#Shawn mendes writings
violetsandfluff · 1 year
Shawn Mendes Blog Recommendations
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i had and old chain of reblogs with my blog recs on it, but it got hard to navigate. furthermore, others deactivated their accounts or changed their urls. hence the new and improved version. so here you go (; 💐
(I’m also aware that most of you have been tagged by me before? In something very similar. Sorry about that heheh)
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Our Story
Type: One shot about Shawn Mendes Rating: Rated PG Word Count: 4400+ Enjoy!
It was early in the morning when she woke up, it was before the sun had risen. Her four-year-old was crying and she knew he needed her. She rushed into his room and cradled him in her arms. Kissing his forehead as he cried against her chest. 
"Another nightmare?" she asked.
"Yes," he rubbed his eyes. 
"It's not real, baby," she said as she rocked him in her arms. 
"But it happened mommy," he said.
"Shhh baby," She said. 
She finally got him to calm down and back to sleep. She made her way downstairs and started her coffee maker. It was nearly 5 am so she decided to stay up. She made her cup of coffee and sat down at the table, taking a few sips as she waited for her computer to load. She scrolled through her social media for a few moments before turning her attention to the job search. She noticed that there was an audition for a backup dancer but the artist was disclosed. 
"Ok so today at 2 pm, guess I have to take Jackson with me" she nodded as she took a sip of her coffee. 
She added her name to the list of dancers for this afternoon and shut her computer down. She was always a dancer growing up but falling pregnant at just 19 killed her dream. Jackson wasn't planning but when she found out she was pregnant she thought it would be full of love. Since she was in such an amazing relationship, she thought everything would work out. She shook her head as she started to think about the past. The tears were building up in her eyes, she sighed as her tears slipped down her cheek. 
"Momma?" Jackson asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Hey baby" she wiped her cheeks before picking him up. "What do you want for breakfast?" she asked.
"Waffles," he said. 
"Ok baby," she said as she placed him onto the floor, turning her attention to cooking. 
She cooked breakfast for them both and placed it on his high chair before placing him in the high chair. They ate their breakfast and went on with their day. Around 1 pm she got Jackson and herself ready for the audition. She placed him in the car seat and got into the car. They were off to the audition, she parked and went inside with Jackson. 
"Can I put him in this room until after the audition?" she asked.
"Of course, you can," the lady nodded. 
"Thank you," she said. "I'm Emma," She said.
"Emma McKenna?" The lady asked. "I've heard so much about you, it's a shame you gave up dancing," she said.
"I didn't give up dancing, just timing," Emma nodded. "In room 3?" Emma asked.
"Yea room 3" the lady nodded. 
Emma nodded and went into room 3. She took her number and went back to the back of the room. She took a few deep breaths trying to calm her nerves. She could hear a familiar voice coming down the hallway. She swallowed hard hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. Shawn walked into the room and his eyes landed right on her. She looked up and locked eyes with him, she was frozen. 
"Shawn comes on, let's start," Shawn's friend said.
"Hold up," Shawn said as he put his hand up. "Emma?" Shawn said. 
"Wait, Emma?" Shawn's friend said. "The girl who disappeared," he said. 
"Yea that girl," Shawn said as his eyes were locked on Emma. 
"This was a mistake" Emma finally snapped back. Walking out of the room and rushed to the room where she left Jackson.
"Whoa wait," Shawn said as he rushed after her. 
She was rushing to get to the room and she accidentally went into Shawn's dressing room. He followed her and closed the door so they could be alone. 
"Emma?" Shawn said.
"Where is Jackson, ugh I think I went into the wrong room," She said as she turned to face him. 
"Who's Jackson?" Shawn asked. "Can we talk?" he asked.
"I need to go," She said.
"Emma" Shawn said as he grabbed her arm. "Can we talk?" he asked.
"Talk about what, Shawn?" She asked as she finally looked at him. 
"What happened to you? You just disappeared nearly 4 years ago" he said. 
"I didn't disappear Shawn YOU dropped me," she said.
"Who gave you that crazy idea?" he asked. "I was searching for you," he said.
"Yea cut the bullshit Shawn" she crossed her arms.  
"I'm serious Emma, you were the most important person in my life, and then all of a sudden you left," he said.
"You wanted me gone," she said. "So I wouldn't hold you back" she looked away.
"Who told you that?" he asked as he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him.
"Your management team," she said.
"What?" Shawn asked. "I'm not with that team anymore. What did they say?" he asked. 
"Let me go pleased," she said as she pulled away from him. 
She left the room and he followed her into the room where Jackson was. She got him ready to leave and that's when Shawn realizes that Emma left because she was pregnant. 
"He's mine isn't he?" Shawn asked.
"Shawn" She looked at him. 
"Isn't he?" Shawn asked again.
"Yes," she said softly. 
"That's why they ran you away, that's why you disappeared," he said.
She looked down as she fought the tears back but they slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. Shawn tried to step closer to her but she wiped her eyes and picked up Jackson. She pushed by Shawn and left the building, getting into her car and leaving. Shawn just stood at the door and watched her disappear again. 
-Nearly 5 years ago- 
"That guy is checking you out," Nicole said.
"Who?" Emma asked as she looked around, spotting Shawn in the crowd.
"That guy," Nicole said.
"He's cute" Emma chuckled slightly. 
"Yea he is and he's checking you out," Nicole said as she nudged Emma towards Shawn.
"I'm going" Emma smiled as she walked over to where Shawn was at. 
"Well hello," Shawn smiled.
"Hello," Emma said. 
"So dreams do come true," he said.
"Excuse me?" Emma asked.
"I've been watching you and was hoping we would run into each other," he said.
"Oh," Emma nodded. "So you are a creep?" She asked.
"Oh of course not," Shawn said. "That came out wrong," he said. 
"Yea I think it did," She said.
"Can we go somewhere quiet?" Shawn said. "I promise I'm not a creep," he said.
"Sure" She nodded as she looked at him. 
He gently grabbed her hand and led her out of the club. They walked down the street before he pulled her towards the woods. She let go of his hand and followed him but kept a few feet back. Just in case she needed to get away, she would have a few feet to do so. He led her down to a pond and turned to look at her. 
"Not what I was expecting," She said.
"Thought I was going to kill you?" He chuckled slightly. "I still could," he said.
"Maybe I should rethink this," she said as she turned.
"I'm joking, please stay," he said as he reached out, touching her arm slightly. 
"But I'm keeping my distance," she said as she sat down close to the water.
"Ok" he nodded as he sat beside her but kept a distance between them. 
"Ok so you look like someone I've met before '' she said. 
"But I would remember meeting you," he said. "But I do videos on vine, you might have heard of it," he said.
"Oh yeah that's where I've seen you before" she nodded. 
They continued talking and before they knew it the sun was setting. It was getting dark pretty quickly. He made sure she got home safe and they exchanged numbers. Over the coming weeks, there was plenty of text between the two. They just couldn't ever figure out a day where they could see each other. He decided to show up at her school and surprise her. He was standing out front with a bouquet of roses, just waiting for her. 
"Look at that guy," Nicole said.
"Who?" Emma asked.
"That guy standing with the flowers," Nicole said as she linked arms with Emma.
"That's Shawn and you knew that" Emma smiled as she playfully pushed Nicole.
"Of course I knew it was him, go get him," Nicole said.
"Uh huh," Emma said as she rolled her eyes and walked toward Shawn. 
"Hey," Shawn said.
"Hey, you" She smiled as she took the flowers before hugging him.
"I just wanted to see you," he whispered in her ear.
"Well here I am," she said.
"Yea here you are" he smiled as he kissed her cheek softly. 
"So where are you taking me?" she questioned.
