#Pay Gas Bill
krissiedeathy · 2 months
My commissions are open! I am unemployed and I have bills coming due. I am looking for new work but I'm not hearing back much from anyone. It feels like the world is just out to hurt me today. So if you could just help get the word out that would be awesome thank you. Examples and such Under the keep reading line.
I am willing to draw Sonic OCs.
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Quick Sketches:
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I also have coloring pages that you can pay what you want for them. I'm going to be adding more after I post this.
So what's up? I got fired because I had to leave work early at the end of March. I've been looking for work since. Luckily I buy my cat's food a month in advance. So my cat is feed. I suffer from depression, so I often forget to eat but my hubby will often remind me as we usually eat together. But since he has been handling most of the bills as well as helping supporting his mom, food funds have been low. I've applied to most of the temp agencies in my area. Haven't heard back form any of them. I'm waiting on at least 3 places to do a background check on me so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon, but it is taking longer than I thought. So now I'm a nervous wreck and worrying about how I'll be able to afford my part of the bills. I wish I could monetize my youtube channel, but it hasn't reached that view threshold for me to apply on any of my channels yet. so yay.
So if you want to commission me, please feel free. If you can't, just reblog and share. Someone else might be able to.
Cashapp: $KrissieAG
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mxwhore · 6 months
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can i get a fucking Break
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menlove · 3 months
learning how much Debt medium rich people are in is so scary to me. like. I'm about 1k in credit card debt (which is very low compared to my total credit limits I know how to keep a good ratio going for a good credit score) and then like 20k in student loan debt and that's terrifying to me. but 99% of medium rich people you see are like. hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and that's just How they pay for their lifestyle. they get insanely high credit limits and just pay for entire cruises and vacations and bullshit on their credit cards. I cannot fathom this. if I were 300k in credit card debt I'd be having heart palpatations daily. but it's good to keep this in mind when going "how tf do people my age afford things?!" bc typically the answer is: credit cards and loans. they aren't affording things at all.
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bbdoll · 1 year
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It’s the fifth day of summer and with a total of §1500 between her tip tar and piggy bank - not including the three in her pocket, Wren patiently waits for a call back with a job offer.
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
So I know this isn't anything that like actually needs an apology but it'll make me feel a bit better to say it. Oof whoops this ABoT chapter is super late. Timing kinda sucks since I wanted to have some updates out while s3 was airing but
Been kinda mega busy and stressed since October with the whole condo buying thing which rolled right into immediate day 0 plumbing and boiler issues I had to get fixed and general moving hassle and financial commitment stress and I kinda just fried myself hard. Plus then acclimating to a new place without my familiar street or familiar grocery store or familiar room or any of that. Like there's no "just go home and take your mind off it" to this cuz home is the "it". So I'm just kinda enduring until I can calm the hell down.
And anyway I definitely have progress on ch47, like 7000-ish words of it, but it's the kind of like "there is writing there" and hasn't exactly hit the "there is substance there" that I want ABoT chapters to be. Like this in particular is a chapter I want to be good, not just be done. So it's taking time to get my brain somewhere that can do that.
#anyway#i mean just in case anyone was like wondering if its discontinued to anything#its still going i just can't make it Good quite yet#(plus i need to get furniture cuz as it stands the place is really quite empty and bare except for like my room and the kitchen)#(also the bank had my address wrong so they havent been able to send me any of the mortgage information which was technically due already)#(ive been in contact with them but it's a whole thing)#(plus im still not quite finished with all the utility switching. i still need to get water in my name)#(and the boiler issue fucked up my gas bill so now ive got a crazy high gas bill i just need to... pay)#(i have actually started seeing a therapist but thats a whole other Thing now figuring out insurance and deductables and using my HSA#account and just... it's a lot)#(oh also my homeowner's insurance policy number doesn't actually work for getting me into the online portal. and the geico guy said he was#looking into it but I havent heard anything in a while)#(its a lot im just gonna melt for a while i guess)#(plus all the upfront stress has made it really hard to associate the new place as 'home' instead of 'place of great many plumbing evils')#(i sat on like 4 million couches this week and the only one i really really like probably doesn't quite fit in my living room)#(the downstairs neighbors tv is too loud and i need to talk to her about it in a way which isn't 'hey im holding on by a thread and this#one small inconvenience is the thing which is making me turn into ash')#(oh thats right i have to go pay my january HOA dues...)#(oh also I need to file for the owner-occupied tax exemption thing now that its 2023)#anyway......... ill be normal eventually. im just not normal right now.#chrissy speaks
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tacitusauxilium · 1 month
So. Uh…the next couple months are gonna probably be bad with me stressing out with work and such. My whole shift is probably going to be changing—hours and days—and we are suppose to know this week what we all got. So, I’m a nervous wreck since I go on vacation this month and in two months.
