#PDB Enterprise
webzor · 5 months
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easy-enterprise · 1 year
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Get the power you need with "PDB Panel"! Our Power Distribution Board is the perfect solution for a reliable and secure electrical network. With our circuit breaker and switch fuse unit, you'll be able to quickly and easily distribute power into subsidiary circuits, giving you the right amount of energy where you need it most. Make sure your home or office is always powered up with PDB Panel!
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hamiltoncrowell41 · 1 year
Serious Recurring Studying for Neuroimaging: A credit card applicatoin to Predict Advancement to be able to Alzheimer's.
Within this study, we looked at the role involving Hai-1/Spint1 throughout intestinal tumorigenesis making use of computer mouse types. Your membranous Hai-1/Spint1 immunoreactivity ended up being diminished inside murine Apc(Minimum)/+ malignancies and in carcinogen (azoxymethane treatment followed by dextran sea salt sulfate management)-induced intestinal tract cancers in contrast to the actual nearby non-neoplastic epithelium. Your lowered immunoreactivity appeared to be as a result of sheddase activity associated with membrane-type One particular matrix metalloprotease. Next, many of us reviewed the result associated with intestine-specific deletion involving Spint1 gene upon Apc(Min/+) rodents. Losing Hai-1/Spint1 drastically faster growth development inside Apc(Min/+) mice as well as reduced their own survival durations. Initial regarding HGF ended up being enhanced in Hai-1/Spint1-deficient Apc(Min/+) gut. Gene phrase profiling exposed upregulation in the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling enterprise, claudin-2 expression, as well as angiogenesis not only in growth cells but in addition in the background mucosa with out macroscopic growths inside Hai-1/Spint1-deficient Apc(Min/+) intestine. Digestive tract removal involving Spint1 additionally enhanced the actual susceptibility to carcinogen-induced digestive tract tumorigenicity of wild-type Apc these animals. Our conclusions declare that HAI-1/SPINT1 has a essential function in curbing digestive tract tumorigenesis, which suggests a novel outcomes of epithelial cellular floor serine protease inhibitors along with protection from cancer causing stimulating elements. Most cancers Ers; Seventy-three(8-10); 2659-70. (H) 2013 AACR.BRAF gene versions are generally observed in each passed down and somatic conditions. Even so, the dangerous strains for BRAF gene haven't been predicted within silico. Owing to the need for BRAF gene inside cellular split, difference as well as secretion processes, the functional examination was performed to explore the wide ranging connection among innate mutations along with phenotypic versions. Genomic examination associated with BRAF ended up being caused together with Sort accompanied by PolyPhen as well as SNPs&GO servers to be able to access your Eighty five bad non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) through dbSNP. You use Five versions my partner and i.electronic. d.406T>G (S136A), d.1446G>Capital t (R462I), d.1556 A>Gary (K499E), c.1860T>Any (V600E) and also chemical.2352 C>T (P764L) that are discovered in order to have to put out benign outcomes on the BRAF protein construction overall performance were chosen for even more analysis. Proteins architectural examination using these protein alternatives has been carried out by using I-Mutant, FOLD-X, Desire, NetSurfP, Europe PDB viewer, Chimera and NOMAD-Ref computers to test their synthetic cleaning agent accessibility, molecular dynamics as well as PF-4708671 S6 Kinase inhibitor minimization information. Our within silico investigation advised in which S136A and P764L alternatives of BRAF may right or even ultimately destabilize the actual protein interactions as well as hydrogen connection networks thus clarify the important digressions regarding protein at some level. Screening process pertaining to BRAF, S136A and P764Lvariants might be helpful for illness molecular prognosis and to style your molecular inhibitors associated with BRAF path ways. (D) 2012 Elsevier B.Sixth is v. Almost all privileges earmarked.Background: Neuropeptides galanin as well as alpha-melanocyte-stimulating bodily hormone (alpha-MSH) are going to complete the actual regulation of memory space as well as urge for food.
