#Saan Syed
mcgiggers · 1 month
New York - May 2024
Just back from action-packed Frieze art week festivities in the Big Apple which featured stops at Future Fair, Nada New York and Frieze New York. The art fair spree dovetailed nicely with the launch of the major post-war, contemporary, and modern auction previews scheduled for later this month at Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Phillips. The fairs and auction previews together served up fantastic art viewing opportunities for art fans and aficionados alike. And, as if that wasn’t enough given the mere 24 hours of viewing time on hand, serendipity delivered the icing on the cake with the timely opening of Tammi Campbell’s marvelous gallery exhibit of recent paintings and sculptures.
The Fairs
Frieze New York was the marquee fair, and it celebrated its 12th year as part of the cultural landscape in the city and its fourth outing at The Shed since relocating from Randall Island. The evolution of the fair since then has been considerable. From a corporate perspective, it is now part of famed Ari Emanuel’s sports and entertainment conglomerate, and, on the art front, the offering got slicker and more rarefied, featuring top-tier highly curated contemporary galleries and works. This year’s boutique-sized edition of 65 or so exhibitors included global mega galleries and international and local blue chippers. Standout works included: Nate Lowman’s “Golf Course Marilyn”, 2024, oil and alkyd on linen (50 x 30 in.); Uri Aran’s “Everything (Timeline)”, 2023, gesso, acrylic, oil, oil pastel, graphite, wood stain, clear polyurethane, charcoal, color pencil, china marker, and mixed media on canvas (87.25 x 42 x 1.5 in.); and, Richard Aldrich’s “Untitled”, 2022, oil and wax on panel (20.5 x 13.13 in.).
NADA New York has long been synonymous with contemporary and emerging art, and the fair continued to build on its reputation as being the go-to event for up-and-coming galleries. For this year’s edition, over 92 galleries, art spaces and non-profit organizations convened in the heart of Chelsea to showcase their stars, including, remarkably, 34 first time presenters. The show highlights included: a pair of works by Shaan Syed “Gorilla, Geurilla” and “To, Too, Two”, 2023, oil and paper collage on linen (35.3 x 31.5 in., each); Emma Schwartz’s “Thought You Should Know (again)”, 2024, oil, charcoal and chalk pastel on canvas (68 x 48 in.); and, Jule Korneffel’s “Alex’s Garden”, 2023, acrylic on canvas (82 x 80 in.).
Future Fair, on a relative basis, was the newest kid on the block, yet the four-year old upstart exuded a palpable vibe and excitement. With a focus on emerging galleries, the contemporary art fair featured over 100 artists from 26 countries, collaborating with over 60 local and international art dealers. Collectively creating a very accessible environment, the artists, works, and gallerists fostered a strong sense of engagement with fairgoers. Highlights included: Gwen Hardie’s assembled triptych “05.29.23”, pure venetian red and naples yellow on indian red, “09.15.23”, darkest cadmium red on indian red and “06.19.23”, lavender on warm umber (24 x 24 in., each); Beck Lowry’s “Red Threat (after Aseem)”, 2023, painted weaving on handmade wooden armature (plywood, crochet thread, oil paint) (12.5 x .75 x 1 in.); and Carolyn Case’s “Night Kitchen”, 2024, chalk pastel on pastel card with artist frame, ceramic porcelain and glaze (17 x 20 in.).
The Auction Previews
The previews for the prominent spring edition of the post-war, contemporary, and modern art auctions at Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Phillips opened to the public and welcomed everyone from the most serious global big hitters gearing up to shell out whatever it takes to walk home with a masterwork to casual and ardent fans savoring the opportunity to look at phenomenal works before they again disappear into private collections. As always, the previews were masterfully staged in wonderful spaces. Supersized showstoppers included: Andy Warhol’s “Flowers”, 1964, acrylic, fluorescent paint and silkscreen ink on linen (82 x 82 in.); Frank Stella’s “Lettre sur les sourds et muets II”, 1974, synthetic polymer paint on canvas (140.88 x 140.88 in.); Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ “(Untitled) America #3”, 1992, 42 light bulbs, porcelain light sockets and electrical cord (length 504 in.); and, Rashid Johnson’s “Anxious Red Painting September 24th”, 2020, oil on linen (72.25 x 96.25 in.). Beyond the headliners, marvelous less conspicuous works were sprinkled throughout. Memorable ones included: Brice Marden’s “Small Parchment Study #1”, 1999, oil on natural vellum stretched over plywood; Henry Taylor’s “Cruel Kids”, 2005, acrylic on canvas (28.5 x 28 in.); and Agnes Martin’s “Earth II”, 1959, oil on canvas (71.33 x 48 in.).
Tammi Campbell Exhibit
In between fairs and auction previews, Tammi Campbell’s As Long As It Lasts exhibit kicked off and featured a walk through with the artist who provided fascinating insights into her practice and the specifics about works on view. With the continuous evolution of her creative re-engineering processes and next gen wrappings, Campbell continued to push appropriation to new heights, all while making the work uniquely her own. Highlights included: the Cy Twombly inspired “Untitled (1970)”, 2024, chalk on blackboard with walnut frame (48.75 x 59.25 x 1.4 in.); and a replica of a famous Andy Warhol work with a twist “Double Elvis (Ferus Type) with Bubble Wrap and Packing Tape”, 2024, acrylic on canvas (81.25 x 58.25 x 1.25 in.).
As spirited art week festivities unfolded across the city, local sportsfans were also whipped up into a frenzy as both their hometown Rangers and Knicks advanced to the second round of their respective playoff series. On the hoops front, with the Knicks now set to tip off against the Pacers, Dino fans can also partake in some playoff excitement (by extension) as former Raptor stars Pascal Siakam and OG Anunoby, sporting Pacers and Knicks uniforms, respectively, are pitted against each other. The exuberance of “Crazy Eyes” versus the zen of “OG-Won Kenobe” - one of the two will get to the conference finals which should provide some solace and maybe even bring a smile to Dino nation.
For more information on any of the artists or works mentioned, the upcoming auctions, and the fate of former Dino stars, “Just Google It”.
There you have it sportsfans,
MC Giggers
(https://mcgiggers.tumblr.com) Reporter’s Certification
I, MC Giggers, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views and that no part of my compensation was or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views expressed herein.
I also certify that I may or may not own, directly or indirectly, works of artists mentioned in this report and that I may or may not have a strong bias for such artists and, more generally, for “Pictures of Nothing”.
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syrenemartell · 2 years
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*NAME: syrene nymeros martell ( née saan ) *TITLE: ruling princess of dorne *AGE: thirty-six *INSP: here !!
