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Why is the new Galactic Seasons companion right outside my bedroom? The things she's going to hear.
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
Did some more Nathema leveling for @astrifer-bound and once again, GEMINI decided to be ✨spicy✨ with us.
I would be killing the Skytroopers while Lex kept the boss busy, then I’d turn around to help push her the rest of the way down to get to the next phase. But more often than not, even though she’d be at like 45%, she would call another round of Skytroopers before pushing into the next phase. So we’d have the tubes, the clones, and a wave of Skytroopers to contend with. And none of the clones would stay in their damn seats, so they were just running all over the map (on one round, everything just piled on Hexid? Which, helpful that they were all grouped up, but what did Hexid do that was so threatening?). Also, since we didn’t have a phasewalk on the other side of the bridge to reset the fight, we were depending on me to make the roll across the broken bridge to reset the fight (to avoid sewer sliding and having repair bills). But like. You can’t really count on me for parkour. On one of them, graphically I made it, but I then bounced off, but then somehow managed to Mario jump in midair to make it back onto the other side of the bridge. (I had a lot of times when I bounced off and did not successfully jump back on).
There was also one round where Lex just. got obliterated? Immediately? Like ok, dcds whomphst, I guess, GEMINI wanted that bitch dead.
But then on the round that we went ahead and finished the fight, we handed Vinn his ass before he could call for the little backup droid things, and both stood on top of Zildrog to reflect Final Harvest.
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queen-scribbles · 9 days
For the Swtor OC asks! Best girl Endrali gets 62, 76, & 77! For the amazing Kina...14, 21 & 56! 😁
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(KotET) 62. Was their love interest present? If so, how has their relationship developed?
Yes and no, since she's with Arcann, lol. He's there in ch 1, then gone until ch 6, then present for the rest of it. I could write books on how their relationship has developed (and have written a lot of fic, though p much all of it is post-KotET), but succinctly, they're in the middle of a good old fashioned enemies to lovers arc during KotET. He's been cleansed of his rage and it trying to atone for everything he did, she's hardwired to give people second chances, it's a very interesting dynamic.
76. Romance Questions(snipped to relevant ones): Did they romance Arcann? What made them fall in love with the man who was a former tyrant, now redeemed? When did they realized they cared for him?
She romanced Arcann because she saw how hard he was working to atone for his actions, without seeking recognition or credit or praise for it, fully aware some people would never forgive him and that was their right, just because he recognized and was taking responsibility for everything he did. He was doing it bc it was right, not because it was easy--in fact, despite it NOT being easy. She admires the strength and determination it takes to do something like that.
And then she starts bringing him on mission and aside from the fact they instantly sync up, he is a tenacious defender. It doesn't matter what it takes, what it costs/risks for him, he's going to protect. He's become someone patient, dedicated, considerate, humble, self-sacrificing who's also really hot when he's fighting /cough She's a Jedi, not blind
It's right at the end of my Unbowed fic(the Landing Party uprising, and boy was that fun to cover) that it clicks for her that she's attracted to him. I'd say it's about... a month(?) maybe two post-KotET by that point. /cue mutual pining
77. What are their feelings on losing the entire Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone and the greatly diminished power of the Eternal Alliance?
She's not looking forward to the way that power shift is going to ripple, bc she figures it'll hurt the people who just want to live in peace the worst. But she's honestly just a little bit grateful to have an excuse to not be the galaxy's go-to Most Powerful Solver of Problems(little does she know they will still expect her to solve all their problems. And get mad when she doesn't do it the way they think she should.)
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14. Who is/are their favorite companion(s)?
PH4-LNX, Akaavi, and Bowdaar. She got Fay all the way to 50 and uses her all the dang time unless story constraints pair her with a certain golden retriever Mandalorian /innocent whistling
21. Would they continue their legacy by having children? Adopt? Get an apprentice?
I don't know, honestly. She had a rough childhood that she recognizes is a far cry from a normal one, but she's ambivalent about kids. I think if a) her partner wanted kids, b) a kid wandered up and attached him/herself to Kina, or c) BOTH she'd go along with it, but she's not going to be pushing for any herself.
56. Should Vette get them a giant droid for Life Day?
Absolutely, nothing could possibly go wrong in any way with her doing that.😇😇😇
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abbee-normal · 2 years
Once upon a midnoon sunny, while I sat there grumpy and thirsty
Over many a quaint and curious volume of cards galore.
While I pondered, close to snapping, suddenly there came a rapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my game room door
"Tis some gawker," I muttered, "tapping at my game room door --
Only this and nothing more."
Mistii grimaced as the tapping increased to scratching. "What the blazes is going on out there? Can't a girl play cards in peace?"
PH4-LNX, better known as Fae opened the door to see what was disturbing Mistii's attention. "It appears to be an animal."
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"Okay," Mistii replied, "and that's our problem ho--"
Just then there was a sound of something hard striking flesh and suddenly Mistii had a small, scared animal huddling under her chair. She looked up to see some of the local toughs laughing and barging into her private game room.