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Paparkan Upaya Pengurangan Emisi di Konferensi BUMN Negara G20, PLN Siap Pimpin Transisi Energi Indonesia
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, NUSA DUA - Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi (Menko Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan didampingi Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Erick Thohir membuka State Owned Enterprise (SOE) International Conference 2022 di Nusa Dua Bali, Senin (17/10/2022). SOE International Conference atau Konferensi BUMN Negara G20 ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan untuk menyambut KTT G20. Gelaran ini menjadi salah satu sarana pemerintah mengabarkan kepada komunitas internasional tentang dampak transformasi BUMN bagi masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk transisi energi. Menko Marves, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengapresiasi langkah BUMN selama ini yang menjadi garda depan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dan juga pemulihan saat pandemi Covid-19 melanda. "BUMN juga berperan besar dalam penanganan pandemi. Keberhasilan BUMN ini bisa memicu pertumbuhan ekonomi di atas 5 persen. Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) kami bisa kembali seperti sebelum Covid-19," ujar Luhut. Untuk itu, Ia yakin bahwa meski berada dalam ancaman resesi global, Indonesia mampu mempertahankan posisinya dengan kekuatan bersama. "Transformasi membuat lebih efisien. Jumlah BUMN berkurang dari 108 jadi 92 BUMN dan ditargetkan bisa turun dari itu. Transformasi membuat BUMN lebih tangguh. Membuat BUMN lebih banyak kontribusinya pada perekonomian kita. Ini bisa mendorong perekonomian lebih baik. Naik 115 persen dari target pemerintah," ujar Luhut. Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir dalam konferensi pers menjelaskan bahwa BUMN siap menjalankan transisi energi demi mencapai Net Zero Emission (NZE). "Kita harus mendorong renewable energy, masing-masing perusahaan BUMN tidak jalan sendiri-sendiri, tetapi menjadi satu kesatuan untuk memastikan NZE tahun 2060 terjadi. Catatannya, transisi energi harus dilakukan berdasarkan transformasi yang diingini oleh Indonesia, bukan negara lain," ucap Erick. Direktur Utama PLN Darmawan Prasodjo menyambut baik dukungan pemerintah untuk menyukseskan transisi energi khususnya mengejar target NZE 2060.  PLN telah menyiapkan peta jalan sejak 2021 dan telah disampaikan pada KTT COP26 di Glasgow. Artinya, lanjut Darmawan, PLN sudah siap memimpin transisi energi di Indonesia. Untuk mendukung rencana tersebut, PLN sudah menyiapkan peta jalan early retirement pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) untuk mencapai NZE pada tahun 2060. Tahapan mekanisme retirement PLTU batu bara akan dilaksanakan secara bertahap hingga tahun 2056 dan PLN akan menggantinya dengan EBT. Pada peta jalan PLN, percepatan retirement PLTU sebesar 3,5 GW dapat dilakukan sebelum 2040, untuk PLTU dengan teknologi subcritical. Percepatan retirement tersebut dapat dilakukan ketika kapasitas EBT pengganti sudah operasional, aspek just transition terpenuhi, tidak menyebabkan peningkatan beban keuangan yang memberatkan pemerintah, dan adanya bantuan pendanaan dari komunitas internasional. Selain early retirement, PLN akan mencapai NZE di 2060 dengan mengoperasikan PLTU dengan Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) sebesar 19 GW. Inisiatif lainnya seperti biomass cofiring di beberapa PLTU juga akan dilakukan untuk mencegah emisi di masa mendatang. "Tak hanya mempensiunkan PLTU eksisting, PLN juga tidak akan melakukan pembangunan PLTU, kecuali penyelesaian pembangunan yang saat ini sudah dalam tahap konstruksi," papar Darmawan. Untuk bisa mempensiunkan PLTU, PLN tentu butuh dana yang tidak sedikit. Pemerintah telah meluncurkan Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) sebagai salah satu strategi pembiayaan untuk mempensiunkan PLTU ini. Darmawan menjelaskan meski mempensiunkan PLTU dilakukan secara bertahap, namun PLN tidak tinggal