#Punz and Dream will share a few looks and the carry on with whatever and George and Sap will be incredibly offended at not being included
pomellon · 1 year
So, some staged duo/drunz thoughts for the dragon au :D  (in case anyone needs a refresher about bonded/mate lore)
As mentioned in previous posts, George and Punz have been bonded since they were pretty much babies. Sapnap and Dream also bonded early on, and the dream team all eventually bonded with each other. Punz later bonds with Sapnap while the two were separated from Dream and George and had to rely on each other to survive.
Dream and Punz on the other hand don’t actually bond to each until much later, but they still really care for one another. It’s partly because they share wing and talonmates between them, and dragon nature is to look after your mates’ bonded even if they’re not bonded to you, but they also have a lot of mutual respect for each other. 
Punz has always admired Dream’s skills, his flying abilities, his battle strategies, and his intelligence. He’s never been afraid to ask Dream for advice in areas he knows Dream has more experience in, and he values Dream’s opinions and thoughts.
Meanwhile Dream has a lot of trust in Punz, especially on missions. He trusts George and Sapnap too of course, but George doesn't always follow Dream’s command and Sapnap is easily either influenced by George or follows Dream a little too blindly. With Punz Dream knows the older dragon will always listen to him, but also question him when needed and share his own input when planning.
Because of this the two will often partner up on more sensitive or discrete assignments, and it’s during one of these journeys that their bond finally takes hold.
They’ve been tasked to scout out a new area, add the location to their flight’s growing maps, and get to know the flight of bandit dragons who live there. If possible, even steal the magic item that the bandits have been rumoured to be in possession of.
The bond takes hold when Dream and Punz are still travelling, and Dream, having a sensitive bond and sense of smell, can tell right away. Sapnap, and even George who’s scent blind, have mentioned Punz’s sweet honey-like scent so Dream instantly knows the sudden new smell comes from his travel companion.
Punz’s bond sense has always been slower to take hold, and he often doesn't realise a new bond has been formed until a few days after when he starts to pick up on his new bonded’s scent. He doesn't pick up on Dream’s lemongrass scent at all when Dream informs him about their new connection, but he is pleased to hear about it.
The mission from Punz’s point of view goes smoothly after that. His thoughts occasionally wander to his new bond and what it will mean for their relationship in the future, but not enough for it to cause a disturbance. For Dream on the other hand it’s a complete distraction.
He knows Punz, he’s known Punz since they were both hatchlings and he used to watch him and George playing and roughhousing while wishing he was big and brave enough to join them. He’s become closer with the older dragon within the past few years, especially when Sapnap bonded to him and the two pretty much became a package deal.
He knows what Punz is like around his wingmates, and his talonmates. He knows what he’s like during missions, in battle, and when he’s flying. He knows what he’s like when he’s home at the dens and relaxing.
Dream has always seen Punz as pretty calm and collected, with the occasional burst of energy and goofy moods when he’s around dragons he’s comfortable around. He often carries a serious face on assignments, often quiet in concentration. But all that is thrown into disarray now that they’re bonded and Dream can literally smell Punz’s moods. 
They’re constantly shifting, even when Punz outwardly remains calm his emotions dips, spikes, and ebb out as if his thoughts are racing. He will get little bursts of them, excitement, anger, frustration, that Dream can’t at all see on his face. There’s also an underlying current of anxiety that Dream would have never guessed was ever there. It turns his honey scent bland and slightly sour, most obvious before they curl up to sleep during the nights, or during their social interactions with the bandit flight.
Dream is absolutely fascinated by this, by the little pieces of Punz he wasn’t aware of until now. It distracts him as he often takes more interest in Punz’s shifting scents and what they mean, rather than their actual mission. He hurries all their plans along faster than he usually would, almost messing up their heist of the magic item, simply to get it all over with so they can go back home where he can pick Punz apart to his heart's content. 
