#Rose Gregorio
milliondollarbaby87 · 2 months
The Deep End of the Ocean (1999) Review
When Ben, the youngest member of the family, is kidnapped with no trace to be found. Nine years later, everything is about to change when they find him living in the new town they have just moved to. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Deep End of the Ocean (1999) Review
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siesporamor · 5 months
THE most unhinged father-son relationship. I love them.
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byneddiedingo · 4 months
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Burt Lancaster in The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
Cast: Burt Lancaster, Janet Langford, Janice Rule, Joan Rivers, Tony Bickley, Marge Champion, Kim Hunter, Bill Fiore, Rose Gregorio, Charles Drake, House Jameson, Nancy Cushman, Bernie Hamilton. Screenplay: Eleanor Perry, based on a short story by John Cheever. Cinematography: David L. Quaid. Art direction: Peter Dohanos. Film editing: Sidney Katz, Carl Lerner, Pat Somerset. Music: Marvin Hamlisch.
The Swimmer evokes that common anxiety dream in which you're naked or in your underwear in a familiar place like work or school. The people around you don't seem to notice, but you suspect that they're secretly laughing at you. The dream is produced, of course, by something that you don't want other people to know about you. Ned Merrill (Burt Lancaster) isn't naked, but he's exposed, wearing swim trunks and barefoot, when we first see him walking through the woods. He comes upon a group of his neighbors gathered around their swimming pool. They greet him heartily, commenting on how long it's been since they got together, serving drinks and making small talk. Ned suddenly has an idea: All of his neighbors have pools. Why couldn't he swim his way home, moving from pool to pool until he reaches his destination? The group cheers him on. Ned is an athletic middle-aged man (Lancaster was in his mid-50s when the film was made, but looked perhaps ten years younger), and the day is sunny and warm. But as he continues his pool-hopping, he injures himself slightly and the day gets darker and chillier, and so does the reception of the pool-owners he encounters. We begin to discover that Ned is in financial trouble and that the marriage he initially portrayed as happy has fallen apart. The John Cheever story on which the film is based is often read as a fable about suburban hypocrisy and male anxiety, and the movie supports those and other interpretations. Lancaster is perfect casting, not only because of his physical fitness but also because of the signs of aging that the camera inevitably reveals -- camera angles, for example, sometimes show the thinning of the hair at the crown of his head. But the film version lacks the Everyman quality of Cheever's story, missing some of the shock of recognition by the reader, an inevitability in its translation to a visual medium. It also ran into some trouble with producer Sam Spiegel, who had many scenes recast and reshot, firing director Frank Perry and replacing him with Sydney Pollack. It was not a success at the box office, being a little too oblique for audiences and some critics, but it has gained stature with time. 
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Après avoir atterris à Santiago, nous nous sommes rendus chez Gregorio, un des meilleurs amis de ma grand-mère Madyl. Il a gentiment accepté de nous prêter son appartement et il tenait à passer quelques jours avec nous.
Ma mère m’avait prévenu qu’il me ferait sûrement beaucoup penser à Madyl et elle ne s’est pas trompée. En entrant dans l’appartement son odeur m’a tout de suite parue familière, cela sentait comme chez elle. Gregorio nous a accueillis comme si nous nous connaissions depuis toujours et nous avons évoqué avec nostalgie nos souvenirs de cette douce connaissance commune.
Je lui ai présenté Charles et nous nous sommes rapidement couchés car il était déjà 2h du matin passées !
Le lendemain Charles et moi avons été à l’agence Suzi Santiago CW (que je recommande vivement à tous les voyageurs souhaitant acheter un véhicule au Chili) afin de commencer les démarches pour acheter notre future voiture.
Ensuite, nous avons flâné dans les rues de Santiago en attendant d’aller rencontrer le notaire (avec qui nous devons préparer les papiers en vue de l’achat du véhicule).
La ville de Santiago est immense, les tours y sont si hautes qu’on se casserait presque la nuque en voulant voir leur cime. C’est une ville très moderne avec d’immenses avenues comme aux États-Unis et le moins qu’on puisse dire c’est que nous nous sentions minuscules.
J’ai remarqué plusieurs choses en me baladant :
Les gens adorent s’assoir sur le sol du métro. Dans chaque station et chaque rame on trouve des jeunes assis à même le sol, lisant des livres ou écoutant de la musique.
Il est possible de se faire dire la bonne aventure par des voyantes à la sauvette qui installent leurs tentes près du mercado central (le marché des poissons). D’ailleurs, elles font beaucoup de publicité sur le sol et les passages piétons. C’est drôle de voir que la culture spirituelle est assez développée.
