#QoP Novel
eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters: Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 1
It’s a bit late but I decided to write the summary of QoP Novel because I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO and I cannot wait for the full translations to be out so that you guys can read it (but really, you should really read the full translations once it is out—pssst it is on the way–because Furuse Fuu is a really good writer and also because some details are just precious). Anyway, without further ado, the Novel Summary will be under the cut!
Warning!!!!! Even if I said “summary”…. I did not intend to make it as short as possible as opposed to writing everything I remember.
Prologue: Summer Day Crossroads
This chapter isn’t about QoP, but 4U. So 4U management, which usually let them do what they want, came up with the idea of them doing their major debut to get inside professional musician chart. Because they will be going to the Pro music field, Ume went like sure lets do it with a new song. With the image of the majority of music theme in Pro musician tier being love song, which also seems to reverberate with much of the population, Ume decided to make their major debut song as a love song.
There was only one problem: Ume has never fallen in love. Or any of 4U members, in that case. When Ume presented her song to both Emoko and Hina, none of them approved it–not even Hina. Both agreed that the music itself is great and that with Hina’s drums and Emoko’s bass it will be well polished but the lyrics are so cringeworthy that Emoko even dared if Ume even have the balls to sing such embarrassing lines. In the end, the flustered Ume then dragged the two of them to special brainstorming session to perfect the song. They even prepared to sleep in the studio for that purpose (Emoko should make it clear that she cooperate just so that Ume didnt drag all of them down with her incompetence or something). Anyway after hours of brainstorming, they perfected the song, but not the lyrics. With none having real experience in love, eventually Ume had the idea to just watch a romance movie for scientific purposes as inspiration. Even if tired, Emoko and Hina volunteered to also watch the movie with her. Sandwiched by them both, Ume said that she won’t allow them both to sleep or quit midway. By the end of the movie, however, only Ume woke up and the two had fallen asleep by both of her side.
The content of the movie aside, in the notes they had before they slept, there was one word that came up: Akogare = the feeling of admiration with longing/yearning. Falling in love seemed to be extremely close with that word. Ume could only remember that one time when she felt that feeling, along with heat in her heart, the feeling like something light up within her, it was when that woman  “Hey you rascaaal!!!–” Snapping back to reality, Ume then began go write according to those feelings
Anyway, one day Seto Ferb walked to her rendezvous place with her light music club. She passed the station and found out that there are a bunch of people gathering for something.Turned out, a newly debuted band named “4U” is having their Guerilla live by the station and apparently they were pretty famous already. The band then played their debut song: Watashi Ai 4U.
Her light music club friend called her and told her that there was a Guerilla live, which Ferb replied she knew it already as she was exactly at that place at the moment. Ferb actually took off her earphone, which plays Hanyuuda Mito’s songs, and she remarked how catchy and upbeat the song is.
“4U, eh? I will remember it.”
She said before going away.
~The end of Prologue~
Chapter 1. Are You Gonna Be My Rose?
Being scouted by the producer, by the reception space of 777 sisters studio, Ferb was listening to super rare unreleased version of Hanyuuda Mito song when someone asked her what she was listening. The first thing Ferb noticed from someone upon hearing them talk are their voices. Noting the voice and its owner, she answered that it was Hanyuuda Mito. Or rather, the song that supposed to be a 7th Sisters song, but did not--A super rare copy which only circulate once on the net before taken down. The one talking to her immediately understood which one and they both realized they liked Hanyuuda Mito, both with the same impression of Mito’s voice: like a wind overlooking somewhere form a high place…. or some kind. Anyway, It was how Ferb and Murasaki met the first time, the receptions of 777 stars when they have just been scouted by our Shihainin.
Fast forward to the present, Ferb was sitting at the park near Nanasis office. She was called by Shihainin but took a bit more time to go. Her song, which she poured her heart into making, was rejected by her light music club friends to play in the school festival. They did not say it was particularly bad, however it was true that they were just not interested in it, and wanted to do cover band instead of an original song. Ferb then dropped from the school festival, saying that they dont particularly need her, as there are other bassist to fill up the space and Ferb did not feel the drive to join them. The novel did not write if she was angry, or disappointed, and Ferb seemed to say it a matter of factly, where she did not blame anyone and that was just how it went: their taste just did not match. Finally she continued her walk but she met someone else on the way: Yumeno.
Apparently, Yumeno was also called by Shihainin just like her. They conversed as they go, and the novel reflected just how well Ferb brushed away Yumeno’s super excitement when it comes to cute girls (including her ofc). It seemed Ferb has some respect in Yumeno, because of Yumeno’s proficiency in her guitar and how she put her personality in her guitar (regardless of her reasoning to start playing–Which in Yumeno’s case was because of a manga character). Ferb remarked that to be proficient in the level that Yumeno was atm needed hardwork and Ferb commend her for that.
In Nanasuta, Shihainin explain that there would be 7th Christmas Rock Festival a few months from then aimed for rookie band, and he asked if both of them are interested. Shihainin said several times that it does not have to be that year, as it must be an original piece, a full band, and there would be an elimination round soon. Both girls were interested (More like, Yumeno would, if Ferb would), but considering it needed a full band and preparation and the fact that they did not have any additional band member and there was a need to make an original song fast, Shihainin said several times that there was no pressure. However, Ferb said that there was a song that they can use.
She gave them a listen to the song she had made for her light music club and both were extremely excited upon hearing it, saying how it sound like a pro. Ferb said she had an idea on who the vocalist should be but she had to ask her, however the problem was they had no idea who is proficient enough for drums. Shihainin said that recording backsound is allowed, but Ferb firmly said that it won’t be able to fully bring out the soul of her song. Finally, saying, again, that there is no pressure about joining the fest, they closed the meeting. After they did, Ferb apologized to Yumeno about singlehandedly deciding their decision to continue with the project, which Yumeno said that she agreed to it anyway, to there was nothing Ferb should worry about. They both then went to the place of their prospective vocalist.
Turned out, Ferb also had never been to Murasaki’s place before. It was not something she thought would have been necessary and naturally Murasaki also never invited her. Yumeno expressed her surprised, because she thought Murasaki and Ferb are close with each other. Ferb said they were, but for as long as Hanyuuda Mito and music was concerned. It seemed their topic of conversation rarely broaden to anything personal and never once has they ever thought of, say, having sleepover. Yumeno said that kind of relationship is okay too, that she still see it as moe (Ferb dismissed this as something she doesnt understand about Yumeno Number #whatever). With that, they finally arrived at EZ Bar, which displayed “close”. It was nearing dusk but the bar has not opened already, which speaks much of its costumers demography.
When they came into the bar, Ferb’s impression of the bar was that it seemed to have a different air than the atmosphere they used to be (you should pay attention to this in the novel, really, at how Ferb describes situations and atmosphere, it's soooo poignant. From the lights, the reflection on the floor, etc.). They found Murasaki cleaning the place and was surprised to find them there. Ferb explained about the circumstances and Murasaki said that Ferb should have been the first person to know what kind of music genre she usually sang and Ferb answered yes she did, it was Jazz and not Rock but I want you to sing my song and just you. Murasaki contemplated, and then she answered, that if it was for something in the near future, she cannot give a yes answer to the proposition.
~~ End of Chapter 1 ~~
Since this is getting long, I will stop by here. Thank you for reading, get ready for Part 2 later!
Continue to Part 2
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 1 / 2 summary
Warning!!!!! Even if I said “summary”... I did not intend to make it as short as possible as opposed to writing everything I remember. – Esh
I’ve kept the editing light for these. Esh’s original comments, whether supplementary or commentary, will generally be in parentheses. - Nab
Prologue: Summer Day Crossroads
This chapter isn’t about QoP, but 4U instead. 4U’s management, which usually let them do what they want, came up with the idea of them having a major debut to get a place on the professional musician chart [billboard charts, that kind of thing]. Because they would be going to the pro music field, Ume went like “sure, let’s do it with a new song.” With most of the music in the pro musician tier apparently having the theme of ‘love song’, an aesthetic which also seemed to resonate with much of the population, Ume decided to make their major debut song a love song.
There was only one problem: Ume had never fallen in love, nor any of the other 4U members. When Ume presented her song to both Emoko and Hina, none of them approved it–not even Hina. Both agreed that the track itself was great and that with Hina’s drums and Emoko’s bass it would be well polished, but the lyrics were so cringeworthy that Emoko even dared Ume if she had the balls to sing such embarrassing lines. In the end, the flustered Ume dragged the two of them to a special brainstorming session to perfect the song. They even prepared to sleep in the studio for that purpose (Emoko made it clear that she cooperated just so that Ume didn’t drag all of them down with her incompetence or something).
Anyway, after hours of brainstorming, they perfected the song, but not the lyrics. With none of them having real experience in love, eventually Ume had the idea to just watch a romance movie for (scientific purposes) inspiration. Even though they were tired, Emoko and Hina volunteered to watch the movie with her. Sandwiched by them both, Ume said that she wouldn’t allow them both to sleep or quit midway. By the end of the movie, however, only Ume woke up, to see the two fallen asleep by her side.
The content of the movie aside, in the notes they had before they slept, there was one word that came up, ‘akogare’, which meant ‘the feeling of admiration with longing/yearning’. The idea of ‘falling in love’ seemed to have close parallels with that word. Ume could only remember one time when she felt that feeling, along with a ‘heat’ in her heart, the feeling like something lit up within her. It was when that woman went “Hey you rascaaals!!!” [a quote of Nanasaki Nicole’s, presumably]. Snapping back to reality, Ume began writing according to those feelings.
Anyway, one day Seto Ferb was walking to her rendezvous place to meet with her light music club. She passed the station and came across a bunch of people gathering for something. As it turned out, a newly debuting band named “4U” was having their Guerilla live by the station; apparently, they were pretty famous already. The band then played their debut song: ‘Watashi Ai 4U’.
Her light music club friend called her and told her that there was a Guerilla live going on, to which Ferb replied she knew that already as she was watching it. Ferb actually took out her earphones, which as usual were playing Hanyuuda Mito’s songs, and remarked how catchy and upbeat the song was.
“4U, eh? I will remember it,” she said, before leaving.
~End of Prologue~
Chapter 1. Are You Gonna Be My Rose?
Being scouted by the producer, in the reception space of Nanastar Ferb was listening to a super rare unreleased version of a Hanyuuda Mito song, when someone asked her what she was listening to. The first thing Ferb about this person was their voice. Noting the voice and its owner, she answered that it was Hanyuuda Mito. Or rather, a song that supposed to be a 7th Sisters song but was not—a super rare copy which only circulated once on the net, before being taken down. The one talking to her immediately understood which one, and they both realized they liked Hanyuuda Mito, with the same impression of Mito’s voice: like the wind while one is overlooking someplace from a high place… or something like that. Anyway, this was how Ferb and Murasaki met the first time, in the reception area of Nanastar when they had just been scouted by our Shihainin.
Fast forward to the present, Ferb was sitting at the park near Nanastar office. She was called by Shihainin but took a bit more time before leaving. Her song, which she had poured her heart into making, had been rejected by her light music club friends to play in the school festival. They did not say it was particularly bad, however it was true that they were just not interested in it and wanted to perform as a cover band, instead of an original song. Ferb had then dropped out from the school festival, saying that they “don’t particularly need her”, as there were other bassists to fill up the space and Ferb did not feel the drive to join them. (The novel did not explicitly portray Ferb as being angry or disappointed about this. Ferb seemed to speak to her clubmates matter-of-factly, she did not blame anyone and that was just how it went: their tastes just did not match.) Finally, she continued her walk and met someone else on the way: Yumeno.
Apparently, Yumeno had also been called by Shihainin, just like Ferb. (They conversed as they went, and the novel reflected just how well Ferb brushed away Yumeno’s super excitement when it came to cute girls, including her of course). It seemed Ferb has some respect for Yumeno, because of Yumeno’s proficiency in her guitar, and how she put her personality in her guitar (regardless of her reasoning to start playing—which in Yumeno’s case was because of a manga character). Ferb remarked that to be proficient to the level that Yumeno was, at the moment, needed hard work and Ferb commend her for that.
At Nanastar, Shihainin explained that the ‘7th Christmas Rock Festival’ would be taking place a few months from then. It was aimed at rookie bands, and he asked if both girls were interested. Shihainin said several times that they would not have to participate in that year’s contest, as the piece had to be original, performed by a full band, and there would be an elimination round soon. Both girls were interested (more like, Yumeno would do it if Ferb would), but considering it needed a full band and preparation, and the fact that they did not have any other band members and there was a need to make an original song fast, Shihainin said several times that there was no pressure. However, Ferb said that there was a song that they could use.
She let them listen to the song she had made for her light music club, and both were extremely excited upon hearing it, saying how it sound like the work of a pro. Ferb said she had an idea on who the vocalist should be but had yet to ask her; however, the problem was that they had no idea who would be proficient enough for the drums. Shihainin said that recording backsound is allowed [i.e. using a backing track], but Ferb firmly said that that wouldn’t be able to fully bring out the soul of her song. With Shihainin reiterating that there was no pressure about joining the fest, they closed the meeting. Afterwards, Ferb apologized to Yumeno about singlehandedly making the decision to continue with this project, to which Yumeno replied that she agreed to it anyway, and there was nothing Ferb should worry about. They both then went to visit the prospective vocalist.
As it turned out, Ferb had never been to Murasaki’s place before. It was not something she thought would have been necessary, and naturally Murasaki had never invited her. Yumeno expressed her surprise, because she thought Murasaki and Ferb were close. Ferb said that they were, but only as far as Hanyuuda Mito and music were concerned. It seemed their topic of conversation rarely broadened to anything personal and never once had they ever thought of, say, having a sleepover. Yumeno said that kind of relationship is okay too, that she still saw it as ‘moe’ (Ferb dismissed this as ‘something she doesn’t understand about Yumeno Number #whatever’). With that, they finally arrived at EZ Bar, which displayed a ‘closed’ sign. It was nearing dusk, but the bar had yet to open, which spoke much about its customers’ demographic.
When they entered the bar, Ferb’s impression was that it seemed to have a different air than the atmosphere they were used to (you should pay attention to this in the novel, really, at how Ferb describes situations and atmosphere, it’s soooo poignant. From the lights, the reflection on the floor, etc.). They found Murasaki cleaning the place; she was surprised to find them there. Ferb explained the circumstances, after which Murasaki said that Ferb should be the first person to know what genre of music she usually sang. Ferb answered that yes, she did, it was jazz and not rock, but she also said, “I want you to sing my song and just you.” Murasaki contemplated this, and then she answered, that if it was for something soon, she cannot say yes to the proposition.
~End of Chapter 1~
Continuing from last time, I will proceed with my “summary” of what I remember about the novel, be warned there might also be some additional details like parts from the in-game episode in case they exist as referrals or maybe I feel like it has any significance in it. - Esh
Chapter 2. Meet Them There
While feeling out of place in a bar brimming with an adult atmosphere, Ferb and Yumeno sat on stools by the counter. Murasaki served Ferb and Yumeno some juice drinks (which Yumeno said tasted better because they were served by a beautiful girl, and Murasaki was like “isn’t that irrelevant” lol). As Ferb examined the interior of the bar more closely—noting how underage girls like Yumeno and her being there was not exactly a good thing and perhaps that is why Murasaki had never invited them—Ferb thought about how Murasaki had rejected her offer; it was a fact, and Ferb was sure there was a reason for it, but she hesitated to ask. Yumeno perhaps felt the same, but talked in her usual chirpy, bright attitude to break the ice and lighten the somber atmosphere. Yumeno commented on how great it was for Murasaki to help with tidying the shop, and Murasaki replied, “I do it every day though, it’s my home.” And Yumeno asked Murasaki if that was the reason for her rejection of the offer, to help the shop. Murasaki then proceeded to explain that if it were any other occasion, it would not have been a problem, but not this time.
It turned out that Murasaki’s mother had had an accident and broken her arm. Thus, Murasaki had to help her mother until that arm healed, and it would still take some time. It seemed her mother was a single mother (but I will clarify later to make sure) and had been working for both their sake all this while. Murasaki said that she was sorry that she had to reject Yumeno and Ferb, while both had come all the way there. Yumeno quickly answered that that was not a problem at all, which Ferb nodded at (Yumeno did most of the talking, while Ferb just nodded or confirmed), since that couldn’t be helped after all. Murasaki said that there were others with great voices in Nanastar whom Ferb could approach, but Ferb said, “No, I want it to be you and no one else.” Murasaki was like, “you’re stubborn.”
“Well I am, when it comes to music,” replied Ferb, but it seemed Murasaki had known as much about Ferb, with how well they knew each other. Murasaki asked for Yumeno’s thoughts on this matter but Yumeno was like, “I don’t mind, as long as it is what Ferb and Murasaki have decided.” Since that could not be helped, Ferb was about to ask Yumeno to phone Shihainin that they could not do the project (at least not in that year—it was an annual festival after all), but suddenly someone came from the inner part of the store.
Murasaki’s mother Echizen Kon came up and apparently, she was a mesmerizing beauty which made even Yumeno fall silent (lol). Kon told Murasaki, “You have your friends visit you—which is extremely rare—and you just reject them?”
Murasaki said, “But you’re hurt, and the shop might get busy and all.”
But Kon said, “I have hired a part timer to help me, so you don’t have to worry. I’ve been taking care of this shop while raising you all these years and I am not that fragile that I need an underage kid, who can’t even drink sake yet, to worry about me.” She then proceeded to tell Murasaki that, unlike her mother, Murasaki’s two friends needed her, and no one else.
Under the hopeful gaze of both Yumeno and Ferb, Murasaki eventually ‘gave up’ and said that she, too, wondered how her jazz would go with Ferb’s music. However, thereafter came the problem of who would do the drumming. Just as they were contemplating the matter, the bar’s door opened and someone who would like to sign up for a part time job entered—that someone was Matsuri.
So, Matsuri was looking for part time jobs to get more income for ‘this new super good game’, and since the bar seemed stylish with a good atmosphere and offered a good enough salary, she was interested. However, Kon had already hired someone else. As an apology, Kon served Matsuri the shop’s curry rice and served the same to Yumeno and Ferb. Being perceptive, Matsuri noted how it was unusual to have underage kids like the two girls in a bar like this. The trio eventually told Matsuri about their predicament. Murasaki commented that a jazz drummer she knew was an old man, who came for mini live show at their bar from time to time, but he would not do, as perhaps he would not be able to put his heart into it (as per Ferb’s words, “not enough ‘fire’”). With Yumeno knowing no one suitable, they asked if Ferb knew anyone in the light music club to help. In a matter-of-fact tone, Ferb said that the light music club was busy with their upcoming live, but, she could not help feeling bad when the topic came up. As it was her who had rejected them as well, over the cover band thing, and it would be awkward to just suddenly come and ask for their help with her own band.
