k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
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First air-dropped Soviet atomic bomb test (Joe 3) Semipalatinsk Test Site USSR 1951
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lutnistas · 4 months
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Irtysh River & Abai Mosque ( Semei  / Semipalatinsk - Kazakhstan )
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motvongthegioi · 2 years
Những sự thật kinh ngạc về các bãi thử bom hạt nhân bí mật nhất thế giới
Những sự thật kinh ngạc về các bãi thử bom hạt nhân bí mật nhất thế giới
Trong cuộc đua nghiên cứu và sản xuất vũ khí hạt nhân, Mỹ và Liên Xô đã tiến hành thử nghiệm vũ khí này tại nhiều bãi thử bom hạt nhân. Maralinga: Khu vực ở miền nam Australia, nơi diễn ra các cuộc thử nghiệm vũ khí hạt nhân, từng được người dân địa phương coi là nơi thiêng liêng. Kết quả là 20 năm sau khi kết thúc các cuộc thử nghiệm, một hoạt động đã được tổ chức để dọn sạch Maralinga. Đây là…
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nucleartestsday · 8 years
Ratify the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia of 2006.
The Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (CANWFZ) treaty is a legally binding commitment by Central Asian States (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) not to manufacture, acquire, test, or possess nuclear weapons. The treaty was signed on 8 September 2006 at the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan, hence the Treaty’s unofficial name as 'Semipalatinsk Treaty'.
The treaty was subsequently ratified by all five Central Asian states and entered into force on 21 March 2009.
The creation of the zone has been the result of the collective efforts by all five Central Asian States in their common desire to provide security, stability and peace in the region, address environmental concerns and create the necessary conditions for regional development and stability.
The State Parties of the CANWFZ have committed themselves voluntarily and unequivocally to ban the production, acquisition and deployment on their territories of nuclear weapons and their components or other nuclear explosive devices.
All verification pursuant to the treaty is carried out by the IAEA, as CANWFZ States Parties are obliged to conclude with the IAEA both a comprehensive safeguards agreement and an additional protocol. The treaty also requires States Parties to act in accordance with the Comprehensive Nuclear‑Test‑Ban Treaty (CTBT) and to “maintain effective standards of physical protection of nuclear material, facilities and equipment.”
The Semipalatinsk Treaty has a number of special features. The zone is the only, among existing zones, situated entirely in the northern hemisphere, in a landlocked region directly bordering two nuclear-weapon States. CANWFZ is the only zone where, in the past, nuclear weapons have not only been tested but also actively deployed.
The idea of creating the zone began in September 1997 at the "Central Asia - a Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons" international conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The signing ceremony of the Treaty on the Zone was held in 2006 in the city of Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, where in 1991, one of the world's largest nuclear test sites was closed. The Kyrgyz Republic has since then been officially designated as the depository of the Treaty..
Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia (2006)
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ohsalome · 1 year
Today is a 37st anniversary of the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant disaster. It's hard to talk about one unprocessed national tragedy while living through another.
The Chornobyl disaster was totally preventable and it took away countless lives of people living in the region, especially in Ukraine and Belarus - both the liquidators and the civillians. Despite the very air and dust being literal poison, the soviets had not only hid this information from the people, but forced everybody to partake in the May the 1st parade - because god forbid we lose our face before the international community as a working class paradise! If not for the nuclear scientists in Sweden who raised the alarm about the dangerous levels of nuclear particles coming from northern Ukraine, who knows what would have happened. It definitely would have been swepped under the rug and forgotten by the international community, together with its victims - just like Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan is barely known abroad.
With russia constantly threatening to turn Zaporhizhzha nuclear plant into second Chornobyl, the wound caused by this tragedy is cut open again.
We all love the HBO Chornobyl series, and I genuinely am grateful to Craig Mazin for the amount of empathy and respect he brought to the series; but for today I indulge you to watch something made by ukrainians, to try to understand what this tragedy means to us and how it influences our lives even today.
For the documentaries, my favourite series by this day remains the "Dragons live here" by Your Underground Humanitarian School Youtube channel, which, unfortunately, can only offer automated english subtitles - they should, however, be sufficient.
As for the feature films, I recommend "Gateway" (you can stream it online with english subtitles here). And here is the official english trailer:
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USSR was famously a second country to get their hands on nuclear weapons. This however came with a cost, specifically for Kazakhstan. Semipalatinsk polygon was used for around 40 years to test nuclear warheads in Kazakh steppe.
It's strange to think about it. Imagine Wales. Now imagine that it was bombed more than four hundred times. The total power of bombs tested on the polygon from 1949 to 1963 is bigger than that landed on Hiroshima. By 2500 times.
