#Scott Perry
gwydionmisha · 4 days
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jonostroveart · 4 days
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Speaker of the House Mike Johnson appointed these two election-denying, uber-Trumpists to the House Intelligence Committee this week. Not a good development. I see it as a tiny foretaste of how critical jobs throughout the government will be filled with people whose greatest qualification will be their absolute, unhesitant sycophancy vis a vis Mango Mussolini, should he be reelected.
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Eric Hananoki at MMFA:
In previously unreported activity, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) shared a post claiming that “indigenous Brits are LITERALLY being replaced by foreign men.” Perry’s post was taken from a social media account that has promoted pro-Nazi material, shared white nationalist propaganda, and attacked people for being Jewish (as when it posted, “shut up jew boy,” in response to a comment).  This isn’t the first time that Media Matters has documented a Republican member of the House of Representatives sharing material from a pro-Nazi media source: Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), who is a member of the House Freedom Caucus with Perry, last year twice promoted sites that denied the Holocaust and praised Adolf Hitler. Media Matters has also repeatedly documented how Republican officeholders have engaged with or shared content from extremist and bigoted accounts. Perry is a far-right member of Congress who frequently appears in right-wing media. He has a history of promoting conspiracy theories and played a key role in the Republican attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania.  On February 20, Perry shared a post from the social media account “UltraDane” promoting the white nationalist “great replacement” theory. (UltraDane, which has more than 150,000 followers, frequently promotes the conspiracy theory to disparage non-whites.) 
Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) is the latest GOP Congressperson to share from white nationalist and antisemitic accounts.
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nodynasty4us · 1 year
From the December 19, 2022 article:
“The committee’s report also calls for the four members, as well as House Republicans who attended a Dec. 21 meeting at the White House on schemes to overturn the 2020 election, to testify publicly,” Axios adds. “They ‘should be questioned in a public forum about their advance knowledge of and role in President Trump’s plan to prevent the peaceful transition of power,’ it says.”
The other 3 are Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, and Andy Biggs.
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
On April 7, 1995, Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Teenage Catgirls in Heat were screened as a double-feature on USA Up All Night.
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Here's some new art inspired by both features!
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Apparently Marjorie Taylor Greene is too obnoxious even for Gym Jordan and the rest of the House Freedom Caucus; that's really saying something.
"A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done," said Freedom Caucus board member Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.). When asked if she was formally out, he replied: "As far as I know, that is the way it is." It’s the first public confirmation of Greene’s fate within the conservative group. The vote was first reported by POLITICO, though it was unclear at the time whether she had been ejected. It took place less than two days after Greene got into a verbal floor fight with Freedom Caucus member Boebert, during which Greene referred to the Colorado Republican as a “little bitch.” After the exchange was first reported, Greene confirmed the fight and doubled down, adding another pejorative.
It smells like a possible purge coming to the Freedom Caucus. 🍿
While it’s the first time the group has formally voted to remove a member from its ranks, she’s not the first to leave. Then-Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan previously quit the group in 2019 and left the Republican Party shortly after. Harris noted that there was “one other member a couple of years ago, who we probably would have asked to leave, but we just decided not to.” And it might not end at Greene. There’s been discussion about targeting a handful of members beyond the Georgia Republican, who critics see as violating group standards by being inactive. House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) previously told POLITICO that he had denied those purge requests, which came before the vote to remove Greene.
Getting rid of members for being "inactive"? Does that mean the inactivity is related to having an insufficient number of hissy fits on the House floor or not wanting to impeach the entire administration?
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A prominent Republican whose phone was seized as part of the Justice Department's probe into efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election said on Sunday he may seek to participate on a new House of Representatives panel that will investigate those same federal investigators. Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania is an ally of former President Donald Trump who helped spread Trump's false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. The FBI seized his phone in August, apparently as part of a probe into efforts to overturn the election. But Perry told ABC News' "This Week" show on Sunday that he does not believe it would be a conflict of interest for him to participate in a congressional investigation of the FBI. "I get accused of all kinds of things every single day, as does every member that serves in the public eye," he said. "But that doesn’t stop you from doing your job. It is our duty. And it is my duty." Congressman Jim Jordan and other Republicans who now have a narrow majority in the U.S. House of Representatives have said they intend to establish a special select committee that will probe the so-called "weaponization" of the federal government. The creation of the committee is one of the many concessions that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed to as part of a deal to end a week-long stalemate over his candidacy by a group of hard-liner lawmakers, including Perry, who leads the Freedom Caucus. The Justice Department, which has two ongoing investigations into Trump's actions in the 2020 election and his retention of highly classified documents after departing the White House in 2021, will be a target of the new House committee's probe. Both of the department's investigations involving Trump are being overseen by Jack Smith, a war crimes prosecutor and political independent, who was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in November. Trump has accused the FBI, without evidence, of launching the probes as political retribution again him. One of the two probes involves Perry, who is likely a person of interest because he introduced Trump to former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark. Clark sought to get himself installed as acting attorney general so he could launch an investigation into election fraud. Trump ultimately decided against appointing Clark as acting attorney general. Clark's phone was also seized by federal agents last summer. Perry's lawyer has previously said his client is not a target of the Justice Department investigation. The Democratic-led House Select Committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol has said Perry and some other fellow Republicans later sought a pardon from the White House for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election, though Perry has denied doing so.
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kp777 · 1 year
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In Order to Get Votes He Needs, McCarthy Agrees to Punch Self in Nuts Every 10 Minutes
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By the time the House adjourned Wednesday night, Rep. Kevin McCarthy was broadcasting optimism that he could be voted in as Speaker of the House by a fractured Republican majority. “No deal yet,” McCarthy told reporters late Wednesday. “But a lot of progress.” As a sign of continuing negotiations with the ultra-conservatives holding up his speakership, McCarthy has agreed to punch himself in the testicles every 10 minutes whenever the House is in session.  Pennsylvania Republican Scott Perry, one of McCarthy's detractors, said that he is “happy about the nut punching clause.” But McCarthy may be facing a lost cause with some of his loudest critics.“He can punch his junk all day and I’ll never vote for him,” said Florida Republican and sex criminal Matt Gaetz, who obviously would rather punch his government in the nuts instead.
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muddypolitics · 1 year
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(via Scott Perry Fights To Block DOJ From Accessing His Cell Phone - TPM – Talking Points Memo)
he must have some awfully damning evidence on that phone!
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geezerwench · 2 years
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Matt Gaetz
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Andy Biggs
Louie Gohmert
Paul Gosar
Andy Harris
Jody Hice
Jim Jordan
Scott Perry
Brian Babin
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nodynasty4us · 5 months
From the January 3, 2024 article:
Former President Donald Trump isn’t the only candidate facing legal action to remove him from the ballot under the Insurrection Clause of the 14th Amendment — far-right Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) is as well.
According to ABC 27, Harrisburg-area activist and former congressional candidate Gene Stilp filed the lawsuit, which seeks to have Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt disqualify the lawmaker.
“The lawsuit alleges Perry helped push conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was stolen and advanced efforts to replace the Attorney General with a Trump loyalist,” reported George Stockburger. “‘Scott Perry was a leading proponent of using the January 6, 2021 Congressional presidential election certification process to disrupt the transfer of presidential administration from Trump to Biden,’ says the lawsuit, [citing] the FBI’s seizure of Perry’s cellphone records and other accusations made against Perry following the January 6 attack.”
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On October 15, 1994 Teenage Catgirls in Heat was screened at the Austin Film Festival.
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