#Rohan 01
rohanabb · 3 months
𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄. 23 february 2024, somewhere between late morning and early afternoon 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄. seth's suite 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇. @cowboygreeting
It shouldn't have been this hard to find Seth's door, Rohan had only just been there last night, and yet his idiot compass proved way off, needle spinning senselessly around the rooftop terrace and nearly the sauna before he managed to right course.
All for the best. It would have been too mortifying for words, if not mortally dangerous, had Rohan kicked the door open and flopped face down onto someone else's bed, a groan into the pillow by way of greeting.
"We're so fucked." Rohan's face is still mouth-deep in pillow, and he doesn't actually know where Seth is, spatially speaking, in the room — god knows mentally, too, Ro's so off kilter in his own right — so he props up onto an elbow, side-long, and tries again.
"We're so fucked, dude. We're so, so massively out of our goddamned fucking depth — I don't even know. That analogy was supposed to go somewhere. Fuck."
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He goes pillow-side for one more emphatic, "FUUUUUCK," entirely for his own benefit. Attempt at catharsis, maybe. Rohan recalls a paper, once, or maybe a PopSci article when he still read for fun on the positive correlation between cursing and pain tolerance. Feels about fucking right.
"The least you could do is come here and wallow with me. What the fuck did we get ourselves into?"
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ignisfvtuus · 2 months
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{amar chadha-patel, 37, cismale, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, MASTER OF THE HORSE ROHAN BANERJEE of THE MUGHAL EMPIRE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are FERVID and JOVIAL enough to handle it. Just don’t let your BRAZEN bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out HE HAS, TECHNICALLY, BEEN STEALING FROM THE FAMILY COFFERS IN ORDER TO FUND FUTURE TRAVELS. 
a study | pinterest
full name: rohan aadhira banerjee age: 37 date of birth + zodiac sign: june 01 + gemini gender & pronouns: cis male + he/him orientation: bisexual + biromantic titles & occupation: master of the horse
hair color: black eye color: brown height: 6'3 face claim: amar chadha-patel
moral alignment: chaotic neutral positive traits: outgoing, witty, jovial, charming negative traits: impulsive, fickle, brazen, selfish hobbies: gambling, drinking, idk he just really like animals character inspo: han solo (star wars), flynn rider (tangled), emmett cullen (twilight, hehe), sokka (avatar the last airbender), peter quill (marvel universe)
parents: tbd. siblings: ariyan banerjee + 5 others spouse: unmarried, unbetrothed children: none, that he knows of
 once again, under construction so heres some headcannons
- most would be surprised at the way rohan lives his life when they heard his surname. well respected and wealthy, the banerjee name goes hand in hand with the royal name.  - which is why rohan's choice to work as the master of horse under the mughal empire is a bit of an interesting one. a noble and respected position, sure, but the opportunities that lay at the feet of the bannerjee children were endless and much more refined. but he decided, instead, to do something he'd enjoy.  - always an animal lover, he thrives under the tasks outlined for his position: all matters connected with the horses and hounds of the sovereign, rohan spends his days in the stables, coachhouses and kennels. just vibing with his animal buddies.  - choosing to do something he'd enjoy is pretty much the motto of his entire life. a formal event with only the most noble of attendees? rohan will probably have started some game to gamble on before finding someone beautiful to fall into bed with.  - his aversion to the "upper class" way of living, but love for the money it allows, has gotten him in a bit of pickle. it isn't malicious, more like stupid, but rohan has been lying about his expenses - both his spending and how much he needs to live on - while 'pocketing' money from the family coffers.. kind of subconsciously planning his escape plan to go live some adventurous life somewhere.
lovers! could be anyone from anywhere, he's a hoe and we love him for it 
LOVER lover. could be someone he'll meet soon, or someone he has an established relationship with. they say its casual, but this person would be his favorite lover. someone he always goes back to, even though he won't admit (yet) that the reason is more than just good sex. (also super love the dynamic between boorman and scorpia in willow) 
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lustastarte · 1 year
♤ it's a gay thing | josuyasu ♤
genre: fluff/tiny bit of angst
rohan gives josuke the wrong number for koichi as a little joke, but josuke is determined to beat his boredom.
published: 2023
lots of texting,,, like half the one-shot
Wednesday, May 17. 7:30 a.m.
hey, is this koichi?
rohan gave me the number but idk if he was playing around or not
i know koichi, but i'm not him, who's this?
sorry, i'm just a friend of koichi's
sorry for bothering you man, especially this early
it's okay, don't worry about it : )
so how are you, friend of koichi's?
i'm okay i guess
i'm bummed that rohan japed me tho
... japed you?
okay, that makes sense
yeah, sorry abt that again
9:00 a.m.
hey random stranger
here you go
why did you send me flowers
i mean i'm not complaining, they're pretty
but why?
because you deserve them
oh? well thanks
of course man
12:21 p.m.
heyyyyyyy stranger
why do you keep texting me?
bc you seem cool and i really need friends
unless you want me to stop
oh, thanks
also you don't have to stop, i just don't really understand lmao
5:39 p.m.
hey you free?
yeah why
i wanna call someone
can i call you?
sure i guess?
calling xxx-xxx-xxxx...
