#Riley Answers
rileyplays · 2 months
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who you think deserve a hug. Let the hugging begin! 💜 🖤
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Aah, thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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insane--idiots · 2 years
i was wondering if youd be mad if maybe i kinda stole something from you
i’m sorry q^q
Depends on what it iss...kidding! I don't care :3 what was it though?
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justan-0-t-h-3-r · 2 years
How do you think Billy would act when he finds out Steve used the f slur? Maybe he hears him use it?
Oohh, drama, I like it!
The first, and last, time Billy heard Steve use that word, he was still in his borderline dick phase, Billy saw red. It's a word that just gets him angry. And we're talking blind rage. Maybe Steve isn't the strongest so he uses these slurs to fight but when Billy hears it, Steve is pinned right up against the nearest wall by his collar. He doesn't care who's around or who sees, that word should never be used for anything. Not even a joke.
Billy doesn't punch him, he just hold him against the wall and stares daggers at him, getting up in his face with the look in his eyes that screams danger but also, sadness.
"You fucking say that word again, Harrington, I will knock your teeth out."
With one final shove he hurries out before anyone could ask or see his eyes tear up.
Later down the line when Steve learns about everything Billy's going through, Steve absolutely beats himself up. And when he meets Robin? He can never forgive himself for being that guy.
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chabamatsus · 2 years
🌻 >:)
in telltale's now-defunct minecraft story mode there's an episode in the first season that features a bunch of actual minecraft youtuber cameos, no doubt to make all of the thirteen year olds that played it really excited and to buy the episode but me, fourteen and didn't watch minecraft youtubers, bought it anyway because it was my special interest. anyway this episode is also a murder mystery for some reason where the main cast goes through a portal and gets stuck in this world and invited to a mansion to take refuge from the huge hoard of zombies that spawns bc of the double moon thats in this dimension
the youtubers featured in the episode are captainsparklez, torquedawg, ldshadowlady, stampylongcat, thediamondminecart, and stacy plays. there's also a character called cassie rose (voiced by ashly burch who is aloy horizon zero dawn, chloe in life is strange, mayuri in steins gate, and some fortnite voices) that meets the protagonists there and if you're familiar with youtubers you would probably immediately figure out that the oc is the killer to which you'd be correct.
anyway the murder mystery is really funny becuase it still goes by minecraft logic. early into the episode torquedawg is killed by a trap when the lights are off and you only know that he died because he is gone and you see his minecraft inventory being pulled away by hoppers. captainsparklez also straight up dies by being pushed into a sand trap and suffocating and after that it's revealed that the killer is someone called the white pumpkin who is killing everyone bc they want a precious item (you have it btw). you might go 'why don't they just mine out, it's minecraft' BUT they avoid this with the excuse that they can't leave bc of the hordes of zombies outside
ldshadowlady or thediamondminecart can also die depending on your choices and when i played shadowlady died but then i went back and redid it because i was so fucking mad that i killed a woman
also when you accuse cassie rose of being the murderer she straight up kills herself with her own trap but its fine bc its a kids game
anyway i just think it's funny that telltale permakilled minecraft youtubers in their game and i'm glad that it came out at the time it did instead of erm... now...
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yawnderu · 5 months
bimbo!reader has a girl cat that's absolutely in love with Simon.
“‘S your mama bein' mean to you?” He coos to the big white cat laid on his stomach, getting a few loud purrs in return as his hand runs up and down her fur.
“I'm just trying to put her collar on, Si.” You whine, attempting to grab the cat only for her to cuddle closer to Simon, kneading his chest. He gave you a small smile, leaning down to plant kisses all over her head.
“Gimme the collar, angel.” He reaches out for it and examines it for a few seconds, amusement dancing in his brown eyes. It's pink, decorated by strawberry charms over the length of it and a big, darker pink bow at the end. It absolutely looks like something you'd enjoy— like something Ms. Whiskers would enjoy.
He plants a kiss on your nose before putting the collar on the cat with ease, the birman putting no resistance at all. She was such an obedient girl before meeting Simon, yet just like you, she's been getting spoiled well. She meows as you pet her, pretty acrylics that he paid for running up and down her fur, making her purr louder on his chest.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 months
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Soap : "Yeah uhh... sure."