Il y a un nombre incroyable de vendeurs ambulants. Du lot de pansement jusqu’aux glaces en passant par des babioles sans aucun sens, tu peux pratiquement tout trouver rien qu’en te promenant dans les rues ou le métro.
Il y a énormément de bougainvilliers, l'arbre préféré de Madyl et moi. Ils ne sont pas seulement roses mais parfois rouges, blancs et même orange !
Le soir nous avons été dîner dans un super restaurant de Jazz qui faisait des pizzas à tomber par terre. Nous avons écouté les notes de musique s’éparpiller dans l’air tandis que Gregorio nous berçait des histoires de sa jeunesse. Un vrai régal !
Hier, Gregorio a décidé qu’il nous accompagnerait au Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino qui recense l’art des populations natives d’Amérique Latine. Nous avons adoré nous promener lentement à ses côtés en observant toutes les œuvres. Ça m’a rappelé les musées que je faisais avec Madyl.
Il nous a ensuite emmené voir le mercado central, un marché de poissons, pour y manger un bon repas. Je pense que c'est le moment où nous avons été le plus dépaysés depuis notre départ. Le marché avait une atmosphère géniale, très locale, avec des vendeurs de poissons et des restaurateurs prêts à tout pour t'appâter à leur échoppe ou leur table. Des musiciens et leurs guitares accompagnaient les mets en fredonnant des chansons de Valparaiso. J'aurais pu passer la journée là à observer la ville vivre.
Ce matin, Gregorio est parti. Il est rentré dans son petit village à Lolol où nous le rejoindrons dès que nous aurons la voiture pour lui rendre visite. Il m’a montré une vidéos des mygales qui traînent parfois dans son jardin, j’ai pâli de terreur puis j’ai fini par me dire qu’il était sûrement peut être temps d’affronter cette peur.
Charles et moi nous retrouvons donc tous deux face au monstre qu’est Santiago, nous avons hâte de la suite !
On se retrouve très vite pour de nouvelles aventures.
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holly-poly · 2 years
Nomination Clarifications #2
We're now at about 340 fandoms and 1978 ships nominated. And we've currently got another 41 fandoms to look at. We have a countdown here for how long until nominations close. Update on the glitch that was happening - it was mainly happening to Marvel 616 nominations, with a couple of Stargate ships also rejected. Thankfully, AO3 support was able to change the rejected nominations back to not rejected for us, so people should be seeing Marvel 616 nominations going through okay now. We have a few fandoms we want input on since we're not familiar with them and what level of shared characters and canon there is. Firstly, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series) and Pokemon Rangers, would fan of these recommend combining into a general Pokemon (Video Games) category or keeping them separate? We also have a number of Yu-Gi-Oh Anime & Manga fandom nominations, which we're currently assuming probably ought to be kept as separate but would appreciate input on whether that is best too: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and Yu-Gi-Oh! - All Media Types.
More individual nominations clarification questions below the keep reading cut.
If you nominated Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)/Dick Grayson (DCU) under Crossover - Fandom, can you let us know if you mean Percy Jackson books, films or any version. If you nominated Clint Barton (Marvel)/Kurt Wagner (Marvel)/Dick Grayson (DCU) under Crossover - Fandom, can you let us what you mean by Marvel - is it MCU, X-Men Original or Alternate timeline movies, or if comics which Marvel comics universe. If you nominated Kurt Wagner (Marvel)/Pietro Maximoff (Marvel)/Dick Grayson (DCU)/Wally West (DCU) under Crossover - Fandom, can  you let us what you mean by Marvel - is it MCU, X-Men Original or   Alternate timeline movies, or if comics which Marvel comics universe. If you nominated MacGuyver (MacGuyver)/Tony Stark (MCU)/Bruce Wayne (DCU) under Crossover - Fandom, we assume you mean Angus "Mac" MacGyver but could you let us know if you mean MacGyver (1985 TV series) or MacGyver (2016 TV series) or either of them. If you nominated The Doctor/Jack Harkness/River Song/Rose Tyler under Doctor Who, please clarify what version of the The Doctor you're referring to. If you nominated The Doctor/The Master/The Rani under Doctor Who, please clarify what version of the The Doctor, The Master, and The Rani, you're referring to. If you nominated Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken/Any Female Character(s) under Doctor Who, do you mean any canon female characters or literally any female characters, including original female character(s). If you nominated Peter Parker (Spider-Man 2001)/Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man)/Peter Parker (MCU) under Marvel Cinematic Universe, we assume you probably mean the Tobey Maguire version from Spiderman 2002 and Andrew Garfield Spiderman for the first two characters since they have appeared in the MCU but please can you confirm. If you nominated Clint Barton (MCU)/Pietro Maximoff (MCU)/Pietro Maximoff (X-Men: Alternate Timeline Movies) under Marvel Cinematic Universe, we assume you meant Peter Maximoff from X-Men but wanted to check since there's also Pietro Maximoff in WandaVision as played by Evan Peters and this was nominated under MCU. If you meant Peter Maximoff from X-Men, we would probably consider this a crossover ship instead, although feel free to put forth why you believe it belongs in the MCU and we may reconsider that. If you nominated Adil/Abigail Bellweather/Gregoria Shellbark/Tally Craven under Motherland: Fort Salem (TV), can you confirm if you meant to type Gregorio Shellbark or is Gregoria another character? If you nominated Marlene Alraune/Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Marc Spector under Moon Knight (TV), can you confirm whether Marlene Alraune actually appears in the TV show? From what we could tell looking online it looked like she wasn't, which would make this a crossover ship instead, but none of the mods have seen it yet to be sure. If you nominated Darlene Conner/Molly Tilden/Marcy (Roseanne) under Roseanne, could you confirm if you mean the character Marcy Bellinger who appears on the related show of The Connors or another character? If you nominated Hernando Fuentes/Lito Rodriguez & Daniela Velasquez under Sense8, please can you edit that to be a  "/" rather than a "&". If you  want to request that a relationship be asexual/queerplatonic/etc., then  that's something to include in your details when signing up. If you nominated Zakia Asalache/Capheus Onyango/Jela/Jela's wife under Sense8, can you confirm if you mean Eleana for Jela's wife? If you nominated Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres AU under Star Trek: Classic Timeline, can you clarify what you mean by B'Elanna Torres AU. If it's an AU version of her from a particular episode the episode name added would help identify who you mean. If you nominated Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres freeform under Star Trek: Classic Timeline, can you clarify what you mean by freeform, is this referring to the AO3 tag as a freeform tag or something else? If you nominated Padmé Amidala/handmaidens under Star Wars - All Media Types, do you mean handmaidens generally or did you mean specifically Royal Naboo Handmaiden Characters. If you nominated Ivan Vorpatril/Byerly Vorrutyer/OMC under Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold, did you mean Original Male Character(s) or something else? If you nominated Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey and Neal Caffrey/Mozzie under White Collar,  please can you edit that to be all one ship using a  "/" rather than two linked with an and. If you  want to request that parts of an OT4 relationship be asexual/queerplatonic/etc., then  that's something to include in your details when signing up. If you have any questions about what fandom to use when making   nominations, or any other questions in general, please feel free to   leave a comment on this post. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]. Collection: https://ao3.org/collections/holly_poly_2022 Tag Set: https://archiveofourown.org/tag_sets/12906 Tumblr: https://holly-poly.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/holly_poly_ex
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
So, this will not be surprising coming from me, and I will tbh be happy if you even come up with 2-3 reasons. But, it's just fun nonetheless to see what you can say about them. So!
Franletta and Jam :)
But then I also wanna give you something that's more easy for you, so I will give you Gastina and Diecesca too <3
I see what you did here Sara... I totally deserve this after the ask I sent you. I will do my best.
They care about each other so much
the cheek kisses
Really good duets
Girls before guys
How they support each other
I mean best friends to lovers
Rodar mi Vida... and how they are obsessed with that song. Seriously, they sing it like 4 times during S1 and that's just the opens
I don't really ship either of them with their canon love interests
They are each other's hype girls
They share one brain cell
They are absolutely chaotic and annoying but the same amount and together
Unexpected, but still very good buildup
Healthy couple
Good communication skills, even in an argument
Even when he was angry at her, Gastón never managed to say anything bad about her and continuously said how he loved her
Never had the "how was so wrong about her/him" phase during a break-up
Nina always dropping her books
Never once fell out of love
the PINING!!!!
Fell in love with each other twice
The relationship was established through emotional connection a and shared interests
The PDA and physical affection
Gastón can't keep his hands to himself while she is around
Different personalities that complement each other
They bring out the best in each other
Gastón considered Nina to be part of his future
Mature, passionate and serious relationship
She was the best thing that ever happened to him: S2E23~ "Truth is, you're the best thing that ever happened to me." / S2E47~ "Nina has been the best thing in my life."
