#Plants and animals as containers for medicinal ingredients
Plants and animals as containers for medicinal ingredients (Essay)
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Sea cucumbers
``Ginseng'' is said to have ``the main medicinal part is the root, and the useful ingredient is a group of saponins called ginsenosides, which are effective against diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and nourishing tonics, and have been taken since ancient times. Because they have the effect of increasing blood pressure, It has been said that people with high blood pressure should refrain from drinking it. However, there are reports that drinking it will lower it, and it is said that it actually has an adjustment effect on the body. It is also said that drinking it can lower blood pressure. It also has a conditioning effect. Once cultivated, Korean ginseng cannot be grown on the same land for 60 years.
Now, there are creatures in the sea that have medicinal properties comparable to ginseng...Sea ginseng...Sea cucumbers. In fact, sea cucumbers are extremely nutritious and have medicinal properties. Another characteristic of sea ginseng is that it contains saponin.
Sea cucumbers contain a well-balanced abundance of nutrients, including vitamins such as vitamins B and E, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc. In China, sea cucumber is used as a treatment for chronic hepatitis and is said to have a tonic effect on the kidneys, prevent arteriosclerosis, recover from decreased sexual function, improve constipation, and have diuretic effects.
In addition, it contains nutritional ingredients that have been attracting attention in recent years, such as collagen and chondroitin, which promote metabolism, keep skin and skin youthful, and act as a cushion to reduce the burden on the knees and lower back that supports body weight. Another characteristic of sea cucumbers is that they contain.
Also, arrowroot(kudzuroot) has been widely used as a main ingredient in crude drugs since ancient times. Kudzu root contains small amounts of isoflavone derivatives such as daidzein, daidzein, and phularin, which have sweating, antipyretic, and antispasmodic effects. Isoflavones also help lower blood cholesterol and control calcium levels in the body, so they are said to be effective against osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms.
Trace ingredients are important. These characteristics are thought to be due to the roots of kudzu growing deep underground and sucking up nutrients from the soil. In the case of potatoes, they are probably about 30 cm below the surface of the earth, so they cannot perform tricks like kudzu.
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fatehbaz · 11 months
Everyone who grew up with Saturday-morning cartoon television in the 1980s or 1990s is surely familiar with the universe of the Smurfs. During many years of adventures, however, the diet of the little blue creatures remained somewhat of a mystery. 
The principal ingredient of many of their dishes was “Smurf berries,” which grew on bushes, but the indistinct appearance of the bushes gave few clues about their botanical nature. This was a deliberate move of the Smurfs’ creator, Belgian cartoonist Peyo (Pierre Culliford, 1928–1992). When the Smurfs were still only a European phenomenon, the Smurf berries were referred to by the French name salsepareille. Peyo chose this name for its exotic sound, initially being unaware that the name referred to very real plants. The name sarsaparilla or salsaparilla, as the plant is known in English, had been used for various species of the genus Smilax for centuries.
When the Smurfs became a phenomenon in the United States, the sarsaparilla shrub lost its berries, because many American viewers were thought to be familiar with sarsaparilla as a real plant. Smilax species are typically climbing vines (not Smurf shrubs) that can be woody, prickly, or both. They appear in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. The fact that an American audience might sooner recognize sarsaparilla than a European audience has everything to do with the plant’s history, which mainly revolves around Smilax species like S. aristolochiifolia and S. ornata, from Mexico and Central America. The best-known episodes from sarsaparilla’s history -- first as a medicine and later as a tonic drink -- are indeed about species from the New World.
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The introduction of the Smurfs in the United States signified, in fact, sarsaparilla’s second Atlantic crossing. The oldest references to sarsaparilla are from Old World antiquity, where Smilax aspera was used as an antidote for poisons. The Roman medical writer Dioscorides (first century CE) devoted a chapter to this plant [...]. This description survived many centuries and became firmly embedded in the European medical tradition. [...] When European naturalists explored the plants of the New World in the sixteenth century, they tended to relate new species to better-known plants whenever they could. [...] Nicolás Monardes (1493–1588) described different kinds of American sarsaparilla in his work Historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales (1565). His descriptions carried a commercial touch. For instance, he tried to convince his readers that the whitish sarsaparilla from Honduras was better than the black variety from Mexico. Similarly, he aimed to embed the new American kinds of sarsaparilla in the traditional framework of European medicine. [...]
The old name sarsaparilla began to be associated not only with new Smilax species from different geographical regions, but also with new diseases. American sarsaparilla was not used as an antidote in cases of poisoning by venomous animals, but to cure syphilis. Syphilis had swept Europe [...], and the market for syphilis remedies was booming. Yet a range of botanical substances had to compete with preparations that contained mercury. The most famous botanical antisyphilitics were of exotic origin: guaiacum wood, China root, sarsaparilla root, and sassafras wood. All these plant parts became staple drugs in European pharmacies [...].
Sarsaparilla [...] was also valued as a flavoring ingredient in medicinal tonic drinks, often along with sassafras. As such, sarsaparilla was to enjoy another wave of popularity in a later age. [...] As a medical commodity, sarsaparilla enjoyed great commercial success early on. Between 1568 and 1619 alone, 670 tons of sarsaparilla were imported in Seville, Spain, equivalent to some 7.5 million doses. [...]
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the borders between medicinal and other uses of sarsaparilla blurred. Proprietary remedies with sarsaparilla abounded, with the Ayer and Hood companies from Lowell, Massachusetts, turning the production of sarsaparilla into big business. In advertisements, it was usually promoted as a tonic, to purify the blood, and to create appetite. Because it was of American origin, it was supposedly especially suitable for American patients.
By this time, then, sarsaparilla had lost many of the Old World medical and cultural connotations [...]. The divide became so pronounced that European fans of the Smurfs in the twentieth century were no longer expected to recognize the name of a plant that had been a mainstay of pharmaceutical practice there for centuries, while the name sarsaparilla lived on as a soft drink in the United States.
Image, caption, and all text above by: Wouter Klein. “Plant of the Month: Sarsaparilla.” JSTOR Daily. 16 June 2021. ”Plant of the Month” series is a partnership between Dumbarton Oaks and JSTOR Labs. [Image screenshotted and shown as it appears in Klein’s article, but illustration originally from U.S. National Library of Medicine and in the public domain. Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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grislyintentions · 9 months
|Personal Depiction: Yaoshi (HC)|
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Romanticised Perspective
For all their love of life’s creations, Yaoshi is an Aeon that is far removed from humanity and their suffering.
They do love them and wish them a life free from the torment of death or pains of illness. Hence they are always drawn to those who fervently wish for another chance at life and those who are lost, lonely or struggling to offer assistance (and because these people are often desperate enough to view them as a symbol of hope, they accept most of the time).
Yet more often than not, the cost & consequence of Yaoshi’s blessings often result in subjecting people to fates worse than death even if they themselves have never physically taken a life with their own hands.
In this regard, their disconnect with humanity is comparable to someone over-watering their plants (resulting in rot), a child roughly handling others, feeding animals human food, drowning insects with an overflow of honey and spoiling to a lethal extent. For an Aeon like them, the lines between kindness and cruelty are often blurred; Arguably, they are one and the same.
Even if they were to be confronted with the devastation/aftermath of their blessings someday, the Aeon would only further weep at their pain, and further romanticise their suffering and breathe their forms into ‘new life’. They care, they really do, just not in the way one could comprehend (or accept).
