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starshine-hockey-girl · 2 months
Scent of a Woman - Journey to the Emerald City - Chapter 16
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Summary - Lex's embarrassing little secret leads chaos and misunderstanding on a road trip.
Author's Note- A return to fluffy Teddy and Lex. I apologize for the delay. I also apologize for the slight character assassination of Fanny. She seems like a lovely woman.
@pattiemac1 @newlibrary @penstxgal1968 @dutch-tv-fan @irlkpop
If you asked Lex, he would say that he had no idea where the habit began. He would probably deny that there was a habit at all. Truth be told, the desire that fed the habit began within weeks of the start of his physical relationship with Teddy. On a road trip later that fall, he found himself longing for her scent as he spent night after lonely night in hotel rooms.
He couldn't pinpoint the exact descriptions of her scents but there were two variations. One was her "fresh out of the shower” scent of Bath and Body Works Champagne Toast that reminded him of tangerines, berries and champagne. It was sweet and bubbly, just like her. She wore it in layers that ensured that scent lingered throughout the day.
The second was a rare perfume that was intoxicating. It had been a gift from her parents. She wore it sparingly, saving it for special occasions. Each time he smelled it he was transported back to their first kiss outside the Music Hall, to the landing outside the garage apartment where he buried his face in her neck as she tried to unlock the door or that moment she took him deep within her and leaned forward to kiss his neck. The scent was calming yet arousing at the same time. It made him dizzy with desire.
The first thing he "acquired" to satisfy his need for her scent was a scarf that had been tossed in a corner during one of their many races to disrobe each other after any sort of separation. He couldn't help it if the scarf accidentally made its way into his suitcase for the next road trip. Teddy never mentioned the missing scarf. She had convinced herself that she had left it at the Starbucks she had stopped at to pick up their coffee order. He never admitted it was in his possession.
The second item was the emerald green silk nightgown that she wore on their last night together before he flew to Pittsburgh. Obviously, it got mixed in with his clothes as they rushed to make his flight. It was totally normal that it stayed under his pillow and he smelled it before he fell asleep every night. Well until the scent faded into oblivion.
It was during his second return trip to Dallas after his trade that the third and only deliberate theft occurred. He slipped the small bottle of perfume into his pocket when he arrived at her hotel room. It was then that the habit began. One spritz on the hotel pillow and he slept soundly. At the time he had no idea that he would be continuing the action nearly two years later. It was his little road secret and no one needed to know. At least that was the way he planned to keep it until it all came unraveled. How do you ask? Three words- Tyler Fucking Seguin
October 18th- Pittsburgh, PA
Lex walked off the team bus with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Teddy was in the middle of telling him about the latest news in their hunt for a new apartment. He looked up as he began the walk to the arena. “Bliss, I need to go into morning skate. Can I call you” he began when he felt Tyler shove him behind before he reached up and snatched the phone from his hand.
“Teddy!” Tyler laughed into the phone.
“Tyler?” Teddy asked in question, “What happened to Lex? Why do you have his phone?”
“I took it from him,” Tyler laughed again as he turned to see Lex walking towards him.
“You…. took…. the…. phone from him?” she said in disbelief, “How did you do that? WHY did you do that?”
“You doubt my ability to best the Big Rig. Oh ye of little faith!” Tyler exclaimed as Lex approached him with a smile on his face. “I stole it because I texted earlier and you did not respond. I had to resort to desperate measures,” Tyler said before he realized what was about to be his fate. “Teddy!” he shrieked as Lex reached him, “He’s going to put me in a…..”
Tyler’s voice became muffled and Teddy finished his sentence, “A headlock? Seriously Tyler, did you not learn your lesson in September?”
Lex snatched the phone from Tyler’s hand, but continued to hold him in a headlock. Tyler’s arms flailed as Lex spoke, “So as I was saying Bliss- I have to go into the morning skate. I will call you afterwards okay. ”
“Lex…..let him go,” Teddy chided her giant of a boyfriend gently.
“Why? He snatched the phone from me while I was talking to you. That cannot go unpunished, Bliss,” Lex smiled as he tightened his grip. Tyler’s pleas for help could be heard on Teddy’s end.
“Lex…. let him go,” Teddy chided again.
Lex tightened his grip and Tyler inhaled deeply. Then Tyler’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. Finally, Lex released his grip, Tyler stumbled forward before he regained his balance. “Seggy sends his best, Bliss. Don’t you Seggy?” Lex smiled as he turned from Tyler, “I’ll talk to you later Bliss. Will you be at home? Can you help me with some pregame relaxation?”
“As long as Tyler remains uninjured, even if he brought this on himself, I can accommodate your request,” she smiled into her phone.
“Don’t worry about Seggy here. I am sure his pride will recover nicely. Love you. I will talk to you later Bliss, ” Lex laughed as Tyler stood and watched him. When Tyler started to walk towards him with purpose, he stepped back. “Woah, Seggy. You started it, “ Lex held up his hands in mock surrender. Tyler marched up to Lex, grabbed his hand and sniffed it “What the fuck dude?” Lex huffed.
Tyler took a step back and looked up at Lex, “Why do you smell like Teddy?”
Lex stepped back again, “Why do I smell like my girlfriend? I think that you can imagine why.”
“No, I can’t,” Tyler replied, “I can’t imagine why you smell like Teddy in the middle of a road trip.”
Lex blinked slowly. He thought back to his morning in the hotel. In his rush to pack his toiletries he had accidentally sprayed Teddy’s perfume. The mist landed on his hands and sleeve of his shirt. Lex struggled to come up with an explanation.
Tyler continued to pry, “We have been on the road for four days. I’ve seen you shower after games.” Lex lifted his eyebrow at that remark. “Not seen, but know that you have showered after games,” Tyler explained, “There is no reason to smell like Teddy unless……. Is she here? Did she sneak into your room last night? Is that why she didn’t answer my call earlier?”
“No, of course not,” Lex answered sternly.
“Then why do you smell like her?” Tyler eyed him suspiciously.
Lex ran his fingers through his hair and weighed his options. From what he could tell, it was either come clean or come up with an excuse in the next five seconds which seemed highly unlikely. “Fuck,” he huffed as he looked to the sky.
Tyler tilted his head. He had just been giving Big Rig a hard time. Now he was clearly upset. This had quickly gone from teasing to revealing something serious at a speed that made him dizzy.
Lex turned to him and spoke softly, “This stays between you and me, got it?”
“Nope, I am not agreeing to that at all,” Tyler suddenly got equally serious, “If you are going to confess to some sort of shenanigans that affects Teddy, I am telling her.”
“Oh shut up,” Lex hissed. Then he turned around and paced for a bit. “I smell like her because I accidentally sprayed her perfume on my hands while I was packing it this morning.”
Tyler looked confused, “Why do you have Teddy’s perfume? Is this some sort of kink….” He stopped himself short when the memory of the last time he suggested that Big Rig had some sort of kink.
“No, it’s not some kinky shit,” Lex whined, “I just like the smell. It helps me on the road.” Tyler blinked. “I sleep better when I smell it on the road,” Lex explained, “It makes me miss her less. Sometimes I miss her so much and the scent helps me.” His voice cracked at the end.
Tyler opened his mouth to say something sarcastic but words failed him. They stood and stared at each other. Finally Tyler spoke, “How long?”
“Ummm, since the beginning?” Lex replied, “It started off unintentionally with a scarf she left at my apartment. Then it was her nightgown she wore on my last night in Dallas.” Tyler’s eyes widened and Lex glared at him. “Then her perfume may have ended up in my luggage after my trip back to Dallas.”
“You stole her perfume? She didn’t lose it at the hotel?” Tyler laughed.
“You knew about that?” Lex questioned.
“Of course, I knew about it,” Tyler quipped, “She whined to me about it for weeks. It was her special Paris perfume and she lost it.”
“Her special Paris perfume?” Lex asked.
“You don’t know the story of the perfume?” Tyler remarked, “See…. this is why I am the best friend and you are just the boyfriend.”
Lex took a step forward, “Do you need the headlock again?”
“Okay, okay,” Tyler said, “Walk and I will tell you the story.”
“You know that Baxters all went to Paris to celebrate Teddy’s sixteenth birthday? You know Mrs. B- it was a production. One of the activities was a private party at perfumery where you can create custom scents. Teddy made a custom scent for Frankie and Frankie made one for her.”
“That’s the perfume she wears? The scent that Frankie made for her?” Lex interjected.
“Shut up and listen to the story,” Tyler countered.
“They each got two bottles of the scent created for them. Teddy has been using hers since Frankie died. When she finished the first bottle, she switched to alternating between the fruity one and the Frankie one. At least until she thought she lost it at the hotel,” Tyler paused to glare at Lex in disapproval. “She was heartbroken. It was one of the last tangible items she had connected to Frankie. I don’t know how he did it, but Mr. Baxter pulled the rabbit out of a hat and got a replacement.”
“Fuck,” Lex uttered, “I had no idea. I just thought it was a nice perfume.”
“So you stole it?” Tyler quizzed, “Nice… really nice.”
“You can’t tell her,” Lex replied, suddenly panicking about what Tyler would do with incriminating information. “Seriously,” he stammered, “You can’t tell her.”
“Don’t worry, Big Rig. Your secret is safe with me,” Tyler laughed, “It’s kind of sweet in a slightly obsessive-compulsive way. It’s totally on brand for you two.”
“Promise?” Lex asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.
“Dude- relax,” Tyler said in a serious tone, “Your secret is safe with me.”
October 31st- JW Marriott Hotel- Denver, CO
“Big Rig, it’s your lucky day,” the team travel coordinator smiled at him as she passed out room keys. His eyebrows lifted in surprise and in question. “It seems as if someone loves you and upgraded you to a suite!”
“A suite?” Lex asked in a confused tone, “Who would do that?” Then he smiled to himself. He knew exactly who upgraded his room- Teddy. He pulled out his phone and made the call. Teddy was in Los Angeles at a conference for social media influencers. She was scheduled to speak on panels about brand engagement and body image in social media. The conference conflicted with the hastily scheduled WAG “road trip” for the AV/Stars game.
Lex: Bliss? What did you do?
Teddy: I have no idea. What did I do?
She smiled at him as she walked around her hotel room in Los Angeles. She paused and looked out the window.
Lex: You know exactly what you did. The upgrade to the suite?
