dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Философия и мистика
ФЕНИКС-ОГОНЬ All the creativity of the world, all art is based on the power of passion and sexuality of the highest categories. All truth is one. Behind everything is the power of love and passion. Without them, life itself would be impossible, even just one breath. “Phoenix-Fire”🎻🔥 Karolina Ingo Всё творчество мира, всё искусство основано на силе страсти и сексуальности самых высших…
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Философия и мистика
ФЕНИКС-ОГОНЬ Winning at someone else’s expense is a lie. There is no purpose that could justify the sacrifice of someone else in the name of someone else’s interests. This is just dishonor, skillfully covered up by hypocritical pathos. But death is better than dishonor. “Phoenix-Fire”🔥 Karolina Ingo Победа за чужой счёт – ложь. Нет цели, которая могла бы оправдать принесение в жертву кого-то…
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Философия и мистика.
ФЕНИКС-ОГОНЬ “Phoenix Fire. The path of immortality, or the tale of the Dark Angel.” Book of Shadows, philosophical doctrine and gothic legend about the Devil. From Faiyr, Ridero, LuluPress. The book is also available for sale on Google Books & Applebooks 🌹🔥 “Phoenix-Fire” by Karoline…
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Магия Музыки
ФЕНИКС-ОГОНЬ It’s like music… Literally behind everything really true and beautiful in Eternity stands only the immortal music of eternal love. And more … nothing. Just you and me. Forever… “Phoenix-Fire”🌹❤️‍🔥 Karolina Ingo Это как музыка… Буквально за всем действительно истинным и прекрасным в Вечности стоит только бессмертная музыка вечной любви. А больше… ничего. Только ты и я.…
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
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It's like music... Literally behind everything really true and beautiful in Eternity stands only the immortal music of eternal love. And more ... nothing. Just you and me. Forever... "Phoenix-Fire"🌹❤️‍🔥 Karolina Ingo Это как музыка... Буквально за всем действительно истинным и прекрасным в Вечности стоит только бессмертная музыка вечной любви. А больше... ничего. Только ты и я. Навечно... "Феникс-Огонь"🌹❤️‍🔥 Каролина Инго https://www.lulu.com/shop/каролина-инго/феникс-огонь/paperback/product-7pzpz8.html?page=1&pageSize=4 @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo @artmajeur @saatchiart @deviantart @ridero.ru @applebooks @amazon @google_playbooks #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #artmajeur#saatchiart #deviantart #ridero #feiyr #applebooks #googlebooks #Arte🎨 #Kunst🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkArt #FairyTales❤️‍🔥 #ФениксОгонь🔥 #PhoenixFire🔥 #OccultPhilosophy #PhilosophyofMusic🎶 #BookofShadows🔥 #RomanticArt❤️‍🔥 #RomanticBooks #EsotericFantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQSmfgogc6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
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WEALTH OF THE SPIRIT❤️‍🔥 COLD HEART ❄ 🔥 There is a beautiful fairy tale Frozen-English. Frozen It's about two sisters who loved each other, but one of them had to pull away so as not to harm the other, because she was afraid that her gift of Ice magic could destroy her little sister. In the end, everything ended well. The sisters united again. The gift of magic the older sister learned to control. And everything became good, no matter what ... This beautiful Disney tale has beautiful music and a beautiful song that talks about not being afraid of the cold... "Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway”… But too often, those who are used to contemplating their Ice magic in life become ice themselves. The main character of the fairy tale was not like that. She was just in pain... But how often does outer ice become imperceptibly inner… My article from 2021 on my website Shaman's Cave БОГАТСТВО ДУХА❤️‍🔥 ХОЛОДНОЕ СЕРДЦЕ ❄ 🔥 Есть красивая сказка Холодное Сердце-англ. Frozen Она о двух сёстрах, которые любили друг друга,но одна из них должна была отстраниться,чтобы не навредить другой, потому что боялась, что её дар магии Льда может погубить её младшую сестру.В итоге всё закончилось хорошо.Сёстры снова объединились.Дар магии старшая сестра научилась контролировать.И всё стало хорошо, несмотря ни на что… У этой красивой Диснеевской сказки есть красивая музыка и красивая песня, в которой говорится об отсутствии страха перед холодом… «Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway»… Но слишком часто тот,кто привык к созерцанию своей магии Льда в жизни становится ледяным и сам. Главная героиня сказки такой не была.Ей просто было больно… Но как часто внешний лёд становится незаметно внутренним… Моя статья от 2021 на моём сайте Shaman's Cave https://shamanicantrum.wordpress.com/2022/12/15/%d1%84%d0%b8%d0%bb%d0%be%d1%81%d0%be%d1%84%d0%b8%d1%8f-%d0%b6%d0%b8%d0%b7%d0%bd%d0%b8-2/ @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #Frozen❄️🔥 #WriterandArtist #FairyTales #PhilosophyofMusic🎶 #Philosophy https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMWYkLInUe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianakarolinaingo · 2 years
