#Scrum Project Management Blueprint
agilemethodology · 29 days
Scrum Project Management: A Framework for Agile Success
Scrum project management has emerged as a leading methodology for Agile software development, providing teams with a flexible and iterative approach to delivering high-quality products. In this article, we'll delve into the fundamentals of Scrum, its key principles, roles, artifacts, events, benefits, challenges, implementation tips, and real-world applications.
I. Introduction
What is Scrum Project Management?
Scrum is a framework for Agile project management that emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It enables teams to respond rapidly to changing requirements and deliver valuable software increments in short cycles.
Brief History and Evolution of Scrum
Originally introduced in the 1980s by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, Scrum has since evolved into a widely adopted Agile methodology. Its principles draw inspiration from various fields, including lean manufacturing, empirical process control, and organizational psychology.
II. Core Principles of Scrum
Empirical Process Control
At the heart of Scrum lies the principle of empirical process control, which emphasizes transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Teams base their decisions on real-time feedback and data, rather than predefined plans.
Iterative Development
Scrum promotes iterative development, dividing work into small, manageable increments called "sprints." Each sprint typically lasts one to six weeks and results in a potentially shippable product increment.
Collaboration is central to Scrum, with cross-functional teams working closely together to achieve shared goals. Through frequent communication and collaboration, team members can address challenges and capitalize on opportunities more effectively.
Scrum teams are self-organizing, meaning they have the autonomy to determine how best to accomplish their objectives. This autonomy fosters creativity, ownership, and accountability among team members.
III. Scrum Roles
Scrum Master
The Scrum Master serves as a servant-leader for the team, facilitating the Scrum process and removing impediments to progress. They coach the team on Agile principles and practices, ensuring adherence to Scrum values.
Product Owner
The Product Owner represents the stakeholders and is responsible for maximizing the value of the product. They prioritize the backlog, define user stories, and make decisions about what features to include in each sprint.
Development Team
The Development Team consists of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable increment of product at the end of each sprint. They are cross-functional and self-organizing, with a collective responsibility for achieving the sprint goal.
IV. Scrum Artifacts
Product Backlog
The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all desired work on the project. It evolves over time, with new items added, refined, or removed based on feedback and changing requirements.
Sprint Backlog
The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog selected for implementation during a sprint. It represents the work that the Development Team plans to complete within the sprint.
The Increment is the sum of all the product backlog items completed during a sprint, plus the increments of all previous sprints. It must be in a potentially releasable state and meet the Definition of Done.
V. Scrum Events
Sprint Planning
Sprint Planning marks the beginning of a sprint, during which the Scrum Team collaborates to select the items from the Product Backlog that will be included in the upcoming sprint and create a sprint goal.
Daily Stand-up
The Daily Stand-up is a short, time-boxed meeting held every day to synchronize the activities of the Development Team and identify any impediments to progress. Each team member answers three questions: What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Are there any impediments?
Sprint Review
The Sprint Review is held at the end of the sprint to inspect the increment and gather feedback from stakeholders. It provides an opportunity to review what was done in the sprint and adapt the Product Backlog as needed.
Sprint Retrospective
The Sprint Retrospective is a meeting held at the end of the sprint to reflect on the team's process and identify opportunities for improvement. It focuses on what went well, what could be improved, and actionable items for the next sprint.
VI. Benefits of Scrum
Improved Flexibility
Scrum's iterative approach allows teams to adapt to changing requirements and market conditions quickly. By delivering increments of working software regularly, teams can respond to feedback and deliver value more effectively.
Enhanced Product Quality
Through frequent inspection and adaptation, Scrum promotes a focus on quality throughout the development process. Continuous testing, peer reviews, and customer feedback help identify and address issues early, resulting in higher-quality products.
Increased Transparency
Scrum provides stakeholders with transparency into the development process, enabling them to track progress, provide feedback, and make informed decisions. This transparency builds trust and fosters collaboration between the development team and stakeholders.
Better Stakeholder Engagement
By involving stakeholders in the development process through events like the Sprint Review, Scrum ensures that their feedback is incorporated into the product. This engagement leads to greater satisfaction and alignment between the product and stakeholder expectations.
VII. Challenges in Implementing Scrum
Resistance to Change
Transitioning to Scrum requires a cultural shift within an organization, which can meet resistance from stakeholders accustomed to traditional project management methods. Overcoming resistance requires strong leadership, clear communication, and patience.
Lack of Experience
Inexperienced teams may struggle to implement Scrum effectively, leading to frustration and disillusionment. Training, mentoring, and hands-on experience can help teams build the skills and confidence needed to succeed with Scrum.
Teams may overcommit to work during sprint planning, leading to burnout, reduced quality, and missed deadlines. It's essential to set realistic goals and prioritize the most valuable work to ensure sustainable pace and continuous delivery.
VIII. Tips for Successful Scrum Implementation
Training and Education
Invest in training and education for team members, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners to ensure a solid understanding of Scrum principles and practices.
Clear Communication
Foster open and transparent communication within the team and with stakeholders to ensure alignment and shared understanding of project goals and priorities.
Empowering Teams
Empower teams to self-organize and make decisions, trusting them to deliver results and continuously improve their process.
Continuous Improvement
Encourage a culture of continuous improvement, where teams reflect on their process, identify areas for enhancement, and experiment with new approaches.
IX. Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management
Scrum differs from traditional project management methodologies, such as Waterfall, in several key ways. While traditional methods emphasize detailed planning and documentation, Scrum prioritizes adaptability, collaboration, and delivering value early and often.
X. Real-world Applications of Scrum
Scrum is widely used across various industries and domains, from software development to marketing, healthcare, and beyond. Organizations like Spotify, Google, and Salesforce have adopted Scrum to streamline their processes and deliver innovative products to market faster.
XI. Conclusion
In conclusion, Scrum project management offers a powerful framework for Agile development, enabling teams to respond rapidly to change, deliver high-quality products, and maximize value for stakeholders. By embracing Scrum's core principles, roles, artifacts, and events, organizations can achieve greater flexibility, transparency, and collaboration, ultimately driving success in today's dynamic business environment.
What is the difference between Scrum and Agile?
While Agile is a broader philosophy or mindset, Scrum is a specific framework for implementing Agile principles in software development. Scrum provides guidelines and practices for iterative development, collaboration, and continuous improvement within Agile projects.
How does Scrum handle changes in requirements?
Scrum accommodates changes in requirements through its iterative approach and flexible mindset. Changes can be incorporated into the Product Backlog and prioritized for future sprints, allowing teams to adapt to evolving customer needs and market conditions.
Can Scrum be used in non-software projects?
Yes, Scrum can be applied to a wide range of projects beyond software development, including marketing campaigns, event planning, construction projects, and more. The key is to adapt Scrum principles and practices to suit the specific needs and constraints of the project.
What is the ideal size for a Scrum team?
The ideal size for a Scrum team is typically between five and nine members, although smaller or larger teams can also be effective depending on the project's complexity and requirements. The goal is to have a cross-functional team with the skills and expertise needed to deliver value independently.
How do you measure the success of a Scrum project?
Success in a Scrum project is measured by the value delivered to stakeholders, the quality of the product, and the team's ability to adapt and improve over time. Key metrics may include customer satisfaction, product quality, team velocity, and time-to-market.
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inspireofficespaces · 18 days
Navigating Agile Work Environments: Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies
Introduction of Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies : 
 You may be familiar with the agile methodology or agile project management, but have you considered agile work environments? Agile working is currently trending, and it originates from the original agile method.
Introduced in 2001, agile methodology aimed to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and quality for software development teams. Since its inception, the agile approach has permeated various sectors, and agile work environments seem to be a lasting component of the evolving professional landscape.
The agile work environment adopts a progressive approach of discarding conventional practices in favor of modern alternatives. Rather than adhering to traditional office structures with fixed layouts and designated workstations, emphasis is placed on freedom. In an agile office, employees enjoy the liberty to work at their preferred times and locations.
This guide will explore agile work environments and office design in-depth, offering insights to help you optimize your workspace for enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.
Why Choose Agile?
Agile represents a project management methodology, anchored in processes like the Scrum methodology. It revolves around adaptability and collaboration, prioritizing flexibility over fixed structures and embracing velocity over rigid frameworks. This philosophy extends to the work environment, where the workspace evolves to meet the dynamic needs of teams and individual employees.
The Agile Manifesto underscores the significance of individuals, interactions, and proactive responsiveness to change. While the manifesto may not be directly tailored to the agile work environment, its guiding principles can serve as a blueprint for establishing an office that fosters productivity and satisfaction among employees.
What Constitutes an Agile Work Environment?
An agile work environment is fundamentally centered on accommodating the diverse needs of employees, necessitating a high degree of flexibility to enable team members to work in a manner that best suits their preferences.
For instance, some individuals may thrive in open seating arrangements, fostering collaboration with colleagues, while others may find optimal productivity in a secluded workspace situated in a quiet section of the office. Additionally, some employees may excel in their work when operating from home, maintaining a connection to the agile workplace even when physically distant.
Beyond just embracing a flexible working model, agile workspaces are designed to enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction. Such environments often incorporate a hybrid workplace model and cultivate a company culture that supports or even encourages remote work and flexible hours for those who find it preferable.
The Advantages of Adopting an Agile Approach:
The agile methodology is well-suited for companies prioritizing outcomes over traditional attendance metrics. It emphasizes employee convenience, fostering enhanced performance and connectivity among various departments.
Businesses seeking to cultivate a more inclusive company culture can benefit significantly from implementing an agile work environment, eliminating conventional constraints on their workforce.
Especially advantageous for organizations that transitioned to remote work during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, an agile approach facilitates a smoother adjustment to the new normal as employees return to physical workspaces.
