. He would probably let a death row inmate prosecute rather than some of the corrupt people here! Though this person was convicted of murder to protect another person, so no death sentence. Still…
Franziska walked into Edgeworth's office.
“Hello Franziska.” He said, turning to her.
“Greetings Miles Edgeworth. You said you have information on The Shadow?” Franziska said.
“Yes. Recently, a man was arrested for stealing a stealth suit, it uses nano technology to perfectly camouflage the wearer to any environment. The culprit confessed to the crime, but didn't have the suit. He was hired to steal it by a mysterious man in all black.” Edgeworth explained.
“Paying others and having them steal stealth gear fits The Shadow's M.O…” Franziska thought to herself.
“Prosecutor Blackquill is in charge of the theft's trial.” Edgeworth said.
“Then I shall go pay him a visit.” Franziska replied.
“Be warned. You may have a whip, he has a hawk and a katana.” Edgeworth warned, though he smiled slightly.
“Fool. He isn't trained in combat, is he?” She said with a smile.
“No. He is not.” Edgeworth said. As she left, he turned back to her. “It was… nice to see you again, Franziska.”
“Hmpf. You say that as though I am leaving the country once more. I will be seeing you once the day is done. Someone needs to drag you out of here before you pass out again.” She said with a smirk.
“FRANZISKA!” Edgeworth shouted, embarrassed. Franziska just walked out of the room. Edgeworth did have a bad habit of working until he passed out, but did she really need to bring it up!?
On her way to Blackquill’s office, Franziska ran into a blonde rockstar.
“Ah, hallo fräulein.” Klavier said.
“Out of my way, fool.” She said, snapping her whip on the ground. He flinched, and knew better than to flirt with a girl who was armed and not in the mood.
“Alright. Though I do have something to say.” He said.
“Make it quick.” Franziska replied.
“I…have been looking into the Gramarye case AUGH!” Klavier screamed as the whip hit him.
“You foolish fool! Why would you look into that case!? The Shadow could go after you as well as Phoenix Wright!” Franziska said, angry.
“Ah. So this is how you show you care.” Klavier said with a smile before getting another lash and yelping out.
“Send your findings to my office at once!” Franziska yelled, striking the whip on the ground. Klavier thankfully got the hint and ran off.
Franziska finally reached Blackquill's office. Opening the door, she was met with a room filled with ornamental ancient Japanese things, such as weapons or armor pieces. The owner of the room turned to Franziska.
“Ah. Greetings von Karma~dono.” The black haired young man said, giving a stiff bow. Franziska smirked. She liked him already.
“Greetings Simon Blackquill. I hear the defendant in one of your current cases has a link to The Shadow.” she said.
“Yes.” Simon replied, as a baby hawk flew over carrying a file. Simon took the file as the bird rested on his shoulder, as he gave it affectionate scratches. Simon handed the file to Franziska.
“The defendant is Lara Seenee. Questioning revealed she was bored and a mysterious man with an unnatural voice gave her the idea to steal the stealth suit, and requested she give it to him. She doesn't know anything else about him.” Simon explained as Franziska flipped through the file.
“I see. Should you gain any more information from her, you will report it to me.” Franziska said. The young prosecutor bowed and Franziska left.
As Franziska walked by, she nearly tripped over an abyssinian cat. She heard that the convict prosecutor's prison had a program where they gave each of their inmates pets. And he was given a kitten.
“Hmpf. Hello feline.” Franziska said. The cat stared at her. She picked up the cat. “Come, let us go to your foolish human.”
Franziska and the cat reached the office of Prosecutor Armando, formerly known as Godot. The first thing Franziska noticed was the overwhelming smell of coffee.
“Diego Armando! Your feline companion was wandering the halls!” Franziska yelled. The masked man, who was sitting in a swivel chair, turned to her. The cat lept from Franziska's arms and went into Diego's lap, rubbing against his chest and purring.
“Chihiro can't be caged. Kitten needs to be free.” Diego replied, petting the cat. Franziska quickly left, because this man knew how to get under her skin and she didn't want to give him the chance, or satisfaction, of making her upset.
Franziska went to her office and on the way, Sebastian ran into her.
“O-OH! I'm sorry Ms. von Karma!” Sebastian said, scrambling to pick up the papers he dropped in the collision.
“Hmpf! Watch where you are going, Sebastian Debeste!” She said, getting up, and brandishing her whip. Sebastian backed away.
“U-um.” Sebastian stuttered.
“Is something wrong?” She said smugly. When he continued to stutter and whipped the ground near him. In the past she would have whipped him but knowing his past, she decided not to. In all honesty, it was a commonality between them, less than ideal childhoods.
