#SVU S25
fearlessoliviabenson · 2 months
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Well, don't look at me. Might as well toss your heart into a wood chipper.
MARISKA HARGITAY as OLIVIA BENSON Law & Order: SVU 25.01 'Tunnel Blind'
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beardedbarba · 3 months
i haven't done this in forever but
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thisisonlychemistry · 6 months
Something else I have decided that I really need to see: Amanda wearing an engagement ring alongside her wedding band.
Because Carisi most assuredly gave her one.
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thena0315 · 1 year
The question is now, are they planning on making Rollins a professor/profiler consultant or a detective again? Bringing her back as part of the main cast or a recurring character would bring back a HUGE amount of viewership 
Given how it seems that they had Muncy exit due to fans having a hard time accepting her
Hopefully we’ll get some answers once S25 comes around
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dailymariskahargitay · 4 months
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Law & Order SVU S25 cast photos
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rahleeyah · 8 months
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charmingly-evil · 3 months
Anyone know where I can watch s25 of svu from Australia? Please help!
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lo-diehards · 4 months
Law & Order: SVU "Tunnel Blind" -- An Excellent Landmark Start
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"Tunnel Blind" (written by: David Graziano and Julie Martin / Directed by: Norberto Barba) I don't even know where to directly start with this so I'm just going to jump in and start with; thus far, this was the best episode written under David Graziano's direction since before Kelli Giddish's departing episode last season, if not the best in total. I hope over the hiatus during the writers' strike that Graziano and the writers room sat down and redirected their focus because the S25 premiere was a great first opener and the preview for next weeks episode looks like it's pretty high octane.
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They really captured everything that is SVU from start to finish, it had a feel like we took a brief step back into season 22, just without Rollins/Kelli, sadly. I'm going to start with the story but then work on the rest of the episode. So as Carisi and Rollins (Peter Scanavino and special guest star Kelli Giddish) celebrate the Baptisim of their newborn son, Nicky (could he be Dominick Carisi III?), the case this week in concerning a girl named Maddie, who was abducted from a store and Benson (Mariska Hargitay) sees the abducted girl at a traffic light. The case goes full steam during the investigation in hopes of trying to find Maddie Flynn before it's too late but then it's later discovered that she was abducted for another reason, where the perpetrator needs her to stay alive, at least for now. Olivia blames herself for not following her abductor in traffic, the squad continuously telling her it's not her fault, nor did she have probable cause to pull over the van in question.
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It's a nice twisty case that goes in many different directions as the SVU squad basically 'rounds up the usual suspects' until the squad hits a dead-end. Benson reaches out yet again to Professor Amanda Rollins for help with the case, as well as for some personal insight - something Benson has done with Rollins increasingly over the last decade. Rollins clearly still wishes she was working SVU cases, even so as making the slip in saying they would find "our perp," which Benson promptly calls her out in feigning shock for her saying. As Benson leaves to go pursue the new track you can see that Rollins is somber but also in thought as her next round of students come in.
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Fast forward as they think they're on track to find Maddie Flynn and their perp in New Jersey, they joined forces with a detective there from the Bergen County Prosecutors Office, Sloane Parrish (who is portrayed by, Amber Skye Noyes, who portrayed Roxie in "Townhouse Incident" back in season 17), after they find and rescue another victim, Tanya Garcia, who was left drowning in a bathtub in a seedy motel room OD'ing on fentanyl by their perp, George, from Canada. Chief McGrath (Terry Serpico) shows up at the squad, happy they found a different victim who had been missing for more than a year, and says NYPD needed to hold a press conference. Maddie's mother Eileen shows up at the press conference, distraught that her daughter hadn't been found while NYPD was holding a press conference, Benson assures her that she is still working Maddie's case, but it doesn't help as Eileen's husband has to pull her away.
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Olivia Benson's voiceover: "It's moments like these that remind me of the oath I took, to protect the innocent. This is not a solitary act… but more of a life long commitment. I'm honored to wear the badge, but my duty doesn't end when a case is closed. They all stay with you, whether innocence is saved or lost. My goal is for the world to be measured by how safe it is for the innocent. And after all these years, I've come to accept that maybe it's not possible. But I still have a duty to hope."
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So again this episode feels like SVU again, that went missing last season, I was on edge during the episode and I haven't been in that feeling in a long while. Everyone in the cast brought everything they had, but there is one thing that is missing and it's clearly Amanda Rollins/Kelli Giddish. It feels like the writers are trying to lead us to something with her, it feels like she'll be back again [permanently?] real-soon. Even the cast gathered during the opening credits just seemed to still lack something, that something is her. If we are getting a Rollins' return story, I'm very curious to see how it plays out with her and Carisi, like does he even know she's not fully happy teaching? And if he does know, is he going to acknowledge it? Is she to him? Questions I'm sure that will be answered as the course of the season goes on. But Kelli's permanent return would certainly right a terrible wrong that never should have happened.