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Sub Rosa🌹 [Russian Edition in my FacebookPage]🔥 ...The very word God is a synonym for kindness and peace. But where does such a synonym come from, if throughout history there have been a variety of gods in world culture? And it doesn’t matter that they necessarily brought kindness and peace. And in most cases, it's just the opposite. And even if God really plays the Opponent to himself, then this is nothing more than a one-sided game, where everything is pre-calculated and measured in such a way that neither of the two sides suffers. Then where is the real Devil here who could resist both of them, the human God and the Devil, invented only for the world of naive people and all those who rule them? The answer is simple - there is simply no such Devil in this world. And even if there is, then this image is by no means so sinister... Karolina Ingo/Writer&Artist 🔥 @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo @feiyr @amazon @ridero.ru @google_playbooks @aliexpress #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Writer #PhoenixFire🔥 #Phoenix #Philosophy #OccultPhilosophy #Devil #EsotericBooks #DemonsandAngels #feiyr #amazon #ridero #googlebooks #aliexpress #DevilwithViolin🎻 #PhilosophyofMusic🎶 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQ8QGoIBVp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianakarolinaingo · 6 months
All creativity in the world, all art is based on the power of passion and sexuality of the highest categories.
The whole truth is one. Behind everything is the power of love and passion. Without them, life itself would be impossible, even just one breath... 🌹🔥
"Phoenix-Fire" Karolina Ingo
Всё творчество мира, всё искусство основано на силе страсти и сексуальности самых высших категорий.
Вся правда одна. За всем стоит сила любви и страсти. Без них была бы невозможна сама жизнь, даже один только вздох...🌹🔥
Каролина Инго
#Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkRomantic #OccultPhilosophy #EsotericBooks #FantasyBooks #FallenAngels #PhilosophyofMusic🎶🔥 #FairyTales❤️‍🔥
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Believe me, I am flattered by such increased attention to my creative activity.
But, dear pirates, I kindly ask you to put the latest versions of my books on your sites, please. Many of you already have mostly outdated versions, without illustrations and in crude proofreading.
Thank you for your cooperation.
My respects,Karolina Ingo/Writer and Artist
Поверьте, я польщён таким повышенным вниманием к моей творческой деятельности.
Но, уважаемые пираты, убедительная просьба, ставьте на свои сайты самые последние версии моих книг, пожалуйста.
У многих из вас уже в основном устаревшие варианты, без иллюстраций и в сырой корректуре.
Благодарю за сотрудничество.
Моё уважение, Каролина Инго/Писатель и Художник
#Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #Arte🎨 #Kunst🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkArt #FairyTales❤️‍🔥 #КаролинаИнго #РусскоеФэнтези #Философия #PhilosophyofMusic🎶🔥 #Occultism #PhilosophicalFantasy
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
Winning at someone else's expense is a lie.
There is no purpose that could justify the sacrifice of someone else in the name of someone else's interests. This is just dishonor, skillfully covered up by hypocritical pathos.
But death is better than dishonor.
Karolina Ingo
Победа за чужой счёт - ложь.
Нет цели, которая могла бы оправдать принесение в жертву кого-то другого во имя чужих интересов. Это лишь бесчестие, умело прикрытое лицемерной патетикой.
Но лучше смерть, чем бесчестие.
Каролина Инго
#Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkArt #FairyTales❤️‍🔥 #Philosophy #PhilosophyofMusic🎶🔥 #EsotericBooks #Fantasy #DevilwithViolin🎻🔥 #PhoenixFire🔥 #FallenAngels #Paleocontact
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
"Phoenix Fire. The path of immortality, or the tale of the Dark Angel."
Book of Shadows, philosophical doctrine and gothic legend about the Devil. From Faiyr, Ridero, LuluPress. The book is also available for sale on Google Books & Applebooks 🌹🔥
"Phoenix-Fire" by Karoline Ingo
Путь бессмертия, или сказка о Тёмном Ангеле."
#Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #Arte🎨 #Kunst🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkArt #FairyTales #Fantasy #EsotericBooks #Devil #DevilwithViolin #Violin🎻 #MagicofMusic🎶🔥 #PhilosophyofMusic🎶🔥 #PhoenixFire #FallenAngels
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dianakarolinaingo · 1 year
"Phoenix Fire. The path of immortality, or the tale of the Dark Angel."
Book of Shadows, philosophical doctrine and gothic legend about the Devil. From Faiyr, Ridero, LuluPress. The book is also available for sale on Google Books & Applebooks 🌹🔥
"Phoenix-Fire" by Karoline Ingo
Путь бессмертия, или сказка о Тёмном Ангеле."
Книга Теней, философская доктрина и готическая легенда о Дьяволе.
От издательства Faiyr, Ridero, LuluPress.
А также книга доступна к продаже на Google Books & Applebooks 🌹🔥
от автора Каролина Инго
#Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Art🎨 #Arte🎨 #Kunst🎨 #FantasyArt #DarkArt #FairyTales #Fantasy #EsotericBooks #Devil #DevilwithViolin #Violin🎻 #MagicofMusic🎶🔥 #PhilosophyofMusic🎶🔥 #PhoenixFire #FallenAngels
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dianakarolinaingo · 2 years
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Sub Rosa🌹 [Russian Edition-Facebook] Continue- ...This mystical God, born on the verge between life and death, came into the world with a very special magic, the magic of immortality. In a fight with Seth, he injured his left eye. The gods helped revive it and gave it to him. But for the sake of his father, he sacrificed his eye, "widget", bringing him back to life. As a result, Osiris was resurrected, but went to rule the kingdom of the dead. And Horus became a real stronghold of the Power of Light and immortality, and brought with him into the world a threat to the power of Seth. The number of Horus is 5. The sign of Horus is the left eye of secret knowledge. The symbolism of Horus is a falcon, like all birds of prey. In particular, we can say that the symbolism of Horus is also associated with the Phoenix, as a symbol of immortality on a mystical level. Horus is the God of Light and truth. In fact, all of his symbols carry a very great power of protection from evil, and the symbols of Set, on the contrary, attract this evil. For example, the cross of Set is not equilateral, and therefore is associated with the symbol of the grave cross, death and sacrifice. But the left hawk eye of Horus is a symbol of the ability to see true evil, as well as what most people cannot see. "Phoenix-Fire" Karolina Ingo🔥 /Start in previous post/ @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo @feiyr @amazon @ridero.ru @google_playbooks @aliexpress #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Fantasy #OccultBooks #amazon #ridero #aliexpress #googlebooks #feiyr #Philosophy #PhoenixFire🔥 #RomanticBooks #OccultPhilosophy #chaognisticism #Luciferusm #Devil #DevilwithViolin🎻 #MagicofViolin🎻 #Violin🎻🔥 #PhilosophyofMusic🎶 #Horus #Mythology⛵️ #BlackFire🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRDEFGoCku/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianakarolinaingo · 2 years
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Sub Rosa🌹 [Russian Edition-Facebook] Once there was such a myth about the creation of this world. In fact, this is a wonderful myth about love and harmony. Once the world was created. Then the God and Goddess were created. They were Isis and Osiris. When their reign came, there was universal harmony in the world. But as it usually happens, according to the laws of all dramatic genres, evil has invaded this world. And that evil was the dog-headed God Set. The number of Set is 4. The sign of Set is the cross of death and suffering. The symbolism of Seth is a black dog or jackal, as well as a dark evil hypostasis of the Serpent. Seth - God of lies, death and illusion. As a result, Osiris entered the battle with Set and lost it. Osiris is dead. And already from him who died, his wife Isis, the goddess and sorceress, was able to conceive a child. As a result, the God Horus, or Horus, which means Light, was born... /Continued in the next post/ "Phoenix-Fire" Karolina Ingo🔥 @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo @feiyr @amazon @ridero.ru @google_playbooks @aliexpress #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Fantasy #OccultBooks #amazon #ridero #aliexpress #googlebooks #feiyr #Philosophy #PhoenixFire🔥 #RomanticBooks #OccultPhilosophy #chaognisticism #Luciferusm #Devil #DevilwithViolin🎻 #MagicofViolin🎻 #Violin🎻🔥 #PhilosophyofMusic🎶 #Horus #Mythology⛵️ #BlackFire🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRB_30IeH3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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