niiikooooo · 24 days
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Proxella + bikini and big pant for the Meme
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invoitplast · 4 months
Flexible Storage Silo Supplier in Ankleshwar
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Flexible Storage Silo Supplier in Ankleshwar: Invoit Plast Machinery: Invoit Plast Machinery is recognized in India for delivering reliable solutions in the plastic processing field. The company specializes in manufacturing and supplying high-quality Flexible Storage Silo in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. A flexible storage silo, also known as a flexible silo or fabric silo, is a versatile and innovative storage solution designed for bulk materials. These structures, made from flexible and durable materials, offer a range of benefits in storage capacity, installation, and adaptability, unlike traditional rigid silos. Construction and Material: Made from high-strength, flexible fabric materials, often reinforced with specialized coatings for durability. The flexible nature allows for easy expansion and contraction based on the stored material volume. Storage Capacity: Offers a scalable storage solution with varying capacities to accommodate different quantities of bulk materials. Can be customized to meet specific storage needs, making it suitable for a wide range of industries. Installation and Assembly: Relatively quick and straightforward installation compared to traditional rigid silos. Modular design allows for easy assembly and disassembly, facilitating relocation if necessary. Adaptability: Suitable for storing various bulk materials such as powders, granules, and even liquids. Can adapt to irregular terrain or limited available space, providing flexibility in placement. Features: Airtight Sealing: Maintains the quality and integrity of stored materials by preventing external contamination. Integrated Ventilation Systems: Regulates temperature and humidity inside the silo. Easy Access: Some designs include access ports or openings for convenient loading, unloading, and inspection. Applications: Agriculture: Used for storing grains, seeds, and other agricultural products. Chemical Industry: Suitable for powders, pellets, and other bulk chemical materials. Food and Beverage: Ideal for storing ingredients such as flour, sugar, or additives. Plastics and Polymers: Provides efficient storage for granules and powders. We Provide Flexible Storage Silo Supplier in Ankleshwar Including Surat, Daman, Bharuch, Dahej, Jhagadia, Valia, Panoli, Palej, Amod, Rajpipla, Vapi. Read the full article
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toni-ft · 1 year
Vesdi petardo cursi panoli
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cparti-mkiki · 1 year
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aprended a escribir números coño que cada vez que busco al blorbo tengo que verle la cara al puto panoli este - cuando yo lo que quiero es contenido de MI panoli!!!!!!
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444names · 2 years
american states + italian cities BUT excluding "j"
Achio Afaenna Afaent Agrili Alabasto Alaho Alan Alania Alawa Aleggino Alegli Alegno Ales Alescato Aligama Aligamo Alivoria Allani Alligno Alta Andini Ansa Ansyla Ansyra Anto Anza Apada Apagri Aplegna Aranzia Arealta Aredo Aredonano Areminia Aria Arkania Arleria Arolza Asetri Aspesini Assey Avela Avella Avergia Averiana Avola Avolifori Avorni Avorta Baglia Baglin Bagusa Bampori Bampshia Barasori Bareggia Baria Baska Baso Batavonto Battorde Bena Beno Bento Bentonia Benza Berbolino Bergia Beria Bernolie Berra Bisi Bisiano Bito Bitonsali Bola Bolbia Bolfetta Boli Bolia Bolindria Brezia Bria Brigenza Brino Cafrezio Caglia Caglieno Cagolie Cagusee Cala Calabarpi Calan Cale Caleri Caletta Cali Camo Cana Caraci Carara Caraticce Caringto Caro Catavitto Cati Cato Catta Cegno Cerginana