Short break up in DCLA standards (it was only 24 episodes. Leonetta could never)
Needed outside forces to stay apart
Matteo is the biggest shipper
Absolutely endgame, screw S3, they got back together at Oxford... it is canon
Going a little bit into the headcanon territory: Gastón provided Nina the stable and whole family she never had
The amount of "I love you"s. (the sad thing about this is that Te Amo was forbidden in SL apparently)
Always found their way back to each other
Gastón brought Nina out of her shell, but he also could be himself with her and drop that "popular cool guy persona"
The matching outfits
Just the scene at the lockers in S2E2
"Nina y Felicity, Chica en mi suenos"
The names in the sand and the blue ribbons
They were absolutely miserable apart
Same intelligence level
The absolutely made up story about the airplane and cake after the extreme singers. He just told her that to make her smile.
The small ear thing in S2E9
The way he always puts her hair behind her ear
They speak in the manner only their heart can hear. (Yes, I stole this from Bridgerton)
The red roses
I could go on forever, but this covers most of it
They bring the chaos
hidden relationship (even if the reason was stupid)
the hiding was funny
Diego recognized Fran under the Fausta wig
How absolutely everyone found out by accident
The validation (Story time: I saw S3 first time in 2016. I never cared for Marco and Fran. When Diego and Fran got lost in the woods at the start of S3, I was like "huh? I like this dynamic... they are cute. Will they be a thing?" Note, I did not know that Marco was leaving. And I kept shipping them, thinking that they would never happen.)
Fran and Gregorio's relationship
they just were super cute
Fran had dreams about Diego
The whole fiasco with Andres and Fausta
The whole lost in Caiz plot (where did they sleep? Why didn't either of them have a credit card?)
the kisses
The one episode lasting break-up Diego never took seriously
They sound extremely good together
I like Se Qui Soy okay... I don't get the hate it gets. Anyways, it was clearly about Fran
They actually had a healthy and normal relationship. So normal the writer had to bring the hiding into the mix to make it meet the DCLA standards
Okay, I guess that is it. I could come up with 1000 more for Gastina, but I don't have unlimited amounts of time. But seriously, where did Diego and Fran sleep during S3 finale? They didn't have money.
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veinblooded · 1 year
cael’s learning abilities
cael is a fast learner; his learning/adapting abilities are terrifying and by all means should be feared. although his brain might process mundane things more slowly— mostly because ‘mundane’, while it’s a familiar concept to many, is actually a foreign definition for him and he, unfortunately, isn’t used to experiencing normality when his life has never been normal to begin with, but when it comes to combat/fighting, it works in a scarily brilliant way.
he died when he was some 20-year-old boy who was a scorned orphan, and had little combat experience in possession— he was ultimately a clumsy brawler/street fighter at best, yet he successfully rose from nothingness to one of the most formidable first-generation revenants within the brief period of training under gregorio silva’s wings, and was later known to be a literal monster with a matchless brutal and relentless combat style, focusing on strength and high speed, and with how merciless he was when executing comrades-turned-lost. it’s not an exaggeration to say that cael was a key factor amongst many that led to the victory in the first wave of horrors. there were only a few who could stand to be cael’s equal in his time. 
this, of course, was a result of endless training with questionable methods that silva chose to implement combined with cael’s already existing apathetic and vindictive nature and his inhuman improvement speed. it doesn’t matter if it’s a new enermy or not, he can quickly analyse his opponent on the spot and learn/adapt to what their strengths and weaknesses are, what they are good at and what they lack, and what will be the most efficient way to take down someone/something in the shortest amount of time. when he fights, he is going in for the kill. i stress, once again, that cael should be rightfully feared. 
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realtorjamier · 4 months
12 Restaurants to Try in the DMV Region!
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(Please note: We recommend calling ahead to see what each establishment’s COVID policy is. Some may require proof of vaccination.)
Immigrant Food at the Planet Word Museum in downtown D.C. features culinary selections from all over the world. Enjoy a menu where you can choose from “Taj Mahal Chicken Sliders,” “Havana Sandwiches,” “West African Gumbo,” “Viet Vibes Bowl,” “Latin Flan” and an assortment of other global delicacies. 
Not only does Immigrant Food offer a diverse menu, but they also promote “gastroadvocacy” by educating customers about how they can get involved with immigrant advocacy efforts in their communities. Their “Engagement Menu” shares ways you can make a difference in the lives of immigrants.
Immigrant Food’s Washington D.C. locations include The Planet Word Museum at 925 13th St. NW, as well as the Union Market District and The White House.
Visit online at https://immigrantfood.com/.
If you’d like to focus your special dining experience on a specific country, here are some other great options:
“A touch of Paris on the Potomac,” Bistro du Jour serves traditional fare like Coq Au Vin and Duck Confit and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as weekend brunch. Their all-day Parisian bistro also features freshly-baked pastries from Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery and coffee from La Colombe.