"Ooh, I like your voice. It's deep. Makes my skin tingle."
"Thank you, I like yours too."
"Thanks man."
"So... why did you need Koichi?"
"I was gonna ask him to set me up with a date. He knows a bunch of people and a lot of them are cute guys."
"Guys?? As in... men?"
"Uhh yeah," Josuke laughed into the phone. "My favorite thing to do is kiss men."
"You can do that? Like- I mean... Guys can... Guys can be with other guys?"
"Yeah! It's nice, you should try it sometime."
"Oh, I didn't know that was allowed... I might if I ever get the chance. But just for the record, Koichi can't set up relationships for shit. Try texting Rohan."
"You know Rohan too?"
"Yeah, I know him and his boyfriend."
"Well damn, all the twinks seem to know each other..."
"Twink? What's that?"
"Oh, it's uh-... It's a gay thing."
"Oh, okay?"
"Yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna go text Rohan, goodbye! Thank you for your help!"
call with xxx-xxx-xxxx ended.
Friday, May 26. 1:01 p.m.
hey, i never got your name
oh, sorry about that
i'm okuyasu
and you are??
i'm josuke
i like your name, i've never seen it before
thank you, i like yours too
you're the one with the hair, right? i think i remember rohan talking about you
yeah, the super cool really fashionable amazing magazine worthy hair is all me
wait, rohan talks about me?
it's never anything good if i'm honest, but he talks about you
he talks about you too, but it's sometimes good
oh? i'm surprised he has anything nice to say lmfao
off topic, but all your friends say you're hot
is that true?
maybe? idk i've never really thought of myself as hot
rohan says you look like a monkey's ass, is that true?
i'm gonna fucking kill him
have fun, don't get caught
oh i will
so what do you look like?
but i wanna see your face : (
i like knowing who i'm talking to
lmao no
what's in it for me?
a picture of me ; )
um no thanks
wtf : ((((((
fine, i'll send one
Okuyasu holds the phone out in front of him and takes a quick snap of his half-smile. He notices that he looks a little awkward, but there isn't much he can do about it. He's not really a selfie kind of guy, but Josuke gets what he wants.
man to man, like honest for real time, you are quite possibly the most handsome dude i've ever seen holy fuck
okay whatever, it's your turn
uh okay hold on
Josuke takes a swift picture of himself as he rides the bus home. He studies it, then decides he doesn't like it. Something in him just won't let him send the first picture because he doesn't look just right. He retakes the picture after swiping a comb through his hair and deciding the best angle. He's got to look good for his friend, of course. That's what it is, he just wants to make a good first impression.
well shit
??? did you die
yes i died
you're a very attractive guy
i mean like no gay shit or anything yknow because i'm not gay
just making an observation
awww you're so nice, thanks man!
yeah, of course
did you ever text rohan?
he said he thought i'd be cute with one of his friends
did he say which one?
nah, but he just said he was texting them now
rohan just texted me
US?????? A COUPLE?????
wtf are YOU on?
a seat on a bus lmaoaoaoao
goodbye josuke
Josuke giggled at his phone, bright smile on his face. He's developed an attachment to Okuyasu, he thinks. It's become so strong that he feels the need to text him all day, every day. All of his funny comebacks and clueless questions make Josuke's days so much easier. He can't lie, he's begun to crush on Okuyasu. It might be just because he's lonely and wants attention, but something about him made Josuke's heart spiral. The way he talks was enough already, but his looks sealed the deal. Josuke feels like he's going insane, there's no way he can be pining after someone he's never met before...
Monday, July 24. 6:16 p.m.
you know, we've been talking for like two months now and i still know nothing about you
yes you do, you know my favorite color, ice cream, video game, book, song, flower, animal, etc etc
i could go on and on about how much you know about me
yeah but nothing like important yknow
i think you should tell me where you live 
kinda stalker-ish bro
shut the fuck up it's not like that
i wanna know how far we are from each other
i live in morioh
like two houses down from you i think lmfao
you do?
yeah yeah rohan told me where you live
oh btw, i frogot to ask
how old are you?
shut up
stop it
not as old as you
what the fuck
i'm only 17 dude
yeah i'm 17 too lmao
idk probably like 21
no way you just called me old and we're the same fucking age
AND thought i was 21 in the same two messages
i think you're still older than me
what's your birthday
august 19
what year?
what the fuck we're only like a few weeks apart you ASSHOLE
i thought you said i was hot ;)
goodbye josuke.
As the two boys talked, something began to bloom in Okuyasu's stomach each time he got a text from Josuke. He had never met him, never even seen him around Morioh before, but he felt... drawn to him. Like each time his phone lit up, his social battery was suddenly recharged. He was sure that, for him at least, Josuke was the kind of person you could be around even if you were at the point in your day that the thought of talking to other people wore you out. That realization came with another indecipherable emotion, one that pooled just behind his ribcage and dripped into his stomach. The feeling he used to get when he would see his ex-girlfriend was the most similar, but that couldn't be right. Right? Okuyasu shakes the thoughts from his head, but that makes them no less real or confusing. He doesn't like men at all... Right?
