#Pierre!reader is completely clueless
angel-inked · 8 months
How they feel.
WARNING: cannon typical graphic violence in Pierre's part, the killing gene/WΔZ is a part of the horror genre.
I've lost count of how many times I've rewritten Forrest for this, Pierre and Eddie weren't even involved to begin with. It's amazing how things evolve over time, isn't it? Except for Alfie, he was written in a day with minimal editing. lol sometimes, the words just flow out effortlessly, and other times, you need a crowbar to get them out 😆
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
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Addicted. That's really the only word he could think of that could describe the feeling. "Tommy? Are you even paying attention?" Brendan scolded. Tommy turned away from the cafe's window with a glare and a scowl. In all honesty, being trapped in a booth between Brendan and a wall while their father rattled on about everything under the sun across the table was the last place he wanted to be right now. Not to forget, Brendan falling right back into his old habit of holding his older brother seniority over his head. Tommy played with his hoodie string idly, If Brendan wanted to gloat his age, then so be it. His mind went back to a few days ago, when you and him had just gotten in out of the storm that had ruined your evening walk. You were both soaked, but you were laughing. Tommy narrowed his eyes in confusion as he shrugged off his dripping Carhartt. While he wasn't quite sure what you were laughing about, he had to admit that you looked good when you laughed like that. Your laugh sounded like home, and he loved it, just like how he couldn't help but smile when the slasher movie made you squeal last night and snuggle against his side and he savored the warmth of your arms wrapped around his bare, topless abdomen.
"Tommy." Brendan sighed. There it is again. "Do you nag at your girlfriend like this?" Tommy retorted. Before Brendan could think of a comeback, he's a physics teacher, not an English teacher, for a reason. "Tommy," Paddy intervened before his sons teenage-like bickering went any further. "What were you just smiling about?" He asked. "A memory." Tommy replied after a moment of silence. "A memory of someone nether of you have the pleasure of knowing." He added in a murmur. "Maybe do us the pleasure of explaining what the hell you're talking about then." Brendan said, annoyance at his younger brother being less than present in the moment. All this remark did was help Tommy find his scowl again. Scooting as close to the window and as far from Brendan as he could, in the window, Tommy found his reflection staring back at him, his slightly paler than normal complexion and the dark circles beginning to form around his eyes, one of the later was mostly bruising from a left hook he took in his last fight, did little to remind him of his struggling sleep schedule. He sighed quietly through his nose. Eye color, the shape of his jaw and eyebrows. He was the masculine version of his mother. He was always told he looked like her. Looking past himself, Tommy watched autumn leaves fall and scatter across the ground in a lovely array of warm oranges, yellows, and reds, while others danced on the blustering wind. It all reminded him of the night he met you a few Octobers ago.
The next countless number of "What was I thinking coming back here?" Ran through his mind with a sigh. He's been back in the United States for almost twenty-four hours now, and he's wishing he caught a flight back to Tacoma, or anywhere else that wasn't Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Being stuck in his head meant that he wasn't really listening to what was going on around him, not until he felt a hand on his arm. He stopped and looked at you as you nodded toward the busy road he had been blindly marching toward. "Oh," he murmured softly, more so in place of chastising himself. "Is everything alright?" You asked. Tommy remained silent as he hung his head. "Are you a soldier?" You asked, taking notice of a tattoo showing just below his rolled up hoodie sleeve, "USMC" it read. "I am.. or, was." He replied. You directed him to a motel for the night, coming back the next morning and insisting on taking him out for breakfast. Tommy was hesitant, eyeing you silently for a moment before, ultimately, his growling stomach decided for him. Now, Tommy's glad you're as stubborn as he is.
Brendan sighed into his coffee, watching his little brother become lost in his thoughts again. "Brendan, leave your brother alone. He's not bothering you, so I don't see what you're getting out of bothering him." Paddy warned lowly. And Brendan Conlon, as much as he didn't want to, listened to his father for once. Leaving Tommy to swim in his wayward thoughts.
Addicted, yeah. Tommy thought, that has to be it. He's definitely addicted to you.
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"Eames," Arthur started, straightening out of his slouch, "I am impressed.". "Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you." Eames said with his usual teasing smile. Arthur huffed a sigh, leaning back in his chair with a shake of his head at the forger. The sound of a door opening caught the attention of the Inception team, and Eames lost his grin at the sight of your figure in the doorway. He narrowed his eyes and clinched his jaw as he swallowed thickly, making him look somewhat mean. Cobb opened his mouth to ask something along the lines of "who's that?" When he was effectively silenced, "Excuse me for a moment." Eames said shortly, shoving his notes into the chest of the dream thief, and moving toward the door. There's his voice edging into meanness. He led you through the warehouse to an empty room. He leaned back against a folding table and opened his arms to you. Burying your tear soaked cheeks in his chest, "Shh," he soothed, stroking your hair. "What'd he do?" Eames questioned after a moment. "Cheated." You murmured, getting out of a terrible relationship isn't nearly as easy as you wished it could be. "Again?" Eames exclaimed. You pulled away enough to look up at him and nod, but not enough to pull out of his grip. "I'll kill him." Eames stated with malice, anger appearing in his cerulean eyes. Those eyes were usually steady, like the sea lapping against the sand on a calm day, and just like the ocean, those waves would rise with each passing storm. "You have to be the friendliest evil person I've ever met." You said with a weak smile at his immediate thoughts of exacting revenge. "Do not pretend you are some meek, pathetic little thing, darling, when I can see that vicious mind working behind your eyes," he said softly with a smirk, however, this smirk wasn't cheeky, it was as close to sweet as Eames would outwardly show. "Besides, we both know that the suit doesn't fit you." He added.
"Oh, I'll get over it, I just gotta be a bit dramatic first." You explained sarcastically, wiping a few stray tears from your eyes as you took a few steps away from his personal bubble. Your own British accent seeped through stronger when it was just you and him as it always had, and as always Eames was thoroughly amused by this. Eames chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "For someone who doesn't want to lose me, he sure doesn't act like he wants to keep me." You added, shuffling your feet around as you glanced down at the floor and back up at Eames, or as he said, Arthur had called him once, a pesky weasel in a kitschy suit. "What was it he told you last time? Forgive and forget? Well, I'll have him know that I'm neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimer's, so I wouldn't wager he'd take to kindly to me showing up on his doorstep, now would he?" Eames stated, making you giggle.
There's what he wanted to hear. His face split into a huge grin, not unlike the grin he wore when Arthur was pushed out of his chair backward. However, this grin lacked its usual flamboyance and impishness. Instead, it opted for sincerity. If it wasn't for your bastard of a partner, Eames would've swept you away to Mombasa with him years ago, when that failed inception job brought the two of you together for the first time, it had left Eames absolutely and completely enamored by you. "Do you need a place to stay love?" He asked, and you nodded. "and, if you don't mind my asking, I'd rather Ariadne learn architecture from a proper architect rather than Dom Cobb." He added with another grin, this one more mischievous then the last. A smile took over your features, "I'd love to."
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There aren't many people who could say they've watched a rocket explode. Then again, you were probably the only person who was currently being physically dragged out of bed by the alien symbiote that lived permanently under your boyfriend's skin at the annoying time of two forty-eight in the morning. "You need to come quick!" Vemon urged. With your half asleep senses slowly reeling, all the symbiote got in response was a tried grunt, as expected it did little to deter them, not that there were a lot of things that did. Tendrils carried you into the living room, Eddie held his head in his hands with his elbows on his desk, and his shoulders shook visibly. "There's something wrong with Eddie." Vemon murmured, best as they could anyway, there wasn't much about the symbiote that was quiet, next to your ear, while Eddie proceeded to choke on his own laughter.
The soft blue light of Eddie's laptop lit up his features and defined his figure in the dim living room. His desk was littered with pens, one rested upon his open notebook, hastily scrawled notes in messy handwriting abound. He was always up late working for one reason or another. A half empty water bottle was abandoned on the side with its lid off in Eddie's laughing fit. The sent of a microwave ramen bowl with a kick entered your nose, and you began to suspect what had the symbiote all worked up.
"V isn't too found of having a little spice in their life, I take it." You rasped with sleep stubbornly sticking to your vocal chords. Eddie shook his head with a grin, shoveling a fork full of the noodles into his mouth. "Why would you eat something hot enough to burn you?" Vemon asked, "You should wait until it's cool."
"It's not that kind of hot buddy." Eddie smiled. Vemon narrowed their eyes, "What other kind of hot is there?!" The symbiote exclaimed. You chuckled softly as you pulled up a seat next to Eddie, setting your glass of water down on your boyfriend's desk with a tink nose. "Here," you said, tearing open a chocolate bar and holding it up to Vemon, "This is more to your taste, isn't it?"
Vemon nodded and took the candy with a gentle tendril, breaking it in half with another, eating their half whole and handing the other back to you. Eddie watched you break off another two pieces of the chocolate, eating one yourself and tossing the other in the air for Vemon to catch in their mouth. "Again!" Vemon urged excitedly like a child. Well, a child that has way too many teeth and was made of extraterrestrial ooze. You chuckled and broke off another piece of the chocolate. Eddie's cheeks were slightly sore from grinning at you and Vemon, but the reporter physically couldn't make himself look at the two of you any other way. Most people wouldn't react very well to Vemon. The symbiote was anything but subtle and would often think with their stomach before their head, none of which seemed to have ever bothered you.
This made Eddie feel all warm and gooy inside, like all the good parts of a teenage crush. He's had the thought that he couldn't love you anymore than he does now before, but you prove him wrong every time.
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You were his. You just didn't know it yet. His smile hid his jealousy as he watched you mingle with the Shelbys across the room from the table where he and his men were sat, "Is everything alright, sir?" Ollie asked. Alfie nodded, "if Alfie Solomons wants something, he gets it." He said lowly, eyes remaining locked on you. Downing the rest of his half-full glass of bourbon, Alfie stood and made his way to you. Tommy had insisted that the purpose of this party was making business connections, and for that reason alone insisted that Alfie had to turn up to the festivity. The Wandering Jew was less than eager to attend, so after many tireless calculations, he decided he'd show only to make it clear to Tommy that he didn't want to be there. "Did he complain the whole way from Camden?" Tommy asked, nodding toward Alfie as he turned to Ollie. Alfie scoffed at the question, glancing around the room. Once his eyes found you, he found himself completely enthralled. Ollie watched a certain Birmingham native curl his thin pale lips into a smirk before excusing himself.
Now, Alfie watched you laugh as he made his way to you. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and a smile formed on his face as he watched your eyes sparkle in the elegant lighting. Any party thrown by the Shelbys was bound to be extravagant and have an endless supply of drink. However, there was a catch. There was always a catch. You were laughing at something Arthur said, once again stirring the jealousy in Alfie's gut. Stomping that out as much as his heart would let him, he continued his approach. "Hello Alfie," Arthur said with a grin, "didn't think you'd show.". "Well, you stand corrected!" Alfie exclaimed, throwing his hands out to the sides. Unbeknownst to him, you were admiring the way his hips swayed as he walked up to you and the Shelbys. A smile lined your lips, Tommy's plan was working just as you hoped it would. Tommy barely tried to hide his smirk, rubbing his cigarette over his lips before lightning it as he watched Alfie Solomons do what he did best, talk, and you were the main focus of his attention, Arthur shared a knowing look with Tommy. "Right, gentlemen!" Tommy exclaimed, "shall we leave Alfie to his monarch?" He said, eyeing the grins his family was wearing. Alfie eyed Tommy suspiciously, "The fuck you playin' at mate?"
"Don't worry," Tommy said, patting Alfie's shoulder as a wave of Shelbys surrounded the three of you on all sides, "I put in a good word for you." He explained, gesturing to you, and with a nod, he left to follow his brothers.
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Jack grimaced as the metallic thunk of brass colliding with bone filled his ears, "Yep, that's what he's talking about." Howard said with an amused grin. Forrest nodded to himself, gripping his brass knuckles tightly before slipping them back into his pocket, out of sight. "Yeah, alright now." He said softly, stepping over the unconscious man, moving toward his younger brother. "Jackrabbit," Forrest and Howard said in unison, both pausing to glance at the other. Jack remembered mom calling his big brothers' twin flames of a sort, as they always seemed to know what the other was thinking before anything was said, and because they spoke in unison like this far too often for it to be a coincidence. Forrest wouldn't admit it out loud, but they were rather compatible as a unit. As long he was at the head of the operation at least.