“Foolish Fool! Either speak or do not!” She yelled. Sebastian nodded.
“Ms. von Karma, now that you are here, how do you think I've improved since I've been under Mr. Edgeworth's tittledge?” he asked.
“You fool, the word is ‘tutelage’” She said. He nodded.
“However, you have improved greatly since we last met. When we first crossed paths you could not form a coherent logical conclusion. And now you have successfully taken on multiple cases.” She said. He welled up with tears.
“Thank you Ms. von Karma!” He yelled.
“It was the truth.” She replied with a curtsey. Sebastian ran off. She was getting soft…
As Sebastian ran off, he ran right into Klavier. At least this time he didn't knock him down. The two knew each other, they went to Themis Academy together. He didn't interact much with him, at least until after Edgeworth took him in, but now the two were friends, bonding often over both prosecution and music.
“Ah, my apologies Herr Debeste.” Klavier said.
“It's alright. Where are you headed?” Sebastian asked, taking out his baton to fiddle with.
“Fräulein von Karma requested I bring her some files.” Klavier said.
“I see. Then, that whip mark came from her?” Sebastian asked. Klavier immediately covered the mark on his cheek.
“Y-yes. She is quite fierce, ja?” Klavier said.
“Yes, but a brilliant prosecutor!” Sebastian said, loudly, as if she could hear him.
“And a kindred spirit for you?” Klavier asked. When Sebastian looked uncomfortable, he changed the subject. “Would you like to return to my office? After all, I could use your advice for a song I am working on.”
Sebastian looked happy.
“Of course! I am ‘the best’ after all.” He said, waving the baton as if conducting. Klavier chuckled and the two went to Klavier's office. Klavier was an excellent musician but he was still working on actually writing music. Sebastian wrote music all the time, though usually waltzes and the like. He did start trying to make things more in his friend's genre recently though.
Later, Sebastian left. He still had a case to work on, but the break was appreciated. It was a simple case. Theft. Not even larceny. But it was also open and shut.
As he walked he passed by Diego Armando's office. He knew he had a cat and he liked the cat. So Sebastian decided to knock on the door so he could see Chihiro.
“Hello?” He said as he knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Diego said. Sebastian came in. The cat approached him and he bent down to pet it. The stench of coffee was large.
“So what kind of case are you working on?’ Sebastian asked.
“Attempted murder. Poor girl didn't even see her attacker. But there's enough to convict the guy. He'll be drinking a hot, bitter cup of justice.” Diego said.
“Wow…” Sebastian said, looking awed. Diego smirked and turned back to his vase. Sebastian left. Diego thought to himself. The kid was endearing. If Mia didn't die, then they could've-
Best not to dwell on what ifs.
Sebastian decided to stop by Edgeworth's office. Sebastian knocked on the door and went inside.
“Hello Mr. Edgeworth.” Sebastian said.
“Ah. Hello Sebastian. What can I do for you?” Edgeworth asked, getting up from his desk.
“Well, I was wondering if you had time for a game of chess.” Sebastian asked. He had been practicing in his free time, alongside many other strategy games, including video games.
“Sure. I can take a break.” Edgeworth said, grabbing the chess board and setting it up.
The two clashed wits in chess. Edgeworth won.
“Aw…I lost…” Sebastian said.
“You've greatly improved, however.” Edgeworth said. “Have you been practicing?”
Edgeworth chuckled.
“I admire your determination.” Edgeworth said. Sebastian looked incredibly happy.
“I must get back to work. You'd best do the same.” Edgeworth said.
“Ok! Thank you!” Sebastian said as he walked out and headed for his office.
He passed by Blackquill's office when a tiny bird flew at him.
“Ah! G-get away!” He said, trying to get the tiny hawk to stop attacking him. Simon came running out of his office.
“Taka! Stop attacking him!” Simon said, picking up Taka and calming the bird down. He then looked at the now crying 17 year old.
“Why does your bird hate me?” Sebastian asked, sad.
“He’s just wary of strangers…” Simon explained. Leaving out that he was training the bird to attack people he wanted the bird to attack. Sebastian didn't need to know that.
Sebastian's question mark ahoge turned to an exclamation point.
“Oh. So if I spend more time with him he won't attack me?” He asked.
“I guess…but don't you have a case to work on?” Blackquill asked.
“Oh yeah! See you later!” Sebastian said as he ran off.
Simon returned to his office. This case would be fairly easy. Taka perched on his shoulder as he grabbed the file. He started to look over it when he heard a knock on the door.
“Prosecutor Blackquill?” Edgeworth asked. Simon opened the door.
