#Please leave her alone and stop using her trauma to prove Mileven is bad and your ship is canon
pjo-fan17 · 2 years
how can you not see how ableist some of you guys are? can we stop dehumanizing El and using her trauma as “proof” that Mike and her don’t work out? can we stop using El’s trauma as an excuse to say she’d be better on her own? can we stop using El’s trauma to say she can’t be in a romantic relationship until she is healed? can we stop using El’s trauma to say she can’t be independent and in a relationship? can we stop using El’s trauma as an excuse to hate both on her and Mike? can we stop using El’s trauma to “prove” your ship is canon? can we please! can we please stop using her trauma!!! Please!
I have trauma because of years and years of being bullied and gaslighting/manipulative friendships, and I’m still healing. Does that mean I should stop forming friendships until I’m completely healed? (which isn’t going to happen bc trauma doesn’t just go away).
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