"Have an actual first date" he smiled as he opened the door for her.
"Oh really?" She looked at him and got into the car.
"Yea cant allow your impression of me to be some 'creep' from the bar" he joked.
"Uh-huh," she giggled slightly. 
He got into the car on the other side before the driver pulled off. They started talking while on the way to where he was taking her. They pulled up to a mini golf place, he got out of the car and opened the door for her. He offered his hand as she got out of the car, she grabbed his hand and smiled. He laced their fingers together as they walked inside. He paid for their balls and clubs, grabbing a scoring card before returning to her. 
"So we are seeing who wins?" she asked.
"I thought it would be fun," he smiled.
"Well, I don't know how to play" she pouted as they made their way to the first hole. 
"I can show you," he said.
She nodded as she placed the ball on the ground. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her. He guided her arm to swing back and hit the ball. She leaned back against him, taking in his warmth and smell. He kissed the top of her head and slowly let her go. She moved and allowed him to take his turn. He also hit a hole in one, and they continued on the course. He slowly realized that she was better at the game than she let on. When it was his turn she would do cute things to distract him, all is fun in love and war, right? 
"Oops" she smiled as she bent over, tying her shoe.
"Uh-huh," he chuckled as he watched her, not watching where he was hitting the ball. Missing the hole altogether. 
"Watch what you are doing" she smiled as she walked off. 
"You are going to be the death of me" he smiled as they continued to play. 
They finally finished the game and of course, she was the winner. He returned the equipment and grabbed her hand. He led her inside. They grabbed a seat and looked over the menu. 
"Let me guess what you are going to get," He said.
"Sure" she looked at him.
"The chicken tenders," he said.
"Nope," she looked at him. "I'm getting the pizza and breadsticks" she smiled.
"Oh a girl who knows what she wants," he said. 
"Of course, come sit next to me," she said. 
He moved to sit next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders. She leaned in against his chest as they looked over the menu. Finally, the waiter came to the table and they placed their order. She played with his fingers as they talked. 
"I was wondering about something," she said.
"And what is that?" he asked.
"Would you come to my graduation?" she asked.
"If you want me there, then I'm there" he looked at her. 
"I would like that," she nodded. 
"I'll put it in my schedule," he said.
"Thank you" she looked at him. 
He placed his hand against her chin, locking eyes with her. He slightly leaned in allowing her to lean in if she wanted to. She leaned in as well, their lips touching slightly. He leaned in more and deepened the kiss, as she grabbed his shirt keeping him close. She gently pulled away by pulling his bottom lip, resting her forehead against his. He leaned in and kissed her softly once again. The food finally arrived and they ate in silence. Once they finished eating they played a few games in the arcade before leaving. He told the driver to take them back to his place. 
"Unless you want to go home," he asked.
"I would love to spend more time with you," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Ok," he smiled as he leaned in, kissing her softly. 
She kept the kiss between them, placing her hand against his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Soon they were pulling up to his place. He got out and went around to her side, opening the door for her. She grabbed his hand and got out of the car, following him inside. 
"Nice house," she said.
"Thanks" he smiled as he led her to his bedroom. 
"Can I ask a question?" she asked. 
"Sure," he said as he sat down on the bed. 
"Do you think Vine will get you a singing career?" she asked.
"I don't know for sure, it's just a fun thing to do at the moment," he said.
"True" she nodded as she sat next to him. 
"So I have plenty of movies, Netflix so what do you want to watch?" he asked.
"Let's watch love and honor," Emma said.
"Sounds good, put it on and I'll get snacks," he said as he walked out of the room.
She put on the movie and started it when he returned. He placed the snacks on the bed as they cuddled up, and he wrapped a blanket around them both. She snuggled close to him, resting her head against his shoulder as they watched the movie. 
"So what about your prom?" he whispered as he rubbed her back.
"What about it?" she asked. 
"Can I take you?" he asked.
"You would want to?" she looked up at him.
"Sure" he kissed her forehead softly. 
"It's next Saturday," she said. 
"What color is your dress?" he asked.
"It's a blue color, like royal blue," she said as she played with his hand.
"Ok," he said. 
They returned their focus to the movie. He was running his hand through her hair as they watched. Soon enough she was fast asleep against his chest. He smiled down at her as he realized that she was asleep. He turned the tv off and pulled the blanket over her more. Softly kissed her forehead before he started to drift off to sleep. In the morning he woke up and she was still asleep against his chest. He eased off the bed making sure not to wake her up. He made his way to the bathroom, to take a leak and brush his teeth. He finally made it downstairs where his friend was in the kitchen.
"Hey mate," Shawn said. "You are here early," he said.
"Who is she?" Shawn's friend asked.
"Who's who?" Shawn asked. 
"That girl in your bed," his friend said.
"Why does it matter, Jordan?" Shawn asked.
"Because when you make it big, she will hold you back," Jordan said. 
"That's not your concern," Shawn said. 
"So you think she can handle this lifestyle?" Jordan asked.
"I'm not even sure I can handle it," Shawn said. "Leave Emma out of this," He said.
"I will if you do!" Jordan. 
"I like her so it's my decision, I'll handle it," Shawn said.
"Uh huh," Jordan rolled his eyes. 
Shawn finished up in the kitchen when Emma started coming down the stairs. She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Leaning her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He gently rubbed her back as he looked down at her. She leaned up and kissed him softly, he smiled against her lips. 
"I could get used to this," he whispered.
"I could too" she smiled. 
"I was going to bring you breakfast," he said. 
"AWW thank you," she said. "What did you make?" she asked.
"Waffles of course and fruit," he said. "What fruit do you like?" he asked.
"Raspberries" she looked at him.
"Then raspberries it is then" he went into the refrigerator to get the berries. 
"I'm telling you bad news," Jordan said as he walked out of the kitchen. 
"Who was that? and what is bad news?" Emma asked.
"That's a NOBODY and needs to mind his BUSINESS," Shawn said.
"Ok" Emma nodded and kept quiet. 
She sat down at the table as he placed the plates down onto the table. He sat down next to her as she started to eat. Once they finished eating he quickly cleaned up as she gathered her things. He made sure she got home safe, making sure she entered her home before pulling away. Of course, she had plenty of questions to answer when she entered the house. She made quick work of the questions before rushing upstairs. Over the next week, she stayed focused on school work, making sure she was going to ace all of her classes. She would sneak Shawn through her window at night time, just so they could spend some time together. Shawn made sure he was ready for her prom, getting a matching tie. 
"So who are you going to prom with?" Nicole asked as they were in Emma's room getting ready.
"Shawn" Emma smiled to herself as she said his name.
"That guy from the bar? Isn't he like 25?" Nicole asked.
"No he's only 19," Emma said. "We have been hanging out and I like him," She said.
"I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy but be careful," Nicole said. 
"Of course," Emma said as she slipped her dress on.
"Wow," Nicole said.
"Oh hush it," Emma said as she started to blush. 
"Shawn's jaw is going to drop when he sees you," Nicole said. 
"You think?" She asked.
"Yes I'm sure of it" Nicole smiled. 
"Emma? Nicole? The boys are here" Emma's mom yelled out.
"We are coming," Emma said as she fixed her hair. "Ready?" she asked.
"Let's go," Nicole said as she snaked her arm with Emma's. 
They came downstairs together, Shawn's face lit up once he saw Emma. He took a step forward reaching his hand out to help her down the stairs. She grabbed his hand as she finished walking down the stairs. She pinned the lapel on his jacket as he slipped the corsage on her wrist. 
"You look beautiful," he whispered into her ear.
"Thank you" she kissed his cheek softly. 
"Ok get together for pictures," Emma's mom said.