Visit Bistro Du Jour at 99 District Square SW, Washington, D.C. and online at https://www.bistro-dujour.com/.
Schnitzel, Bratwurst, German Potato Salad, and several creative takes on the classic pretzel, 
The Bronson Bierhall is a traditional German bar located in Ballston, Va. (Don’t fret: if someone in your party is not a German food fan, they also serve mainstays like pizza, salad and sandwiches.) Bronson’s beer menu boasts ales, lagers, malts, and more. For those unfamiliar with the many beer varieties, their menu helps whittle down your choices by categorizing them according to taste preferences. 
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Maybe it’s destiny, or maybe it’s simply your appetite for Indian spice that leads you to Kismet in Old Town Alexandria. Chef Ajay Kumar brings his award-winning fare from Kismet’s sister restaurant, Karma, in downtown D.C. to this Virginia locale. Food paired with craft mixology elevates the concept of Indian dining to a modern level.
Visit Kismet Modern Indian at 111 North Pitt Street in Alexandria, Va. and online at https://kismetmodernindian.com/.
Visit Karma Modern Indian at 611 I Street NW in Washington, D.C. or online at http://karmamodernindian.com/.
With consistently good customer reviews, Gregorio’s features Italian favorites just like Mamma made – but even more! Bonus: an extensive gluten-free menu. Double bonus: locations in Reston, Potomac, and Bethesda!
Visit Gregorio’s at 1428 N. Point Village Center in Reston, 7745 Tuckerman Lane in Potomac, 4611-A Sangamore Road in Bethesda, and online at https://gregoriostrattoria.com/.
Enjoy an updated version of the traditional Japanese Hot Pot or a Kaiseki experience – a small plate menu with delicacies from the sea. Shabu Plus boasts quality organic produce and poultry, top-grade meats, and sustainable seafood. 
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Melina offers modernized Greek classics in a fine casual setting with quality ingredients from the sea and grilled meats. Kebabs, Souvlaki, Tzatziki, Kleftiko, and more!
Visit Melina at 905 Rose Avenue in North Bethesda, Md. and online at https://www.melinagreek.com/.
Looking for great Mexican food with vegetarian and gluten-free options? Los Companeros opened in 2021 with authentic Mexican cuisine in D.C.
Visit Los Companeros at 1819 Columbia Road N.W. and online at https://www.loscompaneros.net/menu.
Middle Eastern/Persian Gulf/Northern India
Leila’s dining and nightlife experience draws cultural and culinary inspiration from the Middle East, Persian Gulf, and North India – all under one roof. Extra: Hookah is available in a variety of flavors including Watermelon Mint, Mango, Bluemist, and more.
Visit Leila at 7943B Tysons Corner Center in Tysons, Va. and online at https://www.meetleila.com/.
Enjoy a life of luxury with Dolce Vita’s Mediterranean fusion food highlighting four countries: Italy, Morocco, Spain, and Greece. The wine list is expansive with 150 bottles and a signature cocktail list, too. The interior design features hand-painted murals, electric blue velvet chairs and an open kitchen where you can watch the chefs at work. Go all out at the chef’s table adjacent to the wine cellar.
Visit Dolce Vita at 1610 14th Street N.W. in Washington, D.C. and online at https://www.dolcevitadc.com/.
The Inn at Little Washington will require you to drive through the Virginia countryside, but the “Gastronaut” and “Good Earth” menus prepared by world-renowned Chef Patrick O’Connell are well worth the trip. Much of the produce and herbs used in the restaurant is raised on their small farm by Farmer-in-Residence Joneve Murphy. Throughout the last four decades, The Inn has established a network of local farmers and suppliers whose products represent the best in the region. In 2021, Michelin awarded The Inn a Green Star for sustainability. Bonus: The Inn’s 23 luxurious guest rooms and suites were designed by a London stage and set designer.  
Visit The Inn at Little Washington at Middle & Main Streets in Washington, Va. and online at https://www.theinnatlittlewashington.com.
Contact me to connect with a knowledgeable agent like myself, who can help you explore all that the area has to offer, including close proximity to your favorite cuisines!
