superflymiceguy · 6 months
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Finally finished my pfp!
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whimsiquix · 1 month
Fic Update!
Repeated Image of the Lover Destroyed: Chapter 2
This. Deva thinks, is what being with Varadha is like. This minx filled with contentment and confidence, not the pale mirage that Khansar had turned him into for so long. 
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lilybug-02 · 8 months
It’s definitely not something I’m planning to focus on in my comic, but MAN. If Susie doesn’t give Kris an apology for being such a terrible person to them I will be angry.like dang man 🫠 shoving them into lockers, getting physical with them, and threatening to kill them are just wild things which I really hope are not shoved under the rug.
I’m sure it won’t be, but URG. Like please. Please don’t shove that message aside for sad Susie time.
Okay that’s my Ted Talk.
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cluepoke-archive · 8 months
Gonna replay deltarune this week I thinkm.. then maybe ill try to get undertale I miss it
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vainaspaver · 6 months
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mellow yellow by @rild
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ironfoot-mothafocka · 2 years
Dwarrowtober: Warrior
Again, taken from something pre-written (but now unreleased!). Yes, out of sync with the daily schedule, but still procrastinating on writing.
Eyes. Khalei had a thing about eyes. Dwarves who had limbs so mangled that their bones had been splintered into tinderwood by orcish war machinery? Khalei didn’t even blink, sedating them in the hospital tent until they ceased to writhe and scream, and carefully removing the arm or leg with clean cuts of their surgeon’s knife. Intestines bulging out out of a soldier’s abdominal cavity from a deadly greatsword swing — the price of war.
Khalei could handle anything as long as it wasn’t an eyeball.
The battle north of the Iron Hills had been short lived, but ferocious. The newly crowned King Dáin had ordered a hundred dwarves to follow a warband of orcs that had circumvented Erebor, either a remnant of one of the scouting parties at the Battle of Five Armies that had regrouped its strength, or a new pack that was travelling to Ered Mithrin. Whatever their business, they had none in being so close to the re-founded kingdom. With so many of their own wounded and Esgaroth in tatters, any attack could prove too much for the Men who still lingered, preparing to rebuild Dale as the winter closed in.
Cries for ‘medic’ reached Khalei’s ears while they were in the middle of wrapping bandages around an archer’s leg. It was broken but there was little to reset the bone with, and the tent that they had set up to house the dead and the wounded was already too close to the enclosing enemy line. The healer gritted his teeth, glancing around. Badrur was desperately tending to a soldier whose ribs had been smashed inwards — a discarded chestplate lay caved-in nearby and blood dribbled down his chin. Rild was nowhere in sight, and the head surgeon Alvis was steadily cauterising a large head-wound that had almost cloven Estri’s skull.
There wasn’t any more time to think about it. Khalei tied the tourniquet as tightly as they could and jumped to their feet, grabbing a pack that carried the supplies they needed for field-medicine and pulling on their iron-helmet. If Khalei admitted it, they had been woefully unprepared for the ambush, and the terrain had given the orcs the better hand at the start of the fight. But, unlike the dwarves who were fighting, it wasn’t Khalei’s place or position to worry about these things. They were there to care for the wounded — and that was it.
“Where?!” Khalei called to the dwarf who had poked his head into the tent. “General Baranul — someone last saw him on the ground, about fifteen paces west of the riverbed there, but he wasn’t moving…” the dwarf exclaimed breathlessly. He was limping badly, and a smear of blood was streaked across his cheek, but he was alert and talking, and that would do. Khalei set off, his pack bouncing across his back with every step. In the distance, the orcs seemed to be retreating to form a line once more, a horizon of ugly shapes, blackened armour and the the hunkering outline of wargs. Here and there, Khalei ducked around swinging axes, but the remaining orcs were either being quickly dispatched or were already taking their last breaths on the battlefield. A sliver of hope that this would be the end of it rose inside his chest. Please let this be it.
