#Rjalker watches Flatland
rjalker · 9 months
one thing I don't like about the 2007 Flatland movie (Besides all the flashing lights and motion-sickness-inducing spinning :( )
is that they clearly decided they didn't want the narrator to actually be a narrator, but they still wanted to include the stuff about Chromatistes. So now they're both alive at the same time and the narrator is alive during the incident.
The problem with this is, what we know of the Color Revolt in the original book, is all what the Configurationists approved and wrote themselves. It's all propaganda. They won, so now they get to tell the story, and no one can contradict them or question the so-called facts.
And since this movie decided it's happening all at the same time so that they don't have to have A. Square be the narrator, instead of him simply repeating the story he was told, now all the stuff with Chromatistes that the Configurationists want people to spread is just treated as absolute fact.
When we don't know the facts. All we know is the propaganda the Configurationists wrote down and allowed to be taught in schools generations afterward.
And considering all the other things the narrator was told, and repeats without question, that we are very clearly meant to question, taking the information about Chromatistes at face value and assuming the Configurationists are telling the true story, sort of misses the point of the book...
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kismetmoon · 9 months
i think lines should be able to have colourful exoskeletons too instead of just being like. still grey or black with only their clothes or eye having colours
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[Plain text ID: A drawing of Liz, an original stylized Flatland character on a very dark brown background.
Liz is depicted as a thin, humanoid character with a pale yellow outline and a yellow body that fades into orange on her arms, legs and head. She has a seven-point star-shaped head with one closed smiling eye in the middle and two hoops earrings at either side. She also has a long and thin tail that ends in an orange five-point star.
She is waving out one hand and the other is resting on her knee. Her body is slightly bent over.
End ID.]
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rjalker · 9 months
[Audio description: A short audio clip from the 2007 Flatland film, with A Square and A Sphere talking in a large room that makes their voices echo.
A Square says, "But…might I be granted a look at your insides?" "My what?" A Sphere exclaims. "Your stomach, brain, heart." A Square says. "What the devil are you talking about?!?" A Sphere cries. The clip ends. End Audio description.]
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rjalker · 9 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of A Sphere from the 2007 Flatland film, holding a glass jar with a Flatlander inside. Rather than having his eyes and mouth drawn on. A Sphere's face is made up of a cropped screenshot of two red, rose-shaped earrings with silver backings sitting on pale yellow foam, with a line under as an indentation, making it look like his eyes and mouth, staring off into space. He is drawn pale yellow to match the foam instead of his normal vibrant yellow. He is asking the trapped Flatlander, "Would you still love me if I were jewelry in a google play store ad?" The Flatlander is Hauntlight, an original character, done as a simply drawn irregular black line, with its rabbit daemon Cenotaph represented by an arrow shape, shouts up at him with tiny dialogue text in all caps, "Who are you", while its daemon adds on, "WTF". A blank spot in the corner of the drawing has arrows around a grey dotted blob with a question mark inside to mark the absence of A Sphere's daemon. End ID.]
When you're trying to draw serious things but the google play store add looks like A Sphere from the 2007 Flatland film staring at you from the top of the screen.
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rjalker · 9 months
The humor in the Flatland 2007 film is absolutely hysterical but unfortunately I will never rewatch that movie because there's too many flashing lights and too many scenes where the camera is just spinning sickeningly for literal minutes on end
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rjalker · 11 months
"She's a chromatist!"
Good for her!
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rjalker · 9 months
Timestamps for Flashing lights and stuff in the 2007 Flatland Film, which you can watch on youtube for free.
Please copy and paste these or share this to other websites, or even just make it a new post on your own blog. I don't need credit. I just want people to not have seizures or get headaches or motion sickness.
26:23-26:31 has his brain flashing and shaking as the camera zooms in on his neurons with dial-up noises playing until
27:20-32:10 a white light strobes across the screen starting at 15 seconds apart, then strobing when the king of Lineland demands A. Square prove what he's saying. All the while the people of Lineland light up whenever they speak. This scene ends with A. Square being peirced through the eye by the King of Lineland, and spinning rapidly until he wakes up in bed with his kids yelling.
38:10-16 has A. Square zipping through the marketplace so the talls go by in a blurry flash at the top and bottom of the screen.
46:09-46:25 The camera starts rapidly spinning to follow President Circle as he spins.
50:37-50:50 the camera spins and A. Square flashes white as A. Sphere pokes in repeatedly in the stomach from the 3rd Dimension. A Square is screaming during this.
