#Plus oakwyrm can talk on stuff I cant as a physically abled kid
blogalreadydoesntexist · 11 months
httyd3 rant because i promised it before
basic movie junk, character centered, plotline centered, design centered
yes im already working on the next parts for homecoming and shit, ill add their parts to this main post!
no fucking 'this is berk' intro/outro. it's been a staple of the franchise to the point of being included in the two/three shows, and it makes you feel more outcasted, jumping straight into the action instead of the typical build up to Cool Dragon Shit TM that was present in all the other installments.
hiccups actions as chief. hiccup has more than 2 braincells, he would use, i dont know, the good portion of several other closeby islands, instead of risking a, starvation, b, easy spreading fires, c, lack of general resources, etc.
astrid was, eh, in the second movie, but in this one shes just been dumbed all the way down to Girl hate Marriage! Ha Ha! and Female Supporting Role. I can't remember a single line from her, not even the dramatic little talk she and Hiccup have.
do you like snotlout? Good, because hes a fucking dick here. Yes, the shows arent technically canon, but come the fuck on. snotlout doesnt joke about death, not when it was a. his uncle (hc on that but cmon man) b. his chief, and c. his friend's fucking father
eret gets no screentime, which is shitty, considering that hey, the former dragon trapper has been living in harmony for a year now, hows that been going for him (plus all the shit with him and gobber is disgusting, next point!-)
gobber lusting after a man barely older than the boy he raised alongside stoick is gross. Especially when you consider how hes THE only gay character. He was old and disabled and not-instagram-model pretty, yet you have to ruin that (albeit shitty in execution) work just to make your only gay guy lust after a dude way younger to the point where he could have been raising him instead of hiccup?
the whole marriage between astrid/hiccup being so 'iffy' and a 'will they won't they' dragging pain blister is just that, a dragging pain blister. yes, their relationship seems to factory reset every installment (eyes audrey greywind's hiccstrid analysis) but still, this wouldnt happen. especially not with all the forced doubt when you KNOW it's gonna happen because theyre both cishet looking and white
grimmel isnt a villain. if toothless is the only nightfury left, then the nightlights must have been doing some inbreeding, since nightfuries and more so lightfuries are so strongly connected to cats, the dark scales on thunder and his family need to come from somewhere. oh also, i doubt that the island of night was a full ruse or that the cancelled firetides comic was shitting out of its ass about more nightfuries.
the lightfury isnt a good plotline. the prior movie had made a little comment about finding another nightfury, and instead of making a whole subspecies that doesnt even look good, we could have made that foreshadowing AND added more stakes by having mutliple nightfuries under toothless's alpha respect shit. grimmel doesnt get just the dragons, he wipes out an entire species.
toothless and the tail. he wouldnt have come back, not this toothless. the gift of the nightfury my beloved.
you like ruffnut and how shes another strong, anti-dumb blonde woman character? Well, good! you remember how she was smart AND comedic when she got captured by viggo? Yep! This time, she doesnt even check to make sure shes being followed after she was freely let go. So smart and funny and RTTE ruffnut of her, right??
finale shit. Finally, the fucking centerpiece of the steaming pile of horse shit. a. the prior EVERYTHING was all about embracing what makes you different (cough cough autism analogy) and the fact that thw throws that to the side for a 'well we should hide our interests and what we love JUST because there will always be one person who doesnt like it' is fucking idiotic, especially when most of the fandom is made up of queer neurodivergents.
design shit because it deserves whole another category
lightfury - did we need the glitter and literal eyeshadow/liner? how smooth and descaled she is? how stereotypically fem she looks? I already hate her for lore and plot reasons, but cmon! did we need to furry-art-ifiy the very 'this is supposed to look like a real animal' dragons? (no hate to furries, it was just the best thing i could think of to describe how not-animal she looks)
HICCUP. they fucking instgrammed my boy. what happened to his imperfections? his scar? his freckles that were utterly adorable? he looks like plastic now, and (i havent seen a pic of his teeth in a hot second) I dont think he even has his tooth gap anymore
astrid. astrids design was.. okay. i way prefer her hair from httyd2 / rtte, but eh. she just looks like shes already had 3 kids and shes rolling up to her local baptist church, I dont know if its because her hair is more down or what, but she looks No. she looks like just how shes written: stereotypical wife character.
snotlout is pure yes and i love his design here, eret too. erets armor design is more professional and battle-smart looking, while snotlouts is gaudy-ier, with a full head-mask of Hookfang. Pure yes i love my opposite-poles-of-the-autistic-spectrum boys
valka. Oh boy. Same issues with Hiccup, but they aged her down to looking like she just dyed her hair. She genuinely looks younger than Mala, whos supposedly older than her own son. (also little me thought that they were the same age, little comment id just like to add)
I dont mind the others as much (I hate ruffnuts hair in execution, give my girl the glowup she actually deserves) but eugh. valka, astrid, and hiccup are the worst offenders (i also hate everyone other than eret and snotlout and hiccup with stubbly chins but if they were ever bearded i would Gag)
tl;dr: the hidden world goes against the message of the prior installments while also destroying all characters built up over said installments.
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