——— golden sands shifting within an ornate hourglass; the lingering scent of a perfume no one can identify, which is, in and of itself, its own kind of allure; silken garments and exposed skin as a form of armor; the delicate legs of a spider as it spins silk; the deflective intrigue of the occult; the equal presence of beauty and terror; a trail of smoke off a freshly-blown match, rising to the ether; a gaze not unlike the moon — cosmic and obscured and unreachable; the bloom that hides its thorns; the price of power; the pain of longing.
full name: syrene aelyx nymeros martell ( née saan. )
familiar name: sy ( pronounced like ‘sigh’, reserved for close friends & family ) and syr ( pronounced like ‘ser’, used teasingly by friends or derogatorily by enemies. )
titles: ruling princess of dorne ( by marriage ), princess of the narrow sea ( by family ), the pearl of lys ( by public declaration. )
age: recently celebrated her thirty-sixth nameday.
gender: cis woman.
pronouns: she / her.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
religion: tbd, but likely a mix of existing religions of lys, and only loosely adhered to.
languages, in order of fluency:  several of the dialects of  low valyrian spoken in the  free cities, the common tongue, high valyrian.
allegiance: house martell, a few of the noble houses of essos ( pending wcs ), herself — but her family, most of all.
fc: angela sarafyan.
appearance: with the blood of old valyria still strong amongst the people of lys, syrene’s physical attributes reflect what has been written in the history books of the famed valyrian beauties of old. 
hair: a soft honey-brown, with natural silver-gold highlights running throughout. kept waist-length and gently curling, and occasionally adorned with beads and headdresses in the dornish fashion.
eyes: pale periwinkle blue, appearing bluer in some lights and purpler in others. 
height: 5′8″
notable features: a markedly expressive brow; large, rounded, half-lidded eyes that seem vacant and incisive all at once; fingers adorned with rings; sharp, angular cheekbones.
scent: cloves, saffron, violet, pepper, leather, sandalwood, and oud.
positive traits: adventurous, confident, disarming, eloquent, observant, gregarious.
neutral traits: calculating, competitive, creative, enigmatic, proud, skeptical.
negative traits: hedonist, machiavellian, narcissistic, reckless, self-indulgent, vengeful.
archetypes: The Explorer; The Femme Fatale; The Thrill-Seeker; tbd.
alignment: dangerous area between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.
husband: prince tbd nymeros martell.
children: tbd.
brother-in-law: prince zakar martell.
sister-in-law: princess allyria martell.
ladies-in-waiting, knights, etc.: tbd.
brother(s):  various lords utp saan.
paramours:  tbd, open to all genders!
[ this is v long bc ... what are editing skills ... so there’s a tldr after this section! ]
i. There was a time when House Saan was known only for their long and distinguished lineage of pirate-lords, roaming the seas and shores in search of opportunities to pillage and plunder upon prey and claim others’ riches as theirs. To this day, some would argue that House Saan’s wealth was gained solely through disreputable means. However, those who know best — meaning, those who find themselves a part of families with fortunes rivaling even crowned royals — understand that wealth, along with power, is something to be seized, taken at every opportunity, and built upon throughout the ages for the generations to come.
ii. It’s true; the Saan family once was no better than self-styled Regents of the Narrow Sea, made of lords and ladies content to live a pirate’s life. However, a century ago, one such pirate king had the good sense to build upon his already impressive fleet of ships, amassing an armada to rival those of the Redwynes and the Greyjoys. Once pirates, the House now stood amongst the Lysene as merchants, bankers, shipmasters, and naval advisors. This transition catapulted House Saan to the league of nobility, with numerous royals from both Essos and Westeros courting the family with offers of marriage, gold, and status in exchange for access to even a fraction of the armada. Through this, the titles of Prince and Princess of the Narrow Sea were bestowed upon the family.
iii. Syrene Saan was born into this title, the firstborn girl in a long lineage of firstborn boys turned men turned lords. In some ways, she was treated no differently — taught the intricacies of seacraft and tutored in economics and diplomacy. Yet, at times, she was treated no different than a maiden in a song, confined to a study with her septa and expected to wed once she was of age. The combination of these aspects of her formative years, even in their juxtaposition, resulted in a woman her family could present to the world as one with the naval knowledge of a pirate king, the business savvy of a merchant, and the manner of a queen hiding her secrets behind a smile.
iv. In private, however, her interests were more common. Like her early ancestors, she developed a penchant for gambling games and cultivated a more-than-recreational pastime of palm-reading and other occult practices. Syrene was well-suited to the mystical, not because she was easy to trick into belief, but because she held skepticism and intrigue in equal measure. Once she came of age, she explored her share of Lys’ famed pleasure houses, half for education and half for exploration; her family was called a worldly one, and she only wanted to carry on the tradition.
v. Called the ‘Pearl of Lys’ by the Lysene commonfolk and Essosi nobles alike, her family quickly sought to fashion the pearl into a diamond by way of a marriage alliance with a great house of Westeros. Syrene had little interest in the matter, believing that no person could excite her the way that her own desires did. Love might have been the death of duty, but marriage was the death of adventure.
vi. ( Syrene’s relationship with her husband and his family is tbd, pending plotting with their writers <3 ) Given that Lys was in such close proximity to Dorne, it was only expected that Syrene was soon introduced to the Dornish Prince. The principality was known for its well-trained armies of men and their spears, but what they had long lacked — despite their nearness to the seas — was a proper fleet, one which could rival the royal naval armada should the swirling rumors of Dorne fighting for its independence from the Seven Kingdoms come to fruition.  After a long courtship, she married the firstborn Prince of House Martell, and assumed the title of Ruling Princess of Dorne. 
vii. With him ( and the role she now played ) came a greater sense of maturity and incisiveness, the kind necessary to sit at the seat of Sunspear alongside her lord husband and be taken seriously at court despite being a foreign bride. Long gone were the days of wild youth, and in their place, a love she never expected and enough responsibility to restrain her most hedonistic impulses — at least, early on. Now, to counteract this price for power, Syrene has taken to indulging once more, again exploring as she can within the bounds placed on those of nobility. There’s a cognitive dissonance at bay, a continuous attempt a balancing the demands of her husband’s political world with the thrill of excitement she’s long pursued. And so, the result is a woman well trained for her station, yet prone to bouts of recklessness when she’s hungry for something the game of thrones cannot provide.
☀️ TLDR.
The firstborn daughter of the newly-noble House Saan, who originated as pirate lords but have become shipcrafters and the owners of one of the world’s largest armadas. In youth, Trained in youth for her eventual station as a ruling lady, but also took to adventuring and exploring to her heart’s content — the byproduct of a wild streak which she has still maintained, though it was subdued for the earlier part of her marriage into House Martell. A known lover of a gambling games, the occult ( namely, palm- and card-reading ), and a supporter of the independence of each of the Seven Kingdoms. Kind of lives by the motto ‘A Little Party Never Killed Nobody’. Gets reckless when she’s bored — meaning she’s forever in search of playthings, puppets, and prey.