“Edgeworth~dono! What do I owe the pleasure?” Simon said.
“I was wondering how your case was coming. Has the defendant given you any more information on her employer?” Edgeworth asked.
“No. Sorry.” Simon said.
“I see.” Edgeworth said. He noticed the display of weapons on the wall. 釖, 薙刀, 斧, 弓, 苦無, 猫手, 手裏剣, 吹き矢, 懐剣, 鎌, 鎖分銅, 距跋渉毛, てっせん, and more.
“Where did you get these?” Edgeworth asked.
“Oh! From my mentor! She also enjoys traditional Japanese things!” Simon said. He looked excited.
“They are very well taken care of.” Edgeworth commented.
“Thank you!” Simon said, bowing.
“Well, I must leave. Good luck on the case.” Edgeworth said, leaving.
Simon worked a bit more before deciding to get some air with Taka.
Then Taka saw Chihiro. And Diego saw Simon.
“Hello Mask Man.” Simon said.
“Mask Man? Heh, I've had worse nicknames.” Diego said, sipping from his coffee mug. Taka and Chihiro seemed to get along. The two adults looked at each other. Simon admired Diego. Someone willing to do anything to protect his loved ones. Simon knew he would was the same. Luckily nothing so far happened. No words were exchanged, but the two men understood each other. They soon parted ways.
Simon was passing by Klavier's office, when he heard a frustrated scream from the man's room.
“Are you alright?” Simon asked, opening the door. Papers were strewn everywhere and a frustrated Klavier stood in the center.
“No I am not alright! I cannot figure this case out! People's lives are in danger and I can't crack it!” Klavier yelled.
“Calm down. You cannot do it alone.” Simon said. Klavier somewhat calmed down.
“If you need any help I'd be happy to assist.” Simon said.
“Thank you.” Klavier said. Simon gave him info on The Shadow and helped him tidy up his office. Then Simon left.
Klavier needed to get that information to Franziska. He didn't want to get whipped again. He ran into Edgeworth on the way.
“Oh hello Prosecutor Gavin.” Edgeworth said.
“Herr Edgeworth! I didn't see you there!” Klavier said, adjusting his hair. Edgeworth looks at his files.
“The Gramarye case?” Edgeworth asked.
“Yes. I want to know what really happened.” Klavier said.
“That is very dangerous.” Edgeworth warned.
“I need to know the truth!” Klavier said, getting more frustrated. Edgeworth chuckled.
“Perhaps Wright could help you?” Edgeworth said. Klavier looked away.
“Perhaps… I need to get these files to Fräulein von Karma. Excuse me.” He said. Klavier kept moving. He didn't know why he didn't want to work with Phoenix, after all he believed Phoenix to be innocent of the forgery now. So why?
“Something wrong?” A voice said. A man in a mask with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Herr Armando.” Klavier simply said. Diego took a drink.
“There was a time I hated Wright. But I've moved on from that. He is his mentor’s student.” Diego said, taking another sip.
“What are you saying?” Klavier asked, getting impatient.
“Maybe get help instead of trying to figure this out by yourself.” Diego said. A cat walked between his legs, purring. Klavier walked off, not bothering to make another comment.
Diego shrugged and walked back to his office. The day would end soon, and he'd be escorted back to prison. Edgeworth approached him.
“Armando?” He said. Diego smirked.
“If it isn't the boss himself. You never did tell me.” He said.
“Tell you what?” Edgeworth asked.
“Why you arranged for me to be a prosecutor again. I should be serving jail time for what I've done.” He replied. Edgeworth sighed.
“You are one of the few people with the skills necessary to be a prosecutor I can trust.” Edgeworth said.
“Corruption running rampant. They're calling it The Dark Age Of Law.” Diego said.
“Of the many prosecutors here, there are only 4 besides you and I who I trust. Gavin, Blackquill, Debeste, and von Karma.” Edgeworth said.
“So essentially, you need all the help you can get.” Diego said.
“Precisely.” Edgeworth said.
“In that case, I'll be on my way to continue working on this case.” Diego said with a smile. Edgeworth continued to his office.
Soon, the day ended. Franziska gathered the information she received from Klavier and Simon and went to her current living quarters to pour over them.
Sebastian went home. After getting ready for bed, he took out a 3DS to play a strategy game.
Simon went to the Cosmos Space Center. After saying hello to his mentor, her daughter, and his sister, he finished up some things before going to bed.
Klavier went home and practiced some music, but the Gramarye case never left his mind.
Diego was escorted back to the prison.
And Edgeworth stayed at the office for 2 more hours, until Franziska returned and dragged him home.
