real-seadweller-heir · 2 months
Alright. I wøuld like tø...førmally apøløgize. Før my behaviøur and wørds. My emøtiøns gøt the best øf me. I was distraught. I knøw nøne øf yøu mean half øf the wørds yøu say. ..this was gøing tø happen anyways, but. well. I shøuld have handled it with møre tact. Thank yøu all før the kindness yøu have displayed. Yøur patience... It is appreciated. I will be a better emperør-slash-heir tø make up før this in the future.
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bloodlesscecropia · 3 months
I wønder høw mæny øf the grubs I ræise will remember me
Nøt in æn ængsty wæy ør ænything
I’m just curiøus. I remember the jædes whø ræised me becæuse they were my lusii. Døes the little purple wriggler with the terrible heædæches remember høw I søøthed him? I høpe sø. I høpe it helps.
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infiniteproxy · 8 months
yøu peøple are ridiculøus.
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c0kewh0re6969 · 6 months
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ifelten · 9 months
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Grøn våbenflue (Chloromyia formosa)
Broad Centurion (Chloromyia formosa)
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i12bent · 1 year
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Gotfred Rode (Dec. 3, 1862 - 1937) was a Danish landscape painter and art teacher. He was Academy trained and later taught there at the Model School. Before that he played a major role at the Royal Porcelain Factory in Copenhagen where he pulled the decorations away from Art Nouveau and towards a more naturalistic and typically Danish expression.
Above: Skovparti (nær Hald Sø), 1891 - oil on canvas (Privately owned)
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neutralhate-lanyon · 2 years
Hey you should probably take a look at Jekyll's blog rn. He uh.. posted smth cough cough
@antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll @antiship-jekyll
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watchingalotofmovies · 4 months
The One and Only
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The One and Only    [trailer]
When handyman Niller comes to install Sus' new kitchen one day, their immediate crush is a sweet escape from both of their problematic relationships.
I can see how back then this became a big success for mainstream audiences in Denmark. But for me it feels more like a TV movie with a popular cast.
It's mostly predictable where it's going, and on its way to get there not really funny, and towards the end increasingly kitschy.
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maquina-semiotica · 7 months
SØS Gunver Ryberg, "Palacelike Timescale of Black" #NowPlaying
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markrothkono61 · 1 year
*defrosts my peer gynt obsession to prepare for my assignment*
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dkavisen · 1 year
Lille pige - stor stemme, stor personlighed, stor udøvende kunstner
Lille pige – stor stemme, stor personlighed, stor udøvende kunstner
Fredericia en mindre by, men en stor musikby. I Fredericia har vi besøg af mange gode og solide kunstnere, også inden for musikbranchen. Denne anmelder har set og hørt mange på det sidste, samt mødt mange, der skal derfor meget til at få mig til at løfte øjenbrynene en ekstra gang, det blev de i aftes. Søs Fenger debuterede i 1980 med bandet Sweet Intentions, resten er historie. Søs har gennem…
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real-seadweller-heir · 2 months
I know you care. That's fine. Maybe just rest tonight?
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bloodlesscecropia · 15 days
(qm) you're alternian, right?
i know a way to get grubs who'd be culled on beforus onto alternia if you'll help me. i really, really don't want these poor kids to get culled.
I æm, ænd I hæve friends whøse interests ælign with øurs, ænd lusii whø ære seeking tø bønd with trølls.
Whæt dø yøu hæve in mind?
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infiniteproxy · 11 months
Have you considered gorging yourself on blood?
that wøuld like as nøt make me ill.
but that is what blutwurst is før.
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ifelten · 1 year
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Natugle (Strix aluco)
Natugleungerne er hoppet af reden og har kravlet rundt i træerne den seneste uges tid, og nu begynder de så småt at kunne flyve fra træ til træ, hvor de tigger de voksne om mad.
Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
The Tawny Owl chicks have left the nest and have been climbing about in the trees for the past week or so. But now they start flying from tree to tree while begging for food from their parents.
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vierschanzentournee · 4 months
always so strange to hear an interview with an american or canadian jumper because i always expect ski jumping interviews to be like 'öm well ze jümp was very goot but ze wint was not sø nice so jä im happi :)'
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