With the issue of the drummer unsolved, Ferb finally said that it was useless to think about something that did not exist; they would have to resort to a recording for the drum track—despite her own best judgment that it would not be as ideal as she would like with her song. However, with how Murasaki was able to come to a decision regardless of her situation, Ferb felt it would be appropriate to do so as well. Matsuri said, from her point of view as an older person, that seemed to be the best decision to come to and supported the decision. She felt bad that she could not help them, despite being older; the only ‘drummers’ she knew were her friends who played drumming games but, even then, she was the best among them. Ferb was like, “eh, there are such games?” and Matsuri was like, “what, you didn’t know? lol.” Eventually, they all decided to go watch Matsuri play the game at the game center near the station because Matsuri felt like it (Yumeno was like, “wow, game center date!!!” #not).
Matsuri was like “hey, let’s play highest difficulty with randomized notes!” (Yumeno: IS THIS THE LEGENDARY MATSURI GAMER?! SUCH HONOOOOR!! while Ferb and Murasaki were like,I kiiiiinda understand? reaction lol). Matsuri went on to play and hit all the notes with a perfect full combo. Yumeno was left flabbergasted (to be honest she was the only one who understood what the heck Matsuri was doing) and Murasaki was like, “I don’t really understand but that was awesome.” Ferb was silent all the while watching the banter between the others (Matsuri was like, “See? that changed your perception of me, right?”). Yumeno noted how Ferb was silent (she might have been having ‘you must have already fallen in love with Matsuri-san! nuuu she is mine~’ kind of Yumeno thoughts lol) and Ferb was like, “You hit all the beats perfectly, that was amazing.”
Ferb was deep in thought and she said, “Matsuri-san, will you try drumming?”
With her words, suddenly the excitement of the high score drained from Matsuri’s face, and with a serious face that none of the girls had ever seen before, Matsuri replied slowly, her words drowning out all the sounds of the game center around her. 
“You see. Games and the real world are different.”
~~~End of Chapter 2~~~
Link to Chapter 3 / 4: Feel Her Rock / Forked Road of Her Dreams Back to summaries
Wow that was long. I actually went to a lot more details than I expected. It’s one of the chapters that I read over and over (the bar scene is among my favorite!). - Esh
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tokyo7s · 7 years
Do you know what happened to tokyo7thsubs? They randomly stopped posting one day
If you mean the videos, it’s because the episode text files have been encrypted (like most image files).
They are still doing other stuff, the most recent ones (QoP light novel and the Harukaze prequel novel, Yukikaze) can be found on Puchi’s blog.
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 4
Sorry that this one took so long. You can read the previous parts here, here, and here. Thank you.
Chapter 4. Forked Road of Her Dreams
Passing the first audition, two months later our girls now moved on to the second audition where they had to perform in front of jurors. Ferb arrived in their rendezvous point almost late and found only Murasaki. Since Yumeno and Matsuri was going to be late thanks to trouble with the train, Ferb and Murasaki decided to wait for them while drinking hot canned coffee drink from nearby vending machine. Ferb asked the yawning Murasaki if she did not have much sleep last night and the girl answered it was because she was not that good with waking up early, something that Ferb kind of figured so somehow from Murasaki, especially with her mother running a bar. It was during that time that Ferb realized that without Yumeno and Matsuri, she had never talked much with Murasaki other than about Mito. Somehow now the fact both Yumeno and Matsuri being beside them felt like “usual day” for Ferb. Murasaki commented if Ferb was nervous because her shoulder looked stiff. Ferb answered that was because of the cold, even though what Murasaki said actually had some amount of truth. Ferb had never felt nervous before, not even when she had her first live in Nanasis or when she had her live with her light music club. She lamented why must she felt nervous now, of all time. They did not talk much (you have to see the gorgeous illustration that came with this chapter) and ten minutes later, Yumeno and Matsuri came.
Both of them apologized for being late, Matsuri even bought them some hot canned coffee—which Murasaki said they already finished drinking the same thing already, while patting Matsuri's shoulder. Yumeno was even more silent, saying she was afraid that both of them are mad, since they did not reply her message, and Ferb was like, oh sorry I forgot, and don't worry we're not mad. Yumeno clasped Ferb's hand, which to her surprise, was extremely cold. She panicked immediately and like, “You'll play the bass after this, cold fingers' re bad! Matsuri! Murasaki! Hurry up, warm her hand!” and Murasaki was like, well I don't mind, but why must us? Yumeno was like well duh, ofc because I will be the one taking a photo!! Anyway, with such scene, Ferb felt like it had turned into one of their usual days, that has now felt like they are something that has always been there.
The building of the audition was super stylish and they were awed for a while. Ferb went to register and before them was two people who looked like they are professional player. Ferb said like, to think they are our rivals... but Murasaki was like, so what? we’ll just do it out way as usual anyway, whether they are the rival or not. The festival was supposed to be for rookie band but somehow the people around them did not look as if they are. As they registered, the staff told them the rooms, among them the changing room. Ferb was like, anyone wanna change? While there was actually no such thing as costume between them and Murasaki went like, didn't we agree to just use clothes we are comfortable in and easy to move? It seemed other band came in properly prepared even with their costumes.
Finally, the time of the audition came with their band being the first one in. When they came in, two jurors were sitting, one of them is a really successful producers who had made numerous hit tracks and even Ferb knew him by face and the other one was another (seemingly) famous someone. However, when they began playing in the middle of the song Ferb realized that Murasaki seemed uneasy then she realized they were off sync, with all of the instruments seemed to be in a tempo faster than they should. Finally by concentrating on her own playing, the agonizing moment was over. The first juror (I forget his name... uuh. Lets call him first juror the Famous One lol) went to ask them, one by one, if they had band experience before (Ferb only had her light music club and Yumeno had only been performing once for school festival), if Murasaki sang in other style (she only sang Jazz before) and commented that Matsuri was obviously still new. And just like that, Famous One just said, “Pass.”
The second juror was like, wait a minute, it's not like I am against your decision, but you have to tell me why you let them pass! Yumeno also said, “please, we want to hear the reason as well.” and so Famous One explain that, even with all the minuses, each and every member shows individual colors and they all cover very well their weakest part that was Matsuri. However, on top of it all, it was because they were in and out and in every meaning, a rookie. Unlike other band that came in to the audition, although most of them are freshly made, they were not newcomers in the industry. This band that has just been formed for two months, was exactly what the Grand Festival was all about, a rookie band. They congratulated themselves, Murasaki saying, “we did it, Ferb, with your song.”
Before they go, however, Famous One has something to say. He said he was just giving them suggestion for them to consider. He said, considering how they were all coming from Nanasis, which is idol, and which is something that is basically pop, why don't they make a song that are more palatable for wider niche, as their current song are pretty much have a very specific taste and may not attract wider niche, especially since they are still rookie band so they have a lot of potential and a chance to garner fans. Songs like 4U, for example.
After they went out of the building, they were chatting happily and planning to have dinner together to celebrate getting into Grand Festival. However, Ferb seemed like she was not quite there. She was thinking about Famous One said. The fact that her song now came into being made her extremely happy, that was true and it was basically it was something that she had been waiting for and wanting to do. Yet, how about the others? Are they enjoying it as much as her? Being kind as they were, even if Ferb were to ask, they would never say they did not enjoy nor say that her song as bad. Yumeno was there because she followed. Murasaki even sacrificed her helping her mother for Ferb and Matsuri, being the oldest stick with them because she felt some kind of responsibility. However, were they happy? Or were they just doing this for her? If, by chance, they did not enjoy her song, Ferb knew she would be sad and even hate her own song if because of her own selfishness of making her song into being she actually had pushed her friends into something they did not enjoy. It was truth that with her light music club and also with all the audience, when they were doing 4U, they were having so fun being so happy, but what about her song? Of all things, more than having that song into being, she would rather have her friends happy.
Finally they realized Ferb has been deep into thought and it was at that time where she said, “Let's change song.”
~~~~ To be Continued ~~~
Sorry this one took so long... These last chapters were quite uncomfortable for me to write for some reason hahaha...
Continue to Part 5
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 3
Continuing Part 1 and 2, here comes part 3. Because I forgot most of Chapter 3 (lol) I ended up skimming the chapter and... uh... this ended up long....
Chapter 3. Feel Her Rock
After what happened in the game center, Matsuri had Ferb’s offer at the back of her head as she walked around a game store, thinking, how that’s so unfair, with Ferb’s straightforward and honest eyes in her request, it was hard to say no. But Matsuri understood very well there is a huge different between just a drum gamer and a real drummer, and just how between real drummer and gamer there is this gap of skill height, which at the moment she ofc cannot measure and it was more than just hitting the right beat in the game. Yet on the other hand, she knew how Ferb is someone who does not fool around when it comes to music. As musician with that much passion, Ferb would be the first person to understand how music and game differs and she was always serious when it comes to music, yet it was her the one who asked. In that moment, Matsuri remembered fondly the first time she talked to Ferb properly.
They talked together the first time in Nanasis lounge, when Matsuri was waiting for Conney and shihainin who was still not present yet, and Ferb was there first. Ferb offered her drinks and (just like many people) thought she was not as old as she was (lol. Ferb offered juice instead of coffee or something and Matsuri was like, how ruuuude lol). Matsuri noted that although her aloof outer personality made her looked as if she was a lot more mature than her age, Ferb was actually just a regular 17 years old teenager, who answered in rather disinterested fashion like “aah~” “I see” “I don’t exactly know” when it comes to things other than bass and music (where she was suddenly full of life and turns chirpy). In Matsuri’s eyes, such childish personality was endearing. When it comes to things that she loves, Ferb properly see things that she needed or that she did not need, such as when she asked Murasaki, in which for her Murasaki was indispensable with the vision she had in mind.
Within that decision of making the band, Matsuri also remembered Murasaki and wondered on her approach. Like Ferb, who knows exactly what she wanted in things she loved, Murasaki see things in black and white and properly assess which was important for her and which was not especially when it comes to singing. Murasaki did not talk much and their interaction revolves around meeting during lessons and that was also not beyond songs. During vocal lesson Murasaki shine like no other and was in full zeal but when in dance, Matsuri did not even remember much of Murasaki. With her straightforward and stoic attitude, which was admirable in her age, Matsuri felt it took a long time to get to know Murasaki despite Matsuri herself actually can get along well fast with anyone type of person. Murasaki did not seem to mind company, nor would she mind if there wasn’t. Such part also, where one did not need to mind much on that side, is what makes Murasaki an easy company to be with. That said, Matsuri thought if that was anything with her upbringing. Her mother did not exactly seem like she was the strict person, considering she gave someone whose part time proposition was rejected some free curry just because she felt bad. It did not seem like Murasaki was told to help, and instead volunteered to help. In the end, Matsuri concluded she did not understand Murasaki that much.
Browsing the game section, Matsuri found the Yuri girl game that Yumeno recommended to her in super serious fashion. Matsuri then thought of Yumeno, too, understanding that although she was a bit, actually super, weird, Yumeno was the most sociable among the three. Even, her rather ridiculous conduct may also be to light up the atmosphere. Matsuri remembered how the first time she met Yumeno, without even a greeting this girl just started to take pictures of her with drools by the side of her lips a told her to do skinship and hold her like wtf man lol. even when they knew of each other’s age, even if Yumeno turned a lot more polite but with her conduct it was questionable if she really respect Matsuri like her age should have deserved. LOL.
Looking back, Matsuri wondered if the three girls would be okay alone. If there was anyone to look after them. As she thought so, a new rhythm game notification came up in her Holocom which was about this “make your own rhythm game!” kinda thing. While thinking that, Matsuri also felt that it can’t be helped, she should tell Ferb her decision. Just as she thought so, a mail came from Ferb: “Matsuri-san, do you have time?”
In a cafe (I think), Murasaki, Ferb, and Yumeno gathered around to talk about the band and Yumeno was like, “I smell Matsuri-san!” and Ferb was like, “eh, is there even such thing?” “Oh you’re so pure, Ferb-chaaaaaan!!” or something and true enough Matsuri came (lol). Ferb actually gathered them all to give them the music sheets for each of their parts--and she said even if Matsuri had not given her decision yet and it was only for her to look at in case she is interested--tho Matsuri cannot read music sheets lol. Murasaki commented that even her light music club might have difficulty doing the drum score however (lol) and Ferb is like, I understand, but to be able to follow a song’s bit, the natural instinct, to play drums is what I think Matsuri has. And Ferb finally show her song to both Murasaki and Matsuri.
Both where impressed, agreeing that it was a good song (Yumeno: I feel like I will have nosebleed lol) and Matsuri asked just how long they had until the registration closed. Ferb was like, not so long (ehe) and Matsuri went like Feeeerb-saaaaan?? And turned out it was the end of next week. Matsuri asked if they had any reserve plan if Matsuri declined, and their options was finding a live house drummer acquaintance (which did not seem likely), Ferb’s light music club member (which also was not likely), Murasaki’s old man ojisan acquaintance (very unlikely), and last was what Ferb say “let’s just think about it when the time comes”. at that moment, Matsuri felt the responsibility of being the oldest between them, to give security (despite the fact that she did not really show herself as a mature person in her words or her hobbies and her outer personality and there did exist more mature person within nanasis than her), but seeing them in such a bind, made her felt like it was her duty as the oneechan between them and eventually she said, yes.
Ferb was like”yes for what?” LOL like none of them actualy believed she would do it. Ferb looked deep into Matsuri and said, “Thank you, Matsuri-san.”
However then there came the problem of how they would practice. Yumeno said things like, “aaah~ if only it’s a game, then Matsuri-san can definitely hit all the perfect score! and I will be in the land of beautiful girl Harem!” or something along that line, which remind Matsuri that there was a game which allowed them to make songs into game, and she would learn the rhythm from that software--saying she would take Yumeno to help her in her training since Yumeno was the one between the other three that understood games the most and how it works. Matsuri asked for a week time for her to do focused training and she also borrowed a drum set from nanasis studio. Murasaki asked for what she could help do for everyone, which Matsuri answered steadfastly, “the song.” And song it was decided that they would do it.
A week after that, in Nanasis studio, they performed the song for the first time. On Matsuri’s drum lines, Ferb commented how inwardly how Matsuri was lacking volume control, however she was properly keeping the beat--just like what she thought and for that time Ferb felt that she was not wrong at all in her decision, and Yumeno said once, if only Matsuri-san knew how to hit a drum properly, just about how to hit it the right way, then they would have made her a good drummer already. And when Murasaki’s voice finally hit it, Ferb was blown away at how she did it just right--really unlike the fact she only sang jazz in the past and at that moment, for the first time, Ferb felt like she could finally make a song that totally fits her image, her self, into reality. That passion perhaps something that she had never even felt even when she played with her light music club friends. That feelings of excitement filled her, even long after the song ended.
When it ended, when Matsuri asked if she actually passed, Ferb commented that despite the lack of volume control (on how she hit it too hard, or lack of speed control in her hit), she did--though just 1 song tok so much of Matsuri’s stamina already lol. Everyone was very positive in how it turned out and after a 10 minutes, they would proceed to record it. But there was another problem: the band had no name. None of them thought of a name and Ferb did not really bother about it and in the end they went with “Seto Ferb Band (temporary)” as their name (which Matsuri went like “are you serious?!”---well no one was taking Yumeno’s suggestion of “Ferb-chan;s Harem Kingdom” as a good name either).
After the session, Ferb came to a live house wondering about her light music club friends. There, another high school band was playing, a copy band playing 4U song. after enrolling to Nanasis, Ferb came to taste just what an exhilarating feeling it was to perform one’s own song instead of someone else’s, however why, why is it that even if it was not their own song, even if the one who perform is not 4U and even far from it, why did the audience have so much fun? And so that question and unease lingered in her heart.
~~ End of Chapter 3 ~~
I ended up...being way. too. detailed.
Continue to Part 4
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 2
Continuing last time, here. I will proceed with my “summary” of what I remember about the novel, be warned there might also be some additional details like parts from the in-game episode in case they exist as referrals or maybe I feel like it has any significance in it.
Chapter 2. Meet Them There
Whilst feeling out of place in a bar brimming with adult atmosphere, Ferb and Yumeno sat by the stool near the counter. Murasaki served Ferb and Yumeno some juice drinks (which Yumeno said taste better because it is served by a beautiful girl and Murasaki was like, isn’t that irrelevant lol). As Ferb looked into the interior of the bar more closely--noting how an underage like her and Yumeno being there was not exactly a good thing and perhaps that is why Murasaki never invited them--Ferb thought how Murasaki had rejected her offer, it was a fact, and Ferb was sure there was a reason for it, but she hesitated to ask. Yumeno perhaps felt the same, but she talked in her usual chirpy, bright attitude to break the ice and the somber atmosphere. Yumeno commented how great it was for Murasaki to help tidying the shop, and Murasaki went like, I did it every day tho, it’s my home. And she asked like, is that the reason of her rejecting the offer, to help the shop? Murasaki then proceed to explain that if it were any other moment, it would not have been a problem, but not this time.
Turned out her mother had an accident and she broke her arm. Thus, Murasaki had to help her mother until that arm heals and it would still take time for it to heal. It seemed her mother is a single mother---but I will clarify later to make sure--and has been working for both of them all these times. Murasaki went like, I am sorry that I have to reject, while both of you had gone all the way here. Yumeno quickly answered that that was not a problem at all, which Ferb nod to (Yumeno did most of the talking, while Ferb just nod or confirmed), since that can’t be helped after all. Murasaki said that there are others with great voices in Nanasis she could ask for help, but Ferb was like, “No, I want it to be you and no one else.” Murasaki was like, “you stubborn.” “Well I am, when it comes to music.” but it seemed Murasaki had thought as much about Ferb, with how well they knew each other. Murasaki asked of Yumeno’s thought on it but Yumeno was like, I don’t mind for as long as it was what Ferb and Murasaki’s decided. Since that cant be helped, Ferb was about to ask Yumeno to phone Shihainin that they cannot do the project (at least not in that year--it was an annual festival), but suddenly someone came from the inner part of the store.