That night, as everyone slept, strange portals opened above Japan…
A/N I thought Diego naming a kitten after Mia would be cute. So if there was a Japanese Version of this AU, the cat would be named Mia. Chihiro is Mia's Japanese name. And if anyone has ideas for a Miego fankid, lemme know, not for this fic (that part where Diego is pondering him and Mia “could've” is referring to a possibility of them having kids eventually if she was alive). And how do you write pre UR-1 Simon when there is almost NOTHING to go off of? You make the appearances brief! Also, there is no way Simon had Taka under control when he first met the bird. And I will never get over a Death Row inmate being allowed to prosecute!
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 4 months
Enter Interpol
Phoenix decided to bring Trucy with him today. She was pretty excited to go back to the Shinra base and see Xiaomu, Reiji, and Doctor!
The father and daughter met up with Maya on the train. Today they would meet with the Interpol Agent who had been summoned to help them against the man who threatened them. As they entered the base, Phoenix wondered who it could be. And then…
Phoenix yelped in pain as he felt the sting of a whip on his face.
“Phoenix Wright!” The whip's owner yelled, pointing at him. “You foolishly foolish fool! I told you I would investigate your disbarment and yet you foolishly investigated despite being warned and have placed people in danger!”
Phoenix was whipped multiple times. Trucy found it funny since she knew that with her dad's training, this wouldn't do any permanent damage.
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” He said.
“You had better be!” Franziska yelled, whipping him one last time.
“So…what information do you have on our guy?” Maya asked.
“The man who threatened you? Interpol has given him the name The Shadow. He apparently has been bribing many people into committing acts of theft, stealing stealth gear for him. For some, he paid them, for others, he gave them the opportunity to do something they have been longing to do. It seems he rarely gets his hands dirty.” Franziska explained.
“I see…” Phoenix said.
“Hey! Ms. Whip Lady!” Trucy said. Franziska turned and smiled at the girl.
“My name is Franziska von Karma.” She stated, doing a curtsy.
“Ok Franzy! Are you staying with Uncle Miles?” Trucy asked.
“No. Interpol has provided me with lodging somewhere I may access theirs and Shinra's security footage so that I may continue to investigate. However, I will be paying my Little Brother and his foolish ward a visit.” Franziska said, wagging her finger. She then cracked her whip, striking Phoenix once more. “For now, I will interrogate you on what you know of The Shadow. Come now, Phoenix Wright!”
“Y-yes ma'am!” Phoenix said, following Franziska.
A few minutes later, Phoenix and Franziska returned.
“Alright. Phoenix, Maya, time for combat training. Phoenix, you seemed to have some unique abilities during that ‘vs the highest difficulty dummies’ fight. Let's see if we can unlock them.” Reiji said. Phoenix and Maya went to the training arena while the others went to the observation deck to watch the training.
He fought with moves and combos like a fighting game character! Then they saw him summon a large image of the judge, which slammed down the gavel and hit Phoenix, but it didn't hurt him, instead making a shockwave that hurt the training dummy.
“Wow.” Trucy said. “He's like one of the people in the Street Fighter tournaments.”
“That reminds me. Franziska, when we first teamed up with Shinra, we met an Interpol agent named Chun-Li. Do you know her?” Maya asked.
“Yes. She taught me many combat techniques.” Franziska said.
“OOOOOH! Think you could take Nick and I in a fight?” Maya said.
“Hmpf! Of course! A von Karma is perfect! And if I can no longer defeat Phoenix Wright in court, I shall take my victory on the battlefield instead!” Franziska said.
“NO! WE AREN'T FIGHTING!” Phoenix yelled, looking at the observation window from the training room. Xiaomu then noticed that she was resting her hands on the intercom button. She lifted up her hand only to be shoved away by Maya, who pressed the button.
“DON'T BE SUCH A BABY, NICK!” Maya yelled.
“Not happening!” Phoenix yelled.
“Phoenix Wright! Do not be such a coward!” Franziska shouted.
“How about you two have a match later?” Reiji said.
“Oh oh! Tell me when it is!” Xiaomu said.
“(Please don't kill me…)” Phoenix thought to himself.
Training ended soon. Franziska went to visit Edgeworth and Sebastian, Maya went home to Pearl and Iris. And Phoenix and Trucy?
They went to look at apartments. They met with the agent and looked through a few apartments. Most were very similar to each other. Trucy did like a high rise one, which gave a great view of Tokyo. Still, this decision required thought, and the father daughter duo returned home.
“So are we gonna get the high up one?” Trucy asked.
“Maybe. Still need to think about it and get the money.” Phoenix said.
“Hm…so why won't you fight Franzy?” Trucy asked.
