#Sammlung Rosengart
viatravelers · 2 years
The Museum Sammlung Rosengart is a must-see museum if you’re an art lover. This world-class collection of art is located in the beautiful city of Luzern, Switzerland. The museum is home to a vast array of artwork from masters like Picasso, Rembrandt, and Cézanne.
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unstuckyourbrain · 2 years
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One of the unexpected treats of Lucerne was a visit to the Sammlung Rosengart, which boasts an impressive collection of Picasso paintings (amongst other early- and mid-century artists’ work). 📸July 24, 2022 #switzerland #travel #europe #picasso #museum #artmuseum #seetheworld #exploring #jensetgo (at Sammlung Rosengart) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChInj8Kvgr_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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October 19th, 2021
Day 18: Museum Day in Lucerne
Because we were in the mood for brunch food today, we started the day with a late brunch at Melissa’s Kitchen. There, we enjoyed their Swiss pancakes with cooked fruit syrup and Mexican frittata. We chose items on the menu that we don’t normally order just to try something new and they were pretty good! 
The rest of the day after brunch was packed with museum time. Because we wanted to take advantage of our Swiss Travel Pass and because Lucerne had some cool museums, we made an effort to see as many museums as possible before we left town. The first one we visited was the Gletschergarten, also known as the Glacier Garden of Lucerne. The Gletschergarten was an expansive and very random museum park located in the middle of the city with all sorts of exhibits and things to see and learn about. Before it was a museum, the Gletschergarten was a quarry of sorts that over time became a museum due to the discovery of the unique glacial pots that dated back to the cold Ice Age days. And over the years since its founding, the original owners and others have continued to expand the museum and park to transform it to what it is today. 
We spent a good 1-2 hours at the Gletschergarten viewing the different exhibits and reading about all sorts of things, from the theories behind the ancient glacial pots to the history of the mountain landscape reliefs that played an important part in Lucerne and Switzerland’s history. We wandered through the very large and random Swiss House that housed a museum exhibiting things like reliefs, random Swiss items from the past, and animal fossils. We then ventured into the Sommerau, an exhibit area that was like a tunnel that led you through a modern representation of the geological and ecological history of the area. Once we had climbed through the Sommerau to the top, we were greeted with an alpine park with views of the city and area around the Gletschergarten. We eventually finished our visit to the Gletschergarten with a fun time trying to escape the labyrinth of the Mirror Maze, a very popular attraction and maze with more than 50 mirrors that kind of seemed out-of-this-world and fantasy-like in a way. And as we exited, we made a stop to appreciate the symbolic Lion Monument, a rock relief carved into the sandstone cliff right outside the Gletschergarten.
Before our next and last museum stop, we made a detour to Kuchenhaus Annamelie for a little snack of cake. Then we strolled over to our last museum stop of the day at the Sammlung Rosengart, a Picasso-focused art museum that housed a pretty good Picasso collection that was previously owned by the Rosengart family, friends of Pablo Picasso. With about an hour to explore, Cynthia and I quickly explored the very large museum and saw all the works of art it had to offer, including works from the previously mentioned Picasso as well as Paul Klee and others. 
By the time we were done at the Sammlung Rosengart, it was starting to get dark. We roamed around Lucerne’s outer streets for a short walk before we turned back toward the old town area for dinner. After some searching, we eventually decided to have dinner at the famous and well-reviewed Rathaus Brauerei Luzern. The brewery was pretty crowded by the time we arrived so we were lucky that they had a free table for us. For dinner, we shared part of a rotisserie chicken with herb butter sauce and herb potato slices and a pretzel with roasted pork loin with tomato balsamic vinegar dressing. We weren’t sure what to expect from expensive bar food in Switzerland but the meal was delicious! So good and relatively affordable!
After dinner, we strolled around the downtown area located across the river that we hadn’t seen yet. We randomly turned into and explored different streets and shop windows until it was time to return to the hotel and call it an evening. Even though today was relatively short and we only did a handful of things, those things that we did were packed and full of brain-stimulating activities, which definitely tired us out. Definitely need to rest up so that we can make the most of the jam-packed day tomorrow as well. Our last morning in Lucerne before taking a train up to Bern for the UEFA Champions League game! 