Sunday, August 13. 8:59 p.m.
hey <3
what's with the heart? lmao
i'm gonna say hey and send a heart and you say it back okay
my family thinks i have a boyfriend and as my friend you gotta help, idk why they think that but they do
just play along with what i do okay?
but i'm not gay.
i know, i know, but i am and my family knows
and they think i have a boyfriend
then get someone who's gay to pretend to be your boyfriend?
like rohan or even jotaro idk
and rohan is jotaro's boyfriend, plus he fucking hates me so either way it wouldn't work
damn man chill out, i didn't know
how was i supposed to know that you and a dude i've met maybe once are related??
stupid fucking bitch
we have the same nose duh
but that's not the point, you're the only person who might help me.
i need your help dude, please. i'll do anything.
just pretend to be my gay boyfriend for like five minutes
i want $20 sent to my venmo and you have to doordash food to my house if you want effort put in
okay fine, sure, whatever
hey <3
not so fast, my venmo is okuniji4 and i want pasta from tonio's
payment before performance.
oh my god you ASSHOLE
: )
sent the money on venmo and the order is placed
okay, sure man, i got you
hey <3
hey <33
what's up baby?
not much, what about you sweetheart?
trying to prove to my family that i have a boyfriend
can i call you?
of course baby, always
calling Okuyasu...
"Hey baby. Can you do me a favor and tell my family how much you love me?"
Okuyasu sighed quietly before mustering up all of his courage. "I love you so much my heart hurts when I see you."
"And what else?"
"And I think about you every second of every day?"
"Aww, thank you, I love you too!"
"Alright... Well... I gotta go, I- Um, I love you."
"I love you too baby, bye."
call with Josuke ended.
It felt so strange to say those words to Josuke, to call him baby and tell him he loves him, yet somehow, it was... refreshing. Like Okuyasu had needed this his whole life. Like something was coming together in his head. As he sat and thought about the phone call, Josuke's voice, the way he said he loved him, it clicked. It didn't matter if Okuyasu likes men or not. What does matter is that Okuyasu likes Josuke.
it's no problem really
i like helping my friends out, especially for $20 and some bomb ass food
i also think i wouldn't mind being your boyfriend|
i also think i wouldn't mind being yo|
i also think i wouldn't|
if you need me again hmu
you were really good at pretending to be my boyfriend|
you were really good at pretending to |
you were really good|
you we|
you know, i kind of liked it when you called me baby|
you know, i kind of liked it when you c|
you know, i kind of liked|
you know, |
alr, thanks again man
2:30 a.m.
you up?
are you just pulling some fuckboy stunt on me?
because i'm not here to be used and dropped
okuyasu, are you okay?
i just wanted to talk to you about a bad dream i had but i'm not concerned about that any more
you seem upset, what happened?
i'm upset because i'm tired of being used! everybody is using me and i'm sick of it! my ex girlfriend used me when i dated her, and now you're trying to use me!
what happened?
okuyasu, what's wrong with you?
oh stop acting like you care
just stop
i'm so fucking sick of all of this
for four fucking months you've only texted me when you were bored or needed something from me
and i'm done
no, okuyasu, i texted you because i wanted to!
just shut up
goodbye josuke.
3:00 a.m.
please talk to me
7:00 a.m.
okuyasu, please
i want to know what happened
i didn't mean to make you feel used earlier
i was trying to hint at how i felt about you, i just suck at flirting
my family thinks i have a boyfriend because of the way i talk about you to them
1:08 p.m.
i need you to answer... even if you just tell me to go die
5:05 p.m.
seen 5:06
please talk to me ⚠︎ message not delivered ⚠︎
okuyasu, please!! ⚠︎ message not delivered ⚠︎
you can no longer text or call this number. 
"Jotaro, I don't want to go."
"Come on Josuke, it won't be that bad once you get there, I promise."
"But what if-"
"If he's there, then I won't make you talk to him. You can stay with Rohan and I."
Josuke made a face at the other man. "I don't want to spend a whole party with you guys practically fucking beside me."
Jotaro sighed, adjusting his hair underneath his hat. "Whatever, you're still coming with me. Let's go."
Josuke was sitting in a corner, a drink in his hands and his eyes closed. He didn't want to be here. Not only did he see Okuyasu, but he saw Okuyasu making out with his ex. It broke him inside, and though he was strong, he couldn't help but cry. Honestly, he really liked the guy, and seeing him like that, especially for the first time ever seeing him in person, wasn't pleasant. 
"Hey, you okay?" A slightly drunk Koichi crouched down in front of him.
"What? Oh, yeah- Yeah, I'm fine," the taller said quickly as he wiped his tears away frantically.
"No you aren't. What's wrong?"
Josuke began crying again, an accidental squeak coming from his mouth as he opened it and tried to speak. "It's just that Okuyasu and I got into a fight and now he's here and it's the first time I'm ever seeing him and he's kissing his ex and I have a crush on him and I saw them kissing and-"
"Josuke." Koichi interrupted, sighing and sitting down beside the other man. "He's here because Rohan told him you were coming. He wasn't kissing his ex. She forcefully kissed him, I had to pull her off of Okuyasu a few seconds after you ran away," he explained calmly, placing an arm around Josuke's shoulders protectively.