Ancient Beliefs
When it comes to the subject of medicine, ancient chinese beliefs center heavily around the nature of its uses and applications. According to the belief 《是药三分毒》, the correct usage/application of medicine will aid in recovery and healing from sickness. However, take it where it’s not needed and it very well becomes a form of poison to the body.
This is in part why there is a common theme of 《以毒攻毒》(combating poison with poison) depicted in Wuxia literary works and chinese drama centered around the olden times, especially when the character sustained a mortal injury.
The simplest explanation of ‘traditional chinese medicine’ is the belief that the human body can recover/heal itself through the aid of herbal remedies and adjustments (anything apart from that which requires surgery). Most practitioners are required to have an intimate knowledge on herbs, brewing/concocting methods and what functions they all have along with what can and cannot be mixed. The base idea of it all is to prepare ingredients to brew medicinal soup, however in later ages, they can come in the form of a ‘pill’ as well.
In Yaoshi, these elements are present in their form closely representing nature as well as the adverse effects of their ‘blessings’ that come to be. There is always a risk when one craves something badly enough to take ‘poison’. There is always a cost to be paid. That is why people continue to try and seek Yaoshi’s Elixirs out despite there being countless tragedies born from the Aeon’s enlightenment of their world.
Yaoshi, in their own essence, is simply not an Aeon that can be classed as good or evil. They simply exist as them: it is up to humanity to make that opinion for themselves. And just as well, it is humanity’s own desire that would shape their interactions.
Longevity & Emanators
While it is commonly agreed that Yaoshi’s form consists of multiple red slitted eyes with black sclera, they serve another purpose. Borrowing the above example of a ‘pill’, these ‘eyes’ contain the Aeon’s essence. By ingesting them, one will gain knowledge from the path of Abundance and forever bind themselves to the Aeon.
Through their Emanators, Yaoshi’s eternal gaze spreads across the universe. Nature finds a way to survive and even thrive in the unlikeliest of places, much like fungi or dandelions growing from cracks in concrete. As long as their Emanators live, so will Yaoshi.
Thanks to this, Yaoshi remains currently one of the hardest Aeons to kill/replace. Should another Aeon think to join forces with the Plagues Author, they could very well possess the capabilities to decimate part of the vast universe unless they are stopped.
Another point to note:
The forbidden secrets behind the undefinable and remote connection between those of the Hunt and Yaoshi has been described as a ‘connection that cannot be explained by physics’. Attempts at divining the fate of Aeons have been said to be forbidden, though they can be forgiven. But it is the predicting/divining of Yaoshi’s fate that is specifically banned by the Ten-Lords Commission, with the crime being tantamount to the Ten Unpardonable Sins.
It is implied that diviners who have attempted to divine Yaoshi’s fate have all met a tragic demise before punishment could even be sentenced and truly it is up to us to imagine the horrors they must have witnessed.
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exhausted-archivist · 6 months
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Canonically Suggested Foods and Ingredients
Updated: 2023/12
As of now, this list is updated with everything found in media released as of Oct 2023.
Like the original, this contains all ingredients that exist in Thedas and are either mentioned, referenced, or suggested in someway but are not explicitly mentioned as being eaten. Though there is little to suggest that they wouldn’t be.
For Other Food Posts
Dishes, Sauces, and Sides
Raw Ingredients
Prepared Ingredients
Food and Drink Master Post
Though real life plants may be listed here as edible, it is for fictional use only. This is not intended to be used as a reference nor guide for what plants are edible or safe to eat. Please do not use it as such.
Boiled Cabbage
Posset - In the terms of a cold dessert made from thickened cream and commonly flavored with lemon. As we see, the medicinal alcoholic drink mentioned in The Last Court.
Sponge Cake
Chocolate Sponge - Mentioned by Leliana in dialogue with a runner.
Raw Ingredients
Edible Plants, Fruit, and Vegetables
Edible Plants
Aspen - The inner bark is sweet and starchy. It is edible both raw and cooked, it can also be dried and ground into flour. Some aspens have edible catkins as well.
Beech - The young green spring leaves can be cooked as greens. The inner bark, once dried, can be turned into bread flour.
Birch - The inner bark can be dried and used to make bread flour. Strips of the inner bark could be eaten raw or boiled like noodles. The sap was edible directly from the tree or boiled down into a slightly sweet syrup.
Lotus - Both the roots and the large seeds are edible when cooked. However, the seeds can be eaten raw.
Maple - Along with the sap, the inner bark of maple can be eaten cooked or raw. The seeds and leaves are edible as well once boiled.
Northern Prickleweed - Young prickleweed shoots can be eaten raw, cooked, or pickled.
Palm - Heart of palms are eaten as well as palm oil.
Pine - Aside from pine nuts, the pine pollen, pine cones - only the females, may be eaten once shelled and roasted. Pine needles are used for tea or chewed on for the juices, and the inner pine bark can be dried and ground as flour, used to thicken soups and stews, cooked like spaghetti, or eaten raw. The sap is high in vitamins a and c and has been used to fend off scurvy in the past. The sap can be used as a tea in the spring.
Fir Pine
Stone Pine - Produce large pine nuts that make them easier to eat and forage for.
Red Cedar - The inner bark can be dried and ground into a powder, treating scurvy and acting as a nutritious ration added to foods.
Spruce - Spruce tips, spruce needles, spruce tree cones, and the inner bark of a spruce tree.
Water Lily
Wild Flowers
Dog-rose - The rose hips and flower’s petals are used to make teas, preserves, jellies, and pickled relishes.
Orchid - The dried corms (tubers) are used to make hot drinks.
Willow - The inner bark can be scraped off, cooked in strips like spaghetti, dried and ground into flour, or eaten raw.
Fruits and Nuts
Blackthorn Berry - also known as sloe berries or sloes.
Rowan Berries - Bitter berries that can be cooked to make jelly or used as flavoring.
Bradford Pear - This small variety of pear comes from a rather foul smelling tree. The pears can be used for jellies, ciders, and hand pie. (Ferelden)
Black Walnut - Used to make syrups and liquors.
Sunflower Seeds
Sour Grape
Flax Seed
Bitter Elfroot
Gossamer Elfroot
Artichoke (Orlais)
Animal Byproducts
Horse Butter
Sheep Butter
Donkey Cheese
Horse/Mare cheese - Cheese made from milk of a horse.
Sheep Cheese
Donkey Milk - High in nutrients but low in fat, it can be used as a milk replacement for infants when mixed with a bit of cow/goat cheese to add fat to the milk.
Mares Milk - Milk from a horse, it can be used as a milk replacement for infants.
Sheep Milk
Crocodile Eggs
Duck Eggs
Goose Eggs
Gull Eggs
Partridge Eggs
Peafowl Eggs
Pigeon Eggs
Quail Eggs
Turkey Eggs
Turtle Eggs
Sturgeon - The source of caviar.
Mountain Goat
Poultry and Reptiles
Goose Fat
Rendered Bronto Fat
Rendered Nug Fat (Orzammar)
Maple Syrup
Marrow Bones
Prepared Ingredients
Almond Milk
Olive Oil
Rice Flour
Rose Water
(If you want to find the direct links or page numbers, check out the Wiki's Food and Ingredients page.)