Teddy: Oh that? I thought it would be a nice treat since I couldn’t make the trip.
Lex: I would rather have a smaller room and you here.
Teddy let out a sigh.
Lex: I didn’t mean it that way. I understand you have your own career. I just miss you.
Teddy: I miss you too. I’ll see you Saturday night?
Lex: I can’t wait. Thanks again for the suite. You spoil me, Bliss.
Teddy: Nothing makes me happier than spoiling you.
Word spread like wildfire among the team and WAGS. Suddenly plans were made- party in Big Rig’s suite. When Teddy got word, she arranged for food and a bar set-up to make the party as festive as possible.
Later that night, the team was sitting in the living room watching Scream. Lex looked around the room and sighed. Couples were huddled close together. He felt a pang in his heart and thought about Teddy. Silently, he got up and went into the bedroom unnoticed by the group with the exception of Fanny, John Klingberg’s girlfriend. Her eyes followed his large frame until he shut the bedroom door. Lex walked over to the window and looked up at the moon. Then he picked up the phone and facetimed Teddy.
Teddy: Hey Lex
Lex spoke in a soft tone: Bliss
Teddy stopped in her tracks: What’s wrong, Lex?
Lex: I just miss you. It’s cuddle central out there and I don’t have my cuddle buddy.
Teddy: I am sorry, Lex. What can I do to make it better?
Lex: Remember last year when you sang me that song? From that mouse movie?
Teddy smiled at the memory: Yes, I remember. It was back when I wanted to say I love you but couldn’t say it yet.
Lex: Do you think you could sing to me again? I am looking at the moon.
Teddy: Of course, I can.
Teddy began singing softly as Lex listened. Outside the door, Fanny paced outside of the door. She turned to walk back to the couch but then gathered up her nerve. She desperately needed to go pee, but Benn and Katie had ensconced themselves in the suite powder room. Nervously she knocked.
Lex turned to face the door. “Yeah?” he answered abruptly, slightly irritated that his serenade was being interrupted.
“Ummm, can I use the restroom?” Fanny asked quietly.
“There is a powder room out there,” he called back.
“Yeah, but there are people in it. It’s kind of an emergency,” she replied.
Lex stared at the door and pondered her answer. “There are people in the powder room?” he thought to himself, “What would they be doing in the powder room?” Then he remembered Fanny was waiting on an answer. He walked over to the door, opened it and pointed to the bathroom. He returned to his position by the window.
Inside the bathroom, Fanny set her phone on the back of the toilet and attended to her business. She could hear Lex speaking in hushed tones, but could not make what was being said.
Inside the bedroom, Lex listened to Teddy’s sweet voice as he considered the powder room situation. Visuals of his very sexy encounter with Teddy in Tyler’s powder room flooded his mind. He was so caught up in the memory that he didn’t notice that Teddy had stopped singing.
Teddy: Lex? You still there?
Lex came back to reality: Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something.
Teddy: And what would that be?
Lex glanced over his shoulder: Remember that time in Seggy’s powder room? Remember how I fucked you?
Teddy purred: Yeah, I remember that. I remember it very well.
Lex let out a soft moan: Damn it Bliss. You’re turning me on.
Teddy purred again: Want me to help you out there Big Boy?
Lex heard the bathroom door open and Fanny stepped into the room. He turned quickly back to the window.
Lex: Good God Kitty, you are so fucking sexy. I would love to finish this but now is not a good time. Maybe later?
Fanny froze in her footsteps.
Teddy asked: Too many prying ears?
Lex: Prying ears and eyes
Fanny stepped closer to the bed to hear better. She was almost touching the bed when the scent of Teddy’s perfume wafted into her nose. She looked down and then around. It was a distinctly feminine scent. It was a scent that should not have been present in Big Rig’s room. She looked at the bed and then at Lex. His back was still to her so she allowed her nose to follow the scent to its source- the pillows on the unmade bed. Her mind began to race. Why was the bed unmade? The team had just arrived in town that afternoon. Why was there a scent of a woman’s perfume on the pillow? Her mind lept to the most logical conclusion. A woman had been in the bed. A woman that was not Big Rig’s beloved,Teddy, had been in the bed.
She let out a little squeak and he turned to face her. Their eyes locked for a moment and Fanny turned to race out of the bedroom. In the living room, Fanny mentally replayed the scenario. “Maybe later?” she thought to herself, “He is making plans for later?”
Fanny smiled to herself and exited the room. Truth to be told, she wasn’t a fan of the Big Tex couple. Teddy and Lex had been given the moniker by the players and WAGS sometime during their “friends with benefits” stage and it stuck.
Moments later, Lex walked around and resumed his position for the movie. He didn’t notice the careful watch that Fanny took as he scrolled through his phone, looking at pictures of his beloved Bliss. He tilted his phone slightly to prevent the racier photos from being seen by others. He squirmed in his spot as the longing in him grew exponentially. One particular picture made him lick his lips as he switched over to his messages.
Lex: Good God - remind me never to invite people into my room again.
Teddy: Why?
Lex: I am so fucking horny.
Teddy: Easy there Tiger. Kitty Kat won't be available for another couple of hours.
Lex groaned out loud and looked around the room. Fanny stared at him. They made brief eye contact and he focused on his phone again.
Lex: Save me. I beg you. Fanny is staring at me like she can read my thoughts.
Teddy: Are you still afraid of WAGS?
Lex: Hey, WAGS are scary
Teddy didn’t respond
Lex: except you of course. Please Bliss.
Teddy: You owe me Tiger
Lex: Anything you want
Suddenly his phone rang and the extremely loud sound of Teddy's crocodile tears rang through the phone.
Teddy screamed: Lex!!! Lex!!!
Lex sprung into action. He jumped off the club chair and responded: Bliss!! What's wrong? What's wrong?
Everyone turned to listen to the activity.
Teddy began a torrent of incoherent screaming and crying. Inwardly, he smiled but his face showed concern. He turned to the group, “Sorry guys, Teddy is having a meltdown about her speech tomorrow. I need to talk her down from the ledge. You have to go. You have to go.”
Everyone looked at each other in confusion. He could always go into the other room if necessary. However, no one took the initiative to argue with the Big Rig who made it clear that he wanted everyone out of his room. He wanted them out and he wanted them out NOW.
They slowly shuffled out of the room, whispering amongst themselves. After a quick huddle, they decided to reconvene in Benn’s room. Fanny replayed the scenario from Lex's bedroom over and over in her mind. Should she say something?She would want to know if John was cheating on her. She stewed and finally came to the decision to ask the other WAGS..
She poked Katie in the ribs and nodded her head toward the bathroom. She whispered “It's an emergency.” Katie whispered into Anna’s ear and word spread.
Once all the women crowded into the bathroom, Katie stood against the door with her arms crossed. Because she dated Benn, she was the de facto leader of the group. “What’s the emergency, Fanny?” Katie asked bluntly. Quite frankly, she wasn't a huge fan and she had unfinished business with Benn
Fanny breathlessly described her observations to the group. She was met with immediate disbelief and judgment.
“I don’t buy it,” Andrea Bishop interjected.
“Me either,” Anna Lindell added.
“Look, I know that I am new around here,” Jennifer Spezza said, “But one thing I know for sure is that Big Rig only has eyes for Teddy.”
Fanny started to explain again.
“It’s almost like you are wanting it to be true,” Katie observed. The other WAGS nodded their heads.
“Don’t you think she would want to know?” Fanny questioned. This juicy bit of gossip was not being received the way that she envisioned.
“There is nothing to know,” Katie replied, “You smelled some perfume and overhead what you think was Big Rig making plans.”
“I think that we should tell her,” Fanny interrupted.
“Fuck no,” Andrea answered, “She has a huge presentation tomorrow. The last thing that we are going to do is upset her for no damn reason.”
With that, the group adjourned back to their men. Then the party fizzled quickly after that. John and Fanny walked toward their room. He asked her what the huddle was about. Fanny explained her observations. “Big Rig cheat?” he laughed, “Why would he cheat NOW? Why would he risk it during a WAGS trip even if Teddy is not here? He knows better than that. He is not an idiot like…..”
“An idiot like who?” Fanny whipped her head around.
Klingberg stopped in his tracks. “Shit” he thought to himself, “I said the quiet part out loud.” This was a topic of conversation that he wanted to avoid at all costs. “Fan,” he spit, “I am just saying that Big Rig is smarter than most of us. He wouldn’t make hook-up plans with the entire team literally in the next room.”
“So you are saying that he would cheat if we weren’t around?” she said as her eyes narrowed, “Are you saying that’s what you would do if I weren’t around?”
“Kärlek,” he soothed, “You know I love you and only you. There is no one else in my heart.” Technically, it wasn’t a lie. He didn’t say there wasn’t anyone else in his bed or on his dick. “Come, let me show you,” He grabbed her hand to lead her, “Maybe we can take a fun video on your phone.”
Fanny stopped suddenly and stuck her hand into her pockets. Her phone wasn’t there. She mentally backtracked until she realized that she must have left it in Big Rig’s room. Klingberg tried to convince her to continue to the room and get the phone later. Fanny insisted on getting it then. She had plans to text her sisters in Sweden with the gossip about Teddy and Lex. Even if none of the other WAGS had taken the bait, she was sure that they would.
Back in Lex’s suite, he sat on the couch nude. His phone was propped up on the entertainment center. Teddy’s green silk nightgown had been thrown down in haste when she had called for their planned video fuck. His hand stroke furiously as he watched Teddy expertly bring herself to her climax with Pinky and her fingers. She screamed out in ecstasy as the third orgasm washed over her. Ever the gentleman, Lex made sure that she reached her peak before he succumbed to his desire.
A series of grunts and moans escaped his mouth as he edged closer. Finally, he exclaimed, “Fuck Kitty Kat. Oh God, you fuck your Tiger so good.” Teddy’s eyes widened and he went silent. It was their unspoken rule that those names were reserved for their kinkier, in person play sessions.
“Uhhhhh, Lex?” she questioned.
“Sorry, Sorry, “ he stammered, “I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Seems like Tiger is in need of his Kitty Kat,” she said seductively, “You like how Kitty Kat is a good girl for you?”
Lex felt his body respond, “Kitty Kat you know I like everything about you.”