The radiation can be still picked up today and it still affects the larger area around the polygon, so much so that not only the Abai province, the polygon was located in, is leading in cancer cases but the provinces around it too.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Kazakh thunderegg from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
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Semipalatinsk Polygon
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longeyelashedtragedy · 2 months
it's very naive to think that some stupid gay lasers of abramovic could stop yuri's invasion. yuri jerkoff survived a direct hit from the Chicxulub meteorite, then he survived The Last Glacial Period, the Battle of Osowiec Fortress and nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, he also survived when The Elephant's Foot trod on his corn
shit, you are so right, I forgot that yuri jerkoff is literally the oldest person in the world 😭 after a day of rest god created him on the 8th day! ☢️ 🐘🌽 watch out daddy A
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gregor-samsung · 11 months
“ Mia cara Francesca, le tue lettere arrivano, per lo più, alla sera. Verso le nove. Una mano entra nel buco, dicono "posta", poi le aprono e me le danno. Così le tue parole sono le ultime che ricevo: e me le porto in sogno. [...] Ho lavato i piatti (una ciotola di plastica, un piatto di plastica, delle posate idem) e le pulizie le farò nel pomeriggio, nell'interminabile viaggio che va dalle 15 al mattino dopo. Oggi è giorno di doccia (qui ci si lava un giorno sì e uno no) e aspetto il mio turno. Poi mi vestirò, e andrò all'aria. Girerò in tondo fino alle 11. In questa giostra assurda s'incontra ogni genere di uomini: falsari, spacciatori, zingari, bancarottieri; è un mondo tutto suo, credimi. E pieno di assurde favole, di storie incredibili; è impressionante il numero di giovani, di ragazzi, quasi. Da fuori, non si ha la sensazione di quello che accade qui, e di come enormi siano oggi i problemi della giustizia. Mi chiedi se desidero un libro. Sì. Di Dostoevskij "Memorie da una casa morta": attenzione, non "Memorie dal sottosuolo", che è un altro suo libro. Dico quello (alcuni lo traducono "M dalla casa dei morti") che parla della sua prigionia a Semipalatinsk, in Siberia. Lo lessi anni fa, e siccome è pieno di pensieri sulla pena, la prigione, e altro, vorrei rileggerlo. Davvero. Va bene? E io che posso restituirti? Senti, sbaglio o con Renata sei in freddo? Non so, mi è parso di capire che, in quel suo tirarsi indietro ti desse della pena. Guarda: succede, e alle volte è meglio che un amico dica francamente il suo pensiero piuttosto che vederlo accettare per forza. E il resto del lavoro? E la vita? E Milano? Io sono disgustato all'idea che esistano "giornalisti" del tipo attualmente in circolazione: criminali della penna, analfabeti della vita, irresponsabili, folli. Adesso è di moda chiamare questo "il carcere dei vip": perché non vengono, per sette giorni, a questo Portofino delle manette? Credimi: il nostro non è un Paese. Ho gioito al ritrovamento delle reliquie del tuo S. Francesco: non avevo dubbi, credi, che il finale fosse quello. E troveranno il resto. Vuoi scommettere? Mi chiedi dei sogni? Beh, sono molto teneri, dolcissimi. Mi pare di essere accanto a te, e di perdermi nei tuoi occhi. È delizioso. Anche se è la sbiadita, pallida immagine del vero. Ma ti sogno spesso. Ti ho detto: ora sono sereno, niente può più toccarmi. Mi metterò a studiare storia, che e la mia passione. Storia italiana. Poi, mi interessa enormemente la "comune coscienza del peccato", che è cosa ancora più debole, da noi, del "comune senso del pudore". Parlo con delinquenti veri, Cicciotta: e mi interessa la loro psicologia, la loro relatività, il loro codice, che è, in molti casi, anche se patologico, regolato da leggi ferree. Sì, ho vissuto molte vite: so e conosco cose che nessun viaggiatore vede e vedrà mai, avrò da riempire sere e sere d'inverno. Non andrò mai più allo zoo: l'idea di una gabbia mi darà, per sempre, un fremito di disgusto. Tu dici che sono forte: io non lo so, Cicciotta. Sento che mi sentirei indegno di vivere, se fossi diverso. Non si può concedere loro niente: sono dei bari, capisci? Questo Paese ha sempre piegato la schiena, baciando la mano di chi lo pugnalava. E non ci sarebbero tiranni, se non ci fossero schiavi. Il vero patrono d'Italia (e non capisco perché non lo facciano) dovrebbe essere Don Abbondio. San Francesco poteva nascere benissimo in qualunque altra parte del mondo. Solo Don Abbondio è irresistibilmente, disgustosamente italiano. A me spiace parlar male del mio Paese: ma deve cambiare. È l'"odi et amo" di Catullo (traduzione di Ceronetti): e se vuoi un ritratto, che condivido, dell'Italia, leggi, sempre di Ceronetti "Viaggio in Italia" (Einaudi). È una barca cariata, un guscio vuoto, pieno di vermi, che galleggia su un mare inquinato. E per le anime, è peggio. Ti abbraccio, Cicciotta. Tanto tanto Enzo [Bergamo, domenica 9 Ottobre '83] “
Enzo Tortora, Lettere a Francesca, Pacini Editore, 2016¹; pp. 82-84.
