#Pyotr Ouspenskii
the-path-inside · 2 years
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The Astral Caretaker
Image generated by the-path-inside using Stable Diffusion and edited. View my other creations here.
“Seek the path, do not seek attainment, seek for the path within yourself. Do not expect to hear the truth from others, nor to see it, nor to read it in books. Look for the truth within yourself, not without yourself."
- P. D. Ouspensky
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tigereyes45 · 3 months
I wrote this for Mcspirk Month 2024 Day 13 Time loop. The event is being hosted on @mcspirkevents. This fic is a multi-chapter slow burn. The end game ships will be Chulu, Mcspirk, and Uhotty.
Chekov stretches his head left and right. Slight cracks help relieve some of the tension in his neck. Sleep can always wait if the captain needs them. The fact that he’s on the bridge at all was a stroke of luck Chekov has never taken for granted. If the captain wants him on navigation instead of beta shift, well, he’s proud. It means he’s done his job well.
Kirk trusts him.
Captain Kirk trusts him. ---- The title is in reference to "Strange Life of Ivan Osokin" by Pyotr Ouspenskii.
Preview of the story:
A ping sounds off from the captain’s PADD. Chekov’s adjustment waiting for approval. For most course changes his choice was good enough. If the reasoning was to avoid an ion storm, dust cloud, or debris the computer would take his adjustments and feed the recommendations straight to Sulu. For a route change without viable reason, the captain has to get his eyes on it first. 
He fights the urge to look back. Captain Kirk doesn’t like hovering, unless it’s Mr. Spock or Dr. Mccoy. By all means he should keep his eyes straight ahead, or down on his console. The answer will come. Yes or no. He fights the urge to wring his hands. What reason would the captain have to say no? 
Nerves get the better of the young ensign. The young ensign turns his head slightly back. An amused smile rests on the captain’s face. Well, Chekov assumes it’s amused. Half of the smile was covered by the captain’s fist as he reads the PADD gingerly.
As Kirk’s eyes rise, Chekov turns his gaze back on his console, fast as humanely possible. Not fast enough. He could feel the captain’s eyes burrowing into the back of his head. Curses! If only he had vulcan reflexes.
This is foolish. He knows the captain will approve it. Why wouldn’t he?
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drakeshomie · 4 years
Favorite Authors
Wallace D. Wattles (If i could only read from one author for the rest of my life he’d be in the top two but not #2)
Jen Sincero
Steve Chandler
Brian Tracy (Eat That Frog & Goals 👌🏾)
Gary Vaynerchuk
Neville Goddard
Napoleon Hill
Eckhart Tolle
Joseph Murphy
Paulo Coelho
Robert Kiyosaki
Jack Canfield (since elementary school)
Norman Cousins
Gary John Bishop
Michael Alden
Danielle Steel (since middle school. I can still vividly picture Echoes as if it were a movie)
Derek Sivers
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
James Allen (As a Man Thinketh is a must read)
Richard Koch
Marie Konda
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Steve Harvey
Shwetabh Gangwar (The Rudest Book Ever is a must read)
Norman Vincent Peale
Jeff Olson (Slight Edge is a must read)
Pat Flynn (he also has a dope YouTube channel is you’re into entrepreneurship)
Anthony Robbins (Awaken the Giant Within is a must read)
Pyotr Ouspenskii (In Search of the Miraculous is a must read)
Timothy Ferris (pretty sure everyone’s heard of 4 hour work week)
Victor E. Frankl (Man’s Search For Meaning 👌🏾)
Dale Carnegie
Deepak Chopra
Mark Manson
Rick Warren
Haven’t read much by him but I want to include
Robin Sharma (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 👌🏾👌🏾)
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