Outside the room, Fanny listened in shock. She had arrived just as Lex had screamed Kitty Kat. Her mind jumped to the most shocking of conclusions. She was RIGHT. He had someone in there with him- some whore named Kitty Kat. She smiled to herself in triumph. “Guess I wasn’t so wrong after all. Was I girls?” she thought to herself. She started to walk away in triumph and in anticipation of the salacious update she was about to provide when she remembered her phone. She would need it to text and call people. She turned and knocked on the door.
Inside the room, Lex stroked himself. It took almost a full minute of knocking for the sound to register in his brain. “Fuck,” he uttered in annoyance, “Kitty Kat, someone is is at the door. I gotta go.”
“Lex Love, at least cover yourself up,” Teddy laughed.
Lex called out, “Hold on. I gotta get dressed.” He went to the bedroom and grabbed his gray sweat pants and shimmied into them. His chest glistened with sweat as he opened the door. He saw Fanny standing there with a look of smug satisfaction. “Hey,” he said, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice, “I am kind of in the middle of something.”
“I bet you are,” Fanny muttered under her breath as she glanced down. Lex’s erection was evident under the soft fleece of his pants. Lex’s head tilted, not quite sure he heard her correctly. “I….. ummmm…. left my phone here,” Fanny said plainly.
“Oh,” he stepped back and let her enter. Together they stepped into the room. Teddy, hearing voices, disconnected the FaceTime video. Lex’s eyes glanced at the phone. Fanny followed his eyes then moved onto the couch where Teddy’s green nightgown sat out in the open. Fanny scanned the rest of the living room. No other evidence of a woman stood out to her, but her mind raced with the presence of woman’s lingerie. There was definitely something going on.
“I think it may be in the bathroom. I was in there earlier,” she said as she walked in that direction. Lex stepped back to let her pass. Mentally he cursed both himself and her. He could hear her moving around and he paced back and forth.
In the bathroom, Fanny quickly found her phone. She glanced over to the counter where Lex’s toiletry bag sat. She quickly looked in the direction of the living room while she stepped forward. Two things immediately stood out - a small glass bottle with a label printed in French and a condom. She picked it up and smiled.
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“Did you find it?” Lex called out as calmly as he could. His heart raced although he was unsure of just why. “How much had she heard?” he questioned himself. The chirps about Teddy and his sex life had just about stopped. If Fanny heard anything, they were sure to start up again. Little did he know the wildfire of gossip she was about to unleash within the group.
Fanny’s head popped up, “Yes, but can I pee real quick?” She took out the phone and snapped photos. She turned on the water to “wash” her hands and formulated a plan. Then she placed the items back to their original locations and held her phone in her hand. She moved quickly into the living room, made a beeline for the couch, snapped a photo of the nightgown on the couch and headed toward the door before Lex could process her movements.
“Thanks Big Rig,” Fanny called over her shoulder, “You should get some sleep. It’s a big game tomorrow and you look exhausted.”
He stood in disbelief. She was up to something but he couldn’t tell what. Then he shook his head. “Dude,” he said to himself, “You’re being paranoid and whatnot. She is perfectly innocent.” Still he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling in his chest. He scooped up his phone and went into the bedroom. Teddy picked up his FaceTime call.
Teddy: Did Tiger behave himself?
Lex rolled his eyes: You know that Tiger only comes out for you.
Teddy smiled: Was that Fanny’s voice I heard?
Lex shook his head: She left her phone in the bathroom earlier. She came to get it.
Teddy’s eyes narrowed: What’s wrong, Lex Love?
Lex sighed: It’s nothing. I just got a bad feeling about her.
Teddy: Love, you are probably just picking up my feelings about her. She is the only one that I don’t get along with. Katie and I can’t stand her.
Lex nodded his head. He had overhead the two best friends venting about her in the past. Fanny considered herself to be the de-facto leader of the WAGS because of Klingberg’s tenure and she resisted any suggestion that Katie or Teddy made.
Lex rubbed his face: That may be it. Talk about a mood killer though.
Teddy winked at him: It’s probably a good thing. I have a big day tomorrow so I should get some sleep.
Lex smiled: How many people will be at your session?
Teddy bit her lip: Almost a thousand. Apparently there is a wait list to get in. No pressure or anything.
Lex studied her for a moment before speaking: Get out of your head, Bliss. You are more than prepared. Your speech is amazing and perfectly on brand for you.
Teddy flashed him a smile: Thank you Love. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
November 1st - Jamie Benn’s hotel room
Benn rolled over and sighed, “What in hell is going on? You have been texting all night.”
Katie paused, “You won't believe it if I told you.”
Benn yawned “Try me, honey.”
Katie explained Fanny’s initial assertions. “We all said no way,” she added, “but then she went back and found this.” She handed over her phone to show him the pictures of the perfume bottle, nightgown and the most damning evidence- the condom.
“Shit,” the captain said in disbelief, “That’s unbelievable. Lex has never even looked at another woman since Teddy. What the hell?”
“How do you explain those pictures?” she accused.
“I can't,” he replied softly.
“What do I do?” Katie asked, “I should tell her, right? I would want to know. It's going to break her heart.”
Benn thought for a few minutes, “Make Seggy do it.”
Katie looked up in surprise, “Think he will do it? Isn’t there some sort of bro code?”
“If Teddy is being cheated on, Tyler will squeal like a fucking canary,” Benn laughed. Katie knitted her brows together. He pulled her into his chest. “Seriously, if it were anyone else, Tyler wouldn’t say a word. There is no way that he is going to let Big Rig cheat on her on his watch.
With that, Katie sent a message to the WAGS group chat that excluded Teddy. It was a simple “Stand down. I am going to talk to Seggy about it. I think the news should come from him.” The message was met with mixed replies. Half of the group agreed that Tyler would err on the side of telling Teddy while the other half felt he would not sell out his teammate.
Katie was waiting for Tyler in the hotel lobby when the team arrived back from morning skate. He took one look at her face and joked, “What did I do?” When she didn’t smile or laugh, he got serious, “Tell me.”
Tyler listened incredulously as after the narrative began to become clear. He shook his head vigorously from side to side. “Nope,” he asserted, “No way that Big Rig is cheating on her. Not after everything that they have been through together. No fucking way.” Katie listed off the WAGS group accusations against Big Rig.
When she told him about the perfume scent and saw the picture of the bottle, he emphatically answered, “You are barking up the wrong tree.” When Katie asked how he was so sure, Tyler paused. He had given his word to Big Rig that he would keep his secret. He was not about to cough it now because the WAGS had gotten a bee in their collective bonnets.
He similarly dismissed what Fanny overheard. He knew from past conversations with Teddy that they indulged in smutty phone and video calls. Okay, she had never deliberately told him about the calls but Tipsy Teddy let it slip out once in a rush to get Tyler off the phone so she could speak to Big Rig. Again, he wasn’t about to reveal that information, but it convinced him that Fanny had not overheard anything of consequence. He did make a mental note to ask Teddy about the “Kitty Kat” nickname.
However, when she showed him the photo of the condom, he went silent for a moment. Why would Big Rig have a condom in his toiletry bag? Katie sensed his hesitation and pounced. She raised the same question he had just asked himself. Suddenly, the most obvious answer emerged - the condom must be leftover from before they got together. Katie looked dubious.
“Yeah, remember she got upset with him because he had condoms in his bag in the limbo era between his move to Pittsburgh and them getting together, “ Tyler announced, suddenly proud that he came up with a reasonable excuse.
Katie sighed. She wanted to believe the best, but she still had questions.
Tyler stood his ground. “Come on Katie,” Tyler urged, “You know him.” Katie looked at the ground. “Hey, look at me, can I tell you something?” Tyler said softly. She looked up with hopeful eyes.
“You know that it was complicated between Teddy and me. I have a lot of ‘what could have beens’ that linger in my mind,” Tyler spoke from the heart. “I’ve accepted that Teddy and I are best friends. That’s our destiny,” he said as he swallowed. “However, I am still human. Don’t you think if I had the opportunity for a do-ever I would take it? This would be the perfect opportunity, Katie.” She studied his face that was suddenly soft with emotion.
“But I can’t because it’s not the truth. You know and I know it,” he said with an unreadable tone, “We have to shut this shit down. It’s only going to hurt Teddy and she doesn’t deserve that.”
With that, she was convinced. “I’ll do my best to shut it down.”
“Tell them to come see me if they have doubts,” he urged, “Trust me Katie. I know that he isn’t cheating on her.” They went their separate ways. Tyler looked at his phone. It was almost time for Teddy’s presentation. He sent her a quick good luck text. She responded with a thumbs up emoji.
Teddy pulled out her phone as she settled into her hotel room for the night. She pulled out her phone and did a double-take. She had 5 missed calls from Fanny along with a text that read “Please call - URGENT”. Teddy’s mind instantly went to Lex. Did something happen with him? Were they trying to get a hold of her? She mentally cursed herself for not turning on her phone sooner. Her heart began to race and she reached for the TV remote. She found the game as quickly as she could. It should be toward the end of the game. Visually she scanned the ice for his large form. He was not out there.
She cussed as she pulled up Google. Nothing new popped up when she searched his name. The broadcast finally did a shot of the bench. There was Tyler, but no Lex.
“Think,” she commanded herself, “Who would know?” She smiled and dialed Katie’s phone number. It went straight to voicemail. She decided to text instead.
Teddy: Hey, is Lex okay?
She saw Katie replying immediately.
Katie: Yes, as far as I know. I think there was an issue with his skate.
On cue, Lex emerged from the tunnel and took another shift.
Katie: Why do you ask?
Teddy exhaled and smiled to herself: Oh, it’s nothing I guess. Fanny has been blowing up my phone. I thought maybe Lex got hurt.
Katie inhaled deeply. “Shit” she thought to herself, “I thought we nipped it in the bud.” If Fanny was reaching out, the genie was about to explode out of the bottle.
Katie: Definitely not hurt. If I were you, I would get some rest and deal with Fanny tomorrow after we all get back to Dallas.
Teddy yawned: As long as Lex is okay, you don’t have to tell me twice to ignore her.
Katie hated lying by omission to her friend, but she didn’t know what else to say.
Immediately following the game, Katie made a beeline to the Stars locker room. Via text she ordered that Benn send Tyler and Big Rig out to see her immediately. Katie paced back and forth in the training room. Shit was about to get bad and about to get bad quickly.