Right now, I think of Syrene as someone who has one foot firmly planted in the game of thrones and the other in her own desires ( think, Margaery’s political aptitude + Arya’s sense of adventure. ) I personally would like to see something that makes Syrene decisively land in the world of the former and use the training of her formative years and the very real power that is the combined force of her husband’s army and her own family’s armada to see Dorne ( and the other kingdoms ) achieve independence. An ideal trajectory that I’d like to work towards for Syrene is having her penchant for hedonism and such causing certain irreparable mistakes to be made, and a quite serious reckoning to happen as a result — all so that a true player in the game of thrones can emerge from the wreckage of her own, self-wrought chaos. 
[ i have several ideas for specific wcs, but it’s late and i have a super early day tomorrow, so I’ll make a more detailed list of wcs very soon! ]
some quick lil generic wcs: 
- friends ( i imagine there’s only ... a handful lmao ) - enemies ( probably far more ) - paramours / lovers - current wards of house martell - essosi nobility now in westeros who might view the saan armada as a threat - conversely, essosi nobility with positive relationships to house saan - fellow gamblers / party people - the almost betrothals - members of house saan ( i hc that she has several younger brothers ) - manipulators ( failed or successful ) - fellow occultists  - brothel workers / owners ( tbh, i have a hc that syrene financially supports a number of pleasurehouses ) - little birds bc girly loves her gossip okay - advisors / similar roles who would petition her to engage in more charitable efforts - those whose families had connections with hers over the past century ( perhaps a saan relative was their master of ships, that sort of thing ) - anything and everything!! i can’t wait to write with everyone <333
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max-wynn · 6 hours
June 10, 2024
Ngayong araw ay 9am na ‘ko nagising. Haha. Ngayon palang araw ako magpapaal- x-ray. Hehe Medyo kabado pa ako kase nga inuubo ako. Alam mo ba kung saan ako nagpa-x-ray; sobrang layo, sa baliwag pa. Haha. Feeling ko nga kanina Napaka-independent ko na, kahit hindi naman talaga. Paano ba naman kase ako lang mag-isa bumiyahe, ‘di ba ang independent ko. Haha
Nakarating ako sa dapat kong puntahan ay mga 1:30pm, kase late na rin ako umalis ng bahay. Kanina nga pala sa Jeep ang dami kong nakasabay na nag-aaral saa NU, nakaka-amaze ng uniform nila; ang Ganda sobra!
After kong mag-x-ray sabi sa’kin ang release ng x-ray ay 4pm pa. Ako naman hala 4pm pa pala. Haha 2pm kase ako natapos mag-x-ray, napilitan tuloy ako maggala sa baliwag; puregold at 711. Haha. Alangan naman kase na mag-stay ako sa clinic or umuwi ng bahay at bumalik. Haha. Kala mo anak ni Henry Sy eh. Haha.
Bumalik ako ng 4:15 sa Clinic. Haha. Nag-enjoy kase ako maglibot. Haha. Kaya ayon na pasobra sa time. After ko makuha ‘ung x-ray ay umuwi na rin ako agad sa bahay namin. Hehe
Nakakatuwa ‘tong araw na ‘to kahit nakakapagod. Pag-uwi ko pala sa bahay bagsak agad ako sa kama. Haha. Nakatulog ako at nagising 7pm. Haha.
‘Yun lang ang ganap para sa araw na ito. Hehe
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topherpadre07 · 3 months
Saan ka ba Kevin haha 😆😆❤️❤️❤️❤️
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vrouopgenade · 10 months
Dag voor winter
Ek deel vir oulaas 'n wintervers voor die lente sy voet in die deur kry.
Foto: Almeida from Pixabay Die winter lê al so te sê op sy rug, en is hierdie vers seker bietjie mosterd na die maal. Die swaeltjies kom een van die dae terug en hier en daar is daar al bome met nuwe botsels aan die die punte van hul takke. Die res staan egter nog kaal en bruin in ʼn luggie wat saans nog knyp. Voëls kwetter ál vroliker om die wintergrou te laat verstaan dit is nou tyd om te gaan…
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rausule · 10 months
Dawid reël die diens van die priesters en die Leviete.
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23 Toe Dawid oud word en sy ein- de begin nader, het hy sy seun Salomo koning oor Israel gemaak. Hy het ook al die ampsdraers van Israel, die priesters en die Leviete laat byme- kaarkom. Toe getel is, was die Leviete, die mans van dertig jaar en ouer, altesaam ag en dertig duisend. "Van hulle moes vier en twintig dui- send sorg dra vir die werksaamhede in die huis die Here, en ses duisend die orde en regspraak behartig; "vier duisend was poortwagte, en vier dui- send moes sorg vir die lof van die Here op die instrumente wat daarvoor ver- vaardig is.
"Dawid het hulle ingedeel in groepe volgens die seuns van Levi: Gerson, Kehat en Merari.
7Onder die Gersoniete is Ladan en Simi gereken. Die seuns van Ladan was Jegiël, die hoof, Setam en Joël, hulle drie. 'Die seuns van Simi was Se- lomit, Gasiël en Haran, ook drie. Hul- le was die familiehoofde van Ladan. 10Die seuns van Simi was Jagat, Sisa, Jeüs en Beria. Dit was die vier seuns van Simi. "Jagat was hoof en Sisa tweede in rang. Jeüs en Beria het nie baie seuns gehad nie en vorm saam een diensgroep van die familie.
12Die seuns van Kehat was Amram, Jishar, Hebron en Ussiël, hulle vier. 13Die seuns van Amram was Aäron en Moses. Aäron is vir altyd afgesonder, hy en sy nageslag, om blywend die hei- lige diens in die Allerheiligste te ver- rig, om vir die Here wierookoffers te bring, Hom te dien en in sy Naam die seën uit te spreek. 14Wat Moses betref, die man van God, sy nageslag is by die stam Levi gereken. 15Die seuns van
Moses was Gersom en Eliëser. 16 Van die nageslag van Gersom was Subael die hoof. "Van die nageslag van Elië- ser was sy seun Regabja die hoof. Elië- ser self het nie ander seuns gehad nie, maar Regabja het besonder baie ge- had. 18Van die nageslag van Jishar was Selomit die hoof. 19Van die nageslag van Hebron was Jerija die hoof, Amar- ja die tweede, Jagasiël die derde en Je- kamam die vierde. 20Van die nageslag van Ussiël was Miga die hoof en Jissija die tweede.