diam dalam upaya mengurangi emisi di PLTU yang telah beroperasi. PLN berinovasi dengan melaksanakan program co-firing biomassa untuk PLTU. Pelaksanaan program co-firing di PLTU milik PLN yang dimulai dari tahun 2020 telah berhasil dilakukan pada 32 lokasi PLTU. Melalui substitusi sebagian batu bara dengan biomassa sehingga berdampak terhadap peningkatan bauran EBT dan penurunan emisi karbon. “Ini adalah ekosistem energi berbasis kerakyatan karena pasokan biomassa akan dipenuhi dari kolaborasi seluruh elemen masyarakat,” ujarnya. Tak hanya menekan emisi lewat pengurangan batu bara di pembangkit, PLN juga melakukan program dedieselisasi 5.200 pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel (PLTD) eksisting di seluruh Indonesia. PLN menggantinya dengan pembangkit EBT yang berbasis pada potensi alam setempat. “Ini adalah perubahan besar karena mengubah energi berbasis impor menjadi energi berbasis domestik yang lebih murah,” katanya. Sebagai gantinya, PLN juga mengembangkan pembangkit listrik berbasis EBT sebesar 20,9 GW pada 2030. "Kami menjadi garda depan dalam mendukung upaya pemerintah mengurangi emisi karbon dan transisi energi. Kami percaya upaya ini butuh kolaborasi dan kerja sama semua pihak. Kami, PLN membuka peluang kerja sama untuk bisa menyukseskan agenda ini," pungkas Darmawan.(bpn) Read the full article
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vakinovoq · 2 years
Rhcsa pdf
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damixnwayne · 3 years
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“ Father,
I'm sure you'll be angry with me for disobeying you again but I don't care, I will not let you fight alone. You need me and I will always be at your side.
Because it will be hard for me to say these words face to face, I want you to know that Mother may have given me life, but you taught me how to live.
Love and respect your son,
Damian “
name:  Damian Wayne
alias: Robin
age: twenty years old
birthday: 5th april
occupation:  college student, heir to Wayne Enterprises
alliances:  bat fam, titans
alignment/PDB: lawful neutral / ESTJ
links: playlist / inspo
Master Acrobatics, Business Management, Computer Hacking, Driving, Escapology, Genius Intellect, Master Martial Arts, Stealth, Master Swordsmanship, Throwing, & Master Weaponry .
Early Life
Sometime after Batman became a public hero, he fought Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins. During his adventure, he met Ra's' daughter Talia al Ghul. The two young adults fell for each other and, after a brief fling, they conceived a child. Bruce was unaware of the child's conception and returned to crime fighting for years. Talia on the other hand, taking advantage of the hero's impressive genes, believed their child to be a perfect heir. The child was born and given the name Damian. Talia then used the League's extensive scientific resources to inorganically speed up the child's aging - giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years.
During this time, Damian was raised by Talia and trained by the League of Assassins; Damian became a skilled assassin by an early age. Coupled by his innate talent for the art and his lineage, Damian became a respected member of the League. Eventually, when Talia deemed that Damian was ready, she allowed him to go to Gotham and meet his father - the Batman. Batman was surprised to learn he had a secret son with Talia. Despite his intense training to become a remorseless assassin, Damian was sympathetic to his father's vigilantism in Gotham and volunteered to become his next sidekick. Batman agreed and granted Damian the mantle of Robin, his fourth ward to use the name. He eventually joines the Teen Titans as a way to try and learn to get along with others.
While there is still struggles in their partnership in the beginning, he never had a good guidance. He was, and still sometimes is, an arrogant, spoiled, selfish brat. But the thing is, as he spends more time with the Bat Family and the Titans, he learning to be a better person. Damian Wayne is growing. 