Gaz : *Takes photo* *sends pic to Alex and Farah*
Soap : *Sends pic to Alejandro and Rudy*
*Spreads throughout Urzikstan* *Spreads throughout the Los Vaqueros*
*Somehow the Shadows knows it too idk*
*Somehow Laswell and Price knows last*
(They're sparring ok 👍)
idk why I drew this but I got a lil' naughty 👁️👄👁️
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yooo-lets-go · 6 months
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Dear followers, today I offer you: this bullshit
Tomorrow: who knows
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reds-skull · 1 month
Could we possibly get Soap yelling at a recruit for trying to steal Ghosts mask, with Ghost in the background like that’s my mans.
Or something you want to do for shits and gigs because you can and it’s fun
Sorry this took a while, I kinda made a mini comic because, as you said, I can and it's fun lol
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Thank you for the ask! This was quite fun to make haha
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hopefulonion · 8 months
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Soap is Really Going Through It
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transmorphobots · 1 year
Made up fic title “serendipity” or “one last time”
I've never been one to shy away from picking both options! Serendipity is a hard one because there's a lot of my stories that do love to celebrate the fortunate meeting of two people despite the odds (Guante's Pragmatist's Guide to Faith made a mess of me)
I could pick a cute little half ship/half friendship thing about 90s Prowl and Hound, or even one with 90s Prowl and Jazz because its only fortune (or maybe in the case of Hound and Prowl, a misfortune) that had their paths cross. Something about feeling relief about that crossing where would they be without their friend, after all?
One last time... I haven't really worked much on Grand Circuit besides doodling the designs when it strikes us but maybe something about that. About racing, about love that ends at a finish line, about grief that follows after when you lose or win because you may never race with that person again... but one could hope they'll be back next season.
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moondirti · 2 months
(first time doing a ask bare with me)
pretty please a continue of the house distribution thing. the fic where she does military housing to afford rent. just a continuation please 🙏🏽
feel free to skip if your mind is just blank with ideas for it x
simon riley / afab! reader • part one cw: dubcon, intoxication, spanking, wedgies, degradation, dacryphilia, very mild puppy play (mostly just pet names)
"Well, aren' you a sight."
Much like the lamplight, his voice is low. Mocking, almost. You'd think he were amused if it weren't for the dangerous way his eyes assess your sorry state, raking the lines of your bare legs to the way your dress wraps tight around your chest. It almost escapes you that he's maskless at first, so entranced by the glint of his pupils, the shadowed irises that pinch a deep, very primal nerve in you.
His lips curl into an uneven sneer, scar dissecting the bottom and running down to his chin. You wipe your nose with the heel of your hand, giving your best attempt at an apathetic shrug.
"I had fun."
"Did'ya now?" He laughs humourlessly. "Mus' have different ideas of fun, me and you. Can' see the fun in getting pissed out'f my mind, worryin' the people in your life by stayin' out s'late."
Spite flares, fear slinking back your throat to make room for the petulance that froths on your tongue like venom. It completely poisons his admission to the fact that he'd been worried, turns it into something pathetic and hypocritical. You storm closer. Wild. Angry.
"That's fucking rich coming from you. What is your idea of fun, then, Lieutenant? Tormenting women who open up their home to you? Walking in on them in the bathroom, pissing all over the fucking seat? Does it grant you satisfaction to make people so uncomfortable that they'd rather be anywhere but with you?"
His jaw tenses, a "careful, pet." grunted under his breath, but he makes no move to stop you. Just continues sitting on your couch, legs spread, simmering. Waiting for you to tire out.
"Shut the fuck up. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can hardly be at bloody peace in my own house anymore! You're- You're... A fucking nightmare, Riley! So excuse me if I went out and enjoyed myself when I haven't been able to do so in weeks!"
By the end of your little tirade, you're an even worse mess than you had been before. Flyaways stick to your sweaty temple, mascara rims your blown eyes. Your panting does nothing to calm the frantic race of your heart, which beats at your ribcage like doldrums to war. You can feel the effects of it everywhere; your pulse, hot and quick, at your eyebrow, your wrists, the arch of your foot.
Riley stands. Your lip trembles.
You're so close now that your gaze is level with his chest. Tall. You'd forgotten how tall he was. Or how wide. Or dangerous. His biceps – bare given his tight-fitted t-shirt, tree-trunk large and enough to crush watermelons – tense, and all-too-suddenly, you find your jaw clutched in a bruising grip. He jerks your head up so your eyes meet his.
"Simon." He mutters. "But you don't get to call me tha', or anything at all but Sir."
"Letmegomff–" You're rendered mute when his thumb and forefinger press your cheeks together, but that certainly doesn't stop you from whining.