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. The pioneers of the art of building reliefs and relief maps were Joseph Niederost, Franz Ludwig Pfyffer, and Joachim Eugen Muller.
2. Beginning in the 1860s, several attempts were made to build a railway through the Alps. No ideas or plans really went through until Germany and Italy indicated a mutual interest in doing this railway idea and agreed upon and funded the Gotthard Project. As a result, the Gotthard Railway line was built between 1872 and 1882. Once the Gotthard Railway was completed and opened for operation, Lucerne became a major hub for the European North-South railway route. 
3. Glacial potholes. The highlight of the Gletschergarten. These potholes were originally thought to have formed by the now-defunct theory of the “glacier mill,” the concept that these potholes formed by the rotational movement of “grinding stones” lying in the pots. However, what really happened was that powerful streams of meltwater enriched with gravel and sand swirled the potholes into the sandstone within a few weeks. The wrong theory was theorized because large round stones were found at the bottom of the pots so it was conjectured that these grinding stones were driven by steady streams of water slowly and steadily hollowing out the potholes over time. Wrong. 
4. Lucerne’s Gletschergarten was originally built to represent a miniaturized alpine world for tourists who could not or did not want to undertake a real-time and energy-consuming mountain tour to enjoy alpine nature back in the day. How sad. 
5. Until the 1900s, Lucerne sandstone - from the quarries near the Lion Monument and the Gletschergarten - was the most important building material in the city, along with wood.
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museoweb · 3 years
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Paul Cezanne - Il bricco del latte e limone - 1879
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dariusztraveleurope · 3 years
Visit 10 tourist attraction trends in Lucerne city?
Visit 10 tourist attraction trends in Lucerne city?
Must visit 10 astounding beauty and Tourist attractions in Lucerne? 1- Sammlung Rosengart Lucerne’s blockbuster social fascination is the Sammlung Rosengart, involving an elegant neoclassical heap in the core of town. It features the remarkable reserve of Angela Rosengart, a Swiss workmanship vendor and dear companion of Picasso. Close by works by the incomparable Spanish expert are canvases…
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monique-decaro · 4 years
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.. that was one of the most special experiences in lifetime .. we met Angela Rosengart in her art gallery 💖 .. and she guided us through her @sammlungrosengart .. she was painted by Picasso 5 times .. and listen to her stories was incredibly interesting and so special 🙌🏼 #sammlungrosengart #luzern @ilove_lucerne #switzerland #angelarosengart #art #picasso (hier: Sammlung Rosengart) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OHMt9i5SX/?igshid=8v1p80pww1fa
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oldpoet56 · 4 years
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24 hours in Lucerne, Switzerland — The Antibland Chronicles THE SHORT: Hotel Central + Chapel Bridge + Carnival + Lake Lucerne Boat Cruise + Sammlung Rosengart museum + Old Town + Pizza La Bestia THE LONG: We landed at Zurich’s Flughafen International airport at 9:00am.
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chiotchiot · 7 years
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Paul Klee - Mountain Village (Autumnal), 1934. Oil on board, 71.5 x 54.4 cm. Museum Sammlung Rosengart, Lucerne, Switzerland
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pinusacer · 5 years
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#switzerland #swiss #luzern #lucerne #🇨🇭 #sammlungrosengart #rosengartcollection #museum #street #lamp #window #door #artmuseum #art (at Sammlung Rosengart) https://www.instagram.com/p/BDxKcCgPxSL/?igshid=gbrb5b4dzqb5
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Pablo Ruiz Picasso (* 25. Oktober 1881 in Málaga, Spanien; † 8. April 1973 in Mougins, Frankreich) war ein spanischer Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer. Sein umfangreiches Gesamtwerk umfasst Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Grafiken, Collagen, Plastiken und Keramiken, deren Gesamtzahl auf 50.000 geschätzt wird. Es ist geprägt durch eine große Vielfalt künstlerischer Ausdrucksformen und Techniken. 