Howard rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward chuckle as Forrest grumbled incoherently under his breath. Jack glanced between the pair with a mix of wonderment at Forrest's handling of the situation and embarrassment at being caught at knife point and not being able to defuse the situation himself. "Forrest!" A familiar voice called. The brothers turned to see Ida Belle rushing toward them, "is everything alright?" She asked, Forrest nodded to the man on the ground, watching a grimace spread across Ida's face. "He'll wake up," he started, Ida snapped her attention back to the middle brother. "Probably with less teeth, but it should at least make'em reassess his life choices a little bit." Forrest murmured, shaking his head at the man. Jack tentatively removed himself from the wall, taking a few steps forward to gawk at the man's face. The would-be burglar's nose was likely broken, and his skin was already turning many shades of purple and black amongst the crimson liquid that coated the bottom half of it, and the imprint of brass knuckles could still be made out.
Forrest removed his hat and held it against his chest. Jack figured it was a show of courtesy for Ida Belle rather than for the man laid out on the ground. Everybody knew Howard could become volatile at a moments notice, but what seemed to take people off guard was when Forrest lost his temper. Jack felt rough hands grab his shoulders and yank him off his feet. His shoulders were the first thing to collide with the hard ground, and his back hit second. "Fuck you Howard!" The eighteen year old exclaimed. "Oh, whatever you say, little doggie." Howard grinned widely. The pair froze at the sound of the middle brother's soft gruff laugh. Howard smiled, glad to hear the happy sound. Jack fought with his features as he picked himself up, Forrest certainly made keeping a straight face look easier than it actually was. Jack lost this battle when he noticed Howard smirking at him, and his eyes narrowed into a glare.
With a soft grunt, Forrest brought a cigar up within inches of his face. Storm grey eyes inspecting the roll of tobacco from end to end before clamping his teeth down on it. Jack watched him slip his hand back into his pocket for a match as the sound of a subtle click came from behind him. There was no mistaking what this sound was, the safety on a weapon. Forrest slid his fingers into his brass knuckles for the second time tonight. When he turned around, he was met with a smile. You stowed your pistol back in the holster on your hip, "I thought I told you to stay inside!" Ida Belle exhorted. You merely huffed in her direction, much too taken by the stranger in front of you. "May I?" You asked, reaching for the cigar. Jack didn't think you looked like much of a threat. However, he knew Forrest thought otherwise, eyeing you up and down agonizingly slow until another grunt rumbled out of his chest, and he thrusted the cigar into your hand. You retrieved a square shaped metal lighter and allowed white smoke to waft out of your nose while you repocketed your lighter. Jack often wondered what preference Forrest had for carting around a box of matches to light his smokes with as opposed to an actual lighter. Matches had their other uses, like lighting oil lamps, the campfires people would huddle around after dark, and Howard's favorite, shine stills. Jack could ponder till his puzzler was sore, and the only conclusion he would ever come to was that this was simply a quirk of his silent older brother. "Good taste." You smirked, passing the cigar back to Forrest, who grunted.
Howard noted a look of bewilderment appeared in Forrest's eyes after he returned the smoke to his lips and removed it again, inspecting it. Was there something wrong with it? Howard wondered. "Hmm." Forrest hummed, leveling his steely gaze with the side of your head as he wedged the already flattened end of the cigar between his teeth and firmly bit down on it. Ida Belle introduced you to the brothers properly, adding that you were new to Franklin County. Forrest grunted lowly at this. "What on earth could've brought you to a town this small?" Jack questioned. Forrest shook his head like he thought the question to be of little relevance. "Work mostly. My mother wanted to marry me off, but I'd rather carve my own path in life." You responded casually. Forrest snapped his attention back to you, "Hmft." He grunted softly. Jack gave Howard a confused glance, the eldest only shrugged in response. "We ought to let you boys get back to work." Ida said, attempting to corral you back inside. You shot Forrest a smile over your shoulder, effectively locking him in place. He glanced toward his brothers as he heard a truck door slam. Jack was already griping the wheel, and Howard was sauntering toward the back end of the brothers shared vehicle. The eldest stopped by the driver's door, appearing to have been smacked by a thought, and spun on his heels to see Forrest hadn't moved. "Are we gonna get a move on before sunrise, Forrest?" Howard liked to tease his baby brother for being slow and lumbering. "Hmft." Forrest grunted again, at the remark. Forrest turned back in your direction, contemplating his actions for a moment. He whistled to get your attention. "Ida Belle! Wait just a minute, now!" He hollered, catching up with you. "What the hell is he doing?" Jack asked impatiently. "Well, I'll be damned to hell," Howard grinned from ear to ear with a chuckle, watching his baby brother converse with you, knowing his brother well enough to know something had his interest piqued. "looks like ol' Forrest found something that intrigues him."
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A friend had warned you against taking a job in your area. You knew you lived in a bad part of New York, but you didn't need someone to tell you that. you grew up there despite it all. Besides, working at the diner was decent, you made ends meet and your new job had brought new friends along with it. "The usual?" You smiled cheerfully at the group of rowdy boys who just walked in. "As always." Pierre smiled. He was always the dominant one, acting before any of the others. You'd even heard some of them call him boss a few times. "How's Alice doing, PJ?" You asked as you refilled his coffee. Pierre perked up at the nickname, his pale features practically beamed as he pretended not to hear his friends snickering. They've told him repeatedly to ask you out already. "She's good." He replied. This is what the two of you bounded over, Pierre lived with and cared for his elderly grandmother, who was struggling to get around these days. She's not getting younger, after all. You lived with and cared for your ailing father. His health and characteristic charisma had taken a hit when a back injury forced him into retirement. He buried himself in his construction job after the divorce from your mother. Had it been up to him, he would've worked himself into the ground. You were currently one of the only things keeping the old man afloat.
"When are you gonna make a move, man?" Jamal asked. Pierre rolled his eyes. A glare quickly replaced his nonchalantly as he spotted the man who had been openly flirting with you over the last week ordering a coffee from you, Pierre and his boys used to come to the diner every other Wednesday after the lunch rush, but Pierre has been showing up daily since this started. If there was one thing that Pierre didn't like, was someone else encroaching on something he had convinced himself was already his. "Might be sooner than we think." Khalid, Jamal's twin, said lowly, recognizing the dark look in Pierre's eyes. "Don't do somethin' stupid, Pierre." He growled, grabbing Pierre's hood and wrapping it around his hand just in case. Pierre was compulsive at best, and flat out obsessive at worst. The rest of the gang have had to physically restrain him more then once because of his inability to control himself. "Alright, alright! Jesus don't fucking choke me!" Pierre griped, trying to yank his hoodie out of Khalid's hold, effectively gaging himself in the process.
The diner cleared out as the sky grew dark, Pierre broke off from his friends. "I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow." He said, propping himself against the outside of the diner. "Don't do anything stupid." Khalid warned again, resulting in Pierre flipping him off. The gang walked on regardless, unwittingly leaving Pierre to lie in wait for his target. Pierre spent the next half an hour psycing himself up, gripping the glock he kept hidden under his shirt. Finally, the targeted man emerged from the diner, walking past Pierre and down the block. Pierre knew the back alleyways well, sure he'd have to jump a few fences that he knew he wasn't supposed to, but who cares? He had to get ahead of this guy. Weaving his way through the dark passages, he peaked his head around the corner and spotted the man again. He plastered himself to the wall and exhaled heavily. His heart was like thunder pounding in his chest. He would never grow tired of this feeling, Pierre thought. The man, whose name Pierre couldn't be bothered to remember, appeared in his vision, causing Pierre to act. Snatching his victim off the sidewalk and yanking him deeper into the alley.
Pierre chuckled darkly as the man scrambled to get to his feet again after being thrown onto his back, Pierre appeared somewhat scrawny, writing him off as such would often prove fetal. Never underestimate the insanity of Pierre Jackson. Pierre laughed and knocked the man back down with a well placed kick and placed his foot on his chest. "Any last words bitch?" Pierre grinned wickedly, tossing his leather jacket aside and retrieving the glock from his belt. "N..nn..no." the man stammered. "No?" Pierre taunted, "Well, too fucking bad." He added, squeezing the trigger. Bang. The deed was done, no going back now. Pierre's arm fell to his side limply. He breathed heavily as the thrill of his actions enraptured him. Soon enough, muscle memory kicked in, and Pierre began rummaging through the man's pockets. A wallet, a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes, he could make use of these. He placed the unfiltered end of one of the stolen cigarettes between his teeth, not bothering to light it. He just wanted something to chew on.
His cell tone brought him out of his daze, he stumbled from the slight dizziness of standing up too quick and almost fell, "Fuck!" He hissed in irritation. Grabbing his phone from his jacket, "Hello?" He answered. "Hey Pierre, are you very far from the diner?" You're voice came through the other end of the line. "About half a block, what'd ya need?" He asked. "We just heard a gunshot nearby," you started, making Pierre aim a glare at his lifeless victim for screwing things up again. "Could you come walk me home?" You asked, completely unaware of the part Pierre played in the ruckus. "Yeah, sure I can, just give me about five minutes." Pierre responded. "Okay." You said, hanging up. Glancing down at himself, Pierre noticed the blood splattered over the front of his hoodie, he thudded his head back against the wall with a sigh, lolling it to the side in order to stare down his jacket that he threw on the ground in a haphazard manner. He grabbed it and zipped it up hastily to hide the evidence, pulling himself together and checking the cost was clear before darting out of the alley. A toothy grin appeared on his face as he headed back to the diner. He achieved his goal of eliminating the competition, and was giddy at not getting caught.
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jaeeyaaasworld · 1 year
Trophy girlfriend - CL16
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Featuring: Charles Leclerc x Dancer!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Y/n is a trophy girlfriend and is proud about it, fluff, super sweet Charles
Requested: Yes/No
Charles had a new girlfriend and he was proud of who he pulled.
"I'm telling you. I have more rizz than you think, Pierre"
Pierre scoffed, leaning onto the passenger seat of his friend's Ferrari.
"is that why you made all of us come to this specific club tonight? what is it? she's hanging out with her girlfriends here?"
the driver asked in his cocky tone, turning his gaze to Charles that was driving silently while staring at the street, a small smile making it's way to his lips.
"nah. she works here man"
he replied calmly, not even sparing a glance to Pierre. the french man turned towards his best friend, a shocked expression taking over his face.
"is she a stripper?"
Pierre whisper-shouted, making his best friend's eyes widen at the sudden assumption.
"what the fuck, mate? you think I would let her still do that job after getting with me? and even more let all of you see her get naked?"
Charles said, gesturing with his hands all over the place, to make his point even clearer.
"she dances on one of those cubes that you find into these clubs. she's completely covered"
he added, making Pierre nod and turn back towards the road.
"what are you guys talking about? I was talking with mi mama"
Carlos asked from the back of the car, clueless as always.
"nothing, Charles new girlfriend"
Pierre replied, looking towards the backseat, where the Spaniard was seated.
"oh- I'm actually so excited to meet her"
Carlos added, adjusting the collar of his dress shirt while looking through the rearview mirror.
"right, in my opinion he's just tricking us into thinking he pulled her and in reality he didn't"
Pierre teased his friend, earning a small chuckle and an eye-roll from Charles. just in that moment, Lewis' car, with Daniel, Lando, Max and George inside, passed them, music blasting through the windows and them singing their hearts out.
"why are we not doing that?"
Carlos asked innocently, making the other two laugh and turning up the volume of the music currently playing and stepping on the pedal to catch up with the other drivers.
meanwhile: Y/n and her coworkers
Y/n was putting on make-up in the back of the disco she works into, chatting and laughing with the other three girls that were supposed to do cubes tonight. Y/n and Andrea were getting ready, while Monica and Vanessa were just chilling on the couch, waiting some time to get ready since they had the second turn.
"Y/n, did you say that you had a boyfriend like the other day? is it still going well or is it like the last one?"
Vanessa asked, raising her eyes from the screen of her phone on the girl that was putting on her eye-shadow.
"why? what happened to the last one? he was a fun guy, he looked like he was pretty chill"
Andrea asked back, not even knowing that Y/n and Nathan broke up a month after she introduced him to them.
"a little too chill. where were you when we talked about how he cheated on her with Katie?"