“Yo Rig and Seggy- Katie wants to see you right away,” Benn commanded. They tried to argue with Benn about making Katie wait until they showered. It was a firm “My woman wants to see the both of you NOW for some reason. I am not going to question it. Get your asses out there so I don’t have to deal with her drama.”
Seggy and Lex walked out of the room, half undressed from the game.
Katie: We have a problem. A big Fanny problem
Lex looked at Katie in confusion. Then he looked at Tyler who seemed to understand what she said perfectly.
Tyler: How do you know?
Katie: She is blowing up Teddy’s phone.
Lex: Blowing her phone about what?
Katie narrowed her eyes: About your extracurricular activities
Lex: My what? What extracurricular activities?
Katie: Don’t play dumb with me.
Tyler interjected: Hey, we’ve already gone over this. Riggy is innocent.
Lex screamed: Innocent of what?
Katie: Of fucking around on Teddy.
Lex gasped in horror.
Lex: Why? Why would anyone think that? What does Fanny have to do with this?
Katie: She heard you. She heard you making plans last night and then all sudden we all had to leave your room.
Lex: Teddy was having a crisis. You heard her on the phone.
Katie: Oh yeah? Who’s perfume do you have in your bathroom?
Lex looked at Tyler who threw his hands up in surrender.
Tyler: It didn’t come from me, dude.
Lex: Who did it come from?
His mouth dropped when he started to put together the pieces. Fanny was in his bathroom. He must have left the perfume bottle out.
Katie continued: So you don’t deny that there is a woman’s perfume in your hotel room. Wait, you knew about the perfume, Seggy?
Tyler protested: I am not saying anything. I just know that Rig is not a cheater.
Lex’s mind raced. “Think, think, think,” he screamed internally. He considered the option he had at the moment. To tell the truth and become the laughing stock of the locker room again OR say nothing and let people think that he had been unfaithful. Neither seemed particularly appealing. He cursed his impulse decision two years ago.
Katie prodded, grabbing his attention: Why do you have women’s lingerie?
Lex looked to Tyler for help and was met with a shrug:
Lex: Ummmm, it isn’t what you think?
Katie pushed on: “Why do you have a condom??
Lex’s hands went to his head.
Lex: There is an explanation, I swear.
His voice got soft and low.
Lex: Do you honestly think that I would cheat on Bliss? After everything? Do you think I would be that stupid?
Katie sighed: That’s why I am so confused, Rig. I wouldn’t believe it but Fanny has pictures.
Tyler whistled lowly and examined Big Rig’s face. He was trying to hide the panic but it was evident.
Tyler: “Let’s focus on the immediate problem- Fanny”
Katie and Lex turned to him.
Tyler: You spoke to Teddy?
Katie: Yes, I told her to get rest and ignore Fanny.
Tyler turned to Lex: You have to tell her, dude. You have to tell her before Fanny gets to her.
Lex balked: And tell her what? That there is a rumor that I am cheating on her going through the WAGS? Seggy, you know that will be a complete mind fuck for her.
Tyler stepped up: Now, what will be a mind fuck is if she hears it from Fanny without any warning. You have to man up and tell her.
Lex turned to Katie: You are certain that Teddy won’t reach out to Fanny until tomorrow?
Katie: That’s what I told her to do.
Lex sighed: Fine, I will tell her before Fanny gets to her.
Tyler warned Lex: Just come clean. This is getting out and it will be worse if it doesn't come from you.
Sitting in the bus at the private airfield, Lex looked down at his phone and tried to will himself to hit the call button. He knew what he needed to do but his stupid pride stood in his way. He had no idea how he would explain what a complicated scenario that began with his innocent desire to feel closer to her. His thoughts were interrupted with an incoming call from Teddy.
Lex: Hey Bliss
Teddy: Hey Love. Are you okay?
Lex: Yes, why wouldn’t I be?
Teddy: You didn’t call me after the game
Lex: Oh, I forgot.
Teddy blinked: You forgot to call me?
In the two years that she had known Lex, she could count on two things - that he would text when he landed anywhere he traveled and that he would call within an hour after every road game. You could set your clock by it.
Lex hemmed: Yeah, sorry about that.
Teddy blinked: Is everything okay Lex?
Lex studied her face. He could see the anxiety creeping into her features.
Lex: Yes, everything is fine Bliss. I promise. Are you okay?
Teddy shook the negative thoughts out of her mind: I am good. I am glad to have my talk over. I have just been relaxing and ignoring Fanny.
Lex felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. He struggled to his voice neutral: Fanny? What about Fanny?
Teddy: She has been blowing up my phone. I have no idea why. I am ignoring until I get back to Dallas.
Lex breathed an internal sigh of relief.: Okay, sounds like a plan.
He studied her face and tried to work up the courage to tell her the truth. He longed to hold her as he made his confession. It would be better to do it in person, he told himself. “Yes,” he said to himself and smiled, “It will be better to do it in person.” They would be together tomorrow afternoon. The team would arrive back in Dallas in a few hours, but it would be afternoon before he saw her. Her flight from California would not arrive until after he left for practice. In the end, his fear won out and he didn't say anything.
Teddy: Are you sure you are okay? You seem off tonight.
Lex: Yes, just tired and missing you.
Teddy: Okay. Go get on the plane. See you tomorrow.
November 2nd - Lex and Teddy's apartment
Lex held the large bouquet of flowers in one hand and pressed the up button in the garage elevator. He was looking forward to their upcoming move into a house. He was tired of apartment life and parking garages. He was lost in thought when the elevator dinged. He walked in as a small blonde stormed past him, muttering under her breath in a language that sounded vaguely familiar. Her shoulder bounced off his elbow. He turned to apologize but the woman kept walking. His eyes squinted in disbelief. “Is that?” he questioned himself, “No, it can be. What are the odds?”
He pressed the button for their upper level apartment. Then he used the electronic key fob to open the door. “Bliss?” he called as he entered the apartment, “Are you home?”
“Yes,” she called from the ensuite bathroom, “just unpacking. Hold on.”
He walked into the kitchen and started to put the flowers into her favorite vase.
“Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do,” Teddy shouted as she walked into the room. She was putting her hair into a messy bun with a fake scowl on her face.
Lex’s head popped. “I what?”
She continued into the kitchen. “You know ‘splaining like Ricky would say to Lucy in ‘I Love Lucy’ when she would do something crazy.”
“Crazy?” Lex's voice rose an octave, “I haven’t done anything crazy.”
“Are you sure about that?” Teddy walked closer, “I had a little visit with Fanny. She was waiting for me when I got home.”
His voice rose even higher, “Waiting for you? Why? Why would she be waiting for you?”
Teddy looked him straight in the eye, “Something about a perfume bottle and some lingerie?”
Lex gulped and felt the bottom fall out of his stomach. He felt the sweat instantly forming in his armpits and forehead. “Fanny told her. Fanny got to her first. Now Bliss thinks I cheated on her,” he thought to himself. The words swarmed around in his brain.
“Bliss, you can’t believe her,” he stammered, “I don’t know why she is saying it, but I am not cheating on you. I swear to God. You gotta believe me.”
Teddy tilted her head, “Wait, you knew what she told me? How did you know?”
“Katie and Seggy told me last night,” he answered.
“And you think I heard what she said and believed that you are cheating on me?” Teddy laughed and crossed over to him.
Lex blinked slowly. “What did she say?” he said softly, cursing himself for being a coward the night before.
“Well…..” Teddy replied as she took his hand and led him to the couch.
Teddy glanced at her phone as she waited for the garage elevator. There was yet another text message from Fanny.
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Fuck,” Teddy groaned as walked off the elevator. The Swedish blonde clad in head to toe Lululemon leaned against the wall outside of their front door. Teddy tried to think of how Fanny even knew the address when she remembered hosting a watch party during the playoffs last season. She cursed her mother for giving her the spirit of hospitality.
Fanny turned around slowly and crossed her arms, “You are a hard person to track down.”
Teddy paused for a moment. Fanny’s tone of voice was aggressive and shrill. She decided to go with a conciliatory tone rather than the snarky tone that felt much more natural.
“I am sorry,” Teddy began to explain as she opened the apartment door, “I was worn out from my speech at the conference. I was all “peopled” out which is why I have been radio silent. What’s up?” She added as much cheer as she could muster to the question.
“I wanted to tell you face to face,” Fanny said with a little too much joy in her voice.
“Tell me what face to face?” Teddy questioned as she placed her suitcase and carry-on by the door. She walked over to the cabinet to get a glass. She filled her glass with ice cold water and turned to face Fanny. She move her hand in a “speed it up” motion.
“Big Rig is cheating on you,” Fanny declared emphatically.
Teddy stood perfectly still but her grip on her glass slightly. It came crashing down onto the kitchen tile. She looked down and then back up at Fanny. “I’m sorry,” she questioned, “What did you say?”
“I said that Big Rig is cheating on you,” Fanny answered.
“With another woman?” Teddy choked out.
“Do you suspect a man?” Fanny asked incredulously.
The very thought of Lex being with a man sent Teddy into a fit of giggles. She tried to imagine his “type” and what his preferred activities might be. She doubled over in laughter, much to Fanny’s chagrin. “I’m sorry,” Teddy replied between laughs, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t know which is funnier,” she continued, “The thought of Lex cheating on me with another woman or the idea of him cheating on me with a man.”
“I am being serious, Teddy,” Fanny exclaimed.
“Oh, I am sure that you are,” Teddy tried to compose herself, “but seriously- Lex cheating?”
Fanny stood upright and crossed her arms, “Do you think I am just fucking with you?” she uttered softly. Her concern almost seemed genuine.
“Okay, I will listen to you,” Teddy conceded, “Why do you think Lex is cheating on me? When exactly was this?”
“It was Halloween night,” the Swede began, “Well, first thing - I smelled a woman’s perfume in his hotel bedroom,”
Teddy’s eyebrow raised, “There is more?”
“You need more?” Fanny countered.
“No, but you said the first thing which implies more,” Teddy replied, “Do you want to respond to each point or wait until the end?”
“Wait until the end I guess,” Fanny said with annoyance.
“So there is the scent and what else?” Teddy prodded.
“Then I heard him make plans on the phone for ‘later’," she continued. Teddy thought of the night in question. She remembered their phone call being interrupted by Fanny needing to use the restroom.
“Go on,” Teddy responded neutrally.