"But only a few, we don't want to be late," Emma said as she stood with Shawn. 
Her mom took plenty of pictures and Emma had to pull everyone away so they could make it on time. They all got into the limo and they were off to the prom. 
"So what are your intentions with my best friend?" Nicole asked.
"Hopefully spending a lifetime with her" Shawn smiled as he laced Emma's fingers with his. 
"Wasn't expecting that" Nicole said. 
"I wasn't either," Emma said.
"Well it's true," Shawn said as he picked up her hand, kissing the back of it. 
"I hope I get to spend a lifetime with you," she said.
They arrived at the prom and got out of the limo. As Shawn and Emma walked in there were whispers, no one believed Emma when she said she had a date. She was more of a loner in school, she just liked keeping to herself. She always thought if she kept to herself then no one could talk about her private life. Mainly all night Shawn and Emma were on the dance floor, just enjoying the night. 
"Let's sit down for a moment," he said.
"Ok," she nodded and followed him over to the table. 
"Come here," he said as he sat down, pulling her onto his lap. 
"Girl you are the talk of the school," Nicole said as she sat down.
"Wait what?" Emma asked.
"No one believed you had a date and you showed up with him, girl you are the talk right now," Nicole said.
"Oh," She nodded. 
"You ok?" Shawn asked.
"Yea I'm ok," Emma said. 
"It's not bad, I promise," Nicole said.
"It's ok," Emma said as she leaned back against Shawn. 
"So what are you guys doing after prom?" Nicole asked.
"Probably go home," She said.
"I have a hotel room booked, only if you want to," Shawn said. 
"Oh I didn't know, I would love to," She said as she looked at him.
"It was a surprise," he nodded.  
"What time do you want to get out of here?" she asked.
"Whenever you want to" he looked at her. 
"It's nearly midnight and I'll turn back into a pumpkin, so whisk me away my prince" she smiled.
"Your chariot awaits," he said as she stood up. 
"Show me the way," she said as she grabbed his hand.
"Have fun you two" Nicole said as they left. 
He guided her out of the school and back to the limo and went to the hotel. He checked in at the front desk and got the room key. He grabbed her hand and led her to the elevator. 
"This is a nice hotel," Emma said.
"Yea it is," he said. "Did you have fun?" he questioned.
"I was about to ask you that," she smiled. "Yes I did have fun," she said as she entered the elevator. 
"I did as well," he said as he followed her. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she said as she placed her hand over his. 
"I always enjoy myself when I'm with you," he said. 
They finally arrived at the floor, he walked to the room as she followed him. He opened the door allowing her to enter first before walking inside. He closed the door, making sure it was locked before watching her. She slipped off her shoes and sat on the bed, turning her attention to him standing at the door.
"I didn't bring a change of clothes," she pouted.
"I got it covered, in the bathroom, there is an oversize shirt and some clean underwear," he said.
"You surely are a gentleman," she said as she made her way over to him.
"I do try to make everyone happy," he said as he placed his hands on her hips. 
"I see and do you make yourself happy?" she asked as she rested her hand on his chest.
"I'm happy when the people I care about are happy," He said before leaning down and kissing her softly. 
She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. She slowly pulled away and made her way into the bathroom. She quickly got changed and came back into the room. He had also changed and got comfortable on the bed. She made her way onto the bed, moving over the top of him. He placed his hands on her hips as she sat down on his lap. She leaned down and kissed him softly, tugging at his bottom lip. He leaned up slightly to keep the kiss, grabbing the back of her neck. She pulled away from him resting her forehead against his. He pushed his hips up, putting her on the bed. Moving between her legs as he kissed her softly, slowly moving down to her neck. 
"I'm sorry," she said as she looked away. "I'm pretty tired," she said,
"That's ok," he said as he lay beside her. 
She snuggled close to him, resting her head against his chest. They both started to drift off to sleep. In the morning she woke up to the sound of the shower. She got out of bed and peeped around the bathroom door. 
"Mind if I join you?" she asked.
"Sure," he said as he opened the curtain. 
She got undressed and got into the shower with him. He moved her in front of him so she was under the water, and they both washed each other. He gently pushed her against the wall, moving his lips against her neck. She rubbed his chest as she leaned her head back, moaning as he moved down to her collarbone. Before he could move down further both his and her phone started to go off. She sighed as she got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself. He always got out and wrapped a towel around himself before making his way to the bedroom. They both answered the phone, he went into the bathroom to answer his as she answered her. They both got dressed and left the hotel room, he made sure she got home safe before going to deal with some business. It seemed like after prom time moved very quickly, before Emma knew it, it was graduation day. She was beyond nervous and super busy that morning. Her parents took her downtown to where graduation was being held, she joined her classmates as they waited. After what felt like a lifetime they finally walked into the room and started graduation. There was plenty of talking and tears before diplomas were handed out. All of a sudden there was screaming breaking out in the crowd, everyone was confused about what was going on. Emma spotted Shawn entering the building when a bunch of girls were surrounding him and screaming. A few days before graduation Shawn's vine video went viral and he was signed to a major record label. When Emma saw how girls were throwing themselves at Shawn and screaming. She realized that her life with Shawn wouldn't be a normal one. She even started to question if Shawn would still want her since he was becoming famous. Would he forget about her? What would become of their relationship? She sighed and looked down as security escorted Shawn out of the building and graduation started back up.
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rowdyslove · 10 months
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔. | jack hughes
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jack has not moved a single inch of his body for an entire hour straight, and neither have you. the only difference here was that you were peacefully asleep on his chest while he tried his best to not wake you from your soft slumber.
he could have sworn it had just started with him explaining the events of his previous game that took place earlier that night. the complete details of his explanation he couldn’t quite recall exactly, but jack did remember so vividly how you would nod and hum in approval to show that you were still intently listening to the conversing. you were as comfortable as one could be as you slid into his bed. you immediately scooted yourself closer towards his side, where you threw one leg over his and wrapped a loose arm around his torso.
jack wasn’t surprised with your actions. you two have been dating now for way too long for his heart to thump and race at every little move you made, much unlike the ways it used to be when he was still pursuing you with every amount of affection he could think of.
but there was always something about the way you and him have gotten so used to things being like this—this kind of closeness, this kind of intimacy, this kind of comfort where you could wrap your arms around him at any given time.
and he would just accept it all with a smile and lean himself against you comfortably, instead of feeling stuck in place and hesitant to the idea of your bodies being this close.
he enjoyed it though. the fact that the two of you have reached this strong point in your relationship. the thought never failed to make his chest swell up with utter pride and adoration.
he hadn’t even realised that you fell asleep until you had stopped responding to him. and then it was just silence. it was a kind of steady silence in the room that felt all too familiar, mixing itself with the turning of the ceiling fan and the occasional loud snores heard from his brothers just across the hall.
and even though he could tell that you were asleep from the slow nudging of your cheek up against his shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed up close against his side, he still glanced down at you from time to time anyways to make sure. it was simply just another excuse to steal looks of you as well. he could hear your faint breaths, coming in and out as his chest heaved along; the more he focused on you, the more his breathing started to match up with yours, like he was dependant on your breathing to help his own. and your body felt as light as a feather over his, warm and subtle within his protective hold. he could tell you were safe, and he felt safe having you with him in this moment.
looking at the space around him in his room to the lovely curves of your figure—it was all something that jack could recognise as home to him.
what had initially started as a fond feeling slowly turned into one of exhaustion as the clock ticked with time. an hour passed slowly with him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand draped over your back to keep you close. but god, was his body ever starting to feel sore from not moving an inch for this long.