"Y'wanna know my idea of a good time?" Purely rhetorical, of course. Aside from not being able to answer him, it doesn't matter what you want. There's a clear direction this seems to be heading towards – someplace where the hand pawing your ass continues lower, or where the length in his pants fits down your throat. Someplace not unwelcome by you, despite the way you thrash and cry in his arms. "It's putting foul things like you in their place."
He shucks your dress over your ass, the fabric bunching around your waist, and hooks a fist in the waistline of your soaked panties. Your mind is so foggy, influenced by shitty tequila and the subspace Simon bullies you into embracing, that you don't process the cause of your pain immediately. Don't correlate it to the way he pulls upward, your underwear bunching into a tight line that cleaves between your ass-cheeks and rubs abrasively against your poor clit. Don't– can't confront it until the force literally picks you up off the floor, toes barely touching the ground, held up by a wedgie and the grip around your jaw alone.
Tears spring to your lash line, tracing miserable treks down your cheeks. His thumb swipes what it can away, pushing the salty water into your mouth, and stays there while you lap at his calloused fingertips.
"There we go. Look at you, brainless mutt. Jus' need something on your cunt and something in your mouth to keep you quiet, hm? Happy to hang li'e this for hours, I bet."
Your muffled yell is met with another laugh, thumb pushing deeper into your mouth to shut you up.
"Shh, I know. Still need'ta be taught a lesson. I haven' forgotten." The stitches on your panties begin to tear, the rips loud and relieving, especially when you start to sag back down to the floor. Simon doesn't take it with any kind of urgency, though he cocks his head at the way you blink up at him, lashes fanning in rapid succession. An unspoken, desperate plea. "Was gonna hold out, get you sobered up for your punishment. But you're practically itchin' for it, aren' you?"
He puppets your head into an enthusiastic nod, which he meets with a faux huff.
"Course you are." The forbearing quality of his tone is promptly betrayed by the way you're manhandled over his lap. Pivoting one hand opposite to the other, he's able to sit on the couch and get you thrown over his thighs in a mere matter of seconds. "Normally I'd make y'count, but I figure you're too far gone for that. Jus' try to keep your wailing quiet."
Your underwear gives in with a final tug, ripping from the soaked gusset to become nothing but a flimsy piece of fabric around your hips. Simon swipes the tattered remains off your raised bottom, taking longer than necessary to smooth over the area. It's all the indication you need to what's coming – his rough palm teases the nerve endings below your softer skin, bringing them to frenzied life. Preparing them to hurt.
When he breaks away, you hold your breath.
The air behind you whistles as his hand comes down.
A sharp, resounding crack fractures the baited silence of the room. Your mouth flies open. Searing pain roars across your backside like wildfire, worsening every second it's exposed to open elements. Your scream is belated, thunder to the lightening, tearing from your throat only after the initial shock subsides.
A series of lighter blows land on alternating cheeks, two fingers returning to gag you through the onslaught. Unlike his thumb, these reach the very back of your tonsils, prompting wet gags as they fondle with your throat. Drool dribbles from the corners of your lips, slicking your chin with lipstick-tinted fluid.
"Fuckin' beautiful when you're not givin' an attitude, puppy. All stupid and submissive, cunt droolin' on my lap."
You groan, choke, then cry some more when his spanks grow incrementally harsher again. Gratefully, they're never in the same place twice. He beats the top of your thighs, your lower back, the sides of your hips. Your cheeks especially, which start to emit a steady kind of heat the longer he keeps it up.
Eventually, as a matter of coping, your brain starts to consider the cruel sting as pleasurable instead, sending little bolts of pleasure directly to your clit every time his hand comes down on your ass. It swells, fattening up with blood, pressing tighter against the steady mass of his thigh. Inadvertently, you start rutting against it to find more of the same relief, humping his leg like the dog he's making you out to be.
It doesn't escape his notice, of course.
His foot pushes one of your flailing ankles outward so that your legs are spread, pussy made vulnerable to his scrutiny. The next slap is thus aimed straight at your fluttering hole, slick doing nothing to affect his deadly precision. When it lands, it lands exactly where he meant for it to, and introduces you to a whole other degree of pain that has you seeing stars. You're openly bawling around his fingers now, vision so cloudy you can't tell light from dark.
"Didn' like tha', did you?"
"Nngh– nmmph!"
"There's more where it came from, pup. Best listen to everythin' I say from now on, then, 'less you wan' your little hole beat black 'n' blue."