Monica told Andrea, making her gasp and stop whatever she was doing to turn towards the girl on the couch.
"they didn't. that bitch- I never liked her, I told y'all so many times and you were still like: nah, she looks so cute, how could she be so mean"
the girl said, referring to the new girl that was accepted in the disco as a waitress.
"it's going well, he's coming here tonight. I don't think I will introduce him to you tho, I know for sure that he is going to introduce me to his friends, he told me he was taking them since they had to celebrate anyway"
Y/n said, stopping her actions for a second and gesturing with her hands all around, just to get back to what she was doing, ignoring all the shocked stares that she was getting from her friends.
"is he using you as a trophy girlfriend or am I tripping? girl, how old is he again?"
Monica asked, finally shutting her phone and sitting properly on the couch, almost worried for her friend's safety.
"oh- come on. he's 25, hot as fuck and a millionaire, plus... I love being a trophy girlfriend if this is how he treats me"
the girl added, rolling her eyes at her friends thinking that he got with an old man or something like that. in reality, Charles was only 4 years older than her, so their age gap was completely normal for a couple. she was 21 and he was 25, nothing too bad.
"ooh, treat you how?"
Vanessa asked for details, since they didn't even ever seen this man nor how he treated her or how he looked at her.
"like: he hit me up on tuesday, asked me what I was doing during the day and if I wanted to go shopping. I was busy that day, since I was at my parents, so he just went like: damn, I just landed in your city. anyway, it's okay, hope you have a good day. I'll pick you up by eight fifteen tonight"
Y/n started telling her friends all the detail of her conversation with Charles, eventually stopping to finish her eyeliner, leaving her friends longing for more of the story.
"okayy, and than what?"
Andrea asked, curious just like the other two.
"I told him: you treat me so well. so he said: cashapp or zelle? matter fact, scratch that, I will send you a stack just because you're fine as hell"
the girl earned some loud gasps from her three friends, as she continued telling them what happened some days ago with Charles.
"I told him: well, thank you, baby. and he goes like: anything for my favorite lady. oh- I gotta go and just let me know, that I could pick up my Ferrari"
some squeals left the girls' mouths, as Y/n zipped her beauty case closed and turned on her little stool towards her friends with a proud smile on her face.
"so you basically have unlimited money, and you're still working here? girl- if I were you, I would be depending on his ass so fucking hard"
Monica said, gesturing with her hands and getting up from her place on the couch, just to sit on the stool that was taken by Y/n just a few seconds ago to start doing her make-up.
"yeah girl. quit this shitty ass job, what you waiting?"
Vanessa asked, only getting a sigh in return from the girl.
"I would love to do that, but i don't want to depend on him that much, what if we break up one day? I will be coming to work here just for a bit more, so that I can get a stable amount of money to do fine on my own and then I'm gonna travel back and forth with him"
Y/n said, smiling widely at the thought of supporting her boyfriend in every race he has by being there with him every minute.
"travel back and forth? what the hell does he do?"
Vanessa asked again, getting up from the couch as well, waiting for Andrea to finish closing her beauty case and get up to take the stool and start getting ready.
"I'm just telling you this: his name is Charles Leclerc, look him up if you don't know who he is"
Y/n finished, smiling widely and walking out of the changing room to walk into the disco, still empty. she could hear the gasps coming from the three girls in the changing room for how loud they were, making the girl chuckle as she sat on the edge of the cube, waiting for the disco to open up.
"and he'll be here tonight? with his friends?"
Andrea yelled, as she sat on the cube that was on the other side of the disco, waiting for the disco to open up too.
Y/n yelled back.
"I want to see him later"
Andrea replied, as they both got off the cube to wait on the side as people started entering. the girl on the other side of the disco only got a wink in return.
Charles finally got at the club
"Charles, you really pulled that girl, are you sure?"
Max asked Charles for the tenth time as they walked out of the cars and started walking towards the entrance of the club.
"oh mon dieu (oh my god). why don't you guys believe me?"
Charles asked, a loud laugh coming out of his lips. the bodyguard looked them in the eyes and opened the gate for them to enter, getting a little pat on the back from Charles and returning the gesture with a smile.
the club was rather empty, there weren't a lot of people, maybe also because Charles rented the place for the night and instructed your boss to only let a few people enter, not too many.
he quickly spotted you waiting beside one of the cubes, making his way towards you and ignoring everyone in between. he was dragging the other drivers along with him, as he approched you. his arms circled your waist from behind and his hands gripped your body without any shame.
"hello, mon chéri"
he whispered in your ear, not even thinking about the few guys that were staring at the two of them in shock. you turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, pecking his lips gently.
"hi, handsome"
you replied softly, smiling to him lovingly.
"you really have to work tonight, right?"
Charles asked the girl, hoping that the answer wouldn't be affermative.
"I mean- yeah, I could exchange with Katie and go to the bar if it makes you more comfortable tho"
Y/n said, knowing that Katie would agree with everything you ask her because of the whole lot of guilt that she was feeling.
"would you do that?"
the man asked back, eyes shining in the lights at her words.
"yes, of course. you just got here, is only right that I let you decide what makes you comfortable. and I think I'm gonna quit this job in a few days too so... wait- let me go ask Katie, I'll be back"
you get out of your boyfriend embrace and make your way towards the counter to ask your coworker to swap turns.
Charles turned to his friends, them all staring at him with the same shocked face.
"what? you believe me now?"
the man asked, while laughing soundly at his friend's faces, juat as he turned around to meet his girlfriend's gaze, her hand waving around in the air, gesturing for them to come over to the counter.
"can't believe this shit"
Lando said, a sigh leaving his lips as he followed all the drivers towards the counter, Charles in front of them all.
Y/n walking behind the counter, wrapping the apron around her waist as she leaned eith her hands on the counter.
"hello everyone, I'm Y/n, Charles girlfriend. I'll be here to serve you tonight, ask me anything and I'll get it for you. even my friend's number if you want"
you said with a big smile splitting your face in half. the first driver to come up to the counter was Lewis, extending his hand to shake yours.
"Lewis, can I ask you if you do some type of fancy cocktail?"
the brit asked politely, getting a smile in return as you shrugged.
"I told you, whatever you want"
you said, hands meeting each other in front of your stomach.
"I'll get a Versus (a fancy cocktail made with vodka, strawberry vodka and watermelon) then"
Lewis confidently said, making you frown while staring at the man.
"mmh, are you sure about the Versus?"
the man frowned back at you, a big questioning smile resting on his face.
"why? what's up with that?"
a little chuckle left Y/n's lips, making Lewis chuckle as well.
"I mean- it's so sweet, it's something that I would see Lando drink. I see you more for a Desert storm (a fancy cocktail made with bacardi, vanilla cream, china martini and a lemon peel)"
Lewis was shocked from the girls aknowledge in alcohol, as Lando barged in the conversation since he heard the girl mention his name.
"me? you know who I am? hell, I need that thing now"
Lando said, making Y/n nod her head as she let out a chuckle and turned to the other drivers that were listening carefully to the conversation.
"alright so, a Desert storm for Lewis, a Versus for Lando and a champagne glass for the little prince over there. For you guys?"
everyone told Y/n their orders, chuckling softly at her calling Charles 'little prince' and knowing perfectly his order even before he could say anything.
Y/n placed all the cocktails on the counter, as everyone took theirs, the girl waited patiently for the two drivers to give her a response on the fancy cocktail that she gave them.
Lewis was the first to take a sip from his drink, licking his lips right after they left the glass. his eyes widened, looking into the girl's eyes as he drank another sip from the drink.
"dear god, you were right. it is better"
Y/n shrugged, a knowing smile appearing softly on her face as she turned towards Lando, that was waiting for his turn to try his drink. he stopped for a second, eyes a little bit wider than before as they met the girls one.
"how did you know?"
he asked, not even telling her his opinion on the drink, making a little chuckle come out of the girl's lips.
"you know, someone's personality can say a lot about their cocktail choice"
she simply said, leaving the two brits to go towards her boyfriend, that was sitting on a stool at the counter, taking a sip from his champagne from time to time. Y/n leaned on the counter, getting closer to her boyfriend's face, as he was looking her in the eyes, a devilish smile on the girl's face.
Y/n closed the gap between them, placing her lips on her Charles' gently, pulling back in no time, making a sigh escape the monegasque's lips.
"were you saying earlier? that you were going to quit?"
he asked softly, eyes glancing to the small glass of champagne in his hand as he made the liquid twirl around it slowly.
"I think this is my last friday here"
the girl replied, her smile getting wider with time passing.
"have you considered traveling with me full-time like you promised me?"
Charles added, eyes finally meeting Y/n's as he raised his head from the glass, hope still scattered across his emerald eyes.
"not really, darling"
she said sadly, making the man in front of her glance back down at the champagne in is hand.
"you have your flight to Monaco tuesday, right?"
the girl asked, her boyfriend looked up at her, thinking about it for a second and nodding hid head, remaining silent as to express his confused state.
"do you have the seat assignment in your app? could you check it real quick?"
Charles furrowed his eyebrows, getting his phone out of his pocket and placing the glass in his hand on the counter to grip the phone with both his hands. he typed something in his phone as the app finally opened, showing all of the seat placements on the flight.
something catched his eyes quickly, the seat next to his was usually occupied by Carlos or was even empty sometimes, but this time there was a different name over the little seat icon.
"Y/n Y/l"
he read out loud, looking up at his girlfriend with wide eyes, shocked by the sudden news.
"but you said you didn't even consider it"
Charles said, his hands leaving the phone on the counter and a big smile spreading across his face, making you smile just as wide.
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formulaforza · 1 year
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diamond ring-- c.leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader word count: 990 a/n: i melt i melt i melttttt
He told Lorenzo he was going to marry you on the plane from France to Austria. He’d kissed you goodbye at four in the morning in your shared hotel room because you had a flight to catch back to Monaco for work that morning. You were supposed to leave the night before, right after the race on Sunday, but, you didn’t want to leave him to his thoughts, so you changed your flight. 
You’ve known her for eight months, his brother told him, eight months and you want to marry her? 
Charles had laughed, shrugged, nodded. “I just. I know.”
It wasn’t until after the season ended that he finally got to the jewelers. One in Paris, because he thought a million people would notice him ring shopping in Monaco. He’d made Pierre come along, for moral support, and FaceTimed his mother for a woman’s perspective. 
They were at the jewler’s for three hours, and looked at just about every ring there was in the whole place before Charles finally decided that he needed to create something custom for you. Sounds like your girl is one of a kind, the associate helping them said, maybe she needs a ring to match. It’s another hour and a half before he’d made his decisions. He calls them once he’s home and three days later and is still making changes. 
Once it’s actually in his hands, little velvet box and all, his worry shifts to how to ask you. It has to be perfect, he thinks. Something you’ll beam about in twenty years when you tell your kids all about Mom and Dad’s love story. He could do it on a Monday morning over coffee, him on his way to the gym and you barely up, pajama clad and hugging a coffee mug like your life depends on it. He could do it after a long day at the track, where he’s exhausted and looking for a fight and you let him be, let him feel what he needs to feel. He could do it whenever, wherever, and as long as it was with you, it would be perfect for him. 
It needed to be perfect for you. He thought about filling the apartment with a million roses and balloons and champagne. It was private but grand. He thought about the cinema classics–a restaurant full of people, a ring in the desert. You would probably swallow it, he figured. Maybe he could do it in an airport–no. That idea didn’t even last long enough to become complete in his mind. You would kill him, everyone else in the airport would kill him. Just, no. Scratch the aiprort. 
Maybe out on the water, in the middle of a day of fun. He could do it then, in the heat of the sun and in the salty air just off the coast. What if you said no? Then he’s stuck with you, on a boat, in the middle of the ocean. That’s like…nightmare fuel, the stuff that haunts his dreams for six straight nights. 
He decides he’s going to do it at the beach. One of the private ones that nobody is really supposed to know about but everyone does, the one he’d referred to as his secret spot when he’d first met you. The one you’d named with a deadpan expression on your face right after he said that stupid, cheesy line. 
He forced Joris and Antoine to hide in the bushes far out of your sight on the evening he finally did it. The sun was setting on the French Riviera and every color in the sky seemed to highlight something stunning about you, complimenting your eyes, your dress, your hair, your smile. The wind ran its fingers through your hair and danced in the flowing fabric of your dress and he thought he could never be deserving of you, all good and right and ethereal like this. He couldn’t wait to spend his entire life trying to live up to the standard that was you.