Key benefits of agile work environments encompass:
1. Enhanced collaboration and cohesive teamwork among team members. 2. Efficient and versatile space utilization, reducing the need for permanently assigned workstations. 3. Alleviated emotional fatigue, workload, time pressure, and work interruptions for employees. 4. Greater flexibility and individual freedom for employees, enhancing retention and promoting a healthier work-life balance. 5. Real estate cost savings and the potential for smaller office spaces, particularly if some employees continue remote work.
Agile work environments have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 landscape. Consequently, businesses worldwide are embracing this approach, responding to the expressed desire of today's workforce for increased flexibility. Employees have indicated a willingness to consider leaving workplaces that fail to adapt to the evolving work environment.
Possible Downsides of Operating in an Agile Work Setting:
Certain employees may encounter challenges or frustrations within an agile work environment. For instance, managers may be inaccessible during crucial times due to the absence of fixed office hours, necessitating a higher degree of self-management. Similarly, specific industries or workplaces, such as call centers, might discover that the agile model is not the most optimal arrangement for their operational dynamics and business requirements.
Designing an Agile Office Space:
Agile office designs aim to create functional areas that align with employees' working preferences, fostering enhanced productivity. Generally, these environments advocate for employees to choose their preferred setting for specific tasks, favoring hot desking over assigned desks. However, some teams may opt for designated clusters to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
Key elements of these flexible workspaces include:
1. Diverse Workstations: Agile workplaces offer a range of workstations, including standing desks, quad desks, and open seating, catering to various employee preferences. Some may even include fixed seating options upon request.
2. Comfortable Seating : Areas for informal meetings, brainstorming, and breaks should feature comfortable and inviting seating, sometimes replacing formal meeting spaces.
3. Breakout Zones : Many agile offices incorporate breakout zones, seasonal outdoor workspaces, and shared areas. Integrating plants in outdoor spaces can contribute to a greener environment, positively impacting employee morale and mental well-being.
4. Meeting Rooms : While agile work environments prioritize flexibility, some still include small or large meeting rooms for formal discussions, often with lounge tables for added comfort.
5. Touchdown Spaces : Small stations designed for short bursts of productivity provide employees with a place for quick tasks like checking emails or uploading files. These spaces typically feature standing desks and charging stations.
6. Quiet Areas : Recognizing the potential for noise in agile environments, dedicated quiet spaces are essential for employees requiring focused work, complex tasks, or simply a quieter atmosphere.
Agile floor plans are characterized by openness, comfort, and modern aesthetics, mirroring the principles of agile working practices. This design philosophy aims to boost employee engagement, enabling each team member to produce efficient and high-quality work.
In technical and creative fields, where focused work is crucial, agile practices with minimal constraints provide the flexibility needed. It's not uncommon to observe employees utilizing headphones or collaborating closely on projects in these adaptable environments.
Transitioning to an Agile Work Environment:
Optimal office design initiatives involve engaging employees in the planning phase to incorporate valuable input from various teams. Since office design contributes to shaping company culture, selecting the most suitable layout becomes crucial.
Utilize focus groups, one-on-one discussions, anonymous suggestion boxes, and team meetings to ensure that your employees' ideas are thoroughly considered for implementation. Evaluating the who, what, when, why, and how aspects of each idea facilitates informed decisions about their feasibility.
Conclusion : 
Exploring existing agile work environments provides insights into how other organizations break free from traditional setups. Consider visiting such spaces and involving stakeholders or team members for diverse perspectives.
Incorporating your employees extensively is key, given that transitioning to an agile work environment necessitates a mindset shift within the existing work culture. If concerns about workflow disruption arise during the transition, hiring an agile consultant can streamline the process.
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inspireofficespace1 · 1 month
Navigating Agile Work Environments: Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies
Introduction of Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies : 
 You may be familiar with the agile methodology or agile project management, but have you considered agile work environments? Agile working is currently trending, and it originates from the original agile method.
Introduced in 2001, agile methodology aimed to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and quality for software development teams. Since its inception, the agile approach has permeated various sectors, and agile work environments seem to be a lasting component of the evolving professional landscape.
The agile work environment adopts a progressive approach of discarding conventional practices in favor of modern alternatives. Rather than adhering to traditional office structures with fixed layouts and designated workstations, emphasis is placed on freedom. In an agile office, employees enjoy the liberty to work at their preferred times and locations.
This guide will explore agile work environments and office design in-depth, offering insights to help you optimize your workspace for enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.
Why Choose Agile?
Agile represents a project management methodology, anchored in processes like the Scrum methodology. It revolves around adaptability and collaboration, prioritizing flexibility over fixed structures and embracing velocity over rigid frameworks. This philosophy extends to the work environment, where the workspace evolves to meet the dynamic needs of teams and individual employees.
The Agile Manifesto underscores the significance of individuals, interactions, and proactive responsiveness to change. While the manifesto may not be directly tailored to the agile work environment, its guiding principles can serve as a blueprint for establishing an office that fosters productivity and satisfaction among employees.
What Constitutes an Agile Work Environment?
An agile work environment is fundamentally centered on accommodating the diverse needs of employees, necessitating a high degree of flexibility to enable team members to work in a manner that best suits their preferences.
For instance, some individuals may thrive in open seating arrangements, fostering collaboration with colleagues, while others may find optimal productivity in a secluded workspace situated in a quiet section of the office. Additionally, some employees may excel in their work when operating from home, maintaining a connection to the agile workplace even when physically distant.
Beyond just embracing a flexible working model, agile workspaces are designed to enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction. Such environments often incorporate a hybrid workplace model and cultivate a company culture that supports or even encourages remote work and flexible hours for those who find it preferable.
The Advantages of Adopting an Agile Approach:
The agile methodology is well-suited for companies prioritizing outcomes over traditional attendance metrics. It emphasizes employee convenience, fostering enhanced performance and connectivity among various departments.
Businesses seeking to cultivate a more inclusive company culture can benefit significantly from implementing an agile work environment, eliminating conventional constraints on their workforce.
Especially advantageous for organizations that transitioned to remote work during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, an agile approach facilitates a smoother adjustment to the new normal as employees return to physical workspaces.
Key benefits of agile work environments encompass:
1. Enhanced collaboration and cohesive teamwork among team members. 2. Efficient and versatile space utilization, reducing the need for permanently assigned workstations. 3. Alleviated emotional fatigue, workload, time pressure, and work interruptions for employees. 4. Greater flexibility and individual freedom for employees, enhancing retention and promoting a healthier work-life balance. 5. Real estate cost savings and the potential for smaller office spaces, particularly if some employees continue remote work.
Agile work environments have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 landscape. Consequently, businesses worldwide are embracing this approach, responding to the expressed desire of today's workforce for increased flexibility. Employees have indicated a willingness to consider leaving workplaces that fail to adapt to the evolving work environment.
Possible Downsides of Operating in an Agile Work Setting:
Certain employees may encounter challenges or frustrations within an agile work environment. For instance, managers may be inaccessible during crucial times due to the absence of fixed office hours, necessitating a higher degree of self-management. Similarly, specific industries or workplaces, such as call centers, might discover that the agile model is not the most optimal arrangement for their operational dynamics and business requirements.
Designing an Agile Office Space:
Agile office designs aim to create functional areas that align with employees' working preferences, fostering enhanced productivity. Generally, these environments advocate for employees to choose their preferred setting for specific tasks, favoring hot desking over assigned desks. However, some teams may opt for designated clusters to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
Key elements of these flexible workspaces include:
1. Diverse Workstations: Agile workplaces offer a range of workstations, including standing desks, quad desks, and open seating, catering to various employee preferences. Some may even include fixed seating options upon request.
2. Comfortable Seating : Areas for informal meetings, brainstorming, and breaks should feature comfortable and inviting seating, sometimes replacing formal meeting spaces.
3. Breakout Zones : Many agile offices incorporate breakout zones, seasonal outdoor workspaces, and shared areas. Integrating plants in outdoor spaces can contribute to a greener environment, positively impacting employee morale and mental well-being.
4. Meeting Rooms : While agile work environments prioritize flexibility, some still include small or large meeting rooms for formal discussions, often with lounge tables for added comfort.
5. Touchdown Spaces : Small stations designed for short bursts of productivity provide employees with a place for quick tasks like checking emails or uploading files. These spaces typically feature standing desks and charging stations.
6. Quiet Areas : Recognizing the potential for noise in agile environments, dedicated quiet spaces are essential for employees requiring focused work, complex tasks, or simply a quieter atmosphere.
Agile floor plans are characterized by openness, comfort, and modern aesthetics, mirroring the principles of agile working practices. This design philosophy aims to boost employee engagement, enabling each team member to produce efficient and high-quality work.
In technical and creative fields, where focused work is crucial, agile practices with minimal constraints provide the flexibility needed. It's not uncommon to observe employees utilizing headphones or collaborating closely on projects in these adaptable environments.
Transitioning to an Agile Work Environment:
Optimal office design initiatives involve engaging employees in the planning phase to incorporate valuable input from various teams. Since office design contributes to shaping company culture, selecting the most suitable layout becomes crucial.
Utilize focus groups, one-on-one discussions, anonymous suggestion boxes, and team meetings to ensure that your employees' ideas are thoroughly considered for implementation. Evaluating the who, what, when, why, and how aspects of each idea facilitates informed decisions about their feasibility.
Conclusion : 
Exploring existing agile work environments provides insights into how other organizations break free from traditional setups. Consider visiting such spaces and involving stakeholders or team members for diverse perspectives.
Incorporating your employees extensively is key, given that transitioning to an agile work environment necessitates a mindset shift within the existing work culture. If concerns about workflow disruption arise during the transition, hiring an agile consultant can streamline the process.
