#PC & Mobile
jcmarchi · 2 months
Slay The Spire II Announced, Hits Early Access Next Year
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/slay-the-spire-ii-announced-hits-early-access-next-year/
Slay The Spire II Announced, Hits Early Access Next Year
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Mega Crit Studios has announced Slay The Spire II, a sequel to its mega-popular roguelike deckbuilder Slay The Spire released in 2019. Since that original release, the game has made its way to various other platforms beyond PC, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and even mobile devices. Now, players can expect the sequel to hit Early Access (presumably on PC) starting next year. 
This news was announced during today’s Triple-i Initiative Showcase with a quick cinematic trailer highlighting the game’s beautiful animation. We see a few monstrous creatures and characters, presumably the ones we’ll control, before “Slay The Spire II” flashes on-screen. 
Check it out for yourself in the Slay The Spire II reveal trailer below: 
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As you can see, this Slay The Spire II reveal trailer doesn’t contain any gameplay, but it does say the game hits Early Access in 2025. 
In the meantime, read Game Informer’s Slay The Spire review. 
Are you excited for Slay The Spire II? Let us know in the comments below!
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free-games-online · 2 years
The House of Da Vinci 3 - Series Finale
The House of Da Vinci 3 – Series Finale
The final chapter in the beautiful logic puzzle mystery series, The House of Da Vinci is now out on iOS. From Blue Brain Games. Available on iPhone and iPad from Apple appstore. Releasing soon on PC and Mac from Steam this autumn. For more logic puzzle mystery adventures including the previous games in this series, see my posts listed below. (more…)
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ja-lin · 1 year
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Hello all, Night of Sin episode 6 is finally ready! Thank you for your patience and support!
Night of Sin (v3.31)
Several new characters added
Windows PC, Web browser versions (mobile ok, but be wary some browsers won't work)
Read the new characters' backstories based on your choices
New music, sound effects, and unique backgrounds added
Weapon poses added for some characters
Over 6500 words and 1hr+ of auto-play time
Cameos from certain Lovestruck characters
Please be wary of the content warning
Can you all believe it's almost been one year since I started this solo project!
I've created over 400 images, written over 45000 words, and coded close to 10000 lines for my visual novel fanfic. And, with every image I draw, every word I write, and every line of code...it amps the appreciation I have for all the people who worked on the stories in Lovestruck. It's a lot of hard work, a lot of coffee and boba, a lot of late nights. This is as close as I can get, stepping into all their shoes.
Special thanks to my friends who are guest artists in episode 6, they each helped design one new character! Again, and again...thank you everyone for your patience and support!
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Moses Znaimer ready to quit? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/znaimer-ponders-his-future-at-chum-as-he-takes-sabbatical/article25277829/
#20yrsago Palladium changes name, but not stripes https://web.archive.org/web/20030216080548/weblog.siliconvalley.com/column/dangillmor/archives/000755.shtml
#10yrsago German court awards damages for loss-of-Internet, says net is “crucial part of people’s economic living standards” https://web.archive.org/web/20130127084852/http://www.computerworlduk.com/news/networking/3422348/internet-connection-crucial-everyday-life-german-federal-court-rules/
#10yrsago Susan Crawford should run the FCC! https://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/24/opinion/how-to-get-high-speed-internet-to-all-americans.html
#10yrsago German soldiers develop left breasts https://web.archive.org/web/20130127060240/https://www.germanherald.com/news/Germany_in_Focus/2013-01-21/2243/Bra-Gade_of_Guards
#5yrsago Trump will not make a state visit to UK unless Theresa May bans protests https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-01-24/inside-the-dysfunctional-relationship-of-donald-trump-and-theresa-may
#5yrsago The world’s richest 2000 billionaires could wipe out extreme poverty with one seventh of what they gained last year https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/reward-work-not-wealth
#5yrsago Police Get Out of Jail cards are just the tip of the iceberg: no perp gets a sweeter deal than a cop https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/01/police-union-privileges.html
#5yrsago South Korean law bans mobile crapware, network discrimination, deceptive native advertising, and anti-adblock https://web.archive.org/web/20180321130314/http://www.kimchang.com/frame2.jsp?lang=2&b_id=88&m_id=81&mode=view&idx=17195
#5yrsago Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists https://www.newamerica.org/pit/policy-papers/digitaldeceit/
#5yrsago Ontario Conservative leader abruptly resigns after he is accused of sexual assault and misconduct with very young, drunk women https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/patrick-brown-denies-sexual-misconduct-allegations-from-two-women-resigns-as-ontario-pc-leader-1.3774686
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maiteherrada · 1 year
Sistemas operativos móviles
Sistemas de telefonía: los sistemas de telefonía fueron desarrollándose con el paso del tiempo. Así, existieron varias clasificaciones de ellos:
Primera generación 1G o analógicos (AMPS, NTM, TACS...)