There was a picnic spot set up in the sand at the end of the beach. “I love that,” you’d commented when you saw it, clueless that it was there for you. “It's so sweet.”
"It's for you," he hums, voice shaky and nervous.
He says your name, all sweet and soft and you know. You don’t know, because you never really know until it’s happening, but, you know. “Charles,” You beam back at him with giddy, hopeful eyes. You are just as enamored as he is. He repeats your name again, draws out the sounds of the last syllable and you both laugh, fight back tears because this is really happening and you don’t want a single memory to be clouded and fuzzy with love in its purest, saltiest form. 
“I love you in ways words will never be able to explain,” He starts. “In the early mornings and the late nights and the average afternoons, I am completely in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, trying to find the words,” he continues. You laugh, choked and teary, soft fingers on your smile in disbelief. He pulls a tiny velvet box from the inside pocket of his jacket and drops to one knee in the sand. “So,” he laughs, pops open the box and you’re eyes are too fixed on the man you love to even look at the ring. “Will you marry me?”
You smile, try so hard not to cry only for them to fall down your cheeks anyway. You nod, hold your left hand out for him. “Yeah?” He says, pulls the ring from the box and slides it on your finger. Perfect fit. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, you idiot.” You grin, both laugh, curl over to kiss him while he’s still on his knees in the sand. “I love you so much,” you tell him, hands on either side of his face, kiss him again.
“I love you, too.”
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f1crecs · 1 year
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Fic Rec List - Carlos/Charles
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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I hope you enjoy these, anons. If anyone wants to talk Charlos, please hmu - I have thoughts and no one to share them with!
Playing Games by @vegasgrandprix | T | 4.3k (wip) Charles and Carlos compete in a game of gay chicken. This story is wonderful! Charles and Carlos are so sweet together, and the humour throughout is on point. The both of them are just completely clueless, but the author has written this in a way that clues us, the reader, into the reality of the situation - it's so fun, and so well-written, and such a great start to what I know is going to be an amazing fic!
'Charles giggles. It lasts a little longer than Carlos thinks his joke deserves, but that's why Charles has always been one of his favorite audiences.'
People Will Say We're in Love by @unabashedlycasualangel | T | 7.1k Charles and Carlos through the eyes of their friends. I love outsider perspective fics - and this one is fantastic! The relationships here - platonic and otherwise - feel so organic and so well-developed. One thing that I really love about this author's writing is their dialogue. It flows so beautifully, and it is a real pleasure to read.
'Pierre turns around. He thinks about friendship. How easily it can turn to love. He thinks about pasta and chess, gasoline fumes and karting under the Normandy sky. He thinks about victory. How easily love can turn to hate. He thinks Charles may be in love with his friend. It is better that he doesn’t find out. He walks on.'
nsfw: can't sleep 'til I feel your touch by @f1-stuff | E | 8.5k Charles has insomnia - Carlos is a great teammate, and lends a hand. This author really is Charlos Royalty. Everything they write is fantastic! There is such a beautiful build-up of feelings in this one, that feels really natural and really exciting, and it's so much fun to read! This fic is also very, very hot. 10/10!
'Seconds ago, he would’ve kicked Carlos out of his room. He also would’ve lied in bed all night, eyes closed yet mind spinning like it has been for months. He would’ve shown up at the track tomorrow, brain foggy with exhaustion. He might’ve wrecked the car and put everyone on track in harm’s way. He doesn’t know what’s wrong. And the truth is that it’s scaring him. But maybe...maybe Carlos is right. What if he’s right?'
nsfw: my blood is singing with your voice (the saints can't help me now) by @7msc | E | 13.2k Carlos meets Charles in a half-finished church. To say that this fic is beautiful would be an understatement. This story is pure poetry - sun-soaked and golden and gorgeous. I read this in one sitting, paused, read it again, and then shared it in every single Discord server I'm in. The development of Charles and Carlos' relationship is also really beautiful - serious soulmates vibes, in a very ethereal kind of way. I cannot say enough how much I loved this story.
'Carlos looked up, helplessly — forehead kissed by God and lips kissed by Charles, who looked like the sun.'
nsfw: what we felt by venerat | E | 14.3k Following a high-intensity moment, Carlos imprints on Charles - they deal with it together. I have never read a story like this before. This is a really lovely fic - it is structured in such a way that you really feel Charles' internal spiral. The tension builds beautifully, and the emotions are so visceral. The world-building is, as always for this author, sublime. Gorgeous.
'Carlos is being so careful. Even when Charles nods, and he moves forward, sliding his arms around Charles—Carlos is being so careful. As if Charles is precious porcelain. Carlos’ arms tighten around his middle, and then loosen. Carlos’ body tenses and relaxes. There is a whoosh of breath against Charles’ hair, as if Carlos is exhaling.'
nsfw: win or lose (it's how you play the game) by @f1-stuff | E | 18.3k Going into the new season, Charles and Carlos make a bet. This story is so much fun. Very much 'Idiots in Love', which is how I like my Charlos! This author's writing style is beautiful, and very easy to read - I loved the plot development here, and the pacing was just perfect. A really great read!
'Now, though, he notices other things, like how Carlos smells like sweat and fuel and something else - coffee? He notices the press of fingertips against his chin, more of a reminder not to squirm away than a proper hold. He feels the steady heat coming off of Carlos from hours spent in the car.'
nsfw: last night by venerat | E | 24.2k Charles attends an American University, and meets Pierre's roommate - things develop. Anything by ao3-user venerat is an insta-recommendation for me, and this is no exception. The world-building and character development here is fantastic - so rich and so unique, with just the most gorgeous chilled atmosphere. It perfectly captures college life. I really, really loved this.
'All of it. Like, love. Take the whole alphabet of any language he knows, and make words that mean the same thing: he and Carlos. Charles, circling him like a moon, hoping that one day the pull of gravity fails.'
In The Reflection by @effervescentdragon | E | 43.8k (wip) Charles is an Engineering student on praxis at Ferrari; Carlos meets him at Singapore, and things spiral. This story is stunning. Carlos and Charles are just completely gone for each other from the outset, and it is so fun to read. This author has the most beautiful writing style, and their characterisation of Carlos is some of my favourite in the whole fandom. Beautiful!
'They cut off at the same time, and after a moment of pause, they both started laughing, and Charles’ laughter was wonderful to Carlos, because it was a bit silly and very honest in its silliness. Charles ducked his head, and the light hit him, and the realisation hit Carlos that Charles wasn't just pretty, he was beautiful.'
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ikemencrossedmyth · 4 years
Fury Chapter 2
Pairing: Comte x reader
Fandom:  Ikemen Vampire
Summary:  You head into town and run into the men from yesterday, who are determined to get their money’s worth from you.  
Rating:  18+
Count:  5,709
Warnings:  violence, assault, blood
Part 1
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Art was made by @nan-chi​
 Chapter 2:  The Beginning of a Tragedy
 “Maybe we’ll see you around town mademoiselle”.  
“I don’t believe so Monsieur”, you replied.
The men watched as you and Comte walked away from them, heading deeper into the city.  The taller man chuckled to himself,
“Looks like that crazy man was right, Jacques.  He knew exactly when that girl would show up.”  
“Of course!  I told you that he was legitimate, Pierre.  Now that you understand that his information is valid, can we please get on with getting our money back?!”  
He looked up at Pierre, exasperated that they had to waste this time to prove that his information was genuine.  
“Now, he said that every day the girl heads into town to shop.  Specifically, she always seems to buy baguettes.” Jacques said.  
Pierre looked down at his friend, confused and clueless.  
“What does that matter? Who cares if she buys bread? What about our damn money?!”
“Pierre, you’re an idiot. Tomorrow she will be going to the new bakery at the far side of the city.  He made sure of it.  As long as we know that she will be at that bakery, we know we can get compensated. One way…or another”, he smirked.
His eyes glistened with his ill intentions for the little lady. Pierre nodded in understanding, an evil grin creeping upon his face.  He loosened his collar and snickered,
“I can’t fucking wait”.
 The Next Morning
You woke up early every day to help Sebastian with preparing breakfast.  You sat up and felt your body ache all over.  A chill passed through your body.
“Oh no, I can’t be getting sick!”, you thought to yourself.  
After denying that you were getting sick yesterday, you were determined to continue working, and hopefully Comte would not notice.  If he did, you knew that he would make you stay in bed all day.  Quietly, you crept back to your room, and prepared for what you knew would be a long day.  Especially with how crummy you felt.  
Before leaving your room, you looked yourself over in the mirror to make sure that you didn’t look too sick.  Your hair was pulled away from your face, as the rest cascaded down your back.  You were wearing a white long sleeve button down shirt, tucked into a maroon skirt.  You lay your hands flat on the front of your skirt, pressing out any remaining wrinkles.  Forcing a smile, you nodded to yourself before heading out of your room.  You headed down to the kitchen, where Sebastian had already began cooking the pancakes that Theo basically worshiped. Your first task was always to prepare the rouge.  After that, you pulled out the rest of the ingredients for breakfast and began to prep them for Sebastian.  You then set the table and headed back to help him with the little that remained. You could hear some of the residents making their way towards the dining table.  
Normally you would see Theo with Vincent, as they usually never missed breakfast.  But this morning, Theo was alone.  
“Where’s Vincent? Is he feeling unwell?”
“He’s fine Hondje, he’s just finishing a painting for that stupid playwright he calls a friend.”
At the mention of William, your heart jolted.  You had just met the man yesterday, the experience wasn’t terrible, except for Comte getting upset.  And yet, by hearing his name, you felt an apprehension that you could not describe. An uneasiness swirled around in your mind.  The chatter of the other residents broke you out of your thoughts.  As breakfast finished, you cleared the table and helped Sebastian tidy up.  Preparing for breakfast was not a strenuous task, but today, you could feel a throbbing pain that was beginning to take hold in your muscles.  Unconsciously, you let out a little groan.  Sebastian looked over to you.
“Comte told me yesterday that you may have gotten sick.  How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine.  Comte is just being a bit overprotective, you know how he is” you said as you smiled at Sebastian.  
“You know, he would be very upset if something happened to you. If you need to rest, then please, take the remainder of the day off in your room.  I can take care of the shopping in town.”
“Sebastian”, you huffed, “It’s okay, I’ll be fine.  If I start to feel absolutely terrible, I will take your advice and rest.  How does that sound?”
Sebastian knew that you could be so ridiculously stubborn.  He sighed resignedly, “Very well, _____”
Once the cleanup for breakfast was over, it was already afternoon and time for you to head into town to get the ingredients.  As you reached the top of the stairs, your muscles began to burn and you felt a flash of cold hit your skin.  You could already tell that by tomorrow you would definitely be sick.  “Okay, tomorrow I will definitely have to take the day off, but today should be fine for me to keep working.” You thought to yourself.  As you were nearing your door, you heard a noise come from behind you.  You turned around and saw that Vincent was coming out of his room.  He was carrying a small painting that was draped in a white cloth.  
“Vincent, I missed you at breakfast this morning.” You said.
“Sorry _____, I was finishing a painting for William that I absolutely want to get to him today.  I am actually heading out right now to give it to him.  I promise I will be at breakfast tomorrow though.” Vincent said as he smiled sweetly. He really was the angel of the mansion. His gentle voice and nature always set a calming presence in whatever situation he found himself in.  
You began to smile at Vincent, but then let out a terribly loud sneeze.  This was the mother of all sneezes.  The sneeze that makes people want to keep 20 feet back.  It sounded like an elephant taking down a velociraptor. You and Vincent just stared wide eyed at each other in complete silence.
“Oh God, please kill me now!” you thought.  How embarrassing, and especially in front of Vincent!  Vincent’s smile widened, he had never heard anyone, especially a woman, sneeze like that.  Women of the past were not as boisterous, but he liked that about you.  
“_____, if you are not feeling well, I can tell Sebastian on my way out.  I’m sure he would be more than okay with you relaxing and getting some sleep. Please, I don’t want you to get sick.”
Ugh, could Vincent be any sweeter?  This angel was really not going to mention the deafening sneeze-roar that you just unleashed?  You smiled weakly at him, “Vincent, it’s okay.  I’m just going to get some stuff done and then I’ll rest.”  You turned around and rushed to your room, mortified of what just happened.  You slipped inside, leaned back, and rested your head on the door.  