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Mastering Project Management: 7 Essential Strategies for Success
In any organization, effective project management is the linchpin for success. Whether you're overseeing a small team or coordinating complex, multi-disciplinary projects, mastering the art of project management is essential for delivering results on time and within budget. Here are seven essential strategies to help you excel in project management:
1. Establish Clear Objectives with SMART Goals
Before diving into any project, it's crucial to establish clear objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Clearly defined goals provide a roadmap for the project team, ensuring everyone is aligned on the project's purpose and expected outcomes. By breaking down objectives into manageable tasks and setting realistic deadlines, project managers can keep the team focused and motivated throughout the project lifecycle.
2. Develop a Comprehensive Project Plan
A well-crafted project plan serves as the blueprint for success, outlining the scope, timeline, resources, and deliverables of the project. It's essential to collaborate with key stakeholders to gather input and ensure the plan reflects their needs and expectations. A comprehensive project plan should include a breakdown of tasks, dependencies, milestones, and risk mitigation strategies. By proactively identifying potential challenges and establishing contingency plans, project managers can minimize disruptions and keep the project on track.
3. Embrace Agile Methodologies for Flexibility
In today's fast-paced business environment, agility is key to adapting to changing requirements and market dynamics. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, emphasize iterative development, continuous feedback, and collaboration among cross-functional teams. By breaking down projects into smaller, manageable increments, Agile allows for greater flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs. Project managers can leverage Agile principles to prioritize tasks, streamline workflows, and deliver value to stakeholders more efficiently.
4. Foster Effective Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful project management. Project managers must establish open lines of communication among team members, stakeholders, and external partners to ensure clarity and alignment throughout the project lifecycle. Regular status meetings, progress reports, and collaborative tools, such as project management software and shared document repositories, can facilitate communication and foster a culture of transparency and accountability. By encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing, project managers can harness the collective expertise of the team and drive innovation.
5. Implement Robust Risk Management Practices
No project is without its risks, but proactive risk management can help mitigate potential threats and minimize their impact on project outcomes. Project managers should conduct a thorough risk assessment at the outset of the project to identify potential hazards, such as budget overruns, resource constraints, or technical challenges. Once risks are identified, project managers can develop risk mitigation strategies, allocate contingency reserves, and monitor risk triggers throughout the project lifecycle. By staying vigilant and proactive, project managers can navigate uncertainties and steer the project toward success.
6. Empower and Motivate Your Team
A motivated and engaged team is essential for project success. Project managers should empower team members by providing clear direction, fostering a collaborative environment, and recognizing individual contributions. By aligning team members' skills and interests with project objectives, project managers can maximize productivity and morale. Additionally, offering opportunities for professional development and career growth can help retain top talent and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. By investing in the development and well-being of their team, project managers can build a cohesive and high-performing workforce capable of overcoming any challenge.
7. Continuously Monitor and Evaluate Performance
Effective project management requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation to track progress, identify deviations from the plan, and implement corrective actions as needed. Project managers should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure project performance against predefined benchmarks, such as budget adherence, schedule compliance, and quality standards. Regular performance reviews and retrospective meetings provide opportunities for the team to reflect on lessons learned, celebrate successes, and identify areas for improvement. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, project managers can optimize project outcomes and drive organizational growth.
In conclusion, mastering project management requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and agile execution. By embracing these essential strategies, project managers can navigate complex challenges, inspire their teams, and deliver successful outcomes that exceed stakeholders' expectations. Whether you're overseeing a small-scale initiative or a large-scale transformation, the principles of project management are universally applicable and essential for driving success in today's dynamic business landscape.
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kickrtechnology1 · 3 months
Software development: Efficient Solution for Tomorrow's Needs
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Introduction to Software Development
Software development services includes creating, designing and maintaining software applications that fulfill specific user needs or solve particular problems. It involves a systematic approach having various stages from concept to delivery. In this article, you'll get the information about the fundamental aspects of software development, its methodologies, tools, and the evolving landscape, along with a software development company named as kickr technology.
1. Understand Software Development
Software development begins with understanding the requirements and objectives of the project. This phase involves thorough communication with stakeholders to get idea of the problem domain, identify user needs, and define project goals. Clear requirements serve as the foundation for the subsequent development stages.
2. Planning and Design
Planning and design involve translating requirements into a structured blueprint for the software solution. This phase includes architectural design, where system components and their interactions are sketched. Additionally, it cover user interface design, database design, and other technical specifications.
3. Development Process
The development process focuses on writing code based on the design specifications. Programmers utilize programming languages, frameworks, and libraries to implement the software logic. Collaboration among software developers, adherence to coding standards, and version control are crucial aspects of this phase.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance
Testing and quality assurance are integral to ensuring the reliability and functionality of the software. Various testing techniques, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing, are capable to identify defects and ensure the software meets the specified requirements. Quality assurance practices aim to maintain consistency and effectiveness throughout the development lifecycle.
5. Deployment and Release
Deployment involves making the software available for use by end-users. This phase have activities such as installation, configuration, and rollout of the software solution. Release management ensures the smooth transition of the software from development to production environments while minimizing disruption to users.
6. Maintenance and Support
Maintenance and support involve addressing issues, implementing updates, and providing assistance to users post-deployment. This phase cover bug fixes, performance optimization, and feature enhancements based on user feedback and evolving requirements. Effective maintenance ensures the longevity and continued usability of the software.
Software Development services Methodologies
Various methodologies guide the software development process, each offering distinct approaches to project management and execution. Some prime methodologies include:
1. Waterfall Model
The Waterfall model follows a sequential approach, with each phase (requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment) completed before moving to the next. It emphasizes thorough documentation and upfront planning but lacks flexibility for accommodating changes late in the development cycle.
2. Agile Methodology
Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, prioritize iterative development and collaboration among cross-functional teams. Agile teams work in short cycles (sprints), delivering incremental updates and continuously adapting to changing requirements. This approach fosters flexibility, customer collaboration, and rapid response to feedback.
3. DevOps
DevOps integrates software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to streamline the software delivery process. It emphasizes automation, continuous integration, and continuous deployment to accelerate the release cycle while maintaining high quality and reliability. DevOps fosters collaboration, transparency, and shared responsibility among development and operations teams.
4. Lean Software Development
Lean software development focuses on maximizing customer value while minimizing waste. It emphasizes principles such as eliminating unnecessary processes, empowering teams, and optimizing the flow of work. Lean practices promote efficiency, agility, and a relentless focus on delivering value to end-users.
Emerging Trends in Software Development
The software development landscape is continuously evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing user demands. Some emerging trends shaping the future of software development include:
1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing software development by enabling applications to learn from data, adapt to new information, and make intelligent decisions. AI-driven tools automate tasks, enhance productivity, and enable the development of intelligent applications capable of natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics.
2. Low-Code and No-Code Development
Low-code and no-code development platforms empower citizen developers and business users to create software applications with minimal coding expertise. These platforms offer visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and pre-built components to accelerate development and democratize access to software creation.
3. Containerization and Microservices Architecture
Containerization technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, facilitate the deployment and management of software applications in lightweight, portable containers. Microservices architecture decomposes applications into small, loosely coupled services, enabling scalability, agility, and resilience in complex distributed systems.
4. DevSecOps
DevSecOps integrates security practices into the DevOps workflow, emphasizing proactive security measures throughout the software development lifecycle. By embedding security into every stage of development, DevSecOps aims to mitigate risks, detect vulnerabilities early, and ensure the security and compliance of software applications.
Software development company : Kickr Technology
Kickr technology's team’s dedication & adeptness help us deliver beautiful, innovative mobile apps and software applications that simplify various business processes. kickr Technology offer optimal solutions that work with your team to increase your capabilities and simplify the enlargement process. Developers of this company take projects of start-ups to large scale organisations. Its custom software development services allow user to transform their digital dreams into reality by building goal oriented & personalized software and applications.
Software development is a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that encompasses various processes, methodologies, and technologies. By understanding the fundamentals of software development and embracing emerging trends, organizations can deliver innovative, high-quality software solutions that meet the evolving needs of users and drive business success. And Kickr Technology is a very good option of taking advantage in software development for your business by its developers. To know more about software development, visit at www.kickrtechnologies.com.
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fredikjohn · 7 months
A Deep Dive into the World of Software Engineering
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In the ever-evolving realm of technology, software engineering stands as the backbone of innovation. From mobile applications that simplify our daily tasks to complex systems that power critical infrastructure, software engineering is at the forefront of shaping our digital future. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of software engineering, its fundamental principles, and the pivotal role it plays in our interconnected world.
Understanding Software Engineering:
At its core, software engineering is a systematic approach to designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software. It involves a disciplined application of engineering principles to the entire software development process, aiming to create reliable, scalable, and efficient solutions. The software engineering lifecycle encompasses various phases, including requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
Key Principles of Software Engineering:
1. Requirements Engineering:
    The foundation of any successful software project lies in understanding and defining clear requirements. This involves close collaboration between developers and stakeholders to ensure that the software aligns with the intended goals.
2. Design Patterns:
    Design patterns provide reusable solutions to common problems encountered during software development. They act as blueprints, guiding developers in creating scalable and maintainable code structures.
3. Testing and Quality Assurance:
    Rigorous testing is integral to software engineering. Quality assurance processes help identify and rectify bugs and vulnerabilities, ensuring that the software meets the highest standards of reliability and security.
4. Agile Methodology:
    Agile methodologies have revolutionised software development by emphasising iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility. Agile frameworks, such as Scrum and Kanban, promote adaptive responses to changing requirements.
Emerging Trends in Software Engineering:
1. DevOps Integration:
    The seamless integration of development and operations, known as DevOps, is gaining prominence. This approach enhances collaboration, accelerates development cycles, and ensures continuous delivery of high-quality software.
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):
    AI and ML are reshaping software engineering by automating tasks, optimising processes, and enabling predictive analytics. These technologies are particularly influential in data-driven applications and decision-making systems.
3. Microservices Architecture:
    Breaking down large, monolithic applications into smaller, independent microservices is a trend that enhances scalability, maintainability, and deployment flexibility.