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wikiuntamed · 6 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Saturday, 11th November
Welcome, Bienvenue, שלום, Bienvenida 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 11th November through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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11th November 2022 🗓️ : Event - Russo-Ukrainian War Russo-Ukrainian War: Ukrainian armed forces enter the city of Kherson following a successful two-month southern counteroffensive. "The Russo-Ukrainian War is an ongoing international conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in February 2014. Following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military in the Donbas war. The first..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by AFU StratCom
11th November 2017 🗓️ : Death - Chiquito de la Calzada Chiquito de la Calzada, Spanish singer, actor and comedian (b. 1932) "Gregorio Esteban Sánchez Fernández (28 May 1932, Málaga – 11 November 2017, Málaga), known as Chiquito de la Calzada, was a Spanish flamenco singer and actor, although he rose to fame as a stand-up comedian. Chiquito de la Calzada became very popular in Spanish TV shows (especially Genio y figura)..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Daniel Capilla
11th November 2013 🗓️ : Death - Atilla Karaosmanoğlu Atilla Karaosmanoğlu, Turkish economist and politician, 33rd Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey (b. 1931) "Atilla Karaosmanoğlu (20 September 1932 – 11 November 2013) was a Turkish economist and politician...."
11th November 1973 🗓️ : Death - Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Finnish chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1895) "Artturi Ilmari Virtanen (Finnish: [ˈɑrtːuri ˈʔilmɑri ˈʋirtɑnen] ; 15 January 1895 – 11 November 1973) was a Finnish chemist and recipient of the 1945 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method".He..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by
AnonymousUnknown author
11th November 1923 🗓️ : Event - Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler is arrested in Munich for high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch. "Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈaːdɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] ; 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de? by Heinrich Hoffmann
11th November 1821 🗓️ : Birth - Fyodor Dostoevsky Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and philosopher (d. 1881) "Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (UK: , US: ; Russian: pre-1918: Ѳедоръ Михайловичъ Достоевскій; post-1918: Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, tr. Fyódor Mikháylovich Dostoyévskiy, IPA: [ˈfʲɵdər mʲɪˈxajləvʲɪdʑ dəstɐˈjefskʲɪj] ; 11 November 1821 – 9 February 1881), sometimes transliterated as Dostoyevsky,..."
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Image by Vasily Perov
11th November 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Mercurius (Coptic) "Mercurius (Greek: Ἅγιος Μερκούριος, Coptic: Ⲫⲓⲗⲟⲡⲁⲧⲏⲣ Ⲙⲉⲣⲕⲟⲩⲣⲓⲟⲥ; Syriac: ܡܳܪܩܘ̇ܪܝܘ̇ܣ; 224/225 – 250 AD) was a Roman soldier of Scythian descent who became a Christian saint and martyr. He was born in the city of Eskentos in Cappadocia, in Eastern Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). According to..."
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globalhint · 6 months
Qatar is leading negotiations between Israel and Hamas
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Qatar is leading negotiations between Israel and Hamas. As Israel stepped up its attack on the enclave, a source briefed on the negotiations stated that talks between Israel and Hamas under Qatari mediation to defuse the situation in Gaza continued on Saturday. Speaking on condition of anonymity owing to the sensitivity of the negotiations, the source told Reuters that while talks have not collapsed, they are now happening at a "much slower pace" than they were before the escalation on Friday night. There was very little communication between the beleaguered inhabitants of Gaza and the outside world on Saturday, as Israeli jets continued to dump bombs on the Palestinian enclave run by Hamas and military officials hinted at the preparation of a long-awaited ground offensive. For over three weeks, Qatar has been engaging in covert diplomacy with Israel and Hamas representatives in an effort to advance peace and negotiate the release of over 200 captives that Hamas and other armed groups are holding in Gaza. Last week, two American hostages, a mother and daughter, and two elderly Israeli women were freed thanks to Qatar's intervention. On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the negotiations to obtain the release of the hostages will not stop despite the current offensive in Gaza. "We will utilize and exhaust every possibility to bring them home," Netanyahu stated. The armed wing of Hamas had earlier claimed that it was close to coming to an arrangement with Israel over the hostages, but that Israel had "stalled" in that regard. The Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades' spokesman, Abu Ubaida, added in a video speech that the group would only liberate all of its hostages if Israel released all Palestinian prisoners. Israel claims that 1,400 people, primarily civilians, were killed and 224 hostages, many of whom had foreign passports from 25 different countries, were taken prisoner during the Hamas-led operation on October 7. Over the past three weeks, Israel has bombarded and targeted Gaza more heavily than it has ever done before. According to Palestinian health authorities, these attacks have resulted in the deaths of over 7,000 Palestinians in Gaza, which Hamas controls. Hamas maintains a political office in Doha and maintains direct contact with Qatar, a small but affluent oil and investment powerhouse with aspirational foreign policy aspirations. In the past, Qatari envoys have assisted in mediating ceasefires between Israel and the Islamist organization. Writing by Andrew Mills; editing by David Evans, Andrew Cawthorne, and David Gregorio; reporting by Andrew Mills in Doha, Emily Rose in Jerusalem, and Hatem Maher and Enas Alashray in Cairo source credit ALSO READ: Hamas says Israel ‘stalled’ a potential deal over hostages. Read the full article
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I found this on NewsBreak: Rose Gregorio Dies: Actress Who Played Julianna Margulies’ Mom in ‘ER’ Was 97
I found this on NewsBreak: Rose Gregorio Dies: Actress Who Played Julianna Margulies’ Mom in ‘ER’ Was 97
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
Rose Gregorio, Tony Nominee for 'The Shadow Box' and Actress on 'ER,' Dies at 97
Rose Gregorio, who got a Tony election for her efficiency as the browbeaten child of Geraldine Fitzgerald’s decreasing old female in the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama The Shadow Boxhas actually passed away. She was 97. Gregorio passed away Aug. 17 of natural causes in her Greenwich Village house, her nephew Robert Grosbard informed The Hollywood Reporter Gregorio was wed to Belgium-born phase and…
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pirapopnoticias · 8 months
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onestatebusinessnews · 8 months
US stock-indices closed sharply higher; AI chip maker Nvidia leads in results
U.S. stocks closed sharply higher on Wednesday as Nvidia shares rose ahead of quarterly results from the company whose chips are widely used for artificial intelligence (AI) computing.