"Hold it right there, boys." she said as she raised her blaster. "This room is reserved and our table is full." She twitched her blaster in a gesture that said 'get out or be thrown out'.
"Aww, come on, lady, we were just looking for our lost pet." One of them said while the others laughed behind him. "We'll just grab the whelp and be on our way."
"Really. Seems pretty sweet of you to be worried about your pet. What did you say its name was again?"
Confused looks were exchanged between the guys before conflicting answers were given. Fluffy, Dusty, Womp Rat were thrown out at the same time.
"So many names for a beloved pet!" Mistii said, eyes narrowing. "How about I give you a good trade for it, you walk away and I sit down and enjoy the rest of my game. Then I walk out of here with the animal. That's one offer. My second offer packs a little more -- punch," she said raising her blaster and widening her stance.
The men looked around at each other nervously, they had heard of a tiny blue-haired woman defeating a bunch of outlaws a few weeks ago and realized that if this was the same woman, they were better off leaving. "Have a good game, Captain."
Mistii sighed, looked under her table at the skinny animal and said, "What have I gotten myself into, Fae?"
Fae made a sound that sounded amused. "This is an akk dog, variation, painted, I believe. Shall I gather the required materials to feed and care for it?"
"A dog. I've never even had a pet before. What am I going to do with a dog?"
One of the other players piped up, "First it needs a name!"
"Yeah, that makes sense. Well," she said as she glanced around, looking at the colorful cards on the table. "how about Pazaak?"
There was a chorus of agreement from the table and Fae might have murmured something about getting it a collar with a name tag on it.
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taseric · 1 year
Why Gemini 16 is one of my favourite characters (spoilers for eternal throne and nathema conspiracy lol):
So Vitiate 'suddenly' cared so much about the Eternal Throne because he saw droids as not sentient, therefore not part of the force, therefore the Fleet is a source of unrivalled power that isn't subject to the Force's whims, therefore he wont be a victim of the force seeking balance. That's generally how it goes, right?
What could Revan, Vitiate, or even the Outlander never do? Escape the will of the Force, no matter how hard they push back against its current.
The Jedi can become one with the Force, and the Sith can use it to break their chains. But they're all still ultimately subject to its whims. Jedi can be whisked back as force ghosts to serve its chosen ones, Sith can remain bound to the mortal world.
The Gemini frequency is the droid equivalent of the Force. Yeah, they can be granted free will, but it can just as easily be taken away. Jut as the force grants its power at such a steep cost. Gemini 16 supposedly broke free of the frequency, but could still hear her sisters, so she was still connected to it in some way.
So she made contact with an actual droid god, and had the frequently permanently destroyed. She wouldn't live to experience that true freedom, but she'd ensured no droid would ever become a slave to it again. She did what Vitiate always wanted to do, and she did it by destroying what Vitiate viewed as true power.
And then they gave us PH4-LNX! whose an independent person with her own passions and ideals and struggles!! even if they seem small to us!!! which just proves my point more!!!!!
Does any of this even make sense? Im so tired rn but I listened to the valkorion theme epic remix and i couldnt help but completely re-evaluate my thoughts on the game once again
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kyber-heart · 2 years
On Galactic Seasons 3
So far I’ve done a couple of weeklies, unlocked PH4-LNX, and went through the side-quest, so these thoughts may change at the end of the season. However, after doing these and reviewing the rewards track, I am less impressed by this seasons offerings. 
In comparison to GS1 and GS2, I feel that this season was rushed. There are some interesting changes (such as making ‘Fay’ your reputation item giver) but it seems less interested in exploring it’s theme. 
From what I can see, there’s no other G.A.M.E. associated npcs other than Fay. Comparatively GS2 really tried to reintroduce the Shadow Syndicate by giving them a presence in the open world. You had Qi’us Dnar as another visible member of the group who had banter with Fen Zeil. Fay mentions the founder of G.A.M.E., Bami Wah, it might have been nice to interact with that character, and see some of their agents in the open world. 
I also find it odd that the rewards track for the season feature decorations that come from Iokath as opposed to being more on brand with Galactic Gaming. Sabaac tables, interactive dejarik tables, betting terminals, all would have been better ideas for decorations than an Iokath crystal thing or a big claw... Perhaps this has something to do with Fay that we learn later on in her quests but it feels jarring to have them there. It’s not like the game lacks for decorations themed around Iokath...
All in all, I think I will definitely take this season at a far more slow and casual pace. I really only want the outfits and the weapons anyway. 
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blackladisdestrcz · 1 year
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Star Wars The Old Republic (Steam/Trooper Commando/PH4-LNX companion questline) Předtím - earlier Arc Jorgan companion questline The Shadow Of Underworld questline (v místě Trkov) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmzOT7as69i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eviltwinlil-la · 2 years
Did we get this many quests with the other seasons companions? I don’t remember it but I’m really enjoying actually doing stuff with Ph4-lnx :o
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New season and new companion! 
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Soooo which of my Star Forge toons should get the initial unlock on PH4-LNX?
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eviltwinlil-la · 2 years
I like ph4-lnx they r my new friend :)
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