he glanced down at you once again after finally mustering up the courage to give your body a light shove, all in hopes to gently wake you up from your slumber. but he suddenly paused, his eyes rounding in soft lust at the sight of your small pouty lips that had unknowingly displayed themselves to him.
your head had readjusted itself from pressing against his chest to facing more upwards, in a way that jack could see a perfect view of your facial features for as long as he looked down at you. it caught him slightly off-guard. he was not expecting to see your lips so up-close like this, faintly agape but just enough for him to feel your warm breath fan over his skin.
and then it felt like he was relearning this kind of closeness all over again. he felt hypersensitive as his mind was once again introduced to the close proximity of your bodies, but seeing it in a more alluring way than before. your leg moving closer towards his lower abdomen, your hips stuck to his own, your chest pressed deeper into his chest, and your lips now brushing past the sharp skin of his jaw whenever you stirred.
jack could feel the shape of your body, just faintly, but it was enough to be the death of him. he wanted more than just the faint feel of you. he wanted all of your touch.
your eyes groggily began to open when you felt the sensation of lips softly grazing across your lips. it was clear to you that it was jack claiming the spot of your lips with his, so you were quick to shut your eyes again and respond to his slow movements. unlike the rough ways he acted when he was on the ice during a game, with you he was always very careful, and that was a trait of his that you always adored. his hand gingerly threaded its way through your hair and brushing back the strands by your ear, his body shifting to pin your back to the mattress causing your hands to raise and grip his arms for support.
the kiss was sweet and sensual; you could trace every part of his plump lips with your own, completely mesmerized by the way he pushed himself so perfectly against your frame. air built its way into your lungs as you steadily huffed through your nose, feeling as if jack was stealing all of your oxygen little by little both through your mouth and through the way his hands skillfully slid across your sensitive skin.
a whisper of a whine left your lips when he gently wedged his knee between your legs, your grip on his arms tightening. and your actions just riled him up in even more ways than one, a smirk slowly creeping its way onto his face. in response to your soft noises, jack decided to make a change in position, pulling away to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed. the air from your lungs was quickly pulled away again as he grabbed you by your hips and swiftly pulled you onto his lap with such little effort. bringing his hands up, they didn’t once leave your body as he trailed them up your sides until they met your soft cheeks, and he was quick to pull you back into him.
you held your breath, your hands flying up to his wrists and you weakly held onto him. any strength or willpower you had in you, left your entire body the second jack’s pillow soft lips pressed themselves upon yours in a harsh, bruising kiss. your lips worked together in rough harmony, sighs and whimpers leaving you all in one when jack caught your bottom lip between his lip before pulling away.
his hands slowly left your cheeks, the only warmth you felt being the heat that radiated off of his body. you looked at him with such admiration as he touched you with such gentleness, how soft he was with you despite the feverish kiss you two had just shared.
when his hand dropped down to fiddle with the hem of his oversized t-shirt that covered your frame, you furthered the space between your face and his. you could see much more clearly now, and although jack still held a tight lipped smirk across his face, his eyes were lightly hooded with a kind of tender shyness.
“care to tell why you woke me up?” you asked with a grin, letting your arms wrap over his shoulders and your fingers card through the long tufts of hair on the back of his neck. your cheeks definitely had a deep red blush spread across them, but you doubted that jack could see it through the dim lighting that engulfed the room.
“i just felt like kissing you,” he replied honestly, bringing his hand up to remove some strands of your hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ears, his gaze still weighing strong and heavy on you. his voice was low and raspy, tiredness starting to become evident in him.
jack’s lips would always be the death of you. like a poison that you would keep choosing over and over, you would always let him drown you in them whenever he wanted to without ever having to ask.
“you know, you were sleeping on me for a whole hour,” he exclaimed. “i could barely move, my body started getting sore.”
“it’s looks like you’re moving just fine now.” you hummed.
jack licked over his lower lip, his hands now moving up so his fingers could find the soft skin of your stomach under his shirt. “i can still move pretty well.” he uttered out in a seductive tone of voice.
a light knocking rummaged within your ribcage at his lustful words. you couldn’t help but grin, the corners of your lips turning up as his suggestive idea popped into your mind. jack already had his hands on your hips, keeping you still on his lap. you brought your torso forward, getting closer to him than before while also nudging your hips closer to rest on his lower abdomen. you could feel him so vividly underneath you and his breath hitched.
“you’re such a tease j,” you whispered, your eyes hooded and gazing right into his, lips tauntingly brushing past his igniting the burning heat between you both even more.
“i can change that.” he mumbled, licking his lower lip briefly afterwards.
jack slipped his hand further up underneath the fabric of your shirt, touching every bit of your torso. his fingertips grazed and burned your flesh with every touch, sending shivers running all down your spine. a breathy chuckle left his lips as he felt your back straighten up in a small arch, the husk in his voice pushing your sanity over the edge to nothing. he was looking into your eyes so deeply, but the intensity of his gaze could have been felt from a mile away.
“is this okay love?” he asked in a hushed voice, his palms grabbing a firm hold onto your waist.
you brought your lips to his for one kiss, then another, until jack finally leaned himself forward to take in the moment. your hands rested on the bare base of his neck, gliding between his jaw and his shoulders. your mind focused itself on the sweet desparastion that was evident through his kiss, paired along with the familiar possessiveness he always held for you.
when you pulled away from him, he could see your eyes sparkle with a slight bit of submission for him, and when he furrowed his brows in question to you one more time, you gave him a quick nod and a gentle smile.
in that moment, jack knew that every night he could spend with you like this, he would never want to waste a single minute of it. everything about this moment felt right, falling more and more in love with you by the second.
yet, the one thing he could ever wish for in life, was that if this lifetime with you was all just a dream, he would never want to wake up.
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610 notes · View notes
thoughtkick · 9 months
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
268 notes · View notes
perfectfeelings · 1 month
Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crime when you should be with me instead?
Shawn Mendes // Treat You Better
63 notes · View notes
quotefeeling · 3 months
Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crime when you should be with me instead?
Shawn Mendes // Treat You Better
54 notes · View notes
resqectable · 3 months
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
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surqrised · 6 months
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
47 notes · View notes
stay-close · 5 months
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
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perfectquote · 1 year
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
134 notes · View notes
thehopefulquotes · 1 year
Oh, I'm good at keeping my distance I know that you're the feeling I'm missing.
Shawn Mendes
89 notes · View notes
violetsandfluff · 2 years
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Shawn Mendes Masterlist
here are all of my shawn fics, or writings that are more than 1000 words. * indicates smut, ^ indicates angst, + indicates dad!shawn.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mama
I’ll Think About It
There’s Nothing Holdin’ Us Back
Losing Your Virginity*
shooting star.^
I Wanna Love You With the Lights On*
Angel Baby *^
3:05 ^
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Station 242
Type: One shot | Imagine about Shawn Rating: Rated R for BDSM Sexual Encounters Warning: this story is based heavily on BDSM  Word Count: 4700+ Enjoy! 
Kai's life was always fast-paced so it didn't shock anyone when she became a paramedic. She always loved to be hands-on and help people so it was a perfect fit. Since passing the test she would bounce from house to house but nothing seemed to fit for a long period. She was in the floater pool and honestly, she just wanted to find a house that would fit.
"Welcome to house 242, ambulance 120," The paramedic said. "Thank you," Kai nodded. "Nice to meet you," she said. "You too," He nodded. "Let me show you around," he said. "Thanks," she said as she followed him.
He showed her the whole firehouse and then the ambulance. Making sure she knew where everything was and didn't get mad when she asked multiple questions.