Primary Sources:
Dragon Age: Origins (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: Awakening Dragon Age 2 (Base and DLCs) Dragon Age: The Last Court Dragon Age: Inquisition (DLCs + Multiplayer)
Dragon Age Tabletop RPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Blood in Ferelden Dragon Age Tabletop RPG: Game Master’s Kit: Buried Past World of Thedas Vol. 1 World of Thedas Vol. 2 Dragon Age Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
Short Stories:
Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in Truth
Silent Grove
Codex entry: The Frostback Mountains
Codex entry: Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla
Armor: Clamshell Plate Armor
Item: Figurine Item: Grand Oak Acorn
Item: Love Letter
Codex Entry: Elfroot
Codex entry: The Qunari - Asit tal-eb
Codex entry: Viscount Marlowe Dumar
Junk List: Stuffed Parrot
Codex entry: Andruil’s Messenger
Codex entry: Correspondence Interruptus
Codex entry: Hard in Hightown: Chapter Ten
Codex entry: A Nutty Affair
Codex entry: The Perendale War
Codex entry: Vir Dirthara: A Flowering Image
Item: Carved Cricket Charm
Item: Eagle Feather Charm
Item: Fox’s Pendant
Item: Grouse Feather Charm
War Table Mission: Dance with the Dowager: The Allemande
War Table Mission: Smash
The Last Court
The Arrival of the Divine
The Heartwood Feast
The Hounds
A Plea for Sanctuary
A Swift Stream
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thecorpselight · 2 years
Hemlock, like some other poisonous plants, was traditionally associated with the Devil and his servants, the witches. The latter were said to use it in spells to evoke demons and evil spirits, and to destroy love, cause madness or paralysis, and blast fertility in men and animals. It was also one of the ingredients of those flying ointments with which they were believed to anoint their bodies before they flew to the Sabbat. In the northern counties of England, it is called Bad Man’s or Devil’s Oatmeal, and children are warned not to touch it, because if they do, the Devil may seize and fly away with them. It had, however, healing and soothing properties, and was used in folk-medicine for several painful ills. A poultice made of water-hemlock (or cowbane) cured rheumatism. Hemlock-roots roasted until they were soft eased the pains of gout in the hand. A sixteenth-century sleeping-apple contained hemlock juice mixed with opium, mandrake, henbane-seeds and musk, which was rolled into a ball and held to the patient’s nose until he fell asleep. A remedy for ‘a Pynn and Webb in the Eye’ is included in that collection of cures and household lore compiled by the Fairfax family in Yorkshire, and now known as Arcana Fairfaxiana Manuscripta. In this hemlock was mixed with white of egg and a little baysalt, and the whole laid to ‘ye pulce of ye arme on ye contrary side’, that is, the right arm for the left eye, and vice versa. If the affliction was ‘nere the sight of ye eye’, juice extracted from the roots and leaves of daisies was added, to be dropped into the eye ‘and so use it, till it be whole’. The Encyclopedia of Superstition. E. and M. A. Radford.
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wecaps01 · 13 days
Are Empty HPMC Vegetarian Capsule Shells Safe?
Vegetarian dietary preferences are on the rise, and with them, the demand for vegetarian-friendly products has increased. One such product that has garnered attention is the vegetarian capsule, often made from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). Are empty HPMC vegetarian capsule shells safe for consumption? In this blog post, Wecaps will share the safety and advantages of HPMC capsules.
Understanding HPMC Capsules
HPMC, also known as hypromellose, is a cellulose derivative that is used as a pharmaceutical excipient. It is a non-animal, plant-based substance that is often derived from the cellulose found in pine trees. HPMC is recognized for its film-forming properties and is used to create the shells of vegetarian capsules.
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Advantages of HPMC Vegetarian Capsule Shells for sale
1.Natural Plant Sources:
Using hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose as raw material, it is a natural plant cellulose derivative approved by the drug administration departments of all countries in the world, non-animal source, non-toxic side effects, and the most popular among vegetarians.
2.Component Safety and Stability:
Plant cellulose has natural antibacterial properties, stable chemical composition, will not interact with the contents, no cross-linking reaction, safe and reliable.
3.Ideal for water sensitive medicines:
Wecaps capsule has a very low water content, which is suitable for filling moisture sensitive products, such as freeze-dried powder, Chinese medicine powder, etc., effectively avoiding the problem of brittle breakage caused by the absorption of capsule water by the contents, and is an ideal choice for protecting the contents.
4.Excellent Performance:
HPMC capsules produced by Wecaps are flexible, antibrittle and stable, making them ideal for use in high-speed packaging machines. Designed for use with high-speed and semi-automatic capsule filling machines, ensuring efficiency in the manufacturing process. Demonstrates exceptional filling performance with various types of products, including pellets, liquids, granules, and semi-solids.
HPMC capsules are suitable for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, as they do not contain any animal-derived ingredients.
6.Kosher and Halal Certified:
These capsules are often certified as kosher and halal, making them acceptable for consumption by individuals observing these dietary laws.
Safety and Regulatory Approval
HPMC is considered safe for use in the pharmaceutical and dietary supplement industries. It has been approved by various regulatory bodies, including:
1. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): HPMC is listed as an inactive ingredient in the FDA's Inactive Ingredient Guide.
2. European Medicines Agency (EMA): HPMC is recognized as an excipient suitable for use in the European Union.
3. World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO has included HPMC in their list of excipients that can be used in the formulation of oral solid dosage forms.
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The Role of HPMC Capsules in Health and Wellness
1. Ease of Ingestion: 
Capsules are often easier to swallow than tablets or powders, making them a preferred choice for many consumers.
2. Dosage Control:
The encapsulated form allows for precise dosage control, which is crucial for the effectiveness of supplements and medications.
3. Protection of Sensitive Ingredients:
HPMC capsules can protect sensitive ingredients from light, air, and moisture, which can otherwise degrade their potency.
Empty HPMC vegetarian capsule shells are generally safe for consumption, provided they are manufactured by reputable companies and meet regulatory standards. They offer a suitable alternative for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, as well as for individuals with specific dietary restrictions.
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ainews · 26 days
In the 16th century, a new trend was sweeping through the streets of Mexico – the consumption of tacos. These tasty treats were made with corn or wheat tortillas filled with a variety of ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, and spices. However, what may surprise you is that around the same time, tablets (pills) were also becoming a popular choice for eating tacos.
But why would anyone choose to eat tacos in pill form? The answer lies in the state of healthcare during this period. In the 1550s, the medical world was still heavily influenced by ancient Greek and Roman beliefs, which emphasized the importance of balance in the body. It was believed that an imbalance of the body's four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) was the root cause of all illnesses.
To maintain this balance, people turned to various remedies, including medicinal tablets made from herbs, plants, and animal products. These tablets were believed to have healing properties and were often consumed as part of a daily routine to prevent illness.
Enter the taco pill. Traditionally, tacos were seen as a balanced meal, containing a variety of ingredients that provided all four humors. The tortilla represented the base elements of the earth, the meat or vegetables provided blood, the spices represented yellow bile, and the cheese or sour cream added the phlegm component. By compacting all of these ingredients into a small, convenient tablet, it was believed that the meal's balance and healing properties would become more potent.
But the benefits of taco pills did not end there. In an era where foodborne illnesses were common, consuming raw fruits and vegetables was risky. The fillings inside taco pills were often cooked or pickled, making them a safer option for consumption.
Additionally, the tablet form allowed for easy storage and transport, making it a popular choice for travelers and soldiers who needed a quick and convenient meal on the go.