"It's not like it matters anyway though, he's not gay, he told me himself. He likes women."
"You can still talk to him and see if he wants to fix things, yeah?"
"He blocked me..."
Koichi shook his head. "Yeah, but he's here just because Rohan said you would be here."
Josuke ran a hand over his hair unconsciously. "Can I... Can I talk to him?"
"Of course you can. Do you want Rohan to come with him?"
"No, I wanna talk to him alone... Only if he's okay with that..."
"Alright," Koichi said, leaving the room to search for Okuyasu.
A few minutes later, Josuke heard footsteps. He clutched his cup as the waves of nausea and anxiety ripped through his body.
Stay cool. Stay cool. You've got this, you can fix this.
"Okuyasu! Please, please, please just let me talk to you, I promise I won't take long and..." Josuke trailed off. Fuck! What happened to staying cool?
Okuyasu slunk down into the spot Koichi had once been, although nowhere near as close. Avoiding eye contact, he laced his fingers together and sighed.
"Why did you continue texting me? Tell me the truth please. That's all I ask."
Josuke clenched his jaw, ready for rejection. "In the beginning, it was out of boredom. But after a few days, I realized that you're really cool and decided I wanted to be friends with you. But the more we talked, the more it became... something else," he admitted, eyes glued to the floor and lips pressed together. 
"So it was a fuckboy stunt? I knew that-."
"No! Please, I'm not finished," Josuke begged, desperation evident in the tone of his voice. "Something else doesn't mean 'wanting to get in your pants' for me."
"Then what is it, Josuke? Because to me, getting a text late at night asking if I'm awake is a little telling," Okuyasu sighed, slightly annoyed at this point. 
"Something else is the longing to run my fingers through your hair, hold your hand, look in your eyes, and... call you mine."
Okuyasu squinted, his top lip curling up on one side and eyebrows dipping together. "What are you talking about?"
"Listen, I don't wanna fuck you. Never have. Okuyasu, I-... I just want to love you. I don't want to introduce you to people as my friend, I want to call you mine. Fuck being your fucking friend, I want you to be my boyfriend."
Okuyasu took a deep breath in, the semi-silence crushing Josuke. All he could hear was the bump of the bass and some electronic dance melody, then of course his own heart beat. 
"Josuke, I just... I don't know."
Josuke's face fell, tensed shoulders dropping from his ears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you anything. I know you're straight-"
"I just don't know what to think."
Josuke felt the hot tears prick at his lower lash line. "We can go back to being strangers if that's what would make you most comfortable... I'm sorry I fucked it up. I'm lucky to have gotten to know you for a few months, at the least."
Okuyasu, without thinking, grabbed Josuke's hand. It fit so well in his, felt so warm and comforting. He dragged his eyes from the other's shoes to the stray hairs surrounding his hairdo like a halo, and that was it. His decision was made, no more questioning. 
"Josuke, you aren't going anywhere. I don't know what to call it, but I think I like both. You shook it all up. You came into my phone and you knocked my entire world on its head."
"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean t-"
"Don't," Okuyasu interrupted. "Please don't be sorry. I thought I was just getting close with you, but all of a sudden, there was heat in my gut and my heart beats tripled in speed each time you texted. I ignored it, but the night you asked me to pretend to be your boyfriend felt so... right."
Josuke snapped his head toward Okuyasu, eyes newly full of hope.
"It felt like-"
"I was born to fall in love with you," Josuke confirmed quietly, finding it a bit odd that he had had the exact same thought during that interaction.
Okuyasu flicked his eyes away, nodding. "Yeah. It doesn't matter what I like, it only matters that you know that it's you. I know I barely know you, and this is our first time even seeing each other in person, but," he took a deep breath. "But looking at you here, hair a little messed up, cheeks red, nose runny, and eyes a shade of blue I don't think I've ever seen before, I know that I need to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter if it's a day or 80 years."
Tears once again tickled Josuke's lower lashes, a heart-warmed smile creeping across his face. "Do you mean that?"
Okuyasu nodded, smiling gently. "Can I- Uh, can I-?"
"Please," Josuke's heart fluttered as he squeezed Okuyasu's hand. 
The taller's eyes jumped up and down as they switched from Josuke's eyes to his lips over and over. With his free hand, he cupped the older's face, rubbing the peak of his blushed cheek with his rough thumb.
"You're so handsome," he whispered, barely audible over the booming EDM music. He moved in to kiss Josuke, but hesitated. "I... I don't know how to kiss a boy..."
Josuke giggled, the sound lighting Okuyasu's heart on fire. He watched as the older's nose scrunched and his eyes nearly disappeared before his teeth-flashing wide smile morphed into a shy, flirty smirk. 
"Like this," he whispered back, closing the gap between them. Okuyasu felt his entire body tingle, every bone becoming noting more than jelly and muscles useless. In their shared kiss was an unspoken promise of love and companionship for countless years and the almost overpowering sweetness of finding the love of your life. The kiss made them feel as though they could move mountains and walk on water, turn water into wine and heal the sick. They felt like gods, each worshipping the existence of the other. All the words they wanted to say and the thoughts they thought were condensed into that single kiss. If nothing else that night had confirmed it, the two finally got what they wanted. Josuke is Okuyasu's. Okuyasu is Josuke's. And absolutely nothing, not even the most powerful being to exist could rip them apart. So long as they were alive, they had one another.