Adultish Life - Currently
Flash forward, Damian is now twenty years old and by day, he is going to college. Of course he finds it pointless and misses his classes on purposes, showing up only on days of exams where he gets perfect scores. He is in the process of getting his degree in Business and Management. He full on intends to take over Wayne Enterprises and cant wait for day as he has many plans. By night though, he is patroling the city as Robin and is still a member of both the Bat Fam and the Titans. While he doesn’t have his old tendencies, sometimes the whispers of his past call out to him and he wants nothing more than for them to go away.
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easy-enterprise · 1 year
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Get the power you need with "PDB Panel"! Our Power Distribution Board is the perfect solution for a reliable and secure electrical network. With our circuit breaker and switch fuse unit, you'll be able to quickly and easily distribute power into subsidiary circuits, giving you the right amount of energy where you need it most. Make sure your home or office is always powered up with PDB Panel!
🌐 : https://www.easyenterprise.in/
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itechscripts2 · 3 years
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How does Python compare to PHP for server-side web development?
a) Easy learning:
Python is certainly much easier to learn. Python is a generic programming language and can be learned very quickly. In fact, Python is so easy to understand that most beginner programming courses now use the Python programming language to teach basic programming principles. Python programs are much shorter and easier to write than other programming languages, making them the preferred choice for many applications. The syntax is much simpler and the code is extremely readable compared to the same code written in other programming languages.
PHP, on the other hand, shouldn't be a generic language. It was developed especially for web applications, which are much more sophisticated than simple standalone programs. Therefore, learning PHP takes more time than learning Python.
b) Community support:
Both Python and PHP have great community support. PHP has been around for a long time, mainly for web application development. As a result, there is a large community of PHP developers ready to assist.
Python works very well with PHP here. There are many Python developers who are constantly developing Python applications. As a result, the support from the community is exceptional. Python and PHP are close to each other here and neither is a clear winner.
Python first became popular when Google started using it for some of Google's most popular applications, such as YouTube. However, it should be noted that the largest social network in the world, Facebook, was written with PHP as the main backend.
c) Documentation:
Full documentation is available for both programming languages. The competition here is fierce and, as with community support, there really is no clear winner. Both languages  are equally good in terms of availability of documentation.
d) Prices
Python and PHP are completely free and open source. Here also both win. In fact, Python and PHP win significantly over other paid web frameworks here.
e) Library support
This is a point where Python clearly outperforms PHP. PHP lags behind Python in this regard, but Packagist (PHP Package Repository) is a solid backbone that contains PHP. For example, today many startups and even large companies are creating web applications based on machine learning. Python has great machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, Theano, Scikit Learn, etc. These libraries are fast, easy to use, and most importantly, they integrate seamlessly with the web framework. Therefore, developing these types of applications is much easier with Python than with almost any other programming language.
f) Speed
PHP 5.x versions were quite slow and took a long time to run. However, the new version of PHP 7.x is extremely fast, almost three times faster than a classic Python program.
g) Choice of web frames:
The most used Python-based web frameworks are Django, Flask, Pylons, Pyramid etc. On the other hand, Codeigniter, Zend, Laravel, Symfony etc. are the most used PHP web frameworks.
Django is known to be extremely fast, scalable, secure, and easy to use. It is quite robust and powerful, and it is widely used in a wide variety of applications. Additionally, Codeigniter and Laravel are widely available in the market, and almost all current PHP applications use one of the two frameworks mentioned above.
h) Debugging:
Python has a powerful debugger called PDB (Python Debugger). PDB is well documented and easy to use even for beginners. PHP, on the other hand, offers the XDebug package for debugging. PDB and XDebug provide the most commonly used debugging features: breakpoint, stack, path mapping, etc. Python and PHP are similar here and neither is a clear winner.
This article is sponsored by https://itechscripts.com/. A leading resource of inspired clone scripts. It offers hundreds of popular scripts that are used by thousands of small and medium enterprises.
