#Riddle (P5X)
ennaakat · 2 months
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Made some P5X phone Wallpaper edits
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persona-game-info · 2 months
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Phantom Idols P5X chat icons
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yosukeburger · 5 months
P5X New Character Info
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All the character info are shown on the live. Everything is presented under the cut.
Yui Bui (CV: Chika Anzai) Persona: Aspdueds A mysterious girl the protagonist meets in the virtual world. Obsessed with acquiring large amounts of land, the two decided to grow crops on the land at the suggestion of the protagonist. She has an innocent and innocent personality, and occasionally reveals her confused side. She is an Electric teammate.
Hina/Akina/Haruna Nishimori Riddle (CV: Yui Ogura) Persona: Daeira A 10-year-old childrens clothing model was selected as a model for an advertising agency because of the cute and delicate appearance. Cheerful, with strong curiosity, she walks follows adults and asks questions. When she doesn’t get the answer she wants, she will act like a spoiled brat… It’s so overwhelming! She is a Psy teammate.
Toshiya Sumi Sepia (CV: Junya Enoki) Persona: Gorgyra An unemployment young man who often hangs out at the fishing grounds and is known as the “fishing immortal”. There was a glorious record of catching the fish king without a fishhook. Although he is not very old, he has his own unique logic of understanding emotions and life, and his words are often astonishing. He is a curse teammate.
Miyu Sahara Puppet (CV: Kana Ichinose) Persona: Nemertes A girl in the first year of high school, the daughter of a member of the local House of Representatives. The appearance looks docile and polite, but in fact, she has her own opinions. Because she violated her parents' ardent expectations in future planning, she ran away from home and was determined to support herself with both hands. She is a navigator.
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milkshake-hime · 2 months
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Perfect World Games paid me $50,000 to advertise P5X
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p5x-theories · 5 months
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Riddle's portraits in the third beta!
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hopefulpeacestudent · 2 months
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The 10 year old Hina Nishimori aka "Riddle"
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thebrightsilverlining · 3 months
Types of Phantom Thief Outfits
Oftentimes when someone genderbends one of the male Phantom Thieves, their Thief outfit is always redone to include a skirt. This is something I always found strange, considering the fact that none of the girls wear skirts as part of their Thief outfit. In fact, with P5X introducing a truckload of new Phantom Thieves, I realized that the lack of skirts and dresses almost seems to be a rule when it comes to the designs, as NONE of the new characters wear skirts.
So, because of that, I wanted to break down the kinds of outfits the Thieves actually wear, from most common to least common.
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The most common type of outfit the Thieves wear is a one-piece. While most of these are skintight bodysuits (Oracle, Puppet, Panther, Queen, etc), there's also jumpers (Fox), and rompers (Riddle). These outfits can include modifications and additional parts (Skull's vest and Moko's cape) but ultimately the main outfit is one article of clothing.
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Next up is long pants. The second most popular category, it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. All these characters where a typical ensemble of long pants and a shirt, with a variety of different styles and accessories to keep things from becoming boring.
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After long pants are shorts. Notably, there are only women in this category, while the previous categories had a mix. These shorts can be worn with or without leggings, with Sophia's outfit getting the closest to something that could be considered a dress, due to how short her shorts are and the fit of her shirt. If the character is not wearing leggings or tights, they seem to instead be put in long socks.
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Now we enter into the smaller categories. Only two characters are in the poofy pants category, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Not too much to say here. Both poofy pants characters have their entire body covered, with boots or leggings going right up to the end of the pants.
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Finally, we're in the singular character categories. Bui gets the closest to a skirt or dress, even closer than Sophia. However, because of the way her outfit is designed, it appears as if she's wearing a long shirt with leggings, rather than a really short dress. Worth noting, though, due to the fact that it is one of the few outfits that could be argued to be a dress.
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Finally, Wonder gets his own slot, because I genuinely can't tell what he's wearing. Is that a bodysuit with leggings? Shorts with leggings? Where does his cape end and his under outfit begin? Who knows. So he gets his own category.
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persona-game-info · 6 days
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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A.O.A finisher images found in the files of Beta 3
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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A.O.A cut ins
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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Clean artwork of the new Phantom Idols and their personas
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persona-game-info · 7 days
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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A good look at the new beta 3 Phantom Idols
Bui, Riddle, Sepia, and Puppet
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persona-game-info · 2 months
Haruna Nishimori/Riddle's character spotlight video
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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Riddle A.O.A finisher
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persona-game-info · 5 months
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