seraandthebees · 10 months
Quick: it's Sera's birthday soon! What will you get her as a gift, and what would Herah?
Ahhh I have many thoughts with Sera and gifts! Imo I think she’d enjoy an experience more than a physical object per se (although some degree of dependence so I think if I were to buy her a gift I’d take her out to a theme park bc I think she’d absolutely LOVE rollercoasters with the adrenaline rush and the sweet treats available there too
As for what Herah would get her, I think she’d plan a day of various pranks before treating her to a private picnic with a vase of daisies (Sera’s favourite flower). As a physical sign of affection, she’d have created a scrapbook of their favourite moments together except instead of photos Herah has pictures she and Sera have drawn and other signs of significant memories like their perfected cookie recipe, a tally of how many times they’ve each been stung while beekeeping etc
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Herah’s actually pathetic at using weapons like she spent 0 time training to use blades or bows and she has no idea how to hold a shield. She knows she can defend herself with magic so she figures why bother wasting time when she could be honing her skills as a mage.
So when Sera hands her a dagger when they’re somewhere where it’s best not to use magic, she’s very surprised to find Herah looking at it like she’s been handed a live nug. Then Sera takes it upon herself to teach Herah how to hold daggers and more importantly how not to drop them. And that’s a whole task of its own that has to be done before she can teach Herah how to use daggers.
But the thing is that Sera isn’t a very good teacher. She’s not patient enough and she learnt how to use her bow and blades through a mixture trial and error and natural skill. Herah doesn’t have any natural skill as quickly becomes evident so it’s a lot of practice. But Sera can’t get the image out of her head of Herah getting herself into trouble and not having access to her mana, not being able to help herself so she keep trying to teach her even though it’s hard on both of them.
Eventually Herah gets the hang of it. She’s not brilliant but she now has the right muscles to make a blow count if she has to. But Sera’s unbelievably proud of her and she feels much happier knowing Herah has another way to defend herself if magic isn’t an option. And that’s one less stress to keep her up at night.
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Tagged by @mxkelsifer to fill in this ‘my ship in 5mins’ sheet and I finally got round to doing this! It’s been a hectic week or so for me but here’s some SeHerah for the wait!
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Tagging @talloseye @mullethawke (can’t remember if you guys have done Roscoe and Cinna in this but would love to see it!) @anxiousnutmeg @ketc7 and anyone else who wants to join in!!
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Herah: No bees in the war room. Sera: But Herahhhhhhhhh...! Herah: It's too on the nose. We should put them in Cullen's office. Sera: Oh I knew there was a reason I loved you! What are we waiting for? Let's go!
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Five song OTP playlist
For Herah Adaar and Sera - otherwise known as SeHerah! Thanks to @mxkelsifer for the tag and the opportunity to talk more about my faves!
If you’re not familiar, Herah is my canon inquisitor and her LI is Sera. Here they are together at the Winter Palace!
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Tagging anyone and everyone who wants to have a go at this! Partly bc I don’t know who’s already been tagged!
1. I’m a Mess by The Rasmus
I love this song for them because it really captures how neither of them are perfect - they’re both works in progress. I feel like the lines which particularly convey their relationship are:
I’m a mess / but I know how / I can make you laugh like no-one else
A big part of their relationship is about bringing joy to each other’s lives in an otherwise bleak time. They laugh, they prank, they joke. They do all of that together for each other. So even though they’re both messes in their own way, the silver lining is that they can bring that light even when things are at their darkest.
And it’s the fact that each of them is the one that can make them laugh like no-one else which makes their relationship so strong as they know they can rely on one another to fill that void in their lives. That joy is such a key pillar of their relationship and so no matter how messy they might be at least they’re messes together.
2. Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall
I think this one captures the point in their relationship where they’re realising that their feelings are getting serious. Before this point, they’ve be flirting and maybe hoping for something more but not yet expecting it. It expresses Herah’s point of view here, particularly with the lines:
Don’t walk away, don’t walk away / when the world is burning / don’t walk away, don’t walk away / when the heart is yearning
At this point, she’s not sure whether Sera’s gonna decide that the Inquisition wasn’t for her, that its people weren’t her people, that she wasn’t welcome or wanted. She’s scared that someone she’s really falling for might leave and then after that heartbreak she would literally have to deal with a burning world. Literally.