Despite their practicality and supposed health benefits, the trend of taco pills did not last long. As medical science evolved and modern-day medicines emerged, the belief in balancing the four humors diminished. People also began to realize that the healing properties of these tablets were not as effective as they had once believed.
Today, tacos are enjoyed in their traditional form, with tortillas and all their delicious fillings. However, we cannot deny the creativity and ingenuity of those from the 1550s who found a way to make a quick and nutritious meal even more convenient. Perhaps one day, taco pills may make a comeback in the world of modern cuisine.
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homeolab · 1 month
Hair Fall Treatment In Homeopathy
Hair fall is a common concern affecting millions of people worldwide. While there are various treatment options available, homeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to addressing hair loss. Homeopathy focuses on treating the underlying causes of hairfall rather than just suppressing the symptoms. In this article, we will explore the principles of hairfall treatment in homeopathy, popular remedies, and frequently asked questions to help you understand how homeopathy can effectively manage hair loss.
Understanding hair fall treatment in homeopathy:
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that aims to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability. It is based on the principle of “like cures like,” where a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy individual is used to treat similar symptoms in a diseased person. Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances derived from plants, minerals, or animals.
In homeopathy, hairfall is considered a manifestation of internal imbalances, which may include hormonal fluctuations, nutritional deficiencies, stress, genetics, or underlying health conditions. Rather than treating hairfall as a standalone issue, homeopathic practitioners assess the individual’s overall health, emotional state, and lifestyle factors to prescribe a personalized treatment plan.
Key Benefits:
Hair Fall Prevention: Our product is formulated with ingredients specifically aimed at strengthening hair follicles and reducing hair fall. By providing essential nutrients often lacking in both hair and scalp, it fortifies the hair, making it less susceptible to breakage and shedding. With regular use, you can expect to enjoy healthier, more resilient hair that stays firmly rooted.
Dandruff Control: Say goodbye to pesky dandruff with our specialized formulation. Our product may contain active ingredients with potent antifungal or antibacterial properties, effectively tackling the underlying causes of dandruff. By promoting a healthy scalp environment, it prevents the formation of dandruff flakes, ensuring your hair remains clean and free from flakes.
Delay Premature Greying: Premature greying can be a result of various factors, such as nutritional deficiencies and oxidative stress. Our product includes specific ingredients designed to combat these issues, nourishing hair follicles and combating oxidative damage. This helps maintain your hair’s natural color and prevents premature greying, allowing you to retain your youthful appearance.
Pilocarpus Pinnatifolius: This element plays a vital role in rejuvenating the blood capillaries within the scalp.. By promoting healthy blood circulation, it ensures adequate nourishment to hair follicles, supporting their health and vitality.
Arnica Montana: Renowned for its ability to promote healthy hair growth, Arnica Montana is a key ingredient in our formulation. It helps maintain strong and vibrant hair, contributing to an overall healthier appearance.
Cantharis: By improving blood flow to hair follicles, Cantharis enhances blood circulation, revitalizing hair follicles and promoting healthy hair growth. Incorporating this ingredient ensures your hair receives the nourishment it needs for optimal health and vitality.
Popular Homeopathic Remedies for Hairfall :
Silicea: This remedy is often recommended for hair loss associated with brittle hair and slow hair growth. It helps strengthen hair follicles and improve hair texture.
Natrum Mur: Natrum Mur is indicated for hairfall triggered by grief, emotional stress, or hormonal changes, especially in women. It can also address dandruff and oily scalp issues.
Lycopodium: Lycopodium is prescribed for hair loss accompanied by gastric disturbances, such as bloating, indigestion, or constipation. It may benefit individuals with premature greying of hair as well.
Phosphorus: Phosphorus is useful for hairfall due to excessive hair thinning or breakage. It can also address scalp conditions like itching and dandruff.
Thuja Occidentalis: This remedy is recommended for hairfall resulting from a history of vaccinations or exposure to toxins. It may also help individuals with dry, brittle hair prone to split ends.
Remember, consistency and patience are key to achieving optimal results with homeopathic treatment. Embrace a holistic approach to hair health, encompassing nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle modifications, for long-lasting benefits. With the right guidance and commitment, you can regain confidence in your hair and enjoy a healthier, fuller mane through the principles of homeopathy.
Homeopathy, with its individualized approach and focus on stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanisms, offers a promising avenue for those seeking natural solutions to hairfall treatment in homeopathy. Alongside the commonly prescribed remedies mentioned earlier, homeopathic practitioners may also consider other factors such as diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being when designing a treatment plan.
Dietary modifications play a crucial role in supporting hair health. Foods rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins (particularly B vitamins like biotin), minerals (such as iron and zinc), and proteins are vital for maintaining strong, healthy hair. Homeopathic practitioners may recommend dietary changes or supplements to address any deficiencies contributing to hairfall.
Stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or relaxation exercises can help mitigate the impact of stress-induced hairfall. Homeopathy recognizes the intricate connection between the mind and body, emphasizing the importance of emotional balance in overall health and well-being.
In addition to internal remedies, homeopathy also offers topical solutions for hairfall. These may include herbal oils or tinctures with properties known to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote hair growth. When used alongside internal remedies, these topical treatments can provide comprehensive support for addressing hairfall.
It’s important to approach homeopathic treatment for hairfall with realistic expectations. While some individuals may experience significant improvement in a relatively short period, others may require more time to see noticeable results. Patience, consistency, and open communication with your homeopathic practitioner are key elements of a successful treatment journey.
Furthermore, it’s essential to address any underlying health conditions that may be contributing to hairfall. Homeopathy takes a holistic view of health, recognizing that symptoms such as hairfall are often manifestations of deeper imbalances within the body. By treating the root cause rather than just the outward symptoms, homeopathy aims to restore balance and vitality to the individual as a whole.
Hairfall can have a significant impact on one’s confidence and well-being, but homeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to addressing this concern. By identifying and treating the underlying imbalances, homeopathic remedies aim to promote healthy hair growth and improve overall vitality. If you’re experiencing hairfall, consider consulting a qualified homeopathic practitioner to explore personalized treatment options tailored to your needs.
Homeopathy offers a gentle, personalized approach to addressing hairfall by targeting the underlying causes and supporting the body’s innate healing ability. With its emphasis on holistic health and individualized treatment plans, homeopathy provides a promising alternative for those seeking natural solutions to hair loss. By working closely with a qualified homeopathic practitioner and embracing a holistic approach to wellness, individuals can achieve healthier, fuller hair and renewed confidence in their appearance.
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Are you tired of battling hair fall and longing for thick, healthy locks? Look no further than our Hair Care Kit by Haslab, meticulously crafted to address hair fall concerns and promote vibrant, strong hair growth. Harnessing the power of homeopathy, our kit combines three potent formulations: Jaborand Hair Lotion, Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer, and Bico 34. Let’s explore how each component works synergistically to rejuvenate your hair.
1. Jaborand Hair Lotion:
Infused with the goodness of jaborandi extract, this revitalizing hair lotion nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and stimulates hair growth. Jaborandi is renowned for its ability to combat hair fall and promote healthy hair growth, making it a cornerstone of our hair care regimen. Simply apply the lotion to your scalp and massage gently for maximum absorption and optimal results.
2. Jaborandi Black Hair Vitalizer:
Formulated with jaborandi and other natural ingredients, our Black Hair Vitalizer is designed to enrich your hair with essential nutrients and restore its natural shine and vitality. This unique blend helps prevent premature graying, promotes hair pigmentation, and enhances overall hair health. Incorporate it into your daily routine to experience thicker, darker, and more lustrous locks.