"By the way I'm Shawn," he said as he held out his hand. "I'm Kai," she said as she shook his hand. "Well Kai, let's hope you are a perfect match" he smiled. "I sure hope so" she looked at him. "Tired of floating," she admitted. "I bet," he said. "How long have you been a paramedic?" he asked. "Well I passed the test almost two years ago," she nodded. "Been floating ever since" she said. "If I knew you were out there I would have requested you" he smiled. "Really? But you don't know if I'm a good paramedic" she said. "Yea true" he nodded. "But I have a good feeling about you," he said. "Thank you," she said.
Once they finished going over the ambulance she went inside to introduce herself to everyone. For the first time, she felt welcomed. Maybe house 242 would be her new home, but only time would tell. She settled in at the table and started talking to everyone. Until they got a call and she rushed out to the rig with Mendes. It was just a medical call so it was just the ambulance pulling out. Shawn and Kai fit together like a glove, she had everything he needed before he could even ask.
"I need" he started to say before she handed him the gaze he was about to ask for. "Thanks, '' he said as he focused on the patient. "I'm going to get the stretcher," she said. "Alright," he nodded.
They loaded up the patient and she rode in the back. They dropped the patient off at the hospital and went back to the firehouse. She started to stock the ambulance as he went into the firehouse. He went straight to the chief because he wanted to make sure that he would lose Kai.
"We need to talk," Shawn said. "Sure what's up?" the chief asked. "I want to keep Kai," Shawn said. "It's only been one shift, one call," the chief chuckled slightly. "But we mess so well and she's what house 242 has been missing," Shawn said. "Wow, she impressed you," the chief said. "Yea she did," Shawn said. "I'll start the paperwork but I need to talk to Kai first to see if it's what she wants," the chief said. "Sure" Shawn nodded. "Thanks," he said as he left the office.
She closed the ambulance and went into the dining hall.  Grabbing her something to eat before sitting at the table. She started to eat when another call came in. She placed the food in the refrigerator and rushed off to the ambulance.
"Busy house," she said. "Something like that," Shawn said. "The chief wants to talk to you," he said. "Oh," she sighed. "Ok thanks" she nodded as she looked out the window.   "Hey you aren't in trouble," he said as he placed his hand over hers. "I'm used to it," she nodded.
They arrived at the scene and once again she didn't miss a beat. Everything he wanted she already had. It went by quickly and they were dropping the patient off at the house before they knew it. Arriving back at the station, instead of stocking the ambulance, she went to the chief's office.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me," Kai said. "Yea comes in and sit down," the chief said. "Where am I headed to next?" Kai asked. "Hopefully home and then back here for your next shift," the chief said. "Wait, you want me for more than one shift?" she asked. "We want you to stay at house 242," the chief said. "If you would have us," he said. "I would love that honestly," she said. "I'll start the paperwork, but welcome to your new house" the chief smiled. "Thank you," she said.
She had to sign a few papers before leaving the office. She made it back outside where Shawn was in the ambulance taking inventory.
"Everything looks good?" she asked. "Yes it does" he nodded. "Well house 242 is officially my house" she smiled. "Really?" he asked. "Yea that's what the chief wanted to talk about," she said. "Congrats," he said as he hugged her.
She wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head against his chest. His smell was intoxicating, and her breath caught in her throat. She looked up at him, their eyes met and it was like everyone else melted away. His breath also caught in his throat as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ears. Allowing his hand to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb against her lips. She leaned in, stepping on her tippy toes as she allowed her lips to brush against his. All of a sudden a loud crash happened and they pulled away quickly.
"Guys is everything ok?" he asked as he walked away.
She went inside the ambulance and closed the door.  She was finishing up the inventory but had a hard time concentrating.
"Come on Kai you just got this house, don't fuck it up" she sighed as she sat down. "Including being involved with him" she closed her eyes. "Don't fuck this up" she said.
She finished up with the inventory and allowed him to run it through to make sure she didn't miss anything. He was very quiet as she was because they didn't know what to say. Should they address what happened or just push it under the rug and move on?  
"Some of the guys are going to the bar later, do you want to join us?" he asked. "I'm not sure" she took a deep breath in. "I thought about going to a club," she said. "Club? Which one?" he asked. "The one not too far from here" she nodded. "We can meet there and have a few drinks," he suggested. "Sure" she nodded. "Thank you for today," she said. "No problem, you deserve this," he said. "Yea," she said. "See you later," she said as she left the station.
She got into her car and pulled off. Making it back to her apartment, and meeting her sister at the door when she entered. Her sister was on the way out to go to her job. They hugged and parted ways, Kai went and laid on the couch just taking a breather. She didn't realize how tired she was as she closed her eyes. She woke up to her phone going off, it was Shawn and that's when she realized what time it was.
"Guess I was tired," she said as she rubbed her eyes. She answered her phone. "I'm sorry I'll be there shortly," she said. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Yea just fell asleep, I'll see you soon," she said. "Ok," he chuckled slightly before hanging up.
She rushed around and got dressed, quickly brushing her hair. Then she was out the door, making her way down to the club. He was standing outside waiting for her. He offered his arm and she linked her arm around his as they entered the club. He ordered them drinks before sitting down at a table.
"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting," she said. "It's ok," he said as he picked up his glass. "To you," he said. "To me" she smiled as she clinked glasses with him. They both took a sip of their drink. "Can we talk about what happened today?" he asked. "Outside the ambulance?" she looked at him. "Yea" he nodded. "I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry," she said. "Don't be sorry, It was something pulling us together," he said. "I liked it, wish we could have seen where it would have led," he said. "Really?" she asked as she took another sip. "Yes I do" he looked at her. "Did you have something to do with me getting to stay?" she asked. "I told the chief that you were a good fit," he said. "Oh ok," she nodded. "Was it because you like me?" she asked. "I like you as a person and you fit perfectly at house 242," he said. "Plus I've never had a pandemic so quick before," he said. "Are you just saying that?" she questioned. "No, I'm not," he said. "Now dance with me," he said as he stood up, offering his hand to her.
She grabbed his hand and followed him out onto the dance floor. They moved together to the beat of the music, getting pretty close to each other.  She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him close. He leaned in, allowing his lips to linger against hers to see what she would do. She smiled against his lips before kissing him softly. He grabbed the back of her head, keeping the kiss between them. She tugged at his bottom lip as she pulled away.
"You can't handle me," she whispered in his ear. "Try me" he whispered into her ear. "Are you dominant?" she asked. "What?" He looked at her. "As in dominant in the bedroom?" he asked. "Yes I love to be dominated," she smiled. "Wouldn't you love to find out" he smiled. "Don't tease me now" she said. "Don't question me, kitten" he said into her ear. "So the tiger is willing to play" She smiled as she danced with him.
They finished their dance and went back to the table. They ordered more drinks and time started slipping away. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to him. He didn't have to say anything but she nodded and stayed close to him. He paid for the drinks and led her out of the club. He hailed a cab and opened the door for her. She got into the car and he followed, as they were driving to his place. He grabbed her chin to make her look at him, demanding her attention. He leaned in, kissing her softly but showing her his power. She kissed him back keeping the same intensity, he pushed her back against the seat. Nuding her legs open with his hand, running his hand along her thigh.
"What are your rules? and your safeword?" he asked. "Safeword is the color system" she tried to focus on his questions. "And I don't have rules," she said. "Nothing is off-limits?" he asked as he moved his hand up her thigh, edging closer to her center. "Limits um" she tried to slow her breathing but it was hopeless. "No pee or blood, no cutting," she said. "Is that it, kitten? Now give me your full attention" he said as he grabbed her chin again. "Yes that's it, sir," she said as she looked at him. "Speak your safewords kitten," he said as he brushed her center with his thumb. "Red means stop, yellow means slow down and green means go," she said as her breath caught in her throat. "Good girl" he smirked as he knew he was driving her wild. "We are here," he said as the car came to a stop. He paid the driver and got out of the car, reaching for her hand. She grabbed his hand and followed him up to his apartment. He unlocked the door and opened it, allowing her to enter first. He followed and closed the door behind him before grabbing her neck, and pushing her against the wall. He pressed himself against her as he kissed her softly, moving his lips down to her neck.