Challenges and Solutions:
While software engineering has brought about remarkable advancements, it is not without its challenges. Common issues include project management complexities, changing requirements, and the need for continuous adaptation to new technologies. Embracing agile methodologies, fostering effective communication, and investing in ongoing education are key strategies to address these challenges.
Software engineering is a dynamic field that continues to shape the digital landscape. As technology evolves, so too does the role of software engineers in creating innovative solutions to address complex problems. By embracing best practices, staying abreast of emerging trends, and fostering a collaborative and adaptive culture, software engineers are poised to drive the next wave of technological breakthroughs that will shape our future.
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selromsoftware · 9 months
The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Software Development
In an era characterized by technological advancement and digital transformation, software development stands at the forefront of innovation. This intricate process of designing, coding, testing, and deploying software has redefined the way we interact with technology, revolutionizing industries, businesses, and our daily lives. In this comprehensive article, we embark on a journey through the vast landscape of software development, exploring its significance, the diverse phases involved, key methodologies, and the future trends that promise to shape our digital world.
1. The Essence of Software Development:
At its core, software development is the art and science of creating applications and programs that empower computers, mobile devices, and other hardware to perform specific tasks and functions. It's the engine that powers the digital age, shaping the software solutions we rely on daily.
2. The Significance of Software Development:
a. Digital Transformation: Software development is the catalyst behind the digital transformation sweeping across industries, enabling businesses to adapt to the ever-changing market dynamics.
b. Enhanced Efficiency: Well-crafted software automates processes, reducing human error, and improving operational efficiency.
c. Innovation and Creativity: Software development is the canvas upon which innovation and creativity are painted, driving the creation of new digital experiences.
d. Global Connectivity: Software bridges geographical gaps, connecting people and businesses across the globe.
3. The Journey of Software Development:
a. Requirement Analysis: The journey begins with understanding the needs, goals, and objectives of the software, outlining its scope and functionalities.
b. Planning and Design: A blueprint is crafted, detailing the software's architecture, user interface, and features, ensuring it aligns with user expectations.
c. Development and Coding: Skilled developers write the code that brings the software to life, employing programming languages and frameworks suited to the task.
d. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing is conducted to identify and rectify bugs, ensuring the software functions seamlessly.
e. Deployment and Launch: The software is deployed in the intended environment, making it accessible to users.
f. Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Continuous monitoring, updates, and technical support ensure the software's optimal performance and longevity.
4. Methodologies in Software Development:
a. Waterfall: A linear approach where each phase must be completed before moving to the next. It's ideal for projects with well-defined requirements.
b. Agile: A flexible, iterative approach where the project is divided into smaller increments, allowing for adjustments based on user feedback.
c. DevOps: Focusing on collaboration between development and IT operations teams, DevOps aims to automate and streamline the software delivery process.
d. Scrum: An Agile framework emphasizing teamwork, accountability, and iterative progress, with regular check-ins and adjustments.
5. Future Trends in Software Development:
a. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML are set to revolutionize software development, enabling predictive analytics, natural language processing, and advanced automation.
b. Internet of Things (IoT): As IoT devices continue to proliferate, software development will focus on creating seamless ecosystems and managing vast data streams.
c. Blockchain: With growing interest in blockchain technology, software development will explore its potential applications beyond cryptocurrencies, including supply chain management and digital identity.
6. Conclusion:
Software development is the heartbeat of the digital age, driving innovation, efficiency, and connectivity. As we continue to evolve in a world increasingly reliant on technology, the role of software development becomes ever more pivotal. It not only shapes the way we interact with digital solutions but also fuels the transformation of industries, businesses, and society at large. In a future where AI, IoT, and blockchain redefine possibilities, software development will remain the driving force behind progress, ensuring that our digital world continues to expand, enrich, and empower.
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hedgenickel60 · 3 years
Organizing Poker On the web: Lowering Sprints
Planning poker on the internet is an exciting new improvement in the world of gambling online and video gaming. A free of charge, open up provider undertaking developed by the top internet gambling software provider, Playtech, Preparing Poker is undoubtedly an easy-to-use planning tool for the great tasting realm of online credit card video games, poker tournaments, live online blackjack games and high stakes video poker tournaments. Tasty naturally, delectable indicates "yummy". Preparing poker on the web is a free, open up resource organizing application for teams of handed out agile thoughts working in squads. It operates on the desktop, tablets and cellular devices hooked up through a high speed internet connection, thereby incorporating several individuals in an instant narrative structured estimation session. Quotations are made by associates while enjoying a totally free online game on the great tasting website this estimation program is saved and employed later to boost planning and execution. Organizing poker on-line uses what is known as a "sprint refinement" procedure. http://isdabe.com/deft-planning-from-enterprise-vision-to-team-stand-up.html A run refinement process, also referred to as a enjoy analyze or playback, helps to reduce each the quantity of estimates that should be made as well as the time it requires to finish them. The plates or tasty internet site wherein the preparing poker on the web is becoming played is called a "run" because it is made to be played in a very short time (under an hour). This short time period offers a much more constrained set of problems under which to produce these estimations, that happen to be far more dependable than quotations which need longer amounts of time to finish. Ever since the entire point of a playlist would be to lessen the volume of estimations that need to be manufactured plus the time it requires to ensure they are, reducing either of these aspects makes the screening better. Consequently Preparation poker on-line makes very good use of an effective Scrum process. In preparation poker on the web, every single gamer is given some tale factors or activities to finish. Every single participant will be assigned a status for every single task. The player's individual estimations are combined with the estimates of other gamers to form a "standard" for his or her booking. The player's schedule is the amount of all person tale factors as well as the sum of all sprints, or instances if they have been scheduled to perform. Every one of these elements is going to be combined in a end user user profile. This information gives info for every player regarding how they manage their time, the types of routines they take part in, the kinds of activities they attend and the sorts of changes they acquire (or don't acquire). Combined jointly, the poker internet app and also the account offer an exact depiction of each and every person's the real world scenario. This is accomplished with what is called "sprint refinement" where most relevant estimates are merged right into a solitary, correct picture for each person. Scrum is another part of the online preparation poker instrument. This word is defined as the whole process of planning and going over the possible plan of action that can lead to the conclusion of any project. In cases like this, each estimation and organizing are utilizing to determine which pursuits and situations must be prioritized and planned beforehand. "Sprint refinement," then, is a synonym for "scrums." A scrum is usually a simple brainstorming period in which the blueprint is developed, highly processed and carried out according to the common parameters set forth in the unique timetable. With Scrum, participants might be given a number of estimations during the course of an individual run. They will likely talk about these quotations so that you can decide which quotes are definitely the most related and needed. The item users may then make use of this information to plan much less regular but a lot more useful sprints. Since a lot fewer sprints are required, the general booking period of time is decreased. Planning poker on the internet gives product or service managers and poker players more accurate estimates of methods very long it should take to perform their projects.
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suzanneshannon · 3 years
Asynchronous Design Critique: Giving Feedback
Feedback, in whichever form it takes, and whatever it may be called, is one of the most effective soft skills that we have at our disposal to collaboratively get our designs to a better place while growing our own skills and perspectives.
Feedback is also one of the most underestimated tools, and often by assuming that we’re already good at it, we settle, forgetting that it’s a skill that can be trained, grown, and improved. Poor feedback can create confusion in projects, bring down morale, and affect trust and team collaboration over the long term. Quality feedback can be a transformative force. 
Practicing our skills is surely a good way to improve, but the learning gets even faster when it’s paired with a good foundation that channels and focuses the practice. What are some foundational aspects of giving good feedback? And how can feedback be adjusted for remote and distributed work environments? 
On the web, we can identify a long tradition of asynchronous feedback: from the early days of open source, code was shared and discussed on mailing lists. Today, developers engage on pull requests, designers comment in their favorite design tools, project managers and scrum masters exchange ideas on tickets, and so on.
Design critique is often the name used for a type of feedback that’s provided to make our work better, collaboratively. So it shares a lot of the principles with feedback in general, but it also has some differences.
The content
The foundation of every good critique is the feedback’s content, so that’s where we need to start. There are many models that you can use to shape your content. The one that I personally like best—because it’s clear and actionable—is this one from Lara Hogan.
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While this equation is generally used to give feedback to people, it also fits really well in a design critique because it ultimately answers some of the core questions that we work on: What? Where? Why? How? Imagine that you’re giving some feedback about some design work that spans multiple screens, like an onboarding flow: there are some pages shown, a flow blueprint, and an outline of the decisions made. You spot something that could be improved. If you keep the three elements of the equation in mind, you’ll have a mental model that can help you be more precise and effective.
Here is a comment that could be given as a part of some feedback, and it might look reasonable at a first glance: it seems to superficially fulfill the elements in the equation. But does it?
Not sure about the buttons’ styles and hierarchy—it feels off. Can you change them?
Observation for design feedback doesn’t just mean pointing out which part of the interface your feedback refers to, but it also refers to offering a perspective that’s as specific as possible. Are you providing the user’s perspective? Your expert perspective? A business perspective? The project manager’s perspective? A first-time user’s perspective?
When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back.
Impact is about the why. Just pointing out a UI element might sometimes be enough if the issue may be obvious, but more often than not, you should add an explanation of what you’re pointing out.
When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back. But this is the only screen where this happens, as before we just used a single button and an “×” to close. This seems to be breaking the consistency in the flow.
The question approach is meant to provide open guidance by eliciting the critical thinking in the designer receiving the feedback. Notably, in Lara’s equation she provides a second approach: request, which instead provides guidance toward a specific solution. While that’s a viable option for feedback in general, for design critiques, in my experience, defaulting to the question approach usually reaches the best solutions because designers are generally more comfortable in being given an open space to explore.
The difference between the two can be exemplified with, for the question approach:
When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back. But this is the only screen where this happens, as before we just used a single button and an “×” to close. This seems to be breaking the consistency in the flow. Would it make sense to unify them?