“Because she'll beat me up until I'm unconscious?” Phoenix said.
“Daddy! You're a Shinra Agent! If you can't beat one Interpol Agent, how will you beat those otherworldly threats?” Trucy asked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Hey! I'm still in training!” Phoenix argued back.
“I guess that's true…” Trucy said. “But you gotta fight her eventually!”
“Ugh…ok…” Phoenix said. At least she wasn't making him fight Franziska now.
Trucy went to the bedroom and changed into her jammies. And then Phoenix did the same once Trucy went into the living room.
“Can we watch TV before we go to bed?” Trucy asked.
“Sure thing.” Phoenix said. He made some popcorn and the duo turned on the TV. The newest episode of The Steel Samurai was on. Phoenix went to change the channel before-
“STEEL SAMURAI!” Trucy cheered.
She started singing the theme song.
“You're a Steel Samurai fan now?” Phoenix asked. He just could not escape that show!
“Yeah! I watched it for the first time with Auntie Maya, and then I watched it again with Uncle Miles!” She said.
“Alright…we can watch it.” Phoenix said.
And so they watched the episode. In the episode, a spy for the Evil Magistrate threatened to expose the identities of The Steel Samurai and The Pink Princess. His only demand was that they stay out of an attack on Neo Olde Tokyo that would happen soon. Phoenix couldn't help but relate a little. It was eerily similar to his situation with The Shadow. The threat and need to work secretly. The question was, would the Steed Samurai protect the city, or keep his loved ones safe by keeping his identity secret…
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 6 months
Thank you @cuddlesworks for drawing Phoenix and Maya in their Shinra uniforms!
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 5 months
A Day In The Life Of Maya Fey
Maya woke up in the morning. She got up and got into her Shinra uniform. Iris was already up and eating breakfast with Pearl.
“Wow! That looks so good!” Maya said, entering the room.
“Good Morning Mystic Maya!” Pearl said, bounding over to her cousin.
“Hiya Pearls! Hi Iris! Man this Ramen looks good!” Maya said. Iris giggled.
“I did save some for you. And by some, I mean most of it.” Iris said.
“WOOOO!” Maya cheered and went over and got some ramen. She ate it up quickly.
“Got anymore?” Maya asked.
“S-sorry Mystic Maya…” Iris said.
“Well. I gotta go! See ya later!” Maya said, running off.
Maya reached the base. Inside was, of course, Doctor, Xiaomu, Reiji, and Phoenix.
“Heya guys!” She said.
“Hi Maya! Ready to kick ass?” Xiaomu said.
“Xiaomu, we're teaching her to make shields. That's not an attack…” Reiji said.
“Ready to block ass?” Xiaomu corrected. Reiji facepalmed.
“READY!” Maya yelled.
“So, I'll need to rely on Maya to protect me?” Phoenix asked, giving an awkward smile and putting a hand behind his back.
“Oh don't worry Nick! It'll be fine!” Maya waved off. She would protect Phoenix, he was basically her brother, but she wanted to see how he would react to her responding nonchalantly.
“That fills me with confidence.” Phoenix responded sarcastically. Maya giggled.
“Alright! To the training room!” Xiaomu said and led the duo to the training area.
“So…what makes you think I can make shields?” Maya asked.
“Because you've done it before on accident, silly!” Xiaomu said.
“I have?!” Maya said.
“Yeah! I dunno how you did it, though, so we're just gonna throw attacks at ya!” Xiaomu said, leaving.
“Wait WHAT!?” Maya yelled as a training enemy appeared.
“MAYA!” Phoenix yelled but Xiaomu dragged him out of the training room.
“No helping! And didn't you wanna talk to us about something?” She said as she dragged him away.
“Nick!” Maya yelled as the doors locked. She turned to the training enemy. She took out Shichishito.
“Um…hi?” She said. The robot gave no response. Instead it took out a gun.
“Oh no…” Maya said.
“We should probably check on Maya…” Xiaomu said after two hours.
“Probably a good idea, before Phoenix kills us.” Reiji said. Phoenix was locked in a room after he kept trying to fight his way to Maya. They opened the door and he ran out, and they opened the door to the training room as he ran in.
“MAYA!!!” He yelled. Maya was injured, but she smiled.
“Nick! I did it! Look look!” Maya said. She then looked at him, and then created a purple energy shield. Phoenix hugged her.
“You didn't think we would let anything bad happen to her, did you?” Xiaomu asked as she and Reiji entered the room. Maya giggled as Phoenix did his usual cold sweat as he was definitely thinking something snarky.
“Yeah Nick! Everything is fine!” Maya said.
“If you say so…” he said.
