xinsanitysxedgex · 2 years
xbloodiedxkneesx asked: Is your muse a good kisser? (@ all the muses)
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Zima only truly knows one way to kiss, and she's not even entirely sure as to why? Like, she's never kissed anyone before in her life before Gummy, but in those fleeting moments of amorous passion, Zima... SONYA... Had struggled at first. She supposed gentle intimacy would just always be one of those things that ESCAPED HER. She could try with soft touches and slow kisses but she'd just always be left feeling like a BUMBLING FOOL, clattering teeth and moving her jaw in ways that made her wanna PUNCH A WALL (or herself... Really... REALLY fucking hard). Now, call it her Ursan instincts, call it the violence in her venis, call it a way to cope, maybe some sick security impulse or maybe TENSION RELEASE, but when Zima just throws everything to the wind? Yeah, THAT'S how she knows how to kiss. Though, she can't help but fear getting a little TOO aggressive and hurting her partners. But that's her comfort zone, that's always BEEN her comfort zone:
It had saved her life on more occasions than she could count. From her bullies. From her father. From the gangs that were OUT FOR HER HEAD. From those poor, unfortunate, bastards that got locked up inside Peterheim with her. From REUNION. And now it saved her life on a per mission basis. Maybe. Just maybe. It was also saving her from herself? From her own anxiety? From her fear of commitment? And her inability to be INTIMATE with ANYONE. Thankfully... Gummy knew how to kiss. Though, Zima wondered where she'd ever learned to. And maybe in time, with enough patient and practise, Zima would learn how to be soft, how to be gentle, how to settle down, how to trust... How to LOVE... God, she could only HOPE SO...
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
The Light in You
Pairings: Kylo Ren x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Birthday!Fic
Words: 2,200
Summary: HAPPYYYYYY BIRTHDAYYYYYY to one of my bestest followers on the whole of the great wide web, @scheherazades-horcrux!!! You have supported me and my work for so long with such kindness, and if I was rich and famous I’d give you an all-expense paid trip to Galaxy’s Edge- but for now, this will have to do :D I love you darling!!! Enjoy!!
“He’s going to see us.”
“He’s not going to see us.”
“Kylo Ren, you are a six-foot-something dark monstrosity with a cape, there is no way he’s not going to-!” You quickly cut yourself off as the He in question comes stalking down the corridor, the heels of his boots stomping just a little more threateningly than usual. Hux is clearly peeved- his face is almost the color of his hair- but rather than immediately honing in on the two of you standing on the opposite side of the hallway, he zeroes in on the nearest unfortunate mechanic.
“Ren. Where is he. People said he came this way.”
The rookie’s eyes widen, confused, and his gaze darts over to where you and Kylo are watching the scene- Kylo in vague amusement, you in absolute fascination. When Kylo puts a gloved finger up to his lips in the universal signal for don’t you dare say a word, you have to press a hand over your lips to keep giggles from spilling out.
The engineer tries and fairly spectacularly to look the general in the eye as he answers. “I’m, um, not sure? Sir? Have you checked the- um- the flight deck?” His voice is wobbling and looks as though he’s about to burst into tears.
Hux releases an extremely controlled breath before continuing on his march to find Kylo, whom he’s been summoning all day and yet can’t seem to find.
You hold your breath when Hux’s head doesn’t even turn as he passes you, mumbling to himself all sorts of colorful curse words that would make even the most seasoned stormtrooper blush.
Once he’s out of sight around the corner, plus a few extra seconds for good measure, you slowly lower your hand from your mouth. “Holy. Shit.”
Kylo is smirking. “Such little faith.”
“You just- we just- were we just fucking invisible? You can do that?!”
“Mm, no. It’s more like… redirection. I heavily suggest to his subconscious that there’s nothing to see here, and so his waking mind doesn’t notice us. Everyone else knows we’re here.” He inclines his head towards the newbie, frozen in place like he’s seeing his life flash before his eyes. “Hux’s mental fortitudes are astonishingly pathetic for someone who spends his time around a Force user.”
“Stars.” You’re still reeling from the encounter. “Why aren’t you, like, a master thief or something? You could do anything! The Black Phantom strikes again, millions of credits worth of jewels stolen without a trace-”
“It doesn’t fool cameras. Or droids.”