Segunda generación 2g o digitales (GSM).
Segunda generación avanzada 2.5G (GPRS) y 2.75G (EGPRS).
Tercera generación 3G (UMTS).
Tercera generación avanzada 3.5G (HSDPA), 3,75G (HSUPA) y 3.8G - 3.85G (HSPA+).
Cuarta generación 4G (LTE), 4G+ (LTE Advanced).
Quinta generación 5G (sin estandarizar).
Paradigma: En la década de los 90, los sistemas operativos móviles más extendidos eran Palm y Windows Mobile, pero todo cambió con la llegada de la fiebre de los Nokia. En 2003, surge la intención de desarrollar un sistema operativo para cámaras digitales. Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears y Chris White, observaron que este mercado no tenía mucho recorrido y se lanzaron a competir con Symbian y Windows Mobile en el mundo de la telefonía móvil. En 2005 Google compró Android Inc y se comenzó con el desarrollo de una plataforma móvil parecida a la de Blackberry basada en el teclado QWERTY. En 2008 sale su primer dispositivo móvil con un sistema operativo. En el año 2007 fue presentado el primer Iphone. Con este primer sistema llamado iOS, las teclas desparecieron para dar paso a las pantallas táctiles. Con la llegada de la versión 3.2 sale a la luz el nombre de iOS de manera oficial. No es posible no mencionar el momento en el que surgió Siri, el asistente virtual que marcó un antes y un después. 
- Es de código abierto, gratis y está basado en Linux.
- Se adapta a las diferentes resoluciones de pantalla.
- Soporte de HTML, HTML5, Adobe Flash Player, etc.,
- Un gran catalogo de aplicaciones para descargar, gratuitas y de pago.
- Se puede usar Google Talk, para realizar videollamadas,
- Multitarea real de aplicaciones.
- Muchos tipos de teclados diferentes.
- Gran cantidad de formas diferentes de personalizar el escritorio de nuestro Smartphone.
- Se pueden buscar aplicaciones que se necesiten e instalarlas directamente con el PC puesto que todo se sincroniza automáticamente en el teléfono sin necesidad de conexión de cables.
- Se puede controlar el teléfono móvil desde el ordenador de forma muy sencilla.
- Es un sistema operativo cerrado, es decir no se puede modificar.
- Tiene un sistema de monitorización del consumo de batería que podría ayudar a gestionarla de forma mucho más eficiente.
- Permite que podamos instalar un teclado de terceros.
- Funciones que incluyen atajos para mandar fotos, videos, notas de voz, compartir tu ubicación, mejor gestión de conversiones en grupo y una opción para silencio.
- Siri, el asistente personal de Iphone, tiene la capacidad de identificar canciones.
- Sensación de velocidad durante su uso, mediante algunos trucos de programación.
- Reciben de manera constante actualizaciones.
- Twitter es directamente integrado en el iPhone.
- Apple no da licencia del software iOS a terceros, por lo que tan solo los iPhone disponen de este sistema operativo.
Maitena Herrada - Máximo Cravero
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apisys-technologies · 2 years
Destiny of Best Web Development Company in the Year 2024
Apisys Technologies is Best Website Development Company which provide the best solutions for our clients
Models in the web progress field change at times. In around 10 years web movement industry has changed back to front. Regardless of whether it’s robotized talk box, single page districts, or video foundations, 2021 presents to you another course of action of updates. what sounds besides persuading, a site worked in a month or a site worked in a year with some exceptional highlights? I know your answer. In this article, we will take you through the absolute best web movement plans coming in 2021. These highlights won’t just assistance you with building a possible site, at any rate it will additionally give you a design of where your work needs an update.
Single Page Websites
Single Page Websites are one of the most noteworthy highlights soon. Envision, no course through pages, no demolished stuff, only a solitary page, and a course instrument taking you through different pieces of that page. Single page regions help you with sparing time, less materials, and no page courses. Short, new, and sweet.