Die Werke aus seiner Blauen und Rosa Periode und die Begründung des Kubismus zusammen mit Georges Braque bilden den Beginn seiner außerordentlichen Künstlerlaufbahn.Zu den bekanntesten Werken Picassos gehört das Gemälde Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907). Es avancierte zum Schlüsselbild der Klassischen Moderne.
Mit Ausnahme des monumentalen Gemäldes Guernica (1937), einer künstlerischen Umsetzung der Schrecken des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs, hat kein anderes Kunstwerk des 20. Jahrhunderts die Forschung so herausgefordert wie die Demoiselles. 
Das Motiv der Taube auf dem Plakat, das er im Jahr 1949 für den Pariser Weltfriedenskongress entwarf, wurde weltweit zum Friedenssymbol.
Umfassende Sammlungen von Picasso werden in Museen in Paris, Barcelona und Madrid gezeigt. Er ist mit Werken in vielen bedeutenden Kunstmuseen der Welt, die die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts ausstellen, prominent vertreten. Das Museu Picasso in Barcelona und das Musée Picasso in Antibes entstanden bereits zu Lebzeiten.
Aufmerksamkeit erregte 1989 der Kauf Stavros Niarchos des Selbstporträts von Pablo Picasso „Yo Picasso“ für 47.850.000 Dollar. Die Sammlung, welche heute der Niarchos-Familie gehört, wird zu den 10 bedeutendsten Privatsammlungen weltweit gezählt.
Umfangreiche Werkgruppen zu Picasso sind in Deutschland im Museum Berggruen in Berlin, im Sprengel Museum Hannover, in der Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, im Museum Ludwig in Köln sowie in der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart ausgestellt. Sein grafisches Werk ist nahezu komplett im Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster zu sehen. Bedeutende Sammlungen von Gemälden Picassos in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz werden im Kunstmuseum Basel, in der Fondation Beyeler in Riehen, in der Sammlung Rosengart in Luzern sowie im Kunstmuseum Bern gezeigt.
In Frankreich finden sich Sammlungen im Musée Picasso in Paris, im Musée national Picasso La Guerre et la Paix de Vallauris, im Lille Métropole Museum für Moderne Kunst, Zeitgenössische Kunst und Art Brut in Villeneuve-d’Ascq sowie im Musée Picasso Antibes im Chateâu Grimaldi. In Russland im Puschkin-Museumin Moskau und in der Eremitage, Sankt Petersburg. In Spanien im Museu Picasso, Barcelona, im Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid sowie im Museo Picasso in Málaga und in den USA im Museum of Modern Art, New York und im Art Institute of Chicago.
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viatravelers · 2 years
The best attractions to see at the Sammlung Rosengart Museum would have to be the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. These are some of the most famous and renowned artists of all time, and their works are on display at this museum. If you're an art lover, then a visit to the Sammlung Rosengart Museum is definitely a must.
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femmeinzwitserland · 7 years
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wccolares · 7 years
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Fondation Rosengart #suisse #luzern #cantondelucerne #sammlungrosengart #angelarosengart (à Sammlung Rosengart)
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museoweb · 3 years
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Paul Cezanne - L’Estaque, il villaggio e il mare - 1882
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monique-decaro · 4 years
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.. that was one of the most special experience in lifetime .. to meet Angela Rosengart in her art gallerie 💖 .. she guided us through her @sammlungrosengart .. so so special .. she was painted by Picasso 5 times .. and listen to her stories is incredibly interesting 🙌🏼 #sammlungrosengart #luzern @ilove_lucerne #switzerland (hier: Sammlung Rosengart) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5N27MxCvzh/?igshid=hmlmjw0x00qe
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wccolares · 7 years
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Paul Klee #suisse #luzern #cantondelucerne #sammlungrosengart #paulklee #noiretblanc #blackandwhite (à Sammlung Rosengart)
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