#Riyad Mansour Palestinian Envoy to the UN
Julian Borger and Lorenzo Tondo at The Guardian:
The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The assembly voted by 143 to nine, with 25 abstentions, for a resolution called on the UN security council to bestow full membership to the state of Palestine, while enhancing its current mission with a range of new rights and privileges, in addition to what it is allowed in its current observer status. The highly charged gesture drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to the UN, Gilad Erdan, delivered a fiery denunciation of the resolution and its backers before the vote. “Today, I will hold up a mirror for you,” Erdan said, taking out the small paper shredder in which he shredding a small copy of the cover of the UN charter. He told the assembly: “You are shredding the UN charter with your own hands. Yes, yes, that’s what you’re doing. Shredding the UN charter. Shame on you.”
The Palestinian envoy, Riyad Mansour, pointed out the vote was being held at a time when Rafah, the southernmost town that is last haven for many Gazans, faced attack from Israeli forces. “As we speak, 1.4 million Palestinians in Rafah wonder if they will survive the day and wonder where to go next. There is nowhere left to go,” Mansour said. “I have stood hundreds of times before at this podium, often in tragic circumstances, but none comparable to the ones my people endured today … never for a more significant vote than the one about to take place, a historic one.” Friday’s resolution was carefully tailored over the past few days, diluting its language so as not to trigger a cut-off of US funding under a 1990 law. It does not make Palestine a full member, or give it voting rights in the assembly, or the right to stand for membership of the security council, but the vote was a resounding expression of world opinion in favour of Palestinian statehood, galvanised by the continuing bloodshed and famine caused by Israel’s war in Gaza.
Even before the vote in the assembly on Friday morning, Israel and a group of leading Republicans urged US funding be cut anyway because of the new privileges the resolution granted to the Palestinian mission. The US mission to the UN, which voted against the resolution, warned that it would also use its veto again if the question of Palestinian membership returned to the security council for another vote. “Efforts to advance this resolution do not change the reality that the Palestinian Authority does not currently meet the criteria for UN membership under the UN charter,” the mission’s spokesperson, Nathan Evans, said. “Additionally, the draft resolution does not alter the status of the Palestinians as a “non-member state observer mission”. The other nations which voted against the resolution were Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea. The UK abstained.
According to the resolution, the Palestinian mission will now have to right to sit in the general assembly among other states in alphabetical order, rather than in its current observer seat at the back of the chamber. Palestinian diplomats will have the right to introduce proposals and amendments, they can be elected to official posts in the full chamber and on committees, and will have the right to speak on Middle Eastern matters, as well as the right to make statements on behalf of groups of nations in the assembly. But the resolution also makes plain that “the state of Palestine, in its capacity as an observer state, does not have the right to vote in the general assembly or to put forward its candidature to United Nations organs.”
The UN General Assembly voted 143-9 with 25 abstentions in favor of backing a bid to make the State of Palestine its 194th member and to grant more privileges as an observer state.
Further, the UNGA recommends that the UN Security Council reconsider the matter to grant the State of Palestine full membership. The US is likely to veto it.
Sadly, the US (along with 8 other countries such as Israel, Czech Republic, and Argentina) voted no in order to protect Israel Apartheid interests.
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vyorei · 8 months
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I'm taking a goddamn hUmAnItArIaN pAuSe for myself because I haven't had a break today, didn't have any yesterday, the WiFi is shit right now, and I'm sick of these gobshites doing nothing but talk talk talk while Palestinians are fucking slaughtered
I'll be back in an hour, here's the livelink to stay updated:
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
In my extensive coverage of the Israel – Hamas war since it started, I have reported that the ongoing genocide of an entire race of people, the Palestinians, is vehemently opposed by a vast majority of the world’s population. More than half the Israeli population does not support Netanyahu’s reign of terror, and the majority of Jews living in the United States also do not support the annihilation of the Palestinian people, where recent polls have shown that about two thirds of the population of the U.S. do not support Israel’s action, but instead support a ceasefire.
And now, since yesterday, December 8, 2023, we can add the United Nations Security Council, where a resolution to call for a ceasefire in this horrible war with over 10,000 people now murdered, most of whom are women and children, failed by the only vote cast to oppose that ceasefire, the vote of the United States, who is  a “permanent member” of the Security Council, with the authority to override everyone else’s votes.
Does any rational-thinking U.S. citizen still believe that the U.S. can take on almost the entire world, risking the security of our country, by choosing to stand with Netanyahu’s reign of terror?