“Why me?  Why is it always me?” you pondered aloud.  Well there was no taking it back, at least Vincent was nice about it.  You went to your dresser and pulled out the money and list, getting ready to head into the town.  
Vincent lightly chuckled to himself as he saw you rushing away.  He turned on his heels and quickly made his way downstairs.  Sebastian was making his way out of the kitchen as Vincent came to the bottom of the stairs.  
“Sebastian, could I have a moment of your time?”
“Of course, Vincent, how can I help?” Sebastian asked.  
“I just spoke to _____, and she appears to be very sick.  I told her that you would be okay with her resting.  She is in her room right now.” Vincent said.  
“Thank goodness, I thought nothing would get her to go to her room.”  Sebastian said. “Thank you very much Vincent.”
“You are very welcome Sebastian.” Vincent said.  With a smile, Vincent left the mansion.  
Sebastian then began to prepare to head into town.  He had given you the list yesterday, but he did not want to disturb you in your room. He headed back into the kitchen to see what was missing and make a new list.  
It’s interesting how fate works out sometimes.  If he had waited a couple seconds longer, he would have seen you come down the stairs and out the door, making your way into town.  
Sebastian finished the list after a couple minutes of quick inventory of the kitchen.  Leonardo strolled leisurely into the kitchen with a cigarillo in his mouth.  
“Sebas, I’m running low on my smokes.  Do you have any more for me?” he asked.  
“Yes Leonardo, right here.” Sebastian opened the top cupboard and pulled out box of fresh cigarillos and handed them to Leonardo.  
“That is the last box Leonardo.”
Leonardo eyed the list on the counter.  
“Could you have _____ pick up a couple of boxes when she goes into town today?”
“I am actually about to go into town right now.  She got sick yesterday and is in her room resting.” Sebastian said.  
“Ah, I see, well thanks for the cigarillos Sebas.”
“You are most welcome Leonardo.”
Sebastian grabbed some money and his new list and left out the front door into town.  
Leonardo was languidly walking to his room, to put away his new box of cigarillos.  He was passing by Comte’s room and saw the door was open.  
“Hey, you know that _____ is sick?  Did she say anything to you?  She looked fine at breakfast.” Leonardo said.  
Comte sucked his teeth at Leonardo, “I knew she was sick, but she denied it yesterday.  I saw that she was shivering as we came back from town. I’m going to go talk with Sebastian and tell him she will be doing no more work until she is better.”
“No need for that, she is already resting in her room.  Sebas just left to town.”
Comte smiled at his old friend, “Thank you for telling me Leonardo.”
“Whatever, I just know how you get about _____.” Leonardo smiled.  
Leonardo walked away to his room as Comte continued with the mountain of paperwork that he desperately needed to finish.  
Little did everyone know that a huge misunderstanding had occurred at the mansion.  No one knew of the danger that awaited you in the great city of Paris.  
The afternoon sun shone on your skin with a welcome heat.  The warm rays kissed your face and warmed your body as you made your way through town.  You stopped by several different shops in the bustling city, trying to get everything on the list so you could make it back in time for dinner.  The last stop was the bakery.  
As always, you purchased a couple baguettes for dinner.  It was always on the menu.  Traveling to the past, you could almost see why the French Revolution came about because of a shortage of bread.  The stuff was a staple in everyone’s home.  You entered the bakery and walked up to the counter.  
“I would like three baguettes Monsieur.” You asked politely.  
“Oh, _____ I thank you for your repeated patronage, but unfortunately, we are all out of bread.”
“What?  How is it that you are already out of bread?” you asked.
“Well you see, we received a large donation from a local writer, and in return, we were asked that all our available bread be given to the local orphanage for their lunch.  It was such a kind request from a generous person, there was no way we could turn it down.  And to top it off, he’s British!  I know we don’t usually get along with the English, but this Monsieur really went out of his way to show kindness to those in our community who are less fortunate.” The baker said.  
“Wow, that is amazing! I’m shocked to think that one man could have bread brought to an entire orphanage.  He must be a very noble man.” You said.  
“Well, not exactly.  I’ve been seeing him a lot in the pub across the street.”  The baker said.  
“He must be talking about Arthur.” You thought.  You knew that Arthur was well off and the idea that he would dedicate such a kind act to children made you feel more fondness for the writer.  But you couldn’t stand here and dwell on Arthur, you had to get back to the mansion.
“We are currently preparing more bread if you wish to wait.” The baker said.  
“I wish I could, but I can’t. I have to get back in time for dinner.” You said.    
Your head was starting to pound at this point.  You knew for sure that when you got back you were going to take a nice hot bath and then sleep the night away.  This was the last stop and you were hoping to get back soon.  You kicked yourself mentally for not buying the bread earlier. You usually left the bread for last, because you wanted it to be as fresh out of the bakery as possible for the residents.  The baker looked at her.
“You know, the new bakery that just opened up should have baguettes available.  They are much bigger than us, so they should definitely have some left!”
“That’s right!  I went there yesterday.  But even then, they were low on bread.” You said.  
“Well, from what I heard, they were also asked to donate bread yesterday.  But considering they are a bigger shop; they still had some left over.”
“Thank you so much, I’ll head there immediately!”  you said.
You left the bakery and began to walk quickly towards the other bakery.  The afternoon was drawing to a close, and you did not want to get caught in the cold afternoon as the sun was beginning to set.  
You finally reached the bakery and headed inside.  Walking up to the counter, you purchased your bread, the final ingredient on the list. Now it was time for you to head back to the mansion and rest.  You left the bakery and began your journey back to the mansion.  The aching feeling in your muscles began to grow, as you forced one foot in front of the other.  You opened and closed your hands, in an attempt to warm them.  The sun had just set behind the horizon.  It’s light beginning to fade.  In your haze, you did not notice the two sets of eyes staring at you, waiting for the opportunity that had been laid in their lap.  
“There she is Jacques!” Whispered Pierre.  “Let’s get her.”
“No, wait till she is a bit closer to the alley, then grab her, cover her mouth, and pull her in.” Jacques said.  
You were walking closer to the old brick building, trying to not get in the way of the pedestrians and carriages that were on the road.  As you crossed the alley, a set of hands shot out of the dark.  One hand around your waist, and the other clamped tightly around your mouth.  
Your heart rate quickened; panicked you tried to resist, but the arms were too strong as they pulled you further and further from the noisy street.  Tears pricked your eyes and you struggled to break free from your assailant. His arm was crushing your ribs, as he pressed you to him, while dragging you into the dark and musty alley.  You dug your heels into the ground, trampling over your skirt.  You tried to flail your body, anything you could do to get free.  You could hear another voice, another man.  
You recognized that voice, and you felt your blood run cold.  Not from a fever, but from pure fear.  Your body began to shake.  Your breathing escalated as your heart began to pump fast.  It was the two men from yesterday.  Your mind raced, looking for any opportunity to escape or to call for help.
“This was too easy Jacques” Pierre said as he smiled smugly.  
“Ha! Of course, I told you that Will wouldn’t cheat us.” Jacques said. “I fucking hate the English, but that guy is alright in my book.  I mean, he even bought all that fucking bread.” He laughed.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.  You didn’t want to believe it.  Were they talking about William Shakespeare?  The man you had met just yesterday, it couldn’t be.  You didn’t want to think that a man that Comte associated with would be capable of doing something like this.  But all the puzzle pieces began to fall into place.  It wasn’t Arthur that the baker was talking about, it was William.  William Shakespeare was the cause of the situation you were in.  William was the puppet master to your misfortune.  It was as if the threads of your fate were handed to him, and he wielded your life like a game.  
Jacques proceeded to pull out a knife and waved it in front of your face.  He pressed the cool flat of the blade against your face.  
“If you make any loud noise, I will not hesitate to slice you open, you got it?  The fucking moment I hear any attempt for help, I’m going to gut you.”  
You nodded as tears streamed down your face.   Your mouth trembled as Pierre released you into Jacques arms.  Jacques looked at Pierre.  
“Go guard the entrance to the alley.”  With those orders, Pierre began to walk away, leaving you alone with his friend.  Jacques looked you up and down.  
“Pay me back the money you owe.  Either you pay or Comte de Saint Germain pays.”
Your stomach turned. He knew who Comte was all along. Yesterday’s game of calling him her benefactor was just a joke.  This whole time they knew.  
“I don’t have any money.” You choked out.  You could not stop crying as your voice was quivering with fear.  
“I was hoping you would say that.”  His smile was evil, pure evil.  “If you can’t pay with money, then you will pay another way.  One way that will show Comte the error of his ways.”
With those final words, he grabbed you by the throat and slammed you into the side of the brick building.  The pounding in your head increased tenfold.  You could no longer see straight. Your world was spinning as your head felt like it had been split open in two.  Trying to regain your senses, you looked at the stocky man as his leering smile held nothing but contempt for your predicament.  The area where he smashed your head against the rough brick was bleeding profusely.  It trickled down your face and onto your blouse, staining the white fabric into a deep crimson.  The spot on your blouse began to grow, as the blood continued to flow from your wound. The man proceeded to pull his knife back up to your face and traced it down to your neck.  He began to cut the buttons off your blouse, working his way down to your skirt.
“No way, this can’t be happening!”
He lowered his head to the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.  His tongue ran from the base of your neck, over his fingers and up to the shell of your ear.  You were struggling to breath, as his fingers were still held tight against your throat. The tears in your eyes were flowing freely and every colour was beginning to blur into the next.   He was barely allowing you small gasps of air. He relished the struggle and the ‘prize’ that he had won.  
You knew that it was now or never, that even if it meant getting hurt more, you needed to call for help. Anything to get the attention of the people on the main street.
At that moment, there was a loud commotion on the main street.  It sounded like a street performer had captured an audience and you could hear that the people were beginning their uproar.  
Jacques looked towards the commotion.
There it is, your one and only opportunity.
You kicked Jacques as hard as you can straight in the crotch.  He keeled over and screamed out in pain.  His scream alone captured the attention of some people.  You took a huge gulp of much needed air, and with all your strength, you screamed into the wind, you screamed to anyone that would be willing to listen to your pleas of rescue.
Sebastian was making his way to the new bakery.  He couldn’t believe that the regular bakery was out of bread, but he couldn’t deny that they were out of bread for a good reason.  The baker had also told him of the benefactor that had donated bread to the orphanage.  The last item on the list was some baguettes, and then he would be on his way home.  
He picked up the pace as he neared the bakery.  He turned the corner and he could see the bakery at the end of the block.  On the right-hand side of the street there was a large group gathered around a young man who looked to be selling something to a group of people on the streets.  Snake oil salesman have always been a business, no matter what time period, but it seemed like this man had captivated the people as they marveled at whatever gadget he was showing.  
Sebastian wanted to get a closer look, as the crowd kept getting larger and larger around the man, but that was when he heard your scream.  A blood curdling scream for help rang out as Sebastian whirled around, trying to pinpoint where the scream was coming from.  
Why is she here?  Isn’t she supposed to be at home?
Sebastian ran towards your voice, his heart pounding in his chest.  He began to sweat as he feared the worst.  He came to the alley that Pierre had been guarding.  Pierre now had his back turned to Sebastian, as he heard his friend scream in pain, and then your accompanying shouts.  
“Hey!  What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Pierre yelled at you. Sebastian took the opportunity to knock Pierre in the back of the head.  Pierre turned around and took a swing at Sebastian.  He dodged the punch with a swift step to the side and gave Pierre a nasty uppercut to his chin.  As Pierre crumbled to the ground, Sebastian ran forward to where Jacques was still curled on the ground, with you still struggling to catch your breath. Sebastian took in your appearance, your cut blouse, the blood running down your face and onto your chest.  The dirt and grime of the alley was evident on your skirt.  Sebastian neared you.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You looked at Sebastian with tears in your eyes and threw yourself into his arms.  Sebastian gripped you as you began to sink back to the ground, your blood staining his clothes.  
“No, we have to get out of here _____.  We have to get back to the mansion.  Can you stand, we need to move quickly.”