After only a moment of scanning the dried-out river for the dwarf, Khalei found him laying in a pool of blood. General Âr Baranul was alive, but he was gravely wounded, and for a moment Khalei backed away, grimacing. There was an arrow jutting straight out of his face. Mustering himself, he kneeled down and peered over the prone body. The General’s eyes were closed, but his chest rose and fell and he was still gripping the haft of his axe. “It’s medic Khalei Iskbanal, General. Put your arm around me if you can, and I shall carry you.” The General let out a throaty laugh. His black beard and moustache were matted with congealing blood and his chest was rising feebly, perhaps, Khalei imagined, from unseen internal bleeding. “You couldn’t carry me. Leave me.” “I wouldn’t have suggested that, General, if I could not do it,” Khalei said, gritting their teeth at the slight. It was General Âr’s way, but he didn’t need the dismissal when the dwarf was so close to death. He leaned forwards, placing his fingertips on either side of the dwarf’s neck and working his way down to assess the extent of his injuries. “But before I move you, I need to check that you can still feel your legs—”
The sky went dark. For a moment, Khalei assumed that it was a cloud blotting the sun, or that twilight had fallen unexpectedly early. But then, he heard it. The incoming whistling far above them, getting louder and louder by each passing second. Khalei glanced up, and saw the volley of arrows arching upwards, and then, as if time had slowed, falling steadily towards them. Well, that’s that, then. Khalei threw himself onto of the General, avoiding the eye with the arrow in it, and covering as much of the dwarf’s body with his own as he could. He felt Âr try to push him off, a stout leg finding the strength to hook itself over his body and roll on top of him instead, but Khalei held fast, pinning the larger dwarf to the ground. He was a medic — a healer. He did not leave dwarves to die if he could help it.
To this day, Khalei didn’t know how they both survived. The next thing Khalei remembered was raising his head and noticing that the Gates of Mahal’s Halls looked very much like the same stretch of riverbed. The pain in his calf made it all the more real. In a daze, the army medic broke off the stems of two arrows that had embedded themselves in his calf, before laying down to check for Âr’s breathing. “Go,” the General whispered, his face pale. “Get. Out. Of. Here.” “No,” Khalei grunted through the pain ripping through his leg. It took all his strength to carry Âr back to the camp, even after Khalei had stripped him of his armour. At some points he was just dragging Âr across the field, before two dwarves rushed over to help support their General’s body. Alvis met them at the tentflap, her brows creased in worry. Khalei thought he heard her mutter something about his leg, but his eyes were fixed on the nearest cot.
Âr’s eye was the only one Khalei had ever touched. He had steadfastly avoided anything to do with them throughout his medical training, but now wasn’t the time to balk. Leaning over the General, he trimmed down the arrow and set about carefully removing the entrenched tip of it. It was a miracle that it hadn’t passed straight through Âr’s skull, but there was no saving his vision. “Khalei — Prince Iskbanal — your leg—” Khalei twitched in irritation, holding the General’s head still for cleaning as the General’s jaw worked, stifling a cry of agony. “I’m working,” he said flatly, brushing off the concern of his fellow healer. “And I’m Healer Iskbanal.” The General’s one good eye opened. It was bloodshot, but it held a steady gaze. “You’re King Varhi’s wayward younger brother?” he asked. Khalei shushed him, pressing the tincture soaked cotton pad underneath his nose, the calming fumes suffusing the air. “If I had known that before, I would have cleaned up a little.”
“And that,” Khalei took a draught of wine, setting the glass neatly back on the table, “is how I met your father.” General Âr looked over proudly, the golden rim of his eyepatch glimmering. “Though I was afraid that you wouldn’t look twice at an old, one-eyed dwarf when you had so many others trying to woo you,” he remarked. Khalei smirked. “Less eyes the better for me. Still hate the things.”
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madeliefkrans · 1 year
weet je nog toen ik verliefd op je was? wat dacht je toen we elkaar weer zagen, vier maanden geleden? ik zal het nooit weten, want ik heb het je niet gevraagd. je vluchtte uit café de bastaard. zag je raamkat kareltje boven de deur van jansveld 4?
weet je nog toen we bij de ontdekking zaten? ik was bloednerveus. zo erg dat ik niet doorhad dat jij het ook was. weet je nog toen we bij the village zaten, drie jaar later? ik was bloednerveus. zo erg dat ik niet doorhad dat jij het ook was. weet je nog toen we bij district zaten, drie jaar later? ik was bloednerveus. zo erg dat ik niet doorhad dat jij het ook was.