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vagabondretired · 6 years
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His PDB from Faux..... Because everything is going perfectly. Another revelatory gaffe from the president: He was spending his morning watching “Fox and Friends,” as he is wont to do, and up flashed a report from the Media Research Center stating that 91 percent of network news coverage of Trump from January through April was negative. The Media Research Center, we’ll note, is part of the conglomerate of conservative enterprises funded by Robert Mercer and his family, the folks that also funded Cambridge Analytica, Breitbart and former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon. But they know their audience, and their audience was watching. The important thing in that tweet is not the threat about the credentials, though rescinding White House credentials would certainly be a nuisance. The important part is that he makes explicit his view of what constitutes fake news. It’s negative news. Negative. (Fake.) He revoked credentials during the campaign so people shouldn't be too sure that he won't do it again. I think he really believes he is the best president the world has ever seen and everyone loves him. His only problem is that the media is critical of him. This delusion is how he gets through the day.
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Ddu College–China’s Import and Export Market Report of Antiallergic Drugs
Antiallergic/ anti-allergy pharmaceutical drugs are used to treat allergic diseases (allergies) and can be divided into the following categories:
1. Antihistamine drugs: loratadine, promethazine and chlorpheniramine etc.
2. Allergic medium blockers: sodium cromoglycate, ketotifen etc.
3. Others: ① calcium salts, such as calcium chloride, calcium gluconate; ② herbal desensitizer, such as injectiondermatophagoides farinae; ③ glucocorticoid etc.
Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that usually causes little or no problems to most people. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, sneezing and a runny nose, shortness of breath or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions.
Today, Ddu, the leading global pharmaceutical and medical device B2B online platform, will share China’s Import and Export Market Report of Antiallergic Drugs with you.
I. General situation of global market of antiallergic drugs
According to the statistics of WHO, the global antiallergic drugs market was 5.215 billion USD in 2016, of which anti-histamine drugs accounted for 66%, allergic mediator products accounted for 20% and other anti-allergic drugs accounted for 14%.
Antihistamine drugs, the most widely used pharmaceutical drugs in clinical application, treat allergic rhinitis and other allergies. Antihistamines provides relief from nasal congestion, sneezing or hives caused by pollen, dust mites or animal allergies.
In 2016 the top 5 antihistamines used in the world were desloratadine citrate disodium tablets, loratadine, ebastine, levocetirizine and cetirizine.
In the past few years most transnational pharmaceutical companies have devoted themselves to the development of antitumor drugs, antivirus drugs, rare drugs and targeted drugs rather than the development of antiallergic drugs resulting in a sluggish market.
As indicated by the statistics above, eight out of ten of antiallergic drug sales were flat or falling and no sales exceeded one million USD in 2016.
In addition to this, the sales for Singulair, the blockbuster medication from MSD, topped the list with 0.9 billion USD. Singulair was approved for the treatment of anaphylactic rhinitis and asthma, becoming a highly recommended drug for treatment guidelines in many countries.
Currently, the key antiallergic drug markets are  the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Japan, China and India and this is expected to grow.
Foreign-funded brands take up major shares in the global antiallergic drugs market. Loratadine, antiallergic drug from Schering-Plough in the United States, is currently being sold in over 110 countries and regions as a non–prescription drug, becoming the best-selling antiallergic drug in the world.
II. China’s antiallergic drugsmarket
According to the statistics of PDB, China’s overall antiallergic drug sales were 5.2 billion RMB in 2016, with an increase of 5.1% over the previous year.
The top ten companies in the antiallergic drugs market are mostly domestic funded companies and account for 51.6% of market shares with relatively high market concentration.
There were four foreign-funded companies. Bayer HealthCare, with its products being very popular in the retail market, ranked first for two consecutive years , which shows an increasing trend in 2017.
There were six domestic-funded companies. Yangtze River Pharmacy and Hainan Poly Pharmaceutical ranked second and third with market shares of 8.1% and 6.4% , which also shows an increasing trend in 2017.