You nodded weakly and leaned on Sebastian to stand.  Sebastian was right, this was your sole opportunity to escape.  The men were temporarily incapacitated, and once they regained their senses, there was no telling what would happen.  You grabbed Sebastian’s hand and you both began to run. The sun had already set, and there was even less light in the dusk that surrounded you both.  Sebastian was pulling you towards the entrance of the alley, near the main street. Pierre was still on the ground moaning in pain, but he saw you and Sebastian.  He lurched forward to try to grab you, but Sebastian quickly putting his hand around your waist, pulled you into his side and avoided Pierre.  
“Get that bitch! Don’t let them get away Pierre!”
You and Sebastian looked back to see that Jacques was still cradling his crotch where you had kicked him, but he was looking at you and Sebastian.  His eyebrows were creased in anger.  Pierre stood up and held his head where Sebastian had attacked him.  He took a couple wobbly steps towards you two.
“We need to leave NOW!” Sebastian shouted.
The main street had cleared out in the amount of time that it took Sebastian to find and rescue you. There were only a few people scattered about, as the crowd that was just present had seemingly disappeared.  This left the streets clear for you both to sprint back to the mansion.  
The cold air was now burning your lungs as you struggled to breath and keep up with Sebastian.  You had been running for what felt like ages. Your legs were threatening to give out underneath you as your pace began to slow.  It was becoming increasingly painful to run and you could feel yourself close to passing out.  You were losing a lot of blood from the deep wound on your pounding head.  You turned around to look behind you, and to your terror, you could see that Pierre was following, trying to catch up through the pain of his tussle with Sebastian.  
“Sebastian!  He’s following us!” you cried.
Sebastian looked back to see that indeed Pierre was getting closer, as he couldn’t move as fast because of your injury and the fever that was now taking hold of your weakened body. The mansion was near, and Sebastian knew that if you didn’t pick up the pace that Pierre would definitely catch up. He bent over and with one hand on your back and the other behind your knees, he lifted you up in his arms and began to swiftly run back to the mansion.  You grabbed at your blouse, attempting to keep it closed as your vision began to fade and your breathing became more ragged.  You could hear the footsteps behind Sebastian getting closer. Fear seized your heart; he was catching up to you.  
Pierre could see you two running up to the mansion.  He knew that if you both got inside, that his opportunity to get you would slip away. He pushed a little harder, knowing that he just needed a couple more feet to close the gap between the two of you.
He reached out and grabbed Sebastian’s coat and dragged all of you to the ground.  You went tumbling out of Sebastian’s arms and rolled into the dirt.  You quickly pushed yourself up from the ground to see Pierre pummeling into Sebastian on the ground beneath him.  The door to the mansion was only about 20 feet away.  You knew that if you could get one of the vampires to notice, that they could save Sebastian.  
You got up and ran the few feet to the door, practically knocking it open and began to scream for help, but not before you heard the running of footsteps behind you, causing you to turn to look back outside, only to come face to face with Pierre, seething with anger as he closed the short distance between you two, tackling you to the ground just inside the door.  
Inside the mansion, it was nearing dinner time, but Sebastian had not made his way back from town. Some of the residents were already in the dining room, as they were used to every night.  Comte had made his way into the dining room to see some of his residents chatting, while others were sitting at the dining room table.  
“That’s odd, where’s Sebastian?” he thought.  
It was at that moment that all the vampires stopped talking, it was as if all at once, they sensed something.  
“Do you smell that?” Arthur asked.  
It was a smell that they were all too familiar with, the sweet smell of blood.  But this was different, there was a lot of it, more than their usual dose of rouge with dinner.
They all heard the front door forced open and then a shrill scream.
All the residents were immediately on alert.  
Comte would recognize your voice anywhere, but weren’t you supposed to be resting in your room?  He ran to the entrance of the mansion, along with the rest of the residents.  He could hear your screams and cries of pain, making him move faster towards the door.
Arriving at the foyer, Comte laid eyes on Pierre.  He had straddled your waist after he had tackled you to the ground.  He was punching you in the face and chest, as you raised your arms and hands to protect yourself from his blows.    
It was in that moment, that time stood still.  Comte had never felt the emotion that suddenly came over him.  Sure, he had been angry in the past, but since becoming a nobleman, he had learned and accepted the mannerisms of nobility.  But in this instance, all customs and courtesy were out the window.  He felt an extreme anger flow through his veins.  How could this have happened to you?  He remembered your words from yesterday.
“With you by my side, nothing is going to happen to me, I trust you.”
You had said those words with a brilliant smile on your face.  You had trusted him to keep you safe.  He felt all self-control leave his body.  His rage boiling over, and he eyed his target:  Pierre.  The lesser vampires were getting ready to attack, but the pure blood vampires were next to you in an instant.  
Comte was using all his instincts as a vampire, all in an effort to end this unjust punishment that was being hurled at your fragile body.  The body that had woken up this morning in his safe embrace and was now being assaulted and marred.  The smell of your blood permeated the air and hung like a heavy curtain around the vampires. In any other instance, the smell of your blood may have been enticing.  But the reality of the moment was that this blood was not given willingly, it was taken from you by the actions of lesser men.  Your blood was a staunch reminder that he had indeed failed to keep you, the love of his life, safe.
Comte grabbed Pierre by the back of his neck and launched him off you in one swift move.  The only thing he could think about was protecting you. He threw Pierre’s body like a rag doll, landing outside.  
Leonardo moved like a flash of lightning after Pierre, while Comte knelt beside your injured body.  He could now see your injuries more clearly. There were bruises on your neck from being choked, the wound of your head still had blood trickling down to your exposed chest.  He noted how your blouse had been cut down to your skirt.  Your blood and tear stained face brought a feeling of guilt over Comte. He was supposed to guard you and yet here you lay on the ground, in agony.  He pulled you close to him by your waist.  In your panic, you could not tell that Comte was there.  You thrashed your arms and legs hysterically, trying to remove your attacker.  
“_____, it’s me. Please ma Cherie, look at me.” He held you close to his chest, stopping all your movements.  You could smell his familiar scent and looked up to his face. Comte looked down at you with sadness and regret in his eyes.  You began to cry violently, your body shaking as you clung to Comte.  
“Sebastian! Please help him, he is outside on the ground!”, you whimpered.  
The other vampires quickly made their way outside, where Leonardo was making quick work of Pierre. Sebastian lay on the ground passed out a few feet away.  A mixture of his and your blood covered his clothes, but the blood on his face was solely his, a result of the injuries Pierre had given him.
Comte picked you up and held you close to his body as you clutched your blouse closed with one hand.  He stood in the entry way and faced outside to where the rest of the vampires were.  
Arthur was hovering over Sebastian, examining his injuries.  Arthur began giving orders to Jean and Dazai to bring a plank on which to transport Sebastian and to grab a medical bag in his room.  Comte said a silent prayer of thanks that Arthur had the medical skills to help him.  
Comte furrowed his brows at the scene before him.  You lay weak and covered in blood, dirt, and bruises, in his arms.  Sebastian was passed out with blood on his face and clothes as well.  Leonardo had beaten Pierre to a pulp, leaving him a whimpering mess on the ground.  
“How could this have happened?  Why?” he whispered more to himself than to anyone else.  
“It was William Shakespeare, he set it up to where I would meet those two drunkards from yesterday, but Sebastian just happened by and saved me.  If it wasn’t for him, who knows where I would be right now.” You said to him, your voice raspy and straining.  
Vincent felt the colour drain from his cheeks.  
“William?  HE did this? No, it can’t be!” he thought as he held his head in his hands.
Theo’s faced twisted into a scowl upon hearing William’s name come from your mouth.  
“I knew he was a good for nothing!  He will pay for this.”  
Arthur snapped his head in your direction when he heard.
“Quite frankly, he’s the type of fellow I’d rather not involve myself with.” He muttered under his breath.
He knew that William was an odd chap, and there were rumors spreading that he would often find himself in questionable situations, all for the sake of his tragedies.
The vampires were furious, they could not fathom that someone would try to hurt you, much less someone that they knew.  But none were as upset as Comte.  He felt his body grow hot, as the blood running through his veins became like venom, poisoning his mind at the thought of what he would to do William when he got a hold of him.  What he wouldn’t do to the man that had caused you such suffering.  There was only one emotion that Comte could use to define his unrelenting wrath:  Fury. 
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Gone and Left Your World (Venable x reader (Part 3))
Warnings: N/A
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four
Everyone was assembled in the music room as they always were at 6:45 every night, there was talk about a newcomer. It had been 18 months since the booms had dropped. How was someone supposed to survive that long out there in the destroyed remains of civilisation? A man you didn’t recognize walked in, he had long platinum blonde hair and was dressed in an evening suit.
 The man approached Venable before introducing himself to the occupants of outpost 3. His name was Michael Langdon and he was there to evaluate candidates to take to The Sanctuary. The other American compounds in New York, West Virginia and Texas have been overrun and destroyed. Those not selected will be given suicide vials in case of further incursion. You were allowed to skip the interview process and be given a veil immediately, but you were automatically disqualified for selection. To put it simply, a death wish (given the name of the vials it made sense). All of the occupants had survived long enough and dealt with enough shit to do a simple interview.
 Gallant was the first to volunteer to do the interview. Evie explained that Gallant's volunteering to Langdon's "cooperation" technique is a survival trait. One by one Michael Langdon interviewed the residents.
 Langdon, you knew that last name from somewhere, you thought as you sat eating your nutrition cube. The man gave you the willies. The way he looked at people sent shivers down your spine. It was as though he could see through your soul.
 The spirits in the school turned underground bunker grew louder. The ones that had remained mainly dormant up until now. All male and majority under the age of 25. There were two older ones, teachers you presumed.
 A gut feeling told you to pipe down your abilities in the sake of survival. The spirits enjoyed making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than them. You could give someone five minutes before you had to leave due to the pounding headache that was forming due to the traffic filling your ears.
  Langdon sat at Venables desk, the room only light by a few candles by his person. His laptop to which he was previously on prior to being joined by the leader of the outpost had fallen asleep. The redhead wondered how he powered the device as there was no power after the bombs. All had been destroyed beyond repair or at least for the unskilled upper and middle turned lower class of outpost 3.
 Venable stood in the centre of the room, her cane’s topper gripped tightly in her dominate hand, the other laid on top to keep her firmly standing upright as well as make her more intimating to the man. He saw through her persuade. He was wiser for his short time alive, his power giving him an upper hand.
 The man remained sitting as he began to talk to the older woman. “You have a gift for making the ugly look presentable.” Venable chuckled; flattery rarely got to her. Something about him made her want to believe him. She only felt that with one other. She shook her head, remembering you were waiting for her back in the library.
 “Order on the outside does wonders to keep the chaos safely on the inside.”
 “I'm onto you.” This made the woman raise her brow. What was he on about? “You've created your own rules in here. I understand why. I’m sure it was impossible to resist the temptation of making this place over in your image, especially when you thought that no one who knew any better would ever be around to notice.” She stiffened.
 “I'm not sure what you're talking about.”
 “Complete abstinence? Punishable by summary execution?”
“I received my orders in an encrypted communiquã from The Co-op before all communication lines went down.”
 “Do you have it?”
 “No, I do not. The orders were to destroy it after I read it.”
 “Odd. I was instrumental in drafting all of the directives in regards to the running of the outposts.”
 “And nothing would be more humiliating to a man such as yourself than to learn that a woman had more information than he did. A man such as myself? You and the others. Masters of the universe, titans of industry swinging your dicks around so much that you managed to blow the whole world to hell.”
 “You're a fighter. I like that about you.”
 “I'm just doing my best with the mess men made of things.”
 “Maybe that's what was needed around here, hmm? Some improvisation. I'm gonna give you some important information instead. You're the leader in here. You need to understand what's at stake, what's really going on out there.” This caught the red head’s interest.
 He told her a story about a woman and children affected by the toxic air. When into detail about the pain they were in and how they were some of the unlucky ones who were far enough from the blast radius to survive the fireball but not the radiation. She begged him to kill her and her child (one, the young one in her arms was already gone).
 “Did you?”
 “No.” Venable looked at the man, almost disgusted by the man and the lack of humanity he had. “So, who deserves a shot at salvation? Let's start with Coco Saint Pierre Vanderbilt.”
 “The Vanderbilt girl is a vacuous abomination of inbreeding. She'd be my last choice to propagate the human race. The hairdresser is a cowardly homosexual. His grandmother is a festering pustule who just will not die. And the talk show host well, actually, I don't know that much about that one.” She listed off some of the elite members of the outpost. None of them were worth saving. Okay, one was.