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aschenblumen · 9 months
Muy posiblemente, justo cuando [Dostoievski, al momento de leer durante su destierro en Semipalatinsk (sur de Siberia) las líneas en que Hegel descarta a Siberia de su noción de historia universal, por no ser un país cultural e históricamente apto] se enteró de que había sido apartado de la historia por la cual había soportado todas aquellas persecuciones, nació en él la convicción de de que la vida tal vez posee ciertas dimensiones que no tienen cabida en la historia, de que la prueba de la propia existencia no puede limitarse a los criterios de la existencia histórica. De que el ser humano, si siente y experimenta realmente el peso de su existencia, se desprende al mismo tiempo de la historia y entonces el peso de cuanto se halla allende la historia cae sobre él del mismo modo en Berlín que en Semipalatinsk. Y de que es preciso apartarse de la historia para poder observar los límites y restricciones de la existencia histórica.
—László Földényi, Dostoyevski lee a Hegel en Siberia y rompe a llorar. Traducción de Adan Kovacsics.
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juregim · 1 year
sometimes i forget that not all people know about the (love) letters between Dostoevsky and Walikhanov. so, i want to share a couple of quotes from those letters:
Shoqan Walikhanov to Dostoevsky, 1856: ‘Those few days spent with you in Semipalatinsk are so dear to me, that now I only think of how else to visit you. I am not a master in writing about feelings and attraction, but I think there’s no need. You, of course, know how attached I am to you and how I love you.’
Dostoevsky’s response: ‘You write so tenderly and affectionately, that it’s like I see you in front of me once again. You write to me that you love me. And I announce to you without ceremony that I’ve fallen in love with you. I have never felt such an inclination for anyone, not even excluding my own brother, as I did for you, and God knows how it happened.
There could be a lot said here in explanation, but why praise you! And you surely and without proof believe my sincerity, my dear Walikhan, but if one were to write 10 books on this topic - they wouldn’t write anything, feeling and attraction - are inexplicable things.’
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lutnistas · 4 months
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Semey / Semipalatinsk ( Kazakhstan )
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leelooel · 1 year
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Traditional dress , Kazakhstani native people , Semipalatinsk Russian Empire, 1879 , photo by Ivan Polyakov
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i was tagged by ziggy @thatdogmp3 to answer these questions; thanks for tagging me!!!!!!!! 🌟
relationship status: in graduate school
favorite color: mustard yellow and baby pink!
song stuck in my head: it is deeply unfortunately everything's alright from jesus christ superstar (i was listening to the movie soundtrack as i was putting together an ikea bookshelf this afternoon and now it won’t leave my brain)
last song i listened to: cherry by lynn hope
three favorite foods: clam chowder, corned beef, baked macaroni and cheese
last thing i googled: “plantar fasciitis fibro arthritis”; love dealing with a fun combo of all three :))))))))))))))))))
dream trip: the trip to mykonos is HAPPENIIIIIIIINNNNNNNG i cannot wait for june but other places high on my list are saint-tropez, bora bora, ha long bay, the whitsunday islands—love a good vacation in a warm place near water
anything i want right now: love affection and twenty dollars cash; also to take a nap
i’ll tag @tvugly / @tallsinspace / @fieryphrazes / @loveinstreams / @lefthandedleague / @semipalatinsk / @davidfoley / @jerrylandis / @localpubliclibrary and anyone else who’d like to do this! 💫
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ohsalome · 1 year
there is a town in Kazakhstan, called Aktau. Literally meaning White Mountain. It was renamed in 1991 after Kazakhstan gained independence.
Before that it was called Shevchenko, because this is near where he was deported in the time of Russian Empire, so USSR decided to commemorate him in such a way. He was deported in a place which is now called Fort Shevchenko.
Aktau was built to serve one purpose: mine uranium. Which was later used around USSR. It could also have been used to test nuclear bombs in Semipalatinsk polygon, also in Kazakhstan.
I just wanted to say how ironic it is.
USSR called a uranium mining town in Kazakh SSR by a name of a Ukrainian poet, deported by Russian Empire, while trying to erase the culture of both.
🤢🤢🤢 Some sick apparatchik probably had a big laugh coming up with this idea. It is spitting on both Kazakhstan and Shevchenko's legacy.
Btw, if anyone isn't aware of the Semipalatinsk polygon yet, I highly implore you to read about it.
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