Adaptable First Indexing
Adaptable First Indexing is a pivotal element zeroing in on the millennial age. Adaptable clients are expanding quickly over the globe, pushing down the measure of work zone web clients. So before you begin producing your site, try to make your site adaptable sympathetic.
Notwithstanding, what is flexible first mentioning? It’s principal. The adaptable variety of your site changes into the beginning stage for Google list. On the off chance that you watch a move in active time gridlock from the Google slither bots, likely the traffic is from the conservative stage.
Resuscitated Mobile Pages (AMP)
AMP is an open source include upheld by Google. The significant some part of AMP is to animate the example of how fast an instructive record can be appeared to the client. How long would you have the alternative to accept that an affiliation will open after you click on it? Few moments? AMP asks your site substance to stack snappier and use information Multiple events not really standard ones.
Dynamic Web Applications (PWA)
Dynamic Web Applications presented in the year 2015, is by and by one of the basic highlights you should have in your web improvement unit. It gives your customer a close to understanding on telephones as on work districts. You probably saw your PC program showing an application-like page, and dynamic web applications do comparably for the client. It empowers the client to have tantamount experience on their mobiles.
Visit https://www.apisystechnologies.com/ for website development and design
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gadgets24 · 3 months
USB Metal Data Cable 3.4 Amp for Andriod V8 Mobile Fast Charging Cable by Gadgets24 (GV-03)
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About this item The Gadgets24 cable features our special toughest polyethylene braided jacket and this unique jacket provides greater protection than anything else you have seen in its class. Extra tough polyethylene terephthalate cable skin ensures 5000 plus bend lifespan, stress and stretch resistance. The Gadgets24 Micro USB cable is compatible with most android smartphones, windows phone, tablets, PC peripherals and other micro USB compatible devices. 3.4A rapid charge, fast data transmission and rapid speed to sync your device at the speed up to 480mbps. Gadgets24 micro USB cable offers a perfect 1 meters in length, optimized for an easy use for your comfort at home or office. 1 years warranty from the date of purchase. Read the full article
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oohnonotnick · 5 months
Please visit
These two accounts have had the "Live" feature removed. The button just disappeared from the mobile app, and the PC site
just get redirected to
I have ANOTHER account with a domain that I paid for as well
All of which tend to cover subject matter regarding the integrity and quality of the platforms and devices diminishing over time. How the frequency of many series of events suggests discreet manipulation and interference from outside sources. Rabbit hole after rabbit hole, all signs point in one direction, but what does one do while withstanding a multifaceted attack? Both digitally and not.
In-person interventions, comments, and questions are not hidden behind a VPN or Contend Delivery Network which can disguise where cyber attackers are actually coming from. When interpersonal experiences, conversations or exchanges become subject matter of that I may be dealing with all on my own, unbeknownst to absolutely anyone, leaves me questioning how certain individuals become savvy of certain specific private, personal things. Things tend to get a bit overwhelming and completely unbelievable, the nature of the online and in person stalking, subtle harassment, and manipulation can seemingly become nefarious, even malicious. The best way that I can word it is that, things can get dark real quick.
There are people who like to do things in secrecy, guised as anything but it's actual identity, and will stop at no lengths to make sure the schemes, cohorts, and actions never become public knowledge. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter if it did. That is because if given thought to the "allegations", my reporting, lead the rational mind to one of a few questions; "Why?; What did one do to deserve or attract this kind of attention." As things have seemingly calmed down for me, the act of creating this very post is putting myself in jeopardy. My employment, housing, and even safety can be taken from me, due to bringing light to nothing less that organized crime. The law may protect them due to the lack of ample, effective jurisdiction on the web/internet and tools like VPNs and device Unique Identifiers easily spoofed to anything at will.
Selective and community policing are a thing as well. When dealing with mass surveillance, perhaps someone(s) somewhere find my activities despicable, declaring me a deplorable. Made uncomfortable by societies in the community, both locally and at large, same goes for law enforcement and third even fourth parties. "Ran out of town", because I attempted to uncover their schemes and what their activities are, and how hypocritical "they" are. Perhaps that even the tables should be turned.
in other words:
These cyberattackers are not only operating online, but also offline. They have been stalking, harassing and manipulating me in person, using VPNs and CDNs to conceal their identities. They have somehow obtained access to my private and personal information, and have used it to intimidate and threaten me. They have made my life a nightmare, and I don’t know who to trust.