“Ok, but we do have something important to talk about. Considering that we had to lock you in a room, and you refused to tell us, can you tell us what you wanted to tell us?” Reiji said.
“Wow you said tell a lot!” Xiaomu said. Reiji brushed it off which only made her smile. He gave a small smile to her.
“Right. Yesterday, I went here and used DNA from Trucy to try and track Zac Gramarye.” Phoenix said.
“Why didn't you tell us?” Reiji asked.
“I…didn't think to…” Phoenix said sheepishly. “Anyway, I didn't get any results besides his last known location being the courthouse he fled from. But when I got home, I found this.”
Phoenix then showed them the note. The group looked shocked.
“This definitely isn't a coincidence.” Reiji said.
“Wait so that guy broke in here!?” Maya yelled.
“I'll alert HQ.” Doctor said. Maya grabbed Phoenix and dragged him to the training dummies.
“Wha- hey Maya what are you doing?!” He said.
“Nick! That guy broke into a Shinra Base! So that means we gotta train harder so we can beat him! GUYS TURN THE DUMMIES TO THE MAX!” Maya yelled.
“Wait what!?” Phoenix yelled, turning around, but the other agents weren't in the room.
“Are you sure you want the max, difficulty-wise?” Doctor said over an intercom.
“YES!” Maya screamed.
“NO!” Phoenix yelled.
“Ok. They should be starting up.” Doctor said. And then the training began.
Phoenix and Maya woke up in the medbay covered in injuries and bandages.
“Urrgh…Maya…why…?” Phoenix asked.
“We need to get stronger to protect everyone…” She explained, sniffling. Phoenix couldn't argue. But going into the deep end like that!?
“Wow! You guys lasted all of five minutes! Impressive for rookies!” Xiaomu said as she entered the room with Reiji.
“I'm glad you guys are awake. HQ got back to us. Considering that this guy has the capability to break in here, but hasn't actually done so to sabotage Shinra, they are requesting help from Interpol. An agent should be here by tomorrow.” Reiji explained.
“An agent, huh?” Phoenix said.
“Nice! I wonder if it's someone we know!” Maya said.
“Yeah, also, you two were out for awhile, time-wise. You can go home.” Doctor said.
“WHAAAAAAAT!?” Maya yelled. “I wanted to train…” She said with tears filling her eyes.
“Hey, we'll be training tomorrow.” Phoenix said.
“I guess” Maya said. It made Phoenix chuckle. Maya went to the locker room to change into her acolyte uniform.
The two then went to the train station.
“I gotta take a different train. Trucy is with Ms. Andrews, so I'll see you tomorrow.” Phoenix said.
“Bye Nick!” Maya said as she boarded her train.
Getting home, she opened the door.
“Heya Pearls! Hey Iris!” She said. The girls turned to her and gasped.
“Mystic Maya are you ok!?” Pearl asked, running up to Maya.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, Pearls.” Maya said.
“You don't look fine to me…” Iris said.
“Please, it's just a flesh wound!” Maya said.
“(Looks like more than one flesh wound)” her cousins thought.
“Oh! By the way, watch this!” Maya said. She then created a shield.
“Wow! That's impressive!” Iris said.
“So what did you two do all day?” Maya asked.
“OH! First Ms. Iris and I played ball in the Winding Way! And then after that Ms. Iris started to teach me how to cook! We even made Ramen!” Pearl said happily.
“OOOOOOH! Do you have any leftovers?” Maya asked.
“Of course. Dig in, Mystic Maya.” Iris said.
After eating all the Ramen, Maya went to bed. Or at least that's what she said she did. Once she knew her cousins were asleep, she snuck back outside. She took Shichishito, alongside Kura and In with her. Maya was no stranger to sneaking out to do training, she did it whenever she felt she was falling behind at being medium, or wasn't good enough. This was the first time she snuck out to train her combat skills, however. Maya made some makeshift training dummies and trained until she was unable too, upon which she snuck home, and passed out on her futon…
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 5 months
Test Results
Begrudgingly, Phoenix had done the DNA test. Then…he got the results.
“Trucy Wright: Parents:
Thalassa Gramarye
Shadi Enigmar
Apollo Justice: Parents:
Thalassa Gramarye
Jove Justice”
Phoenix stared at the screen. Shadi Enigmar was Zak Gramarye's real name. Zak Gramarye was a stage name. But that wasn't important. Apollo and Trucy. They were siblings. He called Kristoph. He needed to meet with Apollo.
Apollo woke up to a phone call.
“Hello Apollo. I know today is your day off, however, Mr. Wright wants to speak with you. Please come down to the off-” Kristoph was cut off by Apollo.