51:19-51:52 The camera spins and flashes rapdily as A. Square is lifted out of Flatland.
58:49-58:52: The camera spins along with A Sphere a he leave Flatland again
59:16-59:20 The camera spins again
1:02:26-1:38:07 The camera spins as they come in to land at Messiah Incorporated
1:03:50-1:04:25 the camera spins again
1:04:33-1:11:45 The lights flicker irregularly throughout and flash as the desk shakes while A. Sphere types. The room also spins after 1:06-something.
1:06:10-1:06:13 light strobe as A Sphere takes flash photos of A Square
1:11:55-1:13:28 The camera spins as other characters enter enter the room, then as they descend in the elevator. Lights then flash as they fly and enter the room with flash photography.
1:13:28-1:19:15 Constant flahing light from endless flash photogragy at all time, plus the camera pinning. A. Square becomes incresingly more sicker from the force of gravity and falls over.
1:19:22-1:19:45 We zoom in on A. Square's spinning and glitching eye as the background swirls and spins.
1:20:40-1:21:46 Red lights flash as ships fire on eachother in the sky with lazers.
1:21:46 The screen flashes white as a bomb is dropped, and we see A Sphere's insides against the white background.
1:22:28-1:25:44 More flashing red and green lights as ships fire on eachother, then an explosion, and the screen begins to shake violently with more lights flashing. We see A Sphere's car, with a message highlighted on the screen, "A Sphere is dead! Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. No acceptance. Revenge"
1:25:44-1:27:08 A Square glitches as he falls back to Flatland, then falls through and into streams of white mathmatical equations falling past. The music gets louder than is necessary.
1:31:49-1:32:07 One of A Sphere's eyes pops out and the camera starts to spin.
1:34:24-1:34:47 The camera spazzes out and swirls around absurdly fast as A Square's wife roars to knock out all the guards.
1:35:38-1:36:01 The screen shakes as a smaller bomb goes off, then triangles in flashing colors stream past.
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rjalker · 10 months
I don't speak Italian :(
Translation by @el-the-cell:
Yesterday the Great Circle came to inspect the State Prison for his seventh yearly visit, asking me for the seventh time:
"The prisoner insist on supporting his absurd lie?" "You know very well that you are tall, as well as long and wide." "Lie! Measure my height, then, I shall believe you!"
It's been seven years, and I'm still in prison, but I keep existing, in the hope that these memories of mine could let a class of rebels arise, that refuse to live in a limited dimensionality, which for the clarity of you, inhabitants of space, I will call "flatland".
Credits shown:
FLATLAND from the fantasy novel of many dimensions by Edwin A. Abbot Film-making by Michele Emmer
Imagine a vast sheet of paper on the surface of which shadows with luminous contours move without being able to lift or dip. Straight lines, triangles, squares, hexagons and other geometrical shapes. This way you will have a correct enough idea of my country and of my compatriots. However we are not able to see anything of all that. Nothing is visible for us, except straight lines. I shall demonstrate why right away.
Let's take an equilateral triangle. If you, inhabitants of space sink your eye to the level on which it lays, it will, bit by bit, cease to appear as a shape, to appear as a straight line. Well, that is exactly what we see in Flatland when an acquaintance approaches us.
"Good morning, my dear!" "It's a pleasure to see you again!" "Is everyone doing well?" "Please give my regards to your lady!" "Goodbye!"
-How do you recognise each other?- You will ask. I shall take my time to answer you later.
Allow me to talk about the climate and the accommodations in my country. As with you, so with us there are four cardinal points: north, south, east and west. Since there isn't a sun, or other celestial bodies, it is for us impossible to determine which way the north is with the usual method. We od have our own system, though. Here, a natural law dictates that there shall be a constant attraction towards the south. And this attraction constitutes our compass. In the cities we are guided by the houses, of which the roofs are always pointing towards the north, to protect us from rainfall. The rain further helps with orientation, as it alway comes from the north. In the countryside, where there are no houses, the trees can serve as a guide, with the points always facing north. But if you happen, like it happened to me, to walk on a perfectly deserted plain, you'll be forced to stay still for hours, waiting for rain.