Murasaki Mom, Echizen Kon, came up and apparently she was a mesmerizing beauty which made even Yumeno silent (lol). Kon was like, you have your friends visit you--which is extremely rare--and you just reject them? Murasaki said, but you’re hurt and shop might get busy and all. But Kon was like, “I have hired a part timer over to help me so you don’t have to worry. I’ve been taking care of this shop while raising you all these years and I am not that fragile that I need an underage kid who can’t even drink sake yet to worry about me.“ She then proceeded that, unlike her, her two friends needed her, and no one else. Under hopeful eyes of both Yumeno and Ferb, Murasaki eventually “gave up” and said that she, too, wondered how her jazz would go with Ferb’s music. However, there came the next problem: who would do the drum. Just as they were contemplating the matter, the door opened with someone who would like to sign for part time job--and turned out that someone was Matsuri.
So Matsuri was looking for part time job to get more income for this new super good game and since the shop was stylish with good atmosphere along with good enough salary, she was interested. However, Kon had already hired someone else. So as an apology, Kon served Matsuri the shop’s curry rice and also served the same for Yumeno and Ferb. Being sharp, Matsuri noted how it was unusual to have underage kids like Yumeno and Ferb in a bar like this, the trio eventually told Matsuri their predicaments. Murasaki commented that the drummer she knew was a jazz drummer old man who came for mini live show at their bar from time to time but that won’t do, as perhaps he would not be able to put his heart into it t (as per Ferb’s words, not enough “fire”). With Yumeno knew no one, they asked if Ferb knew anyone in the light music to help. Sounding matter of factly, Ferb said that the light music club is busy with their upcoming live, but she could not help feeling really bad when the topic came up. As it was her who rejected them as well, over the cover band thing, and it would be awkward to just suddenly came and ask for their help with her own band.
With that unsolved, Ferb finally said, that it was useless to think about something that did not exist, then they would have to resort to recording for the drum--despite her own best judgment that it would not be as ideal as she would like with her song. However, with how Murasaki had decision regardless of her situation, it would be appropriate to do so. Matsuri said, from older person POV, that seemed to be the best decision to come to, and supported the decision. She felt bad that she could not help them, despite being older, the only drummer she knew where her friends who play drumming game but even then she was the best among them. Ferb was like, eh, there are such game? and Matsuri was like, what you didn’t know? lol. And eventualy they all decided to go watch Matsuri play the game at the game center near the station because Matsuri felt like (Yumeno was like, wow, game center date!!! #not).
Matsuri was like hey lets play highest difficulty with randomized notes! Yumeno: IS THIS THE LEGENDARY MATSURI GAMER?! SUCH HONOOOOR!! while Ferb and Murasaki were like,I kiiiiinda understand? reaction lol. Anyway there goes the playing and Matsuri actualy hit all the notes in perfect full combo and Yumeno was left flabbergasted (tbh she was the only one who understood what the heck Matsuri was doing) and Murasaki was like, “I dont really understand but that was awesome.” Ferb was silent all the while watching the banter (Matsuri was like, : see? that change your perception on me, right?). Yumeno then noted how Ferb was silent (you must have already fallen in love with  Matsuri-san ! nuuu she is mine~ kind of Yumeno way lol) and Ferb was like, “You hit all the beat perfectly, that was amazing.”
Ferb was deep in thought and she said, “Matsuri-san, will you try drumming?”
With her words, suddenly the excitement of high score died away, and in a serious face that none of the girls have ever seen before, Matsuri replied slowly, like drowning all the sound of the game center around her.
“You see. Game and real world are different.”
~ End of Chapter 2~
Wow that was long. I actually went to a lot more details than I expected. It’s one of the chapters that I read over and over (the bar scene is among my favorite!). I actually don’t remember Chapter 3 that much so I guess I will do chapter 3 and 4 together. Ah well~ wait up for the continuation! (I have to cut here because my laptop started to stutter when it reached certain number of words, like now....)
Continue to Part 3
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 6----- not summary anymore tho lol
Too damn detail and long for a summary LOL but ah well it’s soooo good holy man, COME ON OUT FULL TRANSLATIONS BECAUSE THEIR WORDS ARE HNNGGGHHHHHHH
Chapter 6. All We Wanna Do Is Walk Together
Yumeno cannot remembered the last time she cried. Alone in a city bus she sat. She thought that crying is an irrelevant thing to do in the face of problem and yet, today, she did. She cried like she never had before and she had in her the blue handkerchief belonged to Matsuri. Now she wondered how she could face Matsuri. Matsuri stayed with her until she stopped crying, and said with the gentlest voice she had ever made, “don’t worry about it” but Yumeno, ofc did. However, her embarrassment was beside the point because the main point was the two currently having a fight. In her head, understanding just how socially awkward both Murasaki and Ferb were, the more she thought the more she did not know what to do and everything just back to square one. In her heart, Yumeno knew rather than leaving it all on someone else, or to just let Matsuri did everything, was not the right conduct and that she should do something about it, at least that was what she always did whenever someone around her have a fight. Deep in thought, she only came to her sense again when the bus driver told her they were at the last stop, in a place that Yumeno did not recognize. Rather than waiting 30 minutes for another bus, Yumeno decided to just walk home, taking 1hour walk according to her map. With her habit of walking when she was feeling down, it was just about right and she make a note to wear her glasses when she arrived home so that her parents did not see her after tears face and asked her what happened and be worried. That time, Yumeno made a sad smile on how she was just like her parents.
The next day, Yumeno straight away went to Nanasis after school while hoisting her guitar. She checked how she looked in almost every window, the toilet mirror, to make sure she looked fine (which she did not). There was a chance that Matsuri, or maybe Ferb, or Murasaki might have been in the office, so she would try to go there first. When she arrived at Nanasis office, her greetings was not as hype as usual and Shihainin came out, smiling and said, “as expected of Yumeno.” Turned out Momoka was sleeping by the sofa and Shihainin took her less energetic greetings as knowing that Momoka was asleep even before she opened the door. Although ofc she had no such sixth sense, but Yumeno decided just to go with the flow. Shihainin then asked if she forgot her camera. Because usually Yumeno would have just started snapping photos here and there at the sight of sleeping Momoka, and Yumeno, again, just answered she did. Shihainin seemed to leave it at that and he excused himself for a meeting, and Yumeno realized that Matsuri had not tell him what happened. It seemed no one had decided to ask to him for suggestion and Yumeno assumed that maybe, Matsuri had something in her mind, perhaps. Being the oldest, Matsuri may felt bigger responsibility and should have been the one most anxious about the band. Yumeno just realized that she had been really selfish to Matsuri since by her crying, she had just robbed off Matsuri’s chance to express her own feelings on the situation, since she had to be there for the crying Yumeno. Just staying in the office would not make it all better and so Yumeno then get out of the office again, quietly, so as not to wake Momoka up.
Outside by the Kuonji park, Ferb was debating with herself whether or not she should go to the office. They should tell Shihainin what happened, that despite passing the 2nd audition,without Murasaki there was no meaning in performing or even having a band. Yet Shihainin would definitely ask what was wrong and must be very worried. If it were someone who are more reliable in interpersonal skill like Yumeno or Matsuri, they would have been able to communicate it better but saying other than what happened would have been a lie. What if she asked Murasaki the reason why she was so mad? What if she had asked Yumeno and Matsuri, the reason why they are against it? Would things go differently had she asked them? If she understood them, would she be able to protect the band, where her song come true, and a place where she felt like she was meant to be? As she started to question herself, she heard a melody.
It was a melancholic melody she had never heard before, fitting with the setting sun and the current gloom that plagued the day and Ferb herself. Ferb then turned around and searched for the source of the song, and there she found Yumeno, sitting by a swing playing her guitar. After a rather awkward hello, Yumeno told Ferb to sit in the swing beside hers and then they went to another silence. Ferb said that was a good song and asked her what is it since she had never heard it before. Bashfully, Yumeno answered that it was thanks to Ferb’s influence that she had begun to try making her own song. The melody, heartrendingly beautiful that fits with the season, time, and atmosphere, made Ferb said that it was nice, that in a good meaning it did not sound like Yumeno, or perhaps very Yumeno in the way that it was unpredictable. Yumeno thanked her then said it just made her realized one thing: Ferb’s amazing skill. Although she played it, the song would not turn into being and she could make out the phrase for it to even be made. For Ferb to be able to make songs, even in short time, she said she felt strongly the reality that was Ferb’s ability as she could not do the same thing.
However, she could not that she disagree with what Murasaki said yesterday. The song that Ferb let them hear, for Yumeno it was a good song and it was amazing that she managed to make it in such a short amount of time, however no matter what she could not see that song as something that Ferb made. At that statement, Ferb was in a shock. It was still a fact that Ferb made that song with Yumeno, Matsuri, and Murasaki in mind, so much that she did not even take her sleeping time. At the look of Ferb’s reaction, Yumeno quickly continued. That she loved the songs that Ferb made, that she loved the song that Ferb, who upon setting her sight on something would lose sight on anything else, made. She loved the song show how it was made by Ferb who, although awkward, is always straightforward in expressing her heart. And so she was elated, when she was counted into the same band as Ferb.
If it is just to play Ferb’s song, she could do it in live and stream, but “being in a band with Ferb and co” is a different thing. Yumeno is someone that would definitely do what people told her to. She was the kind that could perfectly do things better and faster than anyone, on any kind of field. This cause people to rely on her a lot, yet also caused people to get away from her because”If it is Sakaiya-san, then she can do it by herself” and thus thought that they would only get on her way. Yumeno who loves being with someone else, always finds herself have to, even quite exaggeratedly, make a reason to be with someone, giving them her help, or else people would leave. It was lonely to always have to be in such situation. To be with someone who, in a good meaning, did not mind her like Ferb and Murasaki while there was also Matsuri who would look after them warmly as their older sister, Yumeno could not even begin just what a safe feeling it was, just how much happiness it gave her. And so she tried, to express her feelings, that no matter how hard the guitar line would be, she had the conviction to play it, and also the confidence that she could. And she would as long as it’s Ferb’s. And she believed Murasaki also felt the same. And that was the reason why Murasaki was angry. It was because the song was made by Ferb, Ferb’s song, that they did the bad. Not just for any song which they can’t get a face who made it when they heard it. And Murasaki said that they did not ask for such song. Because their feelings are theirs alone and the song Ferb made without wondering about her surrounding’s feelings was the one they loved, and such Ferb’s song was the one they love. With that, Yumeno went up to her feet, hugged guitar, bowed, and said sorry that she could not say it in a better way and that she should have done so when Ferb asked if they had better change their song. After that, ignoring Ferb’s hand that reached out to her, Yumeno said, “see you later” and ran off.
Dropping her hand, which Yumeno had ignored just as she had ignored Yumeno’s the day before, a painful feeling resides in Ferb’s heart.
In EZ Bar, Murasaki was cleaning and her mother asked why she did not have any band lesson and if there was anything happening since she had been mopping the same spot for such a long time. Murasaki looked away from her mother, with Kon having the ability to just read someone’s thoughts from their expression thanks to running a bar. Understanding that her daughter did not want to talk about it, she asked Murasaki to flip the sign by the door to “Open” and it was at that time when a drunk Matsuri just barging in. Smelling like sake and could barely walk, Murasaki brought Matsuri to the counter, where she asked for a Gin lime. Kon said jokingly how thoughtful of Matsuri to ask for something that she could prepare with one hand and then ask Murasaki to leave the door in “Closed” because she would be off buying some tobacco while waiting for the part-timer to come—which was quite strange since Kon was not  heavy smoker. And then upon Murasaki’s question if Matsuri usually drank, Matsuri opened up that she drank, because she had something to talk about with Murasaki and she was not confident if she could muster enough courage without drinking.
Murasaki said that she did not need it if it was a lecture, and Matsuri asked her to just please lend her an ear, to which Murasaki did. Matsuri talked about how she was at first really anxious to just leave them all, but she had a feeling that she had to do something for them, and thus she took on the drum. She said she felt like, she could look after them while playing the drum, but she turned to feel how fun it was, getting praised by Ferb, playing together, and in the end, it turned into her playing drum while looking after them instead. With such position, in the band she was the one that weighted them, even the jurors told them so, and so the best course of action in her position was to leave the band’s course to the leader…. and that was what is wrong about them. That with her aloof personality, Ferb may seem like she was mature more than her age while in truth, during the time she plays her bass or when she talked of the things she loved, she looked even younger than her age, and that perhaps was her true face, that she was just a regular 17 years old girl.
Matsuri asked if Murasaki had helped the store since she was a child, and Murasaki answered yes, even when she began to remember. Matsuri said then Murasaki had seen and met a lot of adults in her life, and thus Murasaki had better understanding of the society than Ferb. And their fault was that both of them had thrown away their responsibility. Matsuri asked, “You regretted, did you?” That they did not tell her that regardless of what the jurors said, they will be alright with song they had at that moment. That they were not able to make Ferb feel confident of the song without saying anything. That they had let Ferb to bend her musicality. And at the time when Murasaki was regretting it, Ferb saying that she changed their song because she thought about them and the festival… angered Murasaki with the fact that their real stance did get through to Ferb.
All of what Matsuri said was right. Murasaki was regretting that she could not do anything. That instead of conveying what she should have conveyed, she instead did what she did. Matsuri said that they should not dwell in regret. Murasaki understood that, and yet, she did not feel she would be able to convey it properly, or that it will get through, just like what had happened. Although she knew what she should have done, but she had not the trust that she would be able to make it successfully happen. At that moment, Matsuri said, “You have confidence in your singing, don’t you.”
She does. She had confidence that her singing was one that Ferb trust, and that within the small time period of them being together, that they connected and see the world in the way through song, as that time when they shared about Hanyuuda Mito the first time they met. That was the reason why Murasaki would sing “Rock” which she had never sang before.
“Then with my drum, Yumeno’s guitar, and your voice, by that one song… let us lighten the weight on Ferb’s shoulder.”
Murasaki agreed, and with the sound of Murasaki’s agreement, Matsuri passed out sleeping, leaving her gin lime untouched.
Looking at the winter sky, Yumeno’s words repeated over and over in Ferb’s head. She realized, she was just making them as her excuse, while actually it was just her going all scared, when Yumeno had that conviction to succeeded in the grand fest by her song. Even Murasaki who was proud of her own singing and Matsuri who took on the drum for them just recently, had the same conviction, yet she was the one running away. Never had Ferb hated the side of her that was clumsy, awkward, and lack of social ability as she was that day. And the thing that came into her head, was the word that Yumeno said the moment she ran away.
“See you later, huh…”
With that, Ferb looked intently at the far off constellation. Continue to Part 7
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters - Episode Queen of Purple Part 7 FINAL!
Oh God this one took so long mostly because my laptop was being utter crap, also because of school work and stuff. But anyway, finally here it is!!! And... I AM STILL SUGGESTING YOU GUYS TO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE FULL TRANSLATIONS ONCE IT IS OUT BECAUSE THE WORDING AR EJUST FABULOUS AND LIKE, SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! Furuse Fuu really took care of every detail these girls would have done and thought about in those moments, and those really describes and gave depth to them.
Anyway, here is the last ep!
Chapter 7. The Queen of Purple
Morning by Viva Donuts, Matsuri was standing with her bought set looking for empty seats but in such time, with people eating breakfast before going to work, it was extremely crowded and did not seem like there are any seat left. Just as she thought about asking her set to be wrapped up as take away, a voice called out to her, which turned out to be Shihainin. Shihainin seemed to have morning set himself, he said that he went out a bit fast for work so he had his breakfast there, even if he did not usually do so, which more or less the same as Matsuri, who just came from Murasaki's place.
Matsuri woke up that day on a bed that she did not know, looking at ceiling she did not recognize, surrounded by this warm nice scent all over her... which was basically Murasaki's room and bed, and Murasaki was sleeping by the futon on the floor beside the bed. After passing out, Murasaki hefted her all the way to the bed. The family also let him have shower, bought her new underwear, cooked her good food... Matsuri felt that the family was way too kind, since both Murasaki and Kon only said, “just come back again then.” for the repay. When Matsuri sighed, Shihainin asked her if anything was up, to which Matsuri pondered a bit. Shihainin is a very busy person taking care of so many girls and without him their agency wouldn't run. If anything, Matsuri would like to try taking care of things herself before turning to him, as he was busy enough as is. Being the kind of person he was who cares for other people, he would definitely worry and go all out his way for them. Answering rather vaguely, Matsuri said that, she was just feeling like she was not being an adult.
To that answer, Shihainin said that he did not agree with that. He said that Matsuri had always been the one who took care of the band as the adult between them and that was why Shihainin did not feel the need to handle things directly, since he was sure Matsuri would take care of the girls. Ferb is a driving force, but that driving force needed a support. As a result of Matsuri being there, they even managed to get to 2nd audition smoothly, overcoming things smoothly. Shihainin said that it was because Matsuri was there supporting them by watching them all from behind. Matsuri said that it may not be so, it may have been Yumeno who glue them all together. Shihainin said that, nah, I think it is you. Yumeno is someone who be with someone, goes down with them together and rise up together. Thus, the one who support them all must be Matsuri. After that, Shihainin said with a serious tone, that he'll leave those girls to her.
With such words, Matsuri found her resolve. Having a person depending on her, believing in her, gave her that little bit of push.
It was in the first hour of class when Yumeno got Matsuri's message and she could not stop thinking about it in the rest of her classes. At the time when the agonizing classroom was over, Yumeno quickly packed her bag, only answering short answer when A GIRL who sat behind her asked her if something was up. Yumeno quickly darted off the classroom, leaving the class rep and everyone puzzled at how Yumeno remained super calm when a girl called her, worried that she maybe ill or something. During the ride to EZ Bar, the place Matsuri asked her to group, all that was in Yumeno's mind was how she was sure Matsuri would definitely do better than what she did with Ferb. That Matsuri, who gently stayed with her as she cried, would definitely be able to do something to mend the situation. There was nothing but trust on Matsuri in Yumeno's mind. She just wanted this to end as quickly as possible... and even the train, that was supposed to go faster than the speed of her own run, now felt like it took eons.