Cerrateno Chigenne Chigna Chigo Chio Chiresto Chirgia Chusee Cinoa Ciressee Cola Colahoma Colas Colingto Colorizo Comexas Comon Cona Conania Cone Conevana Consanona Consipari Cont Credo Creggini Cromata Cromino Crone Dellia Erandisso Erbo Erboli Ermo Erniani Erno Erra Erta Faententa Fana Fatansisi Fati Fatonza Ferti Fiugioemo Fiumisse Floggioca Florde Flork Florlinne Flornici Flourizo Flout Foggio Fola Foli Folingto Folza Fori Forignoia Forni Gachia Gamaste Geli Geni Gentona Genza Gevia Gevito Gioggia Gria Grigona Grinesi Hawara Hawaryla Idahome Idakota Ilandri Ilia Ilioemo Illina Imone Indriano Iocarmo Ioemo Ioemona Kania Kano Kena Keno Kento Labra Laska Lawa Leccarona Leglio Legno Lerbolza Lerratamo Lerugli Lesaveni Lesco Lesti Letts Lina Lorgia Lourina Lucky Maii Maina Mainia Maino Mano Mara Marano Marato Marevado Marotano Marsa Maska Maspernia Massi Mattandia Mexasto Micona Mila Mili Milleto Milvana Mina Mingalin Mino Misili Misouria Misse Mistvita Mode Modela Modenza Mola Molashia Mona Moncanza Moncolza Mone Montoisia Montoisse Montoremo Montucky Nania Nanicosee Nebrezia Nebrezio Nece Nesotani Nevani Nevaredo Neverno Newhamona Newhawara Newyoredo Nona Ohia Ohienza Ohine Ohioemini Ohioemo Okla Oklabaro Oklasse Olaho Olfettana Orde Ornia Orno Paguse Palarmola Palta Pania Panoli Panrenna Pavermona Pena Penan Pento Penza Periani Permo Pesas Pesasseni Pesce Pesci Peso Pessi Pesti Pezia Pezzon Piscas Piso Pissento Pissia Pomesetta Pomezzo Pomicolio Pomone Poremona Porina Porinorde Porle Pornia Porno Porthcala Pota Pozzona Prapalina Pria Prinia Racuse Rana Rani Rania Rareveni Rarolia Raterno Redo Rego Remo Remon Rena Renzia Resee Rhodenia Rian Rida Rila Rino Rolbia Rote Rotonzio Rovana Sacenza Sachindia Salaregna Salta Sashie Sassippia Saversa Savolano Scafra Scagro Scama Scarkana Scerano Scessa Scossarra Sili Sora Sota Sotanza Sylana Sylarote Sylvari Tampshino Tecti Tento Tenza Terno Terona Terrana Tersa Tesiena Tesork Ticcalta Trachiowa Tradua Travolza Tredo Trego Tremo Tria Trilliana Tuccenzia Tucky Turiano Udicci Udinano Uthda Uthdahoma Vara Varrati Vena Vencateri Venecti Veno Venta Ventona Ventura Veravela Veri Veria Verizo Vernia Viana Viara Vigenza Vigeornia Vigna Vigon Vigonapra Vire Viredo Viresi Viressey Virgali Virgia Vito Vitorta Vittah Vittamo Waii Waini Waino Waro Washina Wescare Wescia Wessili Westesso Wyome Wyomin Wyomolza Wyomonia Wyordela Wyorthca
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cuberol · 2 years
¡Hola Cubo! Verás, estoy buscando testeadores para probar los sistemas de un foro que abrirá sus puertas próximamente para asegurarnos de que no tienen fallos antes de dar paso a los futuros usuarios. Los testeadores podrán quedarse después como usuarios o bien entrar únicamente para estas pruebas y luego marcharse si no desean permanecer. Los interesados pueden contactarme por discord Whispers#1417 para proporcionarles toda la información ¡Gracias a todos de antemano!
¡Saludos anon! Bien, vamos por partes. Sabéis que habitualmente no publico este tipo de asks porque para eso ya está mi apartado de contactos, pero fíjate tú, que este ha conseguido arrancarme en parte de mi estado de pereza pseudocrónica, así que voy a comentarlo.
Lo primero: a menos que haya formas totalmente diferentes de jugar en tu foro con varios sistemas paralelos independientes (como dos fichas diferentes o algo así, cosa que no es imposible y que me encantaría ver), repite conmigo: mi foro tiene un solo sistema y múltiples mecánicas. ¡Bien, ya tenemos lo importante hecho!
Lo segundo: testear tu sistema antes de lanzarlo (y después) no solo es una buena idea, es totalmente necesario. He diseñado sistemas en varias ocasiones, y no ha habido una sola vez en que no haya que ir haciéndole arreglos y ajustes durante meses y años. Siempre que se trate de un sistema con cara y ojos, claro. Cuatro tablas y un par de dados no necesitan ajustes porque no hay nada que equilibrar.
