#Saphir Wyon Gneiss
slydiddledeedee · 2 years
Relationship: Saphir Gneiss & Peony Upala Malkuth IX Rating: G Word Count: 3.2k Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Peony Upala Malkuth IX is nine-years-old and bored out of his mind, and so he does what any other sensible nine-year-old would do: he breaks out of his home and into Jade's.  Unfortunately, Jade isn't there.  Saphir is.
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necroyasha · 4 years
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Dist's dead body cracks me up. He's just squashed under his chair.
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feluka · 2 years
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we never get a good look at his eyes so don’t @ me for giving him smokey eyes. they call him dist the runny for a reason (and the reason is the way his mascara runs dramatically down his face when he cries) <33
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the-cryptographer · 6 years
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dist the Reaper & Peony Upala Malkuth IX, past Jade/Saphir Additional Tags: Friendship, Unrequited Love, Nebilim Sidequest, Torture & Interrogation, courtesy of Jade, that awkward thing where all your friends are the friends and family of your abuser
Peony almost had to be stopped from rolling his eyes. “Yeah really, Saphir. I’m the one that’s stuck in the past.”
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dyathxianna · 10 years
The Forest [Tales of the Abyss fic, Dist-centric]
Now that Jasper scans the debris from where the town of St. Binah used to be, continually reminding himself to spend more time jotting down notes for his intelligence report rather than staring slack-jawed at the gaping chasm, he knows two things for certain:
1) A scene where a massacre took place with no bodies left is far more disturbing than one where the bodies remained; and 2) Jade had no idea what he was doing. It was sickening, really, how no one saw this coming. Granted, some would say it was a failure to see the forest for the trees, hindsight is only 20/20, or some other similar-meaning adage. Over the cries of children and screams of medics, and with nostrils filled with the smell of ozone and smoke, Jasper knows better. The train ran off its track and though it took forever- purposefully slow and meandering- it was finally starting to crash. Jasper wonders, in the time he allows himself privy to his darker thoughts, what Jade is thinking right now. 
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dimensionslip · 11 years
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Why Nebilim died
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asofterworld remix- Jade & Dist #4 (...and Jasper?):Problems
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dyathxianna · 11 years
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asofterworld remix- Jade & Dist: Three Words sidenote: I'm thinking of just calling this series "asofterjadist" or "asofterabyss" (or something like that) and giving it its own blog. Thoughts? 
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ask-emperor-peony · 11 years
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Pixiv ID: 30693128 Member: mako
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dyathxianna · 11 years
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asofterworld remix- Dist #1: Fabulous Note: the original comic (seen at asofterworld.com, #972) says "...look awesome". I changed it because I felt fabulous was a more befitting adjective for Dist.
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fontechphoenix · 11 years
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Because leg braces seem to make sense for him
Headcanon courtesy of amourfoudre
Draw ALL the shotas!
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ask-emperor-peony · 11 years
How I feel about this character: LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE HNGH. Saphir my baby boy! He made me smile from the first moment I met him, and I continued to fall in love with his (many) quirks as the series carried on. His voice actor has done a damn good job in the dub as well, giving it his own spin. I could easily write an essay on how I feel about Saphir and his many facets of personality.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don’t ship anyone romantically with him. Which hurts me, because I really love him and wish for him to be happy. I’d like to think that one day he’ll find a sweet little lady that he’ll open up to over (a long period of) time and eventually fall in love with. I can imagine her being just as shy as him, and ALL THE CUTE FLUFFYNESS. I hope happiness for him. I really do.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Sexually, JadeXDist. Easy. They were obviously fucking during the fomicry research as late teenagers. I can imagine their relationship being purely sexual on Jade’s side, and Saphir holding unrequited love and adoration towards Jade. It saddens me in a way that Jade would have only used him for sexual gratification but it’s the only way I can ever see their relationship working. I would have imagined said relationship ending firmly once Jade banned fomicry. I also totally accept the canon that Saphir had a crush on Nephry, and still holds a bit of a puppy dog crush on her (Recollections of Jade said it all). I also friendSHIP Saphir and Anise together BIG TIME. BIG. TIME. Seriously, he saves her life in RoJ. Finally, Peony loving his Saphir as a friend to the end of his days; no matter how many times he gets rejected.
My unpopular opinion about this character: The sex between him and Jade stopped after the banning of fomicry and the relationship never continued after.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. More screentime interaction with his Keterburg bros. Particularly Nephry and Peony.
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