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Ford Mustang Mach 1 PATRIARC, 2022 (1969) by Ringbrothers. Another of the restomod projects presented by the Wisconsin-based custom shop. Power comes from a 580hp  Ford Performance Aluminator 5.2 XS engine riding on a Roadster Shop FAST TRACK Stage III chassis 
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im-yotsu · 15 days
Just saw a TERF interact with one of my posts. Just so we're clear, dni with this blog if you're a transphobe/TERF.
This is a safe space for trans people.
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zevranunderstander · 9 months
idk how to phrase this but like. people retroactively calling Fleabag a privileged, dissociative portrayal of feminism which is Bad, Actually, are lowkey deranged to me because, yeah, Fleabag IS about the expierience of womanhood. but like. through the lens of ONE woman? like, nowhere in the show is it ever implied that fleabag's expieriences are supposed to be universal, relateable core pillars to womanhood?
its almost like half of the population of the world is female and I think it's kind of weird that all stories about women always have to be feminist and activist, and can not just be an exploration of an imperfect woman, they have to be correct about *all* of womanhood?
i also think that the people saying this don't really understand the character of fleabag and i do think that the show is feminist in many ways, but even when no person working on this show would have had any intention of making this a "feminist story", i think that would have been their right to do that?
breaking bad, fight club, american psycho, lolita, etc. all tell the stories of white men who are objectively horrible people. and these stories still treat these characters with a level of empathy and understanding of how they got there and why they are like that. the stories don't excuse their behavior because of that, they are simply a fictional analysis of a person who is not virtuous or good in a lot of ways.
but women, people of color, disabled people, and other minorities are never given the same right to just tell a story about a character, the character has to be virtuous, a good role model, a representation of their whole group, likeable, flawed only in an "unproblematic" way, never make a bad decision, and its insanely limiting in what stories can be told by writers, when they want the approval of the general audience
and i so genuinely want more fleabag women, who may interact with feminism, but who are actual human beings in a real world, who have real flaws and who can be selfish and cruel, but who are still treated with empathy by the story
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hurlumerlu · 4 months
The thing about Miw's - idk how to put it - very 2010s brand of girl power is that it is such a front and such an epidermic reaction to being constantly sexualized and having no real recourse against that. Of course she's all "I'm not a bitch I'm THE bitch" and "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" and "men will be bewitched and hand over their wallets" ! She can't escape any of this shit so might as well spin things to make it about what she can do with it ! She doesn't want to feel or be perceived as powerless ever again. And on the other side of that feeling is her constant emphasis on sisterhood, either real - with the other girls at the bar - or desperately wished for. That's what she appeals to in order to connect with the hotel manager, even though for this woman Miw is nothing compared to the freedom she's seeking. It's also what allows her to - however briefly - connect with Mae and sincerely apologize for the pain she caused her. Miw, unapologetic as a matter of principle (because Lean In, girl !) recognizes she hurt another woman even though she was only protecting herself and is truly, genuinely empathetic about it. And even though 3 will be free is a love story, Miw "girls rules !" front partially being a response to her hard life isn't a transparent excuse to heal her with the love of a Good Man (that's the entire point of Luang's character). This is why her non-romantic relationship with Shin is so important ! It was never about a Bad Girl going Good for the love of an honest man, it's about a woman constantly having to deal with objectification - and being scolded and/or punished no matter how she does so - finally being seen as a full person, and loved both for her sharp edges and her soft ones.
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bigowlenergy · 11 months
i love how trigun is just flat out like
Female characters: giant nail gun, giant stun gun, 99 tiny guns, deep space pilot, respected leader, upright farmhand w a heart of gold
Male characters: sex trafficking survivor who takes control of his own body under his own power literally fully failing to end the cycle of abuse On Purpose, CPTSD child soldiers forced into hypermasculine gun violence under religious patriarchal control, guy who IDs firmly with the forced production of the plants as vessels for others use and physically merges with their female bodies, pacifist who believes in nonviolence as a way of life even in the most horrifically violent of circumstances yet has no choice but to be armed bc the world around him is mired in violence, alter created to protect though violence groomed and praised for violence since childhood receives freedom and a recovery arc centering his right to live and use the violence he embodies for good and also gets a sick ass hat
and i adore it. <3
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tetradic-echinoidea · 8 months
Funniest thing cis women ever said is that they're oppressed by trans men
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nadalffc · 1 year
I miss rafael nadaaaaaaaaal
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heyharoldsboo · 1 year
is revenge porn only bad when it's against women?