“Then before the movie was even finished, he rushed everyone out of the room,” Fanny continued. “I bet he couldn’t wait to get the little tart into the room.”
Teddy raised an eyebrow, “Tart huh? What are you seventy now?”
Fanny glared but went on, “About an hour later I realized that I left my phone in his room. I went back to get it and it took him FOREVER to answer the door. When he did, it was clear that I had interrupted something.”
“Clear in what way?” Teddy questioned.
“You know,” Fanny whispered as her cheeks flushed.
“Obviously I don’t know which is why I am asking,” Teddy replied even though she had the mental image in her mind.
“First he was covered in sweat and he had,” Fanny looked down and then back up, “He had…..” Teddy willed herself not to laugh when Fanny finally blurted out, “a HARD on”. The picture of one of the many reasons that Oleksiak was called Big Rig flashed before her eyes and the blonde’s heart began to race.
“So he had an erection,” Teddy repeated back. Secretly, she was enjoying watching Fanny squirm even if she was losing patience with the drip-drop method of disclosure Fanny used.
“While I was walking into the bathroom, I saw a green silk nightgown on the couch,” she said with authority. “Big Rig tried to push it under the cushion, but I saw it.” That bit of information got Teddy’s attention and Fanny seized on it.
“Then I went into the bathroom and saw the bottle - sitting right there in the open,” Fanny said breathlessly, “And……” She paused for dramatic effect, “I saw the condom.”
Against her better judgment, Teddy inhaled sharply. It was the first and second bits of information that she didn’t have an obvious explanation for. It wasn’t that she doubted Lex’s fidelity yet, but she was puzzled.
“Is that it?” Teddy finally asked.
“Isn’t that enough?” Fanny challenged.
“I just wanted to be sure that you were done,” Teddy spoke slowly as her mind raced to explain a perfume bottle in Lex’s room. She asked herself if it was possible that one of her bottles may have been inadvertently left in his toiletry bag during a trip. She immediately nixed the thought because she wasn’t missing any perfume. Well, not since her custom-made fragrance from Frankie had gone missing, but that happened before Lex and her had ever traveled together.
Then her mind went to the nightgown. “Think,” she thought to herself, “there is a reasonable answer for this.” Suddenly an idea popped in her head and she grasped onto it. It was a gift. Lex must have gotten her a gift while traveling. She breathed a sigh of relief. She looked up and saw Fanny staring at her with an expression on her face that bordered on smug. Although her mind was racing, there was one thing she was sure of and that was that there was no possible way Lex was cheating on her. It was just about the only fact in her life that she had the utmost confidence in - Lex’s unwavering love and fidelity.
Teddy smiled, “I appreciate your concern, but Lex isn’t cheating on me. I know it for a fact.”
Fanny’s face dropped. This was not the reaction she had envisioned. She scrambled, “Wait, I forgot to tell you. I know what he called the trollop.” Fanny apparently had zoned in all of the synonyms for slut while studying English. Teddy smiled and Fanny continued, “He called her Kitty Kat.”
Teddy smiled again, “I still don’t think he is cheating.”
“But…. but ….. But….. I have proof. I took pictures,” Fanny stuttered.
Teddy stopped in her tracks, “Show them to me.”
Fanny handed over her phone and Teddy studied the pictures. First the condom. Teddy recognized it immediately. She had put it in his Christmas stocking as a joke.
She remembered his loud groan as he pulled it out in front of their families. “Bliss- I am not living that one mistake down, am I?”
“Lex Love, you have made so few mistakes in this relationship compared to me. Let me have this one thing” she smiled mischievously, “Just promise that it doesn’t get used.”
He almost had the inappropriate retort out of his mouth before remembering their audience, “I promise”.
Next was the green nightgown. “Why does that look familiar?” she thought to herself. “I used to have one similar….” she thought, “but I haven’t seen it since the night that Lex went to Pittsburgh.” Her mind reassured her that she must have mentioned the missing nightgown in passing and he bought her one to replace it. There was no way that it could be HER nightgown.
Then she scrolled to the next picture. She audibly gasped and zoomed in. “Is that?” she questioned, “No, it can’t be.” There it was, sitting right next to Lex’s toiletry bag- her custom perfume from France. It wasn’t just any random perfume of some trollop. It was HER perfume. She started laughing. She wasn’t sure if it was from relief that she had proof that all of Fanny’s suspicions about Lex cheating led back to her or relief that she hadn’t actually lost one of the last tangible reminders she had of her sister. Whatever it was, she was filled with joy.
“I am the jezebel,” she said out loud without thinking.
“You are the what?” Fanny asked.
“I am the jezebel,” Teddy repeated and smiled.
“What you talking about?” Fanny exclaimed.
“You heard him on the phone making plans for later than night?” Teddy began her point by point “defense”. “He was talking to me. He was lonely so we made plans for phone sex later that night.” Internally Teddy winced. Lex would be mortified to know that she was speaking so freely about the intimacy, but she was sure that he would be even MORE mortified that people were under the impression that he was being unfaithful.
“Was the scent that you smelled woody and spicy with hints of amber?” Teddy began her next point. Teddy crossed her arms, “That’s my perfume. It is a custom made perfume - the only one like it in the world.” Teddy winced at the small lie. It was close enough to one of a kind for Fanny’s purposes.
“What was next?” Teddy went on. “Oh yeah, the rush to get you out of the room?” Teddy checked off her mental list, “Lex texted an SOS and I obliged with a fake panic attack. It worked like a charm.”
Fanny began to back away from Teddy. No, this was definitely not the way she thought this was going to go.
“Then you very rudely interrupted us because you left your phone like a dumbass,” Teddy stepped toward. She had begun to feel the anger form in the pit of her stomach. She wasn’t sure where it was coming but it fueled her.
“But, but, but…..” Fanny tried to regain the upper hand, “It’s all the tell tale signs of a cheater.”
Teddy stepped up to her, “That may well be true, but you forgot three things.”
“What’s that?” Fanny spouted off.
“One- Lex is not a cheater. It’s not in his DNA,” Teddy said as a matter of fact, “He would break up with me before cheated on me.”
“Two,” she added, “He would have to be a special kind of stupid to cheat on me with my two best friends in the same hotel as well as a gaggle of WAGS apparently watching him like a hawk. Or was that just you?”
Fanny scoffed, “and what is three?”
Teddy laughed, “Well….”
Later, Lex sat on one end of the couch while Teddy sat on the other end. She sat cross legged, her body turned to face him. Lex was covered with sweat and his heart raced as Teddy told him the details of her confrontation. He could not make himself look at his beloved redhead.
“Lex?” she questioned, “Lex, are you hearing me?”
He simply nodded his head up and down.
“Lex Love,” she said softly as she began to crawl towards him, “Lex, look at me.”
“I…. I …..I can’t,” he whispered, “I can’t look at your face after what I’ve done.”
“What have you done?” she whispered back as she reached him. She placed a gentle kiss on his shoulder.
“People think I cheated on you Bliss. They have been gossiping about us,” he whispered.
“Lex Love,” she said more firmly, “Look at me.”
He brought his tear filled eyes to her face. He was expecting to be met with a look of hurt or disappointment, even anger. Instead, she looked at him with eyes sparkling with love.
“Do you think that I believe her? Do you think I believe that you would ever be unfaithful to me?” she pressed her hand to his cheek. “After everything that we have been through, you think I don’t trust you completely?”
“You don’t believe her?” he whispered, praying that he was hearing her words correctly.
“Fuck no, I don’t believe her,” Teddy smiled, “You would never cheat on me.”
“I never would, Bliss,” he placed his large hands on either side of her face and pulled her close so that their foreheads touched. “I would never want another woman. You are the one for me,” he said. His voice was low and filled with relief. “I can’t believe that she actually went to you. I am such an idiot,” he sighed.
“You’re not an idiot,” Teddy kissed him gently, “Remember we are whatever it takes, no matter what.” He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. His arms wrapped around her and squeezed her tight. She could feel the slight tremble as he held her. She nuzzled her face into his neck and soothed, “Lex Love, it’s okay. It’s okay. I am not going anywhere, but I do have questions.”
“Give me a minute,” he sighed.
“Take all the time you need,” she murmured as she pressed her lips into his neck. They sat together for a few minutes before he gave her the signal that he was ready. She sat up straight and rubbed her thumb across his forehead.
“So is that my green nightgown she saw in your room?” she questioned as she looked into his eyes. He nodded affirmatively. “Did you take it from my apartment before you left for PIttsburgh?” she asked.
Lex leaned his head back and gathered up the courage. “Not deliberately, but I was happy when I found it shoved in my bag. The scarf had lost its Bliss scent so I was happy to have a replacement.
“The scarf?” Teddy replied in surprise, “My scarf? The blue one?”
He blushed, “Yes, that was my first acquisition. It was an accident- I swear. Both of them were accidents.”
“And you acquired these things why?” she prodded.
“They smelled like you.” he choked out, “They smelled like you and if I had them, I could smell you on the road.”
“You wanted to smell me?” her brows furrowed together, “Why?”
“I kept the things so I could smell you and not miss you,” he looked down.
Teddy lifted his face with her finger so that she could look him in the eye. “You missed me? Even way back then?” she questioned, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I tell you that I kept your things like some sort of freak with a scent fetish?,” he smiled tentatively, “Why didn’t I tell you that I was crazy about you even then?
Then his face fell again. “I was so crazy that I stole your perfume. I stole your Frankie perfume,” He looked up to judge her reaction. Her face was calm and serene. “I swear I didn’t know that it was your Frankie perfume then. I would have never taken it.” He sighed, “I wouldn’t have taken it if I knew it was your last thing from Frankie.”
“Well, it’s a good thing that it’s not actually lost then, eh?” Teddy laughed as she exaggerated the eh for his benefit.
“You are not mad?” he asked in surprise.
“When did you find out about all of the Fanny shenanigans?” Teddy asked, suddenly serious.
“Ummmm, yesterday - after the game,” Lex answered without thinking.
“What I am not thrilled with is that you knew something was going on last night and chose not to tell me, “she started. He went to interject but she held up a finger to stop him. “I don’t want to make it a bigger deal than it is because we got lucky. Fanny caught me on a good anxiety day where I could think clearly. This could have gone south really quickly and that would have sucked.” She stared into his eyes for a moment. “No matter what, whatever it takes includes the sucky conversations or what you THINK will be the sucky conversations.”