Or, for the request approach:
When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back. But this is the only screen where this happens, as before we just used a single button and an “×” to close. This seems to be breaking the consistency in the flow. Let’s make sure that all screens have the same pair of forward and back buttons.
At this point in some situations, it might be useful to integrate with an extra why: why you consider the given suggestion to be better.
When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back. But this is the only screen where this happens, as before we just used a single button and an “×” to close. This seems to be breaking the consistency in the flow. Let’s make sure that all screens have the same two forward and back buttons so that users don’t get confused.
Choosing the question approach or the request approach can also at times be a matter of personal preference. A while ago, I was putting a lot of effort into improving my feedback: I did rounds of anonymous feedback, and I reviewed feedback with other people. After a few rounds of this work and a year later, I got a positive response: my feedback came across as effective and grounded. Until I changed teams. To my shock, my next round of feedback from one specific person wasn’t that great. The reason is that I had previously tried not to be prescriptive in my advice—because the people who I was previously working with preferred the open-ended question format over the request style of suggestions. But now in this other team, there was one person who instead preferred specific guidance. So I adapted my feedback for them to include requests.
One comment that I heard come up a few times is that this kind of feedback is quite long, and it doesn’t seem very efficient. No… but also yes. Let’s explore both sides.
No, this style of feedback is actually efficient because the length here is a byproduct of clarity, and spending time giving this kind of feedback can provide exactly enough information for a good fix. Also if we zoom out, it can reduce future back-and-forth conversations and misunderstandings, improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration beyond the single comment. Imagine that in the example above the feedback were instead just, “Let’s make sure that all screens have the same two forward and back buttons.” The designer receiving this feedback wouldn’t have much to go by, so they might just apply the change. In later iterations, the interface might change or they might introduce new features—and maybe that change might not make sense anymore. Without the why, the designer might imagine that the change is about consistency… but what if it wasn’t? So there could now be an underlying concern that changing the buttons would be perceived as a regression.
Yes, this style of feedback is not always efficient because the points in some comments don’t always need to be exhaustive, sometimes because certain changes may be obvious (“The font used doesn’t follow our guidelines”) and sometimes because the team may have a lot of internal knowledge such that some of the whys may be implied.
So the equation above isn’t meant to suggest a strict template for feedback but a mnemonic to reflect and improve the practice. Even after years of active work on my critiques, I still from time to time go back to this formula and reflect on whether what I just wrote is effective.
The tone
Well-grounded content is the foundation of feedback, but that’s not really enough. The soft skills of the person who’s providing the critique can multiply the likelihood that the feedback will be well received and understood. Tone alone can make the difference between content that’s rejected or welcomed, and it’s been demonstrated that only positive feedback creates sustained change in people.
Since our goal is to be understood and to have a positive working environment, tone is essential to work on. Over the years, I’ve tried to summarize the required soft skills in a formula that mirrors the one for content: the receptivity equation.
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Respectful feedback comes across as grounded, solid, and constructive. It’s the kind of feedback that, whether it’s positive or negative, is perceived as useful and fair.
Timing refers to when the feedback happens. To-the-point feedback doesn’t have much hope of being well received if it’s given at the wrong time. Questioning the entire high-level information architecture of a new feature when it’s about to ship might still be relevant if that questioning highlights a major blocker that nobody saw, but it’s way more likely that those concerns will have to wait for a later rework. So in general, attune your feedback to the stage of the project. Early iteration? Late iteration? Polishing work in progress? These all have different needs. The right timing will make it more likely that your feedback will be well received.
Attitude is the equivalent of intent, and in the context of person-to-person feedback, it can be referred to as radical candor. That means checking before we write to see whether what we have in mind will truly help the person and make the project better overall. This might be a hard reflection at times because maybe we don’t want to admit that we don’t really appreciate that person. Hopefully that’s not the case, but that can happen, and that’s okay. Acknowledging and owning that can help you make up for that: how would I write if I really cared about them? How can I avoid being passive aggressive? How can I be more constructive?
Form is relevant especially in a diverse and cross-cultural work environments because having great content, perfect timing, and the right attitude might not come across if the way that we write creates misunderstandings. There might be many reasons for this: sometimes certain words might trigger specific reactions; sometimes nonnative speakers might not understand all the nuances of some sentences; sometimes our brains might just be different and we might perceive the world differently—neurodiversity must be taken into consideration. Whatever the reason, it’s important to review not just what we write but how.
A few years back, I was asking for some feedback on how I give feedback. I received some good advice but also a comment that surprised me. They pointed out that when I wrote “Oh, […],” I made them feel stupid. That wasn’t my intent! I felt really bad, and I just realized that I provided feedback to them for months, and every time I might have made them feel stupid. I was horrified… but also thankful. I made a quick fix: I added “oh” in my list of replaced words (your choice between: macOS’s text replacement, aText, TextExpander, or others) so that when I typed “oh,” it was instantly deleted. 
Something to highlight because it’s quite frequent—especially in teams that have a strong group spirit—is that people tend to beat around the bush. It’s important to remember here that a positive attitude doesn’t mean going light on the feedback—it just means that even when you provide hard, difficult, or challenging feedback, you do so in a way that’s respectful and constructive. The nicest thing that you can do for someone is to help them grow.
We have a great advantage in giving feedback in written form: it can be reviewed by another person who isn’t directly involved, which can help to reduce or remove any bias that might be there. I found that the best, most insightful moments for me have happened when I’ve shared a comment and I’ve asked someone who I highly trusted, “How does this sound?,” “How can I do it better,” and even “How would you have written it?”—and I’ve learned a lot by seeing the two versions side by side.
The format
Asynchronous feedback also has a major inherent advantage: we can take more time to refine what we’ve written to make sure that it fulfills two main goals: the clarity of communication and the actionability of the suggestions.
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Let’s imagine that someone shared a design iteration for a project. You are reviewing it and leaving a comment. There are many ways to do this, and of course context matters, but let’s try to think about some elements that may be useful to consider.
In terms of clarity, start by grounding the critique that you’re about to give by providing context. Specifically, this means describing where you’re coming from: do you have a deep knowledge of the project, or is this the first time that you’re seeing it? Are you coming from a high-level perspective, or are you figuring out the details? Are there regressions? Which user’s perspective are you taking when providing your feedback? Is the design iteration at a point where it would be okay to ship this, or are there major things that need to be addressed first?
Providing context is helpful even if you’re sharing feedback within a team that already has some information on the project. And context is absolutely essential when giving cross-team feedback. If I were to review a design that might be indirectly related to my work, and if I had no knowledge about how the project arrived at that point, I would say so, highlighting my take as external.
We often focus on the negatives, trying to outline all the things that could be done better. That’s of course important, but it’s just as important—if not more—to focus on the positives, especially if you saw progress from the previous iteration. This might seem superfluous, but it’s important to keep in mind that design is a discipline where there are hundreds of possible solutions for every problem. So pointing out that the design solution that was chosen is good and explaining why it’s good has two major benefits: it confirms that the approach taken was solid, and it helps to ground your negative feedback. In the longer term, sharing positive feedback can help prevent regressions on things that are going well because those things will have been highlighted as important. As a bonus, positive feedback can also help reduce impostor syndrome.
There’s one powerful approach that combines both context and a focus on the positives: frame how the design is better than the status quo (compared to a previous iteration, competitors, or benchmarks) and why, and then on that foundation, you can add what could be improved. This is powerful because there’s a big difference between a critique that’s for a design that’s already in good shape and a critique that’s for a design that isn’t quite there yet.
Another way that you can improve your feedback is to depersonalize the feedback: the comments should always be about the work, never about the person who made it. It’s “This button isn’t well aligned” versus “You haven’t aligned this button well.” This is very easy to change in your writing by reviewing it just before sending.
In terms of actionability, one of the best approaches to help the designer who’s reading through your feedback is to split it into bullet points or paragraphs, which are easier to review and analyze one by one. For longer pieces of feedback, you might also consider splitting it into sections or even across multiple comments. Of course, adding screenshots or signifying markers of the specific part of the interface you’re referring to can also be especially useful.
One approach that I’ve personally used effectively in some contexts is to enhance the bullet points with four markers using emojis. So a red square 🟥 means that it’s something that I consider blocking; a yellow diamond 🔶 is something that I can be convinced otherwise, but it seems to me that it should be changed; and a green circle 🟢 is a detailed, positive confirmation. I also use a blue spiral 🌀 for either something that I’m not sure about, an exploration, an open alternative, or just a note. But I’d use this approach only on teams where I’ve already established a good level of trust because if it happens that I have to deliver a lot of red squares, the impact could be quite demoralizing, and I’d reframe how I’d communicate that a bit.
Let’s see how this would work by reusing the example that we used earlier as the first bullet point in this list:
🔶 Navigation—When I see these two buttons, I expect one to go forward and one to go back. But this is the only screen where this happens, as before we just used a single button and an “×” to close. This seems to be breaking the consistency in the flow. Let’s make sure that all screens have the same two forward and back buttons so that users don’t get confused.
🟢 Overall—I think the page is solid, and this is good enough to be our release candidate for a version 1.0.
🟢 Metrics—Good improvement in the buttons on the metrics area; the improved contrast and new focus style make them more accessible.
 🟥  Button Style—Using the green accent in this context creates the impression that it’s a positive action because green is usually perceived as a confirmation color. Do we need to explore a different color?
🔶Tiles—Given the number of items on the page, and the overall page hierarchy, it seems to me that the tiles shouldn’t be using the Subtitle 1 style but the Subtitle 2 style. This will keep the visual hierarchy more consistent.
🌀 Background—Using a light texture works well, but I wonder whether it adds too much noise in this kind of page. What is the thinking in using that?