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milksteaktutorial · 2 years
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geekpopnews · 1 month
Reflexão: Uma Jornada pela literatura gótica feminina
📚🌙Explorando a História das Mulheres no Terror Gótico: Desde o século XVIII, autoras como Ann Radcliffe e Mary Shelley desafiaram estruturas patriarcais através da literatura, dando voz às angústias femininas. #TerrorGóticoFeminino
Durante séculos, a literatura serviu como um meio para as mulheres expressarem seus medos, anseios e angústias, mesmo antes de conquistarem os direitos que hoje nos pertence. Com isso, o gênero do terror gótico feminino surgiu como um instrumento poderoso para que autoras femininas pudessem dar voz às suas inquietações diante de uma sociedade que muitas vezes as marginalizava. O marco inicial…
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thesmokinpossum · 2 months
No but seriously, I'm fully aware that beating the shit out of an abuser without their victim explicit consent is not going to help said victim in any way and I'm also aware that in the context of The Godfather it's also yet another example of a profundly patriarcal society/culture in which women are seen as extention of their family and where slights against them are therefore considered a slight against their male relatives but like…That scene were Sonny beat the absolute shit out of Connie's piece of trash husband is honestly one of my absolute favorite moment in cinema history, I'm cheering and clapping everytime like fuck yeah Sonny, bite this motherfucker!
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mundo-sem-pirralhos · 4 months
Eu espero que a violência doméstica, esse câncer incurável, resulte em aversão ao casamento e diminuição do número de filhos. Eu espero que a violência doméstica, esse câncer incurável, resulte em aversão ao casamento e diminuição do número de filhos. Eu espero que a violência doméstica, esse câncer incurável, resulte em aversão ao casamento e diminuição do número de filhos.
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labibliotecadeterian · 4 months
Un cuento transgresor del tiempo y del espacio
El árbol fue escrito en mil novecientos treinta y nueve por la escritora chilena María Luisa Bombal.
Es la historia de Brígida, la última de seis hermanas,hija de un padre viudo que, ya cansado de lidiar con la educación de las hijas mayores, no se interesa por la menor; abandona su crianza y la deja en manos de sus propios gustos. De este modo, la protagonista juega con sus muñecas, a pesar de su edad, no se inclina por los estudios sistemáticos. Sus intereses no son los predilectos de sus congéneres de ambos sexos, por lo cual es apartada. Su limitado raciocinio hace difícil que encuentre un marido y solo le queda la unión con un viejo amigo de su padre.
La narración tiene un fondo musical aportada por tres grandes de la música clásica. La autora juega con el tiempo y el espacio, que en el presente es una sala de conciertos, Mozart nos lleva junto al personaje principal a su pasado reciente, mostrándola bella en sus dieciocho años en el comienzo de su matrimonio. Imágenes de la naturaleza también están presentes.
La narradora nos mete de pronto en la actualidad al escuchar la voz de alguien que le pregunta por su exmarido e introduce una característica de él: "Tiene todo el pelo blanco".
Mozart la devuelve a su asiento con los demás asistentes al concierto, vestida de negro, la vemos que aplaude, sin darse cuenta de que lo hace.
Beethoven la lleva en suaves oleajes a su relación con su marido. A sus reproches por la falta de ternura, de comprensión, por la falta de amor de Luis. Recuerda su primera discusión. ¿Quién podrá consolarla?
El árbol que ella mira desde la ventana de su cuarto de vestir, le sirve de consuelo.
Chopin la lleva al verano con su viento caluroso, a la lluvia que se resbala por el vidrio y juega entre el follaje del árbol. La risa y los gritos de los niños alrededor del gomero y ella dando golpes en la ventana llamándolos para que la incluyan en sus juegos.
Vuelve a la realidad con un estruendo que no sabe si viene de la música o de la imagen del gomero que cae de un hachazo, dando paso a la luz que entra en su cuarto de vestir, que lo inunda todo. Nada puede ocultarse en esa habitación, ni siquiera sus sentimientos. Afuera la fealdad de la calle, adentro la de su casa. Luis a quien ve como es; un hombre demasiado viejo para una mujer joven como es ella. Es la realidad. Su intimidad que su amigo árbol ya no protege. Ahora tiene una explicación que darle a Luis. Ya sabe por qué se va , porque ha dejado de quererle.
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campanauz · 8 months
There is nothing more universal and shared by women than having to look after a child. I never experienced something so mind-blowing collective than this. I still remember when I toke my child to have her first vaccine, there was a kid that didn't want to dress himself after, and was very angry about the shot too.
In a second he was completely surrounded from every other women in the room that start talking to him in almost 5 different languages, someone to scold him, someone trying to calm him down, someone else searching for his shirt. It was breathtaking. It was the first time I really notice a pattern in this way, and I recognize myself doing the same thing when I'm with children, too. It's fascinating.
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dansiqueira · 11 months
Teoria da Origem Familiar do Estado
A Teoria da Origem Familiar do Estado é uma das mais antigas e tradicionais teorias que buscam explicar a origem e o desenvolvimento do Estado. Seus autores fundamentam essa teoria no contexto da evolução e expansão da estrutura familiar. Essas teorias, embora atualmente adotadas por poucos estudiosos, baseiam-se em tradições e mitos de civilizações antigas, e podem ser divididas em duas…
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