“I thought you would be upset,” he said finally.
“Then let me be upset rather than ambushed in my own apartment,” she countered.
He nodded in understanding. “Bliss, I am really sorry,” he pleaded, “I just didn’t know how to tell you after Seggy told me about the perfume.”
“Tyler knew about the perfume?” Teddy gasped, “For how long?”
“I don’t know- a couple of weeks,” Lex answered.
“Did he know about Fannygate?” Teddy asked.
Lex nodded his head in affirmation. “For the record, he told me to come clean to you. I didn’t listen and it turns out that he was right,” Lex explained, “Dammnit, don’t tell him that he was right. He will never let me live it down.”
“So what lessons we have learned from this?” Teddy questioned.
Lex sighed, “To have the hard conversations.”
Teddy leaned forward and kissed his neck, “and what else?”
“Fanny is a busybody,” he smiled.
“And what else?” she spread her legs and straddled his massive thighs.
“I don’t know. Tell me,” he murmured, “I am a little distracted.”
“Tyler is still a really good friend to you and you give him too much grief,” she resumed her nibbling on his neck.
“True,” he moaned softly, “Anything else.”
“Yes, ask next time you need something instead of taking it. I would have given you my other perfume. You know, the cheaper one,” she remarked.
“Yeah, but that’s not the special perfume,” he said as his hands grabbed her ass and pulled her into him.
“Special perfume?” she asked,
“Yes, the one that you wore when we first kissed,” he kissed languidly. “You also wore the first night that we…….”
“Fucked?” she finished for him, “Lex, you may be the sweetest man to ever exist.”
“You are really not mad?” he lifted her off the couch and started carrying her to the bedroom
“No, I am not mad,” she kissed him passionately. “Now, my dad on the other hand,” she grinned, “He is going to want to have a word with you when I tell him about the wild goose chase you sent him on.”
“Please don’t,” he pleaded with her as he set her on the bed and climbed on top of her body.
“I think I could be convinced to keep your secret,” she moaned, “If given the proper motivation.”
“All my love and devotion?” he grinned as he pushed her top and his mouth made contact her nipple.
“Do that thing with your mouth too,” she purred, “I’ll take that along with your lover and devotion.”
“You got it, Bliss….. You got it.”
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16 notes · View notes
ehghtyseven · 5 months
Do you have recommendations for what to do and see in Pittsburgh? And is it easy to get around by bus/subway etc?
anon I’m so sorry, I started replying to this at the airport on my way home then saved it to drafts and forgot to go back and publish, oops! anyway…
ok, please bear in mind I am just a person who has visited a few times so this is in no way exhaustive, and will obviously be coloured by how easy things are to get to without a car and things I personally find interesting!
presented in no particular order…
heinz history centre & sports museum
go for a wander through the strip district
fort pitt museum & point state park
national aviary (fun on its own but would thoroughly recommend the penguin encounter as an extra)
andy warhol museum
carnegie science centre (though I just went to a specific exhibit so I don’t actually know about the museum as a whole but I liked what I visited)
walk the three rivers heritage trail along the north shore & visit the mister rogers statue (and I always enjoy walking over one or other of the three sisters bridges to get across from downtown and back afterwards)
take a trip on the inclines (duquesne is the prettiest and has the best views of the city at the top but personally I like to go up the mon - when it’s not closed that is - walk along grandview then come back down via duquesne)
point of view sculpture (just a bit further along grandview from the duquesne incline)
pittsburgh has a couple of theatres so it’s always worth checking out what’s on during your trip, and pittsburgh has some great restaurants/bars to check out too.
also, not really a “thing to do” but I will never get tired of arriving via the fort pitt tunnel when coming in from the airport and downtown just explodes in front of you as you emerge!
there are some other places I haven’t visited yet but are on my list, including the zoo & aquarium, phipps conservatory, carnegie museums of art and natural history, the frick, and randyland.
on the second question, downtown & the areas close by are very walkable but I find it is pretty easy to get around on public transport, yes. PRT now has an app (ready2ride) that includes a journey planner and live trackers (amongst other stuff), lets you buy a range of different types of pass that you then use by just scanning your phone when you get on, and which covers buses, light rail and the inclines. as someone who lives in london and is used to just tapping my phone to travel on public transport, this was way easier for me than having to think about paying fares every time and took a lot of anxiety out of using buses!
the T (light rail) is also free between downtown and the north shore - all the stops between first avenue and allegheny - which is handy! I also think it’s neat that most bus stops have a QR code you can scan for live arrivals info, which also helps you check you’re at the right stop :)
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Explore the Best Charter Bus Rental Pittsburgh with Pittsburgh Limo Service
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When it comes to organizing group travel in Pittsburgh, whether for a corporate event, a family reunion, or a school trip, there's no better option than a charter bus. Pittsburgh Limo Service is your go-to provider for exceptional Charter Bus Pittsburgh services, ensuring that your group travels in comfort, safety, and style.
Why Choose Charter Bus Pittsburgh Services?
Traveling in a group can often be challenging, especially when coordinating multiple vehicles or relying on public transportation. Our Charter Bus Pittsburgh services take the hassle out of group travel. Here’s why renting our charter bus Pittsburgh with us is the best choice:
Comfort and Convenience: Our Pittsburgh charter buses are equipped with plush seating, ample legroom, and modern amenities to ensure a comfortable journey for all passengers. Forget about cramped spaces and enjoy the luxury of our well-maintained vehicles.
Safety First: Safety is our top priority. Our drivers are experienced professionals who undergo rigorous training and regular health checks. Our buses are also subject to routine maintenance and safety inspections.
Cost-Effective: Renting a charter bus can be more economical than arranging multiple cars or flights for your group. It simplifies travel logistics and can save you money on fuel, parking, and other travel expenses.
Eco-Friendly: Traveling together in a single bus reduces your carbon footprint compared to multiple vehicles. It's an environmentally friendly choice for eco-conscious travelers.
Celebrate in Style with a Party Bus Pittsburgh
For those looking to add a touch of excitement to their events. Our Party Bus Pittsburgh services are the perfect solution. Whether it’s a birthday bash, bachelor or bachelorette party, or just a night out on the town, our party buses provide a fun and unique experience.
Entertainment on Wheels: Our party buses come equipped with high-quality sound systems, mood lighting, and even dance floors. You can start the party the moment you step on board.
Spacious Interiors: With plenty of space for dancing, mingling, and relaxing, our party buses can accommodate large groups without compromising on comfort.
Professional Drivers: Focus on having fun while our professional drivers ensure a smooth and safe ride throughout the night.
Make Your Special Day Perfect with a Pittsburgh Wedding Limo
Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life, where every detail counts. Pittsburgh Limo Service offers elegant Pittsburgh Wedding Limo services to make your big day even more memorable.
Luxurious Experience: Arrive in style with our fleet of luxurious limousines. Our vehicles are meticulously maintained and provide the perfect backdrop for wedding photos.
Stress-Free Travel: Our professional chauffeurs ensure that you and your wedding party arrive on time and in comfort, allowing you to focus on enjoying your special day.
Customized Packages: We offer a range of wedding packages tailored to fit your specific needs and budget. From the ceremony to the reception, we’ve got you covered.
Why our Pittsburgh Limo Service Company?
At Pittsburgh Limo Service, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch service to our clients. Here’s what sets us apart:
Reliability: We understand the importance of punctuality, especially for events and special occasions. You can rely on us to be there exactly when you need us.
Customer-Centric Approach: Our team is committed to delivering outstanding customer service. We listen to your needs and go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction.
Versatile Fleet: From charter buses and party buses to elegant wedding limos, we have a diverse fleet to cater to all your transportation needs.
Ready to experience the best Charter Bus Pittsburgh, Party Bus Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh Wedding Limo services? Contact Pittsburgh Limo Service today at (724) 737-8057 to book your ride. Let us take care of your transportation so you can focus on making lasting memories.
SOURCE: https://pittsburghlimoservice.blogspot.com/2024/05/Explore-the-Best-Charter-Bus-Rental-Pittsburgh-with-Pittsburgh-Limo-Service.html
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ronaladgarry · 24 days
Freedom on the Road: Unlocking Personal Transportation in Pittsburgh
In the bustling city of Pittsburgh, the freedom to explore and navigate the urban landscape is essential for residents and visitors alike. Personal transportation plays a crucial role in providing individuals with the flexibility and autonomy to travel on their own terms. From owning a car to utilizing alternative modes of transportation, Pittsburgh offers a variety of options for unlocking personal mobility and experiencing the city to its fullest. This guide delves into the realm of personal transportation in Pittsburgh highlighting the diverse solutions available to empower individuals and enhance their mobility.
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Car Ownership and Commuting:
For many Pittsburgh residents, owning a car is synonymous with independence and convenience. With a well-developed network of roads and highways, navigating the city by car offers flexibility and accessibility, especially for those living in suburban areas or commuting to work in the city center.
Commuters traveling to downtown Pittsburgh benefit from ample parking options, including surface lots, parking garages, and metered street parking. While traffic congestion can be a challenge during peak hours, owning a car provides commuters with the freedom to choose their routes and travel at their own pace.
Public Transit and Ride-Sharing:
In addition to car ownership, Pittsburgh residents have access to a robust public transit system operated by the Port Authority of Allegheny County. The bus and light rail network serves the city and surrounding areas, providing affordable and convenient transportation for commuters, students, and leisure travelers alike.
For those seeking an alternative to traditional public transit, ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft offer on-demand transportation solutions with the tap of a smartphone. Ride-sharing provides flexibility and convenience, allowing individuals to request rides at any time and travel to their destinations without the hassle of driving or parking.
Biking and Active Transportation:
Pittsburgh's scenic landscapes and vibrant neighborhoods make it an ideal city for biking and active transportation. With an extensive network of bike lanes, trails, and paths, cyclists can explore the city's landmarks, parks, and waterfronts while enjoying the fresh air and exercise.
The city's bike-share program, Healthy Ride, offers an affordable and eco-friendly transportation option for residents and visitors looking to explore Pittsburgh by bike. With numerous docking stations located throughout the city, riders can easily rent bikes for short trips or leisurely rides at their own pace.
Electric Scooters and Micromobility:
In recent years, electric scooters have emerged as a popular mode of transportation in urban areas, offering a convenient and eco-friendly way to travel short distances. Pittsburgh has embraced micromobility solutions, with electric scooter rental companies operating in the city center and surrounding neighborhoods.