In Ez Bar, Matsuri came in with Murasaki. The latter offered juice so that the former did not get drunk again (lol) and went off to change her clothes. The door opened and Yumeno came in panting. She ran all the way to the place, and only answering shortly on Matsuri's statements, she quickly hugged Matsuri, saying, “I believe in you!!! I believe in you!!” on how she had always believed that one day Matsuri would make everything right somehow. Almost ran out of air, Matsuri asked Yumeno to let her go, gently fixing Yumeno's bangs (which then Yumeno went on a froze.... and said it was TOP THREE of the things she wanted Matsuri to do to her in her lifetime). At that moment, Murasaki came in. They were awkward at first. Even if Yumeno was not the receiving end of her previous lashes, it still made things awkward, so Murasaki was the one who greeted Yumeno just as usual.... which kind of gave the signal that everything was alright.
Matsuri gathered them, except Ferb, to make sure of something, she said. She asked Yumeno, which of the two songs that Ferb gave was  the one she preferred. Without a doubt, Yumeno answered the first one, as it has the characteristic of the Ferb she loved. There was no need to ask Murasaki, and with that all three of them had the same thing in mind. Now the next thing was to go to Ferb's place, however before they did that, the door opened... and there was Ferb.
Going to EZ Bar alone, Ferb stood in front of the bar for quite a long while. There was no meaning for a band if Murasaki did not want to be the singer, as she was the only one who could be the vocalist. Not going in was not because Ferb was scared, but because she just realized how the bar was where so many things happened. From the moment she asked Murasaki, when Matsuri came and they talked about the festival and drums over curry rice that Murasaki's mother made. It was not as if they want to be together forever, but to lose them for some reason felt frightening. After a deep breath, she went in.
At first, they went into silence. Then after exchanging an awkward hello with Matsuri, both Murasaki and Ferb said, “Um, you see...” right at the same time. Murasaki gestured to Ferb to go on ahead first and the girl then said the most important thing she wanted everyone to know in straight forward manner.
“I am sorry!” was what Ferb said the first time, as she bowed deeply to her three friends. She apologized because she had used them as an excuse, while actually it was just her getting so afraid if she would not make it with that song, which was insulting since Murasaki despite her mother's condition pitched in and even Matsuri that had no drum experience even took in drum, all because they had the conviction to win with the first song in mind. Ferb said she had done the worst thing, and she apologized. Ferb realized just what selfish, socially clumsy person she was and she had never hated herself as much as that moment.
“Lift your head,” said Murasaki. And when Ferb didn't do that with her word. “Ferb.”
Finally Ferb lifted her head. With them facing one another, Murasaki then said how she also thought she had done awful thing, which was abandoning Ferb, and making her to not feel confident with her own song. It was their fault that Ferb turned not confident with her own song. She actually wanted to shoulder Ferb's burden together, she wanted Ferb to let her shoulder that together. Ferb was puzzled, because was everything not her own fault, for not trusting her song and it was not their fault. It was also her fault that everything happened since she was not understanding enough. Murasaki said that she wanted to stand on the same stage with Ferb as a band, and she promised that she would never let Ferb feel that was to her song ever again. Matsuri and Yumeno vehemently agreed with Murasaki. She then realized that none of her band mates wanted the band to end.
She was thankful that she mustered her courage to come and see them, to talk to them, and looked at Yumeno and felt thankful that Yumeno's raw feelings that day had moved her to the decision. Thank you. With such feelings suddenly overflowing in her, Ferb smiled and Yumeno, with tears willing in her eyes, returned the smile. Ferb then reached into her pocket for her Holocom and called for the other three and asked them to go with her and stand on the festival with a particular song, which all three of them agreed, and that they would make the two jurors regret their statements.
In the festival day, they were waiting for their turn backstage. All of Nanasis seemed to come to watch(and Yumeno commented that will definitely win since they are being watched by girls after all!). As they talked if any of them felt nervous, suddenly Matsuri remembered that their band name was still “Seto Ferb's Band (temporary)” and Murasaki was like is that a problem LOL. Ferb then went like, “eh, I haven't told you?” She had changed the band name. Matsuri: “FEEERB”. And the band name was now “The Queen of Purple.” Matsuri and Yumeno thought it was cool, but Murasaki was the only one seemed to know the name, and Ferb was like, yes, it was the title of Hanyuuda Mito's unpublished song that both of them heard the first day they met each other. Murasaki questioned using the song title as their band but Ferb said it's a form of respect, and after all their vocalist is “Murasaki” anyway.  And Murasaki, understanding Ferb's personality, chuckled.
Murasaki commented that “Queen” might have been too much of an exaggeration. Stepping on the stage, Ferb said, “But none of us are being princess, right?”
They sure didn't. And so she turned around.
“Then let our band be queens.”
In the darkness of the stage, they asked each other if they felt nervous (Yumeno said that she is nervous waiting to look at the cute girls watching). Murasaki said 4U are on the main stage and the hurdle will get even higher from then on. Ferb said, that will be okay, since she meant so from the very beginning. With the four of them, she believed they can do it.
Murasaki grabbed the mike.
“Here we go --- Trigger.”
Episode Ex. : After the Purple Parade
On Kuonji Park, the 4 members looked at empty grass where their stage once stood. All four were absorbed in the moment, reminiscing the day they had their stage there before. It was amazing that in just two-three days the whole stage were cleaned up perfectly and Matsuri said of course, it's part time rush during those days and there are many people taking care of things. She knew because last year she did the same thing and felt sore all over the place. Yumeno quickly offered a massage, which was more of a hug, and Matsuri told her to let go, especially since she was irritated that Yumeno has such big boobs (lol). While Murasaki commented “here we go again...” a message came to Ferb's Holocom, which changed her expression. Catching her change, Murasaki asked if anything good happened. Ferb answered, it was nothing in particular, that it was just a message from her light music club member which said they were glad that she looked like she was having fun. That moment, Ferb realized that perhaps everything that had happened was meant to be from the start. The moment she was rejected by the light music club, getting on the project, passing the audition, getting on a fight with Murasaki, then performed as Queen of Purple, perhaps those are a predictable happenings especially thanks to her personality. It was all because she was a selfish, insensitive, stubborn awkward person. And perhaps it was thanks to that, as well, that she managed to appreciate the three persons who stayed beside her despite herself. The feeling of gratitude overflowed in her, which she could not contain, and she felt that she should express it to them somehow.
Before she did, however, very familiar faces came before them, faces that they had seen numerous times on tv, and voices they heard numerous times on the radio. Kujou Ume, Wanibuchi Emoko, and Saeki Hina were walking towards them. After usual Ume fit how they just accidentally met (and Emoko ofc said this Kyan kyan Musume actually went all the way to meet them), Ume said she would remember their band name, The Queen of Purple, and they would not make it easy for them if they were to step up on the game... which Ferb replied that was what they were expecting them to. Ume and Emoko just went away while Hina (as always) apologized, saying how both of them are actually good girls, and bid them goodbye (Matsuri commented how they both have the same situation so she understands and empathize to Hina's situation). Murasaki asked if Ferb was nervous, but she said not at all, then got reminded of what she wanted to say before 4U came.
“Will all of you still perform together with me as a band?”
Was how her gratitude came out in the end, and all three of them looked at her silly.
“That's kind of too late to say, isn't it?” said Murasaki, and Matsuri and Yumeno nodded lightly. This relationship, lighthearted yet exist, made Ferb felt content. Matsuri walked in front of them first, then Murasaki smiled at Ferb and followed suit. That moment, looking at both of them, Ferb realized that the two of them can be said to have been dragged rather forcefully into the band, yet now they are the one who walked in front for her. As Ferb watched them silently, Yumeno peered to look at Ferb's face.
“Should we go too?”
Yumeno reached out a hand, perhaps waiting for her to do the same. Ferb didn't know the reason why Yumeno did what she does, nor would she asked her why. Yet more than anything, she was always there for her. She can play the guitar, a good personality, and also beautiful. Sounds like she was a partner too good for her to have.
“Do we even need to hold hands?”
Laughing, Ferb decided to tease her just a little bit.
~~~ End of the whole novel like, finally!! ~~~~~
And I am late for lab LOL.
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 7 summary (final)
Well this isn’t even fashionably late for the qop concert huh... actually pretty ill right now so next updates will be delayed (previous delay was mostly just good ol’ procrastination) - Nab
Chapter 7. The Queen of Purple
In the morning by Viva Donuts, Matsuri was standing with a set of donuts in hand, looking for empty seats; but, at such a time with people eating breakfast before work the cafe was extremely crowded, and it did not seem like there would be any seats left. Just as she considered asking for her donuts to be wrapped up as takeaway, a voice called out to Matsuri. It turned out to be Shihainin; he seemed to have bought a morning set himself. Shihainin explained that he had left for work a bit early, so he was having his breakfast there even if he usually did not. This was more or less the same for Matsuri, who had just come from Murasaki’s place.
Matsuri had woken up earlier on a foreign bed, looking up at a ceiling she did not recognize, surrounded by a nice warm scent all over her—basically, this was Murasaki’s room and bed, and Murasaki was sleeping in a futon on the floor beside the bed. After Matsuri had passed out at the bar, Murasaki hauled her all the way to the bed. The family had also let her use the shower, bought her new underwear, cooked her good food… Matsuri felt that the two of them were way too kind, since both Murasaki and Kon only said, “just come back again then,” for the repayment.
When Matsuri sighed, Shihainin asked her if anything was up, to which Matsuri spent a moment thinking. Shihainin was a very busy person, taking care of so many girls, and without him the agency wouldn’t run. If anything, Matsuri would like to try taking care of things herself before turning to him, as she felt he was busy enough as is. As someone who could not help but care for others, Shihainin would surely worry and go all out of his way for them if Matsuri shared her problems. Answering rather vaguely, Matsuri said that, she was just feeling like she was not being an adult.
At that, Shihainin said that he disagreed. He said that Matsuri had always been the one who took care of the band, as the adult amongst them; that was why Shihainin did not feel the need to handle things directly, since he was sure Matsuri would take care of the girls. Ferb was a driving force, but that driving force needed a support. Because of Matsuri being there, they had even managed to get to the second audition, overcoming things smoothly. Shihainin said that this was because Matsuri was there supporting them by watching them all from behind. Matsuri replied that it may not be the case; it may have been Yumeno who glued them all together. Shihainin said that no, he thought it was Matsuri. Yumeno was someone who, when with others, went down or rose up with them together. Thus, the one who supported them all must be Matsuri. After that, Shihainin told Matsuri with a serious tone that he would ‘leave those girls to you.’
With those words, Matsuri found her resolve. Having a person depending on her, believing in her, gave her that little bit of a push.
Class had just started when Yumeno got Matsuri’s message, and she could not stop thinking about it for the rest of her classes. At the time when the agonizing classroom period was over, Yumeno quickly packed her bag, brushing off a girl who sat behind her when she asked Yumeno if something was up. Yumeno quickly darted out of the classroom, leaving everyone puzzled at how Yumeno remained super calm when a girl talked to her; they worried that she might be ill or something. During the ride to EZ Bar, the place Matsuri asked her to come to, all that was in Yumeno’s mind was how she was sure Matsuri would do better than what Yumeno had done with Ferb. That Matsuri, who had gently stayed with her as she cried, would definitely be able to do something to mend the situation. There was nothing but trust for Matsuri in Yumeno’s mind. She just wanted this to end as quickly as possible… and even the train ride, that was supposed to go faster than the speed of her own running, now felt like it took eons.
In EZ Bar, Matsuri arrived with Murasaki. The latter offered juice to the former, so they would not get drunk again, and went off to change her clothes. The door opened and Yumeno came in, panting. She had run all the way from the station, and after answering Matsuri’s questions shortly, she quickly hugged Matsuri, saying, “I believe in you!!! I believe in you!!” and saying how she had always believed that one day Matsuri would make everything right somehow. Almost out of air, Matsuri asked Yumeno to let her go, gently fixing Yumeno’s bangs (which made Yumeno freeze… and say that that was one of the top three things she wanted Matsuri to do to her in her lifetime). At that moment, Murasaki came in. They were awkward at first. Even if Yumeno had not been on the receiving end of Murasaki’s previous lashing out, it still made things awkward. In the end, Murasaki was the one who greeted Yumeno just as usual…. which kind of gave the signal that everything was alright.
Matsuri told them that they had been gathered to make sure of something. She asked Yumeno which of the two songs that Ferb presented was her preference. Without a trace of doubt in her voice, Yumeno answered the first one, as it was characteristic of the ‘Ferb she loved’. There was no need to ask Murasaki, as she had made herself very clear earlier, and with that all three of them had the same thing in mind. Now the next thing was to go to Ferb’s place, however before they could leave, the door opened… and there was Ferb.
Traveling to EZ Bar alone, Ferb had stood in front of the bar for quite a long while. The band would be meaningless if Murasaki did not want to be the singer, as she was the only one who could be the vocalist. Ferb had not entered not because she was scared, but because she had just realized how the bar was where so many things had happened. From the moment she had asked Murasaki to be her vocalist, when Matsuri came and they talked about the festival and drums while eating curry rice that Murasaki’s mother made. It was not as if Ferb wanted them to be together forever, but to lose them for some reason felt frightening. After a deep breath, she entered the bar.
At first, they were shocked into silence. Then, after Ferb exchanged an awkward hello with Matsuri, both Murasaki and Ferb said, “Um, you see…” right at the same time. Murasaki gestured to her to go on ahead first, and Ferb then said the most important thing she wanted everyone to know.
“I am sorry!” was what Ferb said the first time, as she bowed deeply to her three friends. She apologized because she had used them as an excuse, when it was just her being so afraid that she would not make it with that song; this was insulting since Murasaki, despite her mother’s condition had pitched in, and even Matsuri who had no experience took up drumming, all because they had the conviction to win with the first song in mind. Ferb said that she had done the worst thing, and she apologized for it. Ferb realized just what a selfish, socially clumsy person she was and she had never hated herself as much as that moment.
“Lift your head,” said Murasaki. And when Ferb didn’t do that, she said one word: “Ferb.”
Finally, Ferb lifted her head. With them facing one another, Murasaki then said how she also thought she had done something awful, which was abandoning Ferb, and making her not feel confident with her own song. It was their fault that Ferb lost confidence in her own song. Murasaki had wanted to shoulder Ferb’s burden together with her, she had wanted Ferb to let her share the load. Ferb was puzzled, because was everything not her own fault, for not trusting in her own song; she felt that it was not the other three girls’ fault. It was also her fault that everything happened since she was not understanding enough. Murasaki said that she wanted to stand on the same stage with Ferb as a band, and she promised that she would never let Ferb feel that way about her song ever again. Matsuri and Yumeno vehemently agreed with Murasaki. Ferb realized that none of her band mates had wanted the band to end.
Ferb was thankful that she had mustered the courage to come and see them, to talk to them; she looked at Yumeno and felt thankful that Yumeno’s raw feelings that day had moved her to the decision.
Thank you.
With such feelings suddenly overflowing in her, Ferb smiled and Yumeno, with tears welling up in her eyes, returned the smile. Ferb then reached into her pocket for her Holocom, while asking the other three to go with her and stand on the festival stage with ‘a particular song’, which all three of them agreed to; they would make the two jurors regret their statements.
On the festival day, they were waiting for their turn backstage. All of Nanasis had seemingly come to watch (and Yumeno commented that they would win since they were ‘being watched by girls after all!’). As they chatted about if any of them felt nervous, suddenly Matsuri remembered that their band name was still “Seto Ferb’s Band (temporary).”
Murasaki was like, “Is that a problem?”
Ferb then went like, “Eh, I haven’t told you?” She had changed the band name. (Matsuri: “FEEERB”.)
The band name was now “The Queen of Purple.” Matsuri and Yumeno thought it was cool, but Murasaki was the only one who seemed to recognize the name; Ferb explained that, yes, it was the title of Hanyuuda Mito’s unpublished song that the two of them had listened to on the day they first met. Murasaki questioned using the song title as their band name but Ferb said ‘it’s a form of respect,’ and after all their vocalist was “Murasaki” [meaning “purple”] anyway.  And Murasaki, understanding Ferb’s personality, chuckled.
Murasaki commented that “Queen” might have been too much of an exaggeration.
Stepping onto the stage, Ferb said, “But none of us are being princesses, right?”
They sure weren’t. And so, she turned around.
“Then let our band be queens.”
In the darkness of the stage, they asked each other if they felt nervous (Yumeno said that she was nervous waiting to look at the cute girls in the audience). Murasaki said that 4U were on the main stage, and the hurdles facing the four of them would get even higher from then on. Ferb said that that would be okay, since she had meant for it to be so from the very beginning. With the four of them, she believed they could do it.
Murasaki grabbed the microphone.
“Here we go — ‘Trigger.’”
Episode Ex.: After the Purple Parade
In Kuonji Park, the 4 members looked at the expanse of empty grass where their stage once stood. All four were absorbed in their thoughts, reminiscing about the day they had had their stage. It was amazing that, in just two to three days, the whole stage was cleaned up perfectly; Matsuri said that of course, it was a part time rush during those days, and there were many people taking care of things. She knew because last year she had done the same thing and felt sore all over the place. Yumeno quickly offered a massage, which turned out to be more of a hug, and Matsuri told her to let go, especially since she was irritated that Yumeno had such big boobs (lol).
While Murasaki commented, “Here we go again…” a message came to Ferb’s Holocom, which changed her expression. Catching that, Murasaki asked Ferb if anything good had happened. Ferb answered that it was nothing, it was just a message from a light music club member who said they were glad that she looked like she was having fun. In that moment, Ferb realized that perhaps everything that had happened was meant to be from the start. Her rejection by the light music club, getting on the project, passing the audition, getting in a fight with Murasaki, then performing as The Queen of Purple, perhaps those were all predictable events, especially thanks to her personality. It was all because she was a selfish, insensitive, stubborn and awkward person. And perhaps it was thanks to that, as well, that she managed to appreciate the three people who stayed beside her despite herself. The feeling of gratitude overflowed in her; she could not contain it and felt that she should express it to them somehow.
Before she could, however, three very familiar faces appeared before them, faces that they had seen numerous times on tv, and voices they had heard numerous times on the radio. Kujou Ume, Wanibuchi Emoko, and Saeki Hina were walking towards them. After the usual Ume fit about how they had just accidentally met (and Emoko of course refuted all of this, saying ‘this Kyan kyan Musume actually went all the way to meet you’), Ume said she would remember their band, The Queen of Purple, and they would not make it easy for them if they were to step up their game…
To which Ferb replied that this was what they were expecting 4U to say. Ume and Emoko just left while Hina (as always) apologized, saying how both were actually good girls, and bid them goodbye (Matsuri commented how they both were in the same situation, so she understood and empathized with Hina’s situation). Murasaki asked if Ferb was nervous, but she said ‘not at all’, then was reminded of what she had wanted to say before 4U came.