Lo tercero: por muy buena que sea tu intención, si el testeo no se lleva a cabo por el staff, que es el único que sabe lo que quiere y adónde quiere llegar, el intento se queda en nada. Vamos, es como si el Barça testeara a sus fichajes en unas tandas de penaltis conmigo: muy divertido todo, pero una pérdida total de tiempo.
Si de verdad quieres testear tu sistema, clava codos y dile al resto del staff que pringue por mucho que no les gusten los numeritos: el creador difícilmente verá todos los errores y huecos con facilidad, y menos a la primera. Necesitas personas implicadas en el proyecto, inteligentes y con capacidad de análisis, que puedan examinarlo desde fuera de tu punto de vista, pero evidentemente, no te vale cualquier panoli desconocido que se presente. En el mejor de los casos, será alguien sin puñetera idea de nada pero con buenas intenciones que no podrá ayudarte. En el peor y más probable, un papanatas con ínfulas de diseñador de manuales que creerá que puede dictaminar y replantear todo tu proyecto respecto a sus propios gustos e ideas.
Me dan ganas hasta de pasarme a echarle yo mismo un ojo a ese sistema para ver con qué necesitas ayuda de equilibrado y testeo.
PD: el 95% de los sistemas actuales de foro no necesitan el menor testeo o equilibrado porque sencillamente no ofrecen suficientes posibilidades como para poder estar desequilibrados.
PPD: por si a algún incauto aún le quedan dudas, mi perfil es el del papanatas con ínfulas.
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psatalk · 11 days
Interview – VK Seth of Sakata Inx
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Sakata Inx India has been a supplier of cold-set offset inks to the newspaper, commercial, and packaging industry market segments and also of liquid inks to the flexible packaging industry for many years. In the past four years, the company has been affected by the supply chain and market challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Gaza conflict. However, Sakata Inx India has shown resilience and even growth – in terms of capacity expansion. Priyanka Tanwar reports.
Sakata Inx started operations of its new plant near Dhaka in Bangladesh at the end of 2019. The 5-acre Sakata Dhaka plant in the Meghna economic zone, on the banks of the Meghna river, is about 30 kilometers from Dhaka and is home to several other industrial plants. The 100% subsidiary of Sakata India has already become a profitable investment despite very severe economic conditions in Bangladesh – including steep depreciation of its currency and shortage of foreign exchange, according to VK Seth, managing director of Sakata Inx India.
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In India, Sakata Inx has two plants – one is in Bhiwadi, about 45 kilometers south of Gurugram, and another in Panoli, 10 kilometers from Ankleshwar in Gujarat. “In the state-of-the-art Panoli plant spread over a sprawling area of 20 acres, we have a monthly capacity of 2,000 metric tons for liquid inks for flexible packaging, 1,200 metric tons of cold-set inks, and 100 metric tons of energy curing inks – including UV, LED and Electron Beam (EB) inks,” Seth had said to Packaging South Asia in one of our earlier reports on the company.
Seth says, there is a steeply growing interest to change into green chemistry, recycling, and reducing wastage in the packaging industry, adding that Sakata is also extremely focused on GHG, SDG and governance issues and has started monitoring its carbon footprint. “As the monocartons segment is also a part of the sustainable initiatives undertaken by the industry, Sakata is well ahead of the curve and has products (inks and coatings) currently being utilized by the monocartons segment. Sakata has also committed to SBT goals.
“Sakata has been able to reduce its carbon footprint by 5 to 6% in 2023-24. Though our sales are increasing, there is a continuous effort to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Sakata’s coatings
The coatings supplied by Sakata help improve both the barrier properties and recyclability of packaging. “There is a continuous focus on compliance issues such as removing toluene, ketones and vinyl systems from inks. Sakata Inx has recently launched an LSG series of inks for flexible packaging, that are toluene, MEK and vinyl-free. Suitable for all kinds of lamination including extrusion lamination, these inks are receiving increased attention from multinational companies. Our coatings are helping customers to either downguage their laminates or make them recyclable, Seth added.
Water-based technology has both positives and negatives
Though Sakata doesn’t currently have water-based inks in its portfolio, Seth says it is working with third-party producers in this area and at some point in time, Sakata Inx India will surely enter this segment. There are both positives and negatives in water-based technologies such as reduced printing speeds, and appropriate configuration of printing equipment. Moreover in Japan, Sakata is marketing many water-based, adding that in India the uptake is still slow and water-based products are yet to catch the imagination of the brand owners.