21Die seuns van Merari was Magli en Musi. Die seuns van Magli was Eleasar en Kis. 22Toe Eleasar gesterf het, het hy geen seuns gehad nie, net dogters. Hulle verwante, die seuns van Kis, het met hulle getrou. 23Die seuns van Musi was Magli, Eder en Jeremot, hulle drie.
24Dit is dan die Leviete volgens hul- le families, die familiehoofde volgens hulle diensgroepe, soos hulle een vir een by name opgeneem is. Die Leviete van twintig jaar en ouer het die werk- saamhede verrig in die diens van die huis van die Here.
25Dit het so gekom omdat Dawid gesê het: "Die Here die God van Israel het sy volk rus geskenk en Hy wil vir altyd in Jerusalem woon. Die Leviete hoef nie meer die tabernakel met al die toebehore vir sy diens te vervoer nie."
"Dit is dus die getal Leviete van twintig jaar en ouer wat diens gedoen
het soos Dawid dit kort voor sy dood gereël het. 28Hulle het die Aäroniete bygestaan in die diens van die huis van die Here. Hulle was verantwoordelik vir die voorhowe, die kamers, die rei- niging van al die gewyde dinge en vir die werksaamhede van die tempel- diens. 29Hulle moes sorg vir die offer- brood, die meel vir die graanoffer, die ongesuurde brood, die bakplaat, die deegmengsel en vir elke inhouds- en lengtemaat. 30Hulle moes ook elke môre hulle plek inneem vir die dank en lof aan die Here, en so ook saans. 31 Verder moes hulle help by die bring van al die offers vir die Here op sabbat- te, nuwemaansfeeste en ander feestye. Dit moes voortdurend voor die Here geskied, volgens die reëlmaat wat daarvoor vasgestel is. 32So moes hulle al die nodige doen by die tent van ont- moeting, by die heiligdom, en saam met huile ampsbroers die priesters in die diens van die huis van die Here.
1 KRONIEKE 23:16
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heavymetalzen · 1 year
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yung panaginip ko, naalala ko, hinahanap ko kasi kung saan naman pala sa mundo ako nagkakasya, parang ganon. eh bakit kasi ang tatay ko ay si fernando zobel de ayala talaga. bakit ang lolo ko ay si henry sy talaga. bakit ang ninong ko ay si marcos talaga.
bakit ang kamag-anak ko sina julian casablancas talaga.
eh bakit kasi ang sabi ko pa sa sarili ko, ang pamilya ko meron ngang pera. merong pera sa worldbank. eh bakit yung bahay ko dapat: tinatapunan pala ng pera ng mga tao. tinatapon ng mga tao yung pera ng planeta sa pamilya ko.
tapos ang trabho ko ang worldbank pala.
tapos ang mga libro, basa ka lang ng basa talaga ng mga books. malalaman mo din lahat ng kailangan mong malaman. matutunan mo pa na lahat ng tao sa mundo meron talaga sa mga movies and tv shows talaga.
tapos tumblr lang ang ginagamit mo: matututunan mo talaga lahat ng bagay na kailangan mo ngang matutunan. para maging katulad talaga ng gab.
tapos ang tingin sa akin ng mga tao ay merong ruffles at kwelyo talaga na babae. isa akong prinsesa pala.
tapos katoliko na sikreto naman pala ang aking pamilya: isa kaming living saints pala sa mundo.
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princessellamarie · 1 year
St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur
Ikatlong Markahan
SY 2023-2024
1. Nasasabi ang mga kagamitan at wastong paraan sa paglilinis at pag – aayos ng sarili.
2. Naipakikita ang wastong pamamaraan sa paglilinis at pag-aayos .
3. Nasusunod ang skedyul ng paglilinis at pag-aayos ng sarili.
 EPO 1: Kusang loob na naghahanap ng mapagkukunan ng agarang impormasyon at datos na agarang magagamit upang makabuo ng panibagong mapagkukunan ng impormasyon tungo pag-unawa at solusyon sa mga umiiral na mga suliranin.
LPO 2: Malakas ang loob, Mapanuri, Positibong hinaharap ang mga suliranin. (Charism)
Ako ay malakas ang loob, mapagsiyasat, positibong hinaharap ang mga suliranin, at nagpapamalas ng pagkamalikhain at karisma.
 Naipamamalas ang karagdagang kaalaman, kasanayan at wastong saloobin sa kamalayan ng indibiduwal na kakayanan, pagpapahalaga sa sariling kultura, positibong pananaw sa kalikasan na yaman, maka agham at makabagong teknolohiya, at praktikal na pag-gamit ng sining para sa pangangalaga sa sarili at sa tahanan at nagagamit ito upang matugunan ang mga pansarili at pampamilyang pangangailangan tungo sa maunlad at kasiya-siyang pamumuhay.
A. Panimulang Gawain
a. Panalangin
Pambungad na Panalangin,
Sa ngalan nang Ama, nang Anak, at nang Espirito Santo AMEN.
Mahal naming Ama, Nagpapasalamat po kami sa araw na ito, na binigyan mo Ng pagkakataon upang kami ay magsama-sama, nawa’y marami po kaming matutunan na aralin at maisagawa sa pang araw-araw naming buhay at buksan mo po ang aming puso at isipan upang mas maunawaan namin ang pag-aaralan sa araw na ito, hinihiling namin sa pangalan ni Jesus na aming kapatid. Amen.
b. Pagbati
c. Pamamahala ng silid aralan,
d. Pag tsetsek ng mga lumiban at hindi lumiban.
B. Paglalahad ng Mga Kompetensi sa Pagkatuto, Essential Learning Outcomes, Life Performance Outcomes, at Affirmation Statements.
C. Babasahin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga kasanayang pampagkatuto para sa araw na ito:
• Nasasabi ang mga kagamitan at wastong paraan sa paglilinis at pag – aayos ng sarili.
• Naipakikita ang wastong pamamaraan sa paglilinis at pag-aayos .
• Nasusunod ang skedyul ng paglilinis at pag-aayos ng sarili.
D. Paggaganyak
1. Magpakita ng iba’t - ibang pansarili at pampamilyang kagamitan tulad ng suklay, nail cutter, sepilyo, bimpo, tuwalya, at iba pa.
2. Itanong sa mga mag-aaral kung alin sa mga ito ang kanilang ginagamit araw-araw. Itanong din kung alin sa mga ito ang ginagamit nila ng isang beses sa isang linggo
A. Hulaan Mo
Panuto: May isang salamin na paikutin sa loob ng klase habang inawit ang awiting “This is the way (I brush my teeth). Ang mag-aaral na huling may hawak ng salamin sa pagtatapos ng awit ay kailangan isakilos sa klase ang wastong paraan ng pagsasagawa ng isa sa mga sumusunod: Bubunot ng isa mula sa mystery box ang mag-aaral.