“Will all of you still perform together with me as a band?”
Was how Ferb’s gratitude came out in the end, and all three of them looked at her as if she was being silly.
“That’s kind of too late to say, isn’t it?” said Murasaki, and Matsuri and Yumeno nodded lightly. This relationship, lighthearted yet strongly existing, made Ferb felt content. Matsuri walked in front of them first, then Murasaki smiled at Ferb and followed suit. That moment, looking at both girls, Ferb realized that the two of them could be said to have been dragged rather forcefully into the band, yet now they were the ones walking in front for her. As Ferb watched them silently, Yumeno peered over to look at Ferb’s face.
“Should we go too?” Yumeno reached out a hand, perhaps waiting for Ferb to do the same.
Ferb didn’t know the reason why Yumeno did what she did, nor would she ask her why. Yet, more than anything, she was always there for her. She could play the guitar, had a good personality, and was also beautiful. Sounded like she a partner too good for her to have.
“Do we even need to hold hands?”
Laughing, Ferb decided to tease Yumeno just a little bit.
~~~End of novel~~~
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End of the whole novel like, finally!! - Esh
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 3 / 4 summary
Chapter 3. Feel Her Rock
After what happened in the game center, Matsuri had Ferb’s offer at the back of her mind as she walked around a game store. Although she was thinking how the request was so unfair, with Ferb’s straightforward and honest eyes, it was hard to say no. But Matsuri understood very well that there was a huge difference between just a drum gamer and a real drummer, and how there was a gap of skill which she could not measure at the time; it was more than just hitting the right beat in the game. Yet, Matsuri knew how Ferb was someone who did not fool around when it came to music. As a musician with that much passion, Ferb would be the first person to understand how music and games differ, and she was always serious when it comes to music, yet it was her who had asked Matsuri. In that moment, Matsuri remembered fondly the first time she had talked to Ferb properly.
It was in Nanastar’s lounge, when Matsuri was waiting for Coney and Shihainin; Ferb was there first. Ferb offered Matsuri drinks and (just like most people) thought she was not as old as she was (lol. Ferb offered juice instead of coffee or something and Matsuri was like, “how ruuuude” lol). Matsuri noted that, although her aloofness made her seem a lot more mature than her age, Ferb was actually just a regular 17 years old teenager who answered with disinterested phrases like ‘aah~’, ‘I see’, ‘I don’t exactly know’ when it came to things other than bass guitar and music (for those, she was suddenly full of life and turned chirpy). In Matsuri’s eyes, such a childish personality was endearing. When it came to things that she loved, Ferb properly perceived things that she needed or did not, such as when she asked Murasaki, since Murasaki was indispensable to the vision she had in mind.
About that decision of making the band, Matsuri also remembered Murasaki and considered her approach. Like Ferb, who knew exactly what she wanted in things she loved, Murasaki saw things in black and white and properly assessed which were and were not important to her, especially when it came to singing. Murasaki did not talk much, and Matsuri’s interactions with her revolved around meeting during lessons (and that was also not going beyond the realm of songs). During vocal lessons Murasaki shone like no other and was in full zeal, but in dance lessons Matsuri did not remember much of her. With Murasaki’s straightforward and stoic attitude, which was admirable for her age, Matsuri felt it took a long time to get to know her (despite Matsuri typically quickly getting along well with any type of person). Murasaki did not seem to mind company, or the lack thereof. That part also, where one did not need to pay much mind to her, is what made Murasaki easy company to be with.
Apart from that, Matsuri thought if there was anything with her upbringing. Murasaki’s mother did not exactly seem like she was a strict person, considering she gave someone, whose part time job application was rejected, some free curry just because she felt bad. It did not seem like Murasaki had been told to help, and instead had volunteered to help. In the end, Matsuri concluded she did not understand Murasaki that much.
Browsing the game section, Matsuri found the yuri [girl love] game that Yumeno had recommended to her in a super serious fashion. Matsuri then thought of Yumeno, too, understanding that although she was a bit (actually super) weird, Yumeno was the most sociable among the three. Even then, her rather ridiculous conduct might be a way to light up the atmosphere. Matsuri remembered how, the first time she had met Yumeno, without even a greeting the girl had just started taking pictures of her (while drooling), told her to do skinship and held her (like wtf man lol). When they learned each other’s ages, even if Yumeno turned a lot politer, with her conduct it was questionable if she respected Matsuri like her age deserved.
Matsuri wondered if the three girls would be okay alone, and whether there was anyone to look after them. As she was thinking, a new rhythm game notification came up in her Holocom which was about a ‘make your own rhythm game!’ kind of thing. Matsuri also felt that it couldn’t be helped; she should tell Ferb her decision. Just as she was thinking that, a mail came from Ferb: “Matsuri-san, do you have time?”
In a cafe (I think), Murasaki, Ferb, and Yumeno were gathered around to talk about the band; Yumeno was like, “I smell Matsuri-san!” and Ferb was like, “eh, is there even such thing?” “Oh, you’re so pure, Ferb-chaaaaaan!!” or something and, true enough, Matsuri came (lol).
Ferb had called the meeting to give each of the girls music sheets for their respective parts—and she said that even if Matsuri had not given her decision yet, it was only for her to look at in case she was interested (though Matsuri cannot read music sheets lol). Murasaki commented that even Ferb’s light music clubmates might have difficulty doing the drum score however (lol), and Ferb is like, “I understand, but to be able to follow a song’s beat, the natural instinct to play drums is what I think Matsuri has.” And Ferb finally showed her song to both Murasaki and Matsuri.
Both were impressed, agreeing that it was a good song (Yumeno: “I feel like I will have a nosebleed” lol), and Matsuri asked just how long they had until the registration closed. Ferb was like, not so long (ehe) and Matsuri went “Feeeerb-saaaaan??” As it turned out, it was the end of the coming week. Matsuri asked if they had any reserve plan if Matsuri declined. Their options were: finding a live house [live music club] drummer acquaintance (which did not seem likely), one of Ferb’s light music club members (which also was not likely), Murasaki’s old man oji-san acquaintance (very unlikely), and lastly was what Ferb described as “let’s just think about it when the time comes.”
At that moment, Matsuri felt the responsibility of being the oldest between them, to give security (despite the fact that she did not really show herself as a mature person in her words, or her hobbies and outer personality, and there did exist more mature person in Nanastar apart from her), but seeing them in such a bind, made her felt like it was her duty as the onee-chan amongst them. Eventually, she said, “Yes.”
Ferb was like, “Yes to what?” None of them had believed she would do it. Ferb looked deep into Matsuri’s eyes and said, “Thank you, Matsuri-san.”
However, then there was the problem of how they would practice. Yumeno said things like, “Ahhh~ if only it’s a game, then Matsuri-san can definitely hit all the perfect score! And I will be in the ‘land of beautiful girl’ harem!” or something along those lines, which reminded Matsuri that there was a game which allowed one to import songs. She could learn the rhythm from that software—adding that she would take Yumeno to help her since Yumeno, of the other three, understood games the most. Matsuri asked for a week’s time for her to do focused training, and borrowed a drum set from Nanastar’s studio. Murasaki asked what she could do for everyone, to which Matsuri answered steadfastly, “The song.” And so, it was decided that they would do it.
The week after, in Nanastar, the four of them performed the song for the first time. On Matsuri’s drumming, Ferb commented inwardly how Matsuri was lacking volume control but was properly keeping the beat—just like what she had thought, and Ferb felt that she was not wrong at all in her decision. Yumeno said that, if only Matsuri-san knew how to hit a drum properly, just how to hit it the right way, then she would already be a good drummer. And when Murasaki’s voice finally hit, Ferb was blown away at how she did it just right—really belying the fact that she had only sang jazz in the past. At that moment, for the first time, Ferb felt like she could finally bring a song, that totally fits her image, her self, into reality. That passion was perhaps something that she had never even felt even when she played with her light music club friends. That feeling of excitement filled her, even long after the song ended.
When it ended, Matsuri asked if she had passed: Ferb commented that despite the lack of volume control (e.g. how she hit too hard, or lacked speed control in her hit), Matsuri had passed—though just 1 song had taken so much of Matsuri’s stamina already. Everyone was very positive in how it turned out and, after 10 minutes, they would proceed to record it. But there was another problem: the band had no name. None of them had thought of a name, and Ferb did not really bothered about it; in the end they went with ‘Seto Ferb Band (temporary)’ as their name (at which Matsuri went like, “are you serious?!”—well no one was taking Yumeno’s suggestion of ‘Ferb-chan’s Harem Kingdom’ as a good name either).
After the session, Ferb went to a live house, wondering about her light music club friends. There, another high school band was playing, covering 4U songs. After joining Nanastar, Ferb had come to know just how exhilarating it was to perform one’s own song instead of someone else’s; however, she couldn’t help but wonder why it was that, even if it was not the band’s own song, even if the ones performing were not 4U’s members and were even far from their level, the audience still had so much fun? That question and unease lingered in her heart. 
~End of Chapter 3~
Chapter 4. Forked Road of Her Dreams
Passing the first qualifying audition for the rock festival, two months later our girls had moved on to the second audition, where they would have to perform in front of judges. Ferb, almost late, arrived at their rendezvous point and found only Murasaki. Since Yumeno and Matsuri were going to be late thanks to trouble with their train, Ferb and Murasaki decided to wait for them while drinking hot canned coffee drinks from a nearby vending machine. Ferb asked the yawning Murasaki if she had not gotten much sleep last night, and Murasaki explained that she was not good with waking up early (something that Ferb had kind of figured about Murasaki, especially with her mother running a bar).
It was around this time that Ferb realized that, without Yumeno and Matsuri being around, she had never talked much with Murasaki other than about Mito. Somehow, now the fact of both Yumeno and Matsuri being beside them felt like ‘a usual day’ for Ferb. Murasaki asked if Ferb was nervous because her shoulder looked stiff. Ferb answered that it was because of the cold, even though what Murasaki said had some amount of truth. Ferb had never felt nervous before, not even when she had her first live in Nanastar, or when she had her lives with her light music club. She lamented over feeling nervous now, of all times. The two girls did not talk much (you must see the gorgeous illustration that came with this chapter) and ten minutes later, Yumeno and Matsuri came.
Both apologized for being late, Matsuri even bought them some hot canned coffee—to which Murasaki said that they had already finished drinking the same thing already, while patting Matsuri’s shoulder. Yumeno was even more silent, saying she was afraid that both of were mad, since they had not replied to her message, and Ferb was like, “Oh sorry I forgot, and don’t worry we’re not mad.” Yumeno clasped Ferb’s hand which, to her surprise, was extremely cold. She panicked immediately and went, “You’ll play the bass after this, cold fingers are bad! Matsuri! Murasaki! Hurry up, warm her hand!” and Murasaki was like, “well I don’t mind, but why must it be us?” Yumeno was like “well duh, of course because I will be the one taking a photo!!” Anyway, with such a scene, Ferb felt like it had turned into one of their usual days, that now felt like they were something that had always been there.
The building the audition was taking place in was super stylish, and they were awed for a while. Ferb went to register, and before them were two people who looked like they were professional musicians. Ferb said, “To think they are our rivals…” but Murasaki was like, “So what? we’ll just do it our way as usual anyway, whether they are the rivals or not.”
The festival was supposed to be for rookie bands, but somehow the people around them did not look as if they were rookies. As they registered, the staff told them the various relevant rooms, among them the changing room. Ferb asked the rest if anyone wanted to change; though, there was no such thing as a ‘costume’ between them, and Murasaki had went like, “didn’t we agree to just use clothes we are comfortable with and are easy to move in?” It seemed other bands came in properly prepared, some even with costumes.
Finally, the time of the audition arrived, with their band being the first one in. When Ferb and the rest entered, two judges were waiting; one of them was a very successful producer who had made numerous hit tracks (even Ferb knew him by face), and the other one was another (seemingly) famous someone. However, after they began playing, in the middle of the song Ferb realized that Murasaki seemed uneasy, then she realized they were all off sync, with the instruments playing at a tempo faster than they should. Finally, by concentrating on her own playing, that agonizing moment passed.
The first judge (I forget his name… uuh. Let’s call him ‘Famous One’ lol) went on to ask them, one by one, if they had prior band experience; Ferb only had her light music club, and Yumeno had only performed once, for a school festival. He asked if Murasaki sang in other styles (she only sang Jazz) and commented that Matsuri was obviously still new. And just like that, Famous One simply said, “Pass.”
The second judge was like, “Wait a minute, it’s not like I am against your decision, but you have to tell me why you let them pass!” Yumeno also said, “Please, we want to hear the reason as well.”
And so, Famous One explained that, even with all the band’s minuses, every member showed an individual color and they all covered their weakest part, Matsuri, very well. On top of it all, it was because they were, in every sense of the phrase, a rookie band. Other bands that came in to the audition which were mostly freshly made, still were not formed by newcomers to the industry. This band that has just been formed for two months, was exactly what the Rock Festival was all about, a rookie band. They congratulated themselves, with Murasaki saying, “We did it, Ferb, with your song.”
Before they left, however, Famous One had something to say. He said he was just giving them a suggestion for them to consider. He said, considering how they were all coming from Nanastar, which is an idol agency, and specialize in something that is basically pop, why don’t they make a song that is more palatable to wider niche; their current song pretty much had a very specific taste and may not attract a wider audience. He said that they should consider this especially since they were still a rookie band, so they had a lot of potential and a chance to garner fans. With songs like 4U’s, for example.
After they left the building, the bandmates were chatting happily and planning to have dinner together to celebrate getting into the festival. However, Ferb seemed like she was not quite there. She was thinking about what Famous One had said. The fact that her song had now came into being made her extremely happy, that was true; and, it was basically something that she had been waiting for and wanting to do. Yet, how about the others? Were they enjoying it as much as her? 
Being kind as the rest were, even if Ferb were to ask, she was sure that they would never admit not enjoying themselves, nor say that her song was bad. Yumeno was there because she had followed Ferb. Murasaki even sacrificed helping her mother for Ferb, and Matsuri, being the oldest, had stuck with them because she felt some kind of responsibility. However, were they happy? Or were they just doing this for her? 
If, by chance, the others did not enjoy her song, Ferb knew she would be sad; she would even hate it if, because of her own selfishness of making her song, she had pushed her friends into something they did not enjoy. It was true that with her light music clubmates and their audience, when they were doing 4U covers, they were having so much fun and being so happy, but what about her song? Over all other things, more than ‘having that song come into being’, she would rather have her friends be happy.
Finally, the rest realized Ferb had been deep in thought, and it was at that time that she said, “Let’s change songs.”
~~~End of Chapter 4~~~
Link to Chapter 5: She’s Not Okay Back to summaries
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 6 summary
Apologies for the long gap since the previous chapter. The next (final one) will be up shortly. - Nab
Chapter 6. All We Wanna Do Is Walk Together
Yumeno couldn’t remember the last time she cried. As she sat alone in a city bus, she thought that ‘crying is an irrelevant thing to do in the face of problems’ and yet, earlier today she had cried like never before. As she held in her hand Matsuri’s blue handkerchief, Yumeno wondered how she could face her. Matsuri had stayed with her until she stopped crying.
“Don’t worry about it,” Matsuri had said to Yumeno in the gentlest voice she had ever heard from her.
Of course, Yumeno did worry. However, her embarrassment was beside the point because the main point was the two other members currently in a fight. In Yumeno’s head, given just how socially awkward both Murasaki and Ferb were, the more she considered the situation the more she did not know what to do, with all her thoughts just leading back to square one. In her heart though, Yumeno knew that leaving it all on someone else, or just letting Matsuri do everything, was not the right approach; she should do something about it, or at least that was what she always did whenever someone around her had a fight.
Deep in thought, Yumeno only came to her senses again when the bus driver told her the bus had arrived at the last stop, a place that Yumeno did not recognize. Rather than waiting 30 minutes for another bus, Yumeno decided to just walk home, taking an hour according to her map. With her habit of walking when she was feeling down, it seemed just about right. She made a mental note to wear her glasses when reaching home so that her parents would not see her teary face and ask her what happened. At that time, Yumeno smiled sadly as she reflected on how she was just like her parents.
The next day, Yumeno left for Nanasis right after school, while hoisting her guitar. She checked how she looked in almost every window, the toilet mirror, to make sure she looked fine (she did not). There was a chance that Matsuri, or maybe Ferb or Murasaki might be in the office, so she would try to arrive first.
When she reached the office, her greetings were not as hype as usual. Shihainin came out, smiling, and said, “As expected of Yumeno.” As it turned out, Momoka was sleeping by the sofa, and Shihainin had taken Yumeno’s less energetic greetings as her knowing that Momoka was asleep even before she opened the door. Although she of course had no such sixth sense, Yumeno decided just to go with the flow.
Shihainin then asked Yumeno if she had forgotten her camera; usually, Yumeno would have just started snapping photos here and there at the sight of a sleeping Momoka. Yumeno just answered that she had. Shihainin seemed to leave it at that and excused himself for a meeting. Yumeno realized that Matsuri must not have told him what happened. It seemed no one had decided to ask him for suggestions and Yumeno assumed that Matsuri perhaps had something in mind. Being the oldest, Matsuri may have felt a bigger responsibility and likely was the one most anxious about the band. Yumeno realized that she had been selfish with Matsuri. By her crying, she had robbed Matsuri’s chance to express her own feelings on the situation, since she had to be there to console her crying friend. Just staying in the office would not make it all better, and so Yumeno left the office quietly, so as not to wake Momoka up.
Outside by Kuonji park, Ferb was debating whether she should go to the office. They should tell Shihainin what happened, that despite having passed the second audition, without Murasaki there was no meaning in their performing or even having a band. Yet, Shihainin would definitely ask what was wrong and be very worried. If it was someone who was more reliable in interpersonal skills like Yumeno or Matsuri, they would be able to communicate it better, but saying anything other than what happened would have been a lie. What if Ferb had asked Murasaki the reason why she was so mad? What if she had asked Yumeno and Matsuri the reasons why they were against it? Would things go differently had she asked them? If she understood them, would she be able to protect the band, where her song had come true, and a place where she felt like she was meant to be? As she continued to question herself, she heard a melody.