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abr · 1 year
McCarthy ha tenuto il primo discorso (da nuovo speaker del Congresso Usa) (...) per annunciare le linee della sua agenda (...). Il nuovo Speaker ha avvertito che la Camera tornerà ad esercitare il potere del "check and balance", per limitare quello della Casa Bianca. Ha annunciato leggi per garantire la sicurezza dei confini dagli immigrati illegali, sviluppare le fonti di energia americane, e impedire l'indottrinamento "woke", ossia liberal, nelle scuole. Ha detto che agirà per limitare le spese del governo e ridurre il debito, e contenere "il potere crescente del partito comunista cinese".
(...)non c'è stata alcuna citazione della guerra in Ucraina e dell'aggressione russa, dopo che nelle settimane scorse McCarthy aveva avvertito che "non firmeremo più assegni in bianco per Kiev".
Il nuovo Speaker ha minacciato l'apertura di inchieste parlamentari (...) sul ritiro dall'Afghanistan, l'origine e la gestione dell'epidemia di Covid, e "l'uso dell'Fbi come arma", un chiaro riferimento alle lamentele di Trump per essere stato sottoposto all'inchiesta del "Russiagate". Infine ha promesso che la porta del Congresso sarà sempre aperta per tutti gli americani, e "la prima audizione sarà sul confine meridionale".
via https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2023/01/07/news/usa_camera_speaker-382410843/
Godo nel sentire il rumore del rosico livoroso nell'organo del globalismo Dems. (che ironicamente da noantri si chiama "Repubblica") nel riportare l'agenda di chi controllerà le mosse dell'Amministrazione Usa. A casa finalmente la Pelosi, è come la cacciata di Grima il Vermilinguo da Rohan: ora finalmente può CAMBIARE IL CORSO DELLA POLITICA MONDIALE.
Il pezzo di Ripubblica sarebbe tutto impostato a minimizzare i fatti e l'esito finale, enfatizzando la "spaccatura" nei Repubblicani vincenti ma qui è opportunamente censurato (non siamo stati noi a cominciare). In realtà è la "politica", stupido: l'ala trumpiana e altri, non più disposti a compromessi coi Dems. più estremisti e corrotti dai tempi della Secessione, han voluto giustamente contarsi e mettere in evidenza il loro peso. Alla fine hanno portato a casa il risultato voluto: il discorso intransigente del moderato McCarthy che ai Dems' di provincia non resta che riportare.
Ma i sinistri woke de'noantri oramai vivono solo di illusioni e provocazioni, e tentano di indorarsi la pillola: " La maggioranza repubblicana alla Camera è ridotta a dieci seggi, mentre il Senato è nelle mani dei democratici, e quindi per far passare qualsiasi legge sarà necessario il compromesso", blaterano.
Peccato che la cosa del compromesso, vera, sia tutto e solo problema dell'Amm.ne Biden: è finita con due anni di anticipo, può dichiarare chiusa la sua agenda suicida fatta di inflazione, transizioni energetiche e guerre per procura. Quanto alla conta dei voti, è autoinganno in purezza: la maggioranza Rep. al Congresso sarebbe "ridotta a dieci seggi" ma prima era dei Dems., è quanto basta e serve in tempi di brogli; mentre il Senato resta "nelle mani dei Dems" ... cucù, per un solo voto, quello della vicepresidente.
Nessun dorma, all'alba vin-ceròòòòò ....
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inxspacetime · 2 years
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❝  i’m the psycho. ❞
full name: corey gregory cunningham nickname(s): n/a type: canon fandom: HALLOWEEN films pronouns: he/him traits: empathetic, clingy occupation: at the local junkyard (thread dependent) birthplace: haddonfield, il current location: haddonfield, il age: 24 birthday: july 21st zodiac: cancer sexuality: homosexual position: versatile hair color: brown eye color: dark brown height: five foot nine (5′9′’) weight: 154lbs drinks/smokes/drugs: socially/no/no tattoos: n/a piercings: n/a scars: one on his right palm, a few more depending on the thread. 
more info;
a loner - partly by choice, partly because the entire town either hates or is afraid of him. a kid he was babysitting a few years back died on his watch and though he wasn’t found guilty in the eyes of the court, he was in the eyes of the town. he tries to keep to himself and not cause any trouble. 
this sort of isolation causes him to end up kind of hating everyone around him. and indirectly makes him vulnerable enough for michael to get into his head.
encountered the boogeyman himself one night after getting jumped and pushed off a bridge. and after being able to walk away without getting his throat ripped out, he goes on to help him restore his strength (while also refining his own skills) in the meantime -- thread dependent.
had he never bumped into michael, there’s a chance that ‘evil’ he saw in him could have manifested itself in a different, safer way. but more than anything he just wanted to feel like he belonged somewhere. somewhere he didn’t feel like his well-being was threatened and oddly enough, michael provided that for him
a truly kind soul deep down. normally, he wouldn’t hurt a soul. the first time he did was a terrible accident, and the rest all deserved it in his eyes. he normally just tries to keep his head down and live what little of a normal life he could. however, if you do bother to get close to him... he isn’t the type to get rid of easily. he can be sensitive, clingy, even. if he see someone is slipping away, he starts to feel threatened - and when he feels threatened is when he’s at his most dangerous.
faceclaim is rohan campbell. 