"No sounds" he whispered before he started sucking against her neck.
She nodded as she didn't want to displease him. Controlling her breathing as she tried not to make a sound. He knew he had her right where he wanted her.  He pulled her closer to him, moving her towards the couch. She grabbed his hand and decided to lead him into the bedroom where things would be more comfortable. He grabbed the handcuffs off the table as she lay on the bed. He made quick work of her clothes before handcuffing her to the bed.
"Do you have any toys?" he asked. "In the nightstand" she responded.
He looked through her nightstand and pulled out a small bullet. It was small but it was powerful enough to get the job done. He moved over top of her, nudging her legs open with his knee. He leaned over and kissed her softly, moving to her neck. He turned on the bullet and hovered over her skin with it. At first on her stomach and then down to her thigh moving slowly. She bit her lip so she wouldn't make a sound. He moved the bullet closer to her center, teasing her slightly. He placed the bullet on her nub, sending pleasure through her body. She moved her hips towards him as she wanted more, she wanted him. He smirked as he knew he was teasing her, edging her closer to a climax.
"Whine for me, kitten," he said. "Please I need you" she moaned. "You need what? Use your big girl words" he said. "I need you, I want you inside me," she said.
He moved off the bed and undid his belt, allowing his pants to fall on the floor. He stepped out of them and grabbed a condom from her nightstand. Slipping on himself before moving back over to her. He slipped his tip up and down her slit, rubbing against her swollen nub.
"Don't worry I'm going to give you what you need" he whispered into her ear. "Please," she said as she moved her hips with his.
He shifted his hips and pushed himself into her. She allowed her moans to escape her lips as he soon pulled back up. Then he pushed himself in her again and started to thrust. His thrust was powerful and deep, hitting all of her spots. Even spots she didn't know she had, sent pleasure down her spine.
"Don't hold back, I want to hear you," he said.
She arched her back and allowed her moans to escape her lips. He knew she was close so he angled his hips and hit her deepest spot. Sending her over the edge, he gripped her hips allowing her to enjoy the moment. As she came down he started to thrust into her again. It wasn't too much longer before he also climaxed. He pulled out and threw the condom away. He undid the handcuffs and rubbed her wrist, to soothe the marks. He left the bedroom and grabbed her a glass of water, returning and handing it to her. After she drank the water he went into the bathroom and started a hot bath.
"Come here," he said as he reached for her hand. "Thanks" she nodded as she followed him.
Aftercare was just important as the sex and he wanted to make sure she was taken care of. After the hot bath, they both lay in the bed. She snuggled closer to him resting her head against his chest. He was running his hand through her hair as she drifted off to sleep. He fell asleep soon after, in the morning she was awakened by the smell of coffee. She sat up in the bed and stretched, she was about to get up when he entered with breakfast.
"I thought you would like breakfast in bed," he said as he placed the tray over her lap. "Wow thank you," she said. "A girl could get used to this" she smiled. "And that's a problem?" he asked as he kissed her forehead. "No" she looked up at him. "This didn't happen," he said. "We are just co-workers" he looked at her. "Yea" she nodded. "Of course," she said. "Have a good day" he said as he kissed her cheek and he left her apartment.
She finished eating breakfast and went to clean up the mess. To her surprise, he already cleaned up and all she had was the plate her food was on. He was too perfect for words and she wanted him but she knew she could not have him. Well not in a relationship way anyways, maybe they could have fun at night time again. She should have realized that he was a dom because the club they went to was a BDSM club. They just didn't go towards the back room and kept it up front with the drinks. She took the day to recover from their intense scene. Just curled up in the bed with a good book and took it easy. The next morning she woke up and got ready for work.
"Ok nothing happened," she said to herself in the mirror. "Oh but it did" she smiled to herself.
She finished getting ready for work and headed out the door. She stopped by Starbucks quickly to get her coffee before making it to the fire station. She walked in and put her bag into her locker, sitting at the table just looking through her phone.
"So Kai, that's your name?" someone asked. "Yes it's Kai" she nodded as she looked at them. "Is that short for something?" he asked. "Yes it is, my full name is Katherina but I like Kai '' she nodded. "Cool," he said. "I'm Sky," he said. "Nice to finally know some names," she said. "Of course," he said. "Well you know me," Shawn said as he sat beside her. "Well you are my partner so I had to know it," she said. "True," he said. "We didn't see you at the bar the other night," Sky said. "I had other plans," She said. "It was for you, for you staying at 242," Toby said as he said down. "I'm Toby by the way," he said. "Was it? I had no clue" she said. "I'm sorry, maybe we could redo it?" she asked. "Yea another time," Toby said. "Were you with Shawn?" he asked. "No I wasn't, I had other plans" she nodded. "Just because I wasn't at the bar doesn't mean I was with her, '' Shawn said as he rolled his eyes. "You are never with a girl," Sky said. "And?" Shawn said. "Are you batting for the other team?" Sky asked. "No," Shawn said. "He's private about his private life, give him a break," Kai said. "Exactly," Shawn said.
Before Sky and Toby could say something a call came in. Kai and Shawn both rushed out the door and were on the way to the call.
"Thanks back there," He said. "It's ok," she nodded as she looked out the window. "What's wrong kitten?" he asked as he placed his hand on her leg. "Nothing," she said. "Are you sure?" he asked as he slipped his hand up higher. "Yea just working," she said as she pushed his hand away. "You are playing a dangerous game," he whispered. "And if I enjoy it?" she asked as she placed her hand over his crotch. "I like being punished," she whispered into his ear. "Oh, kitten" he moaned slightly at her touch. "Be careful" he said as he parked the ambulance and grabbed her chin so she was looking at him. "I like playing with fire," she said as she looked at him. "Punish me," she said as she pulled away. "Oh I will kitten," he said as he got out of the ambulance.
They went on with the call like professionals and went back to the firehouse. She stocked up on what they used as he went to hang out with the guys. Once she finished stocking up the ambulance she made her way into the kitchen. It was her turn to cook lunch and she couldn't wait for everyone to taste her cooking. She still wanted to impress everyone at the firehouse, not just Shawn. She called everyone in and serviced lunch and it was a big hit. Everyone loved it and wanted seconds, she sat at the table and just smiled.
"Someone is happy with themselves," Shawn said as he sat beside her. "And what if I am?" she asked. "It's good to be proud of yourself," he said. "You fit in here perfectly" he looked at her. "Yes I do," she nodded.
He patted her back before getting up, moving closer to the guys. She just watched him and she just couldn't figure him out. One moment he was her master and then other times he gave her the cold shoulder. She shrugged it off and went to clean up after lunch. She didn't get that far into doing the dishes before they got another call.
"KAI COME ON" he yelled. "I AM!" she snapped back as she ran out to the ambulance.
He pulled right out and the whole ride was silent. It seems like he was driving more urgently than he has ever to an emergency. They finally arrived at the scene and he just rushed out of the ambulance. Ran inside while Kai got everything ready, trying to rush as quickly as he. Once Kai entered the house she noticed blood right away. She finally made it to where Shawn was, he was over the patient, holding a towel over the wound.
"HELP" Shawn yelled. "I got this" Kai nodded as she kneeled, removing Shawn's hands. "Go!" she said. "I'm not leaving," Shawn said. "It's personal for you so I got this! You need to go" she said as she worked on the patient. "THIS IS MY SISTER, I'M NOT GOING" he yelled. "GET OUT OF MY SCENE NOW" Kai yelled.