It was a melancholic tune Ferb had never heard before, befitting the setting sun and the gloom that seemed to plague the day (and Ferb herself). Ferb turned around to search for the source of the sound and found Yumeno sitting on a swing playing her guitar. After a rather awkward exchange of hellos, Yumeno told Ferb to sit in the swing beside hers and then they sat in silence. Eventually, Ferb said ‘that was a good song’, and asked Yumeno what it was since she had never heard it before. Bashfully, Yumeno answered that it was thanks to Ferb’s influence that she had begun trying to make her own song. The melody, heartrendingly beautiful and fitting the season, time, and atmosphere, made Ferb say that it was nice; she went on to say that (in a good way) it did not ‘sound like Yumeno’, or perhaps was very Yumeno in how it was unpredictable. Yumeno thanked her, then said that playing the song had made her realize one thing: Ferb’s amazing skill. Although Yumeno could play it, the piece would not turn into being as a band’s song, and she could not even visualize the next steps for it to even be made. For Ferb to be able to make complete songs, even in a short time, Yumeno said she acutely felt the reality that was Ferb’s ability as she could not do the same thing.
However, Yumeno could not say that she disagreed with what Murasaki had said the previous day. The song that Ferb had showed them, to Yumeno while it was a good song and it was amazing that Ferb managed to make it in such a short amount of time, no matter what she could not see that song as ‘something that Ferb made’. At that statement, Ferb was in shock. No matter what, it was still true that Ferb had made that song with Yumeno, Matsuri, and Murasaki in mind, to such an extent that it had even taken up her sleeping time. At the look on Ferb’s face, Yumeno quickly continued to say that she loved the song that Ferb had made before; she loved the song that Ferb, who upon setting her sights on something would lose sight on anything else, made. She loved how the song showed how it was made by Ferb who, although awkward, was always straightforward in expressing her heart. And so, Yumeno had been elated when she was counted into the same band as Ferb.
If it had been ‘just play Ferb’s song’, Yumeno could do it whether live or on stream, but ‘being in a band with Ferb and co’ was a different thing. Yumeno was someone that would do what people told her to. She could perfectly do things better and faster than anyone, on any kind of field. This caused people to rely on her a lot, yet people would also think, “If it is Sakaiya-san, then she can do it by herself.” Thus, thinking they would only get in her way, people kept their distance from her. Yumeno, who loved being with others, always found herself having to make up reasons (no matter how exaggerated) to be with someone, such as giving them her help, or else people would leave. It was lonely always being in such situations.
Being with people who, in a good way, did not mind her like Ferb and Murasaki, and Matsuri who would look after them warmly as their older sister, Yumeno could not even begin to express just what a safe feeling it was, just how much happiness it gave her. And so, she tried to express her feelings to Ferb, that no matter how hard the guitar line was, she had the conviction to play it, and the confidence that she could. And she would as long as it was Ferb’s. Further, Yumeno believed Murasaki also felt the same. And that was the reason why Murasaki was angry.
It was because of the song, Ferb’s song, that they had done the band. Not for a song that they couldn’t give a face to when they heard it. And Murasaki had said that they did not ask for such a song. Because their feelings were theirs alone; the song Ferb had made without wondering about their feelings was the one they loved. With that, Yumeno got to her feet, hugged her guitar, bowed and apologized for not being able to express herself in a better way, and for not doing so when Ferb asked if they had better change their song. After that, ignoring Ferb’s hand that reached out to her, Yumeno said, “See you later,” and ran off.
Dropping her hand, which Yumeno had ignored just as Ferb had ignored Yumeno’s the day before, a painful feeling lingered in Ferb’s heart.
In EZ Bar, Murasaki was cleaning. Her mother asked her why she was not at band lessons, and if there was anything happening since she had been mopping the same spot for a long time. Murasaki looked away from her mother, since Kon had the ability to just read someone’s thoughts from their expression thanks to running a bar. Understanding that her daughter did not want to talk about it, she asked Murasaki to flip the sign by the door to ‘Open’. It was at that moment that a drunk Matsuri just barged in. Smelling like sake and barely able to walk, Matsuri was escorted by Murasaki to the counter, where she asked for a gin with lime. Kon jokingly said how Matsuri was thoughtful to ask for something that she could prepare with one hand, and asked Murasaki to leave the door sign on ‘Closed’ because she would be out to buy tobacco while waiting for the part-timer to come—which was quite strange since Kon was not a heavy smoker. Upon Murasaki’s question of if Matsuri usually drank, Matsuri admitted that she had drank because she had something to talk to Murasaki about and she was not confident if she could muster enough courage without drinking.
Murasaki said that if was a lecture, she didn’t need it. Matsuri asked her to just please lend her an ear, to which Murasaki acquiesced. Matsuri talked about how she had at first been anxious to just leave the three of them but had had a feeling that she had an obligation to do something for them, and thus had taken on the drums. She said she had originally felt like she could focus on looking after them while playing the drum but eventually—feeling how fun it was, getting praised by Ferb, playing together—it turned into her primarily playing the drums while also looking after them. With such a position in the band, she was the one that anchored them, even the jurors had told them as much. So, the best course of action in her position seemed to be to leave the band’s course to the leader… and that was what was wrong about them. They had overlooked that, with her aloof personality, while Ferb may seem like she was mature beyond her years, in truth during the time she played her bass or when she talked of things she loved, she looked even younger than her age. Perhaps was Ferb’s true face, just that of a regular 17-year-old girl.
Matsuri asked if Murasaki had helped at the bar since she was a child, to Murasaki answered yes, as early as she could remember. Matsuri said that Murasaki then had seen and met a lot of adults in her life, and thus Murasaki had better understanding of society than Ferb. And that they were both at fault for having thrown away their responsibility.
Matsuri asked Murasaki, “You regretted it, didn’t you?”
That they had not told Ferb that regardless of what the jurors said, they would be alright with the song they had at that moment. That they were not able to make Ferb feel confident of the song without saying anything. That they had let Ferb bend her musicality. And the previous day, as Murasaki was regretful about all of that, Ferb saying that she had changed their song because she thought about them and the festival… had angered Murasaki with the fact that their real stance did not get through to Ferb.
All that Matsuri was saying was right. Murasaki was regretting that she could not do anything. That instead of saying what she should have said, she instead acted the way she did. Matsuri told her that they should not dwell in regret. Murasaki understood that, and yet did not feel she would be able to convey it properly, or that it would not get through, just like what had happened. Although she knew what she should do, Murasaki did not have the trust that she would be able to make it successfully happen.
At that moment, Matsuri said, “You have confidence in your singing, don’t you.”
Murasaki did. She was confident that Ferb trusted her singing and felt that in the small period they spent together, the two of them had connected and seen the world in the same way through song—such as that time when they shared about Hanyuuda Mito the first time they met. That was the reason why Murasaki decided to sing rock which she had never sang before.
“Then with my drum, Yumeno’s guitar, and your voice, using that one song… let us lighten the weight on Ferb’s shoulders,” Matsuri suggested.
Murasaki agreed, and at that, Matsuri passed out on the bar counter, leaving her gin lime untouched.
Looking up at the winter sky, Yumeno’s words repeated over and over in Ferb’s head. Ferb realized that she had used her bandmates as an excuse, when it had just been her becoming all scared—after all, Yumeno had that conviction to succeed in the grand fest with Ferb’s song. Even Murasaki, who was proud of her own singing, and Matsuri, who picked up the drums for them just recently, had the same conviction, yet Ferb was the one running away. Never had Ferb hated the side of her that was clumsy, awkward, and lacked social ability as much as she did at that moment. And what kept going through her mind, were the words that Yumeno had uttered the moment she ran away.
“See you later, huh…”
With that, Ferb continued gazing at the far-off constellations.
~~~End of Chapter 6~~~
Link to Final Chapter: The Queen of Purple Back to summaries
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 5 summary
Doing the last chapters as singles as they’re a little longer/I feel like I might be editing them a bit more - Nab
Chapter 5: She’s Not Okay
(psst. I AM NOT OKAY TOO!!! - Esh)
“Let’s change songs.”
After those words, the others asked Ferb, “Are you sure? What do you mean?”
She explained that, perhaps, the two judges’ comments were right. Ferb said that she’d listened to 4U sometime ago as well [at their live at the train station] and thought that they weren’t that bad. She also said that, having been working on songs here and there, she had unfinished pieces, which meant that it might not be that hard to make new songs out of them. Ferb could also make the parts way easier so that it would be okay for Matsuri and Yumeno to play.
With Ferb’s answer, Matsuri finally said, “Well… if it’s ported into the game platform, I can play it… then I will leave it up to you.”
Upon being asked, Yumeno answered as well that she would do it if Ferb thought it was the best way; then, all three of them looked at Murasaki. Murasaki had a bad feeling about Ferb changing her song according to someone else’s suggestion. She also believed that both Yumeno and Matsuri felt the same, thus why they had both looked at her after giving two OKs themselves. However, Murasaki knew that there was no situation where Yumeno would not take the same side as Ferb, and Matsuri would not go against the two.
If the song was going to be easier, then Matsuri and Yumeno would be alright with it. That said, Murasaki understood that the judges were not wrong; neither did she have any real reason to not say yes to Ferb’s suggestion. Murasaki decided to go with the idea. With that, Ferb then excused herself to go first, after asking Matsuri to let Shihainin know about their success, and left the three to have dinner without her.
Nine days later, in the morning Murasaki woke up to a message from Ferb; it said that she had finished the song and asked her to come to the office to hear it.
In the past nine days, Ferb had not contacted her at all and only now contacted the rest of the band to tell them to gather. It was not like this was overly strange though. Ferb had never contacted Murasaki unnecessarily, being the kind of girl she was. And with that in mind, Murasaki went back to sleep.
At the office, Murasaki arrived to see Yumeno, who seemed to be not as energetic as usual. Yumeno asked Murasaki if Ferb contacted her before that day, and Murasaki said, no, but it was not like it was strange for Ferb to do so between them. Yumeno said that she did contact Ferb, however Ferb’s answer seemed different than usual. Yumeno had reasoned that it might be because she was busy creating the song, and so did not inquire further.
Yumeno then asked if Murasaki felt Ferb seemed strange when she asked them to change the song, to which Murasaki said yes. They both had never heard of Ferb listening to 4U. Usually what Ferb listened to were Hanyuuda Mito’s songs, some overseas bands, or other bands that Murasaki had never heard before which were way different from 4U. Murasaki then asked, why didn’t Yumeno voice any objection if she thought changing songs was a bad idea? Yumeno did not answer, but in her head, she knew that more than anything she wanted the peace in the band to be maintained. She could not muster enough courage to go against Ferb and disturb the equilibrium in the team. If it were up to her to say that she did not want for the song to be changed, it was not as if she felt that strongly anyway. At that time, Matsuri came, having finished with a part time job in a flower shop. With the festival still one month away and Ferb apparently having completed song, there seemed to be no problem with how things were going.
Afterwards, Ferb arrived, looking haggard and lacking sleep. The girls voiced their concern, but Ferb brushed them off, “It’s okay, it’s my selfish wish anyway…” and asked them to go to the studio to listen to her song.
As the song played, Murasaki regretted going with Ferb’s idea.
The song was pop, ‘easy listening’, something that anyone could definitely get on with in any kind of era. Writing such a song in a mere 9 days showed just how skilled Ferb was in her song making. However, the song itself was the exact reason why Murasaki thought she should have just made up some reason to refuse Ferb’s suggestion on changing the songs. This song that sounded like it could have been made by anyone, it erased all the meaning of having Ferb as their songwriter.
For Murasaki, who ran a bar, although it offered something that may be found elsewhere, individuality is what made people come back to her shop. Thus, such things such as the throwing away of individuality irked her.
While Ferb was talking about how the song was catchy and that the parts were easy enough for everyone to learn in the time they had until the festival, Murasaki cut her off and said, “I can’t sing that.”
Ferb looked like she was confused, taking a moment to understand, and then asked, “What do you mean?”
“I said, I can’t sing that.” For Murasaki, the fact that the song was made by Ferb, the fact that she was needed for the song, was the exact reason why she had sung for the band. A song that could be played by anyone and sung by anyone lacked such individuality, and so singing it lost its meaning for her.
Murasaki said, “I don’t know what it is that goes through your head, I’m saying that I can’t sing it. Such a song that sounds like it’s made by just about anyone and could be sung by just about anyone.”
At that, Murasaki started walking to the door and Ferb said, “I don’t understand what you’re saying, so can you explain one more time?”
“Ah, then I will make it easy to understand.” Murasaki grabbed Ferb’s collar, yanked her up from her sitting position and said, “There is no point in singing your song.”
Ferb clenched her hands into fists and pushed her forehead onto Murasaki’s. Matsuri quickly asked them to calm down, tugging Murasaki off Ferb while Yumeno also pulled Ferb away. Murasaki said that even Yumeno and Matsuri would share the same opinion as her on that new song, that the previous song would have been better. Looking at Matsuri and Yumeno’s expressions, Ferb understood right away that it was true. She looked down and let out a hiss, saying that this situation was just like with the light music club, where no one accepted her song.
In her pain, Ferb shouted to the floor, “Why! Why! Haven’t I tried my best?!”
Her shout practically surprised both Yumeno and Matsuri. Ferb went on to say how she had tried and tried, so that everyone could enjoy her song, and be happy with her song; not only for the fest, she just wanted everyone to happily play her song.
At the sight of her dejected figure, Murasaki said, “So, it’s true. You saying you’re listening to 4U is a lie.”
To this, Ferb did not answer. For Murasaki, Ferb’s unbending musicality was just like a thorn on the rose of her music, which kept things away. However, now that rose was wilting.
Murasaki then asked, “Who asked you?”
“Who asked you to change songs?”
“No one… did,” Ferb replied, “But this is the band started by my selfishness… I wondered if everyone was just going by my selfishness, so I wanted to make a song that was not only ‘me’, but one where everyone could have fun playing… if it isn’t so, there is no meaning in making a song...”
At that, Murasaki clicked her tongue loudly.
“That, is what’s most annoying,” she said.
Murasaki was already out of the room before they knew it, and Ferb made the same move to leave right after. Yumeno extended her hand, which Ferb slapped away, saying how she did not have time for that. It was the very first time, ever, that Ferb had rejected Yumeno. Both Yumeno and Matsuri felt that she perhaps did not want to be bothered by anyone, not them, nor Shihainin, nor Coney, Nanasis, or even her parents. Gathering her stuff, Ferb went out of the room.
Looking at her hand that Ferb had slapped away, tears suddenly burst out of Yumeno’s eyes without her knowing why. 
“Ah,” with that small sound out her own mouth, only then did she realize that she was crying.
Matsuri quickly gave her a handkerchief and tried to console her, which only caused Yumeno to cry even more. While Yumeno was overcome with sadness, shock and confusion, Matsuri could only sigh, wondering just what kind of onee-chan she was, who had been unable to extend her hand to the other two and instead let everything go the way it had. For now, she could only be there for the little sister crying beside her.
~~~End of Chapter 5~~~
Link to Chapter 6: All We Wanna Do Is Walk Together Back to summaries
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amyure · 5 years
Snippets from the Tokyo 7th Sisters Complete Music File
I’ll write some interesting things I find as I skim over the t7s complete music file. - Esh
Esh originally wrote this up as a twitter thread, I’ve compiled the tweets and lightly edited/sorted them. If you’re interested in picking up the book for yourself, it can be found on Amazon Japan as well as CDjapan. – Nab
Multifaceted Motegi
Both Satsuki Update and Kanaboshi Tsukumo are Motegi. (Hahahaha) [Motegi is the General Director of Tokyo 7th Sisters, aka the guy to thank for everything (along with his team of course)! For reference, those two lyricists’ identities were kind of a mystery in the earlier days of t7s… though now they’re both just listed as ‘Alias of Shintaro Motegi’ over at VGMdb haha]
Kanaboshi Tsukumo tends to be more straightforward, saying things that Satsuki Update is not able to say explicitly, as shown from the contrast between BokuAo [僕らは青空になる] and Funbare Runner's lyrics. Prizm Rizm’s lyrics were Motegi's first foray into songwriting.
Satsuki Update and Kanaboshi Tsukumo, even if both are Motegi, were created with different personalities. The song "Bokura wa Aozora ni Naru" and "Funbare Runner" were made as "brother songs", where the former shows Satsuki update, and the latter, Kanaboshi Tsukumo's differences from them.
"Nanasis doesn’t really stick to genres, right?" Motegi: Yes. It is more like, if the song doesn’t move me then I won’t release it. If I can’t say this part of the song is good, I won’t produce it. [This is def a big part of why I like t7s music so much…]
Song Notes
The concept of Crazy Girl's Beat is "Anyway, it's cool. Even the lyrics, they’re whatever that sounds cool. ‘Sexy lingerie, yo’, despite being a little ???, is also part of it. Anyway, cool."
WORLD'S END was made to explain to fans how QoP's song came into being. Kz was tasked with making a rock song that "isn't so Kz" (to which kz replied with "eh?") They [Motegi and Kz] made the lyrics together, making it seem like telling a story.
Lucky☆Lucky’s lyrics were written by imagining what kind of songs 4U would sing after getting over the events of Episode 4U. That's why they are firm and reassuring, not only to themselves but also to others and the outside world.
BokuAo was created to convey the feelings of gratitude to Shihainin [the in-game term for the player’s ‘manager’ character] for the great enthusiasm in 1st live and for Shihainins’ great enthusiasm to the music itself. "There is no one word for gratitude,” said Motegi. Within Funbare [FUNBARE☆RUNNER] were things not "explicitly said” in BokuAo. The jackets for BokuAo and Funbare Runner are the girls looking at audience, saying "Thank You.”
Taikutsu Ribbon [たいくつりぼん] was made on a rainy winter day; it was made because Motegi wanted a mellow song.
Watashi Ai for You’s title was thought up by Motegi.
Motegi said "It's okay if the lyrics are incomprehensible" to emon for B.A.A.B. The title is from the acronym of "Break Away", mirrored. The lyrics were by emon, but the title was thought up by Motegi.
It was decided for everyone to sing every part in H-A-J-I-M-A-R-I-U-T-A-!! and Motegi wrote it without the image of MC [main character]. Even the cast asked him, “whose feelings are these?” It was his own feeling to every young person who loves Nanasis, and the moment he thought “777 Sisters is great this way.”
Hello... My Friend is the song which Motegi, for the first time, crafted together with the composer. He felt "something" was lacking, so Ryudai Abe said, "come to my house" and they made the song together. It was also made after Motegi gave his all for Ep4U and got a positive reaction.