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Meanwhile Benson's love life: I'm of the opinion of ICE T and Dr. Lindstrom (Bill Irwin), can Benson and Stabler either do something or move on? Seriously though. "Will they/won't they?" is tired and there have been some major flops [in my view], in attempts to make something happen ("the letter"/"The Christmas Episode"/Bronx trilogy/compass necklace). I'm not a Benson-Stabler/EO shipper personally, but if this is going to be a thing or is on the road to it, the road is STILL under a lot of construction, on both shows. Benson and Stabler have not had a serious conversation with themselves about where they stand, what they feel, and for Benson, what all she endured while he was gone. Absent that happening, if they pursue a relationship of any kind (physical or otherwise), without any of the aforementioned, that's basically ignoring over a decade worth of history that Organized Crime doesn't seem to even acknowledge when it comes to Benson. I felt cringe watching the opening scene where Benson is discussing her necklace with Carisi's cousin Steve (guest star Hamish Allan-Headley). This is my opinion but, before this can be something, there's a lot more that needs to happen.
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
happy thursday! thoughts under the cut!
Okay, here we go! we’re back!! We’re BACK!!
And for some reason citytv is finally airing them in a more correct order, though mine thinks I’m on the east coast and is starting now. Mothership first so we all know I might not pay too much attention.
Woof what a cold open��
Jesus christ why is it always Hudson U
Who’s this new detective? Did we get rid of one of the white men I didn’t like? Lol. Oh.. we did… good lol.
Det shaw is so fucking hot.
Nov 10th?? Don’t they usually keep the time stamps pretty accurate to when they air?
Uugggghhh Samantha I have missed yoooouuuu. Glad to see she’s handling the arraignment herself this time, let’s give her more of that pls.
God this chloe girl’s annoying
That stiletto tape holder on sam’s desk came from rita, I know it in my soul. (it also came with a custom pair of manolos…)
Oh shit…
Yeah I dunno how I feel about this new cop either…
Ugh I just love that maroon suit
Svu time
BABY BENSON!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I like starting s25 off like this.
Loving that liv is back in her black nail polish era. It’s prime
Velasco being the one of the squad without his own kids/being the youngest and being the one dunked with babysitting duty and loving every moment of it is perfection.
Omg all of them fighting over the baby. lol.
Where tf are all the rest of the carisi’s? or amanda’s mom? Isn’t she in nyc now??
“maybe we could adopt each other…he could use a brother, too many sisters LOL omg noah
I’m not saying liv should’ve like, pulled a u-turn and immediately gone after the van, esp with noah in the car, but she knew in her gut something was off, memorizing a plate number probably would’ve been a good idea.
ALSO WHILE WE’RE HERE. I’M FUCKING SALTY ABOUT CHURLISH. WHAT THE FUCK. (especially if there isn’t a single mention of her in this episode/where she’s gone.)
Oh Velasco… baby boi, I have missed you
Does Bruno have a medical alert bracelet on? And if so is that his or is that the actors?
Okay, at least Velasco was smart enough to keep hands on the perp instead of letting him run off like they normally do.
What the FUCK is going on?
Why am I still watching this show? LOL
 Okay, see, this is the kind of amanda content I want to see, her popping up every so often in her professor role/mother/wife role, or just showing up to give carisi lunch kinda thing, not full time, not back on the force cause ESP after having a third kid there’s no way she’s coming back to be a cop.
The way olivia didn’t even bother to run cause she knew he wasn’t going far LOL, just all “bro, you’re gonna hurt yourself, and don’t make me hurt you…”
Okay but is olivia wearing the bracelet that she found in the van? (cause that should be in an evidence bag) or is she wearing one from one of the dolls? (cause that should also be evidence? And is lowkey weird…)
Have I just missed them or have there not been any/a lot of the dun-dun’s/time stamps, cause like…how long has madi been missing? How long have we been looking for her cause there’s no way that they kidnap her, make her into a doll, and make THAT many of them and produce them/that many people bought them in like a day or two….
Okay… we’re lacking detectives, with muncy and churlish gone is this new blonde gonna be joining the team? Will she last more than one season on the show?
God the politics side of jobs like this are infuriating
Okay imma assume that we’re gonna retouch on the case next week?  Cause that REALLY wasn’t a solid wrap up, like I get the metaphorical idea to it, but that coulda been done so much better.
Episode was meh overall.