They are part of a secret network of people who are involved in organized crime. They don’t want the public to know about their schemes and activities, and they will stop at nothing to keep them hidden. They have the law on their side, because the internet is a lawless place where they can easily spoof their devices and locations. They also have the support of some communities and authorities who find my activities objectionable and want me gone.
I am risking everything by writing this post, but I feel that I have to warn you about the dangers of these cyberattackers. They are not only targeting me, but anyone who dares to expose them or challenge them. They are the enemy of the truth, and they must be stopped. The choice to believe me or not is yours, but remember: you have been warned.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Vampire Survivors Is Getting Contra DLC Next Month, PS5 Release This Summer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/vampire-survivors-is-getting-contra-dlc-next-month-ps5-release-this-summer/
Vampire Survivors Is Getting Contra DLC Next Month, PS5 Release This Summer
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Developer Poncle has revealed that Vampire Survivors will finally hit PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 this summer. Before that, though, Vampire Survivors will cross over with Contra in Operation Guns, a new DLC featuring characters, weapons, and more from the series, on May 9. 
This was revealed during today’s Triple-i Initiative Showcase with a new trailer highlighting what Contra in Vampire Survivors looks like, and perhaps to nobody’s surprise, it looks awesome. This trailer also reveals that PlayStation players can play Vampire Survivors this summer. The game is already available on Xbox, Switch, PC, and mobile devices. 
Check out the Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns and PlayStation reveal trailer for yourself below: 
[embedded content]
As you can see, Operation Guns looks like an exciting boost of weaponry, characters, enemies, and more to Vampire Survivors. And it’s right around the corner, too, hitting the game on Xbox, PC, and Switch on May 9. It will presumably be available from the jump when Vampire Survivors hits PlayStation platforms later this summer. 
In the meantime, read Game Informer’s Vampire Survivors review. 
Are you excited for Vampire Survivors’ Contra DLC? Let us know in the comments below!
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sassyladyparadise · 1 year
Want to play more & grind lesser? Buy & sell popular game accounts & items with ZeusX, a global marketplace for you to trade securely and hassle free. Join us!
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freegame56 · 1 year
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jyos27 · 1 year
Laptop Features for Research and Product Development
Being an R&D engineer or product developer is a demanding job. It requires a lot of research, analysis, and simulations; a regular laptop just won't cut it. You need a device with 12th Gen Intel Core i5 or i7, with a dedicated GPU like Nvidia Quadro T550. Top of the line 16 GB RAM and 1 TB NVMe SSD storage are a must. You also need a professional device with robust build quality and the latest connectivity features like Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, Thunderbolt ports, etc. HP Zbook Mobile Workstations have all of these features and more. Stay connected and secure with HP Zbook Mobile Workstations - equipped with top-of-the-line 5MP True 1080P IR-Sensing webcam and AI-based audio amps for seamless video calling, as well as biometric lock, BIOSphere Gen6, MS Bitlocker Encryption and other industry-grade security features to keep your data safe. Productivity is key, and having a preloaded developer stack can save you a lot of time. HP Zbook Laptops come with a preloaded Data Science Stack Manager. For premium users our recommendation would be the HP ZBook Power G9 Mobile Workstation PC. And for budget segment users, the HP ZBook Firefly 16 G9 Mobile Workstation PC is a great option. Both devices are specifically designed for R&D and product development professionals.