The police officer that was on the scene made Shawn walk out of the house. Kai did everything she could to make the patient stable before sending her off to the hospital. Shawn rode in the back of the ambulance with his sister.  Kai called the chief and told him what was going on. She sat in the waiting room with Shawn, just being there for him.
"I'm sorry" he whispered. "You have nothing to be sorry about," she said as she rubbed his back. "It's family," she said. "Thanks" he leaned his head against her shoulder. "I got you," she said.
They finally came out and gave Shawn an update, his sister was going to be fine. He went quickly to see her before they left the hospital. He called a cab and helped Kai inside the car. He sat next to her and the ride was silent once again. The cab finally came to a stop, Shawn paid for it and got out of the car. He held out his hand to Kai, she grabbed it and got out of the car.
"Are you sure you want me here?" she asked as she shut the car door. "Of course" he nodded as they walked up to the door, he quickly unlocked it and allowed her to enter. "I don't expect anything," she said. "I just want to be here for you," she said. "Thank you, I appreciate it but I want something to take my mind off it," he said as he grabbed her by the neck, pushing her against the wall. She didn't have a chance to speak as his lips were against hers, the moment she hit the wall. He grabbed her wrist, pushing her arms above her head. Moving his lips down to her neck, gently nibbling as he moved down.
"I want to play a game," he said as he looked at her. "I'm all yours," she said. "Good, repeat your safewords for me," he said as he picked her up, placing her on the sofa. "Red means stop, yellow means I'm confused and green means I'm good," she said. "Good kitten" he smirked as he removed her pants and panties. "So I'm going to eat you out but you can't make a noise and you can move your legs," he said as he looked at her. "Ok," she nodded.
He moved between her legs, kissing down her legs. Moving his lips up slowly over her inner thighs. Moving closer to her center, gently teasing her with his tongue. He ran his tongue up her slit, parting her lips as he started sucking at her nub. She bit her lip as she kept as quiet as she could. He held down her hips as he went between sucking and using his tongue on her center. She arched her back as she was edging closer to a climax.
"Scream," he said as he pushed two fingers into her, bringing her to her climax. "SHAWN" She screamed as she had an orgasm. "Good girl" he smiled as he sat up. "Let me help you out," she said as she sat up. "I'm fine," he said. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Yes I am," he nodded. "Just wanted to please you," he said. "You sure know how to do that" she kissed his cheek softly.
She grabbed her pants and panties, slipping them back on. All of a sudden the front door opened as she was pulling up her pants. She stood up and saw another woman standing in the doorway.
"Who the hell is this?" both Kai and the women said. "Oh, shit," he said as he got up from the couch. "Oh shit?" Kai asked as she crossed her arms. "Who the hell is this Shawn?" the woman asked. "This Kai, she's my new partner at work," Shawn said. "Oh nice to meet you," the woman said. "Doesn't explain who you are," Kai said. "Oh I'm Samantha, Shawn's wife," Samantha said as she wrapped her arm around Shawn. "Nice to meet you," Kai said. "I should go," she said as she grabbed her bag. "I'll see you at work," Shawn said as he watched Kai leave.
Kai slammed the door as she left, calling a cab. She waited for the cab and once it arrived she went to the nearest bar. She needed to drink Shawn off her mind and what they just did. Shot after shot, the minutes turned into hours.
"Bar is closed," the bartender said. "Thanks," Kai said. "You need a ride home?" he asked. "No, I'll be fine, thanks," Kai said as she left the bar.
She finally made it back home and went straight to bed. She knew she would have one hell of a hangover the next morning. In the morning she woke up when the sun started peeking through the curtains. She sat up and placed her head down in her head as everything came rushing back to her.
"He has a wife?" she asked. "That explains why he's so hot and cold and why he said nothing happened," she sighed. "It was too good to be true anyway" she pulled herself out of the bed.
She went on with her day as she normally did. Ignoring Shawn's messages and calls and just rested the day. She started to worry that it would end her days at Station 242. She was finally feeling like she was home, but guess it was short-lived. How could she work along with Shawn knowing what she knew? Knowing that she was a homewrecker, knowing that deep down she wanted him. Would she end her days at station 242? Would she ever listen to Shawn's side of the story? She had so many questions but in reality, she didn't want to find the answers.
"Stop calling me," she said as she placed her phone down as someone knocked on the door. "Hold on," she said.
She made her way to the door and opened it, standing there was Shawn. She tried to close the door because she wasn't ready to face him but he put his foot down. She just stood there and stared at him, not knowing what to say.
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spideysbruh · 1 year
I Can't Live Without You
One would think that Shawn would defend his girlfriend when an interviewer, a big one, a famous one, completely bashes her and everything that she’s worked so hard for. Well, he didn’t, and it went a little something like this,
“So your girlfriend, Alex, is a film director yes?”
“That’s right.” Shawn smiled.
“Which, first of all, is a surprise! I saw her film and the whole thing- it was so good, it’s like a man could’ve made it!”
Shawn laughs and nods, “Yeah, she’s great.”
“She also plays a character in the movie! Who, can I just say, is kind of a slut.”
“Oh how so?”
He’s not going to say anything about that?! He’s gonna entertain this conversation?! The amount of times she has explained that her character is free-spirited and carefree- all of that torn apart now. All her work, undone. 
Just like that.
“Well, her outfits, her dialogue! Even her several partners!”
She had two. One of them left right in the beginning.
“Wow, I mean- yeah! Her character is kind of everywhe-”
Brian had turned off the TV after that, looking over at Alex whose eyes were glossy now. “Al?”
“Why didn’t he defend me?” She mumbled and went to her room.
That wasn’t it. It wasn’t just one and done.
While he was still on his promo run, more interviewers asked similar questions, about if she was anything like her character (if you know what I mean) and that’s verbatim! Shawn had laughed and said, “Well, what do you think?” What is that supposed to mean?
Alex was sitting at the dining room table, trying to write a new script, but failing, when Brian came back from his girlfriend Kate’s house. “Al, you gotta stay away from the int-”
“I’m trying, but it is plastered everywhere, even on the goddamn TV.” She said and pointed at the TV in the living room. 
Brian sighed and sat next to her, pulling her into a hug, “I’m sorry he’s such an asshole.” He mumbled, rubbing her back. Alex let a tear fall out and hugged him back.
“Does he really not know that what he's saying hurts me?" She mumbled, sniffles leaving her.
Brian squeezed her tighter and kissed her head, "I'll talk to him about it." 
"No use. He already made me look like a fucking idiot." She replied, a dry laugh leaving her mouth. "And he's coming back in a few days anyway." She shrugged, Brian nodded and cleared his throat. 
The air in the room wasn't as light and fun as it usually is, Brian knew what might come from this. He felt his heart get heavy and he pulled her into another hug.
The day Shawn came, he saw that a few things were different, decorations were up and the tree was waiting to be decorated as well. "Hey guys, I'm home!" He yelled out and heard no reply, he huffed and walked around, setting his things down before heading to his and Alex's room. He smiled at the image in front of him, Alex was sleeping peacefully with their big quilt wrapped around her. Shawn chuckled and climbed into bed with her, kissing her cheek and she shifted in her sleep. "Alex, baby wake up." He whispered, Alex groaned and turned away, Shawn pouted and played with her hair, "Did you miss me, baby?" He asked, Alex groaned again. 
"Shawn!" Brian exclaimed, having just woken up as well.
"Hey Brian! I just got here!" He whispered,  getting up and walking out the room to talk to his best friend. 