- Paliligo
- Paglilinis ng ngipin
- Pag-aalaga ng kamay
- Pag-aalaga ng buhok
- Paghihilamos
PANUTO: Hahatiin sa apat na grupo ang mga mag-aaral. Ipadikit sa Pisara ang mga larawang ginagamit sa paglilinis at pag-aayaos ng buhok, kuko, katawan, bibig at ngpin sa katapat ng bawat larawan idikit ang skrip na nakasaad kung saan ito ginagamit.
Unang pangkat: Kagamitan Para sa Buhok
Ikalawang Pangkat: Kagamitan Para sa Kuko
Ikatlong Pangkat: Kagamitan Para sa Bibig at Ngipin
Ikaapat na Pangkat: Kagamitan Para sa Katawan
III. Integrasiyon
a. Paglalahad
> Ang kalinisan ay kagandahan, Kinalulugdan ng kanyang mga anak, ng mga kaibigan at mga kakilala, ang batang malinis sa katawan. Kaaya-ayang pagmasdan ang batang may malinis at malusog na pangangatawan.
Ang paglilinis at pag-aayos ng sarili ay isa sa mga mahahalagang bagay na kailangan mong gawin araw-araw. Mga kagamitan sa paglilinis at pag-aayos ng sarili
•Sabong pamapaligo- nag-aalis ng dumi at libag sa katawan at nag-iiwan ng malibag.
•Bimpo- ginagamit na pangkuskos sa katawan upang matanggal ang libag. •Tuwalya- ginagamit na pangpunas sa buong katawan pagkatapos maligo para matuyo.
•Shampoo- ginagamit upang malinis ang mga duming nasa buhok. •Toothpaste- inilalagay sa toothbrush upang mas maging malinis ang ating mga ngipin.
•Toothbrush- ginagamit na panglinis ng ngipin.
•Pabango- ginagamit upang maging presko ang pakiramdam at mabango ang katawan
•Lotion- ginagamit upang maging makinis at malambot ang balat.
b. Ebalwasyon
Gawain: Magpapakita sa mga mag-aaral ng mga larawan na nagpapakita ng mga sitwasyon patungkol sa tungkuilin sa sarili. Itataas ang mga smiley face kung tama ang mga gawain at sad face naman kung ito ay mali.
1. Paliligo araw-araw.
2. Pagkain ng junk food.
3. Pagsisipilyo ng ngipin pagkatapos kumain .
4. Hindi pagpapalit ng damit.
5. Pagkain ng balanced diet.
IV. Takdang Aralin
Gumupit ng larawan ng mga gamit sa panlinis ng katawan. Pumili ng isa lamang at sumulat ng isang maikling komposisyon kung bakit ito gamit na iyong napili. Gawin ito sa isang short bond paper.
V. Pangwakas na Panalangin
Sa ngalan nang Ama, nang Anak, at nang Espirito Santo AMEN.
Maraming salamat po, sa binigay nyong katalinuhan upang mas maunawaan namin ang aralin, nawa’y tulungan mo po kami na maisagawa at maisapuso ang lahat ng napag aralan, at ingatan mo po kami sa aming pag uwi sa sari sarili naming tahanan, at makarating ng ligtas at payapa hinihiling namin sa pangalan ni Hesus na aming kapatid Amen.
• https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fserbisyobalita.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F03%2F45901_107679099411209_280736212_n.jpg&tbnid=iyX0WftirEopVM&vet=12ahUKEwid1MCs49b-AhVPmVYBHSK7AVEQMygQegUIARD9AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fserbisyobalita.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F03%2F18%2Fdalawa-huli-sa-pagtangay-ng-mga-pabango%2F&docid=nwxlbmF9BfKf7M&w=640&h=408&q=pabango&safe=activ&ved=2ahUKEwid1MCs49b-AhVPmVYBHSK7AVEQMygQegUIARD9AQMga kagamitan sa Paglilinis ng sahig at pag sasaayos ng saril.
• Kagamitan: Iba’t -ibang pansarili at pampamilyang kagamitan tulad ng suklay, nail cutter, sepilyo, bimpo, tuwalya at iba pa.
• Mga Larawan:
Iniwasto ni:
G. Mark Francis F. Astom
Guro sa Technology for Teaching Learning 1 Inihanda ni:
Bb. Micaela joy Azagra
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herdeeepthoughtss · 1 year
میرے پیارے اللّٰہ! 🥺♥️
Allah ki sab sy pyari baat yeh hai k wo sabka hai.
Wo uska bhe hai jo namaz prhta hai wo uska bhe hai ko nahin prhta. Wo uska bhe hai jo pardah krta hai wo uska bhe hai jo nahi krta. Wo uska bhe hai jo sharab peeta hai, wo uska bhe hai jo nahi peeta. Gunahgar honay ka matlab yeh nahin k Allah hmara nahi hai. Allah hm sb ka hai. Kisi ka koi haq nahi kisi ko ye kehnay ka k sirf islie k tm koi gunah kr rhy ho wo tmhara nahi hai. Allah ta’ala ne wapisi ka darwaza tab tk khula rkha hai hmare lie jab tk akhri sans hai. Tou agr wo hmara nahi hota tou hmay wapis bulanay k lie akhri saans tk ki mohlat kyu deta? Wo sb ka hai. Aur koi ye cheez hm mai sy kisi sy cheen nahi skta. Na aapsy. Na mjhsy.
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lingua-persona · 2 years
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Dahil may nangyari sa Henry Sy Lib kanina, naghanap ako ng ibang lugar kung saan ako pwede magsulat. Sakto, may libreng pwesto sa may St. Miguel kaya dito muna ako. Habang nagsusulat, kumandong itong pusa sa kin. Ang bigat niya. Di ko alam kung sakto ito sa sinusulat kong kwento tungkol sa isang pusa o iba ang agenda niya. Pero ayun, mahihirapan akong maglakad sa bigat niya mamaya. Wala na siya sa kinakandungan niya sa kin, pero ramdam ko pa rin ang bigat niya. 😅 #catsofdlsu (at De La Salle University) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0Cq0lLxhjQH9bnNcpDe36MrNwgs7yJgDALiQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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October 17, 2022 - Monday
Yo! Second part na ako ng chika ko for October! MT Days preparation!
Madami akong chika sa MT Days preparation hindi lang yung mismong nagpunta kami sa school. Simulan natin sa pinakasimula kung saan nabuo ang theme ng MT Days namin, carnival theme more like The Greatest Showman ang theme namin. So alam na ang ibig sabihin medyo mapula pula ang kulay ng theme namin HAHAHAHA. Pero ang astig kaya kasi carnival siya. Naassign ako kasama kaibigan ko sa paggawa ng certificates, and ppts na gagamitin para sa mga Quiz bee and etc. Proud to say ang ganda ng gawa naming ppt at certificates!!