What about giving feedback directly in Figma or another design tool that allows in-place feedback? In general, I find these difficult to use because they hide discussions and they’re harder to track, but in the right context, they can be very effective. Just make sure that each of the comments is separate so that it’s easier to match each discussion to a single task, similar to the idea of splitting mentioned above.
One final note: say the obvious. Sometimes we might feel that something is obviously good or obviously wrong, and so we don’t say it. Or sometimes we might have a doubt that we don’t express because the question might sound stupid. Say it—that’s okay. You might have to reword it a little bit to make the reader feel more comfortable, but don’t hold it back. Good feedback is transparent, even when it may be obvious.
There’s another advantage of asynchronous feedback: written feedback automatically tracks decisions. Especially in large projects, “Why did we do this?” could be a question that pops up from time to time, and there’s nothing better than open, transparent discussions that can be reviewed at any time. For this reason, I recommend using software that saves these discussions, without hiding them once they are resolved. 
Content, tone, and format. Each one of these subjects provides a useful model, but working to improve eight areas—observation, impact, question, timing, attitude, form, clarity, and actionability—is a lot of work to put in all at once. One effective approach is to take them one by one: first identify the area that you lack the most (either from your perspective or from feedback from others) and start there. Then the second, then the third, and so on. At first you’ll have to put in extra time for every piece of feedback that you give, but after a while, it’ll become second nature, and your impact on the work will multiply.
Thanks to Brie Anne Demkiw and Mike Shelton for reviewing the first draft of this article.
Asynchronous Design Critique: Giving Feedback published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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expatimes · 3 years
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Coming home: Greek youth repatriate for high tech opportunities
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Volkswagen chose the island of Astypalaia for a ground-breaking experiment with electric vehicles [File: John Psaropoulos/Al Jazeera]
Athens, Greece – When Krystallia Sarantopoulou graduated from Thessaloniki’s Aristotelian University seven years ago with a degree in electrical and computer engineering, she landed in the worst job market in Europe.
Greek unemployment in July 2013 stood at 28 percent. The country was then still halfway through an eight-year recession that would claim a quarter of its economic growth. It still ranks as the worst contraction of any post-war developed economy.
“It’s already difficult to start a job as a new graduate, but during the financial crisis it was impossible,” she says.
Forced to seek her fortunes abroad, Sarantopoulou accepted an entry-level job in The Netherlands. The pay was basic but she felt at home. Walking into the Dutch company cafeteria, she recognised many fellow graduates from the Aristotelian University mess hall.
Still, she wanted to return to Greece and diligently kept an eye peeled for opportunities. This year, during the coronavirus pandemic, one finally surfaced.
A colleague of mine called and said Pfizer is going to invest in a software hub in Thessaloniki
Krystallia Sarantopoulou, repatriated Greek
“Last Easter, a colleague of mine called and said Pfizer is going to invest in a software hub in Thessaloniki. I said, ‘Really? It’s too good to be true’.”
Sarantopoulou is among the first wave of new hires at Pfizer’s Greek hub. A project manager, or scrum master in the industry’s rugby lingo, she coordinates a research team scattered around the world.
Some 200 employees will be at the site by December and Pfizer now plans to build it out to 600 employees, many of them repatriated Greeks.
“We have people coming from the US, the Netherlands, Germany – all Greeks who went away and are coming back,” Nico Gariboldi, the site manager in Thessaloniki told Al Jazeera.
Gariboldi says Pfizer chose Greece for a number of reasons: Political stability under the conservative New Democracy government, the biggest concentration of universities in southeast Europe and the city’s incubators and startups.
Those pull factors are no accident but part of the government’s strategic blueprint to competitively place Greece for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” merging the digital, biological and physical worlds. And that strategy for transformation has continued apace this year despite the myriad challenges from COVID-19.
All Greeks who went away and are coming back
Nico Gariboldi, the site manager, Pfizer
Determined to catch the next train
Greece, traditionally a pastoral society, largely missed out on previous industrial revolutions. Its industrial parks still bear the smokestacks and jagged factory roofs of experiments in manufacturing going back to the 1930s. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, much of its manufacturing fled to the cheap labour markets of Eastern Europe.
Though it was late for the last train, Greece is determined to catch the next.
It passed legislation last year slashing its corporate tax from 28 percent to 24 percent and has introduced a slew of tax incentives to attract investors, digital nomads (like Krystallia Sarantopoulou) and teleworkers – people who can work from anywhere to deliver a service.
The government also plans to invest a quarter of the income from next year’s 5G auctions in startups offering 5G services.
“Countries that want jobs with added value need to partake of the fourth industrial revolution, which is digital and data-based,” Alexis Patelis, the prime minister’s economic adviser told Al Jazeera. “[Digitisation] increases the productivity of the economy as a whole.”
Last January, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met Microsoft CEO Brad Smith at the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland. Smith wanted Mitsotakis’s help in creating an “enhanced” reality app through which a traveller would see ancient Olympia as it was 27 centuries ago. Mitsotakis then put another item on the agenda.
“They discussed Olympia and then we suggested the data centre, which was then very prescient,” Patelis tells Al Jazeera. “A month later Brad Smith visited Greece and said, ‘you are in the running for a data centre’.”
In October, Greece and Microsoft signed an MoU to build three data centres in the greater Athens area – enormous server parks that form the backbone of the internet and cloud computing services. Currently, the region is served by data centres in Amsterdam or Dublin.
The presence of data centres is expected to make small companies that cannot afford servers and software more competitive and attract larger investors.
Countries that want jobs with added value need to partake of the fourth industrial revolution
Alexis Patelis, economic advisor to Greek prime minister
Island incubators
Two waves of COVID-19 are expected to contract Greece’s economy by more than 10 percent this year.
“We have an investment deficit. As it is, we cannot achieve the growth we want,” says Patelis – a reference to the government’s promise to achieve 4 percent growth this year.
Hoping to make good on its promise in 2021, the government plans to disburse 5.5 billion euros ($6.69bn) of its allotment from the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.
It is also actively seeking and wooing corporate giants who want to incubate ideas in the real world.
“I am not of the view that we have to sit in our offices saying Greece has political stability and a good climate and expect that the phone will ring and it will be the chairman of a company that wants to build a factory here,” said Kostas Fragogiannis, deputy foreign minister for economic diplomacy.
Fragogiannis’s job it is to spearhead the search for high-tech investors.
“I believe in a proactive policy,” he told Al Jazeera.
That initiative bore fruit last month when Volkswagen chose the island of Astypalaia for a ground-breaking experiment with electric vehicles. 
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Volkswagen will replace the island’s public internal combustion vehicles with electric ones for free [File: John Psaropoulos/Al Jazeera]
The German automaker will replace the island’s public internal combustion vehicles with electric ones for free. It will also sell electric vehicles to the island’s 1,300 inhabitants at cost, build a network of charging stations and test a mobility-on-demand app, through which people can rideshare without having to own a car. Eventually, it plans to test its driverless technology there.
Fragogiannis is also looking for an investor to build a solar-and-wind power station, making the island energy self-sufficient.
“I think this project will teach lessons applicable for the whole world,” he says. “It shows the world how public and private transport will work in the future.”
“Astypalaia serves as a future blueprint for the social consensus that we need across Europe to achieve a zero-emissions future,” said VW CEO Herbert Diess on November 4.
As with Microsoft, the deal with Volkswagen was the result of both sides coming forward with ideas. “This government targeted certain markets and countries and companies,” says Fragogiannis, saying more major projects are in the works.
“Astypalaia can and will be a model of sustainable development, not just on a national level but on a European and global level,” said Prime Minister Mitsotakis at the announcement of the deal. “At Astypalaia we shall have a picture of the future.”
It was, in a nutshell, what Mitsotakis is driving towards for the Greek economy as a whole.
#technology Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=15633&feed_id=23307 #automotiveindustry #businessandeconomy #coronaviruspandemic #economy #europe #features #greece #scienceandtechnology #technology
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inspireofficespaces · 1 month
Navigating Agile Work Environments: Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies
Introduction of Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies : 
 You may be familiar with the agile methodology or agile project management, but have you considered agile work environments? Agile working is currently trending, and it originates from the original agile method.
Introduced in 2001, agile methodology aimed to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and quality for software development teams. Since its inception, the agile approach has permeated various sectors, and agile work environments seem to be a lasting component of the evolving professional landscape.
The agile work environment adopts a progressive approach of discarding conventional practices in favor of modern alternatives. Rather than adhering to traditional office structures with fixed layouts and designated workstations, emphasis is placed on freedom. In an agile office, employees enjoy the liberty to work at their preferred times and locations.
This guide will explore agile work environments and office design in-depth, offering insights to help you optimize your workspace for enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.
Why Choose Agile?
Agile represents a project management methodology, anchored in processes like the Scrum methodology. It revolves around adaptability and collaboration, prioritizing flexibility over fixed structures and embracing velocity over rigid frameworks. This philosophy extends to the work environment, where the workspace evolves to meet the dynamic needs of teams and individual employees.
The Agile Manifesto underscores the significance of individuals, interactions, and proactive responsiveness to change. While the manifesto may not be directly tailored to the agile work environment, its guiding principles can serve as a blueprint for establishing an office that fosters productivity and satisfaction among employees.
What Constitutes an Agile Work Environment?
An agile work environment is fundamentally centered on accommodating the diverse needs of employees, necessitating a high degree of flexibility to enable team members to work in a manner that best suits their preferences.
For instance, some individuals may thrive in open seating arrangements, fostering collaboration with colleagues, while others may find optimal productivity in a secluded workspace situated in a quiet section of the office. Additionally, some employees may excel in their work when operating from home, maintaining a connection to the agile workplace even when physically distant.
Beyond just embracing a flexible working model, agile workspaces are designed to enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction. Such environments often incorporate a hybrid workplace model and cultivate a company culture that supports or even encourages remote work and flexible hours for those who find it preferable.