While it does take a while for Punz to be able to smell Dream, he’s equally curious about the younger dragon when he’s able to. Dream is always wears his mask and his scent quickly becomes a replacement for the face Punz can't see. He finds himself acting slightly differently around Dream when they’re back home, just to get his reactions and decipher his scents. Dream quickly catch on to this and plays along.
It almost becomes a game between them, pushing and pulling on each other’s emotions as they learn to read each other and discover new traits and mannerisms they weren’t aware of before. They move from wingmates to talonmates pretty quickly as their curiosity and fascination with each other naturally leads them to further explore their relationship.
They both have an understanding that they want to see the other’s true identity, to see each other’s rawest and most open emotions. They don’t hold back from each other and they don’t judge one another, resulting in them often spending time and talking about things they might normally stay quiet about around their flightmates. They know things about each other that no one else does and trust each other completely.
They know each other so well infect, that eventually they learn to completely communicate without words, a silent look and a shift in scent being more than enough for them to read and understand each other. They share a lot of strong bonds with other dragons in and outside the flight, but the bond between them is undoubtedly one of the strongest.
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limelocked · 3 years
its interesting that i think dream would react in the exact same way that techno does in sundial to entering hermitcraft (also im feeling old, sundial was made before phil joined dsmp) 
so anyways
dream enters hermitcraft with a cruel start that sends him swiftly in a panic when his feet are pulled down into the bubbling water amongst a horizon spanning ocean at which beaches lay buildings taller than any seen on his own server. he panics not because of the sinking but because of the vastness of this place compared to the comfortable box where he- its too big- he shouldnt want to go back
reaching the bottom of the backup armour station his mind goes instinctual and ignores chat donning netherite and elytra. and he runs. dream runs away.
why does he run away? well because falsesymmetry is very good at pvp, cubfan is decent with a bow, not that he couldnt take the mcc participants but his best friend had assured him that should he leave the small, warm, suffocating box then he would be hunted down and killed. he only has one canon life, hes not sure he could revive himself
theres a search party for this intruder and its not until the camera accounts are brought in that the hunt is truly on.. and still it takes time. they only catch him in the end where there is no dragon to kill, where the only way out is back to that endless ocean stretching in every way and maybe even up. he fights but a diet of few potatoes does nothing for him even though he managed to shove several pieces of bread into him during the hunt
x mediates, welcomes him, wonders why hes so scared, how he got here, dream cant see if x pities him or fears him, they share a mask. there are too many people there and he decides that its better that they pity him, underestimate him, he claws at the control he might be able to have and lies through his teeth about a broken portal and about why he looks like a skeleton clad in skin and skittishness. x hums and promises that the problem will be fixed and offers a place at his base until dream can go back, something he is rapidly starting to wonder if he... wants
and living with the hermits is hard, its not because of the strings he has to pull to keep in control or because of the netherhub filled with blocks that in themself carry connotation of things that hurt in his badly healing wounds. no. its hard because the hermits are kind. he doesnt feel too bad manipulating them, lying to them, but its hard to trust their intentions after quackity, after sam, after punz, sapnap, george, wilbur, tommy... 
xisuma finds him in the base after dying to lava, standing flush with a wall near his bed and helps him calm down only to give the items that hadnt manage to burn back to him. he takes from the shopping district without paying and get a reminder then a tab that can be redeemed in favours. but the worst thing is that after he and cleo get into a fight where she is right, where he knows that he’s wrong, where he can hear his arguments slipping
she still says hi to him like a friend two days later when they spot each other in the nether
and that is the hardest thing that is the thing he hates
so he tells her the truth, just like with sam, self sabotages and tells her just what he did and why and this whole Thing about attachments and about the server and she doesnt look at him like he’s a monster, she judges him, of course, but she also knows that he isnt... healthy, cutting yourself off from everything you care about isnt Healthy and this man made of skintight bones is 21. 
so she scolds him, she tells him that doing that what he did to this tommy kid was fucked up but so is whatever the hell he’s doing to himself
and he cries
and instead of sabotaging xisumas efforts to bring him back to his own server he tells him about the situation, about the prison and the torture 
and he asks if he could stay
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