“Ink makers have to work in tandem with the machine makers. Water-based technologies are slowly capturing the attention of machine makers and manufacturers but they can’t match the speeds of solvent-based products which are close to 500 meters per minute. Unless water-based technology also runs with those speeds for long runs, a lot of productivity issues come into place,” he said.
India is a very large consumer market and our run lengths are much bigger than most of the advanced countries, which puts pressure on converters to run at higher speeds. “Sooner or later, we will be ready for the water-based products in India,” he adds, saying, “We are waiting for that kind of push coming from brand owners.”
Inks for locally made recycled newsprint
Sakata has made several ink developments for Indian-made or lower-grade recycled fiber newsprint considering the price and availability of imported newsprint in the country. Seth says that there is a lot of demand to print on locally available newsprint with very high recycled content, which comes with its own set of issues such as higher absorbency, show-through and strike-through along with lint and hickey issues. Sakata has introduced low penetration inks in the Indian market, which are running very successfully on some of the Indian-made newsprints, Seth revealed.
Indian news media suffered greatly in the pandemic lockdowns and some of the loss in readership is permanent with many younger readers switching to digital formats, Seth says, adding that newspapers are nevertheless coming up with new strategies to increase their circulation and revenue. “Sakata is there to provide them with new products to help the newspaper industry to achieve these targets.”
The company is also making progress on the sheetfed side with UV sheetfed, LED sheetfed and LED flexo inks for packaging requirements. Recent innovations include metallic effects such as silver and silver UV inks and inks that have a pleasant odor. Sakata India has been certified as a Great Place to Work for 2024 –25. “We are very proud to be certified as a Great Place to Work and this is a big motivation to our team,” Seth shares.
Along with six other employees from Sakata India, Seth will be visiting the drupa 2024 exhibition. He says the main purpose of the visit is to network with existing customers from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and to look at new developments in consumables, technologies and machines.
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ippnoida · 12 days
Interview – VK Seth of Sakata Inx
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Sakata Inx India has been a supplier of cold-set offset inks to the newspaper, commercial, and packaging industry market segments and also of liquid inks to the flexible packaging industry for many years. In the past four years, the company has been affected by the supply chain and market challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Gaza conflict. However, Sakata Inx India has shown resilience and even growth – in terms of capacity expansion. Priyanka Tanwar reports.
Sakata Inx started operations of its new plant near Dhaka in Bangladesh at the end of 2019. The 5-acre Sakata Dhaka plant in the Meghna economic zone, on the banks of the Meghna river, is about 30 kilometers from Dhaka and is home to several other industrial plants. The 100% subsidiary of Sakata India has already become a profitable investment despite very severe economic conditions in Bangladesh – including steep depreciation of its currency and shortage of foreign exchange, according to VK Seth, managing director of Sakata Inx India.
In India, Sakata Inx has two plants – one is in Bhiwadi, about 45 kilometers south of Gurugram, and another in Panoli, 10 kilometers from Ankleshwar in Gujarat. “In the state-of-the-art Panoli plant spread over a sprawling area of 20 acres, we have a monthly capacity of 2,000 metric tons for liquid inks for flexible packaging, 1,200 metric tons of cold-set inks, and 100 metric tons of energy curing inks – including UV, LED and Electron Beam (EB) inks,” Seth had said to Packaging South Asia in one of our earlier reports on the company.
Seth says, there is a steeply growing interest to change into green chemistry, recycling, and reducing wastage in the packaging industry, adding that Sakata is also extremely focused on GHG, SDG and governance issues and has started monitoring its carbon footprint. “As the monocartons segment is also a part of the sustainable initiatives undertaken by the industry, Sakata is well ahead of the curve and has products (inks and coatings) currently being utilized by the monocartons segment. Sakata has also committed to SBT goals.