Simon stresses his point by tracing the seam of your cunt, collecting the lubrication there to smear across the hotspot at the top. Presses into it. Grants you a little gratification, as if to say: and here's what you can have if you behave.
"You gonna be a good pet?"
This time, he withdraws his fingers from your maw. Expects a response, even though it takes you ages to recover from the lack of oxygen. You swallow the saliva pooling behind your teeth, inhaling ragged gasps that make your lungs ache.
He pinches your clit when you take too long. Lightly, but it's enough.
"Yes! Yes, s-sir. I'll be good."
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rileyplays · 3 months
This has been a very long queue. When do you think you'll be playing again?
hi!! i have some more screenshots to edit and eventually queue up but im playing in small doses right now (: after my bday and whatever plans i have, i want to come back to Stardew for a little while and grind before going back to the sims just so i can have a bit of a break.
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insane--idiots · 2 years
what if
i’m in your house
What the hell are you doing not cuddling with me then 🤨
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justan-0-t-h-3-r · 2 years
Who do you think is more protective over the other? Billy or Steve?
I think both really? But for different reasons?
Steve is protective over Billy because Billy deserves the world. He's been through so much and Steve is just a romantic who wants Billy to see how much he deserves. So he'll step in if the kids say something negative about him, they're just worried, but Steve's not having any of it. He's protective because of Neil as well, if it wasn't for Billy and Max, Steve would definitely have said something by now to him or someone.
Billy is protective of Steve because he's quite jealous. It used to be in a controlling way but he quickly saw that and changed it. He just hates the idea of anyone else getting close to him because of his own insecurities. If one of the kids hugs Steve, Billy will get in there and hug Steve too, almost childlike, imagine him sticking his tongue out at Dustin because, Steve stayed round his house the night and not his.
It's not from a place of malicious intent. He just can't believe how lucky he got, or how stupid Steve was, that they ended up together.
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chabamatsus · 2 years
lemme be self indulgent and answer this one with a funny oc fact. in which i conduct myself in a certain manner so that people think they know what my ocs illnesses are but in reality they dont know. some people get scary accurate w their theories but with other characters they fall directly into my traps. obviously im not saying which is which
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yawnderu · 3 months
>Silly sex with Simon Riley. 💗
“Fuck, love...” Simon's needy voice hits your ear, calloused hands roaming up and down your body as if his life depends on it, leaving a track of fire that burns from within.
“Don't call me love, mate.” His thrusts falter for a second, letting out a small chuckle before he starts moving again, his meaty cock slipping in and out of your needy cunt. Simon's grip tightens on your body, not leaving a single inch of skin untouched.
“Don't call me mate. Feels like I'm shaggin' one of the lads.” Your little giggles hit like music to his ears, even when they're interrupted by moaning the moment his tip slams against your cervix, letting you feel every single inch of his veiny dick.
“Bet you'd like that, wanker.” Your playful insults do nothing but act as fuel for Simon, the little amused smirk he shoots you as he starts to thrust deeper into you, the sound of his muscular thighs slapping against your ass ring around the room, only adding to the atmosphere you both set minutes ago.
“'S much better than wanking.” His face only seeks deeper shelter into the crook of your neck the moment you try to push him away and call him gross while giggling, allowing his burly arms to wrap around your waist only to bring your warm body closer to his, open-mouthed kisses planted all over your neck despite the chuckles escaping his lips.
“What kind o' mints do soldiers use?” Simon couldn't let the quiet gasps take over— not when he had you underneath him, looking prettier than ever, eyes glossy from laughing and the most lovely smile he's ever seen.
“What?” You ask after a few seconds, getting lost in the way Simon looks straight out of a porno— a thin layer of sweat covering his pale skin, muscles bulging out of his skin with the strain from thrusting into your sopping pussy, his face slightly scrunched up the moment your walls tighten around him.
“Tac-tics.” You try to hold in your laugh— truly, you do, yet the cheeky grin Simon gives you is enough to make your resolve falter, giggles mixing in with the moaning at the feeling of his thick cock throbbing inside you, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks just to bring him in closer, keeping eye contact even as his eyes crinkle, deep chuckles escaping his lips despite himself.
Simon's lips crash against yours last second, part of him not wanting you to hear just how good you're making him feel, your warm walls wrapping around him like vice, making him thrust deeper and harder into you, shooting ropes of cum right into your cunt way earlier than he would've liked, yet the feeling of your wet tongue sloppily wrapping around his is enough to make him forget about any worries.
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