Haneru!!’s [ハネ☆る!!] lyrics were done in one night. It was when schedule was tight with LeSCa’s lyrics as well, and Motegi felt like he wanted to break away from that style. Motegi also seems to like having girls saying somewhat boyish things, so he put boyish words like "sakutekichuu" (searching for enemy) in.
Motegi commented there were only painful memories in the making of Behind Moon. Having had not enough time, he wrote it alone in a car while the others were out drinking, and thus put in words like "unfair". Yoshii Ayami (Kyoko’s former voice actress) praised Motegi a lot for the phrase "The mint tea smells like winter" in Behind Moon and for the very first time Motegi had the confidence to say, "I wrote it."
From B.A.A.B., Karakuri’s songs were made to have an ‘overseas’ sound. For -Zero, while thinking the concept may be ‘China, or Europe, or US’, Motegi remembered Karakuri as a name is very Japanese and decided to make lyrics with a lot of old Japanese words. For -Zero’s lyrics, Motegi referenced Heian period stuff like “The Pillow Book" or "Kokin Wakashuu", a collection of waka Japanese poetry from Heian period. (Personal note: no wonder it really took a lot of research for me when I translated -Zero...)
Seventh Haven was made before the 2nd Live and at that time, they [Motegi and Kz] were in a ‘dark mode’ where they were pondering, "Is it okay for idol songs to be like this?" "Just bust through it."
The lyrics from "Robber x Lover" began flowing after "I am sure, by Abracadabra...". "I don’t want to be a robber, I want to be a lover" is to convey a ‘that is just how much I love you’ vibe. Within WNo4’s songs, the girls' voices are the least "autotuned" in Robber x Lover.
Sayonara Rainy Lady’s lyrics were written when it was raining, which revealed a bright sky after stopping. This made the feelings during the time of their writing to be bright. Motegi specifically wanted the "Kudaranai hanashi" part be sung by Imai Asaka (Shizuka’s VA).
KUMAROBO comment for BokuAo: the last chorus’ guitar solo was conceived with the "thought of borrowing those feelings from Kz-san's song" but, he could not remember which song it was. He personally repeated that part numerous times as well, loving it very much. Upon being asked for a song he could never make himself, Kumarobo answered Seventh Haven. He couldn't get an idea how it was made at all, saying he might have been able to create Sparkle Time!! but he could never be able to make a Seventh Haven.
YELLOW’s lyrics were written before 2nd Live, in 2 hours. Motegi was at a park overlooking the ocean near an airport waiting for his plane, which is why it has the sky and breeze imagery within the lyrics.
KARAKURI's song Winning Day is linked to Episode KARAKURI’s scenario, especially how it questions the meaning of "winning". Where the girls "win but did not triumph."
Kz is a fan of Kumarobo. His favorite T7S songs are PUNCH'D RANKER, Cocoro Magical, Funbare Runner, HAJIMARIUTA, and YELLOW. The image he had of Killer Tuner changed upon seeing it live, which he described as “it's super awesome.” Kz said, while working on seventh haven, he felt for the first time he understood what Nanasis was. When he sent the track to his manager, his manager said, "this is an overkill.” Kz replied "just send it," and as it turned out, Motegi approved it right away. Kz said within the story there are dark moments here and there in Nanasis, and Seventh Haven represents what "blows up" after them.
During the making of Girls Talk, Ryudai Abe [composer of the track] said a discussion went, "don’t two girls talking sound nice?" to which the reply was "then phone calls seem good!" and somehow it was made with the atmosphere of ‘strange late-night high feelings’. The talking part of Girls talk [after the second chorus] was Motegi recording the "girls talk" of two young staff members and just putting it into the song. The fast-forwarding effect was also there because he wanted "to try it somehow," he said that at that time, he really played with things.
Seiyuus / units
Ferb is Hirose Yuuki's first voice acting role. She was told to portray Ferb with her "usual voice" but always had to calm down before recording, or else it would be “too Hirose."
Ayano Yamamoto, Yumeno VA, knew about QoP’s debut from twitter when fans started dropping congratulation messages on her twitter. She thought at first that they might have mistaken her with someone else or something, as she didn’t know what those congrats were for.
Just like in the QoP Drama CD, the voice actresses of QoP spent a long time practicing how to do their MC [talking to the audience] session for the Live. Hirose (Ferb VA) thought of it as fitting and very QoP.
LeSCa’s debut was determined when Kadokawa asked for novelization in Comptiq. Motegi had wanted to debut them but never had time/opportunity till Kadokawa's novelization offer. The same thing happened with QoP.
WITCH NUMBER 4's unit name is from the image of a super hacker swimming in digital world of 2034, ‘digital wizards’. Since they are girls, it became digital witches. With imagery of JK [high school] hackers, thus it is a technopop unit.
The theme for SiSH is ‘that refined lady you find commuting by bus.’
The theme for NI+CORA is ‘Is it superb compatibility, or incompatibility? Like two high heels touching at their tips’.
The theme for Sanbon Ribbon [サンボンリボン] is ‘Somewhere in their heart, there always remains a small girl.’
The theme for LeSCa is ‘the sweet and sour days of youth’; "What's LeSCa? It's lemon squash, refreshing, carbonated drinks!" [as explained by Kyoko in the novel]
Artwork / jacket illustrations  
The CD jacket for ‘t7s Longing for summer’ was originally meant to feature Mito, but MKS-san (main illustrator) said Haru would be good. Upon seeing the rough draft, Motegi felt that he had been mistaken. Haru was indeed the right choice, and with praise to MKS, the illustration was done up before the album released.
The jacket for ‘The Things She Loved’ [the t7s soundtrack album] is Nicole, not Coney, and the title is meant to be past tense. The moment she became Coney, thanks to the things she (had) loved, she can shine brightly. She continues to love it as time progresses towards her future.
Thanks to time constraints, -Zero/Treat or Treat? didn’t manage to get a full body illustration. Since it's Halloween, it is orange for pumpkin, and sticking out of the tongue as Halloween's "trick or treat"-ish playful feel.
The jacket illustration for YELLOW was to show “Triangle”. The white heels and beautiful legs are "very LeSCa", which Motegi had wanted to show off no matter what (Motegi commented how all 3 girls have beautiful legs). [Motegi…]
For Seventh Haven’s jacket, Motegi gave the raw track from Kz to MKS. Motegi had the image of both songs and illustrations' expressions and costumes, but in the end, he let MKS's design sense take the lead, and could only describe the final product as nothing less than amazing.
QoP album jacket was made black and white to show off a "rock band”-esque feel, with only their name in purple, symbolizing the band’s name.
The rough draft for Harukaze’s jacket was drawn by Motegi himself half a year before its release, then given to MKS. He then let it be just as per Motegi’s draft but the hand, the chin slightly tilted upwards, and Haru’s eyes were all MKS's design. Motegi requested for Haru's ear to be visible though.
Motegi on World’s End and Stay Gold/Start Line: MKS-san always knows what Motegi desires every time. Motegi praised MKS-san a lot in the music file, e.g. how his "world" would not be able to be separated from MKS-san's illustrations. He also commented how Musubi's leg is mesmerizing [in, I assume, illustrations where she is featured…? Such as You Can’t Win’s cover.]
For Present 4U, Motegi talked about how rock bands make jackets with meaning, but then often they don't have meaning. The illustration is "to show how the meaning is to have no meaning", fully made for the 'atmosphere', which is set in California, and tied to the Drama Track in the album.
Thanks to time constraints, for the “Are You Ready 7th-TYPES??” album jacket, only Nicole and Haru’s illustrations were finished. Since the ‘two colors’ concept was decided on, the art that was originally multi-colored was made monochrome red/blue. This was also to strengthen the image of a cool album.
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amyure · 5 years
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
The lead vocalist of The QUEEN of PURPLE, who always looks mature and cool with her purple highlights, Murasaki is the daughter of a bar owner and often helps out at the establishment at night. She has a strong disposition, very impressive looks with a mature aura, and an extremely beautiful voice. Together with Ferb, Murasaki is a big fan of Hanyuuda Mito and views her as an ideal. In another point of similarity, Murasaki is extremely passionate about music and believes in ‘one’s true song and musicality’, holding that idea close to heart. Having a strong sense of individuality and a straightforward attitude, Murasaki’s personality is both her strongest and weakest attribute. However, beyond her tough, hard look and words lies an affable and pleasant person.
Strongly individualistic
Murasaki has a really strong individuality and ego, which shows in how she knows exactly what she wants and how she wants it. She has thoughts of her own, and does not bother bending her opinions to fit the preferences of others’ (especially if it means losing her individuality). Thanks to this, Murasaki often comes across as an egotistical loner, although this is not necessarily the case as seen in her episodes. In a way, this aspect of Murasaki is what makes her resonate so well with Ferb; the two of them are headstrong, especially when it comes to music and their commitment to it. At the same time, this often causes friction when it comes to other people and is a source of much of Murasaki’s character development. Murasaki realizes over time that being with others does not necessarily require bending one’s self, and in turn she cherishes the presence of others in her life, seeing it as something that would add more color to her character as opposed to change it for the worse. Murasaki sees things in almost pure shades of black and white; it is either ‘do or don’t’, ‘yes or no’. This determined way of thinking not only shapes her stance and personality, but also makes her a really objective person who is able to be harsh with herself and others if it’s for their own good or growth.
Tough love
Murasaki is always straightforward when speaking, and often uses strong words when expressing herself. She would even be this way with her friends, resulting in rather painful conversations (even if they were for the good of others). In the QoP novel, Murasaki went so far as to grab onto Ferb’s collar, almost starting a fistfight when she found out about Ferb’s insecurities about her ‘own color’. In Miu’s and Tomoe’s episodes, Murasaki also pushed both to the edge to the point where they both ended the conversation by leaving the room (crying, in Tomoe’s case). Still, none of these incidents were out of ill will on Murasaki’s part; she was trying to remind her friends of what was important, even if in a little too frank of a manner. Her words may be painful, but at the end of the day Murasaki usually helps her friends see their situations clearer, helping them to make decisions later on.
Explosive anger
Appearing cool and composed most of the time, Murasaki has an unexpectedly explosive temper. As shown in her 2.5 episodes (as well as the QoP novel and Tomoe’s 3.0), when angered Murasaki would raise her voice and scold people, coming off as a really scary person. In Murasaki‘s 2.5 episode, not even Ferb could curtail this behavior. Murasaki does acknowledge this part of herself however, and seems to quite dislike it; in the QoP novel, Murasaki showed that she had no confidence in doing or saying the right things after she blows her fuse.
Murasaki, as has noted by Matsuri, being very objective on most matters, has a very mature outlook on life. She holds onto her ego strongly, but is also friendly to and kind when it comes to her surroundings. Murasaki has strong opinions, but will change them or acknowledge different ones objectively if she is the one at fault. She uses strong words when talking, but will immediately apologize once she understands that she is wrong. Murasaki is also surprisingly sensitive, noting small things in other that they might not know themselves (such as in Kazumi’s 2.5), or thinking of possibilities that may impact others (such as when she refused to bring her cat to Nanastar in case there were people with cat allergies). In the QoP novel Matsuri, who understands this trait of Murasaki’s, talked to her like an adult and opened up to her about their responsibilities being the more mature duo (in QoP); they could have prevented things going downhill in the first place, and thus had the responsibility to mend the situation.
Actually very kind and easy to talk to
Having helped out at her folks’ store since she was small, Murasaki knows the ways of society, knowing how to handle people and get on their good side. Matsuri noted how Murasaki is actually easy company to be with and to talk to, and is very kind and generous. Murasaki even slept on a futon on the floor while letting Matsuri sleep on her bed when the latter had passed out drunk, on top of lending her clothes and toiletries. Murasaki even bought Matsuri new underwear, jokingly saying later that she could repay her for it by coming by Murasaki’s bar again. Murasaki also went out of her way to help Tomoe with her problems in her 3.0, showing tough love and helping her with her song. As shown in Kazumi’s 2.5, Murasaki is able to deftly deflect flirtatious men, and able to talk to and easily bond with the rather hard-to-approach Kazumi. Although often alone thanks to her individuality, Murasaki is not lonely nor a bad or cruel person. She also easily makes light jokes and rides on top of others’, appearing to usually be in quite a playful mood. 
Character development
Murasaki’s character development revolves heavily around her individuality and how she values the company of others, and how these two factors heavily tie into how she expresses herself in songs. In each of her episodes, it is shown how Murasaki progressively accepts people and their opinions into her life, and how this shapes her and her musicality. In her 1.5, Murasaki, who had previously chosen to be alone because she viewed relationships as unnecessary for her musical progress, realized that she was wrong, and that being by others could in fact be the reason for her singing. In her 2.5, Murasaki learned that having friends doesn’t mean one will forget one’s self, and instead by having friends one can grow out of their past and find a new side of them (which again, could help with her singing). In her 3.0, Murasaki actually almost goes out of her character, only to eventually realize that being herself was best. At that time, she apologized to Ferb as she almost made the same mistake that Ferb did in the QoP novel.
Seto Ferb (瀬戸ファーブ)
Arguably her closest friend and comrade, Murasaki respects Ferb for her musicality and bonds with her over their shared view on Hanyuuda Mito. At first, their relationship was confined to music, as they exchanged CDs and talked about it. Murasaki feels strongly about Ferb’s musicality, getting seriously angry upon finding out about the latter’s insecurity with her own song. Later on, especially after the formation of QoP, the two’s relationship grows into a closer companionship beyond music, as shown in episodes wherein they bond over video games and even private matters. At the time when Murasaki was having issues in her episode 2.5, it was shown how she trusts Ferb very much and how Ferb understands her as well, bonding over how they used to have very similar ‘loner’ attitudes thanks to their hard-line beliefs. Ferb is loyal to Murasaki, and Murasaki to her. Being someone Ferb entrusts her songs to, Murasaki vowed that she would never let her doubt her own music. Ferb, in turn, has always cherish Murasaki’s companionship and respects her greatly.
Mimori Matsuri (三森マツリ)
Their relationship is shown mostly during the QoP novel. In normal situations, it seems both are most comfortable in a normal conversations where they can talk about matters in an objective manner, such as when they were discussing the future of the band. Murasaki respects Matsuri, noting how she is ‘mature’ and ‘a proper adult’, acknowledging Matsuri’s opinion and actually listening to Matsuri’s words. Matsuri, as well, acknowledges Murasaki’s maturity and thus treats her like a fellow adult.
Sakaiya Yumeno (堺屋ユメノ)
These two’s relationship is also mostly portrayed in the QoP novel and episodes. Yumeno (as is only expected) drools over Murasaki, finding her to be ‘super cool, beautiful, precious, godly...’ and all kinds of other things. Murasaki finds her amusing, usually interacting in a light-hearted and playful manner with Yumeno. While usually responsible for making people wary of her, Murasaki’s nonchalance and strong individuality is instead a safe haven for Yumeno, who was often avoided for being a genius, as Murasaki does not mind her presence and is not self-conscious around Yumeno. Murasaki had expressed to Ferb how having Yumeno and Matsuri around felt natural, and how it was ‘not a bad thing at all’. 
Shiratori Tomoe (白鳥トモエ)
Tomoe and Murasaki interact most in their 3.0 episode, wherein Tomoe coaches the latter in singing, while being reminded by Murasaki of her own singing. Tomoe being a super strict trainer did not faze Murasaki at all; Murasaki took every lesson as very beneficial, and showed respect to Tomoe’s attention to minute details and perfectionist attitude, despite their different styles. It is this mutual respect which caused Murasaki to be extremely hard on Tomoe in her 3.0 when Tomoe was backing out of her own individuality; she was later extremely supportive of Tomoe’s decision. Murasaki has said how perhaps she has helped make an ‘unbelievably formidable singing rival’ in Tomoe.
Aihara Miu (逢原ミウ)
Murasaki met Miu in the latter’s 2.5 episode, wherein Miu was torn between being in Nanastar and being with her friends. Perhaps because of Murasaki’s very straightforwards attitude, she confronted Miu harshly over Miu’s half-hearted stance. Murasaki only later understood that she had perhaps been too harsh, since she lacked understanding on how much of a hard situation it was for Miu (as Murasaki was mostly a loner herself).
Katsuragi Kazumi (桂木カヅミ)
These two’s interaction happened in the latter’s 2.5 episode, when Kazumi worked part-time at Murasaki’s bar. Murasaki was shown to be pleasantly surprised with Kazumi’s hardworking and diligent attitude (despite the work being unfamiliar to her), as well as how eloquent and playful Kazumi could be. At the same time, Kazumi was surprised at Murasaki’s kindness and the sheer quality of her singing when Murasaki sang for Kazumi and others at the bar, and acknowledged Murasaki’s many-sided character and ability. The two eventually bonded, both learning about a slice of life they had never experienced before.
Murasaki means ‘Purple’, and many of her episodes have some kind of ‘purple’ pun or reference in their title. ‘Echizen’ is written with the kanji meaning ‘to exceed/cross over’ and ‘in front/before’. Echizen is also the name of an old Japanese province near the now Fukui prefecture (and also now the name of a city in Fukui). The father of a famous Heian Period writer, Murasaki Shikubu (who authored the Tale of Genji) was governor there.
Echizen Kurage is the name of a jellyfish which has the English name ‘Nomura’s Jellyfish’. This is kind of a strange coincidence as Murasaki’s voice actress is Nomura Maiko.
Ferb and Murasaki’s actresses are best friends in real life, being close in age and meeting in their private time often.
During T7S’s 3rd live the last words that Maiko said before starting to sing Trigger, were verbatim the last words in the QoP novel which were said by Murasaki before QoP began their first performance (of Trigger).
During the 4th Anniversary Live, Maiko said “Are you ready for the 2nd Gear” which Hanyuuda Mito has previously said.
Her family bar is named EZ Bar, and her mother’s name is Echizen Kon. According to Matsuri, her bed smells nice [I feel like this is more pertinent trivia to Yumeno...].
Murasaki, in one of her G cards in-game, found an abandoned cat in the rain. She kept this cat as she felt some solidarity with it. It appears that she takes the cat out on walks by the riverbank after school and cherishes that time very much. In her 2.5, Makoto and Risyuri gave her a plushie of said cat, which had been embedded with Yukuhashi Ei’s ‘jinja blessing’. However, Murasaki said that she was not particularly a cat person.
Murasaki sang Hello My Friend (rearrangement by Ferb) in her 2.0 and Robber x Lover in her 3.0 episode.