“Sakata has been able to reduce its carbon footprint by 5 to 6% in 2023-24. Though our sales are increasing, there is a continuous effort to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Sakata’s coatings
The coatings supplied by Sakata help improve both the barrier properties and recyclability of packaging. “There is a continuous focus on compliance issues such as removing toluene, ketones and vinyl systems from inks. Sakata Inx has recently launched an LSG series of inks for flexible packaging, that are toluene, MEK and vinyl-free. Suitable for all kinds of lamination including extrusion lamination, these inks are receiving increased attention from multinational companies. Our coatings are helping customers to either downguage their laminates or make them recyclable, Seth added.
Water-based technology has both positives and negatives
Though Sakata doesn’t currently have water-based inks in its portfolio, Seth says it is working with third-party producers in this area and at some point in time, Sakata Inx India will surely enter this segment. There are both positives and negatives in water-based technologies such as reduced printing speeds, and appropriate configuration of printing equipment. Moreover in Japan, Sakata is marketing many water-based, adding that in India the uptake is still slow and water-based products are yet to catch the imagination of the brand owners.
“Ink makers have to work in tandem with the machine makers. Water-based technologies are slowly capturing the attention of machine makers and manufacturers but they can’t match the speeds of solvent-based products which are close to 500 meters per minute. Unless water-based technology also runs with those speeds for long runs, a lot of productivity issues come into place,” he said.
India is a very large consumer market and our run lengths are much bigger than most of the advanced countries, which puts pressure on converters to run at higher speeds. “Sooner or later, we will be ready for the water-based products in India,” he adds, saying, “We are waiting for that kind of push coming from brand owners.”
Inks for locally made recycled newsprint
Sakata has made several ink developments for Indian-made or lower-grade recycled fiber newsprint considering the price and availability of imported newsprint in the country. Seth says that there is a lot of demand to print on locally available newsprint with very high recycled content, which comes with its own set of issues such as higher absorbency, show-through and strike-through along with lint and hickey issues. Sakata has introduced low penetration inks in the Indian market, which are running very successfully on some of the Indian-made newsprints, Seth revealed.
Indian news media suffered greatly in the pandemic lockdowns and some of the loss in readership is permanent with many younger readers switching to digital formats, Seth says, adding that newspapers are nevertheless coming up with new strategies to increase their circulation and revenue. “Sakata is there to provide them with new products to help the newspaper industry to achieve these targets.”
The company is also making progress on the sheetfed side with UV sheetfed, LED sheetfed and LED flexo inks for packaging requirements. Recent innovations include metallic effects such as silver and silver UV inks and inks that have a pleasant odor. Sakata India has been certified as a Great Place to Work for 2024 –25. “We are very proud to be certified as a Great Place to Work and this is a big motivation to our team,” Seth shares.
Along with six other employees from Sakata India, Seth will be visiting the drupa 2024 exhibition. He says the main purpose of the visit is to network with existing customers from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and to look at new developments in consumables, technologies and machines.
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sudheervanguri · 17 days
M/S. Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani Jobs: Vacancies in Panoli Unit career opportunities at M/S. Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani in Panoli, specializing in Pharma, Plastic, and API chemicals. We have openings in various departments including QA, Store, Engineering, Production, QC, and Plastic Moulding. Read on to learn more about the vacancies, qualifications required, and how to apply. About M/S. Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani M/S. Nagindas Hiralal Bhayani is a renowned conglomerate based in Panoli, specializing in Pharma, Plastic, and API chemicals. Our commitment to quality and innovation has made us a leader in the industry, providing world-class warehousing services and contributing to global healthcare solutions. Job Vacancies in Panoli Unit multiple vacancies in the following departments at our Panoli unit: QA: Executive Store: Officer Engineering: Fitter Production: Chemist QC: Executive Plastic Moulding Unit: Plant Head, Chemist Qualifications and Experience Qualifications and experience required for each position vary. For example: QA Executive: B.Sc/M.Sc/B.Pharm/M.Pharm with 5-7 years of experience in Pharma/API Store Officer: B.Com with 1.5-2 years of experience in Pharma Engineering Fitter: ITI-Fitter with 1-2 years of experience in Pharma/API Production Chemist: B.Sc/M.Sc/B.Pharm/M.Pharm with 2-4 years of experience in Pharma/API QC Executive: B.Sc/M.Sc/B.Pharm/M.Pharm with 5-7 years of experience in Pharma/API Plastic Moulding Unit roles require specific qualifications and experience in Plastic or CIPET. How to Apply To apply for any of the above positions, send your updated resume to [email protected] or contact us at +91 7405251243
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niiikooooo · 1 year
Nobody asked me anything so this is what you get
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varado · 24 days
Viva Mojamé
No soy fanboy de Abascal (Vox) ni mucho menos. Vivo de mi trabajo. Pago mis impuestos. Me aguanto con las arbitrariedades de los que se suben el sueldo a sí mismos y a sus cuñaos. Soy así de panoli. Cuenta que le ha gritado uno: “Viva Mojamé Sexto”. Y en eso sí estoy de acuerdo. Que viva. Pero que viva en su país. Y el gritón también. Estos que vienen a aprovecharse del estado de derecho, que se…
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nosce · 1 month
Esta es la ÚNICA VERDAD ABSOLUTA que existe en el Universo, ¡ESPABILAD, SO PANOLIS!
