#She is a god-tier colonist and I love her
pushing500 Β· 5 months
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Laursen is so good with people. He's not even assigned to wardening as a high priority, but whenever he takes a turn at it, he succeeds. I love him so much.
I also love Euclid, she's cool. The psychopath trait will definitely help her fit right in with the cult, I reckon.
Her name is probably supposed to reference the ancient Greek mathematician of the same name, based on the whole "genies are the smart xenotype" thing, but... I can't help but think of it as her SCP object class, lmao.
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Euclid immediately set to work proving herself as a capable new member of the cult, and now Vasso is dressed to the nines in his new masterwork cape.
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Then poor Cecil got sick, so he's taking a break from helping around the colony and getting some well-deserved rest.
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And finally, two bionic thrumbos wandered onto the map and I fell in love immediately. Nobody in the colony has an animal skill high enough to tame them, sadly.
Worry not, though! Our Drakonori prisoner, Magic Man, has a decent animal handling skill. When we recruit him, his first task to prove himself will be taming these thrumbos! No pressure, Magic Man.
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aria-ashryver Β· 1 month
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #2
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Its 0-100 immediately today folks: Ricky the Labrador is being hunted by panthers
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Oh thank god they don't understand doors 😰 RIP to the cassowary who became panther food instead of our pet dog.
At least they weren't chasing any of the colonists, righ-- OH GOD RUN EVIE RUN
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It's fine she's fine everything is totally fineeee 😬 HA, behold the power of doors and running away!!
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🎢Welcome to the Jungle; we've got fun* and game**🎢
*eight smokeleaf joints ** one (1) billiards table (and the very real and constant fear of being eaten to death by panthers)
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In significantly more delightful news, the local elephant herd has formed a nap pile πŸ₯Ί
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✨ Local Blades MC dabbles in the Beastmaster & Woodslore skills ✨
(Or; Dorian attempts to feed a wild guinea pig a berry to see if it will come live with us)
(It didn't.)
(We'll keep trying.)
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I'm kind of letting the MCs have free reign and decide what they want to do themselves; for the most part, they are filling in their days like this:
Dorian and Luca are doing most of the building and carpentry; Evie has gone full lumberjack; Rin spends a lot of time researching; Mariana acts as our nurse, and does a lot of cooking, cleaning, and tailoring; Dorian and Evie train Ricky (and try to tame new animals); Rin and Mariana do the gardening; Luca, Dorian, and Evie do the heavy lifting and hauling; Evie, Dorian, and Rin go mining and hunting
Here's the gang restoring one of the little ruined buildings that spawned on this map
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The brave young MCs are doing a fabulous job keeping our colony safe from raids by such colourful characters as, uhhhh, "Burnskrap Slagkill the Pyromanic"?
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Lmaooo Marianna has absolutely zero fucks to give, I love herrr πŸ˜†
Evie: *rifle out, actively firing, trying to defend the colony from raiders* Marianna: *walking in front of her gun* sorry, pardon me, I just need to grab that rice -- lunch will be ready in ten! Evie: ???? Marianna: Love what you've done with your hair by the way
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So. Rin ran afoul of a man-eating monkey, and then the next day, the second her injuries healed and she got out of bed, she was ambushed by, i shit you not, a second man-eating monkey.
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Eeeeey time for a party in our newly built rec room!! Good idea Rin, we deserve a break 😊 Its still early days in the colony --which we have dubbed Cedar Station (the location), and The MC Coalition (the group).
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oh i see you smoking a joint in the corner of the party honey πŸ‘€ and right next to Evie too!
(ngl im surprised Luca didn't join lmao)
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Ah, they were busy chatting to Evie, making tier lists of animals they could beat in a fight. Yeah that makes sense. (Remember that bit in ID1 where MC fights a bear? lol)
(also!! smoking / drinking beer etc is an option I can toggle on and off on an individual basis-- lmk if you want me to switch these options off for your MC sprite!)
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Woooo everyone had so much fun at Rin's party that Anitha decided to join us!! Welcome Anitha!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰βœ¨βœ¨
Her stats in the plant skill are bonkers good -- normally I've been jumping in and tweaking our MC's sprites a bit so they feel more like their OG counterparts, so I was going to bump her plant skill up... but it was almost at max already! Wood Atts gonna Wood Att, I guess πŸ˜†
Looking forward to seeing what she brings to the colony! πŸ’›πŸ’›
Thanks again for letting me steal your darlings, I will continue to try very very hard to save them from being eaten by panthers ✌😎 @rosesnink @cadybear420 @choicesmc @lover-also-fighter-also
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