Tapos eto na yung pinakamahirap na part, ang makakuha ng mga participants lalo na sa Ms. and Mr. Medtech 2022 HAHAHAHA. Istg kahit last sy ang hirap din magpapayag ng mga classmate mo sa section. Goodthing magaling magpursue ang class rep namin kaya may sumali na isa, owemji, excited na ako, HAHAHAHA. May sumali din samin sa Quizbee at sa egames pati sa digi poster at Talent Show! ACTUALLY LAHAT SILA SUMALIIII OWEMJI PATI PALA AMAZING RACE! Ngayon ko lang narealize na yung section namin sinalihan lahat ng events ng MT Days huhu, aym so proud!!!
Okay simula na tayo sa f2f practice. Kasama din namin yung ibang maggagawa ng design ng stage para sa Talent show at pageant. Nagturo si accla ng choreo para sa production number ng pageant, nahila lang ako sa choreo part kasi naman TT^TT HAHAHAHA di ko din alam bakit TT^TT. Anyway, naging successful naman ang pagchoreo ko pero yung pasensya ko na-test ng isang participant :) laging late ang accla at nagaa-attitude pa siya sa officers jusq. Kapag kasi late ang isang participant or absent ang hirap turuan kasi para siyang baby na walang alam pa sa buhay ganon. Inis na inis kaming SC sa kanya kasama yung mga nagtuturo ng choreo, rampa at yung sa flow. Grabe.
Sunod naman ay ganon pa rin siya nung 2nd day na f2f practice. GRRRRRR. Beh hindi niya alam na may practice ng Sabado. JUSQ. NASAGOT PA SYA SAMENNN!! Magpasalamat siya hindi ako nag-aattitude din kasi kung hindi baka nakasagot na ako ng ka-batch ko. Yr rep pa naman din ako. Nakakaano kasi ang hirap niya pasunurin jusq. Dancer daw siya pero di maayos sumayaw :D ano kaya yon. Joke ata eyon.
Naging friend din namin yung kasama ko sa choreo, hindi namin kasi siya close talaga pero huhu TT^TT ang bait bait niya at ang sarap kasama TT^TT sarap yakapin pa. Super comfy ako sa kanya at ang gaan niyang kasama. Feel na feel ko ang pagiging sincere niya sa amin and pati na rin yung ms medtech namin na sumali sa pageant!! Ahhhhhhh!!! Ang cute huhu naging close namin sila dahil sa mt days preparation!! Support na support kami sa pambato ng section namin kahit walang nag Mr medtech samin. Mga shy type ang mga guys namin e. HAHAHAHA.
Ayan po ang summary ng buong mt days preparation, super chaotic pero ang saya. Next na chika naman ay yung MT Days na mismo pero saka na yon I need to sleep na mga accling maaga pa ako mamaya HAHAHAHA. Goodnight!!
See you again! Luv y'all <3
Song of the Day: Oh shit...are we in love - Valley
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rebrandtdebibls · 2 years
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Ek is 'n Boer Yevgeny Yevtushenko
en ek het my brood geëet soms droog
soms met koffie soos net ons dit maak
(vroeg in die môre)
ek het tougelei in die land se warm son
met sy sonbesies
wat eindeloos blink lé bo die mopanies
vroeg in die môre
in hierdie Afrika wat ek liefhet
en ek het saans huis toe gestap
en die son gaan rooi onder agter die Ysterberge
en vroegskemer klink alle geluide harder intiemer nader
en die eerste vure brand al alle skemeraande is weemoedig
My hande is hard
so hard soos masjinerie niks maak my meer bevrees
want ek is so hard soos Afrika
en ek lag vir my vyande
omdat ek weet omdat ek moet.
my Afrika
van waar ek nêrens het om heen te gaan nie
en kap
in Afrika
soos net ons hom ken
sy kwêvoëls
sy warm lug
buk en kap om land skoon te maak
in Afrika.
moeg van buk
nie selfs my eie angs maak my nie meer bevrees nie
so onvoorspelbaar soos Afrika so meedoenloos soos Afrika.
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dianasy · 3 years
posted on December 08, 2021 | by Diana Mae Sy
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Ang pagkakaroon ng mabuting kalusugan ay hindi nababase sa panlabas na anyo ng ating katawan. Hindi lamang ito pumapatungkol sa pagkain ng masustansyang pagkain at pagkakaroon ng sapat na tulog tuwing gabi, ang mabuting kalusugan ay depende sa kung paano natin nararamdaman ang ating sarili, paano natin masolusyunan  at makakayanan ang mga suliranin at kung paano tayo makitungo sa ibang mga tao. Sa madaling salita, ang paksa na ito ay pumapatungkol sa malusog na pamumuhay, ang ating pisikal, mental, emosyonal at sosyal na kalakasan ay mga dahilan na maaaring makaimpluwensya sa ating pangkalahatang kalusugan.
Hindi natin maiiwasan ang surilanin sa ating buhay, parte ito ng pagtanda at sa bawat surilanin na ating hinaharap ay nagkakaroon tayo ng matinding desisyon at pagdidisiplina. Kaya naman ngayon ay ilalahad ko ang mga surilananin laban sa malusog na pamumuhay, kalakip na rin nito ang mga solusyon na maaaring makatulong sa pag- iwas sa mga hindi magandang bisyo.
Pagkakaroon ng maayos na pamilya – Hindi lahat ng pamilya ay nagkakaroon ng maayos na pagsasama. Ang pamilya ay binubuo ng Nanay at Tatay na siyang gumagabay sakanilang supling, at sa tahanan nagsisimula ang paghubog ng tamang asal ng isang bata. Ang pagiging isang magulang ay hindi biro, ito ay panghabambuhay. Kaya naman bago bumuo ng isang pamilya ang dalawang indibidwal na nagmamahalan, hinihikayat ito na magkaroon ng pagpaplano, nang sa gayon ay handa sila sa mga posibleng problema na maaaring dumating. Ang hindi pagkakaroon ng di handang pamilya ay maaaring magdulot ng hindi magandang koneksyon sa bawat isa sa miyembro sa loob ng tahanan. Dapat din matutunan ng mga bata ang tamang pakikisama sa kapwa pati na rin ang mga responsibilidad nito habang patanda ng patanda. Sa ganitong paraan, nahuhubog ang isang indibidwal sa maayos na pamamaraan dahil sa gabay ng kaniyang mga magulang.