My husband, on the other hand, is not holding it in well. They are forcing people in his department to go from 8a-4p to 3a-11a. And we can’t do that since my mom watches our son four days a week, which will now be 5 days with my new schedule. He is only working 8a-11a three to four days a week and his fifth day is always 8 hours. So, we lost over $500 on this paycheck.
He’s panicking, I’m taking my anxiety medicine to just not FEEL anything cause if I do, I’m going to scream or cry or hit something, so we are a wreck. We can’t even do anything for our son’s birthday this Sunday which we planned out weeks ago and have to cancel.
And my mom’s hours and days are being cut—two or three days of work instead of four—so I’m the bread winner and I’m losing my mind. Not knowing what’s gonna happen is causing me to get my period earlier than normal and I don’t wanna leave this place. We just got insurance taken care of thanks to the union, so I’ll save money, and there is no customer interactions, but dammit—I have to take melatonin to knock me out or I’ll be up all night worrying.
So, I’m a nervous wreck and just spotty with talking to people or wanting to do anything. I try to stay at places for more than four years but every TIME I do, something shitty happens. This is the third time my shift and hours have changed in four years since I’ve been here. Just…needed to vent and rant cause I hear it all day at work and I want my days off with my husband and I wanna see my kid and want to come home for dinner—!
I hate playing everything day by day. I just want a life outside of work even if I don’t have friends or anything to do. Just…want to unwind and can’t. I’ll keep you all updated on what the heck happens this month.
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shadyhouse · 1 month
disregard my whining from this morning, guess who snagged a job interview next week >:3333
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saetoru · 8 months
ok on a real note, i read and appreciate every kind/supportive ask in my inbox so thank you for those if you send them
but i don’t and won’t always answer every ask bc that’s just gonna mean i have to spend concerning amount of time on tumblr and i don’t wanna be an ipad kid 😭✋🏽
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lunar-fey · 1 year
hey i don't have the heart or energy to make a proper post ill do that later ig. but situation is still bleak - im disabled + every other adult in this house is disabled but only my mother is on disability. we are all unemployed & hungry & i need money for bills and meds
if you can help -> paypal.me/Nat1172
im not gonna put like a goal on here bc ill remake this in a few days or smthn when i have the energy but $200 is what i need to cover my own personal needs for this month
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manygreetingsfriend · 14 days
for someone that never¹ goes out and never² buys anything idk how tf my card info was stolen but major shout out to my bank for seeing five (5) attempts at online purchases at gamestop at ass o’clock in the morning and going “ain’t no way that’s this bitch”
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 5 months
How I feel whenever the heater is on
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at-thezenith · 8 months
i don't have a lot of righteous anger in me, but what i do have is utter disdain for london based companies that set their entry level salaries at 24k a year. oh so you want your assistants to be miserable? to be hungry? to not have any breathing room between jobs? to be forced to work while sick because they can't afford to take the day off? you need at least 30k to keep your head comfortably above water is london and that's if you want to rent a shitty room in a building that's falling apart. GODDDD me and the publishing industry will be fighting for the foreseeable future
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robotpussy · 8 months
like part time is the only decent option when it comes to work but the problem is part time work doesn't pay enough for you to live
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skimmilk11 · 5 months
it is so over
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detentiontrack · 8 months
If I don’t hear back from the job I interviewed for by tomorrow night, I’m going to start looking elsewhere and submitting other applications
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tittyinfinity · 6 months
I love telling people that I'm broke and all my money comes from the government and then brag about my smart watch and my housekeeper and watch them get uncomfortable as they try to figure out if I "deserve" these things and decide whether or not they should accuse me of scamming the government lmaooo
(My smart watch is 100% free on my mom's promotional plan and my mom pays the extra $5 a month for it to have cell phone service in case my phone dies)
(My housekeeper is paid for thru a program that helps disabled people)
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