riririnnnn · 2 months
Most normal PxG locker room convo:
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Meanwhile in Bastard München:
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No one, Kaiser.
Even I doubt you sometimes.
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yrdnzz · 3 months
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some shidou and kaiser stuff from last year
comms are closed at the moment but i will be doing sketches in return for donations for supporting those in palestine, more information on that here :]
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errakiari · 1 month
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Literally them everyday in PXG statrum or Charles trying to sneak out to the other statrum again
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nessgasm · 3 months
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Ah yes... french men
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princetenkoo · 7 months
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Star Change (2023)
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eliezeer · 2 months
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pretty, long underlashes🎀
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misssleepless12 · 4 months
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pxg boys pt. 1!! Karasu!! 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛
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ymhsi · 3 months
pleaaase tell me they talk after the U20 i just want to see Shidou mention his conversation with itoshi sae during pxg(please only one other interaction i'll eat it)
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cowleyes · 6 months
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extra extra extra ⬇️
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i hope karasu is just constantly put off by shidou but they’re friends. i hope
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penguinplushieontop · 5 months
No fucking way they let a 17 year old babysit fucking 18 year olds that are constantly fighting, a 16 year old with brother issues and a 15 year old that should be in school ⁉️ save Julian Loki, lil french guy🫶
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seishiroses · 2 months
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Took me wayyyyy too long to realise why that pxg panel looked so familiar XD
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n-fblog · 2 months
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Is anyone else a little bit surprised that Charles actually is blonde ? Or was it just me 💀 I was bracing myself for him to have green hair or smth
Regardless, he looks adorable
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riririnnnn · 3 months
Aftermath of NEL/BM Vs PxG:
Isagi is the protagonist, so I'll be focusing on him.
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From the start, the main main rival in NEL for Isagi has been Kaiser, and there have been instances where the latter had accepted that Isagi got him good. In fact, in the chapter 239, he was genuinely tweaking:
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You see my boy in the top left? Yeah, even Ness was taken aback.
Also, while we are at it, can we give a glance to this panel:
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Ness, indeed, calls everything disgusting, but the last line, "The Magic of Yoichi's football...!?"
How did we ignore that, huh?
I understand that it doesn't seem like much but if we were to take in account of his backstory, then we can say that, that IS a big statement coming out of Ness' mouth.
So, is this like a slow/indirect build-up to a moment in the BM Vs PxG where Ness assists Isagi instead of Kaiser?
That's where things becomes low-key difficult for me to digest.
You see, if Isagi were to INDEED surpass/defeat Kaiser, then what?
No, I'm not trying to pick up a fight, I'm genuinely asking what will happen after that? Will Kaiser become a disposable rival or something like Kira Ryosuke?
But you know, the above thing seems a bit farfetched. I understand that Kira disappearing like that seemed farfetched too, but Kaiser as a character has too much depth to just be thrown away.
That's why, I think that Isagi MIGHT surpass Kaiser but only superficially.
That's that, and now we have this grumpy fella:
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Rin has been Isagi's rival ever since the beginning of second selection and the thing low-key became officially mutual when Sae praised Isagi after the U-20 match.
However, Isagi's Blue Lock rank is canonically 2 now and Rin's rank is 1. So if Isagi were to truly defeat Rin, then he will became number 1 and that's like the endgame for Blue Lock you know— protagonist reached the highest point. I understand that the main goal is to win the World Cup, but still.. you getting me, right?
Amidst everything, why are we forgetting this miracle boy:
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What if he pulls up some Prodigy shit during the Barcha match and gets into Top 3?
Further, with Kunigami Vs Shidou, what makes you think that these two wouldn't get into Top 5 too?
I think that Isagi wouldn't be number 1 yet. He'll probably share the rank or maybe that his auction value will increase for sure but he'll get his rank lowered/shared. It makes sense because there have been many moments where Isagi was humbled and didn't get the victory he wanted at once.
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We can't forget the above panel.
Something fiery is being cooked up.
Every type of theory that has been made about World Cup arc/Post-NEL arc takes in the facts from whatever we know about REAL life U-20 World Cup.
So if something entirely else is going to happen in the BLLK universe, then I don't know what more can happen.
To sum it up, I think this MIGHT happen:
Rin gets an offer from Royale Madrid/Re Al and will maintain his ranking of 1.
Isagi gets an offer with higher salary than his current but it'll not affect his ranking.
Nagi pulls up his shit and becomes L(egend).
Top 5/Top 10 will have more than one shared ranking.
Shidou and Kunigami gets banger offers too.
And about the match:
Kaiser will score a goal.
Kunigami too and Shidou will give him some kind of acknowledgement.
IGA-DA-GOAT-GURI will clutch and gives BM a free kick by making someone from PxG do a foul.
Kiyora will either assist or will score himself.
Isagi might score a goal too.
Yukimiya might assist.
Raichi defends against Loki.
Goatmaru slays.
Charles Vs Hiori.
Feel free to add yours!
Charles might throw a tantrum if PxG loses. Idk why he gives off a BIG bratty prankster vibes.
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thunderxino · 3 months
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this mf speaks in emojis and surprisingly so much fun to draw :D
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3rdgymbros · 9 months
PXG Interactions Be Like:
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