Claritin (loratadine tablets) held dominant position and ranked first for two consecutive years with a stable market share of 10.3% in 2015 and 10.5% in 2016. Desloratadine citrate disodium tablets from Yangtze River Pharmacy, ranked second for two consecutive years with a market share of 5.1% in 2015 and 6.8% in 2016. There was fierce competition among the other top ten brands.
III. General situation of China’s antiallergic drug imports
Loratadine tablets took up most of  China’s imported antiallergic drug shares with the main products being Claritin from Byers Healthcare and Astemizole from Johnson & Johnson.
According to the statistics of China customs, China mainly imported antiallergic drugs from France, the United States and Switzerland as indicated on the chart below.
IV. General situation of China’s antiallergic drug exports
As the Chinese pharmaceutical drugs market is integrating with the world market, the product structure of antihistamines, especially piperidines, monoethanolamides, alkyl amine, phenothiazines and piperazine, have gradually improved. What’s more, with product upgrades, first generation antihistamines have been developed to third generation antihistamines, accelerating the export of these drugs.
According to the statistics of China customs, China’s antihistamine drugs were mainly exported to Spain, the United States and Belgium in 2016 and export sales of top 10 counties totaled 21.06 million USD.
V. Leading antiallergic drug companies
Hainan Poly Pharm., Ltd.
Hainan Poly Pharm. Co., Ltd. is a leading international Chinese pharmaceutical preparation company.
Representative product: Desloratadine tablets
Indication: Anaphylactic rhinitis
Main exporting countries: Germany, Holland, France
Yangze River Pharmaceutical Group
Founded in 1971, YRPG is a giant national cross-regional pharmaceutical group, integrating research, manufacturing and trading. It is listed as one of the first innovative enterprises by China MIIT.
Representative product: Desloratadine citrate disodium tablets
Indication: Anaphylactic rhinitis
Main exporting countries: EU, US
Zhejiang Wolw bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Wolw bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd has the largest allergen drug development base in Asia and is China's largest desensitization drug manufacturer.
Representative product: Dermatophagoides farinae drops
Indication: Dermatophagoides farinae allergy
Main exporting countries: Asian-Pacific region
VI. OTC antiallergic drugs are to be the next blockbuster.
With more investment in the market and an increasing awareness by users, the OTC market has become favored by more and more pharmaceutical manufacturers.
In terms of the domestic market, antiallergic drugs are rarely seen in the OTC market and manufacturers still need to step up their consumption guidance efforts. However, with the improvement of self-treatment, antiallergic pharmaceutical drugs are expected to take up a greater share in the OTC market and become the new main force within the next two to three years.
Thus, Ddu, the leading global pharmaceutical and medical device B2B online platform, advises domestic companies to adapt to market demands with diversified products and seize the opportunity to upgrade the structure of products and devote themselves to the development of drugs that help adjust the immune system and alleviates allergy symptoms.
Source: http://medicalhealthinformation.31722.n8.nabble.com/Ddu-College-China-s-Import-and-Export-Market-Report-of-Antiallergic-Drugs-td2.html
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Perkembangan Teknologi Analog.
Astra graphia information technology - Astra Graphia Information Technology (AGIT) Gelar AGIT SOLUTION DAY 2019
Perkembangan Teknologi Analog - Astra Graphia Information Technology (AGIT) kembali melangsungkan “AGIT Solution Day 2019” , mengangkat tema Connecting The Dots - Integrated and Smart Industry adalahrangkaian pekerjaan satu hari sarat untuk menyuruh mitra bisnis AGIT mencari wawasan lebih luas mengenai teknologi digital terkini guna mengakselerasikan transformasi bisnis mereka dalam menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0., Kamis (28/2/2019) di Jakarta.
Riset teranyar yang diluncurkan oleh IDC Asia Pacific mengungkapkan, transformasi digital bisa melipat gandakan penghasilan di sekian banyak  sektor Industri. Ada ekstra sebesar 387 miliar dolar AS dalam kurun masa-masa lima tahun (2016-2021) pada produk dalam negeri bruto atau PDB di area Asia Pasifik, sampai-sampai akan menjadi 8.399 triliun dolar AS pada 2021. Bahkan, McKinsey selaku perusahaan konsultan manajemen multinasional, memproyeksi Indonesia bisa membuka kesempatan bisnis dan menambah PDB sampai 3,7 triliun dolar AS pada tahun 2030.