But there’s still hope there…
I lust for after no disaster can touch / touch us anymore
She really wants to see what they’d be like together if shit wasn’t going down like it is. And Sera’s in the same boat to be honest at the moment.
They’re both looking towards a more stable future, one where their relationship will have the chance to flourish and they won’t have the constant threat of the Breach and Corypheus dominating a large part of their lives and relationship.
3. She’s a Rebel by Green Day
If you’ve heard it before, I think it’s obvious why this song works for Sera. She is in fact a rebel and the kind of girl described in the lyrics. She’s a rebel to some and a saint to others, but all can agree that, when she wants to be, she’s dangerous.
But where I think it describes them together is in these lyrics:
She’s the symbol / of resistance / and she’s holding on my heart like a hand grenade
Their hearts are ultimately on the line a lot of the time. They often go into battle together and see each other wounded so for both of them it can feel like their partner is holding the key to their destruction. However, they both treat each other’s hearts with the care you would if holding a grenade. They’re careful. They start not to take unnecessary risks and they do their best not to drop or misplace that grenade/ heart.
(Ignore Give me Novacaine on here. For some reason they’re on the same track even though the album counts them as two separate songs. Give me Novacaine is a great song, but just not one for SeHerah.)
4. Redundant by Green Day
Both of them struggle with expressing their feelings verbally at point, desperately reaching for words that aren’t there. While Sera is less articulate and so the difference is perhaps a bit less pronounced, Herah is more used to have the words and the capability to express herself to her loved ones. In her past relationship, she had little trouble speaking about her feelings, or at least not anywhere near to the same extent.
This song articulates that feeling of not being able to fully express themselves and, even when they can, those words often don’t feel powerful or meaningful enough…
Now I cannot speak / I’ve lost my voice / I’m speechless and redundant / cause I love you’s not enough / I’m lost for words
These words are repeated four times and make up the majority of the lyrics of this song. In fact most of it is singing about not being able to speak. The repetition as they go round in circles trying and trying again to fully express themselves when love is not a strong enough word leads to some frustration with themselves (particularly for Herah) but they both do end up realising that with each other they do become “speechless and redundant” but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It’s for this reason that they often find that actions speak louder than words and they reach for physical affection in order to better express themselves.
5. Starlight by Muse
SeHerah feel like they’re almost woven into this song. I can’t put my finger on it because it’s not necessarily the lyrics (although those work for them too) but rather something in the music itself like the vibes and the choices of instruments and the way the words are sung. I’m not a musician so I’m no expert on the matter and likely the words do exist to express what I’m trying to say - I just don’t know them.
Anyway this song makes me think of them so strongly that I couldn’t make this playlist without putting it on here.
There are a few lyrics that particularly stand out to me as relevant to SeHerah…
I’ll never let you go / if you promise not to fade away / never fade away
and also
Hold you in my arms / I just wanted to hold / you in my arms
I think these lines express how they are both looking toward an uncertain future. They would give their everything to one another if they only knew that things between them would last, that their partner would not “fade away”. They look to each other for reassurance on this and find themselves reaching out for one another physically as well as emotionally, wanting to hold each other in their arms.
And their whole relationship rests on that one ‘if’ clause about whether it will last. But spoiler alert: they both do give it their all, deciding the risk is worth it, and neither of them is fading away anytime soon.
Thank you for reading this far into my ramble and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about / listening to this this playlist! I love these two and love talking about them so this little analysis has been fun!
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Does Herah have any hobbies or any particular activities she likes to do with Sera :o?
Thanks for the ask!! 💛
In terms of her own hobbies, Herah loves to read anything from academia to fiction and she loves nothing more than curling up with a book other than maybe discussing it with someone afterwards. She has a real interest in magical theory so she also enjoys testing out her magic and learning more about it through experiments as much as reading.
As for what she and Sera like to do together, the obvious one is baking, cookies in particular. They also start to keep bees post-DAI and the upkeep as well as the collection of honey is something they both really love. Also, they’ve gotta get the bees for the jars of bees from somewhere 😅
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seraandthebees · 2 years
OC Question Time! What was your Inquisitor's very first reaction to meeting Sera? How and when did it change, if at all?