Muraski’s actual specialty is jazz, but she is able to sing new songs right from the get-go. 
9 notes · View notes
amyure · 5 years
Seto Ferb (瀬戸ファーブ)
Leader and composer of The QUEEN of PURPLE (QoP), Ferb is the cool-looking girl with that cool bass in a bag on her back, with a really refreshing, easy-going and rather breezy voice color. In her introduction, it is written how Ferb has a rather mature aura, but may at times show a really bright, almost childish smile. Her one notable feature that you must remember is that she loves her bass. A LOT. She is also very passionate about music, and very particular about it. She composes music, writes songs and gets jobs filling in music for commercial videos. Ferb really looks up to Hanyuuda Mito, who she calls ‘Her Highness Hammi’, and actually began delving deeper into music because of her.
Ferb is passionate about music. She doesn’t talk much about things outside of her interests, but will be chirpy when it comes to music (this is especially shown in the QoP novel). She is so passionate that, for example, when she had to compose music for a commercial, she went to great lengths to understand the ‘essence’ she would need to capture in the music. So much so, that she was even willing to break her usual character to understand the ‘meaning of different types of kawaii’. When Ferb has a certain singer in mind for a song, she would go for them or for none at all. Ferb’s passion can be seen ‘in’ her work. If I were to use Mito’s words (which Ferb also takes to heart), “Everything is conveyed in the song.” Ferb dislikes talking about her songs and would rather people hear them, as everything is laid out in the performance. Both Trigger and Fire and Rose show that pretty well, how much passion she has under that cool exterior.
One-track mind
Ferb is a pretty simple person when it comes to other aspects. She has a one-track mind, which may make her appear egotistical as she fixates on what she’s doing and can come off as insensitive (even if it’s unintentional). Ferb can often be found lost in her own thoughts, looking straight ahead and overlooking her surroundings. She would only realize and regret this at a later time, wishing she could have been more perceptive to what was going on around her.
Straightforward and honest
Ferb doesn’t beat around the bush. If she thinks you are cute, she would say so. If she is apologizing for something, she would look straight ahead and apologize. This facet of her is what caused a scene in one of the episodes, wherein she said, with a straight face, to Kyouko how cute she was, and how Kyouko’s eyes were so beautiful it felt like they were sweeping her in. This resulted in a flabbergasted and blushing Kyouko (and, later on, a crying Rona lol).
Lacking in social skills
Kind of a result of her personality, Ferb has little to no conversational ability. Matsuri commented on how Ferb conversed halfheartedly about things she disliked but was peppy when it came to music. In the QoP novel as well, Ferb hesitated often and let Yumeno be the one to talk when things got awkward, since she did not know what to say. Also, thanks to her one-track mind, Ferb often overlooks cues from her friends. (She is by no means a bad person, by the way.)
Can be a bit of a tease
Especially when it comes to Yumeno. Ferb does not hesitate to ‘make use of’ Yumeno’s infatuation with cute girls if she has to, and also seems to take on the teasing role whenever Yumeno comes in for a hug/kiss etc.
Is just a regular 17 year girl
In the end, Ferb too has her down moments, doubts and insecurity. This is the case even if these may not seem apparent, thanks to her typically placid face and tendency to keep things to herself and not talk about them.
Character Development
Throughout the course of her 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0 episodes, Ferb’s initially rather asocial personality slowly improves. In her 1.5, Ferb learns to look into the person in front of her (Murasaki at the time) properly and to see the important things and ‘soul’ of her song, not to be fixated on the dream she had of Hanyuuda Mito. In her 2.5, Ferb (after getting her bass confiscated by Shihainin) learned of other things rather than music. Over the course of two weeks she learned to appreciate chatting with friends and socializing, things she used to consider ‘doing nothing’. In 3.0, Ferb learns of things outside her comfort zone, exploring the world of ‘kawaii’, which she didn’t really know well, all to broaden her understanding of music.
Ferb’s main development came after QoP was formed. In the unit novel, Ferb was faced with her insecurities with being accepted and her insecurities about her music not fitting with her surroundings. She also had to lean on someone else for things she could not handle alone. By the end of the novel, despite blaming herself for her own weakness, she is shown to extremely treasure her band mates, and is filled with gratitude to them after learning to trust them and believing in her own song. In the QoP episode set some time after, Ferb has learned to actually enjoy other things apart from music without needing to be pushed into it (like she was in her 2.5 episode). She volunteered to help cook alongside Yumeno and Matsuri, enjoying her time outside music. She also learned to confide in her friends more, and to be more open.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
The first character that comes to mind when thinking of Ferb would of course be Murasaki. They each were the first person the other met in Nanasis, and quickly bonded through having the same impression of and infatuation with Hanyuuda Mito. They as close as far as it comes to music; they exchanged CDs and talk a lot about music. Ferb trusts Murasaki with her excellent singing ability and entrusts her songs to Murasaki, it is Murasaki or no one at all. Murasaki also called on Ferb for assistance when she had a performance in her school and things went poorly, finding Ferb the only person she could trust. In Miwako’s 2.5 episode, Ferb mentioned how Murasaki had cooked a bento for her.
In the QoP novel, however, it is shown how originally, Murasaki and Ferb had know almost nothing of each other apart from music, and Ferb had never even been to Murasaki’s home before the novel. During the time when the two were alone without Matsuri and Yumeno, they spent most of the time in silence instead of talking. However, Murasaki eventually expressed how she liked Ferb’s songs, and how that was the reason why she would sing for her. In the end, Murasaki swore that she would never let Ferb doubt her own songs or musicality. Their bond also deepened when Ferb said that she would be more open with her private matters as well, telling Murasaki that perhaps, if she did have a relationship, she would tell her about it. Ferb is extremely fond of Murasaki’s voice, and was seemingly upset when Murasaki practiced without her knowledge, saying how she would “like to know the voice she made” when Ferb was not around.
Sakaiya Yumeno (堺屋ユメノ)
Yumeno is arguably one of the few people that Ferb is actually comfortable being around with. Ferb developed respect for Yumeno for her superb guitar skills, and in the QoP novel she said Yumeno was beautiful, socially perceptive, and great on the guitar. One deep interaction of theirs was in a 2015 event, where they were paired up with Shihainin together for the first time. Ferb was able to deftly deflect all of Yumeno’s flirts, and even utilized them to keep Yumeno focused on the task at hand instead of drooling over her all the time. Shihainin found the unlikely pair to actually have a good chemistry with each other. 
Ferb finds playing with Yumeno extremely fun and commends her guitar style. Ferb was also the only one of QoP to be present when Yumeno lost her memories in her 2.5 episode. In the novel, Ferb is shown to trust Yumeno deeply, and is appreciative of her companionship from beginning to end, going so far as to say how Yumeno was someone who Ferb ‘does not deserve.’ Yumeno was also the person who pushed Ferb to go forward and mend her relationship with Murasaki. In Ferb’s eyes, Yumeno was someone who continued to be beside her and walked alongside her. For Yumeno, Ferb’s nonchalant personality gives her a sense of security. Being the genius that she is, Yumeno was often lonely with people who were overly self-conscious around her and who end up avoiding her as they think they might be a nuisance to her.
Mimori Matsuri (三森マツリ)
Ferb’s relationship with Matsuri is more of a ‘big sister, little sister’ one. Matsuri watches over Ferb in a consoling manner, and Ferb trusts her for things she could not do herself. Matsuri noticed Ferb’s childish side concealed under her composed outer appearance, and also noticed Ferb’s burdens. Matsuri took on drumming because she was worried for Ferb; Ferb asked Matsuri to take on drumming after noticing her impeccable sense of rhythm. Ferb also regards Matsuri highly not just for her drumming, but also for her willingness to go all the way from zero to ‘drummer for the band’. She saw Matsuri as a figure who watched over the band and who walked in front of Ferb, guiding her forwards. Matsuri also taught Ferb to loosen up more, and is among the few people Ferb is actually willing to spend time with outside of for music.
Aihara Miu (逢原ミウ)
Ferb and Miu interacted more in her 2.5 episode, as Miu was one of the people Shihainin chose to keep Ferb in check while she was bass-less. Miu’s easygoing personality seems to mesh well with Ferb. Although Ferb seemed at first to be quite against Miu’s suggested activities, her genial personality seemed to help Ferb accept them. Miu would be the one who is chirping in a conversation while Ferb listens.
Katsuragi Kazumi (桂木カズミ)
Both being the quiet type, Kazumi was a ‘buffer’ of sorts for Ferb in the 2.5 episode trio. Ferb seems to connect to her better about being passionate on things (although she would still be rather silent when it comes to other things), as compared to Miu whose personality clashed with Ferb’s almost completely. Kazumi’s approach to the ‘social activities’ perhaps helped Ferb ease into them as well. They met again during Monaka’s 2.5 episode, although they had a minimal degree of interaction. 
Uesugi Kyouko (上杉・ウエバス・キョーコ)
Ferb’s interactions with Kyouko were more in her episode 3.0 where she tried to learn what ‘Kawaii’ was. To Ferb, Kyouko is ‘kawaii’, and she recognized how being ‘tsundere’ was also part of Kyouko’s charm and commented on how her eyes were very beautiful. Kyouko (after she had regained her composure from that compliment) seems to understand Ferb well enough, how Ferb was not being romantic or anything, rather merely trying to understand the concept of ‘kawaii’ for the betterment of her music.
Orikasa Ayumu (折笠アユム)
Ferb’s interaction with Ayumu came in the 3.0 episode wherein she tried to learn the meaning of ‘Poekyun kawaii’. They were close enough to each other that they did really rigorous lessons, until Ferb understood the concept, which helped her make the song for the commercial. Ferb respects and feels gratitude to Ayumu for helping her out.
‘Seto’ means ‘strait’ or ‘channel’. ‘Ferb’ does not seem to particularly mean anything (to my knowledge), and even Ferb herself acknowledged that her name sounds strange (although she doesn’t really care about it) [no idea why, but her name always makes me think of the company Fender... - Nab]
Ferb is bad at waking up in the morning.
The reason Ferb picked up bass is because Hanyuuda Mito plays the guitar. When asked why, Ferb answered that if she had picked guitar, she would not be able to play together (with Mito).
Ferb’s voice actress, Hirose Yuuki, is also an idol from the idol group AoP, or Anime Ouen Project (Anime supporting Project), which also filled in the OST for the Osomatsu-san anime. Hirose’s signature color in that group is orange. She is good friends with Murasaki’s actress, Nomura Maiko, and calls the latter ‘Maiko-chan’; they often go out together in their private time. Hirose was in a light music club in highschool so she is familiar with the guitar and bass.
Ferb has the most variation in her ‘base card art’: her in school uniform, in school uniform with bag, and in school uniform with uniform, bass and bag.
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amyure · 5 years
Mimori Matsuri (三森マツリ)
The resident gamer in Nanasis and drummer of QoP, she is the girl with short blond bangs, with otaku goods in hand. Matsuri is 21 years old, which makes her the second oldest out of all the Nanasis idols (second only to Miwako), but she is also amongst the smallest. She claims that she is good at any genre of game, from crane games to RPGs, to dating sims and so on. She works part time for a living (and especially to fulfill her gaming expenses). She picked up drumming after being asked to by Ferb; Ferb saw Matsuri playing a drum rhythm game at a game center on the highest difficulty with modifiers like fade, shuffle and randomized note effects, and getting a perfect score, showcasing her extremely good sense of rhythm. Matsuri has a circle of gamer friends, and also has fans by the game center she goes to; she often challenges them to game battles.
Mood maker
Perhaps her strongest and most noticeable trait, Matsuri has a bright and playful personality, and enjoys being in the company of others. She especially enjoys a bright atmosphere and is good at inciting one. At the game center she frequents, she can excite the whole place by setting up a game battle on the spot, or just by being her cheery self. She is also in charge of QoP’s MC (talk) sessions since she can easily bring about an exhilarating atmosphere with her comments. Her playful and jubilant personality seems to resonate well with younger girls, and she will also go along with Momoka’s anime escapades at times.
Matsuri gets along well easily with anyone and is a good and engaging companion. She enjoys thrills and often makes dangerous bets on her game battle challenges, like making the loser take off clothes. Matsuri also loves to tease people, enjoying harmless teasing and daring for fun. She says games are best enjoyed together, with everyone else getting excited and sharing the thrill. Together with Yumeno, Matsuri serves as the comic relief of QoP.
“I AM AN ADULT!” complex
Being very small in stature (151 cm or 4 ft 11.5 in), Matsuri is often mistaken as an underage schoolgirl, and gets asked by police officers for her ID card when out at night, or by shop staff when buying age restricted goods. Matsuri will also demand to be treated ‘as an adult!’ and often calls herself ‘oneesan’ [older sister] to remind people of her seniority. She also gets triggered really easily whenever anyone doubts her ‘sexiness’ or ‘ability to adult’. This complex has been a real source of stress, as even while Matsuri is claiming to be and demanding to be treated as an adult, at times she doubts whether she indeed displays a maturity befitting her age, or whether she has the ability to carry out her responsibilities.
Despite her playful and seemingly air-headed nature, Matsuri is actually observant and intelligent. She quickly picks up on other people’s traits while talking to them, observing their nature and personality, and using them to get on their better side while she does so (which also benefits her friendly nature). She noticed Ferb’s childish traits from the first time they met, and was able to intuit Murasaki’s real feelings when she was mad in spite of the latter’s rather hard-to-perceive nature. Matsuri also tends to be quite analytical in observing her surroundings, taking them into consideration before taking an action. In the QoP episode, Matsuri was shown to be perceptive enough to recognize when Ferb was sad, yet sensitive enough to not prod her.
Levelheaded and responsible
Matsuri displays maturity and calm in the face of crisis, as displayed in the QoP novel. Her more analytical side was shown off as she juggled between options and possibilities before eventually making her decision. When asked by Ferb to pick up drumming, she reminded her how games and real life are different. After considering other options available, she took on the offer eventually, primarily because she was worried no one would be there to look out for the other three QoP members. Matsuri has a high sense of responsibility, as shown in the QoP novel when she was depressed by feeling she had not done enough, and went to great lengths to keep everyone else feeling well. She consoles her band mates when they were down, showing a deeply reassuring and understanding presence.
Resilient and assertive
Matsuri springs back from stress extremely quickly. She does not wallow in her problems for long, and instead quickly looks for ways out. Most of the time, she only needs a bit of a push to get back into the action, usually only needing a presence of someone to put their trust in her, then allowing her to trust herself and tackling her problems. She is also decisive, firm and certain once she chooses her preferred path.
Actually a functional adult
Gaming habits and her rather dubious looks aside, Matsuri is actually a properly functioning adult; she pays her bills, does her job well, looks out for her surroundings, and can even cook. She serves her mature oneesan role to the other members really well.
Character development
Matsuri’s development heavily revolves around her and her peer’s doubts about her maturity and whether she is an ‘adult’. Most of the time, she displays a playful approach to this problem, feigning being mad at people who doubt her age or teasing her about her stature. But actually, Matsuri takes her responsibilities really seriously. In the QoP novel, more of her inner thoughts are shown. Her thought processes seem to be quite deep, even while her exterior looks carefree, and she at times pushes herself hard for the good of others. In the novel, Matsuri learns to believe in herself, accepts that she has done a great job as an adult, and finds out that there are people who believe in her. She displays a resolve to answer to the expectations of her friends. While her 1.5 and 2.5 episodes showcase the brighter side of the character, her 3.0 shows her leadership ability as well as her strong desire to ‘glue’ her band mates even closer together, even if it’s through the means of gaming.
Sakaiya Yumeno(堺屋ユメノ)
Yumeno is probably the closest to Matsuri in QoP, being the only other one who enjoys gaming as well as being the comic relief of the band. She hangs out with Matsuri to play games together in their spare time, with Matsuri even hosting Yumeno at her house for a sleepover. Yumeno was also the one Matsuri approached for help with drumming, as she is the only one with an understanding of games too. Yumeno trusts Matsuri unconditionally. When things were turning sour in QoP, Yumeno waited faithfully for Matsuri to do something about it, which she did. Matsuri also consoled Yumeno when she was crying, providing solace and comfort when the latter needed it. Yumeno drools over Matsuri (like with any other girl, really) and actually stalked Matsuri around the city after seeing her cosmetics commercial and getting super enamored with the idea of seeing ‘more rare faces of Matsuri’s’.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
Matsuri knew Murasaki before QoP, having been in the same lessons as her several times, and finds her easy company to be with. Matsuri figured out that despite her chilly exterior, Murasaki is a very kind soul. She also acknowledges Murasaki’s sensitivity and how she is mature for her age. The two of them act as the adults of the band, being more experienced with society’s workings; Matsuri talked about sharing that responsibility with Murasaki in a fairly intimate talking session. Matsuri earned Murasaki’s trust and acknowledgement and is one of the few people who can actually influence her decisions. Both seem to share a mutual respect and camaraderie, and the relationship between the two is stable and friendly.
Seto Ferb (瀬戸ファーブ)
The two band mates share a sibling-like relationship, with Matsuri displaying an understanding and consoling nature towards Ferb. Ferb has much respect for Matsuri, for her willingness and prowess in taking on drumming; she brings up this subject from time to time. Matsuri displays a sense of responsibility for Ferb’s well-being. Over the course of the QoP novel, Matsuri’s role, from being ‘someone who watches over the band from behind’, became ‘someone who pulls them forwards’, giving a sense of reassurance to Ferb as she acts as a guardian.
Serizawa Momoka (芹沢モモカ)
The two have a rather playful relationship, especially in their 1.5 and 2.5 episodes. Both shared their anime and games, and Matsuri is shown to get on with Momoka’s anime mode easily (much to Musubi’s chagrin).
Hoshigaki Manon (星柿マノン)
Their interaction happened in episode 1.5, where Matsuri helped Manon get her ‘Chou Mahou Shoujo Maji de Majiko’ (’ Super Magical Girl Seriously Serious Majiko’) goods out of a crane game. Matsuri seems to relax into her cheerful and playful side around Manon.
Tasha Romanovsky(ターシャ・ロマノフスキー)
Matsuri met Tasha while the latter was wondering about ‘being an adult’ in Tasha’s 1.5 episode. Matsuri seemed to approach the matter rather playfully, just like she would with most of the child characters, and Tasha seemed to not view Matsuri as an ‘adult’, or at least not the type of adult she desired to be (lol).
Is of legal age to drink, but is really weak to alcohol. Matsuri passed out in Murasaki’s bar once.
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