Buy and compare laptops online: https://pricehush.com
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Company of Heroes 3 Is an RTS Evolved
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The lengthy wait for Company of Heroes 3 is finally over. It's exciting for those who are already familiar with the franchise, but why should you, a mere real-time strategy lover who may not have previously played the series, pick up a copy now that it's available? An overview of Company of Heroes 3's campaign map, with troops parachuting inBUY COMPANY OF HEROES 3There’s no need to invent some elaborate reason, as Company of Heroes 3 genuinely offers some big innovations and idiosyncratic features to both the series and the genre as a whole. You can see for yourself on your own PC, by grabbing a copy from Steam (though be sure to check you meet the Company of Heroes 3 system requirements first), but we’ve put together a quick guide to this brave new world of RTS goodness. This latest instalment in the incredibly detailed strategy series will allow more scope than ever before, introducing new unit types, factions, and styles of play. The theatre of war is yours to explore, and if you’re still not convinced, read on. A railyard at night in Company of Heroes 3PLAY COMPANY OF HEROES 3 TODAY Fun with factionsCoH3 isn’t holding anything back from fans who download on day one, as the game has already launched with four factions. This is double that of any past game in the series, and very much a sign of things to come. Play as the aggressive US Forces, who focus on production and combined strength; the returning British Forces, a young and agile faction perfect for new players; the challenging Wehrmacht with its devastating counter-attacks; or the brand new Deutsches Afrikakorps, who can call in support from across Europe. Whichever faction you choose, you’ll get unique and exclusive units that bring the possibility of limitless play. The long-awaited additions of the Deutsches Afrikakorps, for example, bring iconic units into play such as the Panzer 3, Flak 88, and Tiger tank, enabling your army to tow and tank ride into battle. If you’re playing as the US Forces, you might be more inclined to try out the vividly-named Sherman Whizbang for a bit of mobile rocket artillery, as the US troops focus on self-reliance and production. The British Forces take an alternative approach, instead appealing to nations far and wide for support, including Gurkhas and the Indian Artillery. Stronger together…What good is an international war simulator if you’ve not got anyone to fight with? Rather than resting on its quite-considerable multiplayer laurels, the CoH franchise has decided to amp things up a bit for those who like to play in teams of (or against) real people. They call it “the evolution of multiplayer gameplay”, we call it “a bloody good time”. A flamethrower unit lights up the scenery in Company of Heroes 3BUY COMPANY OF HEROES 3The inclusion of two more factions means that players can double the fun with friends – playing with up to four pals at a time. Not only can you fight to the death, seeing which of your closest and dearest buddies you can destroy in intense PvP combat, but you can also put your differences aside and team up – fighting against the mighty AI threat. The intelligence aspect of the game’s Artificial Intelligence has come on leaps and bounds since the last instalment, and can level the playing field against up to four real-life players. …Or better alone?Perhaps we were a little harsh earlier. As it turns out, playing CoH3 in single-player is just as much fun. There’s enough new features and strokes of development genius to keep you busy for hours, exploring the most advanced chapter in this legendary RTS series. As mentioned earlier, you’ll now be able to do new things with your units, such as tank riding, which makes everything feel just a little more realistic. There’s a bigger Battlegroup tree, allowing you to immerse yourself into the deepest of tactical plots, even when you play alone – and who wouldn’t want to feel like a single-handed strategic genius? Right from launch day, national armies from Italy, India, and Canada will be available as part of this revamped Battlegroup system. You’ll also be able to play the new Dynamic Campaign Map, launching you into a sandbox-style game where the whole of the Italian war effort is in your hands. Take the high groundSpeaking of strategic genius, CoH3 really really rewards RTS-style smarts. If you’re a new player, this makes it a perfect game to get started on, as you’ll soon learn what makes these kinds of games tick; whilst for veteran players, it really puts the ‘king’ in ‘flanking manoeuvres’. You’ll be able to make some really sneaky and wily plays which will not go overlooked. Vehicles now come with side armour profiles, which means your positioning matters more than ever. A tank convoy gets stuck into action in Company of Heroes 3PLAY COMPANY OF HEROES 3 TODAYGetting yourself to higher ground will also give you the edge this time around, as true verticality mechanics come into play. The theatre of war will now have layers and levels, from which you may be at an advantage – or leave yourself open to attack. Grab your copy of Company of Heroes 3 for PC via Steam today. Read the full article
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effectivesociety · 1 year
How Chime Mobile Check Deposit Works? - Chime help & Guide
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subwooferstereos · 1 year
Quad VA-One+ Amplifier with Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Speakers SalonAV magazine
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At first, you don’t even know what claims to be the leading role in this set - new three-way monitors in a cool vintage design, released in honor of the 85th anniversary of Wharfedale, or a low-power tube Quad integrated circuit from the One series, modestly standing on the top shelf of a system rack. By the way, it is also new - it is endowed with a more advanced DAC.
This summer we already listened to one "old-school" Quad/Wharfedale tandem, made up of a Vena II transistor amplifier/DAC and two-way Denton 85th Anniversary bookshelves. When, a few months later, another representative of the Wharfedale Heritage line arrived in Moscow - twice as heavy and impressive Lintons, we expected to listen to them along with the second Vienna. But by this time, the delivery of the upgraded tube Quad VA-One + arrived in time and curiosity began to disassemble: isn’t this miniature amplifier best suited for creating a “classic” stereo system?