ik weet nog dat ik je op de fiets kruiste bij het rietveld schröderhuis. je zong luidkeels. ik schoot in de lach. mensen keken naar je om. deden ze altijd al. je weet hoe je eruitziet, hoe je jezelf draagt.
ik herinner me dat ik je rug aanraakte in bed. je rilde. het was gevoelig. waarom ik de avond ervoor om half 1 voor je deur stond na een date met een ander kon ik die ochtend niet onder woorden brengen. ik was laf.
je klunzigheid, kwetsbaarheid verborg je. maar ik keek ook niet. ik wilde het niet zien.
waarom viel je tot drie keer toe voor mij? ik snap het niet als ik pas na de derde keer het gevoel had dat we op dezelfde traptree stonden. je zei dat je niet iemand wilde die naar je opkeek, niet iemand wilde die je ontmenselijkte, maar dat deed ik wel, elke keer.
waarom werd je verliefd op mij? ik zal het nooit weten, want ik heb het je niet gevraagd.
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'Mães arrependidas' detestam a maternidade, mas dizem amar seus filhos
Rildes Mendonça, 37, tem três filhos adolescentes. Se pudesse voltar atrás, porém, teria optado por não ser mãe. “Eu amo os meus filhos, mas detesto ser mãe“, afirma. Leia mais (05/13/2023 – 14h06) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e Saúde – Principal Pulicado em https://ift.tt/eVzPX8T
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Zo struikelde ik bijna tussen metro en perron door een kippenbotje pal voor de deuren en reed bus 56 naar het heilige noorden aan me voorbij. Ik stelde me voor hoe aan het einde van de lijn er meer zou zijn dan een verlaten donker eindstation om half 1 ‘s nachts - een plek die de naam eer aan zou doen, een plek die warmte zou bieden, maar ik rilde bij de gedachte, wetende dat ook dit een fantasie was, ik was cynisch geworden, ik geloofde mijn geloof niet meer, of beter gezegd, ik wilde mijn geloof niet meer geloven.
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444names · 2 years
(short) american forenames and states
(experimental notation of the source material settings)
Aarres Adan Adon Adra Adree Agneva Alaul Alber Aldan Aldith Aleent Alent Alfra Aliant Alin Alines Alland Alle Allin Alphy Alto Alvice Amard Amelie Amin Amuell Ancia Anda Angenn Anklia Ansto Aprie Apris Ardon Areder Areent Argie Arie Beci Becton Bell Bene Benrie Berada Berna Besse Beugh Blad Blar Blatty Brah Bran Brea Brek Bres Bretts Bria Briola Bris Brolas Carc Card Carlen Carly Cartha Cedne Cheah Chelia Chell Chene Cheode Chew Chria Chrine Chusa Cianna Claho Clandy Clase Classa Clia Clie Cliver Clyn Clynth Cobbie Colew Colyn Cona Cori Couis Couth Cris Dakota Dang Dannet Dark Dary Davia Debbyn Debob Delis Dellie Dene Dennin Dery Dita Dorry Duanie Dwanni Dwill Dwis Eddi Edia Edian Eitana Elin Elina Elisco Elle Elvice Erana Erbel Erce Erene Ericel Eritne Eroloy Errie Erry Erryan Eryan Eslen Eulaul Eune Eunel Eunes Eunie Evanie Evera Fain Fais Fane Felaii Fera Ferthy Fertle Flodo Florth Flosa Frah Fraig Frandy Freane Freena Frek Fren Frendy Freten Frey Gabam Gancy Gandon Gari Gencen Gerany Gerna Gerry Giona Glee Glelie Glori Gorena Gorici Gran Green Guan Hamin Hana Hando Harda Harine Hawn Hawna Helie Heon Herey Herie Hole Howay Inde Ingen Irace Ireggy Iren Irgart Irla Issily Ivin Jace Jacota Jacque Jacy Jaita Jamin Jance Janda Jannet Jannie Jarany Javer Javia Jaymon Jeanon Jeany Jene Jerna Jerta Jessip Jila Jillan Joanah Joand Jodd Joha Johnne Jonn Jorah Joran Juari Juarl Jula Julan Julien Junie Kanca Kany Karene Karia Karody Kary Kata Kath Kaye Keida Kella Kelma Kely Kena Kennie Kenth Kevan Kimmy Kira Kirgil Krie Krinn Krisa Krita Krya Lais Lanna Lasey Lence Leodna Leone Leor Leslis Lestex Lets Lette Lico Lina Linn Llip Lona Londys Lores Lorey Lorry Luce Lucild Luissa Lupe Lupet Lyne Maber Mabie Mana Mance Manda Manne Mara Marane Marce Mard Mari Maris Marl Marlen Marly Marlyd Marol Maroli Marry Mase Massey Math Mati Matte