“MR WRIGHT!? I'M ON MY WAY!” Apollo yelled, throwing clothes on and running out to the offices.
Inside the office, Phoenix, Kristoph, and Trucy were sitting around.
“Oh uh. Hey…” Phoenix said, taken aback. “Apollo, I have something I need to tell you.”
“Huh? What is it?” Apollo asked.
“So Trucy asked me to do a DNA test she said you suggested she do. And I got the results. You two have different fathers. However, you have the same mother. Thalassa Gramarye.” Phoenix said.
Apollo and Trucy were shocked. What do you even say to that.
“So that means Apollo is my brother?” Trucy asked.
“I have a sister…” Apollo muttered. He grabbed Trucy and spun her around. “I HAVE A SISTER! I GOTTA TELL CLAY!” He yelled.
“Hehe!” Trucy laughed. “Daddy! Can Polly watch me today?”
“Polly?!” Apollo said.
“Yeah! It's like Apollo, but short and cute!” Trucy said.
“But it's a girls’ name!” Apollo whined.
“Too bad! Polly Polly Polly Polly!” Trucy said.
Phoenix thought. Apollo lived at Morning Glory Orphanage, which was run by a Yakuza member. If anything happened to Apollo, then the Yakuza would be angry. Trucy would be safe with him.
“Yeah, as long as Apollo let's you!” Phoenix said.
“YAY! YAY YAY YAY YAY!” Trucy said, hugging Apollo's leg.
“Wha- HEY! Argh. Alright. I'll watch you. Come on.” Apollo said.
He and Trucy left. Apollo took out his phone.
“Hey Clay. You're not gonna believe this…”
“A SISTER!?” Clay said. He, Apollo, and Trucy were outside the train station.
“Yup.” Apollo said as Trucy hung from his arm.
“Hehe! I'm Trucy!” She said, bounding over to Clay.
“Hi Trucy! I'm Clay!” Clay introduced.
“Daddy said you guys can watch me today!” Trucy said.
“Wha-” Clay said.
“Yeah. So where should we go?” Apollo asked.
“Maybe we get some food and then head over to arcade?” Clay asked.
“Sounds like a plan!” Trucy yelled.
At the Shinra base, Phoenix put the DNA that was recognized as Shadi's from Trucy's hair into the computer.
“Checking last known location of DNA…” it said.
Of course the last place was the courthouse. But it would automatically update. Phoenix was one step closer to finding the truth.
At Smile Burger, the kids finished eating and walked to Club SEGA. Apollo smiled. A sister. A little sister. Who would have thought. Well not him. But she was adorable. And after the…incident…in Kurain, maybe she needed a big brother.
Or maybe he needed a little sister
Upon reaching club SEGA, Trucy saw something.
“THEY HAVE DARKSTALKERS!” Trucy yelled, bounding to the arcade cabinet. The boys followed.
“Oh I know this game. I tend to play BB Hood.” Clay said.
“WHAT!? NOT HER!” Trucy said.
“Then who would you play?” Clay asked.
“Morrigan!” Trucy said. She selected her character.
Clay chose his.
The fight began.
“DIE YOU PSYCHO RED RIDING HOOD!” Trucy yelled while button mashing. She continued to spew insults towards B B Hood.
“Why do you hate her so much!?” Apollo asked. Trucy couldn't reveal the real reason why she hated B.B Hood, nor why she liked Morrigan. That would reveal Shinra's existence. So instead she said.
“She's EVIL! SHE HAS TO BE STOPPED! HELP ME POLLY!” Trucy screamed. Apollo quickly started to help her.
“Hahaha! You fools think you can defeat me?” Clay said in a super villain voice.
“Huh!?” Apollo was confused.
“WE NEED TO KILL B.B HOOD TO SAVE HIM!” Trucy screamed as the match continued. Clay did an evil laugh. Honestly he was having fun seeing her reactions. Might as well play along with the brainwashing bit.
“A…poll…o?” He said, faking fighting through brainwashing.
“Oh um. Don't worry Clay! We'll save…you?” Apollo said, a little embarrassed.
“YEAH! HOLD ON! FIGHT IT!” Trucy shouted as she started to win the fight. Morrigan had almost beaten her opponent. And victory!
“Yay! We did it!” Trucy said. But Clay decided to keep this little game up.
“Ahahaha! You may have defeated me in the game, but you have not saved your friend!” He said, posing dramatically. Trucy tried to not to giggle.
“No! Clay! You must fight it!” She said.
“Clay please the bounty hunters are evil!” Apollo yelled.
“From my point of view the Darkstalkers are evil!” Clay yelled. Apollo tried hard not to laugh.