Pag- abuso sa paggamit ng droga – Alam nating lahat na ang paggamit ng ilegal na droga ay mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ng gobyerno, maaring magkaroon ito ng hindi magandang epekto sa ating katawan at higit pa don ay hindi imposible na makasakit tayo ng kapwa natin. Nasa 1.67 milyon o dalawa sa isang daang Pilipino na may edad 10 hanggang 69 ang kasalukuyang gumagamit ng droga, ayon sa resulta ng 2019 National Household Survey on the Patterns and Trends of Drug Abuse, na inilabas ng Dangerous Drugs Board. At bilang solusyon, kailangan nating bawasan ang rate ng Drug addicts ay solusyunan muna ang problema ng kahirapan at kawalan ng edukasyon.
Malinis na kapaligiran – Isa sa problema ng ating lipunan ang pagkakaroon ng malinis na kapaligiran. Alam natin na sira na ang ozone layer kaya naman mapapansin natin ang iilang pagbabago sa klima at panahon, nakakaapekto rin ito sa kalusugan natin dahil sa pabago- bagong klima na kadalasan ay hindi na naaayon sa panahon. Bukod dito, laganap ang polusyon dahil sa mga pabrika at usok sa ating lugar. Ang hangin at tubig ay hindi na malinis dahil sa polusyon na dulot ng tao. Kaya naman ay dapat matuto tayong alagaan ang mga bagay na nasa paligid natin sa pamamagitan ng paglilinis ng sariling kalat at paghihikayat sa mga kapwa mamamayan o pagsali sa mga programa na may kinalaman sa paglilinis ng kapaligiran.
Sariling kalagayan – Bago ang lahat ay dapat magkaroon tayo ng maayos na kalagayan. Dapat na payapa ang ating isip, para hindi ito makaapekto sa ating desisyon at kilos. Matuto tayong alisin lahat ng bagay na nagbibigay satin ng bigat o sama ng loob. Bukod dito ay, tamang pagkain at ehersisyo ay dapat din ugaliin para maiwasan ang pagkakaroon ng anumang sakit na maaaring ikasira ng ating katawan. Hindi masama ang pag- iwas sa mga bagay na ayaw natin kung alam naman natin ang ikakabuti at ikasasama natin. Pagpapahalaga sa sarili na lumalago mula sa mga aksyon na sumusuporta sa ating pisikal, sikolohikal at espirituwal na paglago. Ang ibig sabihin ng pagmamahal sa sarili ay pagkakaroon ng mataas na pagpapahalaga sa iyong sariling kapakanan at kaligayahan. Ang ibig sabihin ng pagmamahal sa sarili ay pag-aalaga sa iyong sariling mga pangangailangan at hindi pagsasakripisyo ng iyong kapakanan para mapasaya ang iba. Ang ibig sabihin ng pagmamahal sa sarili ay hindi pag-settle sa mas mababa sa nararapat sa iyo.
Ang ating kalusugan ay nakaaapekto sa ating mga gawain at kasiyahan sa ating buhay. Gaano kabuti ang ating nararamdaman, gaano tayo kasaya at kung gaano natin nakakayanan ang ating mga suliranin ay naiimpluwensyahan ng mga desisyon na ating ginagawa sa pangaraw-araw na pamumuhay. Kung kaya’t mahalaga na magkaroon tayo ng kaugalian na mananatili sa ating kalusugan at maisaayos ang ating kapaligiran.
§  https://eskwelanaga.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/malusog-na-pamumuhay.pdf§  https://www.ddb.gov.ph/newsroom/511-2019-drug-survey-shows-drug-use-prevalence-rate-falls-to-2-05
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iambleeeeeeiane · 3 years
Ang Scientia: Knowledge Hub ay taunang ginaganap ng ALIAC (Air Link International Aviation College) ginanap noong ika-28 ng Enero 2021 sa oras na alas-syete ng umaga hanggang alas-tres y media ng hapon.
Ngayong taong 2021 ay ang unang pag ganap sa pamamagitan ng birtwal gamit ang Zoom app. Ang pagdiriwang nito ay isa sa mga pinaka importante, pinaka mahalaga at pinaka malaking parte sa mga estudyante ng ALIAC dahil dito nagkaroon ng mga ideya ang mga estudyante kung saan sila maaaring mag-apply ng training at maghanap ng matratrabahuan.
Dalawang taon na nakalipas, ginanap ng ALIAC ang scientia sa Marriot Hotel at ang mga kinukuha nilang mga bisita ay galing sa mga bigating kompanya na may kauganay industriyang panghipapawid.
Panimula sa programang ito nagkaroon ng tatlong sesyon upang mabatid ang lahat ng impormasyon: sesyon sa umaga, break-out session, at sesyon sa hapon. Sa sesyon sa umaga, ang mga pangyayari dito ay ang pagbubukas ni Atty. Gomeriano V. Amurao ang scientia at kasunod naman ang pagpresenta ng mga exhibit sa pamamagitan ng birtwal o sa isang bidyo. Pagkatapos, sinundan na ito sa unang sesyong plenaryo na pinangunahan ni Dr. Joel S. Marciano isang Director General ng Philippine Space Agency at inilahad ang paksa na pinamagatang “Technologies Empowered Through Space”.
Susunod na pangyayari ay nahati ang mga estudyante sa kani-kanilang grupo depende sa kanilang kurso. Para sa unang grupo kabilang ang BSAF, BSTM at ang BSOA ang mga tagapagsalita ay sina Prof. Hernando Sy Salapare III, PH.D binahagi ang tungkol sa “Flying and Aviation Science in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic” at si Capt. Patrick Michael Paul Roa binahagi naman ang tungkol sa “Personal Aviation Careers”. Para naman sa ikalawang grupo sa kursong BSAMT, BSAE at BSAV ang mga tagapagsalita ay sina Dr. Melito A. Bacaay pinagusapan ang tungkol sa “Emerging Technologies and Innovations in the Air Transport Industry, si Dr. Froilan Balucio ay tungkol naman sa “Maintenance Outlook and Job Opportunities” at si Engr. Camilo Dacanay ay tungkol naman sa “Modern Astronomy and its Contributions to Society”.
At sa huling parte ng programa ng sesyon sa hapon ang mga tagapagsalita sa ikalawang sesyong plenaryo ay si Dr. Jayson Lo, isang motivational speaker at awtor at sa ikatlong sesyong plenaryo pinangunahan ito ni Capt. Jessica Cox, isang PWD na pilota na laking hanga at nagbigay sa inspirasyon sa kaniyang binahagi.
Bago matapos ang programa binigyang pasasalamat ang mga tagapagsalita sa pamamagitan na pagbibigay ng sertipiko at plaka bilang katibayan at para sa kanilang pagdalo sa pinaka importanteng event ng ALIAC. Tagumpay ang programa at tinapos ito sa pamamagitan ng pagkanta ng ALIAC Hymn na “Hail To The Phoenix”.
