#Ronaw: Hells finest
Ronaw walks over to the hellscape that is currently the phoneix legions commander...a boiling rage that he has not seen since the fires the bore him...where the fires there either made you..or broke you and to be born of them you were destined for greatness.
“you can turn off the heat, its over and continuing this conflict as its ended so barely...wont bring us anything good besides the total destruction of pride...we’ve lost much today, we dont need to lose anything else..”
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@winters-club  @avispatr @infernal-general 
The civil war was over..no one could really say they won, hell even the goettia being kicked out of hell was a basically drop of a win..paying for the damages an even smaller drop.
So much was lost.
Luckily the hotel managed to avoid most of the trouble, if anything from the combined power of alastor and the princess..there was damages, but they would be fine.
Others not so much.
Lucifer lays in a bed...his body worn, tired, broken...being tended too by medics...his vision blurring as his body shuts down to rest..to regain its power...a hand reaching out..hoping his wife is near to comfort him
Moxxie lays in a shetler, covered in shrapnel, bleeding, critical condition..leg blown clear off from an explosion...the doctors fear he wont make it.
Vox stands in the ruins of his district..the ruins of all that had built, all that had cultivated...the ruins of his mondern hell, employees that once helped him build it..their bodies scattered or laid dead on his streets and he cries..he cries for everything lost.
A commander sits looking at his fallen, hiswounded his helmet off as his hands buried in his face...they had thought they were ready...they were nowhere close.
Blitz awakens under rubble, pushing it off and standing...his home destroyed collasped under the power of a gem’s power...his magic the only thing that kept them alive...them...loona?
His eyes widend as he looked across the desolate land, the rubble the corpses the fires that lingered...LOONA?!? 
“LOONA!!!” He screams out...no...no...no...Franticly searching...francticaly listening for something..anything.
“LOONA!!!” He screams louder...
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The current situation on the frontlines.
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“Current situation report. Front lines have been stablized, block to block fighting is showing signs of pushing noble forces backwards, without their magic their just imps and hellborn and sinners in fucking armor...occassional magical emps being deployed every few hours sectors warned for our troops to ignore when these blasts are activated...our weakest front is the air many airfields were hit and most of our forces are recovering or in repair...cosmic pools and portals are wreaking havoc against the already weakened walls that make up hell, as long as no one does anything stupid we should see walls stablize by tonight if not we have high risks of reality tearing...if that occurs we will be facing potential 3rd threats...of unknown orgin. Reinforcements of tank divisions made their way into pride last night, they have been a great boon to our forces.”
“We have lost contact with phoneix legion...last known status was rescueing civilians in the back lines...we are trying to establish contact still. We may win this war in the end..but this wont be a glorious win.”
@winters-club @avispatr​ @infernal-general​
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“For someone to say that a woman shall be silent and obdient eve is doing alot of talking.”
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“Shouldnt adam be saying all this?”
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“A guard for a masquerade ball...i hate slow periods...cant even enjoy the food, just gotta stand and look...damnit all.”
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“So you must be the famed phoneix legion commander? I understand we will be working closely during the great noble cleansing.”
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A firey hand stretches out. “Ronaw, Hell guard commander.”
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What is your place in the royal court?
the knight.
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a defender, strong as stone, you make it a mission to defend. never would you turn your back on those in need; valorous, a paragon, a sword raised in battle with a cry on your lips... but, be warned, noble knight, that you do not fall to the sword, yourself. are these ideals worth dying for?
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His head jerks up and to the side. “What the hell was that?”
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Ronaw lets out a sigh. “What i would give to have a powerful wife. Hellborns get flack for being specific sorts, flame elementals get more...were so rare in hell nowndays, and i  aint talking flesh and bone for 95% of the body and 5% flame, true fire elementals. People typically are too scared of us...a dying breed.”
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Extermination day is coming.
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Ronaw looks arms crossed behind his back overseeing the more or less newly constructed towers and gates built on the fringes of hell.
“It is growing to that time of year...once we could only sit back and watch as angels would come and deliver a crushing blow to our population...now with the breach sealed if heaven attempts to continue its task they will have to break through the barrier into hell, lucifer sees fit in declaration that no more exterminations will happen on his soil and that heaven will have no more touches...so if they break through...war will surely break out between heaven and hell again...so we must sit, wait,,and ironically hope that good ole god is smart enough not to send his exterminators to us...A few weeks of waiting...and then a day of fear..”
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“gods im bored...”
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“Begin gatherings of 1st 2nd and 3rd hell legions. If paimon rallies the nobles we’ll need all hands on deck. Around the clock training the men will be needed to move at all times. Begin sallying up defenses around the palace. This could get ugly...”
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A commanders thoughts.
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“I have a feeling lucifer is doing more then cutting the swathes of dissedents...no this is a test in many fronts and many avenues...every single one of us is being tested. The hell guard to see if we are still effective, the reformist commander to see if she can play well with authority of the utmost standing, the nobles to see who truly holds loyalty to the crown...as well as a general reminder to the rings who holds all the power and offers all the protection.”
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New muse
With the armies of hell moblizing the famous hellguard the most powerful and specialized legions of hell designated to deal with the kings most powerful rivals or most difficult situations has awoken.
Their commander Ronaw once again picks up sword and shield to lead his legions into battle, born hellborn a elemental of fire.
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The flames of hell once more reignite.
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"I've been through the deepest pits of hell and yet... I've never seen anything as depraved as this cesspool of sin. Tell me, demon- how do you take pride in such filth?" (For any of the demons)
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"Your kind is not welcome here anymore angel. Kindly take your comments and leave, or i'll drag you out myself."
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The hellguard commander lets out a chuckle. “What wasnt i doing back then? If it wasnt serving the various sins it was dealing with..things that lurk outside of the confines of the rings.”
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