01. ✧ 02. ✧ 03. ✧ 04. ✧ 05. ✧ 06. 
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cristianordonez · 2 years
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On Trial, 2022 Text from Rohan / acb-press: — Although only residing in the USA for a short period, Toronto-based Chilean Photographer Cristian Ordóñez has spent a large-period of the previous decade revisiting the lower states creating works that explore the notion of memory, personal relationship, and encounters with the territory. On Trial observes and plays witness to these encounters, a body of work that presents the social, economic, and geographic survey of the landscape traveled by Ordóñez. A survey, engaging with all things natural and foreign on even ground, seeking to question not only the observer but the role of the object within the frame. Forthcoming previous published works, Notes 01, 02, and 03, the new chapter continues to visualise his approach and interest in the photographic process as a medium to explore the territory, own cultural diversity, and the connection between place and ethnicity. On Trial contains a selection of 20 photographs edited by Rohan Hutchinson, and accompanied with text by Ordóñez. Designed to co-exist with previous and forthcoming published works, the body and cover of the publication exist in the same form, contextualising the in-transit approach of the photographic content, along with the journey of its publishing. — Orders via acb-press or my website. DM for questions.
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Stealing the World's Most Expensive Necklace
Starting time: 10:25 PM
Ending time: 11:01 PM
Guest: Kate Peterman
I do belove the host, The Professor
Is The part of his name or is it like The Doctor where it just makes more sense for the to be there?
do ya'll pronounce it th-uh or thee
does this have something to do with Marie A.
never seen Henri spelled with an I before
The Professor's stare paired with thats enough, its funny, cute, and scary all at once
ah yes, genital origami
I knew it Marie A. does have sm to do with this
I didn't know she was Austrian
These are rapid-fire questions, that was like 3 in 5 minutes
loving the voices in this
damn, how rich was Rohan cause that's a lot of money
The way the skit has to restart because it was the wrong character
it's giving restarting a presentation because your notes are out of order
really bro, giving the necklace to someone you've never met before
he's just stupid
"He begged them to spare him the shame and scandal of being publically arrested. He was publically arrested."
"His servant took him serisouly and rode so fast and so hard that his horse died as soon as he arrived in Paris"
at least he got where he needed to go
horses deserve better
"these two bananaheads"
love the diamond necklace puppet
it looks like a black sock with tinfoil glued on
this song is actually a bop
if only it was on Spotify
ooh a tie
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globalworship · 4 months
St Paul’s conversion (poem + art)
My friend Christopher Villiers wrote this poem:
St Paul’s Former Acquaintance
Poor Saul, I thought that he’d end up nuts, His zeal was too intense, a forest fire That could change its direction hard, so shuts A once promising career, meets its pyre. We were students together, well I knew His passion for the law, hunger even With loving hatred a stern Rabbi grew Minding the coats as they stoned mad Stephen. On the road to Damascus I am told He fell off his horse and was then struck blind Then fell into bad company, grew mould Of that blasphemer’s band which stole his mind. He babbles false doctrine relentlessly, Does anyone take him seriously?
See morer of Christopher's poetry at https://rhymestersrevels.wordpress.com/2018/01/25/feast-of-the-conversion-of-saint-paul/
Called By His Grace: 10 Theses on the Conversion of Paul https://anglicancompass.com/called-by-his-grace-10-theses-on-the-conversion-of-paul/
Conversion of Saint Paul, 1957. Print by Allan Rohan Crite.
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talesfromtheshire · 5 months
Post 01
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*Disclaimer: The following is personal headcanons treated as hobbit history for this blog.
Magnolia “Maggie” Scriber
Born as Magnolia Lightfoot, Maggie was described by her teacher as always being a curious sort. She went through books faster than most hobbits could go through a meal, and still she wanted to know more. After hearing the great adventures of very important hobbits like Samwise Gardner, Frodo Baggins, Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Peregrin Took, even Bilbo Baggins, she wanted to write down and preserve a history of the hobbits. The only problem was no such history existed. 
Hobbits were the sort to share their histories by word of mouth. It was how they came to be gossipy sorts. While direct interviews were perfect for her current family histories, it did little to satisfy her question of where hobbits came from. She knew there had been three clans: the Harfoots, the Fallohides, and the Stoors, but any information on where they came from before existing in the Shire was lost to time. Or so she thought.
An acquaintance of hers in Ered Luin had found something curious when digging through their history books. Something to do with the petty dwarves, an extinct species of dwarf-kin from the First Age. It seemed they had been born from another species of smaller folk. The kind of which the First Age clans had never seen before. It seemed like a promising start, so steeling her courage and packing a bag, Maggie Lightfoot did something only a handful of hobbits had before her: she decided to adventure.