Matthy Mattin Mela Melath Melma Merton Mice Micky Micton Migh Milte Mine Mise Missie Mite Mony Motas Muel Niandy Nicky Niolyd Niowan Nornor Ohia Ollan Ollyd Oloy Olynne Ophell Opher Orald Orie Osea Palbel Path Pats Paude Paudy Pegie Penry Petts Phine Priet Prisey Radys Rafay Rallin Rana Rand Ranie Ranny Rauri Rena Rholin Rhon Rianon Rild Rina Rine Rober Roby Roge Rola Rolace Rolen Romie Rone Ronie Rosea Roseth Rosey Roxan Royce Rubeah Ruck Rucy Rustin Saba Sabet Sabie Sabil Sania Scon Shan Shang Shanie Shanto Shar Shela Shew Shio Shirie Siras Sona Sonise Sonne Sony Sota Ster Stie Stimmy Stin Stines Tabard Tacque Tell Terma Teve Thdah Therto Thiri Tines Tonada Tophia Tracin Traul Tris Tyrt Verey Veroy Vian Vicor Viel Vine Virenn Virk Warie Warle Washes Wenale Wyomie Yvelyn Yver Zacia
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elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
April 2022 feedback and reviews
In a timely fashion and without any further ado: here’s the feedback for the April stories.
Below the cut you will find: a run-down of the bonus restriction points, individual feedback for the stories from the voters and a link to a sheet containing detailed reviews of every April submission, courtesy of our Monthlies Reviewing Club.
Points were being awarded for completing three different criteria: including in-universe writing, mentioning a bath (or bath-time activity) and including '<pronoun> wait for <pronoun>’ in Elsa or Anna’s dialogue. Each restriction was worth one bonus favorite point for up to three extra points.
Stories awarded 3 extra points: My Heart’s Sitting on Go; Sunday Coffee and Cocoa; git stash chocolate; Vicious Creatures; The Angel On Her Shoulder; warming up cold bricks; Fire Coral; Cruel Summer; To Build a Home; Sun rings; You didn't wait!; Literally; Winterbird; Linger; Terrible Things; Bright Green; Ground Beneath My Feet; 9A1F; The Ninth Wave; Pilgrims On A Long Journey; Brazen; I, Anna
Stories awarded 2 extra points: Ripples; Where is Home?; A series of complicated problems;
Stories awarded 1 extra point: IDK You Yet
The extra points have already been included on the results graph.
This month’s roster of 8 reviewers included: Antor2001, Jadeykins23, the-silliest-moon, @dont-tell-them-its-me, boubotte, @adoraslastbraincell, RationalToad, Yohixah, help-im-so-gay, onepenitentmore and @ice-bjorn.
The reviews can be read here. The nicknames listed above and on the sheet might not be the same, but the people are in the same order.
Individual stories feedback from the voters:
f = favorite vote, k = kudos vote
1: Ripples Style 1 (1k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 2 (1f 1k) Tone 2 (1f 1k) Flow 1 (1f) Plot 2 (1f 1k) Setting/Universe 3 (2f 1k)
2: My Heart’s Sitting on Go Style 2 (1f 1k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 6 (2f 4k) Dialogues 7 (3f 4k) Tone 1 (1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 6 (3f 3k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k)
3: Sunday Coffee and Cocoa Style 2 (2k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 1 (1f) Dialogues 2 (1f 1k) Tone 3 (1f 2k) Flow 3 (1f 2k) Plot 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 4 (3f 1k)
4: git stash chocolate Style 3 (3f) Characterisation 3 (3f) Tone 2 (2f) Flow 3 (3f) Plot 3 (2f 1k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 5 (3f 2k) The story's Anna 2 (1f 1k) Setting/Universe 2 (2f) Other (1f): - very inventive
5: Where is Home? Style 3 (2f 1k) Characterisation 4 (2f 2k) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 5 (2f 3k) Flow 2 (2f) Plot 3 (2f 1k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 3 (1f 2k) Setting/Universe 5 (3f 2k) Total other: 2 Other (1f): - Very cute and simple story. It was pleasant to read. Other (1k): - While Anna is largely absent (understandably), I enjoyed this insight into an immortal Elsa's mind.