OC time, yay! It really is playing them in order. Now if only the subtitles would fucking work. I’m so congested too, that’s not helping lol.
This theme song is the best out of all of them and I will die on this hill.
Oh right, we’re diving into fucking AI shit. It honestly better end up being a bad thing cause AI will destroy the film industry…
Omg bobby. I love you so much. God the cast of this show is all so incredible.
“god I love not being the boss” LOL
“welcome back detective ive missed you too. Can we take a breath and try that again.” Bell.. seriously… I fucking love you. How v Donnelly of her.
I absolutely love that bell isn’t afraid to call stabler on his shit. Like she is constantly reminding him that *she’s* the boss and we stan her for it.
The writing on this show is SO much better jfc. Jet all “that’s artificial intelligence.” To stabler lolololol
UNDERCOVER JET IS SO FUCKING HOT OMG. And like… ALWAYS not just now, but woof.
If they don’t start diving into more of bell’s personal life this season I will riot. Like, we’ve got out first main cast openly queer character on the show and all they’ve done is break up her marriage and family and rarely touch on it again. Like, does she even get to see her son? (son, right lol) does she ever talk to denise? Are they friendly? Can we PLS see her start to branch out and date again to get some fucking representation cause fuck knows we’re not getting it anywhere else in this universe.
Omg not the piece of fucking duct tape over the apple logo on the back of this dude’s computer LOL.
What was that little shoulder touch? And why was there so much focus on it?? Sus
“you’re just gonna walk into that beehive” ma’am… this is Elliot we’re talking about. You’ve known him three years now, you should know he likes to play by the seat of his pants. AND THE FIRST THING HE DOES IS MAKE DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WHO LOOKS IN CHARGE?! DUDE. You’re dumb
Bobby and jet comforting each other and finding that comfort/coping with jamie’s death by fucking each other honestly makes perfect sense.
Okay, as much as I don’t ship eo and absolutely do not want it to be canon, I am thankful for more little mentions of the characters on the other shows. Like it didn’t make sense to bring back Elliot and have all the crossovers that we got and then pretend like they didn’t talk or keep up with what the other was doing in the eps that weren’t crossovers.
Okay. Now that’s done.
Fun fact: randall, this brother that we’re going to meet I now assume last week is being played by Jamie Gray Hyder’s husband. Cause like, I was suuuuper surprised to see Jamie at the 25th anniversary party, like, truly shocked that she would show up until I found this out LOL.
Honestly… SVU was the weak link of the premiers. If we had gotten more cute personal moments at the beginning with the baptism then it would jump up but we barely got any. It really seemed like a two part-er episode and I don’t think it is, or at least not one that will be continued next week. Either way, it was kinda meh.
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fearlessoliviabenson · 2 months
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MARISKA HARGITAY as OLIVIA BENSON Law & Order: SVU 25.05 'Zone Rouge'
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beardedbarba · 3 months
what happened to the "dun-dun" timestamps in svu?
i miss them
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thisisonlychemistry · 7 months
Something I have only just realised that I desperately need: a scene in which Amanda answers the phone and identifies herself as “Amanda Rollins-Carisi”.
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electrictoes · 1 year
Just saying this as an idea cause I haven't seen anyone post about this yet. Given how far she looks, what if Amanda gives birth in the finale? At the very end? And S25 opens up with the Rollisi baby a few months old, similar like how they did it with Jesse (but not including the bleeding and placental abruption of course)
I did briefly consider it, but there already seems to be a lot happening in the finale, so I'm not sure there would even be time. I don't think anyone wants a cliffhanger labour, either.
Also timeline wise, unless the baby was premature it wouldn't work her to give birth in the season finale. For the baby to be due in May she'd have gotten pregnant around the time she was recovering from having been shot (and it's unlikely that with all those doctors follow ups they somehow still wouldn't have known by December).
That said, the SVU writers aren't known for paying attention to their own timelines, so.
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thena0315 · 8 months
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I really just keep thinking about Dick Wolf's comments about how he feels the relationship should go. At this point, I really don't see them actively moving this forward until we have an end date in sight OR they need ratings help.
i would not be surprised if s24 is the end of svu. mariska has been doing this for such a long time and there is no show without her. they announced oc was picked up for s3 but no announcement for a s25 of svu, and anything can happen but i can see this being the end. if they go into this season knowing it's the end, they can craft a cohesive narrative for the full season, and they have the ability to give us something really satisfying. i really feel like we're gonna see some movement next season. the most recent statement i saw from dick wolf was "if they kiss it won't be this year, but you never know", which is standard hedging from a man who always insisted that he didn't want eo to end up together, but i really think, again given that the end of svu is in sight, s24 is the time for it.
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wcrldofresources · 2 years
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