But let us go back to the problem of inhabitants. The inhabitants of Flatland. Our women are straight lines. Soldiers and workmen, which are our inferior classes, are isosceles triangles. Our bourgeoisie consists of equilaterals, namely triangles with equal sides. Our professionals and gentlemen are squares (class to which I, myself, belong to), and five sided shapes. Immediately above that comes aristocracy, that begins with six-sided shapes and goes on until the many-sided ones, awarded with the honorary title of "polygonal". When the number of sides becomes so great, and the size of the sides so small, a shape becomes indistinguishable from a circle. That is how you become part of the sacerdotal order, or the order of circulars: the uppermost class. In our social order, a natural law dictates that the male son shall have one more side than the father, thus climbing the ladder of nobility. This way the son of a square is a pentagon, the son of a pentagon is a hexagon, and so on. It is not that way for soldiers and workers. The son of an isosceles will always be an isosceles. I remember one time when two isosceles parents brought an equilateral into the world. It was reason to celebrate for hundreds of metres! But the newborn, recognised as "regular", was immediately taken from the despairing parents. An equilateral without offspring was summoned by the congress of the Great Circles.
"Equilateral bachelor, at your command" "You shall adopt the newborn equilateral!"
Held under oath, the new father pledged to never allow the adopted child to see his parents ever again. He now belonged to a superior class.
(Isosceles triangles gather in a house)
"We no longer accept abuses!" "Let's bring down the unjust laws!" "No one will be able to stop us!"
The acute-angled hoi polloi managed, in some to their seditions, to find leaders capable of making the Wisdom of the Circles their superior strength and numerical advantage.
"Isosceles! United, we will win!"
But the polygons manage almost always manage to stifle the sedition in the bud.
"We need to convince the leaders of the uprising to accept to partake in a discussion." "I'll tell the medics to stand ready."
The isosceles, leader of the rebels, is induced into entering one of the State Hospitals, to undergo an accurate medical examination.
(Hexagonal medic, in a German accent:)
"How is an artificial expansion possible? Thanks to a perfect surgery, the isosceles - made regular and innocuous - is thus allowed to become part of the privileged classes."
This way, the hapless mob of isosceles, deprived of their leadership, will let themselves be stabbed by a small group of their brethren, hired by the Great Circle and kept ready in the State Forts, in case of emergency.
"Soldiers, the fatherland calls!" "Ready for inspection! Present, arms! Attention! Right face! Forward March! Present, arms! Forward March!"
"Fire! Fire!"
"Fire! Fire! Fire! Wipe 'em all out! Exterminate them!"
"Fire! Fire!"
In our annals there are no less than 120 revolutions. And they all ended like this.
Some very important figures in Flatland are women. Being straight lines, They are basically invisible for us, inhabitants of the two dimensional world. A law forces them to constantly move their back part, so that we, flat beings, can see them when they arrive. Their character is ever-changing, and they get angry very easily. Since their end part is very sharp, it is not advisable to start a discussion with them in the streets.
"Please, do give way. I am in a hurry. Move aside!" "Actually, I am as well. And I arrived before you." "I'm not in the mood to waste time. Move!" "My lady, you offend me. I don't understand." "My patience has a limit!" line stabs isosceles triangle
As we have well understood, being touched by a furious woman can be very dangerous in Flatland. When we notice a woman passing through the street, we, the men, are all very careful not to cross her, or make her nervous. Our women's changing nature often causes real family tragedies. It's not rare that a woman gone crazy will exterminate her whole family, husband and children first.
"Enough, I'm sick of being at your services! I want to leave, I want my own freedom!"
An insane woman that wanders through the city immediately results in the intervention of soldiers, who are forced to eliminate her.
"Enough, go away! Stop! I'm sick of this!" "Let's get away, quick! She's dangerous." "Halt! That's enough."
Women are not a joke. Despite this, our supreme rulers, the Circles, are profoundly attracted to women. Especially the most beautiful and corrupted ones.
"Did you see that Let's follow them."
Dancing is one of the most beloved activities by circles, and all the people of flatland. And without women, what kind of dancing would it be?
A very delicate geometric problem for us, inhabitants of the flat world, a problem that inhabitants of space don't even imagine, is how to recognise each other in the street. One method consists of going around the other shape, touching gently side against side, in order to understand what shape we have encountered. We must be very careful. A brusque movement - a simple touching of the edge - can cause immediate death. But what I the reason for our problem? It's an issue of plane geometry. If I, a square, encounter another geometric shape, I'll see (as opposed to you, inhabitants of space) nothing but lines. It can be very difficult to distinguish who I have in front of me, based on what I see. I could even fail to recognise a woman.