The Advantages of Adopting an Agile Approach:
The agile methodology is well-suited for companies prioritizing outcomes over traditional attendance metrics. It emphasizes employee convenience, fostering enhanced performance and connectivity among various departments.
Businesses seeking to cultivate a more inclusive company culture can benefit significantly from implementing an agile work environment, eliminating conventional constraints on their workforce.
Especially advantageous for organizations that transitioned to remote work during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, an agile approach facilitates a smoother adjustment to the new normal as employees return to physical workspaces.
Key benefits of agile work environments encompass:
1. Enhanced collaboration and cohesive teamwork among team members. 2. Efficient and versatile space utilization, reducing the need for permanently assigned workstations. 3. Alleviated emotional fatigue, workload, time pressure, and work interruptions for employees. 4. Greater flexibility and individual freedom for employees, enhancing retention and promoting a healthier work-life balance. 5. Real estate cost savings and the potential for smaller office spaces, particularly if some employees continue remote work.
Agile work environments have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 landscape. Consequently, businesses worldwide are embracing this approach, responding to the expressed desire of today's workforce for increased flexibility. Employees have indicated a willingness to consider leaving workplaces that fail to adapt to the evolving work environment.
Possible Downsides of Operating in an Agile Work Setting:
Certain employees may encounter challenges or frustrations within an agile work environment. For instance, managers may be inaccessible during crucial times due to the absence of fixed office hours, necessitating a higher degree of self-management. Similarly, specific industries or workplaces, such as call centers, might discover that the agile model is not the most optimal arrangement for their operational dynamics and business requirements.
Designing an Agile Office Space:
Agile office designs aim to create functional areas that align with employees' working preferences, fostering enhanced productivity. Generally, these environments advocate for employees to choose their preferred setting for specific tasks, favoring hot desking over assigned desks. However, some teams may opt for designated clusters to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
Key elements of these flexible workspaces include:
1. Diverse Workstations: Agile workplaces offer a range of workstations, including standing desks, quad desks, and open seating, catering to various employee preferences. Some may even include fixed seating options upon request.
2. Comfortable Seating : Areas for informal meetings, brainstorming, and breaks should feature comfortable and inviting seating, sometimes replacing formal meeting spaces.
3. Breakout Zones : Many agile offices incorporate breakout zones, seasonal outdoor workspaces, and shared areas. Integrating plants in outdoor spaces can contribute to a greener environment, positively impacting employee morale and mental well-being.
4. Meeting Rooms : While agile work environments prioritize flexibility, some still include small or large meeting rooms for formal discussions, often with lounge tables for added comfort.
5. Touchdown Spaces : Small stations designed for short bursts of productivity provide employees with a place for quick tasks like checking emails or uploading files. These spaces typically feature standing desks and charging stations.
6. Quiet Areas : Recognizing the potential for noise in agile environments, dedicated quiet spaces are essential for employees requiring focused work, complex tasks, or simply a quieter atmosphere.
Agile floor plans are characterized by openness, comfort, and modern aesthetics, mirroring the principles of agile working practices. This design philosophy aims to boost employee engagement, enabling each team member to produce efficient and high-quality work.
In technical and creative fields, where focused work is crucial, agile practices with minimal constraints provide the flexibility needed. It's not uncommon to observe employees utilizing headphones or collaborating closely on projects in these adaptable environments.
Transitioning to an Agile Work Environment:
Optimal office design initiatives involve engaging employees in the planning phase to incorporate valuable input from various teams. Since office design contributes to shaping company culture, selecting the most suitable layout becomes crucial.
Utilize focus groups, one-on-one discussions, anonymous suggestion boxes, and team meetings to ensure that your employees' ideas are thoroughly considered for implementation. Evaluating the who, what, when, why, and how aspects of each idea facilitates informed decisions about their feasibility.
Conclusion : 
Exploring existing agile work environments provides insights into how other organizations break free from traditional setups. Consider visiting such spaces and involving stakeholders or team members for diverse perspectives.
Incorporating your employees extensively is key, given that transitioning to an agile work environment necessitates a mindset shift within the existing work culture. If concerns about workflow disruption arise during the transition, hiring an agile consultant can streamline the process.
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inspireofficespace1 · 5 months
Navigating Agile Work Environments: Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies
Introduction of Design, Benefits, and Transition Strategies : 
 You may be familiar with the agile methodology or agile project management, but have you considered agile work environments? Agile working is currently trending, and it originates from the original agile method.
Introduced in 2001, agile methodology aimed to enhance efficiency, flexibility, and quality for software development teams. Since its inception, the agile approach has permeated various sectors, and agile work environments seem to be a lasting component of the evolving professional landscape.
The agile work environment adopts a progressive approach of discarding conventional practices in favor of modern alternatives. Rather than adhering to traditional office structures with fixed layouts and designated workstations, emphasis is placed on freedom. In an agile office, employees enjoy the liberty to work at their preferred times and locations.
This guide will explore agile work environments and office design in-depth, offering insights to help you optimize your workspace for enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.
Why Choose Agile?
Agile represents a project management methodology, anchored in processes like the Scrum methodology. It revolves around adaptability and collaboration, prioritizing flexibility over fixed structures and embracing velocity over rigid frameworks. This philosophy extends to the work environment, where the workspace evolves to meet the dynamic needs of teams and individual employees.
The Agile Manifesto underscores the significance of individuals, interactions, and proactive responsiveness to change. While the manifesto may not be directly tailored to the agile work environment, its guiding principles can serve as a blueprint for establishing an office that fosters productivity and satisfaction among employees.
What Constitutes an Agile Work Environment?
An agile work environment is fundamentally centered on accommodating the diverse needs of employees, necessitating a high degree of flexibility to enable team members to work in a manner that best suits their preferences.
For instance, some individuals may thrive in open seating arrangements, fostering collaboration with colleagues, while others may find optimal productivity in a secluded workspace situated in a quiet section of the office. Additionally, some employees may excel in their work when operating from home, maintaining a connection to the agile workplace even when physically distant.
Beyond just embracing a flexible working model, agile workspaces are designed to enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction. Such environments often incorporate a hybrid workplace model and cultivate a company culture that supports or even encourages remote work and flexible hours for those who find it preferable.
The Advantages of Adopting an Agile Approach:
The agile methodology is well-suited for companies prioritizing outcomes over traditional attendance metrics. It emphasizes employee convenience, fostering enhanced performance and connectivity among various departments.
Businesses seeking to cultivate a more inclusive company culture can benefit significantly from implementing an agile work environment, eliminating conventional constraints on their workforce.
Especially advantageous for organizations that transitioned to remote work during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, an agile approach facilitates a smoother adjustment to the new normal as employees return to physical workspaces.
Key benefits of agile work environments encompass:
1. Enhanced collaboration and cohesive teamwork among team members. 2. Efficient and versatile space utilization, reducing the need for permanently assigned workstations. 3. Alleviated emotional fatigue, workload, time pressure, and work interruptions for employees. 4. Greater flexibility and individual freedom for employees, enhancing retention and promoting a healthier work-life balance. 5. Real estate cost savings and the potential for smaller office spaces, particularly if some employees continue remote work.
Agile work environments have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 landscape. Consequently, businesses worldwide are embracing this approach, responding to the expressed desire of today's workforce for increased flexibility. Employees have indicated a willingness to consider leaving workplaces that fail to adapt to the evolving work environment.
Possible Downsides of Operating in an Agile Work Setting:
Certain employees may encounter challenges or frustrations within an agile work environment. For instance, managers may be inaccessible during crucial times due to the absence of fixed office hours, necessitating a higher degree of self-management. Similarly, specific industries or workplaces, such as call centers, might discover that the agile model is not the most optimal arrangement for their operational dynamics and business requirements.
Designing an Agile Office Space:
Agile office designs aim to create functional areas that align with employees' working preferences, fostering enhanced productivity. Generally, these environments advocate for employees to choose their preferred setting for specific tasks, favoring hot desking over assigned desks. However, some teams may opt for designated clusters to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
Key elements of these flexible workspaces include:
1. Diverse Workstations: Agile workplaces offer a range of workstations, including standing desks, quad desks, and open seating, catering to various employee preferences. Some may even include fixed seating options upon request.
2. Comfortable Seating : Areas for informal meetings, brainstorming, and breaks should feature comfortable and inviting seating, sometimes replacing formal meeting spaces.
3. Breakout Zones : Many agile offices incorporate breakout zones, seasonal outdoor workspaces, and shared areas. Integrating plants in outdoor spaces can contribute to a greener environment, positively impacting employee morale and mental well-being.
4. Meeting Rooms : While agile work environments prioritize flexibility, some still include small or large meeting rooms for formal discussions, often with lounge tables for added comfort.
5. Touchdown Spaces : Small stations designed for short bursts of productivity provide employees with a place for quick tasks like checking emails or uploading files. These spaces typically feature standing desks and charging stations.
6. Quiet Areas : Recognizing the potential for noise in agile environments, dedicated quiet spaces are essential for employees requiring focused work, complex tasks, or simply a quieter atmosphere.
Agile floor plans are characterized by openness, comfort, and modern aesthetics, mirroring the principles of agile working practices. This design philosophy aims to boost employee engagement, enabling each team member to produce efficient and high-quality work.
In technical and creative fields, where focused work is crucial, agile practices with minimal constraints provide the flexibility needed. It's not uncommon to observe employees utilizing headphones or collaborating closely on projects in these adaptable environments.
Transitioning to an Agile Work Environment:
Optimal office design initiatives involve engaging employees in the planning phase to incorporate valuable input from various teams. Since office design contributes to shaping company culture, selecting the most suitable layout becomes crucial.
Utilize focus groups, one-on-one discussions, anonymous suggestion boxes, and team meetings to ensure that your employees' ideas are thoroughly considered for implementation. Evaluating the who, what, when, why, and how aspects of each idea facilitates informed decisions about their feasibility.