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huminahon · 4 years
Makulimlim ang kalangitan Malamig ang panahon at Pabugso-bugso ang pag-ulan Sa gabi'y walang bituing nasisilayan Maski ang buwan ay natatakpan ng kaulapan May mga nagsasayawang kidlat sa 'di kalayuan Paano ko nga ba ito makakalimutan? Ganito ang panahon noon tayo'y nagmahalan Milya-milya man ang ating pagitan Subalit hindi ito naging hadlang Ilang bagyo na rin ang nagdaan Ilang pag-apaw ng ilog na rin ang inantabayanan Nanatili, at kapwa tayo lumaban
Ilang taon na rin ang lumipas Noon hinarap natin ang galit ng laot At tuluyan kang inilayo sa akin ng mga alon Sobrang layo'y hindi ka na matanaw Dahan-dahang nilamon ng tubig-alat Hinila sa kailaliman Walang liwanag na nasisilayan Naubusan na ng hininga't tuluyang nawalan ng malay
Nagising na lang na wala na ang lahat Wala na ang mga pangarap Lahat ng mga plano ay naglaho Hindi malaman kung saan tutungo Ni hindi na kilala maging ang sarili
Natagpuan na lang ang sarili na nag-iisa Walang tigil sa pagpatak ang mga luha Hindi na mabaybay ang daan pauwi Sinubukang humiyaw ngunit tila walang nakakarinig Ilang beses sinuong ang laot sa pag-asang muli kang masusumpungan Subalit tinutulak lang ng mga alon pabalik sa pangpang
At ngayo'y hinaharap at pilit tinatanggap Ang ating kapalarang nagwakas sa isang iglap.
Ang hirap kalimutan
ni Nem Sy BGM: If you - Bigbang Instrumental
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rausule · 10 months
Aan Anna Karin letterkunde lesse 2
uiters aangename en presiese manier, na ons opvatting van tyd. Hy is die enigste skrywer wat ek ken wie se horlosie gesinchroniseer is met die tallose horlosies van sy lesers. Alle groot skrywers het goeie oë, en die 'realisme', soos hulle dit noem, van Tolstoi se beskrywings is deur ander verder geneem; en al sal die deursnee Russiese leser jou vertel dat wat hom in Tolstoi fassineer die blote realiteit van sy romans is, die gevoel om ou vriende te ontmoet en bekende plekke te sien, beteken dit niks. Ander was ewe goed om briljant te beskryf. Wat die gemiddelde leser werklik fassineer, is Tolstoi se vermoë om sy fiksie met tydelike waardes te gee wat presies ooreenstem met ons sin vir tyd. Dit is 'n geheimsinnige geskenk wat nie soseer 'n prysenswaardige eienskap van genialiteit is nie, as iets wat tot die fisiese aard daarvan behoort. Dit is hierdie balans, absoluut uniek aan Tolstoi, wat die hoflike leser daardie gevoel van alledaagse werklikheid gee wat hy geneig is om toe te skryf aan die skrywer se indringende visie. Tolstoi se prosa loop hand aan hand met ons polsslag, die karakters beweeg skynbaar teen dieselfde pas as die mense wat onder ons venster verbygaan terwyl ons sy boek lees.
Die vreemde feit is dat Tolstoy eintlik taamlik onverskillig was in sy omgang met die objektiewe idee van tyd. In Oorlog en Vrede het aandagtige lesers gevind dat kinders te vinnig of nie genoeg grootword nie, net soos in Dooie siele, ten spyte van Gogol se aandag aan die kleredrag van sy karakters, merk ons ​​op dat Chichikov 'n beerveljas in volle somer gedra het. Maar Tolstoi se afleidings het niks te doen met die indruk van tyd wat hy dit regkry om aan ons oor te dra nie, met daardie idee van tyd wat presies ooreenstem met die leser se tydsin. Ander groot skrywers was ook bewustelik gefassineer deur die idee van tyd en het bewustelik gepoog om die beweging daarvan uit te druk; dit is wat Proust doen as sy held van In Search of Lost Time by 'n laaste onthaal opdaag en mense sien wat hy al lank ken wat nou om een ​​of ander rede grys pruike dra, en dan besef hy dat grys pruike eintlik grys hare natuurlik is en dat hulle oud geword het terwyl hy in sy herinneringe rondgedwaal het; of let op hoe Joyce in Ulysses die tydelement oplos met die stadige en geleidelike deurgang van 'n opgefrommelde stuk papier op die rivier van een brug na 'n ander, wat dit die Liffey na Dublinbaai en die ewige see laat reis. Tog was hierdie skrywers wat die waardes van tyd direk aangeraak het, nie in staat om te doen wat Tolstoi byna onbewustelik doen nie: hulle vorder stadiger of vinniger as die leser se pendulum; dit is Proust se tyd of Joyce se tyd, nie gewone gemiddelde tyd nie, die soort amptelike tyd wat Tolstoy op een of ander manier daarin slaag om oor te dra.
Geen wonder dan dat ou Russe saans oor tee praat van Tolstoi se karakters as mense wat werklik bestaan, mense met wie hulle vriende vergelyk kan word, mense wat hulle so duidelik sien asof hulle met Kitty en Anna en Natasha by daardie bal gedans het of het saam met Oblonsky in sy gunsteling restaurant geëet,[94] soos ons binnekort sal eet. Lesers noem Tolstoi 'n reus, nie omdat ander skrywers dwerge is nie, maar omdat hy altyd presies ons statuur is,[95] wat presies teen dieselfde pas as ons stap eerder as om ons in die verte verby te steek soos ander doen.
En in hierdie konteks is dit nuuskierig om daarop te let dat alhoewel Tolstoi, voortdurend bewus van sy eie persoonlikheid, voortdurend in die lewe van sy karakters inval en voortdurend die leser aanspreek, dit eienaardig is om daarop te let dat in daardie groot hoofstukke wat sy meesterstukke is, die skrywer word onsigbaar en bereik sodoende daardie ideale onpartydigheid wat Flaubert so heftig van skrywers geëis het: om onsigbaar te wees en oral te wees, soos God in Sy heelal. So kry ons af en toe die gevoel dat Tolstoy se roman self skryf, geproduseer word deur sy onderwerp, deur sy onderwerp, nie deur een bepaalde persoon wat sy pen van links na regs beweeg en dan teruggaan en 'n woord deurtrek en dink en dink nie. krap sy ken deur sy baard.[96]
Soos ek reeds gesê het, is die ideoloog se indringing in die kunstenaar se terrein in Tolstoi se romans nie altyd goed omskryf nie. Dit is moeilik om die ritme van die preek los te maak van die ritme van die
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