 “At this rate, it sounds like you and I will have The Sanctuary all to ourselves.” He exhaled deeply. Michael stood up, circling his desk to get closer to the woman. He stopped in front of the desk, opting to lean against it before continuing. “There’s one person, sprightly young-ish woman who could be a perfect fit.”
 “That shy purple, Y/N, I believe. Tell me about her.”
 “She’s tolerable. Doesn’t cause much trouble. I don’t know much about her.”
 “I’ve heard from the others that you’re the person who knows her the best.”
 “I wouldn’t say that.”
 “You’ve read her file, that would give you an advantage plus from what they said, she keeps a distance from everyone but has been caught on occasion talking to you.”
 “I have been integrating her on why she isn’t socialising with the others. Her timidness caused me to believe she is up to something.”
 “Is that really why you’ve been integrating her?”
 “Yes,” Venable said sternly.
 The man shrugged making the woman believe she got away with it. “I’m aware of the little mishap that happened with the tickets.”
 “I can assure you I had no control over Vanderbilt and who she brought along with her. Her choices were- well I detest the lot of them.”
 “They’re not who I’m referring to Ms Venable.” Again confusion. Then she remembered, you weren’t meant to be here either. He hadn’t moved on from you being the topic. “They were in part to thank for the person being here. If Coco’s father didn’t accidentally by a fifth ticket, your friend wouldn’t be here. Yes, I know your past relationship. Her being your personal assistant.” He took this as a good moment to clear his throat, implying more from the final two words. “I don’t blame you keeping her around, she’s quite the catch.”
 Venable wanted to growl at the man. Snarl at him to keep away from her girl.
 “Unfortunately, the girl seems unsure of herself. As if something is holding her in the past. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
 “Those four years,” she muttered absentmindedly. Maybe you weren’t hiding your past from her but actually clueless as to what happened? It felt like a leap, but she had faith, she wanted to believe. You wouldn’t hold something back from her.
 “What four years?” He asked. Shit, he heard her.
 “You read the file; she was an alcoholic for years. Her mind was a blank slate when she showed up here.” It was her only reasoning for what happened.
 “You don’t trust her.” Bring back something Venable briefly mentioned earlier.
 “What is there to trust? She has a history of alcoholism which she hid from us, what else is she hiding?”
 He leaned towards the woman, “That’s exactly what I want to know.” He walked over to her. They were face to face. “Come. There's no need for us to be adversaries, Ms Venable.” She knew she shouldn’t trust the man. “Take off your dress.”
 “I will not.”
 Michael chuckled, “Part of your cooperation includes a physical examination.”
 “You can read my file.” It wouldn’t show him what he needed to see. Her shame. The part that humiliated her, making her feel not feel good enough for anyone. The part of her you had managed to convince her to unveil to you. She still held her shame on her back even after all those nights of passionate love that you tried to convince her that it didn’t make her any less of a woman in your eyes. She didn’t see it your way. It only got worse when you left. The only person she loved, the only one to see that part of her. It probably drew you away.
  The area didn’t hurt to the touch, but it brought her great pain. Her breath shook as she hesitantly allowed the man to gaze upon her back. To keep her put together, she imagined it was you running your hand down the curvature of her spine. Still, with that in mind, she couldn’t help up shutter at the touch. It was her only chance to get to the sanctuary. She had to get there with you.
“Is this part of my test?” She breathed out shakily.
 “Isn't everything?”
  So, then do I pass?
 Her heart sunk. She was denied her one chance of safety. A knock at the door cut off her time to rationalise what just occurred. Ms Mead needed her.
 Gallant was caught copulating, ratted out by his Grandmother. The old bat didn't get a look at the guy's face because he was dressed head to toe in black latex. Venable only had one idea who the seducer was, it couldn’t be any clearer. Everything went wrong the moment Langdon showed his face in the outpost. The air felt colder; you’d been on edge, eyeing him every time he was in range; the snakes’incident and now the breaking of the sex rule. She wasn’t projecting her problems onto him. He was to blame.
 Interrogating Gallant went nowhere. She was stressed and needed some time to wind down. You weren’t in the library like she suspected instead, she met you in your bedroom. You were huddled up on your head, buried under a ton of blankets. A book laid abandoned above where your head poked out. You hadn’t noticed her presence until your name was called for the third time. Her voice was quiet yet filled with worry. Her gentle hand brushed some hair out of your face.
 “Honey.” You hummed in acknowledgement. When had she sat down on your bed? “Are you feeling okay?” Stupid question. You hummed again. “Sweetie, are you listening?” She tilted your head, forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were blank, staring off into the distance as if you could see through time itself.
 You only got one word out, “Loud.” But it was dead silent. There was no noise from noisy occupants. Your breathing was the only noise.
 “Baby, there’s nothing-”
 You winced. “Shush.” Her grip loosened and you turned your head back into its original position.
 Venable was at a loss for what to do. She picked up your book, deciding to move it out of the way. She put it on your vanity. She found a bookmark for it so you could continue from where you left off. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the title, The path to the spirit realm. Venable believed all your ‘abilities’ were bullshit, how could someone speak to the dead? In an attempt not to hurt you she never shattered your belief, she cared for you to deeply to do so. She couldn’t explain how you knew so much without witnessing events. You knew what happened about Stu (in detail), had questioned her about her reasoning behind it. She denied it and you allowed that to be the final answer.
 She would talk to you when you came back to your senses about her interview. You hadn’t seen the man yet, probably for the best given your current state. She didn’t know how to break it to you that she didn’t make the cut, or his strange fascination with you during her interview. She needed to warn you to be careful.
 You drifted off to sleep, your head resting on her lap as she ran her hand through your hair. You fidgeted in your sleep. She wished to wake you but feared that doing so would only bring you back into the state you were before.
 Sadly, she had to leave you not to draw further suspicion as to why she was in your room.
 “I can’t do what you want me to do. That’s impossible,” You said to the blonde resting on the couch of the shack you both found yourselves in. It wasn’t yours and it couldn’t be hers. She seemed to proper to have a shack as a getaway location.
 “Please try,” the older woman begged.
 “Even if it was possible, how the hell am I meant to do it. I’m only a beginner. My powers are weak. I can’t teleport or read minds or control things. I hear the dead- that’s it.”
 “That’s why you’re best for this. You already know something about it. It’s your speciality.”
 “You can’t bring back people once they're erased. They don’t exist anymore. No deal with the devil is going to bring them back.” You argued. “I promised I’d look into it, and I have. With the little resources I have, nothing.”
 “We can get you more resources-”
 “-Cordelia, we’re in a shack in a swamp, hiding from the devil spawn. The school is no longer safe- there was nothing there any way I checked- If I make it to obvious what I’m looking for we risk being found.” Cordelia moved to face you back she stopped letting out a groan of pain. You ease her back into her original position on the couch. “Your weak Delia, you need to preserve your strength. Myrtle will be back soon with an update about on the plan. For now, rest.”
 “You’re too kind to me.”
 “What are friends for?”
 She grimaced.
 “You’re not weak.”
 “I wouldn’t lie to you. No good has come from me lying to my students.”
 “You wouldn’t be the first person to tell me I’m better than what I am.”
 Cordelia went to say something when the two of you felt eyes peering into you. You turned to see Coco looking at you. She asked if she was interrupting. Cordelia shook her head and said no. Apparently, Mallory wanted you for something. You nodded saying you would be there in a minute. Mallory, now she was a witch who could do what Cordelia wanted.
 “We all have our parts to play Y/N. She has hers, you have yours.”
 There was no reasoning with this woman.
You jolted up; a wave of cold sweat washed over you. In the early hours of the morning, all was restless. How could anyone sleep with all this noise?
 The spirits among the outpost’s walls screamed at to be heard. Never in all your time here had they actively sought you. You tried to filter them out, but their cries suffocated you.
 “SHUT UP! ONE. AT. A. TIME.” They quietened. “Thank you!”
 There was a knock at your door. You went to open it. A grey stood there. He asked you if you were alright. You assured him you were fine and thanked him for checking on you. It was nice to see people still had some level of compassion under these circumstances.
 You got on along with some of the greys, you were known for being one of the nicer purples to them. Sadly, that didn’t stop the rumours from getting out. You didn’t know about it at first, you’d been out of it for days since Michael Langdon’s arrival. You only left your room for dinner (the one meal you had a day) and mandatory time in the music room.
 A group of purples cornered you in the hallway on your way to the library. “Uh~ hello guys,” you tried to be nice even if you weren’t up to dealing with them.
 “L/N,” some said, “Ghost girl” the others did.
 “Can I help you?”
 “We heard about what you did with Venable.”
 “What did I do?” You asked confused. You tilted your head to the side with a dumbfounded look on your face.
 “Someone caught you two in the hallway. Another heard you two later. Apparently, she’s quite the screamer.” You didn’t pay attention to who was speaking to you, you were too in your head. Alarms were set off screaming danger for you. If you couldn’t contain the situation quick you were dead meat, and someone would get hurt.
 Someone mimicked what the person had heard, including your first name and nicknames.
 You gulped, blushing scarlet red. “What?” you stuttered out. Your gaze lowered to the ground. Come on y/n, think quick! “I was in the hallway with her, an-d she d-did do something inappropriate, but it was all her, I pushed her away after the grey left.” You peered up at them. “She was interrogating me about- about earlier that night- the alcohol thing. Why she wasn’t made aware and things like that. I told her I didn’t know. She didn’t believe me and tried a new method to get me to talk. Thankfully she was distracted enough for me to get away.”
 “Too bad you’re not with her, maybe you could have gotten her to get rid of the stupid rule on sex,” Timothy said. You gave him a sympathetic nod, hearing whispers that he is with that Emily girl.
 “Then what was heard?” Coco asked.
 “My best guess, what we all do alone in our rooms. A hand is better than nothing.”
 “How did you meet her? The outpost wasn’t the first time.”  Gallant asked.
 “I don’t think it would be wise-”
 “Did you date her or-” Gallant was interrupted.
 “I worked for her in the late 2000s. It’s as boring as that. I saw her in passing. I knew all the names of the employees, saying her first name was a slip of the tongue.”
 They didn’t know whether to believe you or not, but it was the closest thing they would ever find out to the truth. They could take it as gospel or leave it. Not your problem. They weren’t the ones who get immunity by sleeping with the leader.
 They left you alone, but you knew they would be watching you carefully from now on. Any interaction you had with Venable now had resembled how they interacted with her. You had to be one of them. The thought made you sick. Why did she have to introduce that stupid rule?
 You were called to go to Venable’s office. Michael had been using it to conduct his interviews. Michael was sitting at Mina’s desk, a file in front of him along with a notebook and pen. The man stood up as you swung the door open announcing your presence.
 “Mrs Venable.”
 “Uh~” You stood there confused. “Were you expecting Venable? I can go and-”
 “No, come in… Ms (L/N), was it?”
 “Okay.” You wandered into the room taking a seat where the man motioned for you to sit. “Yes, that’s correct.”
 “I read your file but to make sure you are who you say you are, I am going to get you to answer some questions to further, evaluate you.”
 “Did you do that for everyone?”
 “Everyone I have interviewed thus far.” He flipped open the folder. A voice told you he lied. This room was noisier than the others. Voices of the long-gone stacked on top of each other. It happened whenever he was in your presence, the voices followed him, screaming at him, blaming them for their demise. But that’s impossible, he only arrived a while ago. Your filter was too weak. You needed to concentrate twice as hard to hear what he was saying. “State your full name, age and state/country of birth.” You answered this for him. He jotted some notes down. “Gender and sexual orientation?”
 “Female and uh~ gay, well lesbian.” You had never said to anyone here that you were gay, not that they would care about it, but it wouldn’t help people knowing about you and Venable.
 “Ever dated a man?”
 “No. If you need me to have children in The Sanctuary count me out right now.”
 “That won’t be necessary.”
 “Okay, good.”
 “How many women have you dated?”
 “Ever been engaged?”
 You cock your brow. He knew? Who was he? What the fuck! Is that why he said Venable’s name before? Wait, he said Mrs not Ms. He knew from the start.
 “Are you sure?”
 “Your file says-”
 “No, it doesn’t.” Why would it? “The file would only mention if I was married or not and unless I got drunk one night and got married in Vegas, I haven’t.”