3. Bico 34:
Bico 34 is a specialized homeopathic remedy that targets hair fall and related scalp conditions. Enriched with carefully selected ingredients known for their hair-strengthening properties, Bico 34 works from within to address the underlying causes of hair fall, such as hormonal imbalances, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Its gentle yet effective formula makes it suitable for all hair types, providing long-lasting relief from hair fall woes.
With our Hair Care Kit by Haslab, you can bid farewell to hair fall and embrace the confidence of healthy, beautiful hair. Whether you’re struggling with thinning hair, receding hairline, or dullness, our comprehensive homeopathic approach offers a natural and sustainable solution. Say hello to stronger, thicker hair with our Hair Care Kit — your trusted companion on the journey to hair rejuvenation.
Experience the transformative power of homeopathy and unlock your hair’s true potential with Haslab’s Hair Care Kit today!
FAQ’s on Hairfall Treatment in Homeopathy:
Q1: Is homeopathy effective for all types of hairfall?
A: Homeopathy can be effective for various types of hairfall, including genetic, hormonal, stress-induced, and nutritional deficiencies. However, individual responses may vary, and a customized treatment approach is necessary.
Q2: How long does it take to see results with homeopathic treatment?
A: The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of hairfall, underlying causes, and individual response to homeopathic remedies. Some people may experience improvement within a few weeks, while others may require several months of consistent treatment.
Q3: Are homeopathic remedies safe to use?
A: Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and generally considered safe when prescribed by a qualified practitioner. They are free from side effects and non-toxic, making them suitable for people of all ages, including infants and pregnant women.
Q4: Can homeopathy prevent hairfall recurrence?
A: Homeopathic treatment aims to address the underlying imbalances contributing to hairfall, thereby reducing the risk of recurrence. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and managing stress are essential for long-term hair health.
Q5: How do homeopathic remedies differ from conventional hairfall treatments?
A: Conventional hairfall treatments often focus on symptom management through medications, topical solutions, or surgical procedures. Homeopathy, on the other hand, addresses the root cause of hairfall by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms without causing adverse effects.
Q6: Can I use homeopathy alongside other haircare products or treatments?
A: Homeopathic remedies can complement other haircare products or treatments, but it’s essential to consult with a homeopathic practitioner to ensure compatibility and prevent any potential interactions.
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market-insider · 2 months
Bioactive Ingredients: A Deep Dive into Growth Factors and Competitive Strategies
The global bioactive ingredients market size is expected to reach USD 317.90 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 7.9% over the forecast period, as per the new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The growth is majorly driven by the increasing demand for functional food and beverages owing to increasing awareness among people regarding healthy living. Furthermore, the increasing use of beauty care products owing to rising disposable income and improving the standard of living is fueling the product demand. Bioactive ingredients are a set of essential substances produced by natural sources, such as plants and animals, as they are not synthesized by the human body. There are two types of ingredients, namely, essential and non-essential.
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Bioactive Ingredients Market Report Highlights
The omega 3 PUFA segment is estimated to have the fastest CAGR from 2023 to 2030 owing to their high vitamin, protein, and mineral content and application in the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, asthma, and depression
The omega-3 fatty acids help lower the risk of abnormal heartbeats or arrhythmias. Furthermore, it helps lower triglyceride levels & blood pressure and slow atherosclerotic plaque growth
The dietary supplements application segment will witness the highest growth rate from 2023 to 2030 due to the increasing awareness regarding the benefits of dietary supplements
Asia Pacific is expected to witness the fastest CAGR over the forecast period due to the growing aging population and high demand for functional foods & drinks and dietary supplements
The market is highly competitive due to the presence of a large number of manufacturing companies
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Bioactive Ingredients Market Report
The unconsumed parts of fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients, which are extracted and further used by food and pharmaceutical manufacturers for the production of functional foods and medicines. The industry offers growth opportunities to manufacturers owing to increasing product usage in dietary supplements. Moreover, the product is extensively used in the development of personal care products, such as shampoos, soaps, and moisturizers. Bioactive ingredients, such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols, protect the skin from negative environmental effects, such as pollution. These ingredients also act as antiaging, anti-wrinkling, and whitening agents, as well as offer UV protection.
Asia Pacific is expected to drive the product demand in food products owing to the rising consumer disposable income, rapid globalization, and changing lifestyle in the region. Moreover, growing awareness among consumers in countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan, about the product benefits will spur its demand in the food & beverages sector. During the pandemic, functional food & beverage manufacturers reported colossal demand for food products that contain natural content. Consumers adopted healthy foods that provide extra nutritional benefits to strengthen immunity due to the rising COVID-19 cases. Thus, F&B manufacturers shifted their focus to the production of functional foods & beverages. This, In turn, augmented the product demand.
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gheemagik · 2 months
Ghee vs Oil: Which is Better? | Ghee Magik
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 In the culinary world, the debate between ghee and cooking oils has been ongoing for years. Both serve as essential ingredients in cooking, but their differences go beyond taste and texture. Let's delve into the nuances and benefits of each to determine which comes out on top.
The History of Ghee and Cooking Oils
In the 1970s, ghee fell out of favor due to concerns about its saturated fat content and its potential impact on heart health. This led to a shift towards refined oils as a perceived healthier alternative. However, as the world re-embraces traditional foods, ghee is experiencing a resurgence, reclaiming its status as a superfood.
Ghee vs Oil: The Key Differences
Source & Method of Preparation
Derived from animal milk, traditionally prepared by churning butter from curd and heating slowly until oil separates
Sourced from various plant parts and undergoes refining processes
Fat Content
High in saturated fat, now recognized for its benefits
Typically lower in saturated fat, may contain trans fats due to refining
Taste and Nature
Boasts a delightful buttery flavor, enhancing dishes
Taste varies, often tasteless with refined oils
Smoke Point & Stability
High smoke point, ideal for high-heat cooking
Lower smoke point, prone to release of free radicals at high temperatures
Nutrition and Health Benefits
Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, and K, supports immune function, promotes good cholesterol, aids digestion
Contains unsaturated fats, may lack nutritional richness of ghee, may contain trans fats
Why Ghee Stands Out
Ghee, with its superfood qualities and medicinal properties, emerges as the winner in the ghee vs oil debate. Here's why:
Healing Properties: Ghee has a healing effect, reducing inflammation and promoting healing in the body.
Antioxidant Rich: Ghee is high in antioxidants, combating free radicals and reducing the risk of cancer.
Nutrient Dense: Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, ghee supports overall health and well-being.
Weight Loss Aid: Contrary to past beliefs, ghee is now recommended for weight loss due to its unique fatty acid profile.
In conclusion, while cooking oils may have their place in the kitchen, ghee surpasses them with its unparalleled nutritional richness, medicinal properties, and versatility. When choosing between ghee and oil, opt for the purity and goodness of ghee, such as Ghee Magik, made using traditional methods that preserve all its beneficial qualities. Remember, moderation is key, with two to three teaspoons of ghee daily being sufficient to reap its myriad benefits. Make the switch to ghee today and experience the magic of this ancient super food.