We look at the Linton 85th Anniversary data. The sensitivity of 90 dB with the current “market” standard of 87 - 89 cannot be called small. Bring a power of about 8-10 watts to such speakers and you can already count on a sound pressure of a hundred decibels (which, by the way, is even higher than the declared SPL for Dentons)! The nominal resistance of the three-band model is not 4, but 6 ohms, that is, they can be considered lighter and according to the "load" criterion. True, Wharfedale recommends connecting the Linton 85th Anniversary to an amplifier with at least 25 watts, and the tube Quad VA-One + does not have that much output - its "maximum sine" is only 15 ...
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But that doesn't mean it won't fit. Acoustic manufacturers often overestimate the lower limit of the recommended power, since there have been cases of driver failure due to too sharp clipping, which can occur in low-power transistor amplifiers even at a relatively low output voltage. There is no such risk with tube amplifiers - they limit the amplitude of the amplified signal softer. And that is why on the official Quad website the VA-One + amplifier in the illustrations poses in tandem with Quad S-1 monitors, which, according to the company's recommendations, should also not be connected to amplifiers weaker than 25 watts.
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In the meantime, we can only judge indirectly about VA-One +. Its predecessor VA-One never appeared in editorial tests, although reviews from music lovers are almost entirely positive. The upgraded model features a front panel design and a new digital-to-analog conversion unit. Like the PA-One+ headphone amp, the unit has an advanced 32-bit Saber ESS9018K2M converter instead of Cirrus Logic's standard 24-bit converter. Such a replacement radically raised the PA-One in the class, and in our case we can count on the same effect.
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In terms of features and basic circuitry, the plus model is a replica of the amp that Quad released back in 2016. It has only one line input, which is almost directly connected to the volume control. The remaining four inputs are implemented on a digital switch, which allows you to receive a signal via coaxial, optical, USB, and Bluetooth. And that's what a classic Quad amp should look like for today's music lover - combining the "most original sound" of tube technology with today's sought-after PC and mobile connectivity. The amplifier can also be listened to through headphones and controlled via the remote control.Despite its small size, the VA-One+ is quite heavy and is a traditional transformer push-pull with three stages: pre-amplification is provided by ECC83 triodes, followed by an ECC82 dual triode driver that extracts the differential component, and then the signal is already symmetrically fed to the output pairs of pentodes EL84. The point of such textbook circuits is different: in the organization of power supply and the depth of environmental protection, in the control of lamp modes and output transformers, but Quad engineers prefer not to talk about this.
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Linton acoustics repeat Denton 85th Anniversary conceptually, but its design is sharpened for playback with a much larger dynamic range (SPL can reach 110 dB). The bass part is given to a 20 cm driver with a Kevlar cone. The 630 - 2400 Hz range falls on a lightweight 135 mm driver, the membrane of which is also formed from the proprietary Black Woven Kevlar composite. The tweeter is identical to that used in Denton - with a silk dome and ferrite in the magnetic system. Both phase inverter ports are brought to the rear panel. Single line connection.
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Especially for this acoustics, Wharfedale also released stylish vintage stands - extremely solid, heavy, and, by the way, functional (you can store vinyl records in them). I would also draw your attention to protective anthers. The fabric, which is stretched over the frame (the latter is fixed on the front side in the usual way - on steel pins), does not just resemble an old one in texture. The selected synthetic material feels thick and springy to the touch - the unusual three-dimensional weaving certainly somehow has a special effect on the acoustic properties. And this was clearly visible already in the first installation session with the Vena II amplifier. When located away from the walls, Linton built the music stage correctly and quite deeply, but after installing the grills, the sounding space became even more “visual” - it did not lose small details and gained expressive imagery! At the same time, the fabric slightly softened and neutralized the middle register, which at first caught a slight “overplay” (although it didn’t look like a tint).
The upper band is reminiscent of "Denton" in character - the emphasis is not on ideal linearity, but on a less formal and more important for musical perception) quality - uniformity of resolution over the entire band. Microdynamics on HF is transmitted almost exemplary, and this is eloquently evidenced by the distinguishability of all instruments in this band. Starting to listen to something, you first catch small tonal tints in the sound on sonorous or noise spectra, which are typical for old-school tweeters. But after five or ten minutes of adaptation, the ear completely switches to the "relax" mode - now it seems that the sound is exactly as it should be: nothing is brought here, nothing is retouched ...