Todo cambia. Ninguna molécula puede alcanzar el 0 absoluto jamás. Ergo TODO está en movimiento permanente. . . . . .
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amateurchefstuff · 2 months
XXIa Mil·lenària - Fira de l’Oli i l’Espàrrec - Godall
Dies 9 i 10 de març del 2024 Godall (Montsià) El segon cap de setmana de març el poble de Godall (Montsià) organitza la Fira de l’Oli i de l’Espàrrec. Les activitats es desenvolupen al voltant de la plaça de la cooperativa, on es pot degustar l’oli novell de la temporada a més de productes típics com al botifarra, el coc en sal, el panoli o la truita d’espàrrecs. La fira es trasllada a l’interior…
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healthylifesthings · 3 months
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Σπάνιο κρούσμα βουβωνικής πανώλης σε άνθρωπο στις ΗΠΑ, πιθανόν μολύνθηκε από τη γάτα του – Τα συμπτώματα https://health.rodos-island.gr/spanio-krousma-vouvonikis-panolis-anthropo-stis-ipa-pithanon-molynthike-apo/
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pharmawalksjobs · 4 months
Hikal Limited walk-in interview for Production on 23rd - 25th Jan 2024
Hikal Limited offers solutions across the life sciences value chain. We provide world-class active ingredients, intermediates and R&D services to global pharmaceuticals, animal health, biotech, crop protection and specialty chemicals companies. Hikal has five manufacturing facilities in India at Maharashtra (Taloja and Mahad), Gujarat (Panoli) and Karnataka (Jigani) and a Research & Technology…
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parthivpolymers · 8 months
Supplier of PPRC Pipe Fitting In Ankleshwar
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Supplier of PPRC Pipe Fitting In AnkleshwarParthiv Polymers, an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company, specializes in manufacturing and supplying Plastic Valves, Plastic Pipes, Pipe Fittings, and more. Our company, with a good reputation, actively engages in trading a diverse range of Plastic Products.We are the manufacturers & exporters of PP Non Return Valve Flange End, PP Non Return Valve Thread End, PP Butterfly Valve, PP Flow Indiactor & other PP Valves For Chemical industry, Power Plants, Sugar Industries, Pharmaceutical Plants, salt and Soda Ash Plants, paper & pulp industries, Swimming Ponds and fish farming, Beverage plants.Plumbing systems require PPRC pipe fittings, also referred to as Polypropylene Random Copolymer pipe fittings. We design these fittings with precision to enable secure and efficient connection of PPRC pipes, ensuring leak-proof and reliable transportation of water and fluids.The high-quality polypropylene random copolymer material makes our PPRC Pipe Fittings exhibit outstanding chemical resistance, durability, and long-term performance. These fittings can endure high temperatures and pressures, making them suitable for both hot and cold water applications.They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different pipe diameters. PPRC Pipe Fittings are simple to install since they may be joined using either heat fusion or mechanical jointing methods.The fusion process creates a seamless, leak-free junction, increasing the overall reliability of the plumbing system. PPRC Pipe Fittings find widespread use in plumbing systems for various applications, including water supply, heating, cooling, and fluid transportation in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.Parthiv Polymers is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of PPRC Pipe Fitting in Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Dahej, Jhagadia, Valia, Panoli, Palej, Amod, Rajpipla and etc. For more details about our product catalog, please don't hesitate to contact us using the provided contact details. Read the full article
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