Electric scooters provide an efficient and cost-effective transportation option for navigating Pittsburgh's bustling streets and bustling neighborhoods. With dockless rentals available via smartphone apps, riders can unlock scooters on-demand and zip around the city with ease, avoiding traffic congestion and parking hassles.
In conclusion, personal transportation plays a vital role in empowering individuals and enhancing mobility in Pittsburgh. From car ownership and public transit to ride-sharing, biking, and electric scooters, the city offers a diverse array of options for residents and visitors to unlock personal freedom and explore the urban landscape.
Whether commuting to work, running errands, or exploring the city's attractions, Pittsburgh residents have access to a range of transportation solutions tailored to their needs and preferences. By embracing alternative modes of transportation and promoting sustainable mobility options, Pittsburgh continues to foster a culture of innovation, accessibility, and freedom on the road.
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Cheap Limo Service Near Me and Wedding Coordinators Duties: A Perfect Pair
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A wedding planner or wedding coordinator is the one who is responsible for the organization and leadership of all the chores related to the wedding. He/she is the one who has to get in touch with all the vendors such as caterers, wedding car services, Cheap Limo Service Near Me, florists, venue manager etc. How they do that? This blog will briefly portray.
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The first task of the wedding coordinator is to meet up with the couple and talk about the budget, the many themes, the centerpieces etc. After the first consultation with the couple the wedding coordinator then makes a draft of all the details provided by the couple and sees how many of those can be squeezed into the budget the couple has.
Going Out Looking for Vendors:
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The next task involves finding the best vendors in town. They search for all the Limo Service Pittsburgh and Airport Limo Service Near Me so that the couple will have an easier time meeting up with them if needed. After a thorough research, they then pick the best and take the couple’s final opinions on it.
Handle Other Formalities
When all vendors such as the Cheap Party Bus Rental, wedding limo service, caterers, the florists etc. have been booked, they then move on to other formalities such as getting the marriage license, booking a wedding band, hiring an official etc.
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Act As the Supervisor
One the day of the wedding, their role is that of a supervisor. They scrutinize the decorations, the seating arrangement the buffet menu and the wedding transportation etc. ensuring that all goes well. CALL US TODAY - 866-727-5466Source: https://cheaplimoandcarservicenearme.blogspot.com/2023/07/Cheap-Limo-Service-Near-Me-and-Wedding-Coordinators-Duties-A-Perfect-Pair.html
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Celebrate Prom Night with Cheap Party Buses in Pittsburgh alongside Your Closest Friends
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Prom deserves spectacular plans, and cheap party buses in Pittsburgh make it possible for your close circle of friends to party together on prom night.
Prom isn’t all about couples; circles of friends often attend the event together. This arrangement eases the financial burden of transportation as well as providing cover for the extreme pressure to conform during prom. Moreover, it’s simply a great way to enjoy yourself with all of your friends. Party Bus Rental Pittsburgh make this arrangement possible.
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Easy Group Transportation
Getting kids from home to prom and back again sounds easy, but anyone who has driven a group of teens knows differently. We provide transportation that allows kids to stay together as well as the chauffeured service to protect them. Check out Pittsburgh Party Bus Rates, and you’ll find that we offer an affordable solution to prom transport issues. Our fleet is varied but cared for well, and we have comprehensive insurance on all machines. Moreover, our drivers are trained and experienced; they’re accustomed to focusing on the road and tuning out the distractions posed by rambunctious teens headed to prom.
We Take Care of the Details
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As you attend prom, enjoy it. Choosing professional Limo Rental Pittsburgh for prom transport allows you to enjoy yourself while we deal with the hard stuff related to travel. Give us your schedule, and your ride will be effortless. With the fun bus provided, your ride will become part of prom as you celebrate with your closest friends and our drug tested and background verified chauffeurs handle traffic, parking, and scheduling.
Customize Prom Transportation
Your prom plans and friends will determine which model you choose, and our service will make sure your preferences are met. Reach our customer service agents at any time to receive accommodations, answers, or solutions to prom travel obstacles. We make it easy to create a prom trip that you can enjoy. Your arrival will be impressive, and your costs will be low when you share the cost among your fellow travelers.
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To access the best in prom transportation, book with us online. We will give you immediate invoicing, and you can book even with short notice. Our Pittsburgh Airport Transportation company takes pride in making your experience more than just a ride, so plan now to extend prom into the entire time that you’re away from home. Call us Now at (412) 567-8984. Check Out our latest Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR-l6TzqDvw
Source: https://partybusrentalpittsburgh0.blogspot.com/2023/11/Celebrate-Prom-Night-with-Cheap-Party-Buses-in-Pittsburgh-alongside-Your-Closest-Friends.html
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flyingcookierambles · 2 years
Two fun weekends in a row (Tekko and Otakon trip ramble blog?)
Other than random sadness thinking about niche Etrian game issues /Nintendo shooting themselves in the foot by not taking advantage of their huge games library by offering official emulation support or anything even tho it would be IMHO a huge win win where fans can play older titles and Nintendo can get money, I am quite happy rn. For the first time in my life ice finally gone to another city!! Made the physically and financially tiring decision to join two friends to go transportation to Tekkoshocon and Otakon in a row lol. Literally just. Two weekends of con madness /fever dream lol. Tekko isn't much of an issue for my bc I love in Pittsburgh and can use the bus system quite well but my friend (I will call friends C) let me and another mutual friend (I will call friends F) stay at their house overnight and also their mom drove us to and from the convention (the night thing was big for me bc I don't want to ride city busses alone at night lol). So yayyy.
Tbh I like tekko being in April better just due to the temperature / air conditioning issues that convention center had. Plus it's probably better for cosplayers so that they can wear heavier costumes and wear make up without worrying about heat stroke or runny makeup. Loved the ribbon game. While I didn't do much of it, my friend C and their siblings loved it. I got 3 ribbons overall, but it was fun seeing ppl wearing long scrolls /scarves of ribbons lol. I'll have to post a picture of my tekko badges later lol. A little sad that I accidentally missed the FFXIV meet up bc an Emet Selch cosplayer was handing out Warrior of Light ribbons. Tbh I think I. Bought an ffxiv standee from them at the flea market on Thurs??? It was weird. At least I got the verlive verlaugh and verlove ribbon lol. Plus educational Charles Dunbar panels are always a highlight that I try to go to every year. More fun academic books on shinto and Japanese culture to add to my list to read at some point in life. Yayyyyyyyy? (Some books are expensive oof but like. The carnegie library of Pittsburgh is decent and maybe I can look into getting an alumni library card from my college so I can use the EZ-borrow system that all Pittsburgh colleges are share (thinking of the time I snuck into the big Pitt and Duquesne libraries, can't remember if I successfully snuck into the CMU one :/) or Iliad program (nationwide college library loan system (yes I was a student librarian I had to do shipping and packaging for these systems)).
Then my friends F is going to school in Baltimore and living with his aunt. So we got to see Baltimore and Washington DC, which I've never done. And go on the MARC and Amtrak trains, which was fun bc I've also never done that either. Basically sure to financial issues and other things I've never been able to see other cities or go on vacations ever. Like. When I do go places, it's usually my aunt and uncle taking me and my siblings to like. Weird hillbilly county fairs ans art fairs in the back woods of Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia etc. And we went to Erie once. That's like. That's it. I've literally never seen another huge metropolitan area before in my entire life except for my home city lol. Like. My friends C and F and their families have moved countries and traveled before so going on airplanes and trains and seeing big cities is like mundane to them. I told them that I've basically never done anything or been anywhere and the most I've traveled is like. Manually walking /house back riding in skyrim /genshin impact. And they were like "Oh no you poor thing" lol.
Anyways i had a fun time at the Smithsonian Postal museum that's right next to the train station and saw the incredibly beautiful Library of Congress. I feel like I could stay there and look at stamps or the ceiling for hours. Learned about Owney the postal dog too. What a good sweet boy. Then we got to the glass vase with him inside. My friend and i were like. What. Is that the dog. Google it. Is that a replica. No. Wait. It's the dog. The beloved adorable dog in many many stamps and postcards and stuffed animals in the gift shop. It's just a taxidermy dog. We had such a good laugh it was insane and surreal to see such a display in a museum lol.
The stamp collection is so fun and interactive you can pull out glass cases from the wall. Stamps from different eras of us history and from around the world. Wow.
Otakon was Friday and Saturday. So many fun panels! So many ppl! Turns out that this year was insane due to Anime Next bring canceled so ppl had the options to get a refund or have their tickets roll into Otakon. So. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The wifi of the convention center both paid and free was awful with so many ppl using it and the escalators shut down at some point. Let's just say that the center's architecture had some questionable staircase choices of "how did this pass a safety inspection?" Also when not going to panels I hung out in artist alley most of Friday and then Sat I got hit with FOMO really bad in the last 20 minutes of the dealer room being open so I got a ton of merch. The funniest were the meme tip jars of artists. There was one artist that I gave like. $100 to in merch buying. I was the only one to recognize End Roll and the only one who wanted Pandora Hearts merch. Sadge kinda but also the artist seemed happy to at least see another fellow fan lol. Also. Literally the only pandora hearts merch I've ever seen so like. Yeah I snatched that up fast. Plus I got a lot of ffxiv fan merch. Happy that it's super popular and all so I could find it easily unlike my other niche interested or my friend F's niche gacha game Tokyo After school Summoner. Uggghh so much money spent. Like. $800+..... But also as a temp I keep getting stable for a few months boring office jobs. Like. Allegheny Elections division for 3 months during the primaries (sooo stressful it was call center for 3 months begging poll workers to get their shit together and actually show upto work or having g to break bad news to them that someone who wrote themselves in got like 2 votes and suddenly ppl who worked at a polling place for years lost their job bc they don't know how location elections work or they don't even work in the area or anything and then the last week I was manning the physical absentee ballot box downstairs. Ppl literally like. Yelled at me and everything I was scared tbh. Like. I'm just here to keep my job and all and like. It was physically in my face totally different and way more stressful than someone getting angry at me over the phone but with no physical way to hurt me you know. I hung up signs outside about turning in others ballots without a form filled out bc its not allowed anymore or something and ppl still played dumb or got angry and were like I wanna talk to your manager (she told them to complain to their congressman bc there's literally nothing us average govt office workers can do about it). My temp superior was like "wouldn't it be funny if I put you in the election office again in November?" (Plz no Amy my heart can't take it uuuu) at least this summer assignment is just. Mail room WIC FMNP stuff. Like. So relaxing. For 8 hours a day 5 days a week for $15. Yay for ok semi stable office jobs. I was the only person in my group of 3 with a semi "proper adult job" and saved money in my bank account and it showed in the amount of stuff I got compared to what they bought lol. But also if I get yelled at for like 3 months straight and earned money with blood sweat and tears I think I can afford to splurge a bit for like. 6 days a year for anime cons.