Her travels ended up taking her further than Ered Luin. By the time she returned to the Shire, she had been to Tharbad, Erebor, Moria, Rohan, Lothlorien, even as far south as Gondor. The hypothesis was momentous and would change the understanding of hobbits forever. She immediately began writing and publishing her histories, changing her name to Maggie Scriber in the process. The following pages are from her findings. 
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lacenvs3000w24 · 5 months
nature 'n me 💏 (unit 01)
Sanctuary. When I think of my relationship with nature, it’s this word that is enduringly intertwined with the concept. I treasure my relationship with nature because of the absolute sense of belonging that it grants me. It’s easy, I think, to feel insecure in the day-to-day, to constantly feel a need to prove yourself, to prove that you do belong. In this way, being with nature has always offered me an unmatched sense of clarity and calm. Nature Club™ is “no membership required” & “no prior experience needed”.
Of course I belong, because everyone does. In other aspects of life, I think that that sentiment, in an entirely genuine sense, is pretty hard to come by. It’s also so so easy to get caught up in the “me me me” rumination. Getting outside, being in the fresh air surrounded by green, that is where I feel like I can really truly think, and also where I feel like I don’t necessarily need to. The tunnel-vision of my own life opens up, and there is so much more to see and appreciate. Being in nature is being in a place larger than my own life, or than anyone’s - it’s being in the place where everything connects.
Nature feels like family, and it feels like home.
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images sourced from Pinterest (left) Photographer: ГОРЮКИНА ИРИНА (AIRIN GORUKINA) (right) Artist: Hannah Eddy
The idea of nature being a sanctuary for me, for my thoughts, goes back to being a kid. In childhood, “going outside” was much less of a deliberate act, I think. Even then (though I maybe didn’t realize it), it was the one place where my mind could run wild and free - where it was entirely up to me to ‘preoccupy’ myself. Really, this just meant being alone with my thoughts, but not in a spooky existential way. Instead, I was free from the constraints of media (TV, internet, even books) and entertaining myself meant dreaming up imaginary and fanciful stories about the twigs, pebbles, and plants around me. I grew up right across from the St. Lawrence River in southeastern Ontario. For as long as I can remember, this was my happy place. It was my own personal taste of wilderness, a place I could feel the breeze coming off the water, where I could sift through the treeline and lose track of time. As a kid, my family didn’t really prioritize typical outdoorsy activities, so this was my own way to seek that out. This is where Mother Nature and I signed our BFF contract.
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image (without text) sourced from https://www.brego.net/lord-of-the-rings/horses/horses-of-rohan/
So yeah, nature does give me perspectives that feel impossible to access through screens and pages. Still, I think these forms media are actually what really sparked our friendship. Little me did everything possible to convince herself that no, she’s not riding her bike on a path in the treeline, she’s actually Legolas on horseback, halfway through an epic journey in Middle Earth. Lord of the Rings and other fantasy movies and novels had all the elements of wondering about and appreciating nature. Even now, that childhood magic still trickles in here and there during hikes, ski trips, and time spent in the sun. Later on, more realistic depictions of nature had me hooked. I remember watching “Gorillas in the Mist”, a fictional telling of Diane Fossey’s story, in my grade 10 science class. The thought of being immersed in a rainforest for weeks on end was one I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) shake. Then came my discovery of Jane Goodall's work and David Attenborough-narrated nature documentaries. I’m now a fourth year zoology student, and in the spirit of full disclosure, I have to admit that all of those played a huge role in my choosing this major. As I said, my family wasn’t huge on raising a bunch of little naturalists, so I honestly think I have these forms of media to thank in giving me my sense of place and sparking a lifelong interest in the wonder of the natural world.
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image sourced from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Dian-Fossey
These days, somewhat unfortunately, I think making time to get outside has to be more intentional. The responsibilities pile up, we get busy, and all of a sudden we’ve spent the better part of a week cooped up in classrooms, libraries, and apartment rooms. Nature and me are like long-distance best friends sometimes. Even though I haven’t visited home for too long, I know she’ll welcome me back, and the love will still be there 💚
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elementathens · 9 months
TAPE 2023年 08月 08日 from 「 ROHΔN 」 on Vimeo.