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- Teknologi Informasi | Teknologi Informasi Dalam Organisasi
- Teknologi Informasi | Teknologi Informasi dalam Keperawatan Ppt
Dengan menyaksikan trend dan dinamika bisnis di atas, AGIT Solution Day 2019 diinginkan dapat menyerahkan jawaban dan sebagai media bercakap-cakap dan bertukar pikiran antar partner bisnis AGIT guna mencari wawasan lebih luas tentang solusi dan strategi implementasi dalam menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0
Direktur Astra Graphia Information Technology (AGIT), Widi Triwibowo mengatakan, “Pada ketika era kompetisi bisnis dewasa ini, masing-masing perusahaan sangat urgen untuk terus berkembang supaya tetap selalu mengerjakan perubahan ketika ini maupun kedepannya. Inovasi adalahsuatu urusan mutlak dan kewajiban untuk bertahan ketika ini sebab kita ketika ini sedang di jaman revolusi industri yang secara mendasar akan tidak jarang kali berubah mengikuti teknik kita hidup, bekerja dan bersangkutan satu dengan yang lain. Dalam skala, cakupan, dan kompleksitasnya, transformasi industri tidak bakal sama laksana yang dirasakan sebelumnya. Kita tidak dapat memahami kapan bakal terjadi, tetapi kita mesti bisa segera merespon secara cepat supaya kita dapat membina perusahaan yang Integrated dan Smart Industry.”
Pada AGIT Solution Day 2019 membicarakan Enam Dots atau Enam Tema yang menjadi highlights dalam acara hari ini yakni yang terdiri dari Customer Experience, Sharing Economy, Human Like Enterprise, Mass Personalization, Exponential Economics dan Customer Journey. Keenam tema ini di elaborasi dengan harapan supaya dapat menyerahkan solusi “how to connect the dots” dan “how to capitalize those” supaya setiap perusahaan tetap relevan dan bahkan memimpin dalam era Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang telah muncul di depan mata.
Dalam AGIT Solution Day 2019 juga muncul mitra bisnis AGIT yang berbagi pengalaman, tantangan, serta hambatan dalam menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0 di setiap perusahaannya. Pembicara yang muncul adalah pakar-pakar di bidangnya yang membicarakan tentang persoalan serius dan sekian banyak  strategi dalam menghadapi evolusi revolusi industri 4.0, pekerjaan AGIT Solution Day 2019 dikemas secara menarik, santai, dan penuh denganunsur digital.
Baca Juga :
- Teknologi Informasi | Informasi Teknologi Elektronik
“Yang memisahkan AGIT Solution Day 2019 yakni pada unsur kedua dipecah menjadi 3 bagian percakapan yang kesatu membicarakan tentang Smart Foundation, bagaimana membina pondasi IT yang cerdas. Smart Process, bagaimana membina proses yang cerdas. Smart Connectivity, bagaimana membina konektivitas yang cerdas” ujar Widi menambahkan.
Widi pun menjelaskan bahwa penerapan teknologi informasi secara digital pada perusahaan bukan melulu sekedar kemauan yang powerful saja, namun pun memerlukan blueprint, dokumentasi yang jelas mengenai visi dan tujuan strategis perusahaan dan pendekatan secara bertahap supaya para empunya perusahaan dapat memakai dan menjalankan teknologi informasi cocok dengan asa dan formalitas yang sudah ditetapkan.
Di samping memperkuat Perkembangan Teknologi Analog fondasi transformasi digital perusahaan, kita tidak melulu mendapatkan wawasan mengenai teknologi digital terbaru, tetapi pun menemukan jawaban mengenai bagaimana tetap relevan dan memimpin kompetisi di era Revolusi Industri Keempat ini.
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