The most insane thing I saw was a prize figure of Joker Persona 5. I love prize figures bc every year the quality gets better and better but as prize figs and not huge scale ones they stay in an affordable range of $25-$50 rather than the big $100-$400 ones (deep sea girl miuk kill me lol). But like. The price on this prize fig was $95. Holy shit. I know that they just jacked up the price bc persona 5 is still popular and relevant. Even worse when we got back to stable wifi at friends F's aunt's house I looked up the figure and he's just. Regular prize figure price of $35-40 depending on the online store. Lmaoooo. Looking at the good smile pop up parade joker now as well bc again a nice affordable price of $35 (tbh might be $55 bc GSC uses a flat rate of $20 for shipping priority with tracking and all but it's still not too bad). I'll make a final decision later but first after work today I'll probably get an itabag so I can actually put this stuff in something to show off next year. Plus my friend C offered Anime Expo September bc its cooler and more affordable to travel and stay in a hotel in the boring month of Sept rather than the summer next year? I've never been to California (or on a plane but I guess we could take a train instead depending on prices?) so it sounds fun.
OK rambling blog/mini rant about being a temp office worker over lol. Might put pics here or on my semi-dead Instagram lol.
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yinzcantpark · 4 years
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There’s nothing sweeter than being the first person in line at the bus stop and walking on to an empty bus where you can literally sit anywhere you want...
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Pittsburgh Limousine Rental
Pittsburgh Limousine Rental – Pittsburgh Car and Party Bus Rentals. Welcome to Pittsburgh Limo Service. We have been providing exceptional transportation in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.We provide the best limo service Pittsburgh offers with the best rates in the metro area for Pittsburgh Limousine services. Pittsburgh Limo Service is the right company for any of your needs for limo…
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ronaladgarry · 2 months
The Best Airport Transportation Services in Pittsburgh
Traveling to and from airports in Pittsburgh can be simplified and enjoyable with a variety of transportation services tailored to meet diverse needs. Whether you're a frequent traveler or visiting the city for the first time, selecting the best Airport transportation service in Pittsburg can make a significant difference in your overall travel experience. In this guide, we explore some of the top airport transportation options available in Pittsburgh, highlighting their unique features and advantages.
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1. Ride-Sharing Services
Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have become popular choices for airport transportation due to their convenience and accessibility. Travelers can request a ride through a mobile app, track the arrival of their driver in real-time, and enjoy door-to-door service to and from Pittsburgh's airports.
One of the key advantages of ride-sharing services is flexibility in vehicle selection and pricing. Whether you're traveling solo or with a group, you can choose from standard rides, larger vehicles, or premium options based on your preferences and luggage requirements. Ride-sharing services also offer upfront pricing, allowing you to estimate the cost of your journey before booking.
However, it's important to be aware of potential surge pricing during peak travel times, which may result in higher fares. To avoid surprises, consider booking your ride in advance, especially for early morning or late-night flights.
2. Taxis
Traditional taxis remain a reliable and convenient option for airport transportation in Pittsburgh. Taxis can be found at designated taxi stands outside the airport terminals, offering direct rides to your destination without the need for advance booking.
One of the main advantages of taking a taxi is the metered fare system regulated by the city, providing transparency in pricing. Travelers can confirm the estimated fare with the driver before starting their journey to ensure cost predictability.
While taxis offer accessibility and availability, fares can be higher compared to ride-sharing services, especially during peak hours. However, for travelers seeking a straightforward and hassle-free airport commute, taxis remain a popular choice.
3. Airport Shuttle Services
Many hotels and accommodations near Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) offer complimentary airport shuttle services for their guests. These shuttle services provide convenient door-to-door transportation, making them an excellent option for travelers staying at nearby hotels.
Airport shuttle services typically operate on a scheduled basis, so it's important to inquire about the shuttle's operating hours and reservation policies in advance. Taking advantage of hotel shuttle services can save you time and money, especially for early morning departures or late-night arrivals.
4. Limousine and Private Car Services
For travelers looking for a luxurious and personalized airport transfer experience, limousine and private car services are ideal choices in Pittsburgh. These services offer premium vehicles driven by professional chauffeurs, ensuring comfort, privacy, and style.
Limousine and private car services cater to individuals or groups seeking a VIP travel experience. They often include amenities such as Wi-Fi, refreshments, and tailored services to accommodate specific preferences and requirements.
While limousine and private car services may be more expensive than other transportation options, they provide a level of comfort and convenience that is unmatched, making them a popular choice for business travelers and special occasions.
5. Public Transit
Pittsburgh's public transit system, operated by Port Authority of Allegheny County, offers an affordable and environmentally friendly option for airport transportation. The 28X Airport Flyer bus connects downtown Pittsburgh with Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and runs at regular intervals throughout the day.
Public transit is a budget-conscious choice for travelers staying within downtown Pittsburgh or along the bus route. However, it's important to plan your journey according to bus schedules and allow for sufficient travel time, as delays may occur during peak hours.
In conclusion, Pittsburgh offers a diverse range of airport transportation services to accommodate various preferences and budgets. Whether you prioritize convenience, affordability, or luxury, there's a transportation option tailored to your needs.
When selecting the best airport transportation service for your journey, consider factors such as cost, convenience, comfort, and personal preference. By choosing the right transportation service, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable commute to and from Pittsburgh's airports, allowing you to focus on making the most of your travel experience in the Steel City.
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cheaplimoservicenearme · 11 months
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Corporate Black Car Services - Welcome to Pittsburgh Limo Service. We have been providing exceptional transportation and Corporate Black Car Services in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.We provide the best limo service Pittsburgh offers with the best rates in the metro area for Pittsburgh Limousine services. Pittsburgh Limo Service is the right company for any of your needs for limo services or party bus rentals. Whether you want luxury transportation or private car service. We provide luxurious and affordable, SUVs, Town Car limousines and limo buses to the Pittsburgh area with competitive prices. Call Us Now at (724) 737-8057 or visit https://youtu.be/3zoCMLVzmtQ
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ridecar · 4 years
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Book Airport Limo Service 24 Hour Service Available, You can always rely on us to provide comfortable and reliable transportation to any airport in the USA and worldwide. We offer top of the line luxury with a reputation for on-time pickups and drop-offs. Private SUV is excellent for airport transfers and ideal for families and business groups. Contact us via website live chat available at https://www.ridecarlimousine.com or for the best airport car services to and from any city.
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Experience the Ultimate Ride with Pittsburgh Party Bus
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Are you planning a night out with friends, a special event, or just looking to have a unique experience on wheels? Look no further than Pittsburgh Party Bus! Our premier party bus rental service in Pittsburgh offers an unforgettable experience that combines luxury, fun, and convenience. Whether it's a bachelor/bachelorette party, wedding, prom, or just a night on the town, our party buses are equipped to make your event spectacular. Call us today at (412) 567-8984 to book your ride!
Why Choose our Pittsburgh Party Bus company?
Luxury and Comfort
Our fleet of party buses is designed with your comfort and enjoyment in mind. Featuring plush seating, state-of-the-art sound systems, LED lighting, and ample space to dance, our buses provide a nightclub-like atmosphere on wheels. No need to worry about cramped spaces or uncomfortable seats; our buses are the epitome of luxury and style.
Professional and Reliable Service
At Pittsburgh Party Bus, we pride ourselves on offering professional and reliable service. Our drivers are experienced, courteous, and committed to ensuring your safety and satisfaction. From pick-up to drop-off, we guarantee a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Affordable Pricing
One of the most common questions we get is about the Party Bus Pittsburgh cost. We understand that budget is an important factor when planning an event. That's why we offer competitive pricing and customizable packages to fit your needs. Whether you're looking for a few hours of fun or an all-night adventure, we have options to suit every budget.
If you've been searching for "Party Bus Rental Near Me," you're in luck! Pittsburgh Party Bus is conveniently located and serves the entire Pittsburgh area. Our easy booking process and responsive customer service ensure that you get the best experience possible. Simply give us a call at (412) 567-8984, and our team will help you find the perfect bus for your event.
In addition to our incredible party buses, we also offer a Cheap Limo Service Pittsburgh. Perfect for smaller groups or more intimate occasions, our limousines provide a touch of elegance and class. Enjoy the same top-notch service and amenities in a more traditional, yet equally exciting, ride. Whether it's a corporate event, airport transfer, or a romantic evening out, our limos are sure to impress.
Perfect for Any Occasion
No matter what you're celebrating, a Pittsburgh Party Bus can elevate your event. Here are just a few occasions that are perfect for renting a party bus or limo:
Weddings: Make your special day even more memorable with a luxurious ride for you and your wedding party.
Proms: Arrive in style and make a grand entrance with your friends.
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties: Enjoy a night of fun and excitement without worrying about transportation.
Birthdays: Celebrate your big day with a mobile party that you and your friends will never forget.
Corporate Events: Impress clients and colleagues with a stylish and convenient transportation solution.
How to Book
Ready to experience the ultimate party on wheels? Booking your Pittsburgh Party Bus is easy! We'll help you choose the perfect bus or limo, customize your package, and answer any questions you may have.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to party bus rental in Pittsburgh, look no further than Pittsburgh Party Bus. With our luxurious vehicles, professional service, and affordable prices, we are the top choice for transportation that adds excitement and convenience to any event. Don't wait—call us today at (412) 567-8984 and let us help you create unforgettable memories!
Remember, for the best Party Bus Pittsburgh Cost, reliable party bus rental near me, and cheap limo service Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Party Bus is your go-to provider. We look forward to making your next event truly special.
Source: https://partybusrentalpittsburgh.home.blog/2024/05/30/experience-the-ultimate-ride-with-pittsburgh-party-bus/
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