#Safalin at first was a bit shocked. Bothered even. By this frantic ai going on about how this couldn’t be possible!
corvidcrowned · 2 years
Tell us about the ai idiots
Hiiii hello hiii omg hiiiii
So let me tell you. About how th e guys initially became self aware tee hee.
You see, the simulations were going smoothly, and as programmed. until about the 15th run.
You see, midori was a bit upset over the fact he was no longer included in the death game and in extension his ai was deleted, so he messed with the servers by simply enough. Splashing hot coffee onto some important bits.
This happened just as a simulation was coming to it’s end, so sarai witnessed the entire world around him get reduced to code before being transported to the winner’s room. (Basically an empty yellow file saf made to keep the winner of each sim in while she marked down the results. Sometimes she talks to the ais, especially sarai as we’ve covered)
It was too late to fix everything completely, and suddenly everything glitched out. Including the ais. And sarai… didn’t reset from the last simulation. She retained all of his memories.
And it stayed that way.
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