Abstract visualisation in combination with music produced by XINSAIN
Starring Duhyon Rohan Chris
Filmed + Edit by XINSAIN Music by XINSAIN
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johannesenupton78 · 11 months
History & Politics The Nice Admirals Richard Hough Was Listed For R8000 On 4 Jul At 00:01 By Summerport1 In Cape City Id:588117809
The anticipated hype across the K-Day fixture was performed out in front of a packed viewers on Saturday. Both teams gave their all from the very start in a brutally intense encounter. Kingswood’s golden thread is one that weaves its way via the hearts of successive generations at Kingswood. No the place else is that this extra obvious than at an event like Grandparents Day. Isabella Domingo achievers her Academic Honours. Azolile Mbangwa achieved his Academic Honours. Dearest Sandy, It is your birthday tomorrow 5 November 2017 and eve ..... Dear Selwyn,Gary and households. My sincere condolences on the unhappy lack of David. Rest in peace Avi - you cared for the animals of this earth so your coronary heart was in the right place. Not a day goes bye that we dont think of you but just understanding that you're with granny Charna and looking after all of us. All our love your loving uncle and aunty and cousin. Your in my heart eternally and I know in the future I will get to feel your arms round me. I love you with all that I am. May I make you proud as you watch me through my life's journey. Until we meet again, all the time and forever in our hearts. This past weekend the Kingswood girls and boys 1st teams competed in the annual Dave Hodgson Squash Festival. Sister of Ray ( Rachel) Rosenberg. Hi Deddy, hope you are pleased and on the other aspect. A wonderful man and cousin. Love you dad and miss you. Dr Greg Hough May HaShem welcome Her Soul into His Realm and May Her Soul Rest in Gan Eden endlessly in Peace . Salvatore L. Franco, D.M.D. I had been fortunate till today. I had never misplaced somebody from the immediate family apart from the grand parents within the pure pecking order. Uncle Ceddie was the man that did things differently to most. When everybody, from the small cities, went in search of the big lights and rat race, he cemented his foundations in Cradock. Wine amassing is the undoubtedly the right convergence between the poisonous mix of accumulating a never-ending selection of classic offerings and making an attempt to age these wines to the proper level of maturity. Wine is totally different as a outcome of there is an incredibly personal and sociable factor to the entire proverbial breaking bread and drinking wine with pals. Also, it's usually the rarities and inconceivable curiosities that no one ever thought to buy not to mention cellar, that can and should deserve extra of the limelight. Next EC Swim Series occasion takes place at Marina Martinique in two weeks time, see for additional data and to register on-line. You were all the time there for me and I beloved you a lot. My tears circulate with loving recollections of a daddy who showered me with l ..... Rohan 10 years in the past you were with us in Toronto. we remember you. When we now have pleasure we crave to share we bear in mind you. The quantity 6 match was a more tightly contested affair than the 3/0 rating line would attest to with Cannon taking a while to get accustomed to the SAC players unorthodox type of play. After taking the 2nd recreation 17/15 the momentum definitively shifted in Kingswood’s favour. The starting of the school year is normally a hive of activity because the pupils enroll or audition for an ensemble.
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mortraveling · 1 year
The Lord of the Rings ultimate New Zealand road trip guide
The Lord of the Rings ultimate New Zealand road trip guide  If you’re anything like me, then you’re a serious fan of the Lord of the Rings series of books and movies. For many fans, a trip to New Zealand to check out some of the most famous filming locations is a bucket list adventure. If you’re interested in exploring other famous movie road trip ideas, check out this awesome blog post on the best road trips from TV and film. If you’re interested in seeing Middle Earth and where the perfect backdrop for these movies was, keep reading on! 1. Matamata: Here you’ll find the original Hobbiton, where you can take a tour that’s jam-packed with great information and ample photo opportunities. This secluded part of New Zealand was chosen for the Shire region because of the beautiful landscape that perfectly coincided with the descriptions in the original book. This is an absolute must-visit location for any Lord of the Rings fan. 2. Wellington: Head to Wellington for a few reasons if you’re a Lord of the Ring fan. One of the main reasons people visit is to see Mount Wellington, which served as the backdrop for Hobbiton woods during all of the films. But this isn’t the only attraction to see in Wellington, there’s also Weta Studios which was involved with many aspects of the LOTR films, especially costume design. If you have time, it’s worth taking a tour to learn more. 3. Mount Sunday, Canterbury:  This is the location of the Edoras, which is the city of the Rohan people. These striking natural formations are worth a visit on their own even for a non-LOTR fan, but for those of you familiar with the movies this will be a real treat. 4. Mackenzie Country, Canterbury: This is famous due to the compelling battle of the Pelennor Fields in the Return of the King. You can opt to do a specific LOTR tour here to see the best of the region and the different filming locations.  5. Mount Earnslaw, Mount Aspiring National Park Nestled in New Zealand’s third largest national park, there are shots filmed here that feature in the opening sequences of The Two Towers. This is a must-visit location for any of you who plan to travel down toward Queenstown.  Hitting these top 5 locations will ensure that you see many of Lord of the Ring’s most famous landscapes around New Zealand.  via Blogger https://ift.tt/5zAs2vQ March 14, 2023 at 01:20PM
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marketingstrategy1 · 1 year
Jay Vine Rides His Way Onto Podium At Tour Down Under
Mohammad Ali (@ChaudhryMAli88) Published January 20, 2023 | 01:15 AM ADELAIDE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / WAM – 20th Jan, 2023) Jay Vine continued to show his strong early season form with 2nd place on Stage 2 of the Tour Down Under in Adelaide, Australia. Vine put in a powerful attack on Nettle Hill which crested at 20km taking with him a strong five-rider group including Rohan Dennis…
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hzaidan · 2 months
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The grieving Virgin cannot be consoled by the Apostle John, who looks up in consternation at a saddened God…
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Art,Paintings,VIRGIN,Fine Art,biography,Rohan Hours,History,mythology,religion,RELIGIOUSART,Zaidan,Ancient,Lamentation,footnotes,
01 Work, Interpretation of the bible, Rohan Hours' Lamentation of the Virgin, Nothing has changed in over 2000 years, with Footnotes #212
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yourlocalnews · 2 years
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