“Well then you are lost!” Apollo finally managed to yell out.
Trucy went and asked the ticket guy for some toy swords and she gave two to Apollo and Clay.
“I'm sorry! The Clay you knew is DEAD! FAREWELL!” Clay yelled, attacking Apollo and Trucy with the foam sword.
“Please! I know you're still in there!” Trucy yelled. He stabbed her in the chest (he poked her chest with the foam sword)
She fell to the ground.
“NO! APOLLO! AVENGE ME!” She cried, before closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out, pretending to be dead.
“NOOOOOO! TRUCY!” Apollo yelled, picking her up and cradling her.
“Hahaha! How touching!” Clay said, striking a pose.
“You'll pay for that!” Apollo said. A foam sword fight began. Trucy opened her eyes to watch.
Phoenix was expecting a lot of things when he went into the arcade to get Trucy. Maybe someone saying she never came and he guessed wrong. Or her playing games with Apollo and Clay.
Definitely not her pretending to be dead while Apollo and Clay hit each other with foam swords.
Clay managed to hit Apollo's leg. He fell to the ground.
“Clay…please…remember who you are!” Apollo yelled. Clay was about to swing for his head but stopped.
“A…poll…o…you must…kill…me…its…the…only…way…” he said
“NO! THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY!” Apollo yelled, once more trying not to laugh.
“I am…sorry…old friend…I cannot…hold back…much longer…” Clay said. Apollo stabbed his chest. Clay fell to the ground and pretended to die.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Apollo yelled. After a pause, all three got up laughing.
Phoenix smiled at the sight.
“Hey guys.” He said.
“Daddy!” Trucy yelled.
“MR. WRIGHT!” Apollo said, running to Phoenix.
“Hi Apollo. I take it you and Trucy are getting along?” Phoenix asked.
“Can Polly watch me again sometime?” Trucy said as Phoenix held her. She flopped upside down.
“I don't see why not! Come on, we gotta head home.” Phoenix said.
The father and daughter went home
Phoenix returned home. There was a note at the house.
“I know what you are doing. Stop. I do not wish to escalate but you are beginning to force my hand. Stop before someone you care about gets hurt…”
Phoenix went pale reading it.
“Daddy? Is everything ok?” Trucy asked.
“Yeah. It's fine.” He lied. Trucy could tell, but decided not to press...
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 6 months
So since PXZ2 is a crossover game, what are we crossing over with?
Project X Zone 2 implies that Ace Attorney, Tekken, Yakuza, and Street Fighter (though I may be stretching for the last one) all take place in the same universe, so expect characters from those games (and @johnlocsin-johnyakuza will help me get the Yakuza and Tekken characters and lore right)
As for other series...
I ain't spoiling!
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 2 months
So I just read the first part of the new career and as an Ace attorney 4 fan obsessed with the seven year gap between t&t and aj, it's very nice to see Phoenix get help from his friends!
Every time it's just like, Oh no Edgeworth's in Europe forever, Oh no Maya's training in another country, Oh no Larry doesn't talk to Phoenix anymore, Oh no Pearl's not there for whatever reason... idk she's just not there.
To be fair I guess that's kinda how the seven years went but... Sometimes too much Phoenix angst is too much yknow lol
and Larry babysitting Trucy,, that last scene is so cute 😭
also will there be Feenris? >:) that's great!! Hope nothing bad happens..
btw Edgeworth is totally becoming Dadworth I think he just doesn't know. It's like becoming Spiderman. you see your powers but you don't. understand them. Yeah
Oh and I didn't say anything about Phoenix becoming a Shinra agent.. That's so cool too I'm so curious about which adventures the spiky boy it's gonna have now!!!
So anyway.
From what I've read this story is very 🤩✨🌟💫🌈👀❤️💥💣🙀
And I'm very 💃🏃‍♀️ to read the rest
Hope that makes sense ...
Yeah I hate the angst!
I never know how to respond to these other than THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!
It makes me so happy to hear this kind of thing!
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 5 months
Look at this! I don't like the posting process for AO3 but fanfiction.net only lets you post crossovers of two fandoms and I don't get much feedback from ANYONE besides @kid-az
I don't want to do this because posting on AO3 is frustrating and its gonna take me multiple days because I can't use my phone for this, but I am DESPERATE for reviews!
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shinra-agent-phoenix · 5 months
I want to pummel Sebastian’s dad in the face…… with a sledgehammer btw. Fight fire with ice and airdrop him into the Antarctic for burning his son.
Also Edgy being a good dad ❤️❤️❤️
Honestly same
But yes Edgey is good dad even if he doesn't think he is
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