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Adzuki beans and chocolate: Japanese confectionery vs Western confectionery (Essay)
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Daifuku-Mochi(Big happy rice cake) with Adzuki beans
Azuki beans(red beans) are indispensable as an ingredient in Japanese sweets. "An(paste)" made from this material is the most important ingredient in various Japanese sweets. On the other hand, chocolate is used in important parts of Western sweets. It is a showdown between the king of Japanese confectionery and the king of Western confectionery. Now let's compare the nutritional value of the two.
"Azuki beans first."
Red bean products are low in calories
rich in dietary fiber
B vitamins and minerals
Among minerals, it is rich in iron and potassium. Iron is the main component of hemoglobin in red blood cells, and lack of iron prevents oxygen from reaching the extremities sufficiently, resulting in anemia. Even compared to spinach, which is known for its high iron content, one daifuku can provide more than twice as much iron as one serving of boiled rice. The best way to prevent high blood pressure is to refrain from salt intake, but it is also important to take a lot of potassium and balance it with sodium. Bananas are representative of foods rich in potassium, but adzuki beans contain four times that amount, and even after boiling, they have more potassium than bananas.
good amino acid balance
Strongest Antioxidant Activity - Red Bean Polyphenols
 Reactive oxygen is said to be a factor in lifestyle-related diseases, aging, and diseases such as cancer. Adzuki beans contain nearly twice as much polyphenol as red wine, a component that removes this active oxygen. Adzuki beans have a particularly high polyphenol content among legumes, and Hokkaido-produced adzuki beans have higher polyphenol content than imported adzuki beans, and among Hokkaido-produced adzuki beans, normal azuki beans have higher activity than Dainagon.
It's pretty good. Then chocolate.
What ingredients are in chocolate? "Here are the ingredients that are good for your health."
Cocoa, which is the raw material of chocolate, contains plenty of polyphenols.
@Theobromine (meaning God-given)
Stimulates the brain to improve concentration, memory, and thinking power. There is also an action to adjust the autonomic nerve, so you can also expect a relaxing effect. This is why eating chocolate makes you feel relieved when you are tired.
@ Glucose
@oleic acid
Cava, whose official name is γ (gamma)-aminobutyric acid, exists widely in the bodies of animals and plants, and is also included in cacao, the raw material of chocolate. It is a neurotransmitter that exists in the human brain and is a type of amino acid that is said to help with relaxation.
@Vitamins and minerals
It's also pretty good. There are many things in common, such as high mineral content and excellent polyphenol content, but in the overall evaluation, chocolate seems to have a slight advantage. But I think adzuki bean is also an excellent food. Adzuki beans also contain vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin K, niacin, and folic acid.
Word of the day: Depending on how you look at it, sweets can also be an excellent medicinal dish. It is said that during WW2, the US military gave fighter pilots chocolate, and the Japanese military gave them yokan to prevent brain fatigue.
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apacbusinesstimes · 2 months
Ryo Sato: Increasing Global Protein Supply by Silkworm Processing at Morus
The demand for food globally has increased for years and in recent years there have been inventions and production processes going on with supplements for food. For example, meat substitutes are soya beans, mushrooms, tofu, etc. When we lack certain food products these alternatives can be used as supplements for them and they have more or less the same nutritional values for the body. Silkworms are used for different purposes and industries. They are utilized in textiles for the production of silk cloth had have high value. 
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In recent years silk protein has gained importance, as silkworm pupae are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and lipids. Along with this, they are also used in medicine, animal feeds, healthcare products, and many more. The rearing of these silkworms is called sericulture and different types of silkworms have their uses and values. This article, let us know about a Japanese entrepreneur who has started a bio-material-based startup that does research activities on silkworms and in the production of its substitutes as protein. 
About Ryo Sato
Ryo Sato is the CEO of Morus Co., Ltd. which bio and agriculture-based company that produces materials that are researched and produced from silkworms. Ryo Sato graduated from The University of Tokyo and started his career as a salesperson a ITOCHU Corporation in Tokyo and worked there for around 2 and half years. Later he served as a team leader for 2 years at Samurai Incubate Inc. After that he wanted to start a company hence along with the other co-founders, he started Morus Co., Ltd in the year 2021, now he is working as a CEO and handling the responsibilities with his skills.
About Morus and its services 
Morus is a tech company of insect protein from silkworms. The aim at a purpose to solve the crisis of global food issues with the proper utilization of Japanese technology and resources. The aim is to reshape the local economy through silkworm farming. The vision of the company is to create options for food by using and producing sustainable substitutes for proteins.
The company has come up with new projects that aim to create a new industry with silkworms and insects and wants to produce a large mass of sustainable and efficient products from silkworms. Their main focus is on the food industry and are currently working related to it. They have already started the way to supply the powder of silkworm called MorSilk, which is a food ingredient. It has an excellent taste and nutrients that have unique functionality. It can be used and applied to other products as well.
The next thing is their sector of research and development on the other innovative products that can be produced from silkworms. This is done because silkworms have high nutritional values and they want it to be useful with the innovative and unique products they are researching by conducting joint studies to maximize productivity.
Food product development also aims to develop and produce new food products that are made using silkworms. Morus is open to new ideas and collaborations to make joint production of food. 
The company has planned to set up a large cultivation plant of silkworms and has developed a scalable technology for cultivation along with mechanical equipment. They have recently collaborated with Kitchen Town, which is the US-based tech accelerator. The project is crucial to develop a value proposition for the consumers and the company wants to expand its existence globally. With this collaboration, Morus has become the first protein startup in Japan that has worked with Kitchen Town.
One can extend their hands of collaboration and joint ventures to work with Morus and contribute to their new and innovative work in the food and agriculture industry. The website contains all the details and products of the company and also offers the option of inquiring about collaborations and many more. With the increasing food demand globally, there is a high need for more agricultural innovations for high productivity and also the invention and production of supplements in the food industry.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/ryo-sato-increasing-global-protein-supply-by-silkworm-processing-at-morus/
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regularhealthtips · 2 months
Turkesterone Review 2024: Trendy Supplement Watch Before Buy!
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What is the most frequent topic that people advise joining the fitness and health field as a nutrition specialist to proceed with extreme caution while dealing with? Addenda. Why? That's because, despite the fact that many seem useful in theory, there isn't any proof from science that they work at all. As an illustration, we will discuss Turkesterone, a particular supplement that has become very popular in the body-building world, in this article.
Turkesterone Turkesterone Review Turkesterone Side Effects Turkesterone Muscle Builder Turkesterone Results Turkesterone Ingredients Turkesterone Before & After Results
When Russian Olympic bodybuilders were accused of utilizing tyrosine for doping purposes in the 1980s, tyrosine became popular. The word itself seems like it should be known. Most likely as a result of your thoughts on testosterone! Turkesterone is basically the plant and insect equivalent of testosterone, therefore this theory would be true.
What Is Turkesterone?
In insects and some plant species, turkeyesterone is a particular phytoecdysteriod that functions as a steroid hormone. It is thought to aid in controlling reproduction and warding off predators. Ajuga turkestanica is the plant that contains turkesterone. It is only one of the phytoecdysteroids present in the plant, though. Supplements labeled with Turkesterone frequently contain both Ecdysterone, also known as "20HE," and another substance derived from this plant.
Turkesterone was first used to create safer pesticides, as it was soon shown that these substances did not pose a threat to mammals. It should be noted that foods like spinach that are frequently found in animal diets contain these chemicals. Later on, nevertheless, some potential benefits for controlling gene expression and comorbidity in medicine were found.