“Oh.” Your noir fantasy comes crashing to a halt. “I guess that means no diamonds for me.”
He quirks an eyebrow. “I thought you said diamonds were, and I quote, ‘worthless hunks of carbon artificially inflated in price for the sole purpose of trying to show off how much you think you love someone.’”  
You shrug. “I mean, they are, but they’re shiny.”
“Typical woman.”
“You have zero room to talk, the way you moon over that special snowflake sword of yours. I have half a mind to just let the two of you get married and have a long peaceful life together.”
Kylo is glaring at you with that look on his face, the one that says he’s going to either kill you and himself,  up he’s not quite sure in which order. To temper his aggravation, you grab his hand and tug him along. “Okay, What’s next?”
Despite his annoyance, his fingers entwine with yours and he allows you to pull him down the hallway, in the opposite direction Hux went. “Haven’t you seen enough yet?”
“Are you kidding me? You haven’t even thrown things across the room yet!” There’s an exasperated sigh from behind you, but you gleefully ignore it as you head for Kylo’s quarters in the south wing of Starkiller Base.
Technically, this entire day came to pass because of a bet. Well, a lost bet. On Kylo’s part. One one lazy afternoon where you both had some free time, you happened to find an old Dejarik board tucked away in a spare room filled with a few packs of cards and creased books. Competitive as you are, you immediately challenged him to a game- winner gets to do whatever they want with the other person for an entire day, no objections from their partner.
You knew Kylo had grown up playing- he’d mentioned it before, a rare insight into his past- and just as you predicted, was enormously cocky about the whole thing. He’d smirked, tried to talk you out of it, and said he’d go easy on you.
What Kylo didn’t know was that you too had grown up playing Dejarik- the orphanage had one measly board, and it shorted out most of the time, but you’d spend hours upon hours playing with the other kids in to-the-death tournaments where you wagered blankets, food rations, chore duties, and everything inbetween.
And so, when Kylo promptly got his ass handed to him (oh man, the look on his face- you never wanted to forget it) you immediately set out planning a day where he had to show you absolutely everything he can do with his crazy Force powers. You’ve never really gotten a chance to see them up close, and you’ve always been so curious- who wouldn’t want to be a space wizard??- so they day has been filled with you tossing objects at Kylo and watching him expertly slice them in two with his lightsaber, stopping blaster bolts in thin air, and of course becoming “invisible” to avoid General Horrible. 
Now, sitting cross legged on your bed, you watch Kylo remove a few of his layers- gloves, cape, coat. It always makes you happy when he does this. It means he’s comfortable enough around you to take off bits and pieces of his mask, small as they may be. Some day, you’re going to see all of him, even the parts he keeps hidden. He deserves to know he’s not the monster he thinks he is.
“Alright. What next?”
You grin. “Flying.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me! I want to soooooooooar!” You fling your arms out exaggeratedly. “If you can throw a stormtrooper clear across the room, I’m sure you can let me hover in the air for a few seconds, yes?”
“I’m not hearing a no.” You bounce yourself on the mattress a few times like a toddler waiting to be picked up. “Come on, just don’t let me fall on my face and it’ll be great!”
Another long suffering sigh, and he turns his palms right side up where they’re resting on his thighs. Nothing happens for a few moments. Your heart stutters in anticipation. Then, ever so slowly, you begin to lift off the bed- one inch. Two. Another four. It’s an extremely weird sensation- completely foreign and yet somehow incredibly comfortable. It’s like you’re suspended in a warm pool of water, buoyant and cradled, and the notion of falling is so remote you don’t even feel like it’s a possibility. You can’t help the laugh of glee that escapes from your chest as you wave your hands around midair, touching nothing but feeling overly sensitive nonetheless. Kylo is looking up at you with a faint smile, half focused on his work and half focused on the light in your eyes that could rival any star he sees from his TIE fighter.
After a few minutes of messing around- swimming in midair, sticking your hair up into spikes- you let him lower you gently back to ground, guiding you to sit next to him as he comes into reach. When you settle back onto the mattress, all your air leaves you in a whoosh.
“Holy crap,” you mutter, trying to make your lungs work. “Why do you not just fly everywhere?”