6: A series of complicated problems Style 3 (3f) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 7 (3f 4k) Dialogues 6 (3f 3k) Tone 5 (3f 2k) Flow 4 (2f 2k) Plot 8 (3f 5k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 3 (2f 1k) The story's Anna 3 (2f 1k) Total other: 3 Other (1f): - Gayduna 🥺🥺🥺 Other (2k): - Why not, this is a scenario I've always thunk in my head and I'm happy someone finally wrote it. - it's fresh and original
7: Vicious Creatures Style 8 (3f 5k) Characterisation 11 (7f 4k) Dialogues 5 (1f 4k) Tone 3 (1f 2k) Flow 6 (3f 3k) Plot 11 (7f 4k) The story's Elsa 4 (2f 2k) The story's Anna 4 (2f 2k) Setting/Universe 11 (6f 5k)
8: The Angel On Her Shoulder Style 9 (6f 3k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 6 (5f 1k) Dialogues 3 (3f) Tone 5 (3f 2k) Flow 8 (6f 2k) Plot 9 (7f 2k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) The story's Anna 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 4 (3f 1k) Other (4f): - The story is well-structured, and while the twist is not something surprising it is delivered in a satisfying manner. - the twist - Hoo boy. That was a wild rild. I loved this story, it's verh intriguing and i definitely didn't expect that twist towards the end. The author did a good job in capturing Elsa's grief. - Omg. This is good!!
9: warming up cold bricks Style 2 (1f 1k) Tone 3 (2f 1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 3 (2f 1k) Setting/Universe 2 (1f 1k) Other (1k): - Very interesting premise and not one that I see often in this fandom.
10: IDK You Yet Style 1 (1k) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1k) Tone 1 (1k) Plot 2 (2k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
11: Fire Coral Style 12 (7f 5k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 10 (5f 5k) Dialogues 7 (4f 3k) Tone 3 (1f 2k) Flow 7 (4f 3k) Plot 16 (8f 8k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) The story's Elsa 5 (2f 3k) The story's Anna 5 (3f 2k) Setting/Universe 9 (4f 5k)
12: Cruel Summer Style 2 (1f 1k) Characterisation 1 (1f) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 1 (1f) Plot 1 (1f) Grammar 1 (1f)
13: To Build a Home Style 14 (8f 6k) Fits the prompt best 17 (12f 5k) Characterisation 13 (8f 5k) Dialogues 11 (8f 3k) Tone 13 (9f 4k) Flow 11 (6f 5k) Plot 21 (11f 10k) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 3 (3f) The story's Anna 5 (4f 1k) Setting/Universe 2 (2f) Other (4f): - Mature writing, pacing and flow are very well done. - The way the story unfolds and gradually works in the events of the past to show why they are so strange with each other in the present... it's just beautiful. - Top tier angst/feels. Nailed the prompt. Liked the parallels between fixing the home and fixing their relationship. - One of the most natural depictions of their relationship this month. The story also follows a neat structure of events that unravel the past through present in a non-immersion-breaking way.
14: Sun rings Plot 2 (2k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 4 (1f 3k)
15: You didn't wait! Style 4 (2f 2k) Characterisation 2 (1f 1k) Dialogues 3 (1f 2k) Tone 4 (2f 2k) Flow 3 (1f 2k) Plot 1 (1k) Grammar 2 (1f 1k) Other (2f): - I know that other more serious stories probably deserve my votes more, you know? But like crack fics just have a special place in my heart. - it was funny
16: Literally Style 6 (6f) Fits the prompt best 2 (2f) Characterisation 2 (2f) Dialogues 2 (2f) Tone 6 (6f) Flow 5 (5f) Plot 6 (6f) Grammar 4 (4f) The story's Anna 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 3 (3f) Other (3f): - it's funny and clever! - It leaves you with something to think about. - I love that plottwist, this felt like a serious crack fic with a punch.