How Does Turkesterone Work?
The molecular structures of testosterone and Turkesterone, two phytoecdysteroids, are very similar. mostly because plants produce testosterone from cholesterol. Do you recognize this? Yes, since the foundation of steroid hormones present in humans is also cholesterol!
In terms of gene expression, it was discovered that phytoecdysteriods regulate signal pathways like protein synthesis rather than binding to human steroid receptors or changing natural production. Because phytoecdysteroids wouldn't induce the negative effects of anabolic steroid use, which include acne, gynecomastia, aggressive behavior, high blood pressure, etc., it was hypothesized that they could be an excellent substitute for anabolic steroids.
The basis for Turkesterone's possible application is provided by the greater body of study on other phytoecdysteroids, such as Ecdysterone, but very little is known about Turkesterone specifically.
How effective is testosterone for increasing strength and lean muscle mass? According to study, it may have the following advantages:
1. Could Encourage the Gain of Muscle Mass
There is proof that turkesterone can improve body composition by promoting muscle growth and the ratio of muscle to fat. Certain animal studies suggest that it may also have some anti-obesity and metabolic-boosting properties.It appears to accomplish this through inhibiting the absorption of lipids, perhaps altering glucose metabolism and combating insulin resistance, and promoting the uptake of the amino acid leucine in muscle cells, among other means, in order to stimulate muscle synthesis.
2. Could Improve Performance During Exercise
Ecdysteroids have the ability to boost ATP production, which strengthens muscles, extends endurance, and keeps weariness from setting in. This can lead to more strenuous exercise and support the development of strength and endurance.An abundance of anecdotal data suggests that edystreoids facilitate easier recovery from strenuous exercise and increase one's capacity to lift heavier weights.
3. Helps Promote Muscle and Exercise Recovery
Research indicates that testosterone has the ability to restore damaged muscle fibers during physical activity and raise muscle glycogen levels, which aid in the elimination of lactic acid and enhance post-exercise recuperation.It's also believed to support the maintenance of a positive nitrogen balance, which promotes muscular growth.
4. Contains Adaptogenic (Stress-Relieving) Properties
Turkesterone, like rhodiola or ashwagandha, is regarded as an adaptogen. It promotes mental well-being by assisting the body in managing stress and exhaustion.Some people discover that it enhances their quality of sleep and lessens worry, mental fog, "burnout" sensations, and poor motivation—all of which can be signs of depression.
Its capacity to enhance neurotransmitter production and improve gut health, which supports a healthy "gut-brain connection," are hypothesized to be among its mechanisms of action.Additionally, since immunity is weakened by stress and exhaustion, it might aid in the fight against inflammation, increase antioxidant status, and enhance immune system and digestive health.
Risks and Side Effects
Because anabolic drugs can have negative side effects from binding to androgen receptors, tumoresterone and other ecdysteroids are generally regarded as safer than anabolic steroids. This indicates that major steroidal adverse effects including altered appetite, mood, libido, hair growth, skin health, or sleep patterns are unlikely to occur from them.
Having said that, there are a few possible adverse effects of testosterone to be mindful of, such as nausea, upset stomach, dizziness, and other digestive problems. Never take it on an empty stomach and always abide by dose recommendations to prevent these adverse effects. Is using ecdysteroids like turkesterone allowed?
Indeed, this medicine is available for purchase both offline and online; it is sometimes referred to as ajuga turkestanica extract. Some bodybuilders and sportsmen are lawfully using it, and it won't come up on a drug test.
While several ecdysteroids are on the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) 2021 "Monitoring Program List," they are not currently prohibited or regulated as anabolic/artificial steroids in the United States. This indicates that WADA plans to collect additional data regarding these substances in order to decide whether or not competitive athletes should be restricted from using them in the future.
How To Use/Dosage
It is generally advised to start taking 500 mg of testosterone supplements daily, usually in two separate doses. Before taking a break, this dosage should be taken for the first eight to twelve weeks, or roughly two to three months.
Unlike other steroid medications, most people can typically take testosterone on and off for extended periods of time without experiencing dependence. Compared to anabolic steroids, it has the benefit of not requiring post-cycle therapy, which helps maintain hormone balance.
Ajuga turkestanica extract, also known as turkesterone supplements, should be purchased with the active ingredient's yield level checked. This guarantees that the product you're ingesting is pure and potent.
Seek for extracts or capsules that contain approximately 95% testosterone. Although the cost of producing and purchasing turkesterone supplements remains high as of 2021, producers anticipate that in the years to come, advancements in technology will enable a decrease in price.
Where To Buy Turkesterone?
Choosing the appropriate brand is essential to get premium testosterone that is truly cost-effective. These days, testosterone can be purchased in a variety of locations, such as general stores like Amazon. But it's important to get supplements from a reputable supplier that sells high-quality goods.
After using turkesterone for weeks from a variety of companies, we've come to the conclusion that Huge Supplements' Huge Turkesterone is the finest choice.
Turkesterone from Huge Supplements is special since it comes in soft gel capsules for faster absorption and increased bioavailability rather than pills. Its enhanced bioavailability makes it even more effective than the other products we've tested.
You can certain you're getting the real stuff, which has been extensively tested and is safe to use, by purchasing it straight from the Huge Supplements website.To access the official product page, click this link.
Supplements will always be ahead of research, but before adding any new "chemical" to your body, especially one that isn't found naturally in humans, it's still critical to carefully consider the information that is now available. Prior to beginning a new supplement, there are five important factors that we want to concentrate on when speaking with clients or even while doing personal research.
I would proceed with extreme caution before consuming or recommending a new supplement if any of the questions have a negative response. Turkesterone appears to be a fantastic supplement in theory and has shown some encouraging outcomes in different animal models; nevertheless, much more research is required to properly understand the mechanisms and possible applications of this supplement.
Click here ==> https://www.onlymyhealth.com/turkesterone-side-effects-dosage-benefits-before-and-after-results-1707063696
==> https://sites.google.com/view/turkesterone/
==> https://gamma.app/docs/Turkesterone-Muscle-Builder-1e3vxpv8tu5mks8
==> https://regularhealthupdate.blogspot.com/2024/03/turkesterone-review-benefits-dosage.html
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farzanatradingcompany · 3 months
Discover the fascinating world of mushrooms: Their benefits and culinary Delights
Mushrooms have long been popular in the culinary world, prized for their unique flavor, texture, and surprising health benefits. From delicious dishes to medicinal drinks, these mushrooms offer a wealth of possibilities beyond mere nutrition. Join Farzana Vegetables Wholesale in the UAE   on a journey through the fascinating kingdom of mushrooms and revel in the countless benefits and diverse culinary applications of mushrooms.
A treasure trove of nutrients:
Contrary to their plain appearance, mushrooms have strong nutritional value. Despite being low in calories and fat, they are rich in essential nutrients and are a great addition to any meal. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins, including B vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which play an important role in energy metabolism. It also contains minerals such as selenium, copper, and potassium, which contribute to overall health and well-being.
Immune-boosting properties:
Certain types of mushrooms, such as shiitake and reishi mushrooms, have been prized for centuries for their immune-boosting properties. These mushrooms contain compounds such as beta-glucans and polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system and help fight infections. Incorporating these mushrooms into your diet will further increase your defenses against common illnesses and promote overall immune health. 
