#Sálvora Feliz
veredes · 4 years
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Yellow is the new white | Conjuntos Empáticos
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maddalenafragnito · 2 years
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Feminist Night Scapes
March 8, International Women’s Day for Feminist Nightscapes, a live digital walk curated by Sophie Lgg, Claudia Lomoschitz and Elke Krasny with contributions from feminist thinkers, activists, educators, artists, architects writing from different parts of the world. 
This year we are not celebrating, we are mourning. Starting at 9pm CET we gather online here https://akbild-ac-at.zoom.us/j/3837117023. International Women’s Day is more than a hundred years old. For more than a century women have been marching, gathering, and assembling that day to fight for conditions not yet there. When women were excluded from the right to vote, they marched for the vote. When women are being confronted with unfair labor conditions, they call for a global strike that day. This year, we are celebrating International Women’s Day under conditions of war, pandemic, and ecological ruination. There is not much to celebrate. But, all the more there are reasons to come together in feminist spirit, action, and politics and to find support in each other’s support and strength. In January 2022, we began to prepare this digital walk by reaching out to colleagues and friends asking them to share short texts on feminism and its relation to infrastructure and urban life. On March 8, their contributions will result in a composition of feminist voices on infrastructural inequity, and conditions of life and death in cities. A big feminist shout-out to all the contributors, Justine Bell in Copenhagen, Maddalena Fragnito and Zoe Romano in Milano, Angela Dimitrakaki, Edinburgh, Sylvia Sadzinski in Berlin, Lucy Delap in Cambridge, Nina Prader in Berlin, Lara Perry in Brighton, Natalia Avlona, Copenhagen, Helene Frichot in Melbourne, Tara McDowell in Melbourne, Marvi Mazhar in Karachi, Mara Sánchez Llorens and Sálvora Feliz Ricoy in Madrid, Matilde Igual in Valencia, Zaida Muxi in Barcelona,  Mascha Fehse and Licia Soldavini in Berlin, and Kirsten Lloyd in Edinburg. The marginalized majority, most of them women, cannot move freely and safely at night. Until day and night are peaceful times for all, feminist struggles for infrastructural equity will continue.The digital walk Feminist Nightscapes is part of the "OPENING EVENTS: EINRICHTUNG UND GEGEBENHEIT. INFRASTRUKTUR ALS FORM UND HANDLUNG", an exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, curated by Sabeth Buchmann, Martin Beck, and Stephanie Damianitsch. Thank you for inviting us to contribute!
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micro-arquitectura · 7 years
Encantada de compartir vídeos bonitos de momentos felices #seguimosenruta #ccenruta Pablo Amor Fermin Blanco Sálvora Feliz Marta G. Soler Berta Gutierrez Eso Lo Hace Mi Hijo Fabiola Uribe #tutakabooMarcela RamonAna Neiva Xose Manuel Rosales Virginia Navarro Ana Mombiedro Anabel Varona Maria Mallo Sonia Rayos Santiago Atrio Almudena De Benito Javier Encinas Javier González Patiño Mara Sánchez ....
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abuenker-blog · 7 years
Assignment #1
For my research, I chose to research history of the hashtag. I mainly used variations on the phrases, “history of the hashtag” and “evolution of the hashtag”, though I did also use pound in place of hashtag sometimes, to see if I could get some different results. I kept track of my keyword combinations with a memo app on my phone. I mainly type, so it was easier to use my phone than try to switch to a different word document every time I used a different keyword combination. To find the more credible sources, I tried to stick to articles that came from reputable websites, such as a newspaper or something similar. I also tried to do quick research on the author of the article as well, since that can make a big difference on how credible the article is. I trusted articles a bit easier when I was on google scholar versus just searching through google. I still tried to make sure that the website was credible, but I was a bit laxer on that, since I trust google scholar to have done some of the work for me.
 Works Cited
 Alam, Md Hijbul, Woo-Jong Ryu, and SangKeun Lee. "Hashtag-based topic evolution in social media." World Wide Web (2017): 1-23.
Bruns, Axel, and Jean E. Burgess. "The use of Twitter hashtags in the formation of ad hoc publics." Proceedings of the 6th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2011. 2011.
Cozma, Raluca, and Kuan-Ju Chen. "What's in a tweet? Foreign correspondents' use of social media." Journalism Practice 7.1 (2013): 33-46.
Cunha, Evandro, et al. "Analyzing the dynamic evolution of hashtags on twitter: a language-based approach." Proceedings of the Workshop on Languages in Social Media. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011.
Feliz, Tiberio, Carmen Ricoy, and Sálvora Feliz. "Analysis of the use of Twitter as a learning strategy in master’s studies." Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 28.3 (2013): 201-215.
Ferro, Shaunacy. “Where Does the Hashtag (A.k.a. Octothorpe) Come From?” Mental Floss, mentalfloss.com/article/64280/where-does-hashtag-aka-octothorpe-come. Accessed 6 June 2017.
Katz, Matthew S., et al. "Disease-specific hashtags for online communication about cancer care." JAMA oncology 2.3 (2016): 392-394.
Liu, Yabing, Chloe Kliman-Silver, and Alan Mislove. "The Tweets They Are a-Changin: Evolution of Twitter Users and Behavior." ICWSM 30 (2014): 5-314.
Ma, Zongyang, Aixin Sun, and Gao Cong. "Will this# hashtag be popular tomorrow?." Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 2012.
Ma, Zongyang, Aixin Sun, and Gao Cong. "On predicting the popularity of newly emerging hashtags in twitter." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64.7 (2013): 1399-1410.
MacArthur, A. "The History of Hashtags." Twitter, retrieved from: http://twitter. about. com/od/Twitter-Hashtags/a/The-History-Of-Hashtags. htm (2013).
Pandell, Lexi. “An Oral History Of The #Hashtag.” Wired, Wired, 19 May 2017, www.wired.com/2017/05/oral-history-hashtag/. Accessed 6 June 2017.
Van den Berg, Jan Albert. "The story of the hashtag (#): A practical theological tracing of the hashtag (#) symbol on Twitter." HTS Theological Studies 70.1 (2014): 1-6.
Veletsianos, George, and Royce Kimmons. "Scholars in an increasingly open and digital world: How do education professors and students use Twitter?." The Internet and Higher Education 30 (2016): 1-10.
Williams, Sherri. "Digital defense: black feminists resist violence with hashtag activism." Feminist Media Studies 15.2 (2015): 341-344.
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veredes · 4 years
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Artefacto #estaesmiplaza | Conjuntos Empáticos
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veredes · 3 years
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Pasados-presentes para un contexto afectivo | Conjuntos Empáticos (Sálvora Feliz + Marta Benito + Noemí Díaz)
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veredes · 7 years
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Pabellón pop-up para activación programática en COCA | Conjuntos Empáticos
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