 “Hmm. Speaking of drinking, a recent note mentions you were an alcoholic.”
 “Yep. Why are you interviewing me, I am the worst person you could pick to take to a sanctuary? I’m gay and an alcoholic.”
 “Former alcoholic the files said. Those details don’t interest me as much as your mind does.”
 “My mind?”
 “You have a lot of experience at working.”
 “No, I don’t. I’m easily replaceable by a grey.”
 “Why are you so willing to pass up the chance to be safe?”
 “How do I know that you aren’t making this all up? You could be a phoney.”
 “I assure you, I’m not.” Wow, convincing, you thought sarcastically. “You were a medium, correct?”
 “Yes. Briefly.”
 “Would you go so far as to say it’s a power or gift?” More like a curse. You shook your head. “Can you hear the dead?” You shook your head. “So, you’re a phoney?” You nod. Should you be lying? You were warned not to trust him. “Let’s change the topic.” He circled the table and leant against the desk in front of you. “Something’s worrying you like you don’t know who you are. Who are you?”
 “You have my file-”
 “A file is just paperwork; it can’t perfectly describe an individual. So, I ask you again, who are you?”
 “I don’t know.”
 “You're not the first person to say that to me in one of these. Who are you?”
 “I just said-”
 “What happened in those four years that you wanted to forget?” WHAT? WHO IS THIS MAN? He can’t be human, that’s for sure. “Who… are...you?”
Your life was just starting to get better. You had the girl of your dreams, the world’s best job and enough money for a comfortable future. Life was perfect.
 Then you found out you were a witch. You thought you knew everything you needed to know about yourself. This news threw you for a loop. 
 You remember watching the interview announcing witches to the world. You were cuddled up in your Wilhelmina’s arms as the segment came on. Mina wanted to change it claiming it was some wacko spouting out nonsense, but you knew better. You told her you wanted to see it. She kept it on for you. The blonde's words resonated with you. They stuck to your thoughts every time you remembered something that happened to you. Mina's mind didn't change, and you didn't expect it too. If she knew what was going on inside your head, she may have given the idea a chance. 
 One moment you were kissing your girl goodbye before she went to work, the next you were outside the witch school in New Orleans with nothing but a carry-on suitcase.
 Wilhelmina had no way of getting into contact with you. Your phone was left on your nightstand next to the empty engagement ring box.
 It had been three years since you found yourself at the gates of Miss Robichaux’s. Not a single day went by where you didn’t think about going back to your old life. What you had given up trying to find out more about yourself. She may have understood if only you talked to her. You had no idea what had come of her. 
 The other student’s had theories about why you always wore an engagement ring. You didn’t let them get to you. A dear friend of yours and Supreme, Cordelia Goode did her best to tell them off when they started to bombard you with questions. No one, not even your friends at the academy knew the true story but they helped you in any way they could whenever you got in your head.
 Everything seemed to be going well at the academy. The council kept the dangers under wraps so none of the students knew what was going on until it was too late. You were out in the greenhouse alone, you ditched class for some alone time. It was getting too loud in your head. You put on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to block out the noise so you could calm down and focus on your studies. You did get a pardon from some classes if you weren't up to it, but you had to prove that you were keeping up with the lessons. 
 You missed the gunshots and the screams of your sisters as a Hawthorne boy shot up the school in an attempted to kill the supreme.
 It was nightfall when you returned into the house turned school. It struck you as odd that the lights were off. On your way to flick on the light, you tripped over something. You fell into a pool of something tacky. You felt around, you spread the substance about. Your hands stuck to the floorboards. Your hands stumbled across something lying on the ground. It felt fleshy. "No." You closed your eyes, wishing for a fire so you could see. You didn't care if you were scolded for burning for lighting the curtains, you had to disprove your suspension. 
 Bodies, dozens of them laid on the floor. More in other rooms. You counted them, taking record of who was gone. Teachers and students alike. They couldn't all be dead, right? People were missing, about five. The council as well as two students you recognise to be Coco and Mallory. 
 You had no time to weep, you had to find out what monster did this to them. None of the girls was responding from the afterlife. "Come on. Come on. Please come back to me." You begged and begged but no one came. You couldn't help them if they didn't respond. 
 You tried every summoning spell, every chant, hell you even tried to calm down in case that was preventing you. As a last resort, you called an old friend. It wasn't hard to get into contact with her, she hadn't changed her number after all these years.
 "Y/n, what brings you the pleasure of calling me so late at night?" She probably assumed this was a booty call. 
 "I-I need your help. How fast can you get to New Orleans?"
 "It's 2am-"
 "Please~ I'm too weak. I can't hear them."
 The woman on the other end sighed. "Text me the address, I'll be there as soon as I can." She was a busy woman now that she was a Hollywood famous Medium with a television show, but somewhere in her heart she still cared for you enough to fly across the country to help you.
 There was a ring at the doorbell. You ran to the door flinging it open. Your outfit was stained with other witches’ blood. All you could do was sit and wait for Billie to show up. Your face irritated from your constant sobbing. 
 "Y/n, what happened?"
 "They're dead. Someone killed them. I can't hear them anymore." You pulled her into a hug, sobbing into her shoulder. "I didn't know who else to call."
 You showed her all the bodies. Somewhere missing from when you tried to help them and their body's disintegrated.
 "I've seen this before…" she went on to tell you about a family that lives in a haunted house. From that tale, a boy of ghost and human was born, the Antichrist. He was able to dissolve a soul-making it as if they never lived at all.
 "There must be a way to get a soul back."
 "I've never heard of one,” Billie admitted. “I didn’t know it was possible until recently.”
 “This can’t be it. They can’t be gone. They existed, there must be a place they’re being stored, their memories like data in a recycling bin on a laptop.”
 Billie shrugged, “I only talk to the dead. Resurrection isn’t in my job description.” You couldn’t believe her. If she couldn’t do it then who? “Only someone with knowledge on witchcraft or voodoo would be able to do something like that.” You sighed; this was hopeless. You rubbed your forearm with your now clean hands, standing there awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. “If anyone can figure one out it has to be you."
 "You’re just saying that to give me hope."
 "I wouldn't tell you if I didn't believe it 100%. I knew you all those years ago. You have changed a lot since then. I knew you would-"
 "Where do I look then? All my resources have been taken from me, my sisters have been erased, the ones who are alive are god knows where and I can't master a stupid incantation because it's in Latin."
 "What's the spell?"
 You showed her the page for a simple location spell. You needed something that belonged the person you were looking for, a map and to be able to speak the incantation in fluent Latin. You didn't own a map because no one uses physical maps these days so you used your phone opened to google maps instead, a blouse you stole from Cordelia's wardrobe for the personal item and Billie helped you by figuring out how to say the enchantment(You think she called someone up so you could learn to pronounce it but you couldn’t recall). 
 You thanked her for her help, and you were off. You had cleaned off, not wanting to cause a scene in blood-stained clothes in the early hours of the morning. The only belongings you had with you were your phone and the clothes on your back. Everything else was left behind in the crime scene that the school had transformed into.
 Who would have guessed there was a little hut hidden away in the woods? You walked up to it, scooping out the area before knocking on the front door. You heard voices from behind it, feminine voices. 
 You had to try and figure out what you were going to say. How do you explain, ‘I did a spell that led me to this shack, I'm looking for a group of witches please help me?’
 The door opened far enough for the person on the other side to see who it was. 
 "H-hello, I'm Y/N L/N. I was wondering-"
 "Y/N," a voice gasped. The door flung open and you were created by the supreme tackling you into a hug. "You're alive? How?" She pulled you into the hut shutting the door after scooping the area quickly. The other witches checked to see who it was. Coco and Mallory light up and reacted similarly to Cordelia. Myrtle told you it was good to see you and even Madison happy enough to offer you a smile.
 "I was in the greenhouse and when I went back inside for the night- the girls- I couldn't-" you choked up. Cordelia pulled you into her embrace. "I-I tried. For hours. Called an old friend. Nothing."
 "Their souls have been erased."
 "I was told their souls have been erased. Wait, you know?"
 "Someone told us this information too late," she glared at Madison.
 "My friend, she said it was the work of an antichrist or at least last time it was done it was."
 "This friend of yourself did she described the person?"
 "Male, blonde, looked to be in his twenties…"
 The end of the world was coming. An apocalypse to wipe out all but a select few humans who were shoved into outposts all around the world. The spots were saved for the smartest minds and the wealthiest of people.
 Myrtle ‘convinced’ the cokeheads organising who goes to the outpost to allow Mr St. Pierre Vanderbilt to purchase tickets to outpost three. Myrtle retold what happened on her trip to comfort a weakening Cordelia. The six remaining witches of your coven hideaway in Misty Day’s home while she was away. Cordelia was curled on the lounge with a blanket on top of her facing Myrtle. The other witch rested at the end of the couch trying to give the blonde as much room as possible. The other girls were fast asleep in the other room. You tasked yourself with making tea for the other two witches. 
 You were more focused on the tea for Cordelia than Myrtle’s tale. She went on about the interior of the place, nothing important but the blonde seemed to enjoy it.
 “Sounds like a place I used to work at,” you reminisced. Cordelia turned to look at you as you walked slowly carried the tray towards them. “Only for a bit before I got a better job. It’s where I met- uh, sorry carry on.”
 Your interruption wasn’t minded, the two (mainly Cordelia) was happy you were opening up more about your past before the Coven. It meant you were comfortable around them and that was important now more than ever.
 “It’s alright, dear.”
 “So, what was this place? What do they do other than plan for the end of the world?” You placed the tray down on the coffee table in front of them. You began pouring a drink for Cordelia. 
 Myrtle basically told you their one of the leading companies specialising in hyper-realistic robots- mainly for sex purposes without using any of those words. She always spoke with class, which made it more entertaining when she was talking about more vile topics. 
 You went to hand the teacup to Cordelia when you heard the name of a place you thought you would never have to hear again, Kineros Robotics. The cup slips out of your hand, smashing onto the floor.
 “Mina,” you whimpered out. You got stuck in your own memories of the months you worked there as Venable’s assistant. 
 “Hmm~” you hummed. 
 “You with us?” 
 You nodded not paying attention to any of the words being said. A hand on your shoulder snapped you back to the present.
 “Sorry. I’ll clean that up and make you another.” You go to pour her another tea when your hands are stopped by Cordelia. She seemed to be straining herself to stop you from stressing yourself out any further. She always put others before herself. You didn’t notice until now that your hands were trembling.  She asked kindly, for Myrtle to do it for you instead. 
 “It appears that the ‘Mina’ Y/N mentioned was the secretary,” Myrtle informed Cordelia. “As I was talking to her I noticed the only personal item she had on her desk was a photo and another woman.” Your head was lowered, not wanting to meet either woman’s eyes. You listened to the oldest woman’s words. She moved on. Of course, she did, why would she wait around for a woman you ran away before they joined unions. “It was Y/N.”
 You began sobbing. Cordelia pulled you into her embrace. 
 “I-I don’t know what happened,” you choked up on every second word. Cordelia ran her hands through your hair. She calmly shushed you, wanting to wait until you had calmed down to talk. You kept pushing on, “I-I was with he-r and then I wasn’t. I le-ft her and I don’t remember why. I was happy, why would I-”
 “Shhh, you’ll figure it out.”
“Who… are… you?”
 “(Full name)”
 “That’s not what I’m asking.”
 “That’s my name.”
 “I’m done with you. You deserve to rot here.”
 You got up and walked to the door. As your hand settled on the doorknob something clicked in your mind. You knew where you knew that last name from. It was an old client/friend of your former boss. You knew the client enough to know they were somehow related to the man in the room.
 You turned around and stared him down. Your hand tightened around the handle. The room grew chiller and you weren’t the only one to notice it for once.
 The four years. Something made sense within you. You were here with a purpose. You weren’t sure what it was yet, but you knew it was involved with stopping him. The antichrist.
 “No, Michael, you deserve to rot here after all you have done.” The haze you’d been lost in was clearing up. “The spirits are restless and waiting for you to join them. Don’t leave your ‘brothers’ waiting, it will only make them angrier.”
 Was that a stupid thing to say? Definity. Was it true? yes. The dead weren’t happy out his current status and if given the chance would stop him by any means. You might be the thing that helps them to do so.
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