17: Style 4 (3f 1k) Fits the prompt best 2 (2f) Characterisation 2 (2f) Dialogues 4 (2f 2k) Tone 6 (4f 2k) Flow 2 (2f) Plot 4 (4f) Grammar 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 2 (2f) The story's Anna 2 (2f) Setting/Universe 1 (1f) Other (2f): - Quality over quantity, creative and original take on the prompt. - A really cute little story, read it multiple times and every time it made me smile genuinely. It is almost like a real day of their life.
18: Winterbird Style 4 (2f 2k) Characterisation 2 (2f) Dialogues 1 (1k) Tone 3 (1f 2k) Flow 2 (2f) Plot 10 (4f 6k) The story's Elsa 4 (2f 2k) The story's Anna 2 (1f 1k) Setting/Universe 3 (2f 1k) Other (1k): - I enjoyed the feels and the portrayal of their relationship. I liked the unexpected include of magic.
19: Linger Style 6 (5f 1k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1f) Tone 8 (6f 2k) Flow 6 (4f 2k) Plot 2 (1f 1k) Grammar 2 (2f) The story's Elsa 2 (2f)
20: Terrible Things Style 9 (4f 5k) Fits the prompt best 7 (4f 3k) Characterisation 9 (6f 3k) Dialogues 7 (1f 6k) Tone 8 (3f 5k) Flow 5 (2f 3k) Plot 11 (6f 5k) Grammar 3 (1f 2k) The story's Elsa 7 (5f 2k) The story's Anna 9 (5f 4k) Setting/Universe 3 (3k) Total other: 2 Other (1f): - really well written Other (1k): - The story is has too much angst, I love it.
21: Bright Green Style 1 (1k) Characterisation 1 (1k) Dialogues 1 (1k) Plot 1 (1f) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 4 (1f 3k)
22: Ground Beneath My Feet Style 6 (5f 1k) Fits the prompt best 3 (3f) Characterisation 5 (4f 1k) Dialogues 6 (6f) Tone 3 (3f) Flow 3 (3f) Plot 11 (6f 5k) Grammar 3 (2f 1k) The story's Elsa 5 (4f 1k) The story's Anna 3 (3f) Setting/Universe 12 (8f 4k) Other (1f): - Loved the setting and universe. I enjoyed the novelty of seeing them fall in love separated by so much distance.
23: 9A1F Plot 1 (1f)
24: The Ninth Wave Style 2 (1f 1k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 1 (1f) Tone 2 (1f 1k) Flow 2 (1f 1k) Plot 3 (1f 2k) Grammar 1 (1f) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
25: Pilgrims On A Long Journey Style 2 (2f) Fits the prompt best 1 (1f) Characterisation 3 (3f) Tone 2 (2f) Flow 1 (1f) Plot 4 (2f 2k) The story's Elsa 1 (1f) The story's Anna 1 (1f)
26: Brazen Style 8 (1f 7k) Fits the prompt best 1 (1k) Characterisation 6 (1f 5k) Dialogues 2 (2k) Tone 5 (5k) Flow 6 (6k) Plot 6 (1f 5k) Grammar 1 (1k) The story's Elsa 1 (1k) The story's Anna 4 (4k) Setting/Universe 6 (1f 5k) Other (1k): - First person Kristoff is fun. You really feel for the plight of these girls. The unclear 'resolution' makes my heart ache.
27: I, Anna Style 1 (1k) Plot 1 (1k) Setting/Universe 1 (1k)
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cluepoke-archive · 8 months
Gonna replay deltarune this week I thinkm.. then maybe ill try to get undertale I miss it
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superflatpsyche · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweetie @superflymiceguy​ 💕
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superflymiceguy · 2 years
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I love youuuu!!! ♥️ 💕 💜 ❤️
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yamdraws · 6 years
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Some art for welder story. Rilde (pink guy) being the only character to have a name, now joined with his smitten boyfriend, a design borrowed from old concepts. They’re some of the baddies in this story, sent to scrape up the other baddie that got waylaid by protagonist. Basically the protags are at war with this phantasmical race.
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