Investors hope that another strong outlook from Nvidia could drive further upside in tech stocks. It is due to report after the closing bell.
Nvidia shares rallied ahead of the report, adding to recent gains. Its stock is up more than 220% so far this year.
Adding to Wall Street’s upbeat mood, the yield on the 10-year US Treasury note eased from a 16-year high following weak business activity data from the United States and the euro zone.
“What’s troubling this market is the steady rise in rates over a long period of time,” said Robert Chan, Managing partner at Chan Tayag Southeast Equities, with investment office in San Francisco, Hong Kong, and in The Philippines.
US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments on Friday at the Jackson Hole conference will be scrutinized for clues on the US central bank’s interest rate path.
The S&P 500 rose 48.84 points, or 1.11%, to 4,436.39, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 215.16 points, or 1.59%, to 13,721.03, according to early data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 188.50 points, or 0.55%, to 34,477.33.
Nvidia’s report and comments will be important to the broader market, Mechler said.
“Not just their numbers, but what they say in the conference call about what’s happening in AI is going to have a big impact on market sentiment,” he said.
Nvidia is part of the so-called Magnificent Seven group of megacap stocks, including Apple and Tesla, that have driven the S&P 500’s sharp gains this year, and investors fear a selloff if the company fails to meet expectations.
The S&P 500 will post only modest gains between now and the end of the year, according to strategists in a Reuters poll, after posting strong gains earlier this year. The index was projected to end the year at 4,496.
Shares of drugmakers Gilead Sciences and Merck & Co rose after Swiss rival Roche inadvertently published positive lung cancer drug test data.
(Reporting by Carolyn Valetkevich; Additional reporting by Amrita Khandekar and Srishti Achar; Editing by Shinjini Ganguly, Anil D’Silva and David Gregorio)
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my TW muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 39 Newest Member; Jared Parrish & Stephen HemmingAdded; 5/15/23
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(Quick note; just like with my tvdu muse list all families are in order of oldest to youngest.)
Void Azazel Reynard... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Aspen Bella Stilinski... portrayed by Hailee Steinfeld Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Scott Gregorio McCall... portrayed by Tyler Posey Christopher Henry Argent... portrayed by JR Bourne Adrian Archer Argent... portrayed by Drew Roy Allison Artemis Argent... portrayed by Crystal Reed Addison Athena Argent... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell Lyla Sage Martin... portrayed by Grace Holley Lydia Sophia Martin... portrayed by Holland Roden Jackson William Whittemore... portrayed by Colton Haynes Derek Samuel Hale... portrayed by Tyler Hoechlin Cora Avery Hale... portrayed by Adelaide Kane Amaia Tala Alexander... portrayed by Katelyn Nacon Malik Elias Hale... portrayed by Matthew Daddario Madelaine Emery Hale... portrayed by Emeraude Toubia Camden Matthew Lahey... portrayed by Charlie Hunnam Isaiah Parker Lahey... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Isaac Michael Lahey... portrayed by Daniel Sharman Vernon Dallas Boyd... portrayed by Sinqua Walls Danny Keahu Mahealani... portrayed by Keahu Kahuanui Malia Elizabeth Tate... portrayed by Shelley Hennig Kira Jade Yukimura... portrayed by Arden Cho Amadora Constance Sharpe... portrayed by Sofia Carson Theodore Christian Raeken... portrayed by Cody Christian Callum Tate Raeken... portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Dawson Cole Reynolds... portrayed by Steven R. McQueen Jordan Tyler Parrish... portrayed by Ryan Kelley Jared Taylor Parrish... portrayed by Niall Horan Aiden Jacob Steiner... portrayed by Max Carver Mason Cade Hewitt... portrayed by Khylin Rhambo Brett Lee Talbot... portrayed by Cody Saintgnue Garrett Cole Williams... portrayed by Mason Dye Nolan Andrew Holloway... portrayed by Froy Gutierrez Bobby Adam Finstock... portrayed by Orny Adams Marin Sophia Morrell... portrayed by Bianca Lawson Braeden Valerie Bardot... portrayed by Meagan Tandy Deucalion Damien Hemming... portrayed by Gideon Emery Stephen Ezekiel Hemming... portrayed by Harry Styles