Another big problem in my country are irregulars: geometrical shapes with unequal sides. They have difficult relationships with everyone. They can't get a job. Nobody wants anything to do with them. Even their parents don't want them.
"Just leave." "We've had enough of the problems you cause us."
Thus, the irregulars vent their anger of excluded and different on whoever first happens to be in range, causing the intervention of soldiers, who are only waiting for an excuse to intervene.
"He's dangerous! Eliminate him! Immediately!"
There is no doubt that the irregulars live very unhappy lives in flatland. But we, on the other hand, must defend our geometric regularity. Does something similar, if I may say so, not happen in your spacial world?
Years ago the fashion of colouring your sides spread in our world. Everyone competed to show off the most dazzling colours. Even the soldiers put on their dress uniforms.
The time has come that I, the square, protagonist of this tale, explain why I am in prison, where I receive the periodic visits of the Great Circle, where he invariably asks me:
"Do you still insist on your absurd lies?" "I cannot do otherwise. You know it well." "Then you shall remain in prison." "I will retain the memory of what I had the occasion to see."
And what I lived through, was the greatest adventure of my life. It began inside my house, where I live with my three sons - pentagons - (According to the law of flatland, children have one side more than their parents) with the servants - triangles of various shapes - with my wife and my son, some of the servants and two grandsons (hexagons, obviously). Then, one night, I was coming home from a tiring day. As usual, I was welcomed by my wife, and by one of my grandsons, who was drawn to geometry.
"Grandpa, you taught me that in our world length and width exist: the directions in which anything expands. Therefore if I want to calculate the surface area of a square, with a side length of, let's say, three, you'll need exactly nine little squares of unitary length. The area is three squared, which equals nine. Then why couldn't you give a meaning to the expression 'three to the power of three'?"
"Oh, nonsense! Go to sleep, I'm tired."
And I retreated to my room. I could not have predicted that I would be so soon and so spectacularly proven wrong. In the middle of the night I was woken, together with my wife, from a loud noise. I ordered my wife to return to her room. The loud noise announced the visit, dream or reality, of a being that I have since then considered sacred: the divine sphere.
The sphere. Only later I understood what it was. It had descended to visit my world. To visit us, beings unworthy and incapable of contemplating it. Obviously, I couldn't understand or see that I had a three-dimensional object in front of me, which showed on the plane of my world, what you would call a section of its shape. I did not understand it until the sphere decided to let me rise with it into space as you know it. Since that moment, I have seen things that I can not even begin to describe, for my word is unsuitable. And taken by the thrill of space, I threw myself into the analogy. But if really three dimensional objects do exist, why not think about not only about three to the third, but also about three to the fourth, why not see the cube - yes, it is divine - but in four dimensions? And seeing the sphere as well, in four dimensions? Even though I am now in prison, where I will remain forever, for trying to convince my too unworthy compatriots of the existence of space, I thank the divine sphere, that allowed me to see, or maybe dream, for a moment, the wonders of infinite space.
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rjalker · 11 months
so somene needs to make a flatland movie without flashing lights.
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rjalker · 11 months
"Yes, women can do that."
SINCE WHEN?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!?!?!!??!
(I'm dying of laughter)
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rjalker · 11 months
"Chromatism is cool!"
[all of the adults fall dead silent]
I love this movie
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rjalker · 9 months
[Audio description: A short audio clip from the 2007 Flatland film, with A. Square and A. Sphere talking in A. Sphere's car while stargazing. A Square starts out talking in mid sentence, saying, "...that gods would have even greater gods to worship." A Sphere concedes philosophically. "I guess there's always something smaller, and always something larger than you are." A Square interrupts him to say,"I wonder what does this sun worship? Are their being even greater than this glorious sun?" A Sphere interrupts him to loudly say, "Alright, that's enough, let's not get silly now." Ignoring him, A Square continues wonderously, "What is that--" The audio clip ends. End audio transcript.]
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rjalker · 9 months
this scene is gonna be like 10 minutes straight of flashing lights if I remember correctly.
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rjalker · 9 months
since no one else probably will, I'm rewatching the 2007 Flatland film to write down a list of time stamps for where there's flashing lights and motion-sickness-incuding scenes.
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rjalker · 10 months
dear gods this narration is the most obnoxious thing I've ever heard. slow down. this person is talking way too fast.
The art an animation are really cool though...
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rjalker · 9 months
this is the part I was just translating. brain breaking.
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