Hello! Thanks for the question! This is a good one!! 💛
There was instant chemistry and attraction between Herah and Sera. They were each other’s type physically, but it was more than that. The way Sera spoke was immediately attractive to Herah and that remains one of her favourite things about her girlfriend and later wife.
The change that brought what they had from attraction to infatuation to love was made slowly over the time they spent together and as they got to know each other more. The roof scene where Sera opens up about her past was a really significant moment for the both of them. They both were vulnerable with each other that night and it reached a new level of trust as they shared the not so happy details of their pasts.
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Hi hello I'd love to hear about Herah Adaar's food preferences! What she likes, dislikes, perhaps how she feels about a certain someone's cookies. ^_^
Hiya! Thanks for the question!! 💛
Herah’s not a picky eater at all and she’s actually quite adventurous with what she’ll eat. She especially likes all the sweet pastries she gets to try in her time with the Inquisition. One thing she’s not so much of a fan of is raw meat dishes. She’s happy to have things rare but she does prefer to have them cooked a little.
As for how she feels about the cookies, she loves them of course! She’s someone who associates food more with the memories anyway than taste themselves (although the cookies do get better the more they practice 😅) and the memories she has with Sera are priceless. The cookies are a work in progress for them and something they get to work on together but also they’re Sera’s idea. The fact that Sera wants to share this with her means so much to Herah and ultimately that’s what matters most!
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seraandthebees · 2 years
For the fanfic asks: 4 and 11 for Goldilocks!
Ahhh this is one of my favourite fics I’ve written so thank you for asking about it!
4: “What? Nah! No way! Wouldn’t trade those horns for Andraste’s own locks! Wait, Andraste did have hair, right? She wasn’t bald like Solas?”
I think the humour of it really captures their relationship and how they connect. Also it’s flirty without being overly intense. Although trusting someone to help her with her hair is a big thing for Sera, she’s able to find her feet joking around because she’s comfortable and trusts Herah.
11: I think my favourite thing about this fic has to be the domesticity of it all. I like writing about the small moments between big events, the times where they can forget everything is going to shit and just be themselves. This piece is about being in the eye of the hurricane that is Thedas and how they make a relationship built around enjoying each other’s company work when other factors exist to distract them and bring them apart.
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seraandthebees · 7 months
11, 16, and 24 for the writer asks ✨️
Thank you for the ask!! 💛
I answered 11 here!
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
So many tbh but it’s primarily Rinaldo degli Albizzi from Medici (tv) atm! And I wouldn’t necessarily use the word haunt for Sera but she’s def a presence on my mind 😅 Merrill sometimes pays me a visit though
Javert used to haunt me back in the day but it’s been a while since that was the case
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Well I definitely know a lot more about 14th C Italian banking and politics than I ever thought I’d know before haha! But I wouldn’t call myself an expert bc obviously that’s a very complicated and nuanced field and I certainly haven’t engaged with enough scholarship to earn that title
Back in my les mis days, I did learn a lot about 19th C French medical practices to write a post Seine fic (which I don’t know if it’s still up/I ever posted?)
In future, I’ll probably be doing some research about beekeeping in order to write some SeHerah but that idea is on the back burner at the moment
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Tagged by @illusivesoul to make my ocs and their SOs in this picrew! Thanks for the tag! Tagging @spindleweedss @mullethawke @talloseye for this! No pressure if you don’t want to!
Unfortunately this picrew like many isn’t qunari-compatible so no SeHerah for you today :(( Also just imagine the elf ears on the relevant characters!
Nesiril Surana and Bethany Hawke
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And Marian Hawke and Merrill!
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Tagged by @mxkelsifer to do these prompts - thank you! 💛
Three ships: SeHerah, Solas/Dorian, Leonardo da Vinci/Ezio Auditore (I’m currently playing AC2)
First ship: Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert for those of you without a les mis past)
Currently consuming: some water
Currently watching: Medici season 3 and crying about it
Last movie: Disenchanted
Last song: A Demon’s Fate by Within Temptation
Currently reading: for fiction I’m reading Library of the Dead and for non-fiction I’m reading the rise and fall of the house of Medici (I’m getting super into the period haha)
Currently craving: chocolate buttons
Tagging: @talloseye @ketc7 @anxiousnutmeg @ltcmdrashleywilliams @noetikat @milesmentis and anyone else who wants to answer!!
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