Conclusion : 
Exploring existing agile work environments provides insights into how other organizations break free from traditional setups. Consider visiting such spaces and involving stakeholders or team members for diverse perspectives.
Incorporating your employees extensively is key, given that transitioning to an agile work environment necessitates a mindset shift within the existing work culture. If concerns about workflow disruption arise during the transition, hiring an agile consultant can streamline the process.
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certprime123 · 4 years
PRINCE2 and PMP, Bloated Bureaucratic Project Management Methods?
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Are existing project management methodologies really global best practices, as they claim? Over 90% of successful projects or at least the intellectual property owners of PRINCE2 (Formerly, a part of Office of Government Commerce, UK and currently under the custody of AXELOS) and PMP (A project management methodology developed by PMI — US) claim that projects can be successful using their project management methodology.
Does PRINCE2 and PMP have enough in them to manage and deliver successful projects?
Organizations around the world look for project managers qualified either in PRINCE2 or PMP. Frankly, that’s the staggering truth. Both these project management frameworks are derived from some of the practices used in successful projects over the years. Continuous optimization of various processes and themes within the framework have made PRINCE2 and PMP the core project management knowledge banks. Do we really have other alternatives which provide a holistic approach and widely used?
Track record of project delivery across public and private sectors
We’ve seen countless projects of huge delays, massive cost overruns and cancelled projects in both public and private sectors. Thousands working in such projects have been trained in PMP and PRINCE2 over the last few decades, where was the best practice? Only little has been said and no one has come forward to take ownership or at least pointed to the framework for these project failures. The unsaid truth is, it’s always the execution, leadership and accountability issues on most instances for project failures. Unless, something is fundamentally wrong with these project management frameworks or they don’t recommend leadership and ownership.
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PRINCE2 Practitioner Certifies — Payscale and hiring companies
One of the biggest factors that influence the project success is the human resource. The framework is just a blueprint which needs to be implemented and executed to near perfection for greater results. Of course, both these frameworks can be tailored to your industry and project. There are some external factors such as governance, political and environmental reasons beyond projected risks which can affect the project success rates. Only a handful of project success stories are shared where PRINCE2 and PMP are practised. May be detailed insights into real life scenarios would provide a clear understanding of the do’s and don’ts when starting, managing and delivering a project.
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Here are some key reasons for project success and failures as described in PMP and PRINCE2 methodologies
Major project management functions that are necessary to achieve success in projects:
Recruit and maintain adequate technical and non-technical resource skills
Manage the allocation of scarce resources
Define and collect operational metrics to support project and stakeholders decision making
Promote efficient and effective communications
Select and utilize technology related tools
Projects most commonly fail because there is a lack of attention and efforts being applied to seven project performance factors:
Focus on business value, not technical detail.
Establish clear accountability for measured results.
Have consistent processes for managing unambiguous checkpoints.
Have a consistent methodology for planning and executing projects.
Include the customer at the beginning of the project and continually involve the customer as things change so that the required adjustments can be made together.
Manage and motivate people so that project efforts will experience a zone of optimal performance throughout its life.
Provide the project team members the tools and techniques the need to produce consistently successful projects.
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PMP Certified Professional — Pay and hiring companies
The most googled question on project management “PRINCE2 or PMP”
This is a million dollar question for all project managers or those who are aspiring. Which is better PRINCE2 or PMP? PRINCE2 and PMP are still very relevant when it comes to core project management frameworks. Scrum and Agile have been there for a while but they are best tailored to IT projects, whereas PRINCE2 and PMP and vendor neutral and can be tailored to any industry and project sizes.
It’s not necessarily one or the other, they both are quite different. Learning both the methodologies will complement your project management career. How do you put PRINCE2 and PMP together? This is where PRINCE2 helps, because of its process based methodology. Both these two project management methodologies sit well together, PRINCE2 gives you detailed processes and PMP gives a detailed knowledge in areas, such as cost estimating and budgeting, creating communications plans, management of requirements, etc.
The major differences are that PMP has more depth and detail in terms of tools, techniques and showing you how to do things. PRINCE2 provides the process based methodology and structure in a clear way. In a nutshell, PRINCE2 tells you ‘what’ to do and PMP ‘how’ to do it.
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bimoutsourcing · 4 years
In modern days, construction engineering has left the drawing board and went inside the computers and even in mobiles. Nowadays we use various software applications to design, draft, detail and render the architectural models and building components. These are basically one or more digital tools designed to help with the various phases of constructing a structure and increase efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.
Various software applications are available online which can assist with your construction project. From designing the buildings to cost estimating and even workflow management - these applications have endless uses. Granted that most of these softwares don’t come cheap. Most of the professional construction and architectural software are quite costly - either by monthly subscription or by a hefty one-time payment. However, there are some pretty nifty alternatives available that are completely free to use.
Since the use of software has become indispensable with the construction industry, and every manager wants the cheapest solution possible, let us have a look at what free construction software is available today and what are their uses.
A free web application for construction cost estimation and budget prediction, Estimate is also open-source, making it open to upgrade by the community. It calculates a project’s potential valuation, thereby projecting it’s probable cost. It can also report and archive all data about a construction project. You can manage your database of suppliers and clients and generate bills of quantity. You can also upload documents in it which for later use Estimate can archive or report on. Up to 200 users can operate this software simultaneously.
Plan Viewer
A scaled-down version of the On-Screen Takeoff, the Plan Viewer is a drawing viewer useful in cost estimation and performing takeoffs. The software can operate on PDF, JPEG and DWF files, and you can perform various measurements on them, including linear distance and counting. The software can also annotate the document by using texts and highlighters. However, the free version of Plan Viewer will not let you save your work.
This is another document viewing and annotation program. For estimation purposes, this software can come in very handy since it can perform markups and takeoffs. It supports camera rotation, multiple types of measurements, annotation and highlighting, and document calibration. Vu360 will let you export your work to Excel or XML files.
How cool would it be if there was one single cloud-based application connecting the constructor team hierarchy from top to bottom? Fieldwire enables just that. Connecting engineers to foremen to the workforce, this software lets you share blueprints and other documents throughout your construction team. Every endpoint user can add comments or photos to the project flow and it also supports scheduling. With Fieldwire, your team can track project progress by time, control quality and review inspections. This powerful project management tool allows users to use the punch lists, automatically links sheets, and to handle and distribute blueprints and much more.
Orange Scrum
Another great free construction project management software is OrangeScrum. It also comes with integrated support for task management and collaboration. Like the above, OrangeScrum will let you distribute necessary digital resources throughout your team and get responses on project progress. It comes combined with team collaboration and time tracker, alerts, and various kinds of charts and status visualization. Realtime project status updates are also supported by this application.
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larissa-ixd · 5 years
Time + Vision
North star principles help maintain a consistent vision across all their costumer touch points.  It ensures the user experience is better across all platforms and touch points.
Archaeology of the future
What does the future look like?
When designing you should always think ahead, 10 years is too far and 6 months is too short, so somewhere around the 3 year mark usually works.  Where do you want your product to be by 2022?
Tomorrow headlines
Creating a tomorrow headline for your product can really give you a vision for where you want this product to go.  “Humans are capable of a unique trick: creating realities by first imagining them, by experiencing them in their minds.” - Brain Eno
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Imaginary Infomercials 
An infomercial is a form of advertisement which is aimed at educating the customer about a product or a series of products via television in the form of a program. Infomercial typically lasts longer than a regular advertisement and thus is more detailed. If i were to create an imaginary infomercial i should include a logo, product strap line and a product story to make the product feel as real as possible.
Build a blueprint
Think of a blue as a map
Think about what you include in the product, what's left out and what is the minimum product.
“ To get somewhere, you need to know where somewhere is.” —Christopher Murphy
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The path to success - identify goals, acquire the skills needed to realise those goals and work smart.
Problem → Solution
• Problem: You’re just ‘doing things’ (usually prioritised by what’s urgent right now).
• Solution: Impose a little order on your tasks and plan strategically.
David Seah - Investigative Designer
“The Emergent Task Planner is a paper-based daily planning 
sheet designed to keep you focused in the face of chaos. 
Start the day by declaring what you want to get done, and the ETP helps you stick to the plan....”
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“The Compact Calendar presents days as a continuous candy bar of time. Because the weeks are presented as a stack of 
available time, it’s easy to block out days naturally as you think.”
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Scrum and Kanban
“Kanban (Japanese: billboard) is a lean method to manage 
and improve work across human systems. Work items are 
visualised to give participants a view of progress and process, from start to finish, usually via a Kanban board.”
Ive decided i need to become more organised after chris spoke to us so he used notion, an app that will change the way professionals organize everything by bringing all the tools that theyneed to one place. Take notes in a meeting, share them with co-workers, assign tasks, create spreadsheets, and collaborate in real-time. Ive downloaded this app and hope it aid me in being more efficient.
Scrum is an Agile project management methodology involving a small team led by a Scrum Master, whose main job is to clear away all obstacles to the team completing work. Work is done in short cycles called sprints, and the team meets daily to discuss current tasks and roadblocks that need clearing. Simply put, Scrum is a method for managing projects that allows for quick development and testing, especially within a small team.
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javierramello · 6 years
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Producer, Project Manager and Programmer
Company Name: VRLife S.L
Dates Employed: Feb 2016 - Feb 2018
Location: Barcelona, España
★ VR Life is a small company of young entrepreneurs growing really fast with customers all over the world. VR Life is at the forefront of technology and content for VR headsets such Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, etc. Role: ► Working on an unannounced VR video game built with Unreal Engine 4 (PC). ► Game Design ► Gameplay features (C++/Blueprints) ► Production (JIRA, Trello, Confluence, Scrum) ► Team management and recruitment ► Oculus Rift and HTC Vive experience ► UI/UX for Virtual Reality project ► Gamesparks integration
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