Culinary diversity:
One of the most appealing aspects of mushrooms is their incredible versatility in the kitchen. From the rustic portobello to the delicate chanterelle, we have a  variety of mushrooms to suit every palate and culinary preference. Mushrooms can be sautéed, grilled, roasted, and even pickled, offering endless  creative cooking possibilities. It adds depth and richness to soups, stews, and sauces, and is a great topping for pizza, salads, and sandwiches.
Vegetable protein sources:
Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein for those following a plant-based diet. Unlike animal proteins, mushrooms contain no cholesterol and are  low in saturated fat, making them a heart-healthy alternative. Incorporating mushrooms into vegetarian and vegan dishes not only increases your protein intake, but also adds a delicious umami flavor that improves your overall eating experience.
Medical use:
Beyond their culinary uses, mushrooms have been valued for centuries in many cultures for their medicinal properties. For example, traditional Chinese medicine uses mushrooms such as Ganoderma and lion's mane to support brain health, improve cognitive function, and increase overall well-being. Modern research continues to uncover the therapeutic potential of mushrooms. Ongoing research is investigating their role in cancer prevention, reducing inflammation, and even regulating mood.
Environmental compatibility:
In addition to nutritional and medicinal properties, mushrooms also offer environmental benefits. Mushrooms are a sustainable crop that requires minimal resources to grow and therefore have a relatively small ecological footprint compared to conventional livestock farming. It can be grown indoors using recycled agricultural waste, making it a viable option for environmentally conscious consumers looking to reduce their impact on the planet.
In summary, mushrooms are a true miracle of nature, offering a wealth of benefits for both culinary enjoyment and overall health. Whether enjoyed as a flavorful ingredient in gourmet dishes or infused as a healing elixir, mushrooms continue to enchant our taste buds and nourish our bodies in surprising ways. Next time you're in the kitchen, don't ignore the humble mushroom. Embrace its versatility and enjoy its deliciousness. Your taste buds and body will thank you.
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suneetinatural · 5 months
Vegan Hair Shampoo
Remember when vegan only meant tofu salad and Birkenstocks? Yes !! Those days are long gone. Now, veganism is spreading like wildfire across every aisle in the grocery store, including, you guessed it, the hair care section. And let me tell you, curly-haired friends, the vegan hair shampoo revolution is about to give your locks the boost they've been craving.
But why go vegan, you ask?
Lightweight Hydration: Most curly hair craves moisture, but heavy, animal-based ingredients can weigh down your curls, leaving them limp and lifeless. Vegan hair shampoos, packed with plant-based oils and butters, offer deep hydration without the greasy baggage, keeping your curls buoyant and defined. Think coconut oil, avocado oil, shea butter – nature's finest curl enhancers!
Gentle Cleansing: Harsh sulfates, often found in traditional shampoos, strip away not just dirt, but also your precious natural oils. This leaves your curls dry, frizzy, and begging for mercy. Vegan hair shampoos use milder cleansing agents derived from plants, gently removing build-up while preserving your curl pattern and natural moisture. It's the ultimate spa day for your mane, minus the robes and cucumber water.
Shine On, You Crazy Diamond: Dull, lackluster curls are a tragedy. But fear not, curly-haired vegan friend! Many vegan hair shampoos are infused with plant-derived shine boosters like pomegranate oil and quinoa protein. These work their magic to smooth the hair cuticle, reflect light, and leave your curls glowing like a disco ball in the moonlight. Get ready to blind 'em with your shine!
Naturally Rejuvenate: Forget harsh chemical treatments that damage your curls in the name of "smoothing." Vegan hair shampoos often contain nourishing herbs and botanical extracts that work on a cellular level to strengthen your hair from the inside out. Think biotin for growth, rosemary oil for scalp stimulation, and aloe vera for soothing – all the goodness of nature's medicine cabinet to transform your curls from fragile to fierce.
Cruelty-Free Crown: Let's not forget the feel-good factor. Choosing vegan hair shampoo means taking a stand against animal testing and embracing a more compassionate approach to beauty. Your curls will thank you, and so will the furry (and feathered) friends you're not shampooing with.
But wait, there's more! Vegan hair shampoos come in a rainbow of options to cater to every curl type and need. Need moisture for your thirsty spirals? Try a coconut milk-infused formula. Battling frizz? Go for a rice protein-packed shampoo. Want to define your loose waves? A seaweed and cucumber blend is your new BFF. No matter your curl configuration, there's a vegan hair shampoo out there that's tailor-made for your mane.
So, how do you find the perfect vegan hair shampoo for your curly crown? To find more details step into www.suneetinatural.com/vegan-hair-shampoo
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caseycoleman71 · 5 months
The best Side of Collagen Supplement
Yet, while some scientific tests counsel collagen supplements may perhaps strengthen bone mass and forestall bone decline, extra in-depth scientific tests in individuals are wanted. Nonetheless, some reviewers say the product includes a thick, medicinal vibe, and this liquid type truly doesn’t offer just as much collagen per serving as powders. A healthy taking in pattern is so significant for Over-all pores and skin health, and Which means also having fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and people lean proteins, suggests Bowe. Consuming such a total food items, plant-based mostly diet regime (which often can include animal and fish proteins, but centers about antioxidant-wealthy foods like greens, fruit, complete grains, nuts, and legumes) has actually been located to decelerate skin growing older and guidance the appearance of younger wanting skin, concluded a examine posted in Might 2020 Journal of Scientific and Aesthetic Dermatology Shand endorses this collagen supplement to clientele since “it very easily dissolves into my early morning matcha or espresso, it’s tasteless and doesn’t have any other added ingredients. We like that it dissolves well into both of those chilly and sizzling drinks without clumps or off-Placing taste, Which it truly is flavorless when combined into any drink. What takes place once you quit getting collagen supplements? You should not expertise any Unwanted side effects any time you quit taking collagen supplements. The benefits seasoned whilst utilizing the supplements might little by little fade, although it might have a couple months. Collagen is one of the top supplements in need today, and it’s touted as being a multi-use supplement that you could put in smoothies, food, and even your espresso. I love Nip & Fab products and also have applied them for a few several years now. I discover a real difference in my pores and skin texture and a discount in wrinkles. This kit is great as it incorporates the principle elements I need for my thrice-weekly retinol skincare regimen. Collagen supplements may not be the best line of defense in trying to keep your skin seeking its best. But Dr. Khetarpal suggests you'll find other choices in existence. Nonetheless, scan the label and think about the dose of collagen peptides inside the recommended serving of capsules and Assess that with That which you’d get within the powder. what is the best collagen supplement of two.five to ten gram (g) of collagen peptides daily was Utilized in new top quality clinical research to view a boost in collagen creation that led to raised skin hydration and elasticity and an improvement in skin getting older, per an assessment published inside the Journal of Medicine in Dermatology in January 2019. Bovine collagen is undoubtedly an significantly well-liked food stuff additive and supplement that may have Advantages for skin and bone overall health. This text tells you… There are actually about thirty officially recognised and probably up to 70 skilled signs of menopause which include warm flashes, irregular periods, joint soreness, mood issues and even more. To help you make the street rather less bumpy, Dr Jenna Macciochi explains some nutritional allies to assistance your signs and symptoms. Selected foods contain nutrients which have been necessary for collagen output. Does having these foods enhance amounts of collagen in your body? These substantial-high-quality capsules incorporate hydrolysed peptides, made from form one collagen. The end result is undoubtedly an easily absorbed supplement that can assist Your system's own collagen output.
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