“A bit dramatic, don’t you think?”
You scoff and scoot closer so you can stick your arm through his and let your head rest on his shoulder. “Kylo Ren, being dramatic? I’ve never seen such a thing.”
You can feel his huff rumble through his chest, and you smile into his shirt. “Any magical miracles you want to impart?”
“It’s not magic.”
“Coulda fooled me.” You pause. “Oh! I know!” You scoot away a bit and look at him. “Read my mind.”
“You can do that, can’t you? I’ve heard rumors but I’ve never seen you do it.”
“There’s a reason for that.”
“It’s fine,  you won’t hurt me, I promise.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do know that.”
Your statement makes him stop for a moment and turn to look at you- really look at you, his brown eyes taking you in like he’s just seeing you for the first time. “You trust me that much.”
“Of course I do.” There’s not a trace of insincerity in your voice, and Kylo doesn’t even have to read your mind to know that.  
“Okay. Just- here.” He sits opposite of you, cross-legged, so that your knees are just barely touching, and lets your fingers rest in his still open palms. You’re fixed with a look- “you have to tell me to stop, if it hurts, or if there’s something you don’t want me to see, or-”
You stop him with a kiss, light on his lips. “I get the picture, Black Phantom. Go for it.”
Another sensation, even more curious then the last. There’s a slight pressure at your temples, and a single moment of fear- it’s just Kylo, relax, it’s okay- and then a ‘Hello.’
‘Whoa. I can talk to you just by thinking?’
‘What number am I thinking of?’
‘Uuuum how many toes am I holding up?’
‘How many- toes?’
‘Well, you can see my fingers.’
A pause. ‘Three. Your toes are frighteningly dexterous.’
You giggle. ‘Thank you. I think.’
There’s more talking- well, not talking, but you know- but honestly you aren’t really paying any attention to it. The sensation of Kylo floating through your head, touching a few memories here and there delicately, like they might break, is enough to think about. You let yourself float with him, not really thinking of anything in particular, just letting things come as they please.
‘Today is my birthday.”
“Wait, really?” Kylo is so startled the mental connection breaks, and you blink at the sudden loss of warmth. “I thought you didn’t know when your birthday was?”
“Well. I don’t.” The closest thing you have is the day you were dropped on the porch of the orphanage, and that doesn’t quite have the same ring to it- like, ‘happy abandoned-by-your-parents day!’ “But that just means I get to pick my own, right? And from what I can tell birthdays are supposed to be happy. Spent with people you love, doing things that make you laugh- a day that you play over and over again in your head before you go to sleep for the warm feeling it gives you in your chest.” You study the man across from you. “And that’s what today has been like. So, today’s my birthday. I’ve decided.”
“Do you even know what today’s date is?”
You crack a smile. “No. Is that important?”
“If you want it to happen again next year, it is.” Kylo looks thoughtful for a moment, then shifts to get up off the bed and rummage through his bedside table drawer. Something emerges, but he hides it in the palm of his hand when he sits back down across from you. “Close your eyes.” You do so. Something is draped into your palm- you can feel the reverence with which he does it. “Happy birthday.”
A white Kyber Crystal, glowing faintly, is nestled in your hands. Soft black material that feels identical to Kylo’s cloak is threaded through a crack in the gem, turning it into a wearable declaration of- something. Love? Could you say love? “I didn’t know when I was going to give this to you. But a birthday begets birthday presents.”
“Kylo. How did-?” It hums softly as you turn it between your fingers, feeling it vibrate slightly as you admire its fractured surface.
“That’s not important. It’s yours now.” He watches as you tie it around your neck and let it fall, where it dangles just above your heart.
“Why not red? I would’ve thought you’d want us to match.”
He shakes his head. A hand reaches for your gift, as if drawn to it, but ends up tucking a rogue piece for hair behind your ear and settling behind your neck. “I see light in you,” he whispers. “So much of it. This… isn’t enough, but it will have to do for now.”
You smile as you lean into his touch. “There’s plenty of light in you too, Kylo Ren.”
“There’s not.”
“There is. It sparks every time I kiss you.” And just to prove your point, you do so, white light glowing from between the both of you.
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