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atletasudando · 1 year
Pruebas de alto nivel en la cita internacional en Caracas
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Informe: Iván Romero /FVA La realización de la Copa Internacional Simón Bolívar, entre el 26 y 29 de abril en la pista de la Academia Militar/Fuerte Tiuna en Caracas, permitió que los atletas venezolanos -tanto en mayores como juveniles- tuvieran una posibilidad de fuerte competencia con vistas a sus próximos compromisos. Estuvieron un fuerte equipo de Cuba, además de atletas de Bolivia y de varias naciones del Caribe. Los cubanos llegaron con valores de primera línea como la consagrada Rose Marie Almanza (marcó 1:59.69 en los 800 llanos), Silinda Morales en disco con 61.73 y Marys Patterson, que reunió 5.767 puntos en el heptathlon. También cubano, Reynaldo Espinoza dominó las pruebas masculinas de velocidad con 10.26 (-0.6) en 100 y 21.06 en 200,  quedando segundo el local Alexis Nieves, cuyos registros de 10.41 y 21.10 respectivamente son los mejores de la temporada para él. Nieves también integró el relevo 4x100 con Bryan Alamo, Diego Vivas y Rafael Vásquez, que cronometró promisorios 39.68. Y la velocidad femenina (FOTO) ofreció interesantes resultados, con el progreso de las atletas locales Orangy Jiménez y Beynailis Romero, quienes consiguieron sus mejores marcas. En los 100 metros, con viento -06ms, se impuso la cubana Yunisleidy García con 11.22, seguida por su compatriota Yarima García con 11.50, Jiménez con 11.56 (tras sus 11.50 en las series) y la juvenil Romero con 11.92 (1.88 en serie). En 200, Yunisleidy se impuso con 23.00, seguida por Jiménez con 23.06, Yarima García con 23.32 y Romero con 23.91. Romero asoma así como una de las venezolanas con posibilidades para el próximo Sudamericano u20, al igual que otros atletas que se destacaron en esta Copa. Por ejemplo, Carlos Córdoba (venció en jabalina con 61.22 y reunió 6670 puntos en el decathlon, donde fue tercero detrás de los cubanos Yancarlos Hernández/7.329 y Briander Rivero/7229). También Ricardo Montes de Oca, el menor que venía de implantar el récord absoluto de garrocha y que ahora -con 5.20- compartió el primer puesto con el cubano Napoles, ambos en 5.20. Otras juveniles que asoman con chances son Wilismar Padrón (ganó los 400 vallas en 58.84) y Mary Pires da Conceicao, quien marcó 13.29 en el salto triple, escoltando a la cubana Devisleidi Velazco (13.83). Entre los hombres, la mejor producción de los visitantes la ofreció Cristian Napoles con sus 17.23 (0.5) en el salto triple, seguido por su compatriota Andy Hechavarría con 16.69 y el local Leodan Torrealba (16.50). También contaron con Mario Díaz (63.64 en disco) y Yasmani Fernández (69.41 en martillo) y en damas con poderosos relevos de 44.46 en 4x100 y 3:33.37 en 4x400. En las pruebas femeninas de fondo, la cubana Anisleidys Ochoa ganó con 16:43.99 en 5.000 y 35:11.41 en 10.000, seguida en ambos casos por la boliviana Jhoselyn camargo (16:49.11, 35:32.17). La ex medallista mundial del salto con garrocha y dominadora de esta prueba a nivel sudamericano en las últimas temporadas, Robeilys Peinado, ya volvió a la competición y ahora ganó con 4.20. Otros valores destacados entre los locales fueron Kelvis Padrino con 45.75 en 400, José Antonio Maita con 1:47.55 en 800, Sebastián López con 3:54.60 en 1.500, José Gregorio Peña con 9:09.15 en la prueba de obstáculos. Read the full article
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