"I see that. Hey dude, what the fuck?!" Brian whisper yelled, Shawns face dropped and he looked confused. 
"What? What'd I do?" He asked and Brian scoffed.
"The fuck do you mean? You fucking dragged your girlfriend through the mud on like, the entire promo run!... Agreeing with the sexist stereotypes that people brought up, not saying anything when people were calling her a slut… do you not hear the words that come out of others mouths? Have you not seen any of the articles posted recently? No one told you anything?"
"No, Alex didn't say anything." Shawn replied, leaning on the back of his couch.
"Well, she shouldn't have to. That's really fucked up, man." 
Shawn sighed and thought back on all his interviews recently, have they really been that bad?
About an hour later, Alex woke up and brushed her teeth before greeting Shawn. "Hey, baby!" Shawn grinned, reaching out to hold her hand.
"Hey." She replies, a small smile on her face as she sits down next to him.
"You alright?" He asked, rubbing her shoulder.
"Yeah! I just have to talk to you, but we can do that tomorrow." She shrugged, reaching for the remote. 
"O- oh, about what?" 
"I feel like you know." She answered simply, flipping through channels, "I don't wanna do it tonight, Shawn. I'm drained."
"I wanna do it now, though."
"Kay, well I don't." She said, Shawn sighed and rubbed his face.
"Alright. Can I… can I cuddle you?" He asked, opening his arms for her. Alex nodded and leaned into his arms, she kissed his chest quickly before turning back to the tv and choosing something to watch. 
Shawn shifted a bit and felt his heart sink at the thought of tomorrow, their "conversation"... what if it leads to something else? Something worse.
When they’re ready for bed, Alex just simply gets under the covers, mutters a 'Good night' and drifts off to sleep. Shawn frowns and climbs into bed as well, wanting to cuddle her but he decides against it. He falls asleep to the sound of Alex's light breathing and many thoughts of what tomorrow will go like. 
The next morning Shawn wakes up to an empty bed and sounds of dishes being washed in the kitchen. He gets up and brushes his teeth before heading to the kitchen, "You didn't have to do those, baby." He says, sitting on the counter behind her.
"It was bothering me." She shrugged, rinsing off a mug she finished using. 
“Oh okay.” He said, “So, I- I’m ready to talk.”
“Yeah? Did Brian tell you anything?” She questioned, turning to face him.
Where is Brian?
“He’s at Kates by the way.” She answered, basically reading his mind.
“Yeah he did. Told me about all the things that were said in interviews.” He said looking down at his legs.
“Yeah. What was that?” She asked, crossing her arms. “How could you let them say that about me?”
“I- I don’t know. It didn’t seem wrong at the time.” He answered honestly.
“You made me look like a fucking idiot. You know how hard I worked to get people to take my work seriously. That was all completely demolished! Have you seen any of the articles lately?”
Shawn shook his head, “I’m sorry.” He whispered, Alex sighed and pulled out her phone, showing him article after article saying things like “Shawn Mendes says his girlfriends movies are a slut show” 
“I didn’t say that though!”
“You agreed.” She replied quickly, like she's been thinking of this conversation for days.
She has.
“It was just some jokes!” He defended and Alex felt herself give up on him. Why is he mad?
“Not one! Hundreds! You fucking humiliated me!” She yelled back, “If I fucking went out and said all of your music was basic white trash just to appeal to the radio-”
“Exactly…” She waited for him to respond but was met with nothing but a sigh from him and an apologetic frown. "Why didn't you defend me?"
"I- I don't know." He replied, "Like I said, at the time it didn't feel wrong or anything. Of course I'll defend you now!" He finished.
"Yeah, but are you only saying that because I confronted you about it? You didn't even notice anything wrong with those questions until now. The weight they carried… fuck, Shawn." Alex sighed, shaking her head. An overbearing weight on her chest now.
"I'm sorry, baby, I love you! You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He said, reaching for her hand.
"You already did! How the fuck do you go half of your press run just shitting on me and not realizing?" She yelled.
"Don’t raise your fucking voice at me!” He yelled back, pointing a finger at her.
“I’m fucking pissed! So of course I’m gonna yell at you, you fucking prick! Don’t get all fucking-”
“Oh my fucking god! What do you want me to do?! You want me to fucking apologize to the whole fucking world? Will that help you and your fucking career? If your boyfriend made a video or wrote down an apology and posted it online?! Is that what you want?” He exploded, Alex glared at him and ran her hand through her hair.
“You’re a fucking asshole, Shawn.” She said, feeling herself about to break down.
“You’re getting mad over a few little questions! Just fucking post something and say that it’s not true!”
“It’s not that fucking easy! I’m not like you! My career isn’t fucking-” While she was talking about how her work isn’t as grounded as his, Shawn pulled out his phone and started recording on Instagram.
“Hey guys, so my fucking girlfriend is making me record this to say s-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” She screamed, trying to pull his arm down and stop him. 
“No cause you’re being fucking overdramatic! I gotta apologize for some interviews!” He replied but stopped recording.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She glared at him and rushed to the room, getting some clothes together to leave. 
“There’s just no pleasing you, is there?” Shawn said, his voice cold and uncaring.
“Don’t fucking talk to me. I can’t fucking look at you right now.” She said, zipping up her bag and pushing past him.
“W- what? Wait, where are you going?!” He exclaims, following her through the apartment, “People are gonna see you! That’ll go ev-”
“For fuck sake! Is your image really more important than us? You care more about me being seen pissed off because of your own actions? Maybe I wouldn’t be leaving if you fucking cared!” She yelled, rushing to open the door.
"Where are you going?!" 
"Doesn't matter. As long as I'm not here I'll be okay." She snapped, feeling herself about to cry. She tries not to cry so much, but this is just too much right now. "You know there was a time where i thought you were my dream come true… but you're a fucking nightmare." She said, a few  tears falling out of her eyes. "Is there any specific reason you never let me direct your music videos? Or even your documentary, Shawn?" She asked, feeling herself lose hope in this relationship. 
Shawn stood there with his mouth hung open and he shifted on his feet but said nothing.
Alex sniffled and nodded, "Thought so." She finished her walk to the door and went to open it before Shawn spoke.
"You deserve better." 
"Yeah. I really do." She replied and opened the door, which made Shawn panic and rush next to her and hold the door closed.
"Wait, baby, I- I can't live without you." He said softly, that made Alex look up at him, teary eyed and all. She scoffed and threw the door open.
"If you can't live without me," She walked out the apartment, out of his life, for good. "Then die."
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thoughtkick · 1 year
Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crime when you should be with me instead?
Shawn Mendes // Treat You Better
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starryeyedadmirer · 29 days
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Shawn’s been standing in this same spot for almost an hour, desperately scouring the aisle for books about pregnancy, in search of some peace of mind — something, anything to quell the anxiety that’s been slowly eating away at his brain for the last couple of months. He’s experiencing some crazy symptoms… long-term ones, like something of an unknown disease… and, though he’s tried to suppress the creeping suspicion that he may be with child, he knows that there’s a great possibility that he actually could be. With all of the bloating, cramping, nausea, gassiness, aversions to certain foods, and his stomach seeming to swell larger and larger each week, it’s practically undoubtable that there’s something strange going on inside of him… and that something just might be a baby. Paralyzed by fear, and caught in a daze of denial and disbelief, Shawn has completely lost control over his motor functions. He’s stuck in a loop, scanning the same bookshelf over and over again, for a text that will explain what he’s going through… his arms wrapped around his midsection, almost instinctively, as if to cover up his shame. He knows that it’s here somewhere, tucked away in a place that he just can’t seem to find.
The funny thing about it is… he’s looking in the wrong aisle…
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