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Bass is also good precisely for its clarity, and not for volume or “meat”. However, at high levels, Lintons can give out not only a biting punch, but also a powerful blow, and linearity in this part, judging by the recognizability of the color of drums and bass guitars, is at a high level. The main thing is that neither box nor bass-reflex overtones are heard.
Now, not without some timidity, we switch the acoustics to the tube VA-One +. He actually needs some time after switching on to enter the “voice”, but he shows his different, in principle, musical interpretation right away. Musical drive is expressed, for example, not through the “weight” of drums, the fury of guitar bells and whistles, but through the density and richness of timbres, through the lively bulge of the voice, through the isolation of hi-hats and air trails. The naturalness of cellos and double basses is impressive – they turn out to be very saturated, focused and therefore especially “acoustic”. The same, however, can be said about brass, piano or acoustic guitar - the tones are lively and open. Such a textured clarity of timbres in a wide range indicates a good consistency of the mid-frequency head on each flank - and with a high-frequency driver, and with bass. And at the same time - and about the excellent "coordination" of native racks with speakers. If you put your palm on the acoustics during playback, then the body vibrations are almost not felt even at high volume levels.
The Linton/VA-One+ combo is just as good at reaching low bass, despite the lower amp power and less stringent bass control. A trace of compression due to the limitations of the output stages can only be heard on some powerful thunder or crushing shots from cannons, and for most music tracks the range is enough for the eyes (except for places where dynamic contrasts are very strong). The HF pattern is interesting - it is woven from clear sonorous dominants and soft clean atmospheric plumes. However, it all depends on the sound track being listened to - it is she who dictates both the form and the content of this picture. If with transistor amplification it seemed that the system was introducing a drop of some kind of “gag”, now the questions for resolution have disappeared completely. If somewhere something is embellished in sound, then only in the middle band,
Everything written above refers to playing audio files from a laptop via USB, and therefore includes an assessment of the work of the digital part. The analog input of the amplifier is so transparent that it allows you to hear the "hardware" nuances of another source - for example, a more restrained, but at the same time more verified feed by the DAC of a network streamer. But the most valuable quality of VA-One + is that, showing in the smallest gradations the difference between different sources, it still produces an amazingly musical and lively sound, even when powered by a smartphone via Bluetooth.If the VA-One+ had a price tag below the psychological threshold of "stallnik", we would without the slightest doubt award it with the label "Good Buy". However, among lamp models priced up to 2000 euros, it already looks advantageous in many respects.
As for the Linton, this pair of systems in any case looks like an extremely successful acquisition - both on their own and in combination with their own optional racks.
Naim NDX 2 network player
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laptop Apple MacBook Air A1465
smartphones OPPO Reno, iPhone 8
Quad Vena II Integrated Amplifier/DAC
Digital InAkustik Referenz High Speed ​​USB 2.0
interconnect RCA Atlas Hyper Grun Ultra
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Wharfedale Linton Stands
Quad VA-One+
Producer: Quad Electroacoustics Limited/IAG Group (Great Britain)Inputspair of linear RCA, TOSLink, Coax, USB Type-BexitsPhones 6.3 mmRCA input impedance50 kOhmSupported bit depthPCM up to  24bit/  96kHz (for S/PDIF inputs), up to 32bit/384kHz and DSD256 (via USB)RMS output power2 x  12W (into 8 or 4  ohms), 2 x  15W (into 6 ohms)Distortion level0.5%Frequency range20 Hz - 50  kHz (-3 dB)BluetoothA2DP, aptX, SBCFinishinggray mattDimensions (W x H x D)180 x 164 x 285 mmWeight10.8 kg
Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary
Producer: Wharfedale/IAG Group Ltd (Great Britain)Configuration3 emitters, 3 bandsAcoustic designphase inverterFrequency response40 –  20,000  Hz (with +/-3dB flatness)Sensitivity90 dBMaximum SPL110 dBRated/minimum resistance6/3.5 ohmRecommended Amplifier Power25 - 200  WFinishingnutDimensions300 x 565 x 330 mmWeight18.4 kg (each)
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