International rights groups say US ‘risks complicity in war crimes’, has ‘callous disregard for civilian suffering’. World leaders, international rights groups and United Nations officials have criticised the United States for vetoing a UN resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and failing to halt the war that has killed more than 17,400 Palestinians and about 1,100 people in Israel since October 7. A UN resolution on the pause in hostilities failed to pass on Friday at the UN Security Council after the United States vetoed the proposal and Britain abstained. The remaining 13 of the 15 current members of the UNSC voted in favour of the resolution put forward by the United Arab Emirates and co-sponsored by 100 other countries. Here are some of the reactions: Palestine Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the US’s veto made it “complicit” in war crimes in Gaza. “The president has described the American position as aggressive and immoral, a flagrant violation of all humanitarian principles and values, and holds the United States responsible for the bloodshed of Palestinian children, women and elderly people in the Gaza Strip,” a statement from his office said. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said the veto was “a disgrace and another blank cheque given to the occupying state to massacre, destroy and displace”. Palestine’s UN envoy Riyad Mansour told the UNSC that the result of the vote was “disastrous”. “If you are against the destruction and displacement of the Palestinian people you must stand against this war. And if you support it then you are enabling this destruction and displacement regardless of your intentions … Millions of Palestinian lives hang in the balance. Every single one of them is sacred, worth saving.” Hamas strongly condemned the US veto, saying it considers Washington’s move “unethical and inhumane”. “The US obstruction of the issuance of a ceasefire resolution is a direct participation with the occupation in killing our people and committing more massacres and ethnic cleansing,” Izzat al-Risheq, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, said in a statement.
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#Breaking: #Palestine to seek full #UN membership, Palestinian envoy says
Palestine to seek full UN membership, Palestinian envoy says. ‘It’s only us, the Palestinian people, who will determine our right to self-determination, including the independence of our state,’ says Riyad Mansour http://v.aa.com.tr/3145507 Source: X
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jhavelikes · 7 months
MANY GOVERNMENTS and citizens are appalled by the civilian casualties from Israel’s bombardment and invasion of Gaza, which is its response to Hamas’s attack on Israel. On October 10th the Palestinian envoy to the UN, Riyad Mansour, described Israel’s actions as “nothing less than genocidal”. Iran and Iraq have also accused Israel of genocide. Politically, it is clear why Israel’s enemies should invoke the heinous crime. But the allegation has also been made by countries that have usually been friendly to Israel. Colombia, Honduras and South Africa have all withdrawn their ambassadors from Israel, accusing its government of committing “genocide”.
How the term “genocide” is misused in the Israel-Hamas war
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blogynews · 8 months
"Gaza's Astonishing Hospital Attack: Palestinian Envoy Reveals Explosive Evidence Contradicting Netanyahu's Claims - A Deleted Tweet Resurfaces"
Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN, has disputed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was responsible for the attack on a hospital in Gaza. Mansour called Netanyahu a liar, stating that Israel targeted the hospital because they believed there was a Hamas base nearby. He also mentioned that Netanyahu’s spokesperson had tweeted about the incident and then…
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blogynewz · 8 months
"Gaza's Astonishing Hospital Attack: Palestinian Envoy Reveals Explosive Evidence Contradicting Netanyahu's Claims - A Deleted Tweet Resurfaces"
Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN, has disputed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was responsible for the attack on a hospital in Gaza. Mansour called Netanyahu a liar, stating that Israel targeted the hospital because they believed there was a Hamas base nearby. He also mentioned that Netanyahu’s spokesperson had tweeted about the incident and then…
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blogynewsz · 8 months
"Gaza's Astonishing Hospital Attack: Palestinian Envoy Reveals Explosive Evidence Contradicting Netanyahu's Claims - A Deleted Tweet Resurfaces"
Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN, has disputed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was responsible for the attack on a hospital in Gaza. Mansour called Netanyahu a liar, stating that Israel targeted the hospital because they believed there was a Hamas base nearby. He also mentioned that Netanyahu’s spokesperson had tweeted about the incident and then…
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greedforher · 6 years
Haley Blames Hamas for Gaza Violence, Walks Out Amid Palestinian UN Envoy Speech
Yes, she walked out. You read that correctly #Palestine #Gaza #UNSC #Israel #Nakba70
(Sputnik) – The US ambassador left the Security Council chamber Tuesday at the start of a speech by Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour, who sharply criticized Washington’s decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in defiance of the international body’s resolutions.
Haley defended Israeli troops’ actions and blamed Hamas and its Iranian backers for the violence on Gaza’s border…
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irishrebelvoice · 4 years
Palestinians push UN action over US peace plan, Abbas to speak at UN Security Council —
Palestinians push UN action over US peace plan, Abbas to speak at UN Security Council —
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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will speak in the United Nations Security Council in the next two weeks about the US Middle East peace plan, Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour said on Wednesday, Reuters reports. Mansour told reporters he hoped the 15-member Security Council, at the same meeting that Abbas would address, would vote on a draft…
via Palestinians push UN action over US peace…
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tdshay · 4 years
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Palestinian President Abbas to address UN Security Council on peace UNITED NATIONS: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will speak in the United Nations Security Council in the next two weeks about the US Middle East peace plan, Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour Source: Palestinian President Abbas to address UN Security Council on peace
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tinydreamkingdom · 5 years
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Israel’s home demolitions a ‘war crime’: Palestinian envoy United Nations - The latest demolitions of Palestinian homes near a military barrier on the outskirts of Jerusalem were "shocking and heartbreaking" and should be probed as a war crime, Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour said on Tuesday.  Addressing the UN Secu… Read More
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trumpfeed · 4 years
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will speak in the United Nations Security Council in the next two weeks about the U.S. Middle East peace plan, Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour said on Wednesday.
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radharmonyartisan · 5 years
Riyad H. Mansour, the ambassador since 2005, attended college in the Midwest and cut his teeth in the American civil rights and antiwar movements.
from NYT > World News https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/28/world/middleeast/palestinian-envoy-un-ohio-steelworker.html?emc=rss&partner=rss via NY times
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minute20 · 6 years
Here are Nikki Haley’s peak moments during her tenure at the United Nations – ThinkProgress
Information that Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and by most accounts, a Trump loyalist, has resigned from her put up on Tuesday has raised eyebrows from Washington, D.C. to Geneva.
Though Axios, which broke the story, didn’t embrace a motive for Haley’s departure, one very logical take is that Haley, who tendered her resignation on Tuesday, may need been burned-out from a really intense, nearly two-year stint.
Or possibly she has some plans with the GOP after what is certain to be an eventful midterm contest subsequent month. Throughout a press convention on Tuesday, Haley basically stated it was time for her to “step apart” and that she would marketing campaign for President Trump in 2020.
Haley will stay in her put up till the top of the yr, when she is going to bid the put up and the swanky New York residence (full with $52,00zero curtains) behind. As brief as her time may have been — her alternative is to be introduced within the coming weeks — it has been removed from boring. Listed below are her most memorable moments:
Defending her president: Whereas Haley has stated that she doesn’t all the time agree with President Trump on his insurance policies, she’s typically been first in line to defend him, be it towards the nameless op-ed within the New York Instances (together with her personal in The Washington Publish), or on his resolution to tug america out of the worldwide migration compact in December.
“Our selections on immigration insurance policies should all the time be made by Individuals and Individuals alone,” stated Haley, “We are going to resolve how finest to manage our borders and who will likely be allowed to enter our nation.”
She additionally spoke up when the president’s speech attracted first, guffaws, then outright laughter, on the U.N. Common Meeting in September, blaming it on the media (though the media, on the fourth ground gallery on the U.N. corridor, was not laughing).
Threatening U.N. member states: After President Trump unilaterally determined to maneuver the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, due to this fact formally recognizing a metropolis whose standing was being negotiated by Israelis and Palestinians because the Jewish capital, U.N. member states had been livid. They took two votes to indicate that displeasure.
After the opposite 14 U.N. Safety Council members voted in favor of a draft decision towards the U.S. transferring its embassy to Jerusalem — with Haley elevating her hand as the only real vote towards (and with veto energy, that vote caught) — she delivered a soliloquy on sovereignty, calling the vote “an insult” that “won’t be forgotten:”
Figuring out comparable draft decision was developing for a wider vote on the U.N., Haley then took to Twitter to make her level:
On the UN we’re all the time requested to do extra & give extra. So, once we decide, on the will of the American ppl, abt the place to find OUR embassy, we do not anticipate these we have helped to focus on us. On Thurs there will be a vote criticizing our selection. The US will likely be taking names. pic.twitter.com/ZsusB8Hqt4
— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) December 19, 2017
The gambit didn’t work, although: The U.N. Common Meeting voted in favor of a decision calling for the nullification of President Trump’s embassy resolution, passing by a margin of 128 to 9 (with 35 abstentions).
Strolling out whereas Palestinian envoy speaks: In a remarkably undiplomatic transfer, Haley in Might upped and left a U.N. Safety Council when the Palestinian envoy started talking concerning the violence between Israeli forces and protesters at Gaza “border” fences that resulted in scores of deaths and a whole bunch of accidents.
Haley, who had already blamed Hamas and Iran for the violence, didn’t need to hear what Everlasting Observer of Palestine to the United Nations Riyad Mansour needed to say.
Leaving the U.N. Human Rights Council: Calling the U.N. Human Rights Council a “cesspool of political bias” that “protects human rights abusers,” Haley introduced in June that the U.S. is leaving the council. That is largely over the council’s repeated requires Israel to be held accountable for its actions towards Palestinians, though the council has failed to carry different U.S. allies, reminiscent of Saudi Arabia, accountable for his or her actions (particularly, within the case of Saudi Arabia, for the killing of 1000’s of Yemeni civilians with U.S.-supported airstrikes).
Missile show-and-tell: Haley has taken each alternative to spin the civil conflict in Yemen — and the Saudi position in it — as proof of Iran’s malign habits. She even held a wierd media occasion at a D.C.-area airbase in December, displaying a part of what she stated was an Iranian-made missile utilized by Houthis. The difficulty is, there was no method of realizing when and the way the missile ended up in Yemen, with no unbiased verification of the place the weapons had been made and once they had been used.
Supporting the dying penalty for homosexuality: Final October, Haley rejected a decision to ban using the dying penalty as a punishment for homosexuality, successfully sending the message that killing individuals for being homosexual is okay.
State Division spokesperson Heather Nauert instructed reporters that the U.S.’s objection to the decision needed to do with the “abolition of the dying penalty altogether.” Haley additionally tried to spin the vote on Twitter:
Truth: There was NO vote by USUN that supported the dying penalty for homosexual individuals. Now we have all the time fought for justice for the LGBT neighborhood.
— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) October 4, 2017
However a former U.S. ambassador the to the U.N. shot that down proper fast:
Disgrace on US! I used to be proud to steer U.S. efforts at UN to guard LGBTQ individuals, again within the day when America stood for human rights for all 🇺🇸 https://t.co/3Y403bP7Wh
— Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) October 3, 2017
Indignant, although actually not confused: One of many only a few moments when Haley let her displeasure present relating to the chaos popping out of the White Home was in April.
That’s when Haley introduced a brand new set of sanctions towards Russia, solely to have the White Home contradict her (President Trump, apparently, was not but snug sufficient with the sanctions to announce them). Trump’s nationwide financial adviser Larry Kudlow instructed the media that Haley had gotten “forward of the curve” and that “there may need been some momentary confusion about [the sanctions].”
Haley fired again, “with all due respect, I don’t get confused.”
The post Here are Nikki Haley’s peak moments during her tenure at the United Nations – ThinkProgress appeared first on Breakig News.
source https://www.20minute.info/here-are-nikki-haleys-peak-moments-during-her-tenure-at-the-united-nations-thinkprogress/
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wikipress01 · 6 years
UN General Assembly Slams Israel For ‘Excessive Use Of Force’ Against Palestinians
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a decision condemning Israel for the deaths of Palestinian protesters in Gaza.
At least 131 Palestinians had been killed and 13,900 others wounded by Israeli forces since March 30, when Israel ordered a crackdown on weekly Gaza protests selling Palestinians’ proper to return to their homeland.
The nonbinding decision calls on the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to make proposals “on ways and means for ensuring the safety, protection, and well-being of the Palestinian civilian population under Israeli occupation,” together with “recommendations regarding an international protection mechanism.”
A US modification to sentence Hamas didn’t obtain sufficient help.
RT reviews: The decision condemns Israel for “excessive use of force” towards Palestinian demonstrators on the Israeli-Gaza border and requires the “protection of the Palestinian civilian population” in Gaza. It was adopted with 120 votes in favor and eight votes towards, with 45 abstentions.
The modification provided by US envoy Nikki Haley sought to sentence Hamas, which runs the elected authorities in Gaza, for firing rockets at Israel. The modification acquired 62 votes in favor, with 58 nations opposed and 42 abstaining. It wanted a two-thirds majority to go, nonetheless, so it was not included within the closing decision.
The United Nations is inacabable of passing an modification condemning Hamas rocket assaults on Israel. Vote was 62-58 in favor however 2/three majority required for passage. 42 nations abstained. pic.twitter.com/M725hm6Kmg
— Noga Tarnopolsky (@NTarnopolsky) June 13, 2018
The practically an identical decision proposed by Kuwait was vetoed by the US within the Security Council on Tuesday. Unlike the Security Council resolutions, these adopted within the General Assembly are non-binding.
Haley condemned the adopted decision as “morally bankrupt.”
“The resolution is one-sided, makes not one mention of Hamas which routinely initiates violence,” the US envoy mentioned in the course of the debate previous the vote, including that “What makes Gaza different is that attacking Israel is their favorite political sport.”
Israeli ambassador Danny Danon slammed the decision as “empowering Hamas” and the nations that help it as “colluding with a terrorist organization.”
“I have a simple message for those who support this resolution. You are the ammunition for Hamas’s guns, you are the warheads for its missiles,” he mentioned.
Over 130 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the course of the protests alongside the border with Gaza that started on March 30. The deadliest day up to now has been May 14, when the US embassy formally moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“We cannot remain silent in the face of the most violent crimes and human rights violations being systematically perpetrated